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Ultrasonography of Diffuse Liver Disease

A Review

David S. Biller, DVM, Brett Kantrowitz, DVM,

and Takayoshi Miyabayashi, BVS, MS

Radiographically, the liver may appear normal even if severely diseased. Ultrasonography can be an
important adjunct in the evaluationof diffuse parenchymal hepatic disease. Diffuse liver disease appears
ultrasonographically as a change in liver echogenicity from normal when compared with the renal cortex
or spleen. Diffuse liver disease can be characterized as either hyperechoic due to fatty change, steroid
hepatopathy, and cirrhosis or hypoechoic due to congestion, suppurative hepatitis, and lymphoma.
Ultrasonographic diagnosis of diffuse liver disease should be substantiated by biopsy and histopatho-
logic evaluation. (Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 1992; 6:71-76)

RADIOGRAPHICALLY,the liver may appear normal phy can be an important adjunct to evaluate diffuse pa-
when severely diseased. Radiographs can reflect liver renchymal disease of the liver.
size and overall configuration, but rarely delineate the
cause of the size alteration,especially when there is gener- Discussion
alized disease. Emaciation or abdominal effusion may
prevent evaluation of the liver by radiography because of The liver has an homogeneous parenchyma of medium
poor abdominal visceral detail, whereas the presence of level echogenicity. One should assess overall liver echo-
effusion may, improve ultrasonographic visualization of genicity relative to the renal cortex (where the right renal
the liver. cortex is in close proximity to the caudate lobe of the
Ultrasonography is useful in evaluating focal liver dis- liver) (Fig. 1) and the spleen (Fig. 2). Usually, the liver
ease.'-5 Space-occupying lesions, such as primary and parenchyma is the same (isoechoic) or slightly more
secondary tumors, cysts, abscesses, and granulomas can echogenic (hyperechoic) than the renal cortex and less
be readily observed. Besides detection of disease, sonog- echogenic than the spleen. Major alteration of this echo-
raphy is also an accurate noninvasive means for moni- genic relationship suggests an abnormality in one or
toring the progression of disease.6 The utility of ultra- more of these organs. The liver should have smooth,
sound to document the presence and extent of nonfocal sharp borders on an ultrasound scan. The hepatic
or diffuse hepatocellular disease is poorly substantiated. borders are most easily identified when ascites is present
Diffuse liver disease implies an extensive disease process (Fig. 3).
that is anatomically poorly defined. Ultrasonography Many anechoic/hypoechoic tubular or round struc-
has proven usefuI in evaluating the parenchymal struc- tures are seen in the liver. These represent the hepatic
ture of the liver in animals'-' and therefore ultrasonogra- and portal veins, and the caudal vena cava. The intrahe-
patic bile ducts and hepatic arteries are not imaged un-
less abnormally dilated. The portal vein is situated ven-
From the Department of Surgical Sciences (Biller), School of Veteri- tral to the caudal vena cava in the area of the porta hepa-
nary Clinical Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, tis. The portal vein can vary in size in response to
Wisconsin, Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging (Kantrowitz), Fountain
Valley, California, and the Department of Clinical Sciences pressure changes within the thoracic cavity associated
(Miyabayashi),College of Veterinary Medicine, The Ohio State Univer- with the respiratory cycle.7Portal veins are easily recog-
sity, Columbus, Ohio. nized by their apparently echogenic walls, the result of
Reprint requests: David S. Biller, DVM, Department of Veterinary
Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, the Ohio State Uni- being surrounded by fatty and fibrous tissue (Fig. 4).7
versity, 1935 Coffey Rd., Columbus, OH 43210. This fibrofatty tissue accounts for most of the small lin-
Journal of Veterinary

