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This is our childhood.

Growing up nd spending my childhood days in a mysterious town in the

Philippines gave my friends and I both the luxury of wide open spaces to run around. We can
turn into toys with just a little bit of imagination and a good dose of teamwork. Never mind that
some of us often had to go home with scraped knees and ugly bruises for getting a little too
excited or too pikon (sourpuss) while playing. But anyways, let’s join me to look back to the
most colorful years in our childhood.

Yes, jackstone a common game in the Philippines. Girls love playing this! This games had a
different level and exhibition you need to do. If you failed to do the level or exhibition, you friend
will called you a Baboy or a Pig or they will do pingot in you ears

Do you know that game? I remember almost all of my girl classmates playing "piko" during
recess or break-time, while some of us are busy in playing other traditional games like "agawan
base", "sipa", "teks", "goma" and many others depending what is "in" (uso) that time.

I recall breezy, moonlit nights of fun playing patintero under the light of Third World lamposts
and the moon with my friends. Another variation is on hot, lazy summer afternoons, a few pails
of water on a dusty patch of land, add a few neigborhood kids and you’ve got stiff competition
going on! Patintero is a game of speed, agility, team work and being able to bluff.

We also have chinese garter. is a game popular among girls. In this game, the garter starts at
the very bottom of the floor and the playing team has to cross from one side to another
successfully. I remember always playing this when I was a kid.

Playing pogs. I remember buying this at a sari-sari store for 2 pesos and always losing this
game. We tried playing this a teenager, I still can’t win. But this is a most memorable game of all
because my friend always show me his container with a full of pogs. I’m jealous.

Back in elementary, Melissa and Patrick told me that they always bring rubber band to play
dampa with their friends. They are competitive, that’s why they always win. Some of the
students are wearing a bunch of rubber band in their hand and play dampa after class.

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