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( October 24, 2019)

I. Objectives
At the end of an interactive discussion, pupils are expected to:
A. Identify the singular and plural form of nouns;
B. Value the importance of knowing how to form the plural of noun; and
C. Write the plural forms of nouns.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Forming the Plural of Nouns
b. References: English 6 CG, TG Unit 2 Week 6
c. Materials: pictures, chart, diorama, word strips, scotch tape, laptop, tv and speaker.

III. Lesson Proper

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
I. Engagement (Preliminary Activities)
a. Prayer
“Everybody stand and let us feel the (The pupils will stand and pray.)
presence of the Lord.” ( AVP)
b. Greetings
“Good Morning Class” “Good Morning, Ma’am!”
“ English Time!” “ Pupils will sing their English song”

c. Checking of Attendance (The pupils will dance.)

“Let’s find out how many are present
today.” (The leader will report the attendance of
d. Class Agreement :As we go on to our the members of the group)
formal and very interesting discussion I
want you to know first that we have an
agreements that should be followed:
1. Sit properly
2. Listen and participate to the
3. Raise your right hand if you want to
Ask question and clarification. “ Yes Ma’am”

E. Review
 Pass the ball
The teacher will ask the pupils to pass the ball Pupils will pass the ball
while playing the music, if the music stops, the
pupils who’s holding the ball will answer the review
1. What are nouns? Nouns are words that name a person, a
place, or a thing.
2. Some nouns are concrete nouns. What Concrete nouns are nouns that can be
are the concrete nouns? Emmabelle? seen and touched

3. There are also nouns known as abstract

Abstract nouns are nouns that
nouns. What is the abstract noun? name concept and ideas.

F. Motivation:
Arrange the jumbled letters to form a
Pupils will arrange the jumbled letters

G. Development of the lesson

The teacher will ask the pupils to go in
front and choose the word posted on the
board that matches the words in the
motivation part.
Leaf, child, bacterium, tooth, woman Pupils will proceed in front

H. Discussion:

Nouns form their plural in different ways.

 1.Regular nouns form their plural by adding
s or es.
book – books
hospital – hospitals
boy – boys
animal - animals
Irregular nouns form their plural in different
 2.Nouns ending in s, sh, ch, x form their
plural by adding es.
e.g. kiss - kisses
dish - dishes
watch - watches
wax - waxes
 3. Nouns ending in y and a consonant
before it form their plural by changing y to i
and adding –es.
sky - skies
baby - babies

 4. Most nouns ending in y and with a vowel

before it form their
plural by adding s.
key - keys
monkey - monkeys
valley - valleys

 5. Nouns ending in f or fe also form their

plural in two ways. Some simply add –s,but
others change the f or fe to v and add es.
belief - beliefs
roof - roofs
wife - wives
 Some nouns form their plural in different
 6. They form their plural by changing the
vowel or vowels within the word.
child - children
mouse - mice
tooth - teeth

 7. Nouns that end in –o form their plural by

adding either –s or –es.
piano - pianos
zoo - zoos
hero - heroes
potato - potatoes

I. ELABORATION ( Application)
A.Guessing Game: 2 groups compose of 10
members will line up. The first pupil will give
either the singular or plural form of the image to
be shown on TV ( Diorama). If the answer is
correct, he/she will proceed at the back. If the
pupil didn’t get the correct answer, she/he’ll
remain in front until she/he gets the correct
answer. The first group to finish will be the
declared winner.
Challenge : If you think the answer is plural
shout hep hep, before you give the correct
form. If you think the answer is singular shout
hooray, before you give the correct form.
Understand? Yes ma’am
a. Bacteria Bacterium
b. Fungus fungi
c. Larva larvae
d. goose geese
e. people person
B. Group Activity
The class will be grouped into 5. Each group
will do the task written on the envelope.
Instructions should be strictly followed.
Group I Fill me ( fill in the missing word to
complete the poem. )
Group II Arrange me ( arrange the puzzle) Each group will perform.
Group III Sing with me ( give 5 titles of a song (yell first)
with nouns whether singular or plural)
Group IV Tell me ( create a story)

C. Generalization
For most nouns we only add what letter to form
their plural?
Yes Lorie?
( Very Good ) We add ‘s’ or ‘es’ ma’am

D. Valuing :
Why we should know how to form the plural of

Direction: In a ¼ sheet of paper copy these nouns
and give the plural forms:
1. Country - countries
2. Life - lives
3. Leaf – leaves
4. Poem - poems
5. Radio - radios
6. Watch - watches
7. Echo - echoes
8. Orange - oranges
9. Goose - geese
10. Roof -roofs

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