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Accepted: 3 February 2018

DOI: 10.1111/jre.12543


Increased systemic levels of inflammatory mediators following

one-stage full-­mouth scaling and root planing

T. Morozumi1  | A. Yashima2 | K. Gomi2 | Y. Ujiie2 | Y. Izumi3 | T. Akizuki3 | 

K. Mizutani3 | H. Takamatsu3 | M. Minabe4,5 | S. Miyauchi4 | T. Yoshino6 | 
M. Tanaka6 | Y. Tanaka6 | T. Hokari1 | H. Yoshie1

Division of Periodontology, Department of
Oral Biological Science, Niigata University Background and Objective: Full-­mouth scaling and root planing (FM-­SRP) acts as a
Graduate School of Medical and Dental potent inflammatory stimulus immediately after treatment; however, systemic
Sciences, Niigata, Japan
­inflammation typically improves in the long term. The contribution of FM-­SRP to
Department of Periodontology, School
of Dental Medicine, Tsurumi University, systemic biological and acute-­phase responses is largely unknown. The purpose of
Yokohama, Japan this prospective intervention study was to assess the systemic and local biological
Department of Periodontology, Graduate
responses after FM-­SRP.
School of Medical and Dental
Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental Material and Methods: Thirty-­one patients with generalized moderate-­to-­severe
University, Tokyo, Japan
chronic periodontitis received 1-­stage FM-­SRP. Measurement of clinical parameters
Bunkyo-Dori Dental Clinic, Chiba, Japan
and body temperature as well as collection of subgingival plaque, peripheral blood
Division of Periodontology, Department
of Oral Interdisciplinary Medicine, School and gingival crevicular fluid was performed before and after treatment 2 or 3 times.
of Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental University, Quantification of periodontopathic bacteria in the sulcus and measurement of cor-
Yokosuka, Japan
responding serum IgG titers were performed. Systemic and local inflammatory mark-
Seikeikai Hospital, Seikeikai Group,
Yokohama, Japan ers such as endotoxin, high-­sensitive C-­reactive protein (hs-­CRP) and 6 inflammatory
cytokines were assessed using high-­sensitivity assays.
Toshiya Morozumi, Division of Results: Compared to baseline values, FM-­SRP resulted in a substantial improvement
Periodontology, Department of Oral
in clinical parameters (P < .05), lower bacterial counts (P < .01) and a significant de-
Biological Science, Niigata University
Graduate School of Medical and Dental crease of IgG titers against Porphyromonas gingivalis (P < .001) 6 weeks after treat-
Sciences, Niigata, Japan.
ment. Comparing baseline parameters to those at 1 day post-­treatment, there was a
statistically significant elevation in body temperature (P = .007). In addition, a 5-­fold
Funding information
This study was supported by research funds increase in hs-­CRP (P < .001), a remarkable increase in interferon-­γ (P < .001) and a
from Pfizer Inc., New York, NY, USA. slight increase in interleukin (IL)-­12p70 (P = .001) were detected in serum samples. In
the gingival crevicular fluid, marked increases in hs-­CRP (P < .001), IL-­5 (P = .001), IL-­
6, IL-­12p70 and tumor necrosis factor-­α (P < .001 for the latter 3 markers) were noted
1 day after treatment. Endotoxin levels were below measurable limits for most time
Conclusions: FM-­SRP resulted in clinical and microbiological improvement 6 weeks
post-­treatment, but produced a moderate systemic acute-­phase response including
elevated inflammatory mediators 1 day post-­treatment.

acute-phase reaction, full-mouth scaling and root planing, inflammatory mediators, serum

T. Morozumi and A. Yashima contributed equally to this work.

J Periodont Res. 2018;1–9.   © 2018 John Wiley & Sons A/S. |  1
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
2       MOROZUMI et al.

