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Too often, technology is used only to automate production and thus reduce skill and

labor requirements. But its potential to inform organizational members about the
work process and thus improve operations and increase innovation is the aspect
of technology that will be most important to long-term organizational success.

The Two Faces
of Intelligent Technology

Shoshana Zuboff

2 ut your eye to the kaleidoscope and hold it to- new choices. An innovation like the steam en-
ward the light. You see a burst of color, tiny gine, the telephone, the electric light, or the
fragments in an intricate composition. Imag- computer is not only an element within the
ine a hand slowly turning the kaleidoscope’s pattern; it is a force that turns the rim, a con-
rim until hundreds of angles collapse, merge, crete presence that silently evokes a new vi-
and separate to form a new design. A fun- sion of the potential for relatedness and, in
$ damental change in an organization’s techno- the end, provides the occasion for a new
E logical infrastructure wields the power of the design.
3 slow-moving hand at the turning rim. Tech- It is in this sense that technology
I nology defines the horizon of our material cannot be considered neutral. It is brimming
? world as it shapes the limits of what is possi- with valence and specificity in the opportuni-
zg ble and what is barely imaginable; it erodes ties that it creates and forecloses. Air travel
5 assumptions about the nature of our reality, has allowed us to conquer time and distance
j the “design” in which we dwell; and it creates in a new way by knitting the planet together 5
and giving us access to other peoples, places, companies, in industries as diverse as bank-
and cultures. The electric light rescued the ing, telecommunications, and paper and pulp
night from darkness. Telephones permit us to production, I shall discuss some themes that
pursue intimate contact without bodies that cut across organizational boundaries and
touch or eyes that meet. The litany of dra- seem to have relevance to a wide range of set-
matic new organizations of reality engen- tings. Specifically, this article will sketch two
dered by new technologies is a long one. divergent conceptions of information tech-
But between the turning rim and the nology and their respective implications for
emergence of a new pattern, another force in- the organization of work.
fuses the final configuration of elements with
meaning. This is the human activity of choice.
As the limits of the possible are newly de- AUTOMATE / INFORMATE:THE DUALITY OF
fined, so too is the opportunity for choice INTELLIGENT TECHNOIOGY
multiplied. Shall I fly or drive or take a train?
What is my destination? Shall I use the tele- As the logic of Frederick Taylor’s scientific
phone to maintain intimate contact with management began to take hold earlier in this
friends I rarely see? If so, whom shall I call, century, the substitution of machine power
how often, and for how long shall we speak? for human labor became the obvious solution
The metaphor of kaleidoscopic change is fi- for increasing the speed and volume of
nally a limited one. Those pretty fragments production. Beginning with Fords Highland
align themselves without meaning, but Park auto-assembly plant in 1915, technol-
change in human societies is not quite as ogy would be relied on to complement or
blind. Though intentions do not necessarily supplant human direction. In Mechanization
predict consequences, human beings do pro- Takes Command, Siegfried Giedion describes
ceed by constructing meaning, assessing in- this process:
terests and, with varying degrees of aware-
ness, making choices. It is in the realm of The instruction cards on which Taylor set so much
value, Ford was able to discard. The conveyer belt,
choice that technology reveals a certain in-
the traveling platform, the overhead rails and mate-
determinacy. Though it redefines the horizon rial conveyers take their place. . Motion analysis
of possibility, it cannot determine what has become largely unnecessary, for the task of the
choices will be made and for what purposes. assembly-line worker is reduced to a few manipula-
In these final decades of the twen- tions. Taylor’s stopwatch nevertheless remains, meas-
uring the time of operations to the fraction of a
tieth century, many long-standing assump-
tions about how work is organized are being
challenged by a new technological presence. H. L. Arnold, an industrial jour-
Advanced computer-based information tech- nalist, wrote enthusiastically about the Ford
nology is providing a new infrastructure that innovations that maximized the continuity of
mediates many of the productive and com- assembly. He summarized the key elements of
municative activities most central to or- the productivity strategy: First, all needless
ganizational life. This article will examine the motions were eliminated from the workman’s
role that information technology can play in actions and second, the task was organized to
restructuring the work place. Having inter- require the “least expenditure of will power,
viewed approximately 500 workers and man- and . . . brain fatigue.” This formula is of en-
6 agers at ten research sites representing six during significance as it has dominated the
Informate” (in Human Resource Management:
Trends and Challenges, edited by Richard Wal-
ton and Paul Lawrence, Harvard Business
School Press, 1985). She has also published ar-
ticles on the historical and ideological dimen-
sions of work organization, including “l Am
My Own Man: The Democratic Vision and
Workplace Hierarchy” (in Democracy at Sea,
Shoshana Zuboff is assistant professor of or- edited by Robert Schrank, MIT Press, 1983)
ganizational behavior and human resource and “The Work Ethic and Work Organization”
management at Harvard University, Graduate (in The Work Ethic, edited by lack Barbash,
School of Business Administration. She earned Industrial Relations Research Association,
her Ph.D. in social psychology from Harvard 1983).
University and an undergraduate degree in Zuboff has lectured and consulted widely in
philosophical psychology from the University the United States, Latin America, and Europe.
of Chicago. Her consulting work has focused on the oppor-
Since 7980, Zuboff has been engaged in field tunities offered by information technology for
research that focuses on the social psychology innovative approaches to work organization
of work as it is reorganized by computer-based and management. She is a member of the
technology. She is currently completing a book editorial boards of the Harvard Business Re-
based on her field research (to be published by view and of Office: Technology and People as
Basic Books in 1987), and has written numer- well as a member of the Visiting Committee to
ous articles on the subject of information tech- the College of the University of Chicago. Her
nology in the work place, including “New initial field research was supported by an
Worlds of Computer Mediated Work” (Harvard award from the National Institute of Mental
Business Review, 1982) and “Technologies that Health.

