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Water Research 145 (2018) 509e517

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Hydrological benefits of filtering swales for metal removal

C. Monrabal-Martinez a, *, J. Aberle a, b, T.M. Muthanna a, M. Orts-Zamorano a
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), NO-7491, Trondheim, Norway
b €t Braunschweig, DE-38106, Braunschweig, Germany
Leichtweiß Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources, Technische Universita

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper studies the hydraulic performance of two swales composed of filters for stormwater man-
Received 5 April 2018 agement (filtering swales) in a large-scale experimental study and compares them to the performance of
Received in revised form a swale composed of traditional bioretention soil (bioswale). Using experimental data, dimensionless
17 July 2018
formulations are derived to reflect the influence of swale design parameters on hydraulic performance.
Accepted 24 August 2018
Available online 24 August 2018
The developed formulas can be used to design swales accounting for practical factors for decision makers
such as local rainfall patterns, volume capture requirements, and drainage area. The experimental data
show that while the bioswale is characterized by large overland flows, the tested filtering swales manage,
Stormwater runoff
in the majority of cases, the complete inflow volume without overland flow. The longitudinal slope of the
Roadside filters swales does not affect the infiltration capacity of the filtering swales for the tested experimental
Hydrological balance boundary conditions, only the inflow rate and media water content are found to be statistically signif-
Swale design icant. As an example, filtering swales tested in this study captured 90% of the runoff generated by a
Infiltration performance 12.2 mm/h storm (approximately a 5-year return period 1-h duration storm event in the city of Trond-
heim) on a road 40 times larger than the swale. This highlights the capacity of such swales for handling
infrequent events.
© 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

1. Introduction maintain the pre-development hydrologic balance of a site (Cizek

and Hunt, 2013).
Urban runoff is well known for carrying a wide range of pol- Factors such as the ratio of the impervious road area to the swale
lutants (Hoffman et al., 1985; Huber et al., 2016c; LeFevre et al., area, the size of the storm event, and the longitudinal slope
2014) and the sources of pollution differ across locations and sea- determine the overland discharge and flow depth, and hence the
sons (Gunawardana et al., 2014; Moghadas et al., 2015). Infiltration flow characteristics (Winston et al., 2016). The overland flow in
based solutions for the management of urban runoff have shown a swales can be either super- or subcritical. Supercritical flows in-
good performance with regard to pollution mitigation and volume crease erosion, reduce volume and pollution retention, and should
reduction (i.e. retention). Generally, treatment swales represent therefore be avoided. Subcritical flows can be obtained by con-
such an infiltration-based solution, adopted as a low-tech practice structing specific design elements increasing the hydraulic resis-
to deal with roadway runoff (Burack et al., 2008). They collect tance. Such design elements include check dams (e.g., Davis et al.,
polluted runoff generated on impervious surfaces such as roads and 2012; Winston et al., 2018), stones (e.g., Narsimlu et al., 2004)
convey it to a downstream wastewater network or a receiving and grass coverage (e.g., Mishra et al., 2006). The embankment
water after a minimum hydraulic residence time within the swale. slopes of swales can provide a bonus for volume retention, which in
Sedimentation, infiltration, filtration, adsorption, and vegetation turn is positively impacted by the infiltration capacity of the media,
uptake are the main processes occurring in these systems. There- soil moisture deficit, and side-slope length (García-Serrana et al.,
fore, they provide multiple environmental benefits such as volume 2017). For vegetated swales, the type of vegetation such as deep-
retention, pollutant removal, and percolation, which helps to rooted grass species and proliferation of root and earthworm
channels improve infiltration (Abu-Zreig et al., 2004; Blanco-
Canqui et al., 2004). Regarding soil composition, bioswales are,
* Corresponding author. generally, composed of soils such as loamy sands, loams, or sandy
E-mail addresses: (C. Monrabal- loams, providing infiltration rates higher than recommended by bio
Martinez),, (J. Aberle),
filter design guidelines (Le Coustumer et al., 2009). (T.M. Muthanna).
0043-1354/© 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
510 C. Monrabal-Martinez et al. / Water Research 145 (2018) 509e517