1 |  I NTRO D U C TI O N 2 | M ATE R I A L A N D M E TH O DS

2.1 | Subjects
Accumulating evidence suggests that periodontal infection is as-
sociated with an increased risk of a variety of diseases such as This study was a multicenter prospective intervention trial with a 6-­week
atherosclerotic vascular disease and type 2 diabetes.1,2 The basis follow-­up. Thirty-­one patients diagnosed with generalized moderate-­
for this association could be the release of bacterial products and to-­severe chronic periodontitis, according to criteria of the Guidelines
inflammatory mediators from periodontal pockets into the blood- of the American Academy of Periodontology (moderate: 3-­4 mm clini-
stream, resulting in low-­grade systemic inflammation and con- cal attachment loss, severe: ≥5 mm loss, generalized: >30% of sites af-
tributing to the development of these systemic diseases. 3 Serum fected),17 were recruited from 5 facilities (3 university hospitals and 2
high sensitivity C-­reactive protein (hs-­CRP) and interleukin (IL)-­6 clinics) in Japan, between June 2012 and August 2015. The protocol
are known as important markers of systemic inflammation. 3-5 was approved by the Institutional Review Board of each participating
Proinflammatory (eg, tumor necrosis factor-­α [TNF-­α], interferon institution, and was registered within a clinical trials database (UMIN-­
[IFN-­γ] and IL-­12) markers have been also identified in serum or CTR, No. UMIN000008411). Informed written consent was obtained
gingival crevicular fluid because of cellular responses around peri- from each subject before participation in the study. All individuals were
odontal tissues. 6,7 ≥30 years of age, systemically healthy, non-­smokers and possessed at
Scaling and root planing (SRP) is an essential procedure for least 20 teeth. Subjects with the following conditions were excluded:
treating periodontitis, and is frequently performed during the ini- congenital valve defects or any other situation that increases the risk
tial phase of periodontal treatment to remove its etiologic agents. for infectious endocarditis, low levels of hematocrit and/or hemoglobin,
Full-­mouth SRP (FM-­SRP) is known as a current alternative mechan- high risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and patients who had
ical treatment option for generalized chronic periodontitis.8,9 This taken systemic antibiotics, anti-­inflammatory drugs or immunosuppres-
treatment, which does not involve the adjunct use of antiseptics or sive drugs within 3 months of enrollment. Subjects, who had received
antimicrobial agents, is performed within 24 hours, and can miti- periodontal treatment within the previous 6 months, regularly used an
gate bacterial reinfection from untreated periodontal pockets to the oral irrigation device and/or mouth rinse, and had an incompatible den-
treated sites.10,11 In addition, the use of this procedure could reduce tition such as orthodontic bands, partial dentures or teeth unsuitable for
the treatment period, sessions and cost.8,9 extensive ultrasonic scaling, were also excluded.
Although SRP improves systemic inflammation in the long term,
intense non-­surgical periodontal therapy including FM-­SRP acts as
2.2 | Clinical protocol
a potent inflammatory stimulus immediately after treatment, and in-
duces an acute inflammatory response.12,13 Recently, Graziani et al14 The study flowchart is shown in Figure 1. For greater than 1 month
reported that FM-­SRP results in a strong systemic acute-­phase re- before the study, all subjects received standard oral hygiene instruc-
sponse that includes CRP and IL-­6 , after 24 hours in patients with tions over the course of several visits, full-­mouth supragingival scal-
periodontitis. It is thus a concern that the marked systemic spread ing and achieved effective individual plaque control, and specifically,
of inflammatory mediators from periodontal pockets and tissues a plaque control record <20%.18 For baseline parameters, sample
following FM-­SRP might cause transient hypercytokinemia. collection including peripheral blood, gingival crevicular fluid and
Most previous studies in this field have mainly focused on the subgingival plaque, in addition to periodontal examination was per-
clinical and microbiological effects of FM-­SRP;11,15,16 knowledge of formed. After 1 week, 1-­stage FM-­SRP was performed using both
the contribution of FM-­SRP to the systemic biological response is hand and ultrasonic instrumentation with fine tips under local anes-
limited. In addition, little information is available regarding the sys- thesia with 2% lidocaine (plus 1:80 000 epinephrine) in a single visit,
temic acute-­phase response including fever and the production of and was completed within ~2 hours. The second set of peripheral
inflammatory mediators after FM-­SRP.12,14 Furthermore, as far as we blood and gingival crevicular fluid samples was taken 1 day after
are aware, no study has concurrently evaluated changes in serum treatment. Subsequently, all sampling and periodontal examinations
and gingival crevicular fluid inflammatory markers. In summary, the were performed 6 weeks after FM-­SRP. Body temperature in the
systemic influence of FM-­SRP has not been fully elucidated, and morning was measured 3 times: before 3 days, on the day of the pro-
thus is worth investigating. cedure, and 1 day after FM-­SRP. Patients used a digital thermometer
Considering all these aspects, one might hypothesize that (Omron Electronic Thermometer MC-­674, OMRON HEALTHCARE
the systemic acute-­p hase response including elevated inflamma- Co., Ltd., Kyoto, Japan) according to the manufacturer’s instructions
tory mediators and body temperature might occur following FM-­ and recorded the temperature on a chart.
SRP. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects
of FM-­S RP on clinical and microbiological markers, systemic and
2.3 | Clinical assessment
local levels of CRP, and inflammatory cytokines in patients with
generalized chronic periodontitis, in addition to clarifying the sys- The following clinical parameters were recorded based on periodon-
temic influence of FM-­S RP on acute-­p hase responses following tal examination: plaque index (PlI),19 gingival index (GI), 20 bleeding
treatment. on probing (BOP), 21 probing depth22 and clinical attachment level. 23
MOROZUMI et al. |