design of mass-production technologies ingly managers are beginning to appreciate

throughout the twentieth century. It calls for the more complex ways in which information
simplification (and sometimes intensifica- technology can provide new sources of com-
tion) of effort, while skill is increasingly sub- petitive advantage. In either case, when
sumed by technology. managers harness information technology to
In the 198Os, the rapid development their strategic goals, they usually plan to ac-
and diffusion of advanced information tech- complish one or more of three interdependent
nology have focused new attention on the un- operational objectives-to increase the con-
derlying logic of technology deployment. To tinuity (functional integration, enhanced au-
what extent will applications of this powerful tomaticity, rapid response), control (preci-
new technology reproduce the formula of la- sion, accuracy, predictability, consistency,
bor substitution, which was perfected certainty), and comprehensibility (visibility,
through decades of economic success in the analysis, synthesis) of productive functions.
mass-production industries? In a manufacturing environment,
Managers typically invest in new in- for example, microprocessor-based devices
formation technology because they believe it such as programmable logic controllers
will allow them to accomplish their opera- (PL.Cs) or sensors can be integrated into
tions more quickly and at less cost. Increas- production equipment and linked to a hierar-
thy of computer systems, thus increasing same as that applied to Fords early assembly
both the continuity and the control of plant. The aim is to replace human effort and
production operations. In an office environ- skill with a technology that enables the same
ment, the standardization, real-time updat- processes to be performed at less cost and
ing, and orderly storage of transaction histo- with more control and continuity.
ries made possible by computer systems Second, technology can be used to
enhance both the control and the continuity create information. Even when a given appli-
of office functions. cation is designed to automate, it simultane-
Information technology also in- ously generates information about the under-
creases the comprehensibility of the very lying processes through which an organization
processes that have been automated. Indeed, accomplishes its work. The word that I have
greater comprehension is both a condition coined to describe this process is informate. It
and a consequence of such applications. Any is meant to capture that aspect of this tech-
activity, from a clerical transaction to spray- nology that may include but also go beyond
ing paint on an automobile, if it is to be com- automation. We see the informating power of
puterized, must first be broken down into its intelligent technology at work in the manu-
smallest components and analyzed so that it facturing environment when microprocessor-
can be translated into the binary language of based devices such as robots, PIG, or sen-
a computer system. For most organizations, sors translate the three-dimensional produc-
this step prepares the way for automation and tion process into two-dimensional digital
simultaneously creates a deeper understand- data. Such data are then typically made
ing of the activity itself. Once they are auto- available on a video display terminal or com-
mated, the intelligence of the very devices puter printout, in the form of electronic
that increase control or continuity generates symbols - numbers, letters, and graphics. This
new streams of data that provide an opportu- is information that did not exist before. In the
nity to develop an even more penetrating un- office environment the combination of on-
derstanding of the operation. For example, line transaction systems and communications
PIG or microprocessor-based sensors not systems create a vast information presence
only apply programmed instructions to that includes many data formerly lodged in
equipment; they also convert the current state people’s heads, in face-to-face conversations,
of product or process into data, thus creating in discrete file drawers, and on various pieces
the possibility of increased comprehension. of paper widely dispersed in time and space.
Similarly, the same systems that make it pos- In its capacity to automate, information tech-
sible to automate office transactions create an nology has a prodigious ability to displace
overview of real-time organizational func- human effort and to substitute for much that
tioning and coordinate many levels of data, has been familiar as human skill. As an infor-
which are then available for tracking, report- mating technology, its implications are
ing, and analysis. equally significant, although not yet well
By its very nature, then, informa- understood.
tion technology is characterized by a fun- Information technology can make a
damental duality that has not been fully ap- powerful contribution to the objectives of in-
preciated. First,. the technology can be creasing control and continuity, but its
applied to automate operations. The reason- uniqueness lies in its informating capacity,
ing behind such applications is essentially the which can enhance comprehension of the
operations through which an organization new technology, a strategic approach to tech-
does its work. Thus far I have pointed to this nology deployment will in many cases fall
informating process as if it were autonomous short of achieving the desired outcomes. One
and unintended. However, an organization conclusion from my research is that organiza-
can choose to emphasize and exploit the in- tional innovations are necessary to support
formating potential of intelligent technology. technological innovations if a firm is to fully
The extent to which either of information benefit from the informating process. It is a
technology’s two capacities is emphasized process that has implications for the kinds of
will play a central role in determining the or- skills that organization members must de-
ganizational consequences of technological velop, the articulation of roles and functions,
change. The choice of emphasis is above all and the design of systems and structures that
a question of strategy and derives from support and reward participation in an infor-
management’s conception of the contribution mated organization.
that this technology can make to the business.
Informating may proceed as an unintended
and undermanaged consequence of compu- THE DATABASE AS ORGANIZATION SURROGATE
ter-based automation, but it can also be part
of a conscious management policy designed As organizations apply information technol-
to exploit the new information presence to ogy, they tend to develop mechanisms that al-
create a different and potentially more pene- low information to be automatically gener-
trating, comprehensive, and insightful grasp ated and captured. As automation proceeds,
of the business. This, in turn, can serve as the they search for ways to integrate information
catalyst for significant improvement and in- and make it valid, immediate, and accessible.
novation in the production and delivery of Some organizations have already reached a
goods and services, thus strengthening the level where they have been able to recreate
competitive position of the firm. their own images in the form of detailed, real-
Yet even as managers begin to recog- time, integrated databases, which give ac-
nize and appreciate the informating power of cess to internal operations and external busi-

