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Indiana Wesleyan University Differentiated Lesson Plan

Elementary Education—CAEP 2018 K-6 Elementary Teacher Preparation Standards

Student Teaching Admission Summary Scoring Sheet

The following lesson plan assignment description and assessment rubric is a required element in
the student teaching application and admission process.
Candidates. Submit your completed lesson plan to a teacher education or content faculty of your
choosing for assessment. When you have achieved a passing score, include this entire packet
with your student-teaching application materials.
Faculty. Use the attached rubric to assess the candidate’s lesson plan; complete the following
summary table prior to returning the scored lesson plan to the candidate.
Lesson Plan Elements B D C A Score
Rationale CAEP K-6 1.a     /4
Goals/Objectives/Standards CAEP K-6 3.c     /4
Anticipatory Set     /4
Purpose     /4
Adaptations: Individual Differences CAEP K-6 1.b     /4
Lesson Presentation CAEP K-6 3.f     /4
Differentiated Instruction CAEP K-6 3.d     /4
Check for Understanding     /4
Review/Closure     /4
Independent Practice/ Extending the Learning     /4
Formal and Informal Assessment CAEP K-6 3.a     /4
Integration of Technology     /4
Reflection and Post-Lesson Analysis CAEP K-6 3.b     /4
Total (passing = 39/52)

Scoring Guide. Check the box that corresponds to the rating you gave to each element of the
lesson plan. Add the individual element scores (B=1; D=2; C=3; A=4) to calculate the total
lesson plan score.

Note to faculty
When used for submission in methods course, include data for CAEP standards on collaborative site.
When used for student-teaching admission, all categories apply. No individual element score < 2

Lesson Plan is:

 Approved
 Not Approved; revisions and resubmission required.

_______________________________________ ___________________________________________
Faculty Assessor Candidate

Elementary Education Lesson Plan Assignment Description and Assessment Rubric
CAEP 2018 K-6 Elementary Teacher Preparation Standards
Administration and Purpose. While your lesson plans will be assessed multiple times throughout your
program of study, your “official” lesson plan is assessed as part of the materials you will submit with your
student teaching admission application. You will choose your assessor from the teacher education faculty.
The lesson plan assessment has three related purposes. The first and perhaps most obvious is to document
your ability to plan effective instruction; this is one of the hallmarks of the best, most successful teachers.
These teachers consider not only the needs of their students as they plan, but also multiple pathways to
achieve learning goals for each lesson so that each students becomes a successful learner. The second
purpose is to habituate you to the instructional cycle. It consists of planning for and delivering instruction,
assessing student learning, modifying future lessons based on assessment data, followed by planning for new
lessons. The cycle does not end until all students learn the intended material. The third, overarching purpose
of the lesson plan assessment is to provide you with the means to internalize the discipline necessary to
become a successful teacher. The fact is that no teacher, no matter how talented, will ever achieve long-term
effectiveness with diverse populations of students without developing the self-discipline necessary to plan
effective instruction, consistently, over time.

Content of Assessment. The lesson plan assessment is divided into the following sections:
Readiness. Preparing the groundwork for effective instruction.
Plan for Instruction. The blueprint that guides your instruction for each lesson.
Plan for Assessment. Your plan for determining how well your students learn what you teach.
Reflection and Post-Lesson Analysis. One of the characteristics of the most successful teachers is that they
reflect on their teaching. They think about what went well and what could be improved in each lesson, and
they take steps to make each lesson better than the last.
In addition to these lesson plan elements, this assessment also includes the following alignments:
• Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) 2018 K-6 Elementary Teacher Preparation
Standards. The IWU Elementary Education program is recognized by the former 2007 Association for
Childhood Education International (ACEI) 2007 standards; this assessment is one of several used to affirm the
strength of our program by that organization. Recent modifications have been made throughout this
document to include the CAEP 2018 K-6 standards.
• Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC). The InTASC Standards outline
the common principles and foundations of teaching practice that cut across all subject areas and grade
levels and that are necessary to improve student achievement. The ten InTASC Standards are
incorporated into this assessment, and are divided into four categories:
 Learner and Learning (InTASC Standards 1, 2 and 3)
 Content (InTASC Standards 4 and 5)
 Instructional Practice (InTASC Standards 6, 7 and 8)
 Professional Responsibility (InTASC Standards 9 and 10)
• Diversity Thread. Teacher candidates are expected to teach all students well.
• Technology Thread. Teacher candidates are expected to integrate technology into their teaching as a
means to improve student learning.
Criterion for Success. Candidates must achieve a rating of Competent to pass this assessment. For this
assessment, Competent is defined as 80% or more of all rubric elements scored as competent or higher. No
domain or assessment element may be scored as Beginning.

Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
CAEP 2018 K-6 Elementary Teacher Preparation Standards

Sophia Roselle
Teaching Date: 11/21

This lesson allows students to identify ways that they can help their community’s environment through the use of what
they learn and objects that directly correlate to the objectives. (CAEP K-6 1.a)

I. Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
A. Goal(s)—Following this unit, students will understand how the reduce, reuse, and recycle framework can be
used to help the Earth.
B. Objective(s)—
- Given objects that can either decompose or items that do not decompose (can be recycled), students will be able to
identify the differences between these items and sort them accordingly.
- Students will be able to describe ways that they can recycle in order to help their community.

C. Standard(s):
- 4.ESS.4 Develop solutions that could be implemented to reduce the impact of humans on the natural
environment and the natural environment on humans. (CAEP K-6 3.c)
II. Management Plan-
- Time: 60 minutes
o Mini-lesson: 20 minutes
o Activity/response: 40 minutes
- Materials:
o Plastic, metal, and glass objects that can be recycled
o Items that can decompose (apples, bananas, etc.)
o Video for minilesson
o Exit-ticket sheet
- Space:
o Students will be at their desks for the minilesson.
o During the team activity, students will be on opposite sides of the room at different teacher tables with
their teams.
- Students: I will use two management plans to monitor student behavior when needed:
o Clip-chart individual management plan
o Class and teacher points class wide management plan
III. Anticipatory Set:
- For the anticipatory set, I am going to have a discussion with my students about what common day to day items
they throw in the trash.
- After this question, I will ask students where they think that this trash goes, and how it affects our community
and Earth after it is thrown away.
- What kinds of items do you throw in the trash at home and at school?
- Where does this trash go? What happens to it when it leaves our homes and our school?

IV. Purpose: The things that we throw away do not disappear after they leave the places most familiar to us. They go
through a process that can sometimes affect our Earth if too much trash is built up. Today, we are going to learn about a
way that we can improve this by recycling.


V. Adaptation to Individual Differences and Diverse Learners—

- To meet individual student needs, I have selected a video that uses visuals and oral descriptions of different
vocabulary words in order to illustrate the concept better for my ELL and students who struggle to stay engaged
during minilessons.
- Using concrete and realistic objects for the check for understanding portion will bring the lesson to life for the
multiple intelligences who are engaged in the learning process.
- Students can work together in groups to help each other out during the following recycling game. (CAEP K-6

VI. Lesson Presentation (Input/Output)

- Show video “How Recycling Works” url: (CAEP
K-6 3.d)
- Pause after each vocabulary word (trash, decompose, landfill & recycling plastic, metal, and paper) for
o Like the video said, things that can decompose are things in the trash that were previously living that
break down and become part of the Earth. What are some examples of objects that can decompose that
you saw in the video?
 Allow students to answer.
 List these items under “Things that decompose” on the t-chart on the board.
o What happens to things we throw in the trash that cannot decompose into the Earth?
 Have students answer (search for the term landfill, have them describe what it is)
o What are some examples of items in landfills that do not decompose?
 Have students use what they heard in the video to answer.
 Search for answers like “plastic water bottles” and “paper cups” or “metal cans”
 List answers under “Items that do not decompose” on the t-chart on the board.
o Why do you think these items sitting in a landfill might be bad for our Earth?
 Call on students to answer.
o Good! Because these landfills can be harmful to Earth when they build up with too much trash, there is a
way to help that they mention in the video. Can someone tell me what we can do?
 Search for the term “recycle.”
o Explain to students that items that do not decompose, we can recycle so they become something that
we can use again.
o Have students watch the rest of the video on how recycling works, and then transition into the next
VII. Check for understanding. How do you know students have learned? What strategies will you implement if all
students have not met lesson outcomes? Employ one or more strategies to determine student learning.
- For this activity, I will explain that I have retrieved items from the Indianapolis Landfill about 30 minutes or so
o I have been given the responsibility to split these items into items that can be recycled and items that will
decompose. We have to split up items by paper items, plastic items, metal items, and items that can
o Then, explain that students need to sort the plastic, paper, and metal items from the decomposable
items so that I can bring them to the Grant County recycling center to be recycled.
 During the review activity, students will be split into two teams. They will be given items that are decomposable,
items that are plastic that can be recycled, items that are metal that can be recycled, and items that are paper
that can be recycled.
 Whatever team can sort the objects correctly first will receive a prize.
 I will display groups on the powerpoint, and have a timer set for 10 minutes max for groups to sort the objects.

