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Family information:

- Parents both have full-time work.

- parents both works while dad works full time
- Parents have Indian cultural background
- No siblings
- Parents have concern about Dev’s connection with Indian culture and languages
Literacy ( & language/communication)

• Dev loves talking and is able to use varieties phrases and words in his conversations
• Mostly well- grammar sentences
• Use language to make sense of subjects and retelling stories and experiences
• He is learning about name recognitions

- recognise some numbers: 5

- Recognise shapes: triangle, circle
- Be able to count to 10 in order
- Measurement
Science and technology

- Dev likes to investigate by using different tools such as senses

Physical development, health and wellbeing

- Dev shows responsibility to his own and others wellbeing such as safety issues

- Everything about bumble bee and the characters in the bumble bee movies
- Cars, trains and others about transports
- Building blocks
- Puzzles
- Swim
- Play in the sandpit

- language skills, Dev loves having conversation with his friends and adults. He is able to pick up some
challenge words such as brave , dangerous and powerful
- Empathy and caring to others, Dev enjoys building relationships with others, he shows caring when he
play or share toys with them
- Self helping and response to own safety and health
- Consistency, he is able to focus on certain activity once he start it
Learning processes

- Kinesthetic, Dev prefers to learn through his sensory and body movement
- Interpersonal, Dev prefers to work in the groups with others
- Linguistic, Dev enjoys using verbal conversations and words to communicate with others in his learning
Family information:

- Parents both have full-time work.

- Parents are from New Zealand and speak Maori.
- Connor has no siblings
- Parents expect Connor can has more understanding about his own emotions and how others’ feel.
Literacy ( & language/communication)

• He is able to use full sentence (mostly grammatical correct) to communicate with others in
• He is able to use finger to draw a person (his mom) in the sandpit rather than with pencils
• He loves to read with pictures and tell story to others according to the picture in the books

- Count without orders (within 10)

- Understand the opposite concepts such as less and more, big and small
- Use balance, measurement and counting in building processes
Science and technology

- learn through experiments and challenge tasks

- Interests in observing living things in the outdoor playground

- Building up activities (use milk baskets to build in the outdoor area)

- Ties the subjects with strings and play with them
- Physical activity such as dancing (with gummy bear song), running and climbing
- Sensory activity
- Orange colors and rainbow colors

- Creativity: he always creates his own way to arrange the activity

- Confident: Connor shows confident when he interactions with others and does challenged tasks
- Imagination: Connor enjoyed the experience with more open-end forms and he is able to use his
imagination to create a new content and way of experiences
Learning processes

- Kinesthetic, Connor prefers to learn through his sensory and body movement
- Auditory, Connor prefers to use songs in his learning experiences
Family information:

- Parents work in full-time jobs

- Parents are from Indonesian cultural background
- Speak Indonesian and English with Josephie
- No sibling
- Parents have concerns about her social interaction with other children
Literacy ( & language/communication)

• Josephie recognise most of letters and is able to spell the first letter of her name and her friends’ names
• Josephie develop her social skills through interactions with others
• She is able to retell the story according to the picture in the book

- Count without orders (within 10)

- Understand the opposite concepts such as less and more, big and small
- Use balance, measurement and counting in building processes
Science and technology

- learn through experiments and challenge tasks

- Interests in observing living things in the outdoor playground

• She Love to play in the sandpit with different dramatic experiences

• Building blocks
• Explore all activity that the educator have been set up for them
• Dramatic play
• Listen to the story during group time
• Dancing and singing with music

- Josephine have actively participate in different activities and enjoy group time with educators
- She has curiosity to try everything
- Well communication skills, she is able to use well-structured sentence to communicate with her peers
during play
- Like to writing names in the sandpit

Learning processes

- Kinesthetic: Josephie prefers to learn through her sensory and involvement

- Auditory: use songs and music in her learning
- Observing learning
Connor 3 years old Dev 3 years old

Josephie 3 years old

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