“Some ovganizafionshave already . . . beenable fo

recreate their own images in the form of
detailed, real-time infeg-rafeddatabases, which
give accessto infernal opera/ions and external
business data and can . . , organize, summarize,
and analyze aspects of their own content.” 9
ness data and can be reflexive enough to But what does it mean for an orga-
organize, summarize, and analyze aspects of nization to ‘become a database?” In organiza-
their own content. In a highly informated or- tions where informating proceeds as an un-
ganization, the database takes on a life of its dermanaged and autonomous phenomenon,
own. It becomes an autonomous domain, a the growth of the database is experienced as
public symbol of organizational experience, overwhelming and incomprehensible - hence
much of which previously had been frag- the term information overload. An approach
mented, private, and implicit. For example, in to technology deployment that assumes mini-
one highly automated pulp plant built mal skills at the information interface along
around a microprocessor base of instrumen- with a hierarchical and fragmented division
tation, a computerized database included all of labor tends to create organizations with a
vital business and personnel data as well as minimal capacity to plumb newly available
real-time record of operations-created by information in ways that would add value to
continual measurements of the 2,500 key business activities.
pieces of plant equipment, which were up- When the informating process is
dated several times per minute. A powerful pursued as part of a conscious strategy, the
information system like this one becomes an new information presence can be felt at every
on-line, symbolic surrogate for much of the level of organizational activity. The informa-
dynamic detail of an organization’s daily life. tion presence invites organization members
The fact that the database assumes the status to pose questions and generate hypotheses.
of organization surrogate is even more com- As aspects of organization functioning are
pelling in the context of the traditionally brought to light or seen in different ways,
information-intensive organizations: banks, new insights are engendered. The organiza-
insurance companies, airlines, and so forth. tion can become a learning environment in
Indeed, a recent speech found the chairman that work itself becomes a process of inquiry,
of MCI Communications referring to changes and the contributions that members can make
in financial services with the statement, are increasingly a function of their ability to
“Banks are becoming more like databases.” notice, reflect, explore, hypothesize, test, and