In some cases, larger infiltration capacities are required to; (1) treatment filters and bioswales.
handle larger runoff events; (2) consider cold climate constraints,
such as reduced winter infiltration capacity (Paus and Braskerud,
2014), or (3) runoff from large impervious areas to swales by 2. Material and methods
keeping a certain removal capacity to meet discharge regulations
(Huber et al., 2016b). In addition, a good drainage capacity gua- Three tiltable 500 cm long, 45 cm deep, and 80 cm wide swales
rantees low initial moisture in the media, which has been shown to (see Fig. 1) were built at the hydraulic laboratory of the Norwegian
positively impact volume retention (Lucke et al., 2014). These facts University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Each swale had an
have motivated the investigation of materials for the construction underdrain layer composed of two perforated pipes with a diam-
of swales offering an added performance in terms of filtration ca- eter of 5 cm embedded in a 10 cm thick gravel layer. Filtering swale
pacity, pollutant removal, or both (Kalmykova et al., 2008; Wium- 1 was composed of a clean homogeneous sand layer with a thick-
Andersen et al., 2012; Ilyas and Muthanna, 2017; Huber et al., ness of d ¼ 40 cm (D50 ¼ 0.33 mm, which is the intercept for 50% of
2016a). the cumulative mass of the particle size distribution; uniformity
The end user (urban drainage engineer/practitioner) is, gener- coefficient D60/D10 ¼ 2.22) overlying a 5-cm thick layer of pine bark.
ally, interested in mathematical models that reconcile laboratory Filtering swale 2 was composed of the same 40 cm quartz sand
findings to field implementation. For example, TRAVA is a 1-D layer but was overlying a 5 cm thick layer of granulated olivine
deterministic model (based on Green-Ampt and Kinematic Wave (D50 ¼ 1.4 mm; uniformity coefficient ¼ 1.66). Swale 3, built as
equations) for non-submerged flow conditions and simulates the bioswale, had its entire 45 cm thickness composed of a traditional
generation of runoff and sediment transport (Deletic, 2001). The soil for bioretention, classified as a sandy loam (USDA, 2017).
comparison of simulation results with data from laboratory and Swales 1 and 2 were superficially protected with boulders
field experiments showed that the hydraulic conductivity of the soil (D50 ¼ 70 mm; approximately 256 boulders/m2; placed to reduce
is the most sensitive parameter in the simulations (Deletic, 2005; filter exposure). Swale 3 was seeded (10 gr/m2) with Festuca Rubra
Deletic and Fletcher, 2006b). Moreover, the application of VFSMOD Rubra (Leik), a cold tolerant species with a high salinity tolerance,
(Mun ~ oz-Carpena et al., 1999), a model for similar purposes, showed which is favourable for roadside vegetation. High-pressure sodium
that the type of soil and its initial water content determines the lamps were arranged in order to provide a photosynthetic active
runoff retention. The application of VFSMOD further showed grass radiation of approximately 300 W/m2 during 18 h/day. The height
spacing to be an important parameter regarding sediment removal of grass was intended at 7 cm during the experiments. Unlike most
(Han et al., 2005). Both these models require extensive input pa- roadside swales, the swale media in this study were not mechan-
rameters, which are typically not available for the engineers ically compacted during filling as they are meant for infiltrating
designing swales for stormwater management purposes. This runoff and no traffic is expected over them.
makes empirical models generally more attractive for the user Each swale was equipped with 6 profile probes PR2/4-SDI-12
because of their simplicity in input parameters, while providing from Delta-T Devices Ltd, and each profile had three moisture