VIII. Review learning outcomes / Closure

- Students will finish with an exit ticket in which they will write how they can recycle in their community in order
to help the environment.
- If time allows, I will have students share how they decided to recycle in order to help the Earth.
- I will discuss any take aways my students have from this lesson, prompting with questions such as:
o What did you learn today about how throwing away trash and how this impacts our Earth?
o Is recycling important?
o What are the different ways we can help improve our Earth?


- Student’s understanding will be assessed based on their participation or willingness to participate to the
discussion during the mini-lesson.
- I will walk around during the competition activity to see how students are working collaboratively and
contributing to the decision making process.
- In order to assess whether students reached the objective, I will collect all exit tickets and read student
responses. (CAEP K-6 3.a)


1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
7. Can students make connections to the real world using this lesson?
8. Did students seem to understand the connection between the anticipatory set and the lesson objective?

Include additional self-answer questions that specifically address unique lesson content, methodology, and assessment.
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Design and Assessment Rubric
The Beginning The Developing The Competent The Accomplished
Candidate Candidate Candidate Candidate
Rationale Candidate demonstrates Candidate uses Candidate uses Candidate uses
little or no understanding understanding of how understanding of how understanding of how
of how planning is children grow and children grow and children grow and develop
related to how children develop across the develop across the across the developmental
CAEP K-6 1.a grow, develop, and learn. developmental domains developmental domains domains, and is able to
but is unable to state how while articulating the articulate the theoretical
the lesson is related to rationale for the lesson. foundations for the lesson.
that knowledge. The statement of rationale
describes developmentally
appropriate and
challenging learning
experiences and

The Beginning The Developing The Competent The Accomplished
Candidate Candidate Candidate Candidate
Goals/ Lesson objectives are Lesson objectives are The lesson plan contains The lesson plan contains
Objectives/ poorly written and/or correlated with learning objectives that connect clearly stated content
Standards have little or no goals and standards. The goals and standards with objectives. Objectives are
connection to learning connection between lesson activities and logically connected to
goals or standards. Little objectives and lesson assessments. appropriate goals and
connection exists activities and standards and are
INTASC 4 between objectives and assessments is weak or consistent with lesson
lesson activities and unclear. activities and assessments.
CAEP K-6 3.c
assessments. Instructional planning is
based on individual
student needs.
The anticipatory set is The connection between The anticipatory set is The anticipatory set
missing or has little or no the anticipatory set and clear and direct and connects the current
connection to the goal or lesson objectives and focuses students’ lesson with previous and
Anticipatory Set content of the lesson. content is weak or attention on the lesson. future learning and
unclear. focuses students’ minds
and attention on the day’s

The statement of purpose A statement of purpose is The statement of purpose The statement of purpose
is ambiguous or worded included in the LP, but is clearly connected to has the power to capture
so generally that the has little power to the content of the lesson the imaginations of
Purpose connection with the motivate students and and is presented in terms students and motivate
content of the lesson is capture their that are easily them to accomplish the
not apparent. imaginations. understood by students. expected learning.

Plan for Instruction

The Beginning The Developing The Competent The Accomplished
Candidate Candidate Candidate Candidate
Few or no instructional Instructional Instructional Specific instructional
opportunities are opportunities are opportunities are opportunities are provided
Adaptation to included. Any provided in this lesson; provided in this lesson. in this lesson that
Individual instructional however, they are not The opportunities are demonstrate the
Differences and opportunities are not adapted to individual developmentally candidate’s understanding
Diverse Learners developmentally students. appropriate and/or are of individual learner
appropriate or adapted adapted to individual characteristics and how
CAEP K-6 1.b to individual students. students. these differences might be
used to maximize a
InTASC 2 student’s learning. Unique
instructional opportunities
are included for individual

Plan for Instruction, cont.