PlI and GI were recorded at 4 sites per tooth (mesial, buccal, dis- 30 seconds. This gingival crevicular fluid sampling was consecutively
tal and lingual). BOP, probing depth and clinical attachment level repeated 4 times. Gingival crevicular fluid samples were placed in
were recorded at 6 sites per tooth (mesiobuccal, buccal, distobuccal, tubes with transport medium containing 200 μL of phosphate-­
mesiolingual, lingual and distolingual). Rate of bone resorption was buffered saline without calcium chloride or magnesium chloride,
calculated based on the alveolar bone-­defect depth measured using supplemented with 0.5% bovine serum albumin. After shaking for
dental X-­ray radiographs. These data were used for the diagnosis of 15 minutes, the eluates were centrifuged for 10 minutes at 12 000 g
periodontitis and secondary endpoint. The calibration of 5 examin- to remove plaque and cellular elements and the strips were re-
ers who are periodontists, was carried out using 2 different types moved. The samples were frozen at −80°C until further analysis.
of periodontal disease models (P15FE-­500HPRO-­S2A1-­GSF, P15FE-­ Peripheral blood samples were obtained by venipuncture in the
GSD; NISSIN, Kyoto, Japan) before the start of antecubital fossa. Before sampling, the skin overlying the vein was
the study. Full-­mouth probing depth and recessions were measured swabbed with ethyl alcohol and then chlorhexidine to minimize the
twice, the intra-­examiner repeatability for clinical attachment level number of potential skin contaminants. Each sample consisted of
was assessed. The examiner was judged reproducible after reaching 12 mL of blood, which was obtained using a 23-­gauge butterfly and
a percentage of agreement within ±1 mm between repeated meas- safety lock blood collection set and a 30-­mL syringe. Blood samples
urements of at least 95%. (10 mL) were incubated at room temperature for 1 hour and centri-
fuged at 2000 g for 20 minutes. The isolated serum samples were
stored at −80°C until biochemical analysis. All samples were imme-
2.4 | Sample collection
diately sent to medical laboratories as follows: plaque for bacterial
The 2 deepest periodontal pockets were selected as the sites for analysis and 2 mL blood samples for endotoxin assays were sent to
sampling of subgingival plaque and gingival crevicular fluid. The the BML Corporation (Tokyo, Japan);24,25 the gingival crevicular fluid
sites to be sampled were isolated with cotton rolls and dried with and serum samples were sent to Filgen Inc. (Nagoya, Japan) for CRP
a gentle stream of air to prevent contamination by saliva. After re- tests and multiplex arrays;26,27 a portion of the sera samples were
moving the supragingival plaque, a subgingival plaque sample was sent to Leisure Inc. (Tokyo, Japan) for antibody assays. 25,28
taken by inserting 2 sterile no. 40 paper points (Zipperer Absorbent
Paper Points, VDW GmbH, Munich, Germany) consecutively into
2.5 | Analysis of inflammatory mediators in
the periodontal pocket for 10 seconds. For gingival crevicular fluid
serum and gingival crevicular fluid
collection, a sterile Perio-­paper strip (Harco Electronics, Winnipeg,
MB, Canada) was gently inserted into the orifice of the gingival Hs-­CRP levels in serum and gingival crevicular fluid samples were
crevice, until mild resistance was felt, and was then left in place for measured using a quantitative sandwich enzyme immunoassay

Periodontal examination
Enrollment of subjects from patients with generalized First visit
moderate-to-severe chronic periodontitis (n = 31)

Oral hygiene instructions and supragingival scaling

1 mo 2 subjects dropped out

Sampling of peripheral blood, GCF (from 1 deep site), (Reason: unmatched schedules)
and subgingival plaque (from another deep site) Baseline
Periodontal examination (n = 29)

