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The design report of this particular project is the formation of additional water supply system for
Hawassa town. The system has been designed to satisfy the total water requirement and provide
the town with safe water for the next 22years /2018-2040/.

The overall objective of this project is to design and implement sustainable water supply system
improving the quantity, quality and level of service project area communities. According to the
socio-economic data, the base population that the project comprises is210699.

. Population projection has been made based on Central statistic Authority method and is
estimated to be 500,000 the end of the design period and also divided in to two phases.

The water source selected for water supply is ground water. The maximum day demand at the
end of design period is calculated to be 519.8l/s. Elevated reservoirs have provided in such a way
that distribute to the consumers by gravity main.
Water from the well is pumped to service reservoir and then distribute by gravity to the

1.1 General

Water plays a major important role in life existence. That is why we say “water is life”. All
living things on the earth like human beings, animals and plants use water for their survival. For
example, a man can survive without a food for month together but without water to quench his
thirst; his survival beyond 40 hours would be a miracle(PANCHDHARI, 2005).

The earth is covered with 75% of water. However, 3% of this large percentage approximately
4.5*107km quantity is found in the habitable and masses of the earth in the form of lake water,
river water and ground water. In the world clean water that can be used for domestic purpose is
not more than 2% of the natural resources of the earth(WHO, 2009).

Ethiopia is endowed with one the largest fresh surface and sub-surface water resources in east
Africa. Despite the abundant water supply coverage of Ethiopia is one the least in the world.
There are several reasons that are known to be causes for these problems (i.e. luck of the
different technologies, financial constraints, lack of skilled man power, failure to involve user
community on decision making process and also poor awareness of the community about the
water supply and sanitation project). Most towns of Ethiopia have a problem of a sufficient and
potable supply of water.

The SNNPR regional state water resources development bureau is one of the government
organizations which established to improve the water supply of the region and the project area
suited in one of the lack of potable drinking water of the region due to deprived and insufficient
amount of clean water. Hawassa town is center of its reginal in social political and economic
activities, lack of sufficient water supply system is one of the major problems (BUREAU, 2002).

1.2 Background of the project Area

Hawassa town is one of the main victims of the water shortage problem. The existing water
supply system of the towns is inadequate to meet the demand of rapidly growing population and
also the distribution network systems of the water do not cover fringed areas of the extremities of
the town. Expansion of the town, rapid population growth and establishment of governmental
and private institutions are made the great burden for the existing water Supply system. To avoid
this very serious problem of water shortage, searching and identifying for different sources,
designing of new structures, transmission pipe line, distribution network and further construction
and installations are inevitable measures to be taken.

1.2.1 Demographic

Based on the1994 Census conducted by the Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia, Hawassa
town has a total population of 69,169.According to the latest information from Statistical
Authority, Hawassa Branch Office, the projected population for the year 2007 was 157, 139.
Water supply infrastructure as well as providing adequate training for town water supply and
sanitation (CSA, 1994).

1.2.2 Geographical position

Hawassa is a city in Ethiopia, on the shores of Lake Hawassa in the Great Rift Valley. It is
located 273 km south of Addis Ababa via Bishoftu, 130 km east of Sodo, and 75 km north of
Dilla. The town serves as the capital of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region,
and is a special zone of this region.The geographical coordinates are approximately 7º03’ Lat. N.
and 38º 29’ long E. The average elevation of the town is about 1700m above sea level.
Figure 1: Location Map of the study area

1.2.3 Geological Information

The Hawassa basin is a volcano tectonic collapse situated in the central part of the main
Ethiopian Rift Valley. Recent lacustrine and alluvial deposits, scoria cones, rhyolitic lava flows
and associated ignimbrites, tuffs and volcanic ash form this basin. It consists of alternating fine
and coarse sediment such as silt, clays, and water lain pyroclastics. The transmissivity and
permeability of these sediments is higher where the proportion of coarser sediments is higher. In
general from the lacustrine deposits and the fractured rocks of Hawassa basin well with yield of
20 l/s and above can be developed.

1.2.4 Climate

Hawassa’s climate is warm Temperature which varies between 10ºC in winter and 30ºc in
summer. The mean annual precipitation of the town is 956mm.
1.3 Existing Water Supply
Table1.1: The existing water supply situation of the Hawassa Town.
Source of Existing water Supply Their Capacity (L/s)
Treatment plant 48.8
Mette #1 well 12.8
Loke spring 13.0
Treatment compound well 7.7
Mette #2 well 8.7
Abella-wondo #2 well 9.0
Abella-wondo #3 well 11.2
Ambowuha Spring 67
Tunto Spring 59
Total 237.2 L/se

The existing water sources for Hawassa town are surface water from Kedo River, bore holes and
spring. Kedo river source is located about 17km away from the townwhich has a capacity of
38.8l/s, the average distance of bore holes is 10 km in the South-East direction of the town and
Loke spring located 11km away from the town to South-West direction0
Currently the total water production of Hawassa town is about 237.2 l/s. This amount production
also does not cover the actual demand of the town.

1.4 Objectives of the project

 The overall objective of the project is to examine and design the adequacy of water
supply to meet the present and the future under increasing demand for the municipal
water use in Hawassa town.
Specific objective

The specific objective of this project is

 To design sustainable water supply project for Hawassa town

 To improve the living conditions of inhabitant by redesigning of the existing systems of

water supply infrastructure.

 To determine the average water consumption of the town households/residents(l/c/d)


2.1 General

It is necessary to fix the design period and forecast the population of the area in the design of any
water supply scheme. Water supply projects are usually designed for a certain period after the
completion of construction works in order to satisfy the population demand.

2.1.1 Design Period

Design period is the number of years during which a proposed water scheme including its
structural components and equipment is expected to meet the anticipated needs of the future

Mostly water supply projects are designed for a design period of 20 to 30 years which is a fairly
good period. In general, the following points should be kept in mind while fixing the design
period for anywater supply scheme.

 Funds available for the completion of the project

 Life of the pipe and other structural materials used in the water supply scheme
 Rate of interest on the loans taken to complete the project anticipated expansion rate of the
Taking in to consideration all these facts the design period for Hawassa town is fixed for 22

2.1.2 Population Projection (Forecasting)

Based on the1994 Census conducted by the Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia, Hawassa
town has a total population of 69,169.According to the latest information from Statistical
Authority, Hawassa Branch Office, the projected population for the year 2007 was 157, 139.

Population is not remains constant throughout the year in the country because of growth. So after
the design period has been fixed, the next step is the population of the study area in various
periods has to be estimated. Because the population growth of the towns generally varies with
time and period, the growth of population can be affected by different factor.

Growth of population is affect due to the following factors;

 Expansion of town
 Migration rate

 Changes in educations like opening of higher education

 Economic change, development of new industries

 Increase in transport and conveyance facilities etc.
Due to expansion of the town, economic change, development of industries, change in education
etc. the population of Hawassa town is increasing rapidly.

