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May 2019 ( 3rd week)

Nasal Surgery
Nasal surgery includes any surgery performed on the outside or inside of the nose.

Conditions Treated
A common type of reconstructive and cosmetic surgery, nasal surgery may be
performed to accomplish the following:
 Improve breathing
 Correct congenital or acquired deformities
 Change size or shape of nose (cosmetic)
 Repair nasal injuries
Conditions treated include:
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)
Deviated Nasal Septum
Hypertropy of the turbinates
Chronic Sinusitis
Nasal polyps

Common Types of Nasal Surgery:

 Turbinectomy
Turbinectomy is a procedure in which some or all of the turbinate bones in the nasal
passage are removed, generally to relieve nasal obstruction.

 Septoplasty
Septoplasty is the surgical correction of defects and deformities of the nasal septum
(the partition between the nostrils). The septum is a structure made of bone and
cartilage in the central portion of the nose that separates one nasal cavity from
another. When the septum is deviated, it can block one side of the nose and
significantly disturb airflow.
Septoplasty attempts to straighten the septum as much as possible in the midline
position and open the airway by removing the deviated portion and restructuring of
the remaining bone and cartilage.

 Rhinosseptoplasty
When the septal deviation is more complex, or there is an associated deformity on
the nasal external portion or nasal valve, a rhinosseptoplasty may be required to
achieve adequate nasal breathing and we may request the expertise of our
colleagues in Stanford's Facial Plastic Surgery division for some of these cases.
If the septal deviation is located in the more external portion of the septum,
frequently a piece of a donor rib cartilage needs to be utilized in order to stabilize the
nasal tip and preserve the external shape of the nose.
 Rhinoplasty
Cosmetic nose reshaping is also known as rhinoplasty. The procedure can reduce or
increase the size of the nose, narrow the span of the nostrils, change the angle
between the nose and upper lip, and/or change the tip or bridge of the nose. It can
also correct some breathing problems.
Rhinoplasty involves the resculpting of the bone and cartilage..

Nasal Surgery Postoperative Instructions

Nasal splints
Splints are two pieces of plastic held in place with a stitch inside your nose. Although
they are used to provide the best long-term results, they can produce temporary
discomfort, and difficulty to breathe through the nose if this happens. These are
temporary changes that should resolve once the splints and the stitch are removed,
usually a week after surgery.

Pain control
You will be prescribed pain medication after nasal surgery. Take as you need for
pain control. If you prefer to avoid narcotics, you should feel free to use
acetaminophen (Tylenol®).

It is normal to experience small bleeding for a couple of days after surgery. You may
dab your nose gently with tissue, but do not blow your nose. Avoid aspirin, NSAIDs
(such as ibuprofen, Advil®, Motrin®, naproxen, or Aleve®), for at least two weeks
because they can increase the risk of bleeding after surgery.
Nasal saline two sprays each nostril four to five times a day for two weeks Nasal
saline washes away all crusts and dried blood to keep the nose clean during the
healing process, and accelerates healing by maintaining a moist environment in the
You may use nasal topical decongestants (such as Afrin® spray) two sprays each
nostril twice daily for three days and then as needed to control small bleedings, for a
maximum period of time of one or two days. The decongestant decreases the
amount of swelling in the nose and can keep the nasal passages open during the
healing phase.

Minimize physical activity for two weeks

Patients can resume normal daytime activities if they have undergone isolated nasal
surgery. Walking and spending more time out of bed rather than in bed are helpful to
reduce risks of developing pneumonia or blood clots in the legs. However, patients
should avoid strenuous activity, it can increase swelling or cause bleeding.

Possible Complications Associated with Nasal Surgery

Possible complications associated with nasal surgery may include, but are not
limited to, the following:
 Infection
 Nosebleed

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