1 wk

Measurement of body temperature (n = 29) 3-d before the procedure


Measurement of body temperature (n = 29)

1-stage full-mouth SRP
1d 1 subject retired
Measurement of body temperature (Reason: pyrexia)
1-d post-treatment
Sampling of peripheral blood and GCF (n = 28)

6 wk

Sampling of peripheral blood, GCF, and subgingival plaque

6-wk post-treatment
Periodontal examination (n = 28)

F I G U R E   1   Flowchart of the study from enrollment to completion of the trial. GCF, gingival crevicular fluid; SRP, scaling and root planing
4       MOROZUMI et al.

technique (Quantikine enzyme-­linked immunosorbent assay human

2.7 | Measurement of periodontal bacteria-­specific
CRP/CRP immunoassay; R&D Systems Inc., Minneapolis, MN, USA)
IgG titers in serum
in accordance with the manufacturer’s protocol. Briefly, a 100-­fold
dilution of the serum sample using appropriate standard diluents Periodontal pathogen-­specific serum IgG antibody titers were deter-
and gingival crevicular fluid supernatant fluid was prepared. Each mined using an enzyme-­linked immunosorbent assay.33 As bacterial
sample solution (50 μL) was added to each well, and the microplate antigens, sonicated preparations of P. gingivalis FDC381 and P. inter-
was incubated for 2 hours at room temperature. Conjugate antibod- media ATCC25611 were used. A detailed measurement method is
ies were then added, and the microplate was incubated for another described in previous reports. 25,28
2 hours. Substrate solution (200 μL) was then added to each well,
and the plate was incubated for 30 minutes for color develop-
2.8 | Plasma endotoxin levels
ment. A stop solution (50 μL) was added immediately after the color
change. The enzyme-­linked immunoassay plate was read at 450 and Endotoxin assays were performed with separated plasma from hep-
540 nm using an EMax Microplate Reader (Molecular Devices, LLC., arinized whole blood samples centrifuged at 150 g for 10 min. The
Sunnyvale, CA, USA) with SoftMax Pro 6.3 Software (Molecular high-­sensitivity assay was performed using a kinetic turbidimetric
Devices) allowing for detection of values as low as 0.01 ng/mL. limulus assay using a MT-­358 Toxinometer (Wako Pure Chemical
Multiplex quantification of serum and gingival crevicular fluid Industries, Ltd., Osaka, Japan), a device theoretically capable of
cytokines (ie, IFN-­γ, IL-­4, IL-­5, IL-­6, IL-­12p70 and TNF-­α) was per- accurately measuring concentrations as low as 0.01 pg/mL.34 This
formed using a commercially available kit (ProcartaPlex multiplex limulus assay assesses a specific endotoxin and has been confirmed
immunoassays panels; Affymetrix eBioscience, Santa Clara, CA, to not cross-­react with β-­glucan.35 The cut-­off endotoxin level for
USA) in accordance with the manufacturer’s protocols. In brief, the the diagnosis of sepsis is 1.1 pg/mL. Changes in mean arterial pres-
immunobead mixture (50 μL) was added to each well, which was fol- sure and the ratio of arterial oxygen partial pressure to fractional
lowed by the addition of 25 μL of serum sample or gingival crevic- inspired oxygen were also evaluated. The inotropic score was calcu-
ular fluid supernatant fluid. The microplate was gently shaken on a lated as (dopamine dose × 1) + (dobutamine dose × 1) + (epinephrine
microplate shaker (500 rpm) for 120 minutes at room temperature. dose × 100) + (norepinephrine dose × 100), where all doses were
Detection antibodies (25 μL) were added and the plate was incu- expressed as micrograms per kilogram per minute.36
bated at room temperature for an additional 30 minutes. Next, 50 μL
of streptavidin-­phycoerythrin was added and the microplate was in-
2.9 | Statistical analysis
cubated for 30 minutes in a dark environment with constant shak-
ing (150 rpm). Finally, reading buffers were added to each well, and Descriptive analysis of the collected data was performed and the
the absorbance was read at 532 and 635 nm using an autoanalyzer results are presented as means ± SD. Serum IgG titers, CRP and
(Bio-­Plex 200 System; Bio-­Rad, Hercules, CA, USA) with Bio-­Plex cytokine levels among 3 time points were calculated using the
Manager software v6.0 (Bio-­Rad). Wilcoxon signed-­
rank test with further adjustment for multiple
For these assays, duplicate readings were performed on a sub- comparisons, for which the accepted significance was P < .016. The
set of samples to demonstrate a high level of correlation between Wilcoxon signed-­rank test was used to compare clinical parameters,
measurements; intra-­class correction varied between 0.95 and 1.0 periodontal bacterial levels and body temperature between 2 time
(P < .001). 29 points. Distribution of body temperature was calculated by the
These analyses were primary endpoints in the study. From the McNemar test. P < .05 was considered statistically significant. All
obtained data, serum and gingival crevicular fluid levels of CRP and analyses were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics ver. 19.0 soft-
6 inflammatory cytokines at 3 time points, particularly those inflam- ware (IBM Japan, Tokyo, Japan). A sample size calculation suggested
matory mediators that increased at 1 day post-­FM-­SRP, were eval- that at least 20 patients were needed to demonstrate a 9.6 mg/L
uated to clarify the systemic influence of FM-­SRP on acute-­phase increase in serum levels of CRP after FM-­SRP (90% power, a 0.01,
responses following treatment. standard deviation of 8.1.37