The quality of skills that people bring to the

new information is usually an important de-
terminant of whether the emerging database
is experienced as overload or as an opportu-
nity to reach for a new level of comprehen-
sion and innovation. My understanding of
these emerging skill demands derives from
detailed interviews with people who have
grappled with the need to make sense of their
work when information about their tasks
comes to them primarily through the medium
10 of a computer-based system.
Mastery at the information inter- able to approach data analytically, grasp the
face depends upon what I define as intellec- potential relationships among variables, and
tive skill. The central problem that confronts use data to build and test hypotheses. A sys-
the person who must accomplish a significant tems engineer who had worked closely with
portion of his or her work through the infor- operators in another highly automated plant
mation interface is that of reference. People described how successful operators managed
find themselves asking, ‘To what do these the production process through the com-
data refer? What is their meaning?” Intellec- puterized control interface:
tive skills become necessary for creating
When you want to know what is going on in a part
meaning and so grappling with the problem of the plant, you roll through several screens of data.
of reference. You must keep important data in your mind as you
The intellective skill base has three continue to scan. People learn how to organize data
crucial dimensions. The first is the ability to in their minds. They build models in their heads
about what is really happening, and they build on the
think abstractly. For many people-like the
model with data until they have a complete picture.
mill operator who interacted directly with
machinery, the clerical worker whose tasks The ability to perform such induc-
involved specific pieces of paper and interper- tive reasoning ultimately depends on having
sonal routines, or the manager who culled in- a theoretical conception of the processes to
formation from meeting and talking with which the data refer. This is a third dimension
people -work tasks have tended to be em- of intellective skill; it is this theoretical grasp
bedded in concrete activities. But as work be- that provides a guide through the data, a ba-
comes more computer-mediated, it also sis from which to generate hypotheses, and
becomes more abstract and remote from clues as to where to search for evidence of the
physical cues. Learning what information consequences of any given course of action.
might mean when it is separated from its ac- Consider the words of one account officer
tion context requires a new emphasis on ab- for whom a powerful information system
stract thinking and relies on the ability to provided a real-time overview of his loan
make explicit the inferences that link data to portfolio:
a concrete world. An operator in an auto-
mated mill described his experience in a com-
puterized control room:

Anytime you mash a button you should have in mind

exactly what is going to happen. You need to have in
your mind where it is at, what it is doing and why
it is doing it. Out there in the plant you can know
things just by habit. You can know them without
knowing that you know them. In here you have to
watch the numbers, whereas out there you have to
watch the actual process.

