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Bullying usually takes place in

the classroom and in the
schoolyard. This type of
violence usually affects
children between 12 and 15
years old, although it can
spread to other ages.
- It usually includes behaviors
- It is usually caused by a of different nature.
student, supported by a group, - Tends to cause problems that
against a victim who is are repeated and prolonged for
defenseless. some time.

- It is maintained due to the

ignorance or passivity of the
people surrounding the
aggressors and the victims
without directly intervening.

We can talk about several types of bullying that often

- The victim develops fear and appear simultaneously:
rejection of the context in
Physical: pushes, kicks, aggressions with objects, etc. It
which the violence is suffered; occurs more frequently in primary than in secondary.
loss of confidence in yourself
 Verbal: insults and motes, contempt in public,
and others and decreased highlighting physical defects, etc. It is the most
school performance. common.
 Psychological: they undermine the self-esteem of the
- It decreases the capacity of individual and foster their sense of fear.
 Social: aims to isolate the young from the rest of the
moral understanding and
group and colleagues.
empathy of the aggressor,
while there is a reinforcement
of a violent style of interaction.

- In people who observe violence

without doing anything to avoid
it, there is a lack of sensitivity,
apathy and insolidarity strong phrase advice:
“Knowing what’s right
doesn’t mean much unless
psychological help
you do what’s right.”

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