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OPINION Inotropes and vasopressors use in cardiogenic
shock: when, which and how much?
Bruno Levy a,b,c, Julie Buzon a,b,c, and Antoine Kimmoun a,b,c

Purpose of review
Data and interventional trials regarding vasopressor and inotrope use during cardiogenic shock are scarce.
Their use is limited by their side-effects and the lack of solid evidence regarding their effectiveness in improving
outcomes. In this article, we review the current use of vasopressor and inotrope agents during cardiogenic shock.
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Recent findings
Two recent Cochrane analyses concluded that there was not sufficient evidence to prove that any one
vasopressor or inotrope was superior to another in terms of mortality. A recent RCT and a meta-analysis on
individual data suggested that norepinephrine may be preferred over epinephrine in patients with
cardiogenic shock . For inotrope agents, when norepinephrine fails to restore perfusion, dobutamine
represents the first-line agent. Levosimendan is a calcium sensitizer agent, which improves acute
hemodynamics, albeit with uncertain effects on mortality.
When blood pressure needs to be restored, norepinephrine is a reasonable first-line agent. Dobutamine is
the first-line inotrope agent wheraes levosimendan can be used as a second-line agent or preferentially in
patients previously treated with beta-blockers. Current information regarding comparative effective
outcomes is nonetheless sparse and their use should be limited as a temporary bridge to recovery,
mechanical circulatory support or heart transplantation.
cardiogenic shock inotropes, norepinephrine, vasopressors

INTRODUCTION inotropes are administered in almost 90% of

Cardiogenic shock is defined as a state of critical patients with cardiogenic shock with a positive class
end-organ hypoperfusion because of primary car- IIb recommendation and level of evidence C in

diac dysfunction. Cardiogenic shock forms a spec- United States and European guidelines [2 ,3].
trum ranging from mild hypoperfusion to profound In this article, we will review the use of vasopres-
shock [1 ]. Established criteria for the diagnosis of sors and inotrope agents for the treatment of acute
cardiogenic shock are: SBP less than 90 mmHg or cardiogenic shock mainly based on recent literature.
need of vasopressor therapy to achieve a blood
pressure at least 90 mmHg; pulmonary congestion CARDIOGENIC SHOCK
or elevated left-ventricular filling pressures; signs of PHYSIOPATHOLOGY AND
impaired organ perfusion in a normovolemia or CARDIOVASOACTIF AGENT USE
hypervolemia state, with at least one of the follow- Our understanding of the complexity and patho-
ing criteria: altered mental status; cold, clammy physiology of cardiogenic shock has evolved over
skin; oliguria; and increased serum lactate. The the past 2 decades [4]. Classically, there is a
diagnosis of cardiogenic shock can usually be made
on the basis of easy-to-assess clinical criteria without a
Service de Réanimation Médicale Brabois, CHRU Nancy, Pôle Cardio-
advanced hemodynamic monitoring with the Médico-Chirurgical, bINSERM U1116, Faculté de Médecine and cUni-
exception of echocardiography. Certain clinical trial Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France
criteria have also included hemodynamic parame- Correspondence to Bruno Levy, Hopital Brabois, Vandoeuvre les Nancy,
ters, such as reduced cardiac index (CI, i.e. <1.8 or France. Tel: +33 383154469; fax: +33 383153080;
<2.2 l/min/m2 with cardiac support) or elevated left e-mail:
ventricular filling pressures (i.e. pulmonary capillary Curr Opin Crit Care 2019, 25:384–390
wedge pressure >15 mmHg [1 ]. Vasopressors and DOI:10.1097/MCC.0000000000000632 Volume 25  Number 4  August 2019

Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Inotropes and vasopressors use in cardiogenic shock Levy et al.

that agents that exhibit both inotropic and vasopres-

KEY POINTS sor effects are likely the most indicated in cardiogenic
 There is limited information about comparative efficacy shock treatment. Nevertheless, all of the potentially
among pharmacological vasoactive agents used in useful agents have deleterious side effects that must
cardiogenic shock. be taken into account.
 The utilization of vasopressors and inotropes is
recommended as a temporary measure as a bridge to THE USE OF ADRENERGIC AGENTS
recovery, mechanical circulatory support or heart
transplantation. Inotropes and vasopressors should be The use of catecholamines is considered to be the
used at the lowest dose and shortest time angular stone of hemodynamic cardiogenic shock
span possible. treatment. This therapeutic class includes dopa-
mine, epinephrine, norepinephrine and phenyleph-
 The combination of norepinephrine–dobutamine is &