good predictions of, for example, trapping efficiency for specific dielectric sensors distributed along the vertical axis (Fig. 1),
swale designs and residence times (Ba €ckstro€ m, 2002; Winston resulting in a total of 18 moisture sensors per swale. The moisture
et al., 2016). This motivation based on the end user applicability sensors measured the permittivity of the surrounding soils with a
resulted in testing a series of empirical equations with the aim to sampling frequency of 0.5 Hz and were specifically calibrated for
find the dominant design factors. More specifically the research each media. Errors of ±4%, including installation and sampling er-
questions in this study are as follows: rors, can be expected according to the manufacturer of the sensors.
Each swale was divided in 18 volumetric sectors (with a volume
(1) What are the hydrological benefits of adsorbent amended Vi (m3)) according to the distribution of the media moisture sen-
filters for roadside filters (referred to as filtering swales from sors. The total moisture present in the swale at time t, Vw(t) (m3),
this point on) in comparison to bioswales? was computed as
(2) Which are the dominant design factors influencing the hy-
drological response of filtering swales? VwðtÞ ¼ qiðtÞVi (1)
(3) How can hydrological benefits be compared using a practical i¼1
approach such as the capture of storm events?
where qi(t) is the volumetric water content in sector i measured by
In order to answer these questions, a full-scale swale setup was the associated moisture sensor at time t. For the determination of
designed to evaluate factors determining the hydrological balance the saturated moisture content, Vsat (m3), by equation (1), the
of swales composed of filters studied by Monrabal-Martinez et al. swales were flooded by closing the valve on the underdrain. During
(2017). These filters are constructed with a pure sand, which was the experiments, the degree of saturation in the swale at time t, Sr
amended with either olivine, or pine bark. At the first phase of (t), was defined as the ratio of the total moisture at time t, Vw(t), and
column scale tests the filters showed high removal rates for the the saturated water content of the swale, Vsat.
fours metals of concern (Cu, Pb, Ni, and Zn). The column test also A 1-m3 tank filled with tap water served as upstream reservoir
included several different hydraulic loadings, and periods of for the experiments. From the tank, the water was pumped into a
infrequent storm events (rapid inflows), followed by longer dry small reservoir at the upstream end of the swale that was equipped
periods. These results, in turn, were the motivation for the present with a rectangular weir allowing for an even distribution of the
study to understand the hydrological response of full-scale filters, inflow (run-in) over the swale width. The inflow rates were
in order to confirm their potential for use in stormwater manage- measured by an electromagnetic flowmeter (Siemens Sitrans FM
ment. The experimental data was used to propose empirical MAG 5000; accuracy ± 0.4% of the flow rate) and controlled with a
equations for the evaluation of hydrological processes at the full- valve. The overland flow at the end of the swale (run-out) and the
scale for the filters, also including a comparison with a swale infiltrated water were collected separately in two downstream
composed of commonly used soil for bioretention. The results from tanks with volumes of 0.72 m3 (1.1 m wide, 1.1 m long, and 0.6 m
this study provides new and much needed improved understand- high) and 0.21 m3 (0.5 m diameter and 1.1 m high), respectively.
ing of the dominant processes and factors for infiltration based The water surface level in these tanks was measured with two
C. Monrabal-Martinez et al. / Water Research 145 (2018) 509e517 511