2.6 | Quantification of periodontal bacteria from

3 | R E S U LT S
subgingival plaque
Quantitative analysis of total bacterial counts and periodontopathic Of the 31 subjects, 2 dropped out because they were unable to
bacterial counts, including Porphyromonas gingivalis and Prevotella comply with the visit schedule. In addition, 1 patient was discontin-
intermedia, were performed using a modified Invader PLUS assay. A ued from the program due to pyrexia on the day following FM-­SRP.
detailed measurement method is described in previous reports. Eventually, 28 subjects successfully completed the study protocol.
The proportions of the 2 pathogens compared to total bacterial Baseline demographic characteristics and bacterial variables
counts were calculated;25,32 the ratio (%) of each species was used and those 6 weeks after FM-­SRP are presented in Table 1. Scores
for various comparisons as well as for bacterial counts (log10). for PlI (P = .040), GI (P = .006), BOP (% positive), probing depth,
MOROZUMI et al. |

TA B L E   1   Clinical parameters and

Baseline (n = 29) 6 wk post-­treatment (n = 28) P-­value
bacterial levels for baseline measurements
and 6 wk after full-­mouth scaling and root Gender (male/female) 13/16 —
planing Age (y) 59.4 ± 8.9 —
Number of teeth (n) 26.8 ± 2.9 —
Bone resorption (%) 26.3 ± 8.1
PlI 0.38 ± 0.33 0.29 ± 0.29 .040*
GI 0.92 ± 0.56 0.67 ± 0.43 .006*
BOP (% positive) 47.27 ± 19.45 23.25 ± 16.50 <.001*
PD (mm) 3.69 ± 0.76 2.82 ± 0.63 <.001*
CAL (mm) 4.15 ± 0.99 3.46 ± 0.93 <.001*
PD-­sampled sites (mm) 6.21 ± 1.65 4.32 ± 2.22 <.001*
CAL-­sampled sites (mm) 6.57 ± 1.94 5.18 ± 2.38 <.001*
Total bacteria (log10) 5.19 ± 0.58 4.50 ± 0.80 .001*
P. gingivalis (log10) 2.78 ± 1.66 0.91 ± 0.93 <.001*
P. gingivalis ratio (%) 2.94 ± 3.67 0.29 ± 1.37 <.001*
P. intermedia (log10) 1.66 ± 1.05 1.13 ± 0.94 .064
P. intermedia ratio (%) 0.15 ± 0.23 0.10 ± 0.23 .220

Values represent mean ± SD.

BOP, bleeding on probing; CAL, clinical attachment level; GI, gingival index; PD, probing depth; PlI,
plaque index; ratio, each bacterial count/total bacterial count.
PD sampled sites and CAL sampled sites indicate the value of the sites, from which subgingival
plaque and gingival crevicular fluid were collected for each subject. Wilcoxon signed-­rank test was
used for statistical analysis (*P < .05).