The second component of intellec-

tive skill is inductive reasoning. Because in-
formation in a computer system tends to be
reduced to quantitative terms, people must be 11
Certain things can be less apparent because there is question becomes the keystone of any
so much information. We have to spend time pin- strategy for mutually developing technology
pointing the major factors we are looking for. You
applications and the organizational innova-
have to know what is significant in order to know
how to discern it. tions that support them. In this context,
“smart people” are organization members
Or, in the words of another plant operator: who can contribute to and learn from the sys-
The more I learn theoretically, the more I can see in tems through which they perform their work.
the information. Raw data turn into information A strategy that emphasizes automation fo-
with my knowledge. I find that you have to be able cuses on the smart machine. An informating
to know more in order to do more. It is your under- strategy recognizes the value and function of
standing of the process that guides you.
the smart machine, but only in the context of
Of course, people learn from and its interdependence with smart people. It is
about their work in many ways. When tasks the knowledge and understanding in people’s
become computer-mediated, people will often heads - their “intellective skill’- that turns
look for ways to check back with the precom- smart machines into an opportunity for fun-
puter action context to assure themselves that damental business improvement. Mastery of
they are doing things correctly. For example, inference through inductive reasoning and
a clerical operation might be performed in theoretical understanding provides the basis
both manual and automated modes until peo- from which those at the information interface
ple trust the new system. Plant workers some- can construct, integrate, and synthesize the
times leave the control room to check on meaning of information.
equipment, just to see if the computer system Perhaps the most compelling reason
accurately reflects “what is really going on.” that managers are driven to a narrow empha-
But often these older contexts are organized sis on automation is the web of economic
out of the new environment - there’s no going logic in which they must operate. Conven-
back to check because there’s nothing to go tional accounting formulas treat technology
back to. Older equipment and instrumenta- as a capital substitution for labor. As many
tion is dismantled; paper forms and the office managers have learned, “to justify a computer
routines built around them disappear. When we have to show job eliminations.” These
this happens, intellective skill becomes a pre- lines of economic force cut a deep path and
requisite for operating competently in the carry certain inevitable implications. For ex-
new computer-mediated environment. Those ample, organizational resources are chan-
without it can feel lost. neled in ways that support the fundamental
technology strategy. Investment dollars and
staff know-how are dedicated to enhancing
Two ROADS DIVERGE automation through technology design, ap-
plication, maintenance, and upgrading. It is a
In one manufacturing organization, the plant simple and obvious fact that such choices
manager had a heated debate with his leader- have long-term consequences in terms of
ship group over the strategic conception that which organizational potentialities become
would guide technology deployment. “Are we robust, atrophy, or are stillborn.
all going to be working for a smart machine,” The emphasis on automation is fur-
he asked, “or will we have smart people ther bolstered by the middle manager’s role,
12 around the machine?” The response to this which has been largely defined as one of col-
letting, manipulating, disseminating, or new skills will need to be, so that is uncom-
withholding information. As organizations fortable.”
grew in size, middle managers became the in- To the extent that managers con-
formation conduits through which planning front these dilemmas by emphasizing auto-
and execution could be coordinated and con- mation, the structure of Taylorism is likely to
trolled. But there is deeper significance to the be replicated, along with all of its inherent
manager’s information function: Managers antagonisms. Consider the voice of a worker
have traditionally been considered the in a plant that had invested heavily in auto-
representatives of ownership. Only they matic control systems:
could be counted on for the loyalty and dedi-
They need the workers to help them figure out what
cation that this symbolic investment of prop-
the computer should do. But why should you tell a
erty rights implied. It followed that signifi- man all your knowledge about how this place runs so
cant information could be entrusted only to he can put it into a machine and then it’s going to take
those who could be relied on to serve the your job away? It robs me of my dignity, it robs me
interests of ownership. But the informating of what I know how to do. . . . If they don’t like me
they can hard time me, as I am more expendable now,
process unleashed by new technology can
because my knowledge is in the system.
provide the nonexempt worker at the infor-
mation interface with access to data that con- Or as a clerical worker in the back office of
vey a broad scope of the organization’s func- another company put it:
tioning. One corporate vice-president put the
Because you are dealing with the tube everyday, you
problem this way: can’t beat it. You can’t get ahead with it. It’s just an
An issue that the technology is forcing us to face in- inanimate object that stands on your desk and you
volves the loss of managerial control. . . There is a have to fight it every day. And the tube is going to
legal definition that management is the steward for tally what you have worked. . . . It’s like a fight that
the owners of the enterprise. They are expected to be you cannot win. With the tube you do not have a
loyal and unswervingly dedicated to achieving the chance.
