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Dr. B. C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain, A. K. Jain

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Dr. B. C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain, A. K. Jain

Surveying Dr. B. C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain, A. K. Jain

Surveying - vol. 1 is a great reference guide for civil engineers who are studying about plane and geodetic
surveying methodologies. The first volume focuses on both the theoretical concepts and their practical
applications.surveying - vol. 1 contains twenty-four chapters, some of which are trigonometrical levelling,
contouring, setting out works, and tacheometric surveying. The first chapter focuses on fundamental
definitions and concepts. Every topic is comprehensively explained and is accompanied by relevant
examples of their practical use. Furthermore, the authors have included a wide range of numerical examples
for the benefit of the readers. An unique approach of this book is that it contains methodologies which are of
use to both older and newer machineries. Surveying - vol. 1 also extensively covers instrumental adjustments
and alterations required in the implements when civil engineers are surveying.surveying - vol. 1 is filled with
numerous application-based problems, which will help readers hone their skills and know when to apply
these methods during examinations. New advanced problems have also been incorporated in the first
volume, in order to help individuals prepare for competitive examinations. The sixteenth edition, published
by laxmi in 2005, is available in paperback.

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