FIG.1 . Longitudinal scan through the normal right kidney and Caudate FIG.3. Longitudinal Scan through the right kidney and caudate lobe of
lobe of the liver. The echogenicity of the liver and renal cortex are the the fiver. The anechoic area between liver and kidney represents ab
same; liver (L), kidney (K). dominal effusion. The caudal margin of the normal liver is sharp and

ear (parallel) echogenicities seen throughout the hepatic

parenchyma. Intrahepatic portal veins are largest near
the porta hepatis where they are confluent with the main
portal vein. The hepatic veins drain blood from hepatic
sinusoids and transport it to the systemic circulation via
the caudal vena cava. They are easily recognized by their
position immediately caudal to the diaphragm, and by
the fact that they become larger as they approach the
caudal vena cava. In contrast to the portal veins, the
walls of the hepatic veins are not seen (Fig. 4). Occasion-
ally, major hepatic veins will have some increase in pe-
ripheral echogenicity where they enter the caudal vena
cava, but they are not as prominent as comparably sized
portal veins.
When evaluating an animal for liver disease an accu-
rate diagnosis is based on information obtained from the
history, physical examination, laboratory data, and
various abdominal imaging techniques. Few hepatic le-
sions either diffuse or focal have specific sonographic
features. When evaluating the liver for diffuse hepatic
disease, the following characteristics are evaluated: 1)

FIG.4. Longitudinal (A) and transverse (B) Scans of the liver, demon-
strating echogenic walls of a portal vein (PV). The hepatic vein (HV)
FIG.2. Longitudinal Scan through the normal spleen and liver. The appears to have no wall ultrasonographically;HV (straight arrow), PV
spleen is hyperechoic when compared with the liver. (curved arrow).
1. Causes of Diffuse Liver Disease than that of the right renal cortex, or greater or equal to
Hepatomegaly Microhepatica
the echogenicity of the spleen. Early reports suggest that
the liver is abnormal if its echogenicity is anything other
Steroid hepatopathy Fibrosis than slightly greater than the renal ~ortex.~*~*'' A more
Idiopathic lipidosis Cirrhosis recent report" indicates that the liver is not necessarily
Diabetes mellitus Portosystemic shunt
Amyloidosis abnormal if its echogenicity is greater than the renal cor-
Congestion tex. The difference in echogenicities between the liver
Inflammation and renal cortex vary depending on angle of the incident
Neoplasia (lymphoma)
Nodular cirrhosis sound beam and the transducer frequency. The expected
Acute hepatitis relationships in echogenicity may also be influenced by
renal disease, and the amount of subcutaneous fat.
Correlation of these diffuse echogenic changes with clini-
cal and laboratory findings is important since one may
liver size and shape, 2) beam penetration, 3) parenchy- not be able to tell in which organ the changes have oc-
mal echogenicity, 4)vascularity, and 5) ancillary abnor- curred (i.e., is the echogenicity of the liver abnormal and
malities (abnormalities unassociated with the liver). the other organ(s) normal, or is the liver normal with the
other structures being affected).
Liver Size The sonographer must be aware that changing the
time-gain compensation curve or the transducer can
There are numerous causes of generalized hepatomegaly
produce scans of the liver with artificially increased or
(Table 1). When there is poor abdominal detail, the
decreased echogenicity of the hepatic parenchyma, simu-
changes in hepatic size may not be appreciated. Micro-
lating diffuse parenchymal disease. Therefore, subtle
hepatica may be indicated by cranial displacement of the
changes in hepatic parenchymal echogenicity can resem-
stomach radiographically. There are three causes of mi-
ble those produced by technical factors. By decreasing
crohepatica (Table l). Liver size is a subjective estima-
the dynamic imaging range, one can make the image
tion when evaluated ultrasonographically. Ultrasound
grainy and increase the contrast. This increase in con-
criteria for the limits of normal liver size have not been
trast may make differentiating echogenicities easier.
established in small animals.' Subjective evaluation of
Diffuse parenchymal diseases most often affect the
the liver size is usually based on ultrasound experience,
liver microscopically, and as a result, may only be diag-
with confirmation from palpation and radiography. The
nosed sonographically in people at advanced stages of
authors believe that a small liver is one with minimal
involvement." A normal scan in these patients does not
hepatic volume between the gastric shadow and the dia-
preclude the presence of disease. Diffuse diseases are
phragm. Small livers are difficult to image due to dis-
harder to detect than focal processes, because the former
placement of the liver beneath the rib cage (lung shadow-
cause less distortion of normal hepatic architectural
ing from intercostal windows) and a smaller window be-
landmarks. Diffuse hepatic diseases, such as fatty infil-
hind the costal arch (stomach between ventral
tration, cirrhosis, or venous congestion, do not produce
abdominal wall and liver). A large liver has a large vol-
detectable opacity changes of the liver on survey radio-
ume between the diaphragm and stomach (extends cau-
dally toward the central abdomen), and is generally eas-
There are several causes of diffuse liver disease that
ier to image. The enlarged liver has rounding of the cau-
result in a change in echogenicity, either hyperechoic
dal ventral edge.
[fatty change, steroid hepatopathy (iatrogenic and Cush-
ing's disease), cirrhosis] or hypoechoic (congestion, sup-
Beam Penetration and Parenchymal Echogenicity
purative hepatitis, and lymphoma) when comparing he-
Beam penetration and parenchymal echogenicity are patic echogenicity to the renal cortex or spleen. A diag-
best evaluated with longitudinal and transverse scans on nosis of diffuse liver disease made by ultrasound should
the right side of the liver, incorporating the cranial pole always be substantiated by biopsy.
of the right kidney. This can be done from either a ven- Fatty change refers to the accumulation of excess fat
tral or right lateral (intercostal) imaging position. Pene- within the parenchymal cells of the liver, occumng as an
tration is diminished if the number of echoes in the deep idiopathic condition in cats as well as secondary to dia-
part of the liver is markedly decreased compared to the betes mellitus, overnutrition, starvation, hepatotoxins,
number in the superficial (portion closest to the trans- and other metabolic disease^.'^,'^ Fatty infiltration of the
ducer) liver parenchyma, using maximum far gain con- liver may cause a fine, diffusely increased echogenicity
trol. Slight decrease in echo intensity from the ventral to (Fig. 5) and hepat~megaly.~,",'~,'~ Increased attenuation
dorsal part of the liver is accepted as normal (attenua- of echos in the deep portion of the liver may occur with
tion).' Echogenicity of liver parenchyma is considered severe (Fig. 5). Mild disease may show no
increased if the echogenicity of the liver is much greater echo change. The majority of people with histologically
Journal of Veterinary

