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A note on the design of fibre-reinforced shotcrete linings for underground


Conference Paper · March 2003


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4 authors, including:

Giovanni Barla Fabrizio Barpi

Politecnico di Torino Politecnico di Torino


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A notg on the destgn
e ol tibre-rerntorced shotcrete lrnrngs tor under-
ground supporl
G. Barla, F. Barpi, C. Berlolino, B. Chiaia
Department of Structural Engineering and Geotechnics
Politecnico di Torino, 10129 Torino, Italy
Email : chiaia@polito. it

ABSTRACT: The ability of sprayed concrete to hold the rock mass around an opening, avoiding pro-
gressive loosening and destabilization, is widely recognized. On the other hand, design of shotcrete supports
is still more of an art than a science, with the majority of designs based on experience, on empirical recom-
mendations or on monitoring and adapting during construction. In order to improve both the mechanical and
the durability characteristics of sprayed linings. a recent trend is to replace the ordinary mesh reinforcement
with steel fibres. It is well-known, in fact, that the usage of high-strength fibres (e.g. steel fibres) in the con-
crete mixture permits to maintain a high compressive strength while considerably improving the toughness
and thus the structural ductility. In this paper, the evaluation of the strength and ductility characteristics of fi-
bre-reinforced shotcrete linings is performed by adopting suitable theoretical and numerical models. Analyses
show that failure of a shotcrete support is generally a two-step process, initially generated by loss of adhesion
to the rock, followed by flexural failure. Flexural strength and toughness play a critical role in the post-peak
region once adhesion is lost. After analysing the stress state in traditional underground configurations, the
bridged crack model is used in order to define the correct softening curve of the material, based on the fibre
content. By means of a numerical code based on the cohesive crack model, the post-peak behavior of the
structure is investigated. It is shown that the fibre reinlòrcement greatly enhances the flexural and punching
shear strength, as w-el1 as the energy absorption capacity.

In the following, attention rn'ill be focused onto fi-
We def-rne as shotcrete, or spritzbeton, a particular bre-reinforced shotcrete, possibly accompanied by a
concrete mixture carried under pressure into a closed radial bolting system, as a composite sustaining
pipe system, projected against the application sur- structure. The strength and ductility aspects of this
fàce where it realizes a supporting shell. material, together with its energy absorption capa-
Fibre reint-orced shotcrete, as a parlicular case, in bilities, will be investigated through analytical and
addition to the classical ingredients - cement, water, numerical methods.
aggregates and additives, contains a reinforcing The theoretical analysis of the shear and flexural
phase made of fibres which provides the material behavior of shotcrete shells will provide closed-form
with enhanced mechanical (e.g. ductility and frac- analytical solutions which are helpful in determining
ture energy) and durability (related to the reduced the safety factor of composite underground linings.
crack-ing extent due to plastic shrinkage) properties. The numerical analysis will permit to translate the
One of the most important field of application for tools of nonlinear fracture mechanics (e.g., of the
the shotcrete is the field of undergroung engineering. cohesive crack model) into design rules, under the
Excavation of tunnels, in fact. causes the change of hypothesis of a monocoque support. The geotechni-
the stress field in the rock mass, with consequent cal aspects related to the excavation of a circular
stress redistribution and strain development. Without tunne[ will be investigated through the FLAC[')
appropriate confinement, large deformation may commercial code, whereas, by means of the
converge towards equilibriun'r or induce unaccetable C.CRA.P. algorithm (developed at Politecnico di
damage which requires a reinforcing structure. Torino), the post-peak response of the reinforcing
shell will be modelled, by considering the entire
stress-strain relation of fibre-reinforced shotcrete.
2 . COLLAPSE MECHANISMS OF SHOT- 2.1 Bendins behavior of a shotcrete shell: limit
CRETE LININGS analvsis"and structural response

In the presence of a bolting system, the in situ be-

The mechanical characteristics of rock masses, havior of a fibre-reinforced shotcrete lining under
which affect the stress state of the supporting shell, the action of a unstable rock mass, can be modelled
depend both on the mechanical properties of the as in Fig. 2. The first peak, at a very small value of
rock and on the distribution of discontinuities. deformation, corresponds to the loss of adhesion un-
Within a fractured rock mass, loads may transfer to der a substantial elastic behavior. In the subsequent
the shell by means of unstable rock wedges com- stage, under displacements of the order of some mil-
prised between adjacent discontinuities. limeters, the bending behavior prevails with the pro-
The principal collapse mechanisms which can derive gressive formation of fractures in the shell. Ultimate
are listed below: strength is reached in correspondence ofa prevailing
1. loss of adhesion (Fig. 1.a); membrane behavior.
2. bending collapse (Fig.1.b);
3. direct shear collapse (Fig. 1.c);
5. punching shear collapse (Fig. 1.d). adhesion
As can be noticed in Fig. 1, two additional collapse
mechanisms can be defined, related to the overall membrane

loading system:
6. compression collapse (Fig. 1.e);
7. tension collapse (Fig. 1.f .