2.1.3 Methods of Population Forecasting

In order to satisfy the future demand of the people there are common methods by which the
forecasting population is done. Various methods of forecasting future population or at the end of
design period. These are arithmetic increase, geometric increase, method used by Ethiopian
Statistics Authority (CSA), decrease rate method incremental increase method etc.

Based on CSA data the given base population we have only one. So we use CSA method for
population projection

Pn = Pox ekn Where; Pn = population of n decade or year

n =decade

k=growth rate

Based on the above formula at the end of the design period (2040), thepopulation will be300515.

2.2 Water Demand Analysis

2.2.1 Water Demand

The design and implementation of any water supply scheme requires an estimate of the amount
of water required by the community. Estimating water demands for a particular town depends on
the size of the population to be served, their standard of living and activities, the cost of water
supplied and the purpose of demand.

2.2.2 Types of water demand

In order to arrive at a reasonable value of rate of demand for any particular town, the demand of
water for various purposes is divided under the following categories. To estimating thewater
demand for Hawassa town depends on the size of population to be served, the availability of
wastewater services and the purpose of demand.

The per capita water demand for a varies demand categories depending on the size of the town
and level of development, the type of water supply scheme, the socio economic condition of the
town and the climate condition of the area.

Factors that affect the per capita water demand for a town are;

 Climatic condition:
 Size of the community
 Standard of living
 Industries and commercial activities
 Quality of water
It is claimed that intermittent supply system will reduce per capita demand.

Domestic Water Demand

Domestic water demand is demand of water for actual household activities like drinking;
cooking, washing, bathing, flushing, toilet etc. water utilization for this type of demand depends
on water use habits, economic, social status and climatic conditions.

Domestic demand categories

The mode of service which is adapted in Hawasa town is as follow;

 House connection
 Yard connection(Own)
 Yard Shared connection
 Public tap

2.2.3 Domestic Water Demand Projection

In projection of the domestic water demand of Hawasa town the following procedures have been

 Population percentage distribution by mode of service.

 Projection of consumption by mode of service.
 Adjustment due to socio-economic condition and. climate.
A. Percentage of population distribution by mode of service
The percentage of population to be served by each mode of service will be varying from time to
time. The variation is happened by changes in living standards, modifying of public services and
the size of city or town water supply to be expanding. The following table shows the percentage
of people using a certain connection type (HC, YC, YS, & PT) and unserved is shown below the

Table2.1: Percentage distribution by each mode of service

Year 2018 2019 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040

House (%) 6.20 6.92 7.10 8 9.10 10.20 11.30

Yard (%) 29.50 32.62 33.40 37.90 42.90 47.90 52.90

YS (%) 33.90 49.58 53.50 48.70 42.60 36.50 30.40

public tap 28.80 9.76 5 5 5 5 5

Unserved(% 1.50 1.10 1 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50

Unaccounted 30.70 29.50 29.20 27.50 26.95 26.40 25.85

Source: (WHO, 2009)

B. Projection per capita Demand by Modes of Service

The per-capita domestic water demand for various demand categories varies depending on the
size of the town, the level of development, the type of water supply scheme, the socioeconomic
conditions of the towns and the climatic condition of the area. The per capita water demand for
adequate supply level has to be determined based on the basic human water requirements for
different demand category.
Table2.2: Per capita of each mode of service
Connection type 2015 2019 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040
House 135 141.4 143 152 152 152 152
Yard 37 38.6 39 41 41 41 41
Yard shared 25 25.8 26 28 28 28 28
public tap 15 15.8 16 17 17 17 17

Source: (WHO, 2009)

2.2.4 Water demand adjustment factor

Adjustment due to Climatic factor

The climate of project area has an impact for the quantities of water consumptions. Those who
are living in hot area consume more water and people who live in normal temperature area
consume less water. In order to account for changes of average capita domestic water demand,
the water demand is multiplied by climatic factors specially recommended for target area.

Group Mean Annual Precipitation Factor

1 600 or less 1.1

2 601-900 1.05

3 >900 1

Source: ((MWRIE), 2006)

The average annual rainfall of the Hawassa town is 956mm, which falls under group 3.
Therefore, the adjustment factor of oneto refine the average per capita domestic water demand is

Socio-economic adjustment factor

The socioeconomic adjustment factor is determined based on the degree of the development of a
particular town under study as the socioeconomic conditions play great role on the amount of
water consumption. The following grouping & adjustment factor corresponding to each group is
given in table below:
Group Description Factor
1 Town enjoying high living standards with very high 1.1
potential development
2 Town having a very high potential for development 1.05
but lower living standards at present.
3 Towns under normal Ethiopian condition 1

4 Advanced rural towns 0.9

Source :( ((MWRIE), 2006))

Due to the above fact Hawassa town is classified as a town having a very high potential for
development but lower living standards at present and an adjustment factor of 1.05is adopted.

Table2.2: Population and Domestic Water Demand Projection

population by mode of service

year 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040
population 229682 284056 347286 419317 500000
house 16307 22724 31603 42770 56500
yard 76714 107657 148986 200853 264500
yard shared 122880 138335 147944 153051 152000
public tap 11484 14203 17364 20966 25000
unserved 23 14 17 21 25
unaccounted 671 781 936 1107 1293
Table2.3: Mode of Service per capita demand
Year 2019 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040
House 1359 1472 2155 2960 3956 5162
Yard 1749 1888 2754 3764 5012 6518
yard shared 1777 2016 2417 2553 2608 2558
public tap 214 116 151 182 217 255
TDD m3/d 5100 5493 7477 9459 11793 14493
socio-eco factor 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05
Climatic factor 1 1 1 1 1 1
Adjusted TDD 8481.30 9137.54 12582.05 16117.18 20346.79 25319.18

Total domestic demand

Total domestic demand = HC + YCO + YSC + PT

Adjusted domestic demand = total domestic demand ∗socio economic factor ∗climate factor

Sample calculation for adjusted total domestic water demand (for 2040):

=14493*1*1.05= 25319.18m3/d

2.2.5 Non-domestic water demand

Non-domestic water demand is the amount of water used for different purpose like industrial
water demand, commercial water demand, industries, institutional water demand, animal water
demand etc.
Table2.4: Water consumptions for Institutions and commercial center
Demand type 2019 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040
Day school 367.2 378.6 435.6 492.6 549.6 606.6

Boarding school 437.3 451 519.5 588 656.5 725

Research center 7 7.3 8.8 10.3 11.8 13.3

Hospitalandhealthcenter 71.9 72.6 76.1 79.6 83.1 86.6

Commercial centers 255.2 258.4 274.4 290.4 306.4 322.4

Public offices 845.2 870.5 997 1123.5 1250 1376.5
Prison 16.2 16.7 19.2 21.7 24.2 26.7