Fig. 1. (a) Sketch of the setup of swales 1 to 3, (b) lateral view of a filtering swale composed of an adsorbent amended filter.

ultrasonic sensors (Microsonic micþ130/IU/TC; average resolution 1 because of the imperviousness of road surfaces. Equation (2)
0.4 mm and ±1% accuracy) with a sampling frequency of 1 Hz considers also the precipitation that falls on the swale itself,
allowing for the determination of the accumulated water volume in which might be of relevance for small I/P ratios. The inflow rates
the tanks as a function of time. Due to volume limitations of the ranged from 0.2  103 m3/s to 1  103 m3/s, which corresponds,
downstream tanks, they had to be emptied during some experi- for an I/P ¼ 40 and C ¼ 0.9, with storm intensities from 5 to 25 mm/
ments. As a consequence, linear extrapolation based on previous h, respectively.
filling data was used in order to fill the data gap during emptying. Each test-run was subdivided into a pre-loading, quasi-equi-
The experiments with swales 1e3 were carried out for a range of librium, and drainage phase (Fig. 2). The pre-loading phase was
boundary conditions (Table 1) by varying the initial degree of defined as the time required to reach quasi-equilibrium saturation
saturation (Sr0), the longitudinal slope (J), and the inflow rate (Qrun- of the soil from the start of water inflow. During this phase, the
in). Each filter media was characterized by its saturated hydraulic water mainly filled the non-saturated pore space in the media,
conductivity, Ksat (m/s), which was determined based on three which explains the quicker increase in the degree of saturation of
measurements along its length using the MPD infiltrometer the media (DSr) with regard to the subsequent phase. The quasi-
method (Ahmed et al., 2015). Swale slopes of 2, 3 and 4% were used equilibrium condition was assumed to be reached when DSr was
in the experiments; such slopes are common in road design in less than 4% in four consecutive minutes. This definition was
Norway (Vegvesen, 2008). adopted in order to avoid an early change of phase because DSr
The ratio I/P between impervious (I) and pervious areas (P) is followed in some cases a distribution with several steps during the
often used to size systems for stormwater runoff (Khan et al., 2012). preloading phase (Fig. 2b). During the quasi-equilibrium phase, the
In order to mimic practical implications, Qrun-in was chosen as the media moisture was nearly constant, and the run-in water could be
equivalent runoff generated by an event with a given storm in- computed as the sum of the infiltration and run-out water collected
tensity, SI (mm/h), occurring over an impervious area I/P times as downstream. The quasi-equilibrium phase was hence defined by
large as the swale area, As (m2), by using the following relationship the time period in which the media moisture was nearly constant.
which is based on the rational method (Kuichling, 1889): The drainage phase was defined as starting when a decrease of the
media moisture was monitored and delimited to 20 min after
stopping the inflow. The latter definition was chosen in order to
Q limit the duration of the experiment, and because, visually, this rate
SI ¼ I runin 36,105 (2)
C P þ 1 As
(drainage) typically decreased 20 min after the inflow ceased.
Dimensionless analysis is a powerful tool and its application is
The empirical runoff coefficient, C, can be assumed to be close to