generally recommended as a first-line strategy. rine [6 ]. All of these molecules increase mean
arterial pressure (MAP) by stimulating the a1 adren-
 Levosimendan should be considered as a second-line ergic receptor. Nevertheless, aside from phenyleph-
therapy in well selected patients with rine, which is a pure alpha-1 vasoconstrictor, all of
cardiogenic shock.
the above catecholamines stimulate other adrener-
gic receptors leading to various hemodynamic, met-
abolic, and inflammatory effects. Comparison of the
affinity of these different drugs for receptor subtypes
profound depression of myocardial contractility as well as the effects associated with receptor stimu-
resulting in a potentially deleterious spiral of lation is depicted in Table 1 [7]. Hence, the choice of
reduced cardiac output, low blood pressure and best adrenergic agent should take into account
further coronary ischemia, followed by additional not only its cardiac effect but also its vascular,
reductions in contractility [5], a cycle, which can metabolic, microcirculatory, and immune effects.
lead to death. This classic paradigm also includes
compensatory, albeit pathological systemic vaso-
constriction resulting from acute cardiac injury CURRENT RECOMMENDATIONS
and ineffective stroke volume. Therefore, in this First, it is important to highlight that vasoactive trials
setting of low cardiac output syndrome, the use of in cardiogenic shock have historically been difficult
inotropes is fully justified. The so-called new para- to perform. Therefore, current recommendations are
digm states that patients with cardiogenic shock mainly based on meta-analyses and expert opinions.
exhibit a decrease in vascular resistance through The French, Scandinavian and German recommen-
numerous pro-inflammatory pathways including dations are very similar and unanimously recom-
the nitric oxide pathway but also the over-production mend norepinephrine and dobutamine as first-line
of peroxynitrite and cytokines, thus leading to an agents [3,8,9]. A Scientific Statement from the Amer-
indication of vasopressor therapy in these patients. ican Heart Association [1 ] surprisingly continues to
From pathophysiological data, the first conclusion is advocate dopamine use in cardiogenic shock. Two

Table 1. Vasopressors and inotropes drugs used in cardiogenic shock

Drug Mechanism/receptor MAP HR CO Therapeutic dose

Potential recommended drugs for improving hemodynamics in cardiogenic shock

Norepinephrine a1þþþ, b1 þ "" , or # " 0.05–1 mg/kg/min

Dobutamine b1 þþ , or # "" "" 2–20 mg/kg/min
Levosimendan Calcium sensitizer , or # "" "" 0.5–2 mg/kg/min
Enoximone PDE-3 inhibitor , or # " "" 0.125–0.75 mg/kg/min
Generally nonindicated drugs for improving hemodynamics in cardiogenic shock

Epinephrine a1þþþ, b1 þþþ, b2 þþ "" "" "" 0.1–1 mg/kg/min

Dopamine b1 þþþ, a1þþ " """ " 5–20 mg/kg/min
Vasopressin V1 (Vascular smooth muscle cell) "" , or # , or # 0.01–0.04 UI/min

Adapted from ref. [7]. CO, cardiac output; HR, heart rate; MAP, mean arterial pressure. ,: no change; #: decrease; ": increase.