Mosque and churches 17.5 18 20.5 23 25.5 28

Public baths 16.2 16.7 19.2 21.7 24.2 26.7
Bus station 31.2 32.1 36.6 41.1 45.6 50.1
Military camps 162.7 167.6 192.1 216.6 241.1 265.6
Cinema Hall 3.2 3.3 3.8 4.3 4.8 5.3
Abattoir 3.5 3.6 4.1 4.6 5.1 5.6
Recreational center 26.5 27.3 31.3 35.3 39.3 43.3
Daily Farm 34.3 35.4 40.9 46.4 51.9 57.4
Total Non-
domesticDemand 2295.1 2359.1 2679.1 2999.1 3319.1 3639.1

Industrial Water Demand Presently

The demand for industrial water supply is generally assessed separately. In case of Hawassa
town some categories of industries will be included in domestic demand. But industries having
high water consumption are often expected to have their own source of supply. For example, the
existing textile, match and edible oil factories have their own water source. Hence future
industrial water demand is not considered at this stage. The industrial water demand is 6% 0f
total domestic demand of the project.
Unaccounted for Water Loss

All the water which goes in to the distribution pipes does not reach the consumers. Due to

Defective joints in the main, broken and cracked pipes, defective house connections and faulty
plumbing, an authorized water connection causes the water loss. This allows continuous flow of
water going to waste. Care full maintenance and universal metering can minimize this.

Table2.5: Unaccounted for Water Loss

Year 2019.00 2020.00 2025.00 2030.00 2035.00 2040.00

unaccounted 0.30 0.29 0.28 0.27 0.26 0.26

adjusted dd 8481.30 9137.54 12582.05 16117.18 20346.79 25319.18

TNDD m3/d 2865.10 2939.10 3309.10 3679.10 4049.10 4419.10

UCW 3347.19 3526.38 4370.07 5335.10 6440.52 7687.34

Fire Demand

Fires generally break in thickly populated localities and in industrial area and cause serious
damages of properties and life of people are lost. If fires are not properly controlled and
extinguished in minimum possible time, they lead to serious damages and may burn the cities.
Therefore, by above case to taken more accurate & life sever is10 % of the reservoir storage for
firefighting in the up to end of design period.

Table2.6: Fire Water Demand

Assume( 10%) for Fire water demand

ADD 14693.6 15603.022 20261.21 25131.3757 30836.407 37425.619

Demand 1469.36 1560.3022 2026.121 2513.13757 3083.6407 3742.5619
2.2.6 Variation in rate of water consumption

There is a wide variation in use of water in different months of the year, days of month and hours
of the day. To regulate the water demand variation, the average water demand is multiplied by
certain factor to get the maximum day and peak hour demand. The following conditions of
demand are considered to regulate the variation of water demand.

Average daily Demand


Year 2019 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040

adjusted dd 8481.3 9137.5 12582.0 16117.2 20346.8 25319.2

TNDD m3/d 2865.1 2939.1 3309.1 3679.1 4049.1 4419.1

UCW 3347.2 3526.4 4370.1 5335.1 6440.5 7687.3

ADD 14693.6 15603.0 20261.2 25131.4 30836.4 37425.6

The average daily demand is taken to the sum of the sum of domestic demand, nondomestic
demand and non-revenue of water, which is used to estimate maximum day demand and peak
hour demand.

Maximum Day demand

The water consumption varies from day to day through the year. The ratio of the maximum day
consumption to the mean annual day consumption is the maximum day factor. The maximum
day factor of 1.2 is adopted for Hawassa town.

Peak hour demand

The peak hour demand is greatly influenced by the size of the town, mode of service and social
activity in the town. It is the highest demand of any one-hour over the maximum day. It
represents the diurnal variation in water demand resulting from the difference in preferencehours
of each household to connect their demand to supply system. Thus, the peak hour factor adopted
for Hawassa town to be supplied with adequate water is assumed to be 1.7.
Table: Peak hours demand factor (PHDF)

Town population PHDF

0 to 20,000 2.0

20,000 to 50,000 1.9

50,000 and above 1.7

Table2.6: Summary of Water Demands

Year 2019.0 2020.0 2025.0 2030.0 2035.0 2040.0
220,034.0 229682.0 284,056.0 347286.0 419317.0 500,000.0
TDD(m3/d 8481.3 9137.5 12582.0 16117.2 20346.8 25319.2
NDD(m3/d 2865.1 2939.1 3309.1 3679.1 4049.1 4419.1
UWD 3347.2 3526.4 4370.1 5335.1 6440.5 7687.3
AD (m3/d 14693.6 15603.0 20261.2 25131.4 30836.4 37425.6
MDF 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
MDD(m3/d 17632.3 18723.6 24313.5 30157.7 37003.7 44910.7
17632308.8 18723626.3 24313455.6 30157650.8 37003688.0 44910742.9
204.1 216.7 281.4 349.0 428.3 519.8
PHF 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7
PHD( m3/d 29974.9 31830.2 41332.9 51268.0 62906.3 76348.3
29974925.0 31830164.7 41332874.6 51268006.4 62906269.6 76348262.9
346.9 368.4 478.4 593.4 728.1 883.7

3.1 General

Determining the source of water is the main task in water supply scheme. Knowing the water
demand of the population at the design period, the next step is to search water source, which may
be able to supply the required quantity of water.

3.1.1 Water Source Selection Criteria

After knowing the population number and the demand of the town or city the source should be
clearly known in quality as well as quantity. The source of water supply may be generally as
surface sources and ground sources.

The choice of source of water supply to a town or city depends on the location, quantity ofwater,
quality of water, cost. Therefore, potential available ground water source for Hawassa town is

 Borehole
After selecting the borehole site we have to know how many bore holes are enough to satisfy our
peak hourly demand.

A) Phase I from 2020 to 2030

𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡
No. of borehole = 𝑤𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑

The existing yield is 237.2 l/s and average Well yield is 20 l/s

Water deficit @2030 = maximum daily demand@2030 -Total yield (existing)

349.0−237.2 𝑙/𝑠
No of boreholes = = 5.59 ≈ 6

B) Phase II from 2031 to 2040

𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡
No. of borehole = 𝑤𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑

Water deficit @2040 = maximum daily demand@2040 - maximum daily demand@2030

No of boreholes = = 8.54 ≈ 9
Determination of Natural Ground Water Recharge

Before implementing this project, the proposed well field area should be investigated for its
capacity of the total yield to satisfy the demand needed and to hold the total boreholes.

To check the recharge of the borehole site, it is used Krishna Reo empirical formula given as

R =k (p – x), where R = Recharge mm

P = Precipitation in mm

K & X=constant

Estimated value of k& x used in Krishna Reo empherical formula

K X P(mm)

0.2 400 400-600

0.25 400 600-1000

0.35 600 Above 2000

The Hawassa mean annual rainfall is reported to be 956mm.Therefore, according to the Krishna
reo estimation value of constants become by interpolation K=0.24 and X=400.

R=K (P-X)



Ground water recharges in terms of volume

V=R*Well site area, depend up on the radius of influence from one borehole to another borehole,
assume well site area =4km2





3.2 Water well

Water well is a hole or shaft, in most cases vertical, excavated in the earth, or sunk in to the
ground intercepting one or more water bearing strata, for bringing groundwater to the surface. It
is design to get the optimum quantity of water economically from a given geological formation.