Table 1
Range of the experimental boundary conditions. Srmax is the maximum degree of saturation reached during a simulation, which typically occurred slightly after stopping the

Swale Volumetric field capacity (%)a Volumetric field saturated water content (%)b Ksat (m/s) Qrun-in 103 (m3/s) Slope (%) Sr0 Srmax

Swale 1 16 30 (6.45 ± 1.35) 104 0.2e1 2e4 0.51e0.67 0.67e0.91

Swale 2 16 30 (5.59 ± 1.14) 104 0.2e1 2e4 0.56e0.72 0.70e0.97
Swale 3 37.5 52 (6.53 ± 1.04) 105 0.2e0.7 2e4 0.71e0.91 0.95e1
Volumetric field capacity ¼ water content after draining for more than 48 h ¼ Volume of water/Volume of swale.
Volumetric field saturated water content ¼ water content when all pores are filled with water.
512 C. Monrabal-Martinez et al. / Water Research 145 (2018) 509e517

Fig. 2. Degree of saturation as a function of time in swale 3 (a) and swale 1 (b) during a test with 0.3  103 m3/s run-in and 2% longitudinal slope for both swales.

common in hydraulic engineering applications. Derived relation- of the models.

ships can be upscaled since results are dimensionally homogenous.
Therefore, the data were analyzed in a dimensionless framework
using P-parameters (Buckingham, 1914) constructed using the 3. Results and discussions
depth, d (m), and width, w (m), of the swales as well as the ac-
celeration of gravity, g (m2/s) as returning variables (see below). The hydrological response of swale 1 and 2 differed to a great
The operational parameters considered in the analysis were the extent from the response of swale 3 (traditional soil for bio-
swale slope J, the inflow rate Qrun-in and the saturated hydraulic retention). This can be observed in Figs. 2 and 3 showing the degree
conductivity Ksat of the different media, as these parameters have of media saturation over time and the degree of media saturation
been shown to impact the infiltration performance of swales together with the measured volumes of run-in, infiltration, and
(Deletic and Fletcher, 2006a; García-Serrana et al., 2017). During run-out, respectively. As indicated by Fig. 2a and b, the initial de-
the quasi-equilibrium phase, the moisture content was considered gree of saturation was different between swale 3 and 1, which
constant and the hydrological performance of the swale was eval- makes the pre-loading phase not comparable despite the fact the
uated by the flow rate Qinf. This flow rate was determined from the tests had similar boundary conditions, i.e., run-in rate and slope.
water collected at the infiltration tank, which corresponded However, compared to swale 3, swale 1 showed a considerably
approximately to the difference between run-in and run-out flow quicker degree of saturation response during the 20-min drainage
rate. Based on the derived P-parameters, the infiltration rate was phase (DSr/min was 0.64 in swale 1 and 0.17 in swale 3). This can be
parameterized according to: associated with the high drainage capacity of the filter, which
quickly empties the water stored in the media. In addition, unlike
!a !g swale 3 that reached full saturation during the quasi-equilibrium
Qinf Ksat Qrunin
¼A Jb (3) phase, swale 1 only reached 73% of its storage capacity for the
g 1=2 ðwdÞ5=4 g1=2 ðwdÞ1=4 g 1=2 ðwdÞ5=4 same experimental conditions. The occurrence of saturation im-
plies the appearance of overland flow in the swale, i.e. some of the
where A, a, b, and g are dimensionless coefficients. Experimental run-in water will not be captured by the swale or treated by the
data were used to determine these coefficients by regression ana- media. However, full saturation was not reached in the filtering
lyses. To characterize swale performance in the final phase, the swales (Srmax < 1, Table 1) even though run-out was collected in
decrease in media moisture in the first 20 min after stopping the tests where Qrun-in ¼ 1  103 m3/s. In these tests, the run-in
inflow, DSr20 (%), was adopted as parameter to assess the drainage discharge was so large that there was not enough hydraulic
capacity of the swale. The type of media, the swale slope and the retention time to saturate the filter media before run-out was
media moisture at the time the inflow stopped were used to model observed.
the drainage capacity of the swale. The acquired data were hence Fig. 3 presents the time-development of the degree of saturation
used to parameterize the coefficients r, B, s, and t in the empirical and cumulative run-in, infiltration, and run-out volumes for the
relationship: three swales for an experiment with 4% slope and Qrun-
!r in ¼ 0.3  10 m3/s. Fig. 3a and b shows that the slope of the cu-
Ksat mulative inflow volume and the infiltrated volume are equal for
DSr20 ¼ B J s Strmax (4) swales 1 and 2 with quasi-equilibrium conditions being satisfied.
g1=2 ðwdÞ1=4
This can be explained by the fact that after a lag time, corre-
which follows from the dimensional analysis. sponding to approximately the time to reach quasi-equilibrium,
The relationships given by equations (3) and (4) were trans- practically all run-in was infiltrated. As no overland-outflow was
formed into log-log-space to facilitate multiple linear regression observed, the differences between the inflow and infiltrated vol-
analysis. Data from 37 experiments, performed under different ume are associated with the change in the media moisture, which,
boundary conditions, were used for ANOVA analysis to obtain sta- in average, is equivalent to 5.6% of the run-in volume (Table 2). In
tistically significant hydrological variables as well as associated contrast, in the experiments with swale 3, overland flow was
coefficients composing the empirical models (p-value < 5%). A total registered at the downstream end (Fig. 3c); thus, only swale 1 and 2
of 16 independent experiments were used to validate the derived could completely infiltrate the event represented in Fig. 3. Addi-
relationships. The R2 values were used to assess the goodness of fit tionally, Table 2 shows that the amount of run-in used in swale 1
C. Monrabal-Martinez et al. / Water Research 145 (2018) 509e517 513

Fig. 3. Time-development of the degree of saturation (dash dot dot line), and cumulative volumes of run-in, infiltration, and run-out in swale 1 (a), swale 2 (b), and swale 3 (c)
during experiments with 4% slope and 0.3  103 m3/s run-in discharge.
514 C. Monrabal-Martinez et al. / Water Research 145 (2018) 509e517