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Cardiogenic shock

recent Cochrane analyses concluded that there was included 57 patients. With regard to study drugs,
not sufficient evidence to prove that any one vaso- the dose needed to obtain a MAP of 70 mmHg was
pressor or inotrope was superior to another in terms 0.7  0.5 mg/kg/min in the epinephrine group and
of mortality and that the choice of a specific agent 0.6  0.7 mg/kg/min in the norepinephrine group
may, therefore, be individualized and left to the (P ¼ 0.66). For the primary efficacy endpoint, cardiac
discretion of treating physicians [10 ,11]. Finally, index (CI) increased similarly between the 2 groups
despite low levels of evidence, an expert recommen- (P ¼ 0.43) from H0 to H72 (Fig. 1). However, for the
dation was published based on the physiological main safety endpoint, the observed higher inci-
effects of vasopressors/inotropes and selection of dence of refractory shock in the epinephrine group
inotrope/vasopressor combinations in cardiogenic (10/27 (37%) versus norepinephrine 2/30 (7%)
shock outlined in an extensive number of literature (P ¼ 0.008) led to the early termination of the study.
reviews [12 ]. Heart rate increased significantly with epinephrine
from H2 to H24 while remaining unchanged
with norepinephrine (P < 0.0001). Mean pulmonary
NOREPINEPHRINE AS A FIRST-LINE artery pressure (P ¼ 0.48) and pulmonary occlusion
AGENT pressure (PAOP) (P ¼ 0.38) evolved similarly
Norepinephrine is a very potent and reliable vaso- between both groups. Lastly, left ventricular ejec-
pressor with interesting inotropic properties. The tion fraction (LVEF) progressively increased in
use of vasopressor agents during severe and hypo- a similar manner between both groups (P ¼ 0.87).
tensive cardiogenic shock is justified by the fact that, Several metabolic changes were unfavorable to epi-
for many patients, the adequacy of end-organ blood nephrine compared with norepinephrine including
flow is roughly correlated with blood pressure, with an increase in cardiac double product (P ¼ 0.0002)
low blood pressures being associated with an and lactic acidosis from H2 to H24 (P < 0.0001)
increased risk of mortality [13]. Norepinephrine is (Fig. 1). Therefore, the authors concluded that in
a very potent and reliable vasopressor. It increases patients with cardiogenic shock secondary to AMI,
MAP without any concomitant increase in heart the use of epinephrine when compared with nor-
rate. Generally, cardiac index is increased because epinephrine was associated with similar effects on
of a direct effect on cardiac myocytes as a result of b1 arterial pressure and CI and a higher incidence of
adrenergic receptor stimulation. Norepinephrine refractory shock. These results were substantiated by
has numerous advantages when compared with a meta-analysis of individual data constituting 2583
other vasopressors, including: a very potent vaso- patients, including the above 57 patients, in which
pressor effect equivalent to epinephrine and phen- the primary outcome was short-term mortality [24 ].
ylephrine and greater than dopamine [14]; contrary The main result was that in this very large cohort,
to epinephrine, norepinephrine does not act on b2 epinephrine use for hemodynamic management of
adrenergic receptors, hence lactate levels do not cardiogenic shock patients was associated with a
increase and may be used to guide resuscitation three-fold increase in risk of death. Thus, from a
[15]; contrary to dopamine and epinephrine, physiological standpoint, a drug (epinephrine) that
norepinephrine increases cardiac index without increases myocardial oxygen consumption (as
increasing heart rate, and thus without excessively assessed by the increase in double product) and
increasing myocardial oxygen consumption [16]; increases lactate level (and therefore, confounds
contrary to phenylephrine, which acts only on a1 the interpretation of lactate clearance as a marker
adrenergic receptors, norepinephrine also acts on of restored systemic perfusion) without any advan-
cardiac b1 adrenergic receptor, and may therefore tages on arterial pressure restoration, oxygen deliv-
preserve ventricular–arterial coupling [17]. Norepi- ery and organ failure is therefore, not a good choice
nephrine and epinephrine [18] are currently the to treat patients with cardiogenic shock . Finally, in
most commonly used vasopressor agents in cardio- the most recent recommendations, norepinephrine
genic shock [13,18–21]. Studies comparing epi- is recommended as the first-line inopressor in car-
nephrine and norepinephrine in patients with diogenic shock whereas epinephrine use is con-
septic shock found no significant differences in versely not recommended.
outcome [22]. Nevertheless, these drugs may have
certain specific effects in patients with cardiogenic
shock that could influence outcome. To illustrate DOPAMINE AND VASOPRESSIN SHOULD
the latter, the Optima CC study compared epineph- NOT BE USED IN CARDIOGENIC SHOCK
rine and norepinephrine in myocardial infarction Dopamine has been shown to be associated with
complicated by cardiogenic shock [23 ]. This dou- increased 28-day mortality as compared with nor-
ble-blind, multicenter and randomized study epinephrine, although this effect may be explained

386 Volume 25  Number 4  August 2019

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Inotropes and vasopressors use in cardiogenic shock Levy et al.

FIGURE 1. Epinephrine versus norepinephrine in cardiogenic shock after acute myocardial infarction. Compared effects on
hemodynamics and refractory shock incidence. Reproduced with permission from [23 ]. &&