objectives of the owners. They are expected to not let
the situation ever get out of control. New infor- Under these conditions certain or-
mation technology introduces some very new prob- ganizational consequences become more
lems. Suddenly the folks who work with these sys- likely than others. Productivity will increase,
tems are interfacing with a tremendous technology at least in the short run, as routine jobs are
power-power to see all the functions of the opera- eliminated. Authority will tend to become
tion. That is pretty scary to some managers.
more centralized as managers set objectives
For middle managers who measure for the machine system. Design efforts will
their worth in terms of their ability to exert tend to maximize the self-regulating capacity
control and maximize the certainty of out- of computer systems and minimize the need
comes, the choice to create “smart people” can for human interaction, understanding, and
be a threat. Even those willing to consider the contribution. Members of the technical and
obsolescence of their traditional function can managerial elite are likely to become more
find the ambiguity of their emerging role powerful, as they will have the intellective
painful enough to elicit resistance. As one skill needed to monitor, improve, or override
manager explained, “As we face change, the the automatic systems. In such a scenario the
big issue is, ‘What’s in it for me?’ If I can keep remaining work force tends to become an ad-
the box narrowly defined, then I know my junct to the machine system, with little or no
worth as a manager. I don’t know what my critical understanding of its functions. Such 13
dependence on automation means that the nities for competitive advantage that are
problems of reliability will be critical. Auto- offered by more, different, and better infor-
matic controls that can provide fail-safe mation.
measures to guard against systems errors will In one organization, corporate se-
be needed, since the ripple effects of such nior managers were trying to assess the ex-
failures can escalate with alarming speed in a perience of their manufacturing sites caught
highly automatic and interdependent ma- up in the problems of computerization. They
chine system. began to realize that any attempt to profit
Despite the compelling economic, from the upward spiral of information availa-
organizational, and psychological exigencies bility would require more profound or-
that press managers to exclusively emphasize ganizational change than anyone had, as yet,
the automating opportunities offered by in- seriously considered. One corporate vice-
formation technology, many of the managers president reflected:
with whom I spoke had come to feel that this
With the new technology it seems there is an almost
emphasis tended to prevent their organiza-
inevitable kind of development, if you have as a goal
tions from using the newly generated infor- maximizing all business variables and harnessing the
mation as an opportunity for business im- entire organization to contribute to that effort. I now
provement and innovation. think you must choose to distribute information and
In one plant converting to a micro- authority in a new way if you want to achieve that.
If you do not, you will give up an important compo-
processor-based control system that would
nent of competitive advantage.
allow workers to interact remotely with the
production process through a centralized in- If it is assumed that the availability
formation interface, one of the managers of new applications will rapidly equalize any
complained: competitive advantage gained from being an
early technology leader, then it follows that
We have cut out so many people, there is no one to
do the neat things we could use the information for.
a sustained advantage is likely to come from
We need to look at added value and we don’t know an organization’s ability to exploit the learn-
how. We need to let hourly people make a contribu- ing opportunities offered by new information.
tion, but we will go mean and lean as pure profit In many businesses, improvement and innova-
drives us in the end. Unfortunately, no one is con-
tion in products and services made possible
sidering the trade-offs.
by increased levels of comprehension and in-
The ill-considered trade-offs involve the spe- sight can make an important contribution to
cial characteristics of an informating technol- competitive position. These organizations will
ogy. As long as the technology vision is distinguish themselves by exploiting the in-
limited to staff reductions and characterized formating potential of the new technology.
by the assumption that more technology For example, one bank, in the process of creat-
means diminished skill requirements, then ing an on-line, integrated database to provide
the informating capacity of new technology valid, internally consistent numbers on front-
cannot possibly be exploited. It may be true and back-end banking operations, understood
that the quickest route to increased profits is the emerging “database environment” as the
through this kind of labor substitution. It source of new product development. Banking
may also be true that for many businesses “products” were being redefined in terms of
long term profitability, innovation, and their informational content and the proce-
growth will depend on a different approach dures used to analyze that information. The
to technology deployment - one that is able hope for such a database was that it would
14 to use “smart people” to exploit the opportu- provide the flexibility needed to manipulate
data in new ways-and thus create new prod- and widely applied in white-collar bureau-
ucts. As one bank officer explained: cracies. With scientific management, the
worker’s implicit know-how was analyzed
Eighty percent of the banks products can be pro-
duced with 150 procedures. The other 20% of the
to generate data that could serve as the
products require at least as many procedures. We basis for developing a series of management
want a database that will give us all the pieces-an functions. These functions allowed manage-
