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Linear Programming Model to Optimize Reservoir

Operation and Crop Production-A Case Study

Rajesh .K.S, Assistant Engineer, Irrigation Department

Abstract—Nations overall development depends on food 2. Study area

production which in turns depends on Agriculture and
Water resources. This requires proper planning and Attappady is located in between latitude 11o 2’ N and 11o
management for optimal utilization of water resources. 11’ N and longitude 76o 34’ E and 76o 43‘E. It is an
Here Attappady Valley Irrigation Project is taken as a extensive mountain valley stretching an area of 745 km2 in
study system and makes an attempt to develop crop Mannarkad Taluk of Palakkad District, Kerala State, South
planning strategies which increases the productivity with India. The location map of Attapady is shown in Fig.1.
minimum input cost and getting maximum net economic
return. Optimization–simulation models are used for the
systems analysis of agriculture and water resources net
work. CROPWAT model is used for calculating irrigation
water requirement (IWR) of the crops. LINGO 16 linear
programming solver models provided optimum value for
cropping area and reservoir water allocation. The result
of the study is compared with the Agriculture department
proposal for the cropping pattern over the area. The
overall findings are helpful to farmers and engineerss to
adjust the cropping system and water release according to
the demand.

Index Terms-CROPWAT.8, Linear Programming (LP),

LINGO.16, Optimization-Simulation, Reservoir operation.

1. Introduction Figure: 1. Location Map of Attapady

The main purpose of an irrigation system is to maximize

crop production. In order to optimize water use and crop The region is differentiated into Western Attappady that
productivity, one has to improve the water resource receives above 3000 mm average annual rainfall and
allocation optimally in a water limiting condition. Water Eastern Attappady, which is a rain-shadow region receiving
resources management and planning under limited less than 1000 mm of average annual rainfall. Economic
resources such as water, land, man power, fertilizers, seeds, development in Attapady is highly depended on irrigation
etc. is one of the classical problems of economic agriculture. Attappady Valley Irrigation Project (AVIP) is
engineering optimization techniques. Optimal operation of aims to develop irrigation facilities in Attappady which will
the reservoir is keyed to meeting goals with quantitative immensely benefit the Adivasi Tribes. The components of
release and storage in the reservoir. the project consist of a gravity dam across Siruvani River at
Chittur in Attapady. Siruvani River is a tributary of
The objectives associated in this study are as follows: Bhavani River which itself is a tributary of River Cauvery.

(i) Assessment of Irrigation water requirement (IWR) 3. Methodology and Modeling

in the study area for various crops.
Estimation of Irrigation water requirements (IWR) is the
(ii) Develop an optimization model for the cropping primary objective of this study. CROPWAT is a computer
pattern for maximizing the net economic benefit program used to arrive Evapotranspiration (ETo) and IWR
of the crops in the study area. The model requires the
(iii) Develop an optimum reservoir operating policy to following data to carry out standard calculations.
get maximum yield from the irrigation project.
Monthly climate data i.e. minimum and maximum air
(iv) Analysis on cropping pattern suggested by State temperature, relative humidity, sunshine duration and wind
Agriculture department and LP model. speed. The crop parameters which are used in this study are

Crop name, Sowing date, Stages of growth period, Crop 3.2. Objective Function for Land Allocation Model
coefficient (Kc), Yield response factor (Ky), Critical
depletion (P). Due to the scarcity of the Soil analytical data Maximize …..…………….. (1)
of the study area, the following soil data are imparted using
data base software. They are, Type of soil, Total available NPc -Net Profit, Xsc-Cultivable land, s-Season, c-Crop
water, Maximum Rain Infiltration rate, Maximum rooting
depth, Initial soil moisture depletion, Initial available soil
3.3. Formulation of Constraints
moisture, Drainable porosity, Critical depletion for puddle
cracking, Maximum percolation rate after puddling , Water
Irrigation water requirement in Mm3/Month/Hectare:
availability at planting in % depletion, Permanent Wilting
Gross irrigation water requirement should be less
than or equal to the available water during the period (safe
yield) from a reservoir .
Once all the data is entered, CROPWAT.8 Windows
automatically calculates the results as tables. The output
parameters obtained are Evapotranspiration (ETo) in …………………………. (2)
mm/period, Crop coefficient Kc, Effective rain fall in
mm/period, Crop water requirements (CWR) in mm/period, Fertilizer requirement of each crop in Rs/ Hectare:
Irrigation requirements (IWR) in mm/period. The overall Total cost of Fertilizer should be lesser or equal to
research methodology framework has been shown in Fig.2 the total land available multiply to the average cost of all
by means of a flow chart. fertilizer which is used in the study area.