and 2 was around 20% larger than in swale 3. In these experiments, by the presence of fines (silt and clay particles) composing the soil
it was decided to extend the duration of inflow to observe run-out. (Ke and Takahashi, 2012), which were absent in swales 1 and 2. The
However, the media moisture analysis confirmed that after reach- presence of fines and organic matter will favor the retention of
ing quasi-equilibrium, the water balance in the swale remained gravimetric, capillary, and adsorbed water and will subsequently be
practically stable and, therefore, no run-out would have happened detrimental to the effective porosity and impede a low initial de-
regardless of the duration of the inflow. In addition, the infiltration gree of saturation.
volume presented in Table 2 highlights a similar response of swale Overall, swale 3 had lower handling capacity as well as initial
1 and 2 towards run-in flows regardless of the adsorbent used in storage, which accelerated the appearance of run-out. This has
the media. Note that full saturation in swale 3 can lead to larger direct consequences for handling the first and, generally, most
uncertainties in the moisture sensors because in such cases the polluted fraction of runoff. An early run-out appearance might pose
sensors are operating outside their factory given range (0e40%, an important risk to receiving water bodies due to large untreated
volumetrically). This uncertainty could lead to an under estimation pollutant loads associated with the first flush (Sansalone and
of the moisture increase in the media, which explains the larger Buchberger, 1997).
imbalance that was observed in swale 3. Festuca Rubra shows a mean root diameter similar to species
The porosity of the soil composing swale 3 (volumetric field that have been shown to improve soil hydraulic conductivity by the
saturated water content ¼ 52%, Table 1) was larger than the creation of macro-pores (Fort et al., 2012; Le Coustumer et al.,
porosity of the sand used in swale 1 and 2 (volumetric field satu- 2012). In addition, the observed flow depth was always lower
rated water content ¼ 30%), which apparently should allow for than the grass height, which favors its hydraulic resistance and,
retaining larger water volumes. However, the overall capacity of subsequently, the infiltration potential of the swale (Winston et al.,
swale 3 for handling run-in discharges was considerably less 2016). However, these enhancing effects were observed insufficient
(evaluated by the fact that the presence of run-out was observed to counteract the presence of fines.
with Qrun-in ¼ 0.2  103 m3/s in swale 3 and Qrun-in ¼ 1  103 m3/s The statistically significant factors (p-value < 5%) in the empir-
in swales 1 and 2). Several points can be used to explain this ical models defined by equations (3) and (4) were used to repro-
observation; 1) the hydraulic gradient responsible of the driving duce the behaviors of the swales (Table 3). The model defined by
forces for water infiltration was lower in swale 3 from the begin- equation (3) describing the quasi-equilibrium phase performed
ning of the experiments due to high initial soil water contents well for the sandy filters (non vegetated swales 1 and 2) but poor
(0.71 < Sr0 < 0.91; in contrast to the filtering swales where for the traditional media (swale 3) due to the insufficient infiltra-
0.51 < Sr0 < 0.72); 2) for swale 3, Srmax was close to 1 (Table 1) in all tion capacity of the soil for the experimental boundary conditions.
experiments, implying that Vw at quasi-equilibrium conditions Two different responses were observed with regard to the influence
equals Vsat. At saturation, the infiltration rate reaches a constant of slope on infiltration. Fig. 4 shows that Qinf, for the filtering
value (Ksat), and overflow occurs when the run-in rate exceeds this swales, is only affected by Qrun-in, and the slope has no effect on
value. It was observed that run-in discharges used during the ex- infiltration. However, for the bioswale, Qrun-in is independent of
periments exceeded the infiltration capacity of swale 3 Qinf, and the slope has an impact on Qinf, i.e., gentler slopes allow for
(Ksat ¼ 6.53  10-5 m/s), which was approximately 10 times lower higher infiltration, as Mun ~ oz-Carpena et al. (1993) showed. This
than the infiltration capacity of the alternative filters (in average confirms the hypotheses that; 1) the critical slope over which the
Ksat ¼ 6  10-4 m/s, see Table 3); 3) The soil nature of swale 3 might peak runoff becomes constant was not achieved in swale 3 (Nassif
be susceptible of developing surface crusting (sealing), which in and Wilson, 1975); 2) the filtering swales 1 and 2 have not devel-
turn reduces the infiltration. oped any surface sealing (in the absence of surface sealing the slope
Despite the fact that the swales were drained in a similar does not influence the infiltration rate; Poesen, 1984). It is worth
manner, the lowest initial degree of saturation in swale 3 was 0.71 mentioning that conflicting conclusions have been reported in the
(Table 1), which practically corresponds to the highest initial de- literature regarding the role of the slope for infiltration due to many
gree of saturation observed in swale 2 (0.72) and which is still confounding factors such as incoming runoff, micro topography,
higher than the highest initial degree of saturation in swale 1 (0.67) vegetation type, soil texture, and vertical and horizontal hetero-
(note that volume retention is positively impacted by low initial geneity in soil properties (Morbidelli et al., 2018).
moisture in the media (Lucke et al., 2014)). This may be explained The media moisture content is an important factor for

Table 2
Volumetric balance of the experiments presented in Fig. 3. Percentage over the corresponding run-in volume is shown in parentheses.