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Cardiogenic shock

by chance [16]. In this multicenter, randomized trial, In clinical practice, three agents can be used: dobut-
1679 patients, of whom 858 were assigned to dopa- amine, which is a pure inotrope, as well as levosi-
mine and 821 to norepinephrine as first-line vaso- mendan and phosphodiesterase inhibitors (IPDE),
pressor therapy to restore and maintain blood both of which are inodilators. Interestingly, these
pressure. There was no significant between-group three drugs act through different pathways. Dobut-
difference in the rate of death at 28 days (52.5% in amine is a predominantly beta-1-adrenergic agonist,
the dopamine group and 48.5% in the norepineph- with weak beta-2 and alpha-1 activity. IPDE prevents
rine group). However, there were more arrhythmic the degradation of cyclic adenosine mono-phos-
events among the patients treated with dopamine phate (cAMP). In the myocardium, elevated levels
than among those treated with norepinephrine [207 of cAMP activate protein kinase A, which in turn
events (24.1%) versus 102 events (12.4%), P < 0.001]. phosphorylates calcium channels, increasing the
A subgroup analysis showed that dopamine, as com- influx of calcium into the cardiomyocyte, and pro-
pared with norepinephrine, was associated with an motes contractility. In smooth muscle, elevated
increased rate of death at 28 days among the 280 cAMP inhibits myosin light chain kinase, producing
patients with cardiogenic shock but not among the arterial and venous vasodilation. Levosimendan is a
1044 patients with septic shock or the 263 with calcium-sensitizing agent that binds to cardiac tro-
hypovolemic shock (P ¼ 0.03 for cardiogenic shock, ponin C in a calcium-dependent manner. It also has
P ¼ 0.19 for septic shock, and P ¼ 0.84 for hypovole- a vasodilatory effect in vascular smooth muscle by
mic shock, in Kaplan–Meier analyses). Finally, a opening adenosine triphosphate-sensitive potas-
recent meta-analysis revealed that norepinephrine sium channels [7].
was associated with a lower 28-day mortality, a lower On the basis of clinical experience, availability
risk of arrhythmic events as well as lower gastrointes- and costs, dobutamine is generally recommended as
tinal reaction when compared with dopamine. This first-line therapy. In cardiogenic shock , dobut-
superiority of norepinephrine over dopamine was amine has been shown to significantly increase
observed irrespectively of whether or not cardiogenic heart rate, cardiac index and SVO2 while decreasing
shock is caused by coronary heart disease. Vasopres- both PAOP and lactate. Conversely, enoximone or
sin is also not recommended [25] as this drug has no milrinone was found not to significantly increase
inotropic properties, and therefore, does not improve heart rate while decreasing PAOP and increasing
cardiac power index and CI whereas norepinephrine cardiac index, as well as to neither increase SVO2
increases the latter [26]. Vasopressin use may be nor decrease lactate levels [28,29 ]. Finally, both
advocated during right ventricular failure as it does dobutamine and milrinone are associated with
not increase pulmonary arterial pressure [27]. arrhythmias and systemic hypotension. Studies
To summarize, when blood pressure needs to be comparing these two agents suggest similar clinical
rapidly restored, norepinephrine is a reasonable outcomes although milrinone has a longer half-life
first-line agent. Clinical evidence suggests that clini- and is associated with more profound hypotension
cians should integrate clinical, laboratory and [29 ].
hemodynamic multimodal monitoring to deter-
mine patient response to therapy and drug titra-
tions. Norepinephrine should be started at a low LEVOSIMENDAN AS A SECOND-LINE
dose (0.1 mg/kg/min) and increased to obtain a MAP THERAPY
at about 65–70 mmHg. After having stabilized arte- On the basis of expert’s opinions, the combination
rial pressure, the clinician must subsequently evalu- of norepinephrine–dobutamine is generally recom-
ate if norepinephrine alone was able to reverse the mended as a first-line strategy. Dobutamine acts by
signs of hypoperfusion (low cardiac output, low stimulating cardiac beta-1-adrenergic receptors,
SVO2, hyperlactatemia, mottling, oliguria) [1 ]. increasing contractility, heart rate and myocardial
If not, given the reduced cardiac output in car- oxygen consumption with limited effects on arterial
diogenic shock, the addition of an inotropic agent pressure. In addition, dobutamine may increase
may help to improve stroke volume after hemody- the incidence of atrial/ventricular arrhythmias
namic stabilization with norepinephrine. If norepi- and extension of ischemia. Unlike traditional ino-
nephrine fails to increase MAP, the use of a tropes, such as dobutamine, levosimendan neither
mechanical circulatory support should be discussed. increases myocardial oxygen consumption nor
impairs diastolic function or possess pro-arrhythmic
effects. It could, therefore, represent an ideal agent
DOBUTAMINE AS A FIRST-LINE INOTROPE in cardiogenic shock as it improves myocardial con-
Currently, there are no studies comparing pure ino- tractility without increasing cAMP or calcium con-
trope or inodilator drugs during cardiogenic shock . centration. Additionally, levosimendan, which has

388 Volume 25  Number 4  August 2019

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Inotropes and vasopressors use in cardiogenic shock Levy et al.