FIG.5. Longitudinal scan through the right kidney and caudate lobe of
the liver. The liver is markedly more echogenic (hyperechoic)than the FIG.7. Longitudinal scan through the right kidney and caudate lobe of
adjacent renal cortex. There is marked attenuation of echoes in the the liver. Liver is hypoechoic compared to the adjacent renal cortex.
deep portion of the liver. Histopathologic diagnosis was feline idio- Histopathologic diagnosis was suppurative hepatitis. Small anechoic
pathic hepatic lipidosis. wedge shaped area between the kidney and liver represents abdominal
moderate or severe fatty infiltration of the liver have
brightly reflective echo patterns on u l t r a ~ o u n d . ~The
'~~~ Steroid hepatopathy can cause both hepatomegaly
high level echoes may be due to an increase in collagen and diffusely increased echogenicity in the liver. These
rather than fat." Ultrasound is able to detect fatty infil- changes have been noted with both hyperadrenal corti-
tration of the liver in 60% of people." The sensitivity of cism and iatrogenic Cushings disease and are probably
detection by recognition of a bright liver pattern was re- due to hepatocellular accumulation of glycogen."
lated to the degree of infiltration and increased to 90% Cirrhosis is a diffuse process characterized by fibrosis
with moderate to severe disease, but only 30% of people and atrophy of the liver. A cirrhotic liver with nodular
with mild fatty infiltration had a bright echo pattern.15 changes is not always small but does result in a highly
The range of echogenic changes seen with fatty infiltra- irregular hepatic margin (knobby protrusions). Regard-
tion is similar to that seen kith cirrhosis. However, fatty less of liver size, the margin of the normal liver should be
infiltration usually demonstrates hepatomegaly and a smooth. Any irregularities or "bumps" on the surface of
smooth liver border, in comparison to a small irregular the liver are pathologic. Micronodular change may be
liver with cirrhosis. detected in cirrhotic livers with ascites by imaging the
nodular hepatic surface with a transducer via the ascites
(Fig. 6). Beam penetration in cirrhotic liver is manifested

FIG.6. LongitudinalScan through the right kidney and markedly irregu-

lar caudate lobe of the liver. Anechoic area represents abdominal effu-
sion. Irregular hepatic margin and abdominal efision led to the pre- FIG. 8. Transverse scan through the liver demonstrating prominent
biopsy diagnosis of cirrhosis with macronodular hyperplasia. Ultraso- small portal vessels due to the relative decrease in liver parenchymal
nographic biopsy was done. Histopathologic diagnosis was nodular echogenicity.Small linear echogenicities(arrows) represent portal vein
hyperplasia. Irregularity of cranial kidney pole is an artifact. walls.

