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Is shakespeare still relevant and should it be taught in schools today?

Shakespeare is still relevant in today's world after 400 years later, and it should be
taught in schools today. Many students today are learning, reading and doing plays of
shakespeare like we were doing on acting othello out. One reason why shakespeare is relevant
today is because his plays have a universal appeal, It appeals to human conditions issues that
are related to today's world and emotions: love, relationships and power. His plays have
situations and problems presented today’s world. It should be taught in schools today it helps
students with their reading, writing and language skills.
In the play othello it portrays a relationship between men and women, othello and
desdemona of different class (rank) and race. And another example the shakespeare uses
universal appeal in his plays is in Romeo and Juliet, it deals with many human aspects like fate,
love, and fights against families. In Article six reasons why shakespeare remains relevant 400
years after his death. It states, “Shakespeare's works are emotional, hilarious pithy, but above
all he was masterful at imbuing his stories and his characters with qualities that audiences and
readers identify with- hamlets anguish, enduring love between Romeo and juliet, his characters
are the genuine progeny of common humanity” (Boston 1). This means that in all shakespeare's
plays and stories there is always a universal appeal and a specific theme that he uses in
examples in today’s world. In the article the meaning of the bones,(The paris review)9. It states
in the text, “He was a committed to an idea that shakespeare’s universalism believed in the
possibility of shared thought, language culture a common humanity, which reversed the
fragmentation of human society” (LaPointe 1). Meaning that shakespeare is relevant into today's
worlds showing appeal about love, culture, race and many other universal appeals of
Shakespeare uses problems and situations that is relevant in today’s world for example
jealousy. In othello by “William shakespeare”, Iago is someone who othello really trusts but
othello picks cassio for lieutenant he is a soldier. Iago gets angry and mad because othello
picked cassio, he tricks and manipulates othello in thinking that desdemona his wife is cheating
on him with cassio the lieutenant. In the text it states “One Michael Cassio, a florentine a fellow
almost damned in a fair wife, that never saw a squadron in the field, Nor the division of a battle
knows more than a spinster- unless the bookish theoric, wherein the toged consuls can propose
as masterly as he: mere prattle, without practice is all his soldiership. But he sir, had the
election, And I, of whom his eyes had seen the proof of At Rhodes of Cyprus and on other
grounds Christian and heathen, must be leed and calmed”. Iago is claiming that he hates othello
for not picking him, and saying that he is more qualified for the job than cassio. Iago thinks he
has no type of experience in the field. (Shakespeare 21). Iago hates othello for so many
reasons and claims it, he this time hates othello, because he hears rumors that he hasn't been
sleeping with someone else. In the text it states “I hate the moor, and it is still abroad, that twixt
my sheets has done my office I know not if be true, but I for mere suspicion in the kind, will do
as it for surety” (Shakespeare 23). Iago is saying that he hates the land (Moor), and having
some type of suspicion. Shakespeare uses situations and problems that are related to the real
world like Iago being jealous.
Shakespeare should still and always be taught in schools, it teaches students how to
read the language, writing skills and language skills. Many say is a good thing for teachers to
be teaching students shakespeare language and reading in school. And others think that is not
a good idea to teach shakespeare in schools today, in my opinion shakespeare should be
taught in schools today. Why?, Because in my experience it helps with reading and improves
your skills in language. Shakespeare also shows students types of themes and emotions in his
stories that are example of the real world. In the website “” they had a debate
between students who believe that shakespeare should be taught and it shouldn't be taught in
schools. Many had their own opinions it should be taught. In the article “To teach, or not to
teach? Should shakespeare be taught in schools”. It states “Shakespeare has a pinch of culture
and shows many forms of thoughtful ideas through comedies, tragedies and romances” (Hoover
1). Hoover says that his students from his high school, believe that shakespeare should be
taught in school it shows them the culture, and history era of shakespeare, because
shakespeare basically created the english language we know today. In the text it states
“Shakespeare is confusing, fiction old, and honestly not useful” (Zeppa 1). She says that in her
opinion that shakespeare is not relevant at all and the language is confusing and not useful at
all in school, and it shouldn't be taught at school.

In conclusion, Shakespeare is still relevant in today's world because his plays have a
universal appeal, It appeals to human conditions issues that are related to today's world and
emotions: love, relationships and power. His plays have situations and problems presented
today’s world. It should be taught in schools today it helps students with their reading, writing
and language skills. Shakespeare shows and teaches themes and appeals in today’s world
about romance, jealousy etc. And many people believe that shakespeare should be taught in
schools. While others think that it shouldn't be taught in schools. But is shakespeare still worth

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