…………………….. …….. (3)

Seed requirement of each crop in Rs/ Hectare:

Total cost of seed should be lesser or equal to the
total land available multiply to the average cost of
seed which is used in the study area.

……………………………. (4)

Labor requirement of each crop in Rs/ Hectare:

Total cost of labor should be lesser or equal to the
total land available multiply by the average cost of labor
used in the study area.

…………………………… (5)

Land availability for each crop in Hectare:

The sum of cropped area cannot be exceed total
available land

………………………….…… (6)

Non-negative constraints:
There should be minimum area for each crop to keep
balance in food security and economy. The area of all
the individual crops should be greater or equal to 200 Ha.

Figure: 2. Methodology of study in flow chart ………………………………………. ….. (7)

3.1. Linear Programming Model formulation 3.4. Model for Optimum Reservoir Operation

An LP model is formulated to allocate land among the Maximize (Release):

different crops, in order to maximize profit from the
command area. The objective is specified as net profit St+1 = St + It – Et - Rt – Ot …..……………………. (8)
maximization equation as a function of cropping area based Rt ≥ 0 ; St ≥ 0 , St+1=S1 ie (S13=S1)
on cropping pattern and irrigation water supply. The linear Ot = 0, if St + It – Et - Rt ≤ K ………………………. (9)
programming model consisting of three major components: Ot = K – [St + It –Et - Rt] , if St + It – Et - Rt > K… (10)
an objective function for maximization of net profit, a set of Where, Inflow-It, Storage-St, Release-Rt, Overflow- Ot
linear constraints and a set of non-negativity constraints. Evaporation- Et, Storage capacity of the reservoir- K.
4. Data Analysis and Results 4.2. Soil and Crop Characteristics

Details of Existing/ Projected cropping pattern proposed by Soil water Characteristics are arrived using FAO’s
State Agriculture department is appended in Table.1.The Harmonized world soil database viewer 1.2 (HWSD)
aim of the study is to Optimize the proposed cropping area model, Soil Plant and Water model (SPAW) and Aqua crop
(column.4) for maximum net economic benefit using Linear model. The result are concluded in Table.4. It shows the
Programming model. basic parameters of the soil. The crop parameters which are
used in this study for open field conditions are taken from
Table: 1 Cropping pattern proposed by Agriculture department the FAO database (FAO 56, 1998) used in CROPWAT.8
model. An example of Rice plant growth data is given
Sl. No Crop Present area in Ha. Proposed area in Ha. along with Table.4.
1 Banana 50 2,400
2 Sugarcane 80 1,040 Table: 4 Soil Moisture and Rice plant growth data
3 Paddy 1st 25 200
4 Ground Nut 45 700 Soil Moisture data of Attapady from software
5 Vegetables-1 5 560 Soil texture (USDA classification)- Clay loam
6 Paddy 2nd 0 100
7 Cotton 5 200 Total available water TAW = FC – PWP 126mm/m.
8 Maize 5 150 Maximum Rain Infiltration rate 250 mm/day.
9 Vegetables-2 10 400 Maximum rooting depth 90 cm.
10 Vegetables-3 0 400
Initial soil moisture depletion (as % TAW) 0%.
Initial available soil moisture 126 mm/m.
4.1. Estimation of Irrigation Water Requirement
Drainable porosity = Sat. – FC 17.1%.
The data is entered and CROPWAT.8 automatically Critical depletion for puddle cracking 0.40 fractions.
calculates the effective rain fall as shown in Table.2 and Maximum percolation rate after puddling 5.1 mm/day.
Evapotranspiration (ETo) in Table.3. These results are used Water availability at planting 20% depletion.
for calculating IWR in the further steps of the software. Permanent Wilting point PWP 15.4%
Rice plant growth Data
Table:2-Effective Rain fall calculated using CROPWAT.8 Crop name Rice
Sowing direct sowing method
Land preparing 15 days.
Stages of growth period
Initial 30 days
development 30 days
mid-season 50 days
late season 30 days
Total growth period 140 days
Crop coefficient (Kc) - Initial 1.1
development 1.2
mid-season 1.2
late season 1.05
Yield response factor (Ky)- Initial 1
development 1.09
mid-season 1.32
Table: 3-ETo calculated using CROPWAT 8
late season 0.5
Rooting depth - Initial 0.1
development 0.6
late season 0.6
Critical depletion (P). 20 fraction
Irrigation efficiency 60 % (basin Irrigation
Crop height 1m.

