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Based on the information in DDB Table 7B, identify which ideal self-concept characteristics are

most versus least associated with

(a) Enjoy shopping for items influenced by other cultures,
(b) Work at trying to maintain a youthful appearance,
(c) I’m an impulse buyer. Explain your answer.
Enjoy shopping for items influenced by other cultures.
Culture is by far the most pervasive of these external influences. In fact, it's challenging to even
define what culture exactly is because of its prevalence in our lives. One definition I can offer is
to consider culture more as a set of individual boundaries or norms. We acquire these boundaries
all through our lives, starting at birth. When we react to any situation in a manner that 'feels
right,' we're within these boundaries and acting in accordance with our culture. Based on the
information in DDB Table 7B. IDEAL SELF-CONCEPT of shopping for influence by other
culture the total % of sample is 20.2
 highest is 26.0 that is Adventurous

o Learn the language
o Prepare for cultural differences
o Be open-minded
o Be patient
o Take time off

Learn the language:

Learning the national language(s) spoken in your adopted country will help you communicate,
and reduce the effects of culture shock and misunderstanding. Being able to communicate with
the locals will minimise the stress of your move.

Prepare for cultural differences:

The more you know about the culture of your host country, the more prepared you will be for a
different way of life, and the easier it will be for you to cope with new ideas and experiences.
Misunderstandings due to cultural differences are a reality but can be reduced through sensitivity
and careful communication.

Be open-minded:

Be open to accepting cultural differences and alternative ways of doing things. The unfamiliar
may be frightening at first but in time you will find yourself taking these once-unfamiliar
situations for granted.

Be patient:

Adapting to a new culture and country takes time. Be patient with yourself and allow yourself to
make mistakes and learn from them as you go along.

Take time off:

It’s natural to long for things to be the way they were in your own country. Taking a break from
all that is unfamiliar helps. When adapting seems difficult, take part in a familiar activity (read a
book, watch a movie or listen to music in your home language). You will find that this will energies
you and help you tackle any challenges that you are facing.

Following our suggestions should help you acclimatize to your new host country and discover a
whole new world of cultural meanings and knowledge. Expatriation is a challenging experience
that can ultimately be rewarding, both personally and professionally.

 lowest is Masculine 15.8.

1. The masculine are always looking for same point.
2. The masculine looks to make big things small and not ready for change.
3. Feelings and emotions slow down due to rigid behavior.
4. The masculine essence doesn’t naturally feel at home in a relationship.

(b) Work at trying to maintain a youthful appearance,

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