TA B L E   2   Changes in levels of serum and gingival crevicular fluid inflammatory markers after full-­mouth scaling and root planing


(b) 1 d post-­treatment (c) 6 wk post-­ Between (a) Between (a) Between
(a) Baseline (n = 29) (n = 28) treatment (n = 28) and (b) and (c) (b) and (c)

hs-­CRP (ng/mL) 917.25 ± 1152.22 4756.05 ± 3236.34 845.45 ± 1863.36 <.001* .068 <.001*
IFN-­γ (pg/mL) 1.22 ± 2.21 23.64 ± 40.98 0.76 ± 1.05 <.001* .142 <.001*
IL-­5 (pg/mL) 0.17 ± 0.52 0.15 ± 0.82 0.20 ± 0.62 >.999 .893 .713
IL-­6 (pg/mL) 1.32 ± 6.84 6.78 ± 23.46 1.29 ± 6.83 .041 .180 .050
IL-­12p70 (pg/mL) 0.39 ± 0.89 1.55 ± 2.04 0.40 ± 0.89 .001* .593 .001*
TNF-­α (pg/mL) 1.89 ± 1.81 2.12 ± 2.01 2.02 ± 1.90 .023 .398 .080
hs-­CRP (ng/mL) 0.89 ± 1.84 8.55 ± 14.61 0.59 ± 1.43 <.001* .028 <.001*
IFN-­γ (pg/mL) 2.84 ± 2.44 3.15 ± 2.03 2.93 ± 3.57 .084 .456 .052
IL-­5 (pg/mL) 0.27 ± 0.62 5.51 ± 10.89 0.05 ± 0.19 .001* .041 .001*
IL-­6 (pg/mL) 69.53 ± 261.30 2028.56 ± 2656.10 20.97 ± 54.55 <.001* .054 <.001*
IL-­12p70 (pg/mL) 2.19 ± 1.76 10.23 ± 19.70 1.91 ± 1.32 <.001* .328 <.001*
TNF-­α (pg/mL) 4.41 ± 4.36 33.21 ± 35.57 4.99 ± 9.61 <.001* .386 <.001*

Values represent mean ± SD.

hs-­CRP, high-­sensitive C-­reactive protein; IFN, interferon; IL, interleukin; TNF, tumor necrosis factor.
Changes for each marker, between baseline values and levels at each interval, were evaluated by the Wilcoxon signed-­rank test with further adjust-
ments for multiple comparisons; significance was indicated at P < .016 (*).

clinical attachment level, probing depth-­sampled sites and clinical baseline values. Meanwhile, the numbers of total bacteria (P = .001)
attachment level-­sampled sites (P < .001 for the latter 5 parameters) and P. gingivalis (P < .001), as well as the P. gingivalis ratio (P. gingivalis
were significantly improved 6 weeks after treatment compared to count/total bacterial count; P < .001) significantly decreased.
6       MOROZUMI et al.

Baseline levels of serum and gingival crevicular fluid inflamma- 4 | D I S CU S S I O N