integrated view of our entire business. It will be like ment to take responsibility for coordina-
a pictorial view of the bank. Then, any idea that we tion and control of the production process,
come up with can immediately be converted into a
including the fragmentation and standardiza-
product. If you use the same procedure in a different
order you would get a different product, or you could tion of tasks.
eliminate one procedure and you’d get a different When intelligent technology creates
product. This will give us a truly flexible bank. The (or provides new access to) information, and
challenge will be to train our people to think of prod- when that information is made available to
ucts as a conceptual thing, not as a material thing.
those at the point of production, the essential
Our business will depend on data and procedures and
the conceptual thinking to come up with new ideas.
logic of Taylorism is shattered. For the first
time, technology returns to the worker what
If such a vision is to bear fruit, each it once took away, but with a great deal more
level of the organization must be empowered as well. The worker’s knowledge had been im-
to respond effectively to the information that plicit in his or her actions. Informating makes
is most relevant to its functional concerns. that knowledge explicit; it is a mirror reflect-
Such empowerment depends on two ele- ing what was tacitly known but now is in a
ments. First, those closest to information form that is public and precise. It also ex-
relevant to their functions must have the au- pands the range of what can be known, since
thority to respond. Such authority will only the newly available information often extends
emerge from a strategy that stresses the im- beyond the narrow boundaries of a con-
portance of smart people. This both implies ventional job definition. Intellective skill
and reflects a second requirement- that the becomes the means by which one can reap-
organization make a commitment to the de- propriate and expand upon one’s own knowl-
velopment of intellective skill at the informa- edge and engage in the kind of learning pro-
tion interface. Without a depth of these skills, cess that makes information valuable. As one
people will not be able to engage in the qual- factory worker put it:
ity of “sense making” that can add value. As
All the information that you can get through this sys-
one worker in a newly computerized plant tem gives you an opportunity to see how things could
reflects: “Before, we did not have any way to have been done better or how they could be done
know what we were learning or to under- differently. . . . That is the real potential of this equip-
stand the effects of our actions. Now we have ment. That would never have occurred if we had just
stayed with the old technology.
so much information and feedback-not to
be able to conceptualize it is the real crime.” Informating invites a new vision of
the organization: a group of people gathered
around a central core- that is the automated
A NEW DIVISION OF LABOR database. Individuals relate to electronic in-
formation interface according to their respon-
Informating implies a division of labor dif- sibilities, which vary in range and compre-
ferent from the logic of work organiza- hensiveness. Intellective skill becomes one of
tion inherited from scientific management, the organization’s most precious resources,
perfected in the mass-production industries, and the company invests in maintaining and
upgrading that skill base in measures com- altered. In a conventional environment it is
parable to the investment in technology itself. relatively easy for a manager to determine
In this vision, the organization becomes a that a worker has not properly repaired a
learning institution for which a fundamental boiler (it continues to malfunction) or failed
objective is the expansion of knowledge to type a document properly (it is full of er-
about the business and the opportunities it rors). But how does a manager determine that
faces. Such an approach implies a departure an employee failed to respond to some ele-
from most current practice. Today, it is not ment in the data? How does a manager evalu-
unusual for an organization to spend millions ate the possibility of missed opportunities to
on technology purchases and installation, learn more about the business or improve
while even the most rudimentary training operations in some way? In the final analysis
fails to show up as a line item in the annual it is only the employee’s skill and commitment
budget. that can ensure that intellective effort will be
Managers who want to pursue this exerted and that opportunities made avail-
vision will need to appreciate the intricacies able by an informating technology will be
of life at the information interface. Too often exploited.
it is assumed that human beings will respond
to data displays like obedient servomechan-
isms, immediately recognizing the data’s sig- A NEW LANGUAGE AND A NEW VISION
nificance and responding appropriately. But
the image of the human subject as another Anyone applying an informating strategy
factor in the feedback loop is not realistic. will come up against a variety of organiza-
The meaning with which people invest their tional barriers, some of which have been
work, their levels of motivation and commit- identified in this discussion. These barriers
ment, and the quality of their skills will each are only part of the problem; a deeper issue
mediate the relationship between the infor- to confront, one that is both philosophical
mation interface and the human observer. and ideological in character, involves the
Indeed, as the work that people do limitations of language. We remain, in these
and the effort they must make become more final years of the twentieth century, prisoners
abstract, the need for their motivation be- of a language that has its roots in a way of life
comes all the more crucial. For the first-line and a way of work that are fast becoming ob-
manager, the contingencies of supervision are solete. Consider the work-place vocabulary