Experiment Run-in (L) Run-out (L) Infiltration (L) Media moisture increase (L) Imbalance (L)

Swale 1 1218.9 (100) 0 (0) 1116.5 (91.6) 52.1 (4.3) 49.8 (4.1)
Swale 2 1279 (100) 0 (0) 1160.6 (90.7) 88 (6.9) 30.4 (2.4)
Swale 3 1025.8 (100) 579.13 (49.8) 200.9 (33.4) 145.4 (14.2) 96.7 (9)

Table 3
Ksat values measured with MPD test and coefficients for equations (3) and (4). Zero implies that the associated parameter was non-statistically significant according to the
ANOVA test. R2 represents the goodness of the model in the validation.

Ksat (m/s) Equation (3) Equation (4)

A a b g R2 B r s t R2

Swale 1 (6.45 ± 1.35)$104 e0:831 e 0 0.902 0.99 e1:3 e 0 3.1 0.97

Swale 2 (5.59 ± 1.14)$104 e1:437 e 0 0.828 0.95 e1:468 e 0 3.025 0.99
Swale 3 (6.53 ± 1.04)$105 e8:798 e 0.298 0 0.03 e2:739 e 0 0 0.04
Joint Swale 1 þ 2 e e1:222 0 0 0.85 0.96 e7:656 1.089 0 3.054 0.84
C. Monrabal-Martinez et al. / Water Research 145 (2018) 509e517 515

considerations of the transition phases, i.e., pre-loading and

drainage. The time to reach stationary conditions depends on the
soil type as well as the initial water content (Fig. 2). The water
content of the media at the end of the storm event strongly
impacted the drainage capacity of swales 1 and 2. In these cases, the
slope was not statistically significant when parameterizing the
models (Table 3). As mentioned above, swale 3 reached practically
in all tests full saturation, i.e., Srmax ¼ 1. This fact might explain that
swale 3 did not depend on the degree of saturation, and its behavior
could not be explained by any of the proposed variables in the
model defined by equation (4); however, the drainage capacity of
the alternative filters can be well predicted with equation (4).
The drainage capacity of swales is an important design factor
because it influences the capacity for handling the next storm
event. In cold climates, drainage gains more relevance because of
the importance of avoiding high water content under negative
temperatures, which can lead to the formation of concrete frost
with practically absent infiltration (Muthanna et al., 2007). In this
context, Figs. 2 and 3 show a steeper drainage slope in the alter-
native filters (DSr/min ¼ 0.64, 0.77, and 0.17 in swale 1, 2 and 3,
respectively) and, therefore, a more desirable drainage response for
stormwater management in cold climates.
Guidelines for sizing sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS)
vary widely (Guo et al., 2013). Generally, a water quality volume
capture can be adopted as a design parameter in order to guarantee
the removal of the majority of stormwater pollution on an average
annual basis. This runoff volume capture generally refers to the
volume of runoff generated from a given percentile (normally, be-
tween 80th and 90th) of individual 24-h rain events (Schueler and
Claytor, 1996; Urbonas et al., 1989). Swales are flow-based treat-
ment practices and, instead, water quality flow rates should be used
for sizing (Burack et al., 2008). Therefore, the run-in rates (Qrun-in)
used in this study were extrapolated using equation (2) to estimate
the road runoff generated by a rainfall event. Subsequently, the
coefficients reported in Table 3 (swale 1 þ 2) were used in equation
(3) to compute the percentage of run-in that will be infiltrated,
captured and treated by the media. It is noteworthy to mention that
Monrabal-Martinez et al. (2017) showed an effective treatment of
polluted water (spiked with 1 g/l of Pb, Zn, Cu, and Ni) through the
rapidly flowing filters used in swale 1 and 2.
Table 4 can be used as a guideline for dimensioning swales
composed of alternative filters similar to swales 1 and 2. It presents
the rain intensity events that can be captured at a given percentage
according to the size of the road (defined by the ratio I/P). As an
example, for a 100% volume capture and a design storm event of
5 mm/h, the filtering swale will handle the runoff from a catchment
40 times its size. If the capture requirement is set at 90%, a 12.2 mm/
h storm event could be handled by the system for the same I/P ratio.
The latter storm intensity is slightly less intense than a 5-year 1-h
rainfall for the city of Trondheim. Therefore, Table 4 can help to
design filtering swales according to local rainfall patterns and
volume capture requirements. Note that infiltration systems with
large ratio I/P make better use and advantage of urban space,
although such I/P ratios might accelerate clogging due to high
sediment loading rates (Le Coustumer et al., 2012).
The infiltration capacity of the media is an important design
factor for filtering swales. Additionally, preventative measures
against clogging are crucial for assuring long-term service life and
functioning according to design requirements. Established vegeta-
tion can counteract the clogging phenomena because of the
development of a root network as well as the activity of earth-
worms (Paus et al., 2013). Therefore, systems that lack vegetation
Fig. 4. Infiltration rates vs run-in rates in swale 1 (a), swale 2 (b), and swale 3 (c)
will require a closer study and control with regard to sediment
during the quasi-equilibrium phase. pretreatment, clogging prevention and maintenance; for example,
pretreatment swales have been found to be efficient for
516 C. Monrabal-Martinez et al. / Water Research 145 (2018) 509e517

