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Dear Jogjakarta Montessori teachers.

Commented [A1]: Indira, this questionnaire is ok to be

included in the thesis as an appendix. But for the real one, please
use Indonesian. Spaces for the open-ended question need to be
Thank you for your willingness to answer this questionnaire. This is one of the instruments of enlarged.
data collection in the research study: ‘Montessori Teacher Identity Construction’. The
information gathered will be exclusively used for the research purpose. Your answers will be
treated confidentially. Thank you so much for your honest and sincere answer.
Name : _________________________________________
Educational Background : _________________________________________
Years of teaching experience in current school : ___________________________________
Day/Date : ________________________________________

(Please circle one of the answers for each question)

1. You decided to become a Montessori teacher:

a. Because of passion

b. Because of personal motivation to work at Montessori school

c. Because of interested in Montessori philosophy

d. Because of salary given

e. By chance Commented [A2]: Well, I am still thinking that Likert-scale is

better. Then, use of 1-5 scale for each option. We cannot really
choose one among the other options. They all can fit, but the
f. Others _________________________________________________________ degree of feeling and perception can be different.

2. My teaching motivation in Montessori school is________________

a. Very high

b. High

c. Averaged

d. Low

e. Unmotivated

f. Others __________________________________________________________
3. What makes you enjoy teaching in Montessori school?

a. The students
b. Dynamic teaching experience
c. Montessori Philosophy
d. Working mates
e. Prestige
f. Others _________________________________________________________

4. Do Montessori principles influence you in shaping your professional identity as a

a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Undecided
d. Strongly disagree
e. Disagree

5. How do you upgrade your skills as a Montessori teacher?

a. By attending seminar
b. Reading relevant Montessori books
c. Having teacher training held by the school
d. Browsing resources through the internet
e. Regular sharing with colleagues
f. Others ______________________________________________________

In this section, I would like you to answer the questions into a brief description. You may
write the points or in a paragraph.
1. What are your reasons to be a Montessori teacher?
2. How do you want to be perceived to your students as a Montessori?

3. What are the biggest challenges to be a Montessori teacher?

4. How does the school facilitate you to shape your teaching professionalism?

5. What makes you different from (non) Montessori teacher?

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