The Beginning The Developing The Competent The Accomplished
Candidate Candidate Candidate Candidate
The candidate’s lesson is The candidate’s lesson The candidate’s lesson
The candidate’s lesson is somewhat demonstrates an demonstrates strong
not developmentally developmentally understanding of developmentally
appropriate. appropriate. developmentally appropriate practice
Lesson appropriate practice. including a variety of ways
Presentation The candidate’s lesson The candidate’s lesson to teach content.
does not use includes the basic level of The candidate’s lesson
appropriate modeling modeling. includes both modeling The candidate’s plan
and guided practice. and guided practice. includes multiple ways to
The lesson presentation model and guide practice.
InTASC 5 includes activities that The lesson presentation
CAEP K-6 3.f The lesson presentation
includes little encourage student includes relevant activities The lesson presentation
opportunity for students participation, but lack that encourage student supports student
to engage in relevant purpose or depth. participation and critical motivation through
and active learning. thinking. relevant and collaborative
activities to engage
learners in critical
thinking and problem
The candidate’s plan is The candidate’s plan is The candidate’s plan is The candidate’s plan is
not differentiated for differentiated according to differentiated according to differentiated according to
subsets of students or a subset of learners and learners and includes a learners and includes a
individual students. includes modifying variety of instructional variety of instructional
Differentiated content or instructional approaches that address approaches that address
Instruction processes. individual interests and individual interests and
preferences for learning. preferences for learning.
CAEP K-6 3.d
The candidate
differentiates content by
modifying difficulty,
depth, or complexity of
Check for Little or no provision is A guided practice section The lesson plan includes a Plans to check for student
Understanding included to check for is included in the lesson plan and the means to understanding of the
student understanding plan, but the connection check for student content are an integral
InTASC 4 or to reteach concepts with the lesson understanding of the part of the lesson, and
that elude students presentation is weak lesson. A provision is include frequent questions
and/or unclear. included to reteach all or and other actively

during the initial part of the lesson to all or engaging forms of
presentation. part of the class. formative assessment
during guided practice.

Review Lesson closure is not Lesson closure is weak Lesson closure relates Lesson closure is clearly
Learning included, or is not and/or poorly written. directly to the lesson correlated to the content
Outcomes/ related to the goals purpose and/or objective. of the lesson and actively
Closure and/or content of the engages students in
lesson. summarizing the essential
InTASC 4 elements of the lesson.
Independent No independent Independent practice Assignments or activities Independent practice
Practice/ practice activities are activities are not well are included that provide activities are highly
Extending the included in the lesson, conceived and/or written; students with the correlated to lesson
Learning or activities are student accomplishment opportunity to practice objectives and content and
unrelated to the content of IP activities is not likely learned skills; All activities lead to student mastery.
InTASC 5 of the lesson. to result in lesson mastery match lesson objectives.

Plan for Assessment

The Beginning The Developing The Competent The Accomplished
Candidate Candidate Candidate Candidate
The lesson plan does not Formative and summative A plan for formal and Formal and informal
Formal and include formative asessment activities are informal assessment assessments strategies
Informal assessment activities, or included in the lesson, but throughout the lesson is are a seamless and
Assessment there is little or no they are not well included. The assessment integrated part of the
correlation between correlated to and/or do strategies are uniquely lesson. The assessments
CAEP K-6 3.a planned assessment not cover the full range of designed for the are highly correlated to
activities and lesson goals LP goals and objectives. individual students. the learning objectives
and objectives. Any The assessment strategies and promote continuous
assessments included are do not promote intellectual, social,
not developmentally development of each emotional, and physical
appropriate for the individual student. development of each
students. student.

Instructional Technology
The candidate seeks appropriate ways to evaluate and employ technological tools, resources, and skills as they apply to
specific content and pedagogical knowledge, assessment practices, and student achievement. The selection of
appropriate technological tools reflects the candidate’s ability to make sound instructional decisions that enable all
students to achieve the expected outcomes. InTASC Standard 7
The Beginning The Developing The Competent The Accomplished
Candidate Candidate Candidate Candidate
Integration of The lesson plan reflects The lesson plan reflects The lesson plan reflects The lesson plan reflects
Technology educational decision insufficient or misaligned educationally sound educationally sound
making regarding decision making regarding decisions regarding decisions regarding
InTASC 7 available technology that available technology; available technology available technology
adversely impacts statements indicating the (including, but not limited (including, but not limited
Thread student learning and/or use of instructional, to, instructional and to, instructional and
fails to engage students assistive, or other assistive technologies) to assistive technologies)
at the necessary level to technologies are written support learner needs and that engage students,
meet lesson objectives. in general terms or in the curriculum. enhance the learning
terms unlikely to impact process, and/or extend
student learning. opportunities for learning.

The Beginning The Developing The Competent The Accomplished
Candidate Candidate Candidate Candidate

Reflection and Self-answer questions Self-answer questions are The lesson plan includes Additional self-answer
Post-Lesson are not included in the included, but do not fit all required self-answer questions are included that
Analysis lesson plan. the content or purposes questions. Questions are specifically address unique
of the lesson. included to plan, monitor, lesson content and
CAEP K-6 3.b and adapt instruction methodology. Questions are
based on the lesson included to plan, monitor,
InTASC Standard 9
assessments. and adapt instruction based
on the lesson assessments.

Revision Date: August 21, 2018

CAEP 2018 K-6 Standards
2013 InTASC Standards

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