Once all these details are entered, CROPWAT.8 calculate

Irrigation water requirements by calling up the climate and
rainfall data sets together with the crop files and the
corresponding planting dates. The results are tabulated in
Table.5. Here the Paddy has the highest monthly water
requirement for the first and second seasons with a quantity
of 2024.67 mm in May and 1728.67 mm in October.

Table: 5- Monthly Irrigation Water Requirement

Monthly irrigation water requirement in mm

Crops Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 Banana 112.80 33.20 16.10 112.20 25.90 15.60 0.20 58.80 57.00 84.70
2 Sugarcane 120.30 51.70 32.20 164.90 172.10 121.20 105.20 63.90 112.90 22.60 56.50
3 PaddyI st 2024.67 584.17 161.83 118.67 227.50 14.83
4 Ground Nut 22.20 34.80 87.60 65.60 73.90
5 Vegetables-1 10.30 47.20 69.90 51.80
6 Paddy IInd 222.83 51.17 595.33 1728.67 162.83 198.83
7 Cotton 132.10 21.70 28.30 90.70 118.50
8 Maize 41.00 27.00 97.70 78.90
9 Vegetables-2 10.30 78.60 100.50
10 Vegetables-3 18.60 7.10 14.90 127.90

4.3. Allocation of optimum cropping area

optimally to maximize the net economic benefit. In first
A Linear Programming Model for Reservoir Operation and season Ground Nut occupy the highest cropping area of
Optimum land allocation to the 7 crops suggested by the 3837 Ha and in second season it is Paddy of 2113 Ha.
State Agriculture department in the study area for 3 seasons Vegetables show the highest cropping area of 4128 Ha at
in a year is successfully developed. A Multi integer linear season-3 with the perennial crop area of 572.
programming problem for profit maximization and
reservoir release is solved in LINGO 16 software. The 4.4. Estimation of Gross Irrigation Water Requirement
results have been obtained from the software after going
through 715 iterations with74 variables and 100 linear
Gross Irrigation Water Requirement (GIWR) is calculated
equations. A Global optimum feasible solution is found out
with irrigation efficiency of 60% and time step of 1month is
with Objective value of 0.5909700E+09. The present study
tabulated in Table.6 along with optimized crop area. The
proposed optimum land allocation area to the crops as
month of October is the highest water requirement period
shown in Table.6 (column.2) considering the resource like,
with 60.95 Mm3 due to high evapotranspiration and less
water, land, labor, seed and fertilizer. Here water is utilized
rainfall in the rain shadow (semi-arid) region of Attapady.

Table: 6- Gross Monthly Irrigation Water Requirement as per LP Model

Optimized cop area and Gross monthly irrigation water requirement in Mm3 as per LP model
Crops Area Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 Banana 200 Ha 0.23 0.07 0.03 0.22 0.05 0.03 0.12 0.11 0.17
2 Sugarcane 372 Ha 0.45 0.19 0.12 0.61 0.64 0.45 0.39 0.24 0.42 0.08 0.21
3 Paddy I 291 Ha 5.89 1.70 0.47 0.35 0.66 0.04
4 Ground Nut 3837 Ha 0.85 1.34 3.36 2.52 2.84
5 Vegetables-1 200 Ha 0.02 0.09 0.14 0.10
6 Paddy II 2113 Ha 4.71 1.08 12.58 36.53 3.44 4.20
7 Cotton 200 Ha 0.26 0.04 0.06 0.18 0.24
8 Maize 200 Ha 0.08 0.05 0.20 0.16
9 Vegetables-2 1815 Ha 0.19 1.43 1.82
10 Vegetables-3 4128 Ha 0.77 0.29 0.62 5.28
Monthly IWR Ha 6.71 1.67 0.77 6.11 7.38 3.63 4.39 3.21 16.73 36.57 5.44 6.80
GIWR with 60% field efficiency 11.18 2.78 1.28 10.18 12.30 6.05 7.32 5.35 27.88 60.95 9.07 11.33