Well site selection

Important factors to be considered in selecting a drilled well site are:-

 Distance from potential sources of surface contaminations

 Proximity to existing electric power lines
 Terrain and ground slope of the site
3.2.1 Water well design

Well design is the process of specifying the physical material and dimension for a well. This
includes the selection of a suitable material diameter and thickness of pipe. The size of the well
should be properly chosen since it is significantly affects the cost of well construction. It must be
large enough to accommodate the pump that is expected to be required for the head and
discharge (yield) with proper clearance

A well design also involves selection of proper dimensions like the diameter of the well and that
of the casing, length and location of the screen including slot size, shape and percentage open
area whether the well naturally developed or gravel pack is necessary; design of gravel pack,
selection of screen materials etc..

Design of gravel pack

Placing gravel around a well screen for gravel treatment or gravel packing is necessary in well
design. The gravel pack is recommended in design for:

 Stabilizing the fine grained aquifers.

 Permitting the use of large slot openings and obtain higher well efficiency in the fine
grained aquifers.
 Permitting the single slot-size screen and eliminating the screen-positioning problem in
formations of alternating zones of coarse and fine materials.

Criteria that should be considered in gravel packing:

 The gravel pack material should be clean.

 The grains of gravel pack material should be smooth and round.
 It should be free oily materials.

In designing a gravel pack, the grading of a gravel pack has to be correctly chosen in reaction to
the particle size distribution of the water bearing formations. Therefore the design parameter of
gravel packed wells is as follows;

A) Thickness of gravel pack

The gravel envelope should be as thin as possible because a thick envelope does not materially
increase the well yield, nor will it reduce possibility of sand pumping, because the controlling
factor is the ratio of the grain size of the pack material and that of the aquifer. Suggested a range
of 10 to 20cm of gravel pack and in no case it should not exceed about 20cm. Therefore 15cm

B) Length of gravel packing

The gravel packing is specifically required around the screen pipes, but since the material is
poured from the ground level in to the bore hole, the pack shall be installed in the entire depth of
the well.

Design of well screen

Well screens of many different designs and materials are available. Well screen has openings or
slots through which water from the aquifer flows in to the well. The proper design of the well
screens, and the way it is set in the bore hole, govern a large part of the hydraulic efficiency and
the useful life of the well.
Design of length and size of screen
The total length of the screen to be provided for a tube well shall be primarily controlled by the
available thickness of the aquifers. A water well screen is usually a pipe with slots or openings
along its wall.

Table3.1: Recommended values of screen diameter

( l/min) 0 -475 475 -1125 1125 -3000 3000 -5250 5250 - 9500 9500 -13300
Diameter(cm) 10 15 25 30 35 40
((Source:Fletcher G.Driscoll)Ground water and wells 2nd edition))

For a discharge of 20 l/sc=20*60l/min=1200l/min the recommended screen diameter is 25 cm.

Screen Material

Provisions of a suitable well screen are the most important part of well design. Well screens may
be of iron, fiber glass, stainless steel, and PVC. The selection of the material type is depending
on strength to withstand stresses, resistance to corrosion, ease of cutting slot sizes and % age of
open area. Presently the most widely used employed pipe material is stainless steel.

Slot size

The size of the slot opening is determined by the size of gravel pack or aquifer material which
the screen has to retain. Oversized slots will cause the pumping of fine materials indefinitely and
clear water will be difficult to obtain, While under sized slots will provide more resistance to the
flow of ground water, resulting in more head loss and corrosion.

The width of slot cut in iron pipes falls in the range of 1.6 to 2mm due to the limitations of the
width of the cutting tool. Based on this stainless steel pipe with a slot size of 2mm shall be
used.(source:water drilling technology)

Diameter of the well casing pipe

The common type of casing used for well casing is surface casing of steel material. The size of
casing diameter should be properly choosing since it significantly affects the cost of the
construction. The diameter of the casing is choosing to satisfy three requirements:
 The diameter of the casing must be sufficient to accommodate the required discharge
from the well
 The casing must be large enough for installation and efficient operation of the pump with
enough clearance.

The determination of natural ground water recharge is necessary to check whether the well is
enough to meet the demand or not.
Table3.2: Recommended well diameters for various yields
Anticipated well Nominal size of pump Size of well Casing
yield, l/min bowl, cm
Minimum, cm Optimum, cm
400 10 12.5 15
400-600 12.5 15 20
600-1400 15 20 25
1400-2200 20 25 30
2200-3000 25 30 35
3000-4500 30 35 40
4500-6000 35 40 50
6000-10000 40 50 60

Source: (Pamegam, 1983)

The required yield of water to the town is 1200l/min which is in the range between (600-1400)
l/min. Therefore, the size of well casing diameter is 25cm from the above table

Borehole diameter

To facilitate the lowering of the casing pipe the diameter of the borehole has to be at least 5cm
bigger in diameter than the casing.

Borehole diameter = casing diameter + (5 to 15)cm

= (25 + 15)cm
= 40cm
In a water supply system, it is necessary to inject external energy in to the system and almost all
pumps increase the pressure energy of the liquid which is subsequently converted in to potential
energy as the liquid is lifted from a lower level to a higher level compensate for the inherent
friction loss associated with the pumping network and lift the water from lower to higher level.
For proper selection of pump, it is necessary, to brave certain essential data on the pump
installation .The information selection of pump should include: number of pump units required,
nature of liquid to be pumped, capacity of pump, suction conditions, discharge conditions, total
head, position of pump (i.e. horizontal or vertical), intermittent or continuous service etc.

In our case that is for Hawassa water supply system pumping is required to pump the raw water
to balancing reservoir then go to consumer by gravity. Among the different types of pumps
centrifugal pump (submersible pump) is selected forHawassawater supply system due to the
above mentioned factors.

4.1 Determination of Collecting Chamber Capacity

The collection system mainly depends on the topographical and hydrological features of the area,
the location and area to be served. From all boreholes water is collected to the main collecting
and it will be pumped to the service reservoir, water assumed to be detained for some time in the
collection chamber. The detention time in the collection chamber directly affects the size of the
reservoir i.e., the larger the detention time is the larger volume the reservoir has. Thus, it is
considered that there will be retained for 20 to 30 minutes.

Collection chamber for phase -I

Water deficit for phase -I is:

Water demand in phase-I – existing water = 349 L/sec- 237.2L/se = 111.8L/se

Case1 taking the discharge of = 111.8/sec, for the detention time of 30 minutes or 1800sec

Capacity of the chamber =𝑄 ∗ 𝑇 = 111.8/sec ∗ 1800 = 201240𝐿 𝑂𝑅 201.24𝑚3 𝑠𝑎𝑦 205𝑚3 .

Case 2 taking the discharge of = 111.8L/sec for the detention time of 20 minutes

Capacity of collection chamber =111.8 ∗ 1200𝑠𝑒𝑐 = 134160 𝐿 = 134.160𝐿𝑚3 𝑠𝑎𝑦 135𝑚3

From the above capacity of collection chamber it’s better to construct 170𝑚3 to ensure good
detention time.

