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Regional Anesthesia

Possible Side
Type When Given Advantages

Usually gives good pain

Itching, possible spinal
relief. Takes effect
Intrathecal (Narcotic Established for labor headache (rare),
immediately. Some
and/or local pain not relieved by
mothers may be able to
anesthetic other methods. Limited time duration,
walk. Does not alter
Possible infection.
pushing efforts.

Itching; often restricts


Can become Spinal

anesthesia if epidural
Usually gives good pain
Epidural Narcotic Established for labor catheter goes into the spinal
relief for early labor.
Only (Walking pain not relieved by fluid when inserted.
Some mothers may be
Epidural) other methods.
able to walk.
Blood pressure can drop
within the first 30 minutes
after epidural is started.

Possible risk of infection.

Can shorten labor by

allowing the mother to

Mother can usually push

with assistance; may feel
As labor progresses, pressure.
labor. Medication can be
Local Anesthetic
turned down or off Same with Epidural Narcotic
Usually given as a during the second stage if
continuous infusion necessary to assist with
via a control pump. pushing sensation.

Provides enough pain

relief without sedation
for Cesarean delivery;
allows mother to remain
awake during surgery.

Spinal Block Effective immediately.

May be given for
Cesarean birth.

Medication is
injected into the
spinal canal

Commonly Ordered Postpartum Medications

Medication Name
Common Side Effects
Inform your nurse if you
experience the following:

Oxytocin (Pitocin)
Causes the uterus to contract to ensure that it remains contracted and may prevent excessive bleeding.
Nalbuphine (Nubain)
Controls itching
from epidural pain
Warmth, tingling, nausea,
vomiting, spinning sensation
Confusion, hallucination,
dizziness, feeling like you may
pass out, weak or shallow
breathing, fast or slow heart rate
Ketorolac (Toradol)
Decreases pain
Upset stomach, diarrhea,
constipation, dizziness,
headache, drowsiness,
sweating, ringing in your ears
Chest pain, weakness,
shortness of breath,
vomiting, severe tingling,
numbness, muscle weakness
Ondansentron (Zofran)
Prevents upset
stomach and
Diarrhea, headache,
drowsiness, blurred vision,
muscle spasm or twitching
especially in your face or
stiffness in your neck
Blurred vision, temporary
Acetaminophen &
Hydrocodone (Vicodin)
Decreases pain
Feeling anxious, dizzy or
drowsy, ringing in your ears,
upset stomach, vomiting,
blurred vision, dry mouth
Shallow breathing, slow
heartbeat, feeling lightheaded,
confusion, seizure, problems
Acetaminophen &
Oxycodone ( ercocet)
Decreases Pain
Feeling dizzy, drowsy,
upset stomach, vomiting,
Shallow breathing, slow
heartbeat, feeling lightheaded,
confusion, seizure

Ibuprofen (Motrin)
Decreases Pain
Upset stomach, mild
heartburn, constipation
Chest pain, weakness, shortness
of breath, black, bloody, tarry
stools, coughing up blood,
stomach pain
Laxative/stool softener
Gas, bloating diarrhea
or mild upset stomach
Rectal bleeding, severe stomach
pain, upset stomach and

Milk of Magnesia
(Magnesium hydroxide)
Diarrhea, upset stomach
Upset stomach, vomiting,
flushing, slow heartbeat,

Colace (docusate)
Stool softener
A bitter taste or throat
irritation, skin rash, diarrhea
Stomach pain, upset stomach,
vomiting, rectal bleeding

Commonly Ordered Postpartum Gastrointestinal Medications

Medication Name
Common Side Effects
Inform your nurse if you
experience the following:

Laxative/stool softener
Gas, bloating diarrhea
or mild upset stomach
Rectal bleeding, severe stomach
pain, upset stomach and
ilk of Magnesia
(Magnesium hydroxide)
Diarrhea, upset stomach
Upset stomach, vomiting,
flushing, slow heartbeat,

Colace (docusate)
Stool softener
A bitter taste or throat
irritation, skin rash, diarrhea
Stomach pain, upset stomach,
vomiting, rectal bleeding
Dulcolax (bisacodyl)
Dizziness, stomach
discomfort, cramps,
diarrhea, mild nausea
Rectal bleeding, severe
abdominal pain, upset
stomach, vomiting and
stomach pain

Mylicon (simethicone)
Easier passage of gas
Side Effects Rare
Other Commonly Ordered Postpartum Medications

Medication Name
Common Side Effects
Inform your nurse if you
experience the following:


Treatment for excessive vaginal bleeding occurs. (Stronger than Oxytocin)

Cramping and nausea. (Contraindicated if high blood pressure problematic)

Same with Oxytocin

Carboprost Tromethamine

Treatment for excess bleeding that is not stopped by Pitocin and/or Methergine

Nausea and vomiting

Hypotension, headache, vomiting

(Lanolin Breast Cream)
Nipple pain or
minor nipple irritation
Side Effects Rare
Irritation at the site

Ambien (Zolpidem)
To treat insomnia
Daytime drowsiness,
Depressed mood, thoughts
of hurting yourself, unusual
thoughts, anxiety, aggression,
hallucinations, confusion,
changes in personality,
feeling restless or agitated.

dizziness, weakness,

Anusol Cream
To ease itching and
irritation caused
by hemorrhoids
Mild rectal pain or burning
Severe rectal pain or burning

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