4.5. Optimization of Reservoir Operation

A real time reservoir operation model using Multi- Integer supporting reservoir systems. Furthermore, the model
Linear Programming has been developed and the optimum ensures an optimum reservoir release and storage over
operational values are shown in the Table.7. The LP model different time periods. Maximum available water from
developed can successfully be applied to similar irrigation reservoir is fully utilized in the LP model method. `

A monthly Reservoir release of 60.95 Mm3 is the highest guide line for its yearly operation and the Dam can be
utilization during the period of October by optimizing the utilized at its maximum efficiency in respect of storage,
cropping pattern. The Reservoir Operation table will be a release and in controlling unnecessary spilling of water.
Table: 7- Optimized reservoir Release table

Optimum Reservoir Operation table

t Qt Dt Et St Rt Ot St+1
3 3 3 3 3
Month Mm Mm mm Mm Mm Mm Mm3
1 5.430 11.205 0.015 23.137 11.172 0.000 17.380
2 3.530 2.805 0.019 17.380 2.794 0.000 18.098
3 3.340 1.280 0.021 18.098 1.278 0.000 20.139
4 3.290 10.200 0.022 20.139 10.196 0.000 13.211
5 3.620 12.025 0.022 13.211 12.306 0.000 4.503
6 33.890 5.983 0.018 4.503 6.054 0.000 32.321
7 51.840 7.315 0.019 32.321 7.324 11.193 65.625
8 30.560 5.331 0.016 65.625 5.340 25.204 65.625
9 44.290 27.916 0.014 65.625 27.875 16.400 65.626
10 14.610 61.121 0.023 65.625 60.950 0.000 19.262
11 15.490 9.071 0.018 19.261 9.070 0.000 25.663
12 8.820 11.330 0.012 25.668 11.333 0.000 23.143

4.6. Comparison of scenarios

The best way of analysis between Agriculture department’s the available water from reservoir is fully utilized for a
strategies and LP Modeling is the comparison of economic quantity 60.95 Mm3 during the period of October where the
impact and irrigation usage of the practiced crops in the net income is raised to Rs. 59 crores from the same cropped
study area tabulated in Table.8. By conventional method, a area. The main crops are Ground Nut having the highest
maximum of only 10 Mm3 of monthly reservoir release is area of 3837 Ha and in second season Paddy of 2113 Ha.
utilized in May during the year and net income will be Vegetable shows the highest cropping area of 4128 Ha at
Rs.49.78 crores from 4900 hectares of cropped area. The the third season. Perennial crop of Banana and Sugarcane is
main crops are banana having a cultivated land of 2400 Ha cultivated throughout the year in 200 Ha and 372 Ha
and sugarcane on 1040 Ha followed by other seasonal respectively out of overall 4900 Ha. Thus optimum
crops. At the same time through the optimization technique, utilization of natural resources has been ensured.
Table: 8- Economic analysis of conventional and linear programming model

Economic analysis of conventional and linear programming model

Proposal of agriculture department Linear programming model
Area in Income Cost Net Return Area in Income Cost Net Return
No Crop
Ha in Rs in Rs in Rs Ha in Rs in Rs in Rs
1 Banana 2,400 543,266,400 250,512,000 292,754,400 200 45,272,200 20,876,000 24,396,200
2 Sugarcane 1,040 137,107,256 36,676,230 100,431,026 372 49,042,211 13,118,805 35,923,406
3 Paddy-1 200 15,353,840 4,885,800 10,468,040 291 22,339,837 7,108,839 15,230,998
4 Groundnut 700 66,942,687 27,215,406 39,727,281 3,837 366,941,557 149,179,303 217,762,254
5 Vegitables-1 560 23,543,318 6,457,825 17,085,493 200 8,408,328 2,306,366 6,101,962
6 Paddy-2 100 7,676,920 2,894,800 4,782,120 2,113 162,213,320 61,167,124 101,046,196
7 Cotton 200 12,742,790 7,555,199 5,187,591 200 12,742,790 7,555,199 5,187,591
8 Maize 150 5,704,097 2,702,904 3,001,193 200 7,605,462 3,603,872 4,001,590
9 Vegitables-2 400 16,816,656 4,612,732 12,203,924 1,815 76,305,577 20,930,272 55,375,304
10 Vegitables-3 400 16,816,656 4,612,732 12,203,924 4,128 173,547,890 47,603,396 125,944,494

Net Amount in Rs. 845,970,620 348,125,628 497,844,992 924,419,171 333,449,177 590,969,995

5. Conclusion

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