Table 4
Combination of storm intensity-catchment size-volume capture for swales composed of filter 1 or 2.

Storm intensity, SI (mm/h) Impervious area to swale area, I/P

5 20 40 60 80 100

Volume capture (%) 100 34.2 9.8 5.0 3.4 2.5 2.0
90 83.3 23.8 12.2 8.2 6.2 5.0
80 166.7 47.6 24.4 16.4 12.3 9.9

downstream treatment systems with regard to suspended particles initial degree of saturation was considerably higher in the bioswale,
(Lucke et al., 2014), and periodic replacement of the 5e10-cm layer which negatively impacted the retention capacity of the
of top media has been shown enough for hydraulic conductivity infiltration-based system with earlier onset of run-out flow
restoration (Li and Davis, 2008). (overflow).
Several considerations must be accounted for when interpreting The models derived in this study explained the variability of the
results from this study, which could differ from field conditions: target variables used to assess the performance in the alternative
media satisfactory. However, the application range is limited to the
 The maximum slope tested in this study was 4%. However, as a experimental boundary conditions: Slope (2e4%), run-in
treatment system is often placed parallel to road, slopes are not (0.2  103 e 1  103 m3/s) and rock coverage. The infiltration
expected to exceed this value. Filtering practices should avoid capacity of the media, Ksat, was found to play a significant role in
steep slopes for optimal performance and, therefore, should be each phase. Longitudinal slope showed to have no influence on the
implemented in nearby flatter areas (Yousef et al., 1987; Samani filtering swales in any of the studied phases, i.e. only the inflow rate
and Kouwen, 2002). and media water content were statistically significant.
 By using the rational method to relate storm intensities (SI) to The proposed dimensionless empirical models can be used,
runoff generated (which is the run-in flow in the experiments), along with the rational method, for dimensioning and performance
it is assumed that the rainfall intensity is constant over time and predictions of filtering swales. As an example, the filtering swales
over the impervious area. In real conditions, rainfall intensity presented in this study might capture 90% of the runoff generated
oscillations and the existence of lag-time until full catchment by a 12.2 mm/h storm event for on a road with a surface area 40
contribution will provide a runoff discharge pattern that favours times larger than the swale. This storm intensity corresponds
the infiltration response. approx. with a 5-year (return period), 1-h (duration) rainfall in the
 By design, the runoff was assumed to flow directly into the city of Trondheim, which highlights the capacity of these swales to
upstream end of the swale. Therefore, no initial abstraction of also handle higher return period events. This will of course be a
water by filter strips or side slopes was taken into account, function of local rainfall pattern, but it does show the capacity to
which would have contributed to a better overall performance handle at the minimum the first flush and significantly more for
(Flanagan et al., 2017). many climatic regions.
 Unlike in field scenarios, the water used in this study was
sediment-free. Sediments carried by real runoff will, to some Acknowledgements
extent, affect the infiltration capacity due to clogging of pore
space. However, for a long-term service life it is highly recom- The authors wish to acknowledge the National Public Road
mended to maximize the retention of sediments prior to Administration of Norway and the NORWAT program (Project
entering the adsorbent amended section of the treatment train. number 603019) for their financial support for this project. The
 Swale 3 showed that the traditional soil used in bioretention authors also want to show their gratitude to Vladimir Hamouz (PhD
was unpredictable using our modelling methods within the student at NTNU) for helping in the construction of the experi-
studied boundary conditions. mental setup.

4. Conclusions
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