FIG. 1 1 . Longitudinal scan through the right kidney and caudate lobe
FIG.9. Longitudinal scan through the right kidney (RK) and caudate
of the liver. The liver is less echogenic (hypoechoic) than the adjacent
lobe of the liver. The caudal edges of the liver are rounded (consistent
renal cortex. Histopathologic diagnosis was hepatic lymphosarcoma.
with hepatomegaly)comparedwith the normal sharp margins noted in
Figure 3. The liver is markedly less echogenic than the adjacent renal
cortex. Histopathologic diagnosis of the liver was hepatic congestion.
Echocardiography revealed pericardial effusion with secondary cardiac hepatic cirrhosis has vascular changes including a de-
tamponade (end diastolic collapse of the right atrium and ventricle). creased mean portal blood flow and decreased velocity.
Hepatitis is broadly defined as a diffuse inflammation
of the liver. In suppurative hepatitis, the liver echogeni-
by an increased echogenicity ventrally (superficially)and city is decreased (Fig. 7). The walls of the small portal
markedly diminished echoes dorsally ( d e e ~ )The . ~ over- veins are bright or more prominent than (Fig.
all liver echogenicity is increased with fewer observations 8). A previous study in patients identified a close correla-
of the small peripheral vessels in the li~er.','~*'~
Increased tion between the severity of clinical signs, pathologic se-
echogenicity of the liver parenchyma in patients with verity, and ultrasound changes in acute hepatitis.
cirrhosis is attributed to an increase in the amount of Normal ultrasound scans are common in minimally af-
collagen in the liver.g Two ancillary changes that may fected livers. Sonographicchanges are believed to be due
occur ultrasonographically with cirrhosis are splenome- to swelling of the hepatocytes.
galy and ascites due to portal hypertension.' Splenome- Hepatic congestion is seen ultrasonographically as a
galy is a subjective change as is the increase in size of the large liver (rounding of the caudoventral edge) (Fig. 9),
portal and splenic veins. Pulsed Doppler ultrasound has with decreased echogenicity (which may be due to di-
been used to demonstrate that experimentally induced lated hepatic sinusoids),enlarged hepatic veins, and cau-
dal vena cava1,2(Fig. lo), and ascites. These sonographic
findings may contribute to the diagnosis of right heart
failure, pericardial disease, or heartworm disease.
Three sonographic patterns of hepatic lymphosar-
coma in the canine have been r e p ~ r t e dThese
. ~ patterns
are: 1) normal to slight reduction in hepatic echogenicity
(compared with the renal cortex) (Fig. 1I), 2) anechoic
or hypoechoic poorly marginated lesions, and 3) multi-
ple round, echodensities surrounded by areas of de-
creased e~hogenicity.~
A change in overall liver echo amplitude can be used
as a disease criterion, but visual assessment of general-
ized change is subjective, imprecise, and dependent on
the experience of the sonographer and the equipment
quality. Quantification of echo amplitude will eliminate
the problems of subjective visual interpretation. By as-
signing numerical values to echoes received from the
FIG. 10. Transverse scan through the liver demonstrating dilated he- liver parenchyma, the results from any individual pa-
patic veins (HV) secondary to cardiac tamponade;CdVC (caudal vena tient can be compared with a predetermined range of
cava). normal values. Newer digital scan converters store the
Journal of Veterinary

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1992 Veterinary Cancer Society

12th Annual Conference
October 18-21,1992

Asilomar Conference Center

A Unit of the California State Park System
Pacific Grove, CA

Contact: B. R. Madewell, Department of Veterinary Surgery, Building MS 1 -A, Room 2 1 12,

University of California, Davis, CA 95616-8745, (916) 752-3599.

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