*‘We remain, in thesefinal years of

the twentieth centuy, prisoner-sof
a language that has its roots in a
way of life and a way of work that
16 me fast becoming obsolete.”
available to us: Managers require workers; Such a world as this calls for a new
superiors have subordinates; jobs have defini- vocabulary, one that introduces the possibili-
tions that are specific, detailed, narrow, and ties of colleagues and co-learners, of explora-
task-related; and organizations have levels tion, experimentation, and innovation; one
that, in turn, create chains of command and reflecting jobs that are comprehensive, tasks
spans of control that are either centralized or that are abstractions depending on insight
decentralized. The guiding metaphors are and synthesis, and power that is a roving
military; the relationships are contractual force that comes to rest according to function
and often adversarial; the foundational image and need. A new vocabulary cannot be as-
is one of a manufacturing enterprise in which signed; it will have to be developed by those
raw materials are transformed through physi- engaged in breaking ties with an industrial
cal labor and machine power into finished logic that has ruled the imaginative life of our
goods. Because production is complex, ex- century.
pensive, and sometimes dangerous, the pre- Industrial technology has been
vailing notion is that it requires a kind of pre- liberating; it has created vast wealth and de-
cise planning and direction that only the creased the demands on the human body. It
management edifice can provide. has also been seductive-promising to fulfill
For some organizations, because of the dream of perfect automaticity while heal-
the nature of their products, processes, or ing egos wounded by their need for certainty
markets, this approach will continue to be and control. Part of the dream is an image of
most appropriate. But for many others, or- “people serving a smart machine.” In the
ganizational success will depend less on com- shadow of the dream, human beings have lost
petent execution of the status quo than it will the experience of critical judgment. But only
on increased understanding of functions, in- such judgment can initiate the kind of human
novations in products and processes, oppor- action that moves over and against the vortex
tunities to expand or develop new markets of stimuli, not merely to respond, but to
with customized services, and so forth. In “know better than,” to ask questions, to in-
these organizations, informating will be a vent, to say no. The dream of automation
core process. But for informating to become brings us dangerously close to Hannah
a conscious strategy, it will be necessary to Arendt’s dark vision of a behaviorist world
create a vision that transcends the limitations come true:
of our current language. The images as-
The last stage of the laboring society, the society of
sociated with physical labor can no longer jobholders, demands of its members a sheer auto-
guide our conception of work. The work matic functioning, as though individual life had actu-
place, which may no longer be a “place” at all, ally been submerged in the overall life process of the
might come to be thought of as an arena species and the only active decision still required of
the individual were to let go, so to speak, to abandon
through which information circulates, infor-
his individuality, the still individually sensed pain
mation to which intellective effort is applied.
and trouble of living, and acquiesce in a dazed, “tran-
The quality, not the quantity, of effort is the quilized,” functional type of behavior. The trouble
source from which added value will be de- with modern theories of behaviorism is not that they
rived. Economists can continue to measure la- are wrong, but that they could become true, that they
bor productivity as if the entire world of actually are the best possible conceptualization of
certain obvious trends in modem society. It is quite
work could be adequately symbolized by the
conceivable that the modern age-which began with
assembly line, but their measures are likely to such an unprecedented and promising outburst of hu-
be systematically indifferent to what is most man activity- may end in the deadliest, most sterile
valuable in the informated organization. passivity history has ever known. 17
That managers may give themselves
over to this dream out of inertia or conve-
nience rather than cogent analysis is all the
more disturbing. Organizations that take
steps toward a purely automating strategy
can set a course that is not easily reversed.
The message communicated to the work force SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY
and the depletion of skills that would be
needed in value-adding activities represent Hannah Arendt develops an historical and
losses that are not easily retrieved. philosophical perspective on labor and its status in
An informating strategy requires a the modem world in The Human Condition
comprehensive vision that appreciates the (University of Chicago Press, 1958). Siegfried Gie-
dion surveys the mechanization of every aspect of
unique capacities of intelligent technology
human endeavor, from agriculture to the domestic
and recognizes the need to use the organiza-
environment, in Mechanization Takes Command
tion to liberate those capacities. It means
(Norton, 1969).
forging a new logic of technology deploy- The Five Dollar Day: Labor Manage-
ment based on that vision. A coherent ration- ment and Social Control in the Ford Motor Com-
ale will be necessary, particularly as the tide pany, 29084927 (State University of New York
of conventional thinking and familiar as- Press, 1981), by Stephen Meyer, explores the
sumptions begins to submerge many impor- evaluation of mass-production technology in the
tant value-laden choices regarding basic tech- Ford Motor Company and its role in shaping the
nology design. As one plant manager pointed relations between workers and managers.
out: Michael E. Porter and Victor E. Millar’s
“How Information Gives You Competitive Advan-
The technology is going in the direction that says one tage,” an article which appears in the Harvard
person operates the master controls. Is the technology Business Review (July-August 1985), provides a
right? We don’t believe it is, and we are working hard
useful framework for analyzing the strategic sig-
to convince vendors to leave the design flexible
nificance of information technology.
enough so that it does not preclude the uses we want
Richard Walton’s “Challenges in the
to make of it.
Management of Technology and Labor Relations”
The informated organization does (which appears in Human Resource Management:
move in another direction. It relies on the hu- Trends and Challenges, edited by Richard Walton
man capacities for teaching and learning, and Paul Lawrence, Harvard Business School
criticism, and insight. It has an approach to Press, 1985) describes the ways in which computer
business improvement that rests on the inno- technologies can be deployed that either exacer-
bate adversarial relationships or contribute to
vation made possible by an enhanced com-
greater mutuality and cooperation between labor
prehension of core processes. And it reflects
and management.
the interdependence between the human
mind and some of its most sophisticated
productions. As one worker mused:
If you don’t let people grow and develop and make
more decisions, it’s a waste of human life-a waste of lf you wish to make photocopies or obtain reprints
human potential. If you don’t use your knowledge of this or other articles in O~GM~~ATI~NAL DYNAMICS

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to its full potential means using the person to his or
18 her full potential.

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