Adopt rectangular shape of collection chamber and let take depth of collection chamber
including free board as D = 4m

Let say the ratio of Length to width is 2:1 i.e. L = 2W

𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 170𝑚3
Area 𝐴 = = = 42.5𝑚2
𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑡ℎ 4𝑚

𝐴 42.5
𝐴 = 𝑙 ∗ 𝑤 = 2𝑤 ∗ 𝑤 = 2𝑤 2 = 𝑊 = √ = √ = 4.61𝑚 𝑠𝑎𝑦 4.6𝑚
2 2

For phase-II

Water deficit for phase -II is = Demand in phase-II – Existing = 519.8L/se- 111.8L/se = 408L/se

Capacity of the collection chamber 408𝐿/sec ∗ 1800𝑠𝑒𝑐 = 734400𝐿 = 734.44𝑠𝑎𝑦 735𝑚3

Therefore, it’s considered that for existing water source there is collection chamber, which will
function till the end of our design period .so therefore its required to design for only deficit part
or for the unsatisfied demand part for both phases.


The same as phase-I, Adopt rectangular shape of collection chamber and let take depth collection
chamber including free board D = 5m

Let say the ratio of Length to width is 2:1 i.e. L = 2W

𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 735𝑚3
Area 𝐴 = = = 147𝑚2
𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑡ℎ 5𝑚

𝐴 = 𝑙 ∗ 𝑤 = 2𝑤 ∗ 𝑤 = 2𝑤 2 =

𝐴 147
𝑊=√ = √ = 8.56𝑚 𝑠𝑎𝑦 8.6𝑚
2 2

𝐿 = 2𝑊 = 2 ∗ 8.6 = 17.2𝑚
Design of Raising Main

Size of the pipe is determined by considering the discharge through the pipe and permissible
velocity of the flow in the pipe.

Diameter of suction pipe for phase-1

Velocity in suction pipe, permissible velocity of 0.6 – 1.5 m/s assumed v = 1.5 m/s for our

Qdesign = 20 l/sec for single tube well

D 2
Q =AV, A=

4∗𝑄 4∗20∗10−3
D=√𝜋∗𝑉 = √ = 0.195490564𝑚 = 195.5𝑚𝑚 but pipe size is not available in market

so, take D=200mm

Check velocity

 * D 2 *V
Q = AV  0.02m3 /sec =

20 ∗ 10−3
𝑉= 𝜋∗(0.2)2
= 0.637𝑚/𝑠

This lies between the ranges of permissible velocity (0.6-1.5).

For pumping a particular fixed discharge of water, it can be pumped through bigger diameter
pipe at low velocity or through lesser diameter pipe at a very high velocity.

For obtaining the optimum conditions, it is almost necessary to design the diameter of pumping
main, which will be over all most economical in initial cost as well as maintenance cost for
pumping the required quantity of water. The following formula given by Lea is commonly uses
in determining the diameter of pumping main.

D = 0.97 to 1.22√𝑄 Where; D- Economical diameter of pipe ( m)

Q -Discharge of water to be pump (in m3/s)

D = 0.97√𝑄
D = 0.97√0.02=0.137m =137.2mm=150mm

D = 1.22√𝑄

D = 1.22√0.02=0.1725m =172.3=200mm

Therefore, the economical size of the rising main will be 110 mm to 172 mm.Take D = 200mm
standard market.

Check for velocity


V=0.02m3 *4/ (3.14*0.22)=0.64m/ s

Therefore, the velocity is ok since it is within the allowable limit i.e. 0.6 to 1.5m/s.

Transmission Main Line

Design of transmission line (from collection chamber to reservoir) for Phase-I

The transmission lines are designed to convey the borehole yield to attain average demand of the
town. The selection of pipe material depend on pressure carrying capacity, the nature of the
ground in which the pipe are to be laid and the cost of the pipe.

The size of transmission pipe line will be determined as follows,

The following formula given by Lea is commonly used in determining the diameter of the
pumping mains.

D = 0.97 to 1.22 Q

Where D = Economical diameter of pipe in meters

Q = Required discharge of water to be pumped in m3/sec.

And this formula gives optimum velocity of water flow between 0.6 to 1.5 m/sec.

(Source: Water supply and sanitary Eng’g By. G.S. Birtie)

The total yield from each bore is = 20 ∗ 6 = 120 𝑙/𝑠𝑒𝑐, this quantity of of discharge is collected
in in the collection chamber therefore the size of transmission main= 1.22√120 ∗ 10^ − 3 =
0.4226𝑚 = 450𝑚𝑚
𝜋𝐷2 𝜋∗0.452
𝑄 = 𝐴𝑉, 𝐴 = ,𝑉 = = 0.75𝑚/𝑠𝑒𝑐
4 4

4.2 Pumping design parameters

Capacity: The capacity of a pump is the volume of liquid pumped per unit of time, which is
usually measured in liter per second or cubic meters per second.

Head: In a pump system, the head refers to both pump system having one or more pumps and
corresponding piping system. The head against which the pump must work when water is being
pumped is called total dynamic head.

Efficiency: The pump should be selected to operate near its peak efficiency point. In typical
water supply applications, pumps operate over a bond of head conditions. Therefore, they cannot
operate at their peak efforts all the time.

Pumping power: In order to calculate pumping power first it is necessary to calculate total head.

Total Dynamic Head (TDH): HST + HL + HV Where HST-Total Static Head or lift

HL-Total head loss

HV-Velocity Head

Total Static Head =Elevation of service reservoir-Elevation of borehole

𝑓𝑙𝑣 2
𝐻𝑓 = = 𝑋, V=0.75𝑚/𝑠, 𝐷 = 450𝑚𝑚,

Length of pipe from pumping station to reservoir is=2025.82m

The elevation of reservoir 1773m, elevation of source 1697m

𝒇 = 0.02

0.02 ∗ 2025.82 ∗ 0.752

𝐻𝑓 = = 2.5813m
2 ∗ 9.81 ∗ 0.45

For phase-I

𝑣2 0.752
Entry loss ℎ𝑒 = 4𝑔 = =0.0143m

Head loss due to valve, bends and constriction of pipe

ℎ𝑙 = 𝑘𝑣 2 /2𝑔 ,0.5 ∗ 0.752 /2𝑔 =0.0143m

K=0.5 for circular pipe

Head loss due to velocity in pipe,𝐻𝑉 = 𝑣 2 /2𝑔 = =0.029m

Total head loss= 2.58 + 0.0143 + 0.0143 + 0.029 = 2.637𝑚

Total static head is the elevation difference between the reservoir and the pumping source.