tory mediators and those at 1 day and 6 weeks post-­FM-­SRP are
shown in Table 2. Comparing levels at 1 day post-­FM-­SRP to base- We examined comprehensively the magnitudes of systemic and
line values, a significant elevation was observed for serum hs-­CRP local acute-­phase responses following FM-­SRP. Our findings suggest
(P < .001), IFN-­γ (P < .001) and IL-­12p70 (P = .001). After 6 weeks, that FM-­SRP results in clinical and microbiological improvement,
these values were significantly reduced compared to those 1 day while inducing a moderate systemic and local acute inflammatory
post-­treatment (P < .001, P < .001 and P = .001, respectively). response during the first 24 hours. These data are of utmost impor-
Although there is a tendency for IL-­6 levels to increase (from baseline tance as FM-­SRP includes both a curative and invasive phase.
levels) at 1 day post-­treatment, this change did not reach statistical Increased serum levels of inflammatory and hemostatic system
significance. No substantial changes were noted in IL-­5 and TNF-­α markers after FM-­
SRP were previously reported, specifically for
levels among the 3 time points. For gingival crevicular fluid levels, a CRP, IL-­1RA, IL-­6, serum amyloid-­A and D-­dimers.12,14,37 Our data
marked increase in hs-­CRP (P < .001), IL-­5 (P = .001), IL-­6, IL-­12p70 showed similar results, and indicate that the FM-­SRP stimulus was
and TNF-­α (P < .001 for the latter 3 cytokines) was observed 1 day sufficient to activate an acute inflammatory response. A possi-
after treatment compared to baseline values. In contrast, levels of ble explanation for these responses might be both bacteremia and
those markers 1 day post-­treatment were significantly decreased host immune response combined with local tissue damage follow-
after 6 weeks (P < .001, P = .001, P < .001 for the latter 3 markers, ing subgingival instrumentation;38 this could contribute to an in-
respectively). No significant changes in gingival crevicular fluid levels crease in proinflammatory mediators39 and acute-­phase proteins.40
of IFN-­γ were observed among the 3 time points. IL-­4 was virtually Consequently, traditional and modern models used to study human
undetectable in both serum and gingival crevicular fluid samples. inflammation have reported similar short-­term acute responses of
Table 3 shows the changes in serum IgG titers for P. gingivalis variable magnitudes.14,41,42
and P. intermedia, comparing baseline values with levels at 1 day Regarding reports of serum inflammatory markers after FM-­SRP,
and 6 weeks post-­FM-­SRP. A significant decrease in P. gingivalis IgG there is a large discrepancy. For example, D’Aiuto et al12 reported
titers 6 weeks after treatment, compared to the value at baseline a 10-­fold increase in CRP at 1 day post-­FM-­SRP, whereas a 5-­fold
(P < .001) or 1 day post-­treatment (P = .007) was observed. increase was noted in the present study. This variability could be
The mean body temperature 3 days before and on the day of FM-­ attributed to several factors that influence bacteremia and the sub-
SRP was described as the basal body temperature (Table 4); average sequent acute-­phase reaction, such as the instrumentation used, the
body temperature was significantly elevated after 1 day of treatment invasiveness of the procedure, the degree of periodontal inflamma-
(P = .007). We categorized body temperature before and 1 day after tion, the quantity and composition of gingival microbiota, and im-
treatment based on 2 ranges, specifically, below 37.0°C and 37.0°C or mune capacity. In fact, the subjects used in studies by D’Aiuto et al
above. Distribution of patient body temperature exhibited no differences were limited to those with generalized severe chronic periodontitis.
(P = .125). Although all subjects had a body temperature below 37.0°C Meanwhile, in the present study, patients were diagnosed with gen-
before treatment, 4 subjects had a body temperature above 37.0°C after eralized moderate-­to-­severe chronic periodontitis.
1 day. In particular, 1 subject presented with fever above 38.0°C. Interestingly, levels of IL-­6 in gingival crevicular fluid and hs-­CRP
Blood endotoxin levels for 27 patients at all time points were in serum were markedly elevated at 1 day post-­treatment. This might
below measurable limits (≤1.0 pg/mL). Only 1 patient presented with be associated with the hypothesis that both local (gingival) produc-
elevated blood endotoxin levels. Specifically, the baseline endotoxin tion of IL-­6 and systemic dissemination are followed by the release
levels and those at 1 day and 6 weeks post-­FM-­SRP were 1.3, 1.1 of acute-­phase proteins such as CRP and haptoglobin from the liver
and ≤1.0 pg/mL, respectively. to protect the host against local pathological stimuli.43

TA B L E   3   Changes in periodontal bacteria-­specific serum IgG titers from baseline measurements to 1 d and 6 wk after full-­mouth scaling
and root planing


(a) Baseline (b) 1 d post-­treatment (c) 6 wk post-­ Between (a) Between (a) Between
(n = 29) (n = 28) treatment (n = 28) and (b) and (c) (b) and (c)

P. gingivalis IgG 29.18 ± 33.20 28.95 ± 33.14 25.03 ± 28.99 .673 <.001* .007*

titers (EU)
P. intermedia IgG 0.46 ± 0.56 0.41 ± 0.55 0.44 ± 0.68 .050 .255 .532
titers (EU)

Values represent mean ± SD.