a long-lasting action (up to 7–9 days) resulting from proof. The role and place of levosimendan in this
the formation of active metabolite, can be used as a setting will be evaluated in the LevoHeartShock
single 24 h perfusion. Lastly, levosimendan also has study, which will include 634 patients in France.
an anti-inflammatory effect via the reduction of pro-
inflammatory cytokine and oxidative stress marker
levels. Moreover, levosimendan acts independently CONCLUSION
of beta receptor activation, and is therefore, not
sensitive to the action of beta-blockers or desensiti- When and which drug
zation [30 ].
In hypotensive patients, the use of norepinephrine
Levosimendan is also an activator of adenosine
is recommended before the use of inotrope, includ-
triphosphate (ATP)-sensitive potassium channels in
ing in the prehospital setting, the emergency room
smooth muscle cells, thus resulting in vasodilata-
and the catheterization lab. In myocardial infarc-
tion [31 ]. In the setting of cardiogenic shock ,
tion-associated cardiogenic shock , patients should
especially in vasoplegic patients or in vasopressor-
benefit as early as possible from prehospital
dependent patients, this effect may be associated
management with norepinephrine and coronary
with hypotension leading to increased vasopressor &&
revascularization [12 ]. In the ICU, a complete
dose. Finally, the very long half-life of levosimendan
hemodynamic point should be performed including
is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, its prop-
cardiac output measurement, SVO2 or SVCO2,
erties render its use particularly interesting for wean- &&
venoarterial CO2 difference and lactate level [1 ].
ing patients from intravenous inotropes; on the
In case of persistence of hypoperfusion signs, dobut-
other hand, once levosimendan has begun, it may
amine should be added to norepinephrine. In
be difficult to rapidly reverse the vasodilation.
previously beta-blocked patients or in patients
Levosimendan has been tested in large RCTs
demonstrating catecholamine-related side effects
against dobutamine or placebo in patients with
(from excessive tachycardia to adrenergic cardio-
decompensated heart failure [32], septic shock
myopathy), levosimendan could represent a good
[33] and low cardiac output syndrome after cardiac
option especially if cardiac output and heart rate did
surgery [34] but never in cardiogenic shock . One
not increase after a dobutamine test.
major point immediately stands out when review-
ing the literature is that there is currently no high-
quality study assessing the use of levosimendan in How much
cardiogenic shock . Moreover, all of the meta-anal-
yses were performed using only a few studies with a In general, inotropes and vasopressors should be
high risk of bias [10 ]. When analyzing the afore- used at the lowest dose and shortest time span
mentioned data, it is clear that, when compared possible. Thus, as soon as the therapeutic objectives
with dobutamine, levosimendan has no effect on have been reached, the treating clinician should
short-term and long-term mortality, ischemic reduce the dose in conjunction with close clinical,
events, acute kidney injury, dysrhythmias or hospi- biological and hemodynamic monitoring. Impor-
tal length of stay [10 ]. On the other hand, levosi- tantly, when shock becomes refractory (sustained
mendan appears to be well tolerated at the expense hypotension despite high vasopressor/inotrope
of an increased vasopressor dose. Major hemody- doses, hyperlactatemia, organ failure particularly
namic changes include an increase in CI and cardiac kidney and liver failure), the use of a mechanical
power index, a decrease in left ventricular pressure circulatory support instead of increasing or adding

and an increase in SVO2 [35]. Finally, based on a low- drugs should be promptly discussed [36 ]. There is
quality study, levosimendan appears to be more no accurate threshold of norepinephrine dose in the
efficient in refractory cardiogenic shock secondary literature for defining the refractory nature of car-
to myocardial infarction when compared with enox- diogenic shock. Nevertheless, the use of cardiac
imone. In cardiogenic shock , levosimendan may assistance should be evoked early and, in all cases
result in higher CO and lower cardiac preload com- before the onset of kidney and/or liver failure.
pared with dobutamine. Finally, recent data have suggested a beneficial role
Altogether, despite very promising properties of cardiac assistance, in particular in using tempo-
and based on current evidence, levosimendan should rary left ventricular assist device when implanted
be considered as a second-line therapy in well early in order to unload the left ventricle and to

selected patients with cardiogenic shock. The con- decrease catecholamine requirements [37 ].
ducting of well designed RCT is nevertheless war-
ranted to address the gap between the potential use Acknowledgements
of levosimendan in cardiogenic shock and definitive None.

1070-5295 Copyright ß 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. 389

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Cardiogenic shock

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