Total static head=1773-1697=76m

Total dynamic head=76+2.637=78.637m

Pump Power Requirement

This will depend on the head against which the pumping is to be done. Also it will depend on the
energy losses due to friction, flow through valves, and fittings, rate of pumping etc. if the total
head against pumping is to be done is H (including all losses) the rate of flow is Q and the
efficiency of pumps and driving motors can be taken as 80 % and 90% respectively. The pump
power can be calculated by using the empherical formula as:

This done for each borehole pump and sample calculation for one borehole is as follows:-

𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟(𝑃) = 𝛾 ∗ 𝑄 ∗ 𝐻 = 0.02 ∗ 9.81 ∗ 78.64 = 15.43𝑘𝑤

𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 15.43𝑘𝑤
𝑊𝐻𝑃 = = = 20.57𝐻𝑃For each borehole.
0.75 0.75

𝑊𝐻𝑃 20.57𝐻𝑃
𝐵𝐻𝑃 = = = 28.57ℎ𝑝
𝐸𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 0.8 ∗ 0.9

The water horse power required for phase-I

0.02 ∗ 1000 ∗ 78.637

𝑤ℎ𝑝 = = 20.97𝐻𝑃

This amount of HP is required the amount of water to lift from the six bore holes collected from
collection chamber to the reservoir. For each individual borehole pump we need 20.97HP.
𝑊𝐻𝑃 20.97
BHP= 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 = 0.8∗0.9 = 29.12HP,

For each borehole the BHP=29.12 hp, for phase -I

For phase-II

Design of transmission main for phase-II

The total discharge from each borehole for phase II= 9 ∗ 20 = 180l/sec

𝐷 = 1.22√180 ∗ 10^ − 3 = 0.517𝑚 = 517.6 = 525𝑚𝑚

𝜋𝐷 𝜋∗0.5252
𝑄 = 𝐴𝑉, 𝐴 = ,𝑉 = = 0.83𝑚/𝑠
4 4

Total Dynamic Head (TDH): HST + HL + HV Where HST-Total Static Head or lift

HL-Total head loss

HV-Velocity Head

Total Static Head =Elevation of service reservoir-Elevation of borehole

𝑓𝑙𝑣 2
𝐻𝑓 = = 𝑿 , V=0.83𝑚/𝑠, D = 525mm

Length of pipe from pumping station to reservoir is=2360.35m

The elevation of reservoir 1770m, elevation of source 1694m

𝑓 = 0.02

0.02 ∗ 2360.35 ∗ 0.832

𝐻𝑓 = = 3.16m
2 ∗ 9.81 ∗ 0.525
v2 0.832
Entry loss he = 4g = = 0.0176m

Head loss due to valve, bends and constriction of pipe

hl = kv 2 /2g ,0.5 ∗ = 0.0176m

K=0.5 for circular pipe

Head loss due to velocity in pipe,HV = v 2 /2g = = 0.0351m

Total head loss= 3.16𝒎 + 0.0176𝑚 + 0.0176𝑚 + 0.0351𝑚 = 3.23𝑚

Total static head is the elevation difference between the reservoir and the pumping source.
Total Dynamic Head (TDH): HST + HL + HV

Total static head=1770-1694 =76m

Total dynamic head=76+3.2=79.23m

This done for each borehole pump and sample calculation for one borehole is as follows:-

Power (p) = Q ∗ γ ∗ H = 0.02 ∗ 9.81 ∗ 79.23 = 15.5449kw

p 15.5449kw
whp = = = 20.72HP
0.75 0.75
WHP 20.72HP
BHP = = = 28.78hp
Efficiency 0.8 ∗ 0.9

The total water Power and horse power required for nine (9) boreholes in phase-IIis calculated as

Power (p) = Q ∗ γ ∗ H = 0.18 ∗ 9.81 ∗ 79.23 = 139.9043kw

𝑝 139.9043kw
𝑤ℎ𝑝 = = = 186.54𝐻𝑃
0.75 0.75
𝑊𝐻𝑃 186.54𝐻𝑃
𝐵𝐻𝑃 = = = 259.08𝐻𝑝
𝐸𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 0.8 ∗ 0.9

This amount of HP is required the amount of water to lift from the ninebore holes collected in
collection chamber to the reservoir. For each individual borehole pump we need 186.54HP.

For each borehole the BHP=28.78HP, for phase -II


5.1 General

Absolutely pure water is not found in nature. The water found in nature contains a number of
impurities in varying amounts. Therefore, removing these impurities up to certain extent so that
it may not be harmful to the public health is necessary, the process of removing the impurities is
called water treatment and the treated water is called pure water.

The primary goal of water treatment is to ensure that the water is safe to drink and does not
contain any disease-causing microorganisms. The most objectionable and harmful constituent of
water is pathogenic bacteria. An excess number of harmless bacteria are also not desirable in
potable water. Therefore, disinfection or killing of bacteria is required for treating of ground

Methods can do the disinfection of water are boiling of water, ultra–violate rays, Iodine and
Bromine, Ozone (O3), Excess lime, Potassium permanganate [KMnO4] and Chlorine. The most
common method of disinfection is the use of chlorine i.e. chlorination.

6.1 General

Service reservoir requires storing the treated water for supplying water to the users. The reservoir
balances the hourly fluctuation in the water demand. To store and supply purified water and to
treat the residual effluents, well build structures are required.

Reservoir is constructing to serve the following functions.

 To balance the fluctuating demand from the distribution system

 It reduces the necessary capacity of high rate pumping equipment’s.

 To give suitable pressure for the distribution system and reduce pressure fluctuations

6.2 Types of service reservoir

Based on support

Surface reservoir (resting on ground): these reservoirs are constructed on the earth by excavating
to the required depth below the ground surface and are constructed when there is sufficient high
ground above the distribution is available.

Elevated reservoir: when sufficient high ground above the distribution is not available for the
construction of ground reservoirs from where water can flow under gravitational force in the
distribution system, elevated reservoirs are constructed.

In this project surface reservoir is selected for the following reasons;

 There is sufficient high ground above the distribution

 Surface reservoirs are advantageous over the elevated reservoirs because;

- Surface reservoirs are economical than elevated reservoirs

- Design is simple as compared to elevated tank

Based on geometry

 Circular

 Rectangular
In this project circular reservoir is adopted due to the following advantages

 It is geometrically the most economical

 It needs more extensive design; it gives the least amount of walling for a given depth
 The water pressure is evenly distributed throughout the wall

Site of distribution reservoir

Generally distribution reservoirs are located near the central portion of the distribution area. It is
always better to construct them on high ground of city or town at such place where it can be
constructed economically and also by considering the elevation of the highest building to be

The location of the proposed reservoir site selected to full the gravity distribution system because
it reduces the cost of pumping and also to enable a good flow to be maintained to those top most

Depth of services reservoir

There is an economical depth of service reservoir for any given site. For a given quantity of
water either a shallow reservoir having long wells and a large floor area may be constructed.
ADeep reservoir may be constructed with high retaining walls and a smaller floor area. Depths
most usually used are as follows.