EU, enzyme-­linked immunosorbent assay unit.
Changes for each IgG titer, between baseline values and levels at each interval, were evaluated by the Wilcoxon signed-­rank test with further adjust-
ments for multiple comparisons; significance was indicated at P < .016 (*).
MOROZUMI et al.       7|
Fever is a typical response to inflammation and infection. Upon values >6 mm, after FM-­SRP; specifically, the decrements were
bacterial infection, host immune cells produce pyretic cytokines 1.74 mm11 and 1.7 mm.15
including TNF-­α , IL-­1β and IL-­6. These circulating cytokines stim- Subgingival bacterial counts of P. gingivalis were markedly de-
ulate the production of prostaglandin E2 in the hypothalamus, and creased after treatment as with previous reports.16,53,54 Although
this lipid mediator elevates body temperature.45 In this study, it was there seems to be a tendency for P. intermedia counts to be reduced,
observed that mean body temperature significantly rose 1 day after this did not reach statistical significance. This could be attributed to
treatment although this was marginal. Indeed, 4 patients exhibited a lower bacterial counts for P. intermedia (approximately 1/10 those
body temperature ≥37.0°C after treatment, whereas body tempera- of P. gingivalis). These data are consistent with findings of Rhemrev
ture was below 37.0°C before treatment for all patients. The most et al and Botero et al, who reported that P. intermedia counts in the
noteworthy is that 1 patient experienced pyrexia, with a body tem- sulci of diseased chronic periodontitis sites are low even though the
perature above 38.0°C, and thus body temperature was elevated detection rate is high.55,56
by 2°C due to FM-­SRP. This was the most important complication There have been various reports describing the serum antibody
identified in the study. There are conflicting results regarding altered titer response to periodontal therapy.57 It has been documented
body temperature after FM-­SRP. Quirynen et al46 reported that over that IgG titers are increased due to a booster effect at 2-­4 months
half of patients experienced a rise in body temperature, to above post-­treatment.58,59 In contrast, some studies reported a grad-
37.0°C, whereas Koshy et al reported no patients with pyrexia. ual reduction in the elimination of the source of infection after
Similar results have been obtained using full-­mouth disinfection, 2-­12  months.58,60,61 In this study, P. gingivalis-­specific IgG titers de-
which involves not only mechanical debridement but also chlorhex- creased at 6 weeks post-­treatment. Similar results were obtained in
idine application to all oral niches.46,47 This discrepancy might have a report by Wang et al,62 as a significant decrease was shown for
been caused by several factors, referred to previously herein. We P. gingivalis IgG titers 1, 3 and 6 months after a single-­visit full-­mouth
reported related research in which premedication with azithromycin ultrasonic debridement. Their findings imply that full-­mouth treat-
reduced bacteremia secondary to quadrant SRP. In addition, this ment might induce an earlier effect on humoral responses to P. gingi-
treatment was shown to prevent pyrexia after FM-­SRP.49,50 Further valis because of wide-­scale removal of etiological agents.
specific studies addressing this outcome are required. Herein, reported circulating endotoxin markers were nearly below
In the present study, clinical parameters improved drastically measurable limits (≤1.0 pg/mL) at all time points. This could have
after FM-­SRP. Reductions in whole-­mouth BOP, probing depth and been because initial toxemia was cleared by the host. Blood sampling
clinical attachment level values at 6 weeks post-­
treatment were was performed 1 day after treatment; however, some studies suggest
approximately 24%, 0.9 mm and 0.6 mm, respectively. These data that plasma levels are already decreased 5 minutes after endotoxin
are similar to a previous report that noted reductions of 21% for injection due to the activity of the reticuloendothelial system.63,64
BOP, 0.8 mm for probing depth and 0.7 mm for clinical attachment Our data revealed that FM-­SRP has a substantial systemic ef-
level.51 Apatzidou & Kinane52 reported clinical outcomes that were fect. Studies have shown that FM-­SRP induces higher serum CRP
more favorable, specifically, reductions of 51% for BOP, 1.6 mm for levels, compared to those observed with partial periodontal surgical
probing depth and 1.0 mm for clinical attachment level. Our results therapy.37 Furthermore, the reported sharp and temporary acute re-
indicated that the mean baseline probing depth value at the 2 deep- sponse after treatment might be of particular interest as inflamma-
est periodontal pockets selected for sampling of subgingival plaque tion could lead to an acute state of vascular dysfunction and possibly
and gingival crevicular fluid was 6.2 mm; the reduction after 6 weeks increase the risk of vascular events.65,66 Considering the merits and
post-­treatment was 1.9 mm. There are numerous studies that have demerits of FM-­SRP, the practice of this modality should depend on
reported comparable probing depth changes at sites with initial individual decisions.

TA B L E   4   Changes and distribution of

1 d
patient body temperatures before and 1 d
n = 29 Before treatment post-­treatment P-­value
after full-­mouth scaling and root planing
Body temperature (°C) 36.14 ± 0.22 36.36 ± 0.49 .007*
Distribution (n)
Below 37.0°C <36.0°C 8 6
≥36.0°C, <37.0 21 19
37.0°C or above ≥37.0°C, <38.0 0 3
≥38.0°C 0 1

Values represent mean ± SD.

Before treatment, the mean body temperature 3 d before and on the day of full-­mouth scaling and
root planing. Intragroup comparisons for body temperature were made using the Wilcoxon signed-­
rank test (*P < .05). Distributions of patient body temperatures were calculated by the McNemar test
(level of significance, <.05).
8       MOROZUMI et al.

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