Depths of service reservoir

Size (m3) Depth of Water (m)

Up to 3500 2.5-3.5
3500-15000 3.5-5
Over 15000 5-7

6.3 Position and Accessories of Service Reservoirs

6.3.1 Accessories of Service Reservoirs

The service reservoir is to be provided with inlet pipe, ladder, man holes, outlet pipe, out flow
pipe, vent pipe,and wash out pipe level to base slab, water level indicator.
6.3.2 Position of Service Reservoir

Point which should be considered where locating service reservoir:

 It should be not far from the town soas to command the maximum are all round.
 It should be located at high elevations, so as to mention adequate pressure in the
distribution system.

Determination of Storage Capacity

The major components of service reservoir are;

 Equalize operating storage

 Fire reserve

 Emergency reserve

Reservoir capacity is determined on the following basis:

Computation of storage capacity of a reservoir can be obtained from one of the following

a. Analytical method

b. Mass curve technique

Let as do by analytical method

The analysis of storage capacity can be calculated as follows.

i. Phase I (2030– 2040)

a) By Analytical method

 Total day demand of the town = 9659.52m3/day = 9659.52 /24hr = 402.48m3/hr

 Total demand of the town in liters per day = 9659520 lit/day
 Assume Pumping hours = 16 hr as stated in table below.
 Hourly supply = hourly demand of the town/pumping hour
 Hourly supply = 9659.52m3/16 hr = 603.72m3/hr
Table6.1: Determination of reservoir capacity using analytical method for phase-I
% of % of Cu.
Demand demand
Period Variation variation Cu.Demand Constant Cu.Supply
(hourly) in hourly in hourly in hourly Supply in hourly Surplus Deficiency
1 0.16 0.16 64.3968 603.72 603.72 539.3232
2 0.16 0.32 128.7936 603.72 1207.44 1078.646
3 0.16 0.48 193.1904 603.72 1811.16 1617.97
4 0.16 0.64 257.5872 603.72 2414.88 2157.293
5 0.7 1.34 539.3232 0 2414.88 1875.557
6 0.7 2.04 821.0592 0 2414.88 1593.821
7 0.7 2.74 1102.795 603.72 3018.6 1915.805
8 0.7 3.44 1384.531 603.72 3622.32 2237.789
9 1.9 5.34 2149.243 603.72 4226.04 2076.797
10 1.9 7.24 2913.955 603.72 4829.76 1915.805
11 1.9 9.14 3678.667 0 4829.76 1151.093
12 1.9 11.04 4443.379 0 4829.76 386.3808
13 0.88 11.92 4797.562 603.72 5433.48 635.9184
14 0.88 12.8 5151.744 603.72 6037.2 885.456
15 0.88 13.68 5505.926 603.72 6640.92 1134.994
16 0.88 14.56 5860.109 603.72 7244.64 1384.531
17 1.66 16.22 6528.226 0 7244.64 716.4144
18 1.66 17.88 7196.342 0 7244.64 48.2976
19 1.66 19.54 7864.459 603.72 7848.36 -16.0992
20 1.66 21.2 8532.576 603.72 8452.08 -80.496
21 0.7 21.9 8814.312 603.72 9055.8 241.488
22 0.7 22.6 9096.048 0 9055.8 -40.248
23 0.7 23.3 9377.784 0 9055.8 -321.984
24 0.7 24 9659.52 603.72 9659.52 0 0

Thus the reservoir capacity for phase- I from the above table will be

Maximum value of excess supply =2237.789m3

Maximum value of deficiency supply =321.984

Capacity of reservoir = 2237.789m3m3+321.984= 2559.773

For fire requirement (10%) = 2559.773*0.1= 255.9773

Emergency reserve (25%) = 2559.773*0.25=639.9432

Accounting 5% for miscellaneous losses =2559.773*0.05 = 127.9886

Total capacity of Reservoir (V) =2559.773+255.9773+639.9432+127.9886=3583.68m3= 3585m3

Depth (3m) assume circular (phase1)

v 3585m3
Then area = = = 1195m2
depth 3m

Then the diameter ,D = √4 ∗
= √4 ∗ 1195m2 /3.14 = m

Since its large enough we can provide 2 service reservoirs

Volume of each reservoir = =1792.5m3

v 1792.5m3
Then area = = =597.5m2
depth 3m

Then the diameterA = πd2 /4 =597.5m2

D = √4 ∗ = √4 ∗ 597.5m2 /3.14 = 27.58m = 28m

Phase- II

Total day demand of the town = 14757.12m3/day = 9659.52 /24hr = 614.88m3/hr.

Total demand of the town in liters per day = 14757120 lit/day

 Assume Pumping hours = 16 hr as stated in table below.

Hourly supply = hourly demand of the town/pumping hour

Hourly supply = 14757.12m3/16 hr. = 922.32m3/hr.

Table6..2: Determination of reservoir capacity using analytical method for phase-II
% of
% of Cumulative
Period Demand Demand Cumulative Constant Cumulative
(hourly) Variation Variation Demand in Supply(pumping) Supply in
in hourly in hourly hourly in hourly hourly Surplus Deficiency
1 0.16 0.16 98.3808 922.32 922.32 823.9392
2 0.16 0.32 196.7616 922.32 1844.64 1647.878
3 0.16 0.48 295.1424 922.32 2766.96 2471.818
4 0.16 0.64 393.5232 922.32 3689.28 3295.757
5 0.7 1.34 823.9392 0 3689.28 2865.341
6 0.7 2.04 1254.355 0 3689.28 2434.925
7 0.7 2.74 1684.771 922.32 4611.6 2926.829
8 0.7 3.44 2115.187 922.32 5533.92 3418.733
9 1.9 5.34 3283.459 922.32 6456.24 3172.781
10 1.9 7.24 4451.731 0 6456.24 2004.509
11 1.9 9.14 5620.003 0 6456.24 836.2368
12 1.9 11.04 6788.275 922.32 7378.56 590.2848
13 0.88 11.92 7329.37 922.32 8300.88 971.5104
14 0.88 12.8 7870.464 922.32 9223.2 1352.736
15 0.88 13.68 8411.558 0 9223.2 811.6416
16 0.88 14.56 8952.653 0 9223.2 270.5472
17 1.66 16.22 9973.354 922.32 10145.52 172.1664
18 1.66 17.88 10994.05 922.32 11067.84 73.7856
19 1.66 19.54 12014.76 922.32 11990.16 -24.5952
20 1.66 21.2 13035.46 922.32 12912.48 -122.976
21 0.7 21.9 13465.87 0 12912.48 -553.392
22 0.7 22.6 13896.29 0 12912.48 -983.808
23 0.7 23.3 14326.7 922.32 13834.8 -491.904
24 0.7 24 14757.12 922.32 14757.12 0 0

Thus the reservoir capacity for phase- II from the above table will be

Maximum value of excess supply =3418.733m3

Maximum value of deficiency supply =983.808m3

Capacity of reservoir = 3418.733m3+983.808m3= 4402.541m3

For fire requirement (10%) = 4402.541m3*0.1= 440.2541m3

Emergency reserve (25%) = 4402.541m3*0.25= 1100.635

Accounting 5% for miscellaneous losses =4402.541m3*0.05 = 220.127

Total capacity of Reservoir (V) =4402.541m3+440.2541m3+1100.635+220.127= 6163.557m3=


Depth (3m) assume circular (phase2)

Volume= 6165m3

Let us provide 2reservoirs

Volume per each reservoir= =3081.779m3

𝑣 3081.779m3
Then area = 𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑡ℎ = 3𝑚
= 1027.26m2

𝜋𝐷 2
Then the diameter𝐴 = = 1027.26m2

𝐷 = √4 ∗ = √4 ∗ 1027.26m2/3.14 = 36.2𝑚 = 36𝑚

D = 36 m, same for each reservoirs.


7.1 General

The main objectives of a distribution system are:

 To convey the treated water to the consumers with the same degree of purity.

 To deliver sufficient quantity of water for domestic, industrial and for emergency cases
like firefighting.

 To deliver water to the consumers with the required rate of flow & pressure head.

Depending up on the level of source and topography of area the water may be forced in to
distribution system by the following ways;

 Gravity system
 Pumping system
 Combined gravity and pumping system

For Hawassa town the adopted system is combined gravity and pumping system i.e. Water will
be supplied /pumped/from borehole to reservoir and the water should be stored then distribute to
the consumer by gravity system.

7.1.1 Lay out of Distribution System

Generally, in practice there are four different systems of distribution which are used.

These are dead end or tree system, grid iron system, ring or circular system, radial system. From
these network layout systems for Hawassa town we adopt grid system.

7.1.2 Selection of Pipe Material

For Hawassa water supply project PVC pipes are selected for the most part of distribution

system. Due to it’s:

 flexibility

 Low cost,

 light weight,

 Easy to transportation & handling

And from borehole to service reservoir GIP.

7.1.3 Analysis of Nodal Demand

Nodal demand distributed to the nodes are estimated the following main point of views.

 From land use plans the spatial distribution of the existing and proposed
Infrastructures are identified.

 The demand area ratio for each category is computed by multiplying the area at each
node with the demand area ratio.

7.2 Computer Analysis of Distribution System

It is necessary to analyze pipe networks of a given distribution system in order to determine the
pressure and flow availability in any section of the system and to suggest ways to improve up on
the same if found in adequate.

 The simulation of the distribution system has been controlled by “WATER CAD”
computer aided software
 Hazen William’s formula is used for computation program.

 It was carried out for extended period analysis by taking in to consideration the hourly
demand fluctuation pattern on average and maximum day. The analysis began by
feeding assumed diameters of the pipe, pipe length; and the pressure, velocity and
head loss are checked for peak & average flow. The results of this analysis are shown
in the annex.

8.1 Conclusion
According to the feasibility study report of Hawassa town, the existing water supply system is
not adequate with the demand of fast growing population of the town. This implies that the need
for improvement of the existing water supply system.
Design period is fixed for 22 years from 2018 to 2040 to meet the present and future demand of
the town. Central statistical Agency is used for population forecasting and reached 500000 at the
end of design period. The required demand of water for this population is519.8 l/s.
To identify the new potential source of water for the town water supply, the surface water and
ground water have been analyzed to know the best economically feasible source and which fulfill
the selection criteria. Based on the analysis the ground water (deep well) source is feasible and
reasonable to be a source of water supply system for the town. Appropriate pipe material for the
distribution network is selected considering cost of pipe, durability, and availability, design serve
in the distribution system, corrosion resistivity and traffic load. The distribution network is
generally analyzed using Water CAD computer software.
8.2 Recommendation
Since the population of Hawassa town is increasing rapidly, it is recommended that water supply
project should be constructed for the population living in the town and surrounding the town at
the end of the design period 2040.To avoid interruption of water flow during power failure, it is
recommended to have standby diesel generator. Due to lack of topographical map, we are facing
a problem of getting the exact elevation of the bore holes. Treatment of water is not needed
except chlorination. It is injected as frequent intervals inside the reservoir is recommended,”
because, the quality of raw water fulfills the requirements of potable water by WHO.
9 References
BUREAU, S. N. (2002). Feasibility Study And Design Report. HAWASSA.


Driiscoll, F. (n.d.). Ground water and well,.

Fletcher G.Driscoll)Ground water and wells 2nd edition). (n.d.).

Pamegam, R. (1983). Ground Water Hydrology. Madras: Dhakuakhana Assembly.

PANCHDHARI, A. (2005). Water Supply &Environmental Engineering. India: New Age


Water Drilling Technology, b. M. (n.d.).


AC………………….Asbestos cement
ADD………….. …....Average Day Demand
BH ………………….Bore Hole
CSA…………………Central Static Authority
DCI…………………Ductile Cast Iron
DL………………….Dead Load
EEPCo………….….Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation
EIA…………………Environnemental Impact Amassement
EIS…………………Environmental Impact Solutions
FS…………………..Feasibility Study
FUPI ………………Federal Urban Planning Institute
GS …………………Galvanized Steel
HC……………….…House Connection
HDMWR…................Hydrology Department of Ministry Of Water Resource
IREP………………...Immediate Rehabilitation and Expansion Program
L/C/D ……………….Liter Per Capital Per Day
LL……………………Live Load
m.a.s.l………………..Mean Above Sea Level
MDD…………………Maximum Day Demand
MHF………………….Maximum Hour Factors
MoWRIE ……………….Ministry of Water Irrigation and Electricity
NDD ………………….Non Domestic Demand
PF …………………….Public Fountain
PHD…………………..Peak Hour Demand
PHF…………… ……..Peak Hour Factor
PVC…………………..Polyvinyl Chloride
SWL …………………Static Water Level
WHO………………… World health organization
First of all, praises, glory, honor to be to the almighty GOD who aids us gave strength to reach
the completion of this project.
We would like express our sincere appreciation to Dr Beshah Moges for giving this project, their
precious time to share knowledge, experience and information about water supply and for
supporting and valuable advising during the course of the project and for their support by
providing necessary material that helps us to safe completion of project.
We would like to give the highest credit to Instructor Zemed Menberu (Msc) for highly
appreciable & golden advice, for sharing valuable ideas, gives us the necessary data,
information, comment and available references.

For the last, but not the least deep gratitude to our friends and other who have helped us some
information during this work.



1. WUDNESH ZEWUGA……………………………………………………………………..……PRAMIT/340/11
2. KIDE YHDEGO…………………………….….…………………………………………………… PRAMIT/185/11
3. ZEWUDE WONDIMU …………….……….……………………………………………………PRAMIT/363/11
4. HULUBEJU MOLLA………………………………………………………………..….…………PRAMIT/177/11
5. YENIEALEM DESWOY……………………………………………………………………………PRAMIT/346/11
6. LELISA GIBISA…………………………………………………………………………………..……PRAMIT/192/11
7. ILYAAS ABIB…………………………………………………………………………………..……PRAMIT/178/11


Submission date:07/05/2019E.C

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