These collapse mechanisms refer to an equivalent

continuum description of the rock-support system.
Therefore, they are global damage mechanisms,
which cannot be excluded in the presence of frac- E
tured rock masses although less specifical than J
modes I -4.

Fig. 2 Bending behavior of a shotcrete shell element

irr É1""rru, tr',rr.

. Elastic bendine model bv Stille (1992)

The elastic analysis of the shotcrete lining under
bending moment (second stage of Fig. 2) has been
carried out by Stille (1992) who suggestes the fol-
lowing formula:
i;ì Di.ect Sh6r Failift

where Ml rs the limit elastic bending moment of the

fibre-reinforced shell, / is the shell thickness, Z7 the
iil volume percentage of fibres, or is the material tensile
:tl strength and k is an empirical coefhcient taking into
<ìF; I *.ft:
-.!> account the effective contribution given by the fi-
,rCompressive Failure bres. This coefficient can be calculated according to
ifr TensiÌe Failure
the lollowing equation:
Fig. I Principalcollapse mechanisms for a composite shotcrete
150.vf + t.05. (2)
sLrpport in rock (Barrett & McCreath, 1 9e5)
o Elastic bendine model by Di Tommaso (1990)

Di Tommaso (1990) applies a purely elastic model

to the evaluation of the bending capacity of shotcrete
linings. The ultimate bending moment for a fibre-
reinforced shell is calculated according to the classi- The load-carrying capacity of the layer, Cqn,, with
cal beam formula: reference to the bending effects, is given by the fol-
lowing expression which is a function of the flexural
Mr,=f,, (3)
T, strength, o1tnr, of the bolt spacing, s, and of the
thickness r:
where .f1a is the design flexural strength taking into
account fibre contribution, whereas I and t are, re- t2s (5)
spectively, the width and the thickness of a shell 62
strip subjected to bending. in addition, the Authors provide, for comparison,
an equivalent expression given by Holmgren (1993),
. state plate an which updates equation (5) in the presence of rein-
McCreath (1995) forcing hbres:
/,0,*/.ro,o ,'_.t.
The Authors apply limit state design to the c rt,, = 0.9. ' ,u .roo.,, . o ,tu .16 (6)
,,,, 2
evaluation of the shotcrete shell which is considered
The two parameters Itors e ljell6represent the two
as a bidimensional structure. The model is illustrated
factors of flexural toughness, determined according
in Fig. 3. The shotcrete panel is modelled as a plate
to ASTM C1018-92.
and the radial bolts are considered as vertical con-
straints. Therefore, the shotcrete shell is divided into o
a set of rectangular panels, with known dimensions,
Cohesive-hinee analvsis by Marti (1999)

loaded by the weight of rock wedges. In Fig. 4 the The analysis permits to evaluate the ultimate
moment distribution under such loading is shown: bending moment of fibre-reinforced composites, in
percentages are referred to the moment M0 eqùal to: the framework of limit analysis coupled with cohe-
, G-rf . e) sive crack approach.
Marti (1999) provides two different analyse: the
where 4 is the distributed load, s is the spacing of the general one explicitly considers the extent of the
radial bolts and c is the width of the bolt anchorage compressed zone (modelled by a stress-block)
plate. within a plastic hinge in a bent element of height h.
The second one neglects the extent of the com-
pressed area.
Figure 5 represents the scheme referring to the
i.ansverse Moménl complete analysis: the plastic hinge, within the ele-
ment of height h, is characterized by a compressed
/-7 zone of height z and by a finite rotation 0 (l.r :
length of the fibres).
Uf,dcrnelh the SIab

Fig. 3 Plate rnodel used for the analysis of bending collapse

of shotcrete (Barrett e McCreath, 1995)
rqi r

Fig. 5 General analysis of a cohesive hinge (Marti,
l ee9)

Fig. 4 Principal bending moment values in the shell (per-

Fig. 6 Softening curve for tension (Marti, 1999)
centages referred to M11 (Barrett e McCreath, r 995)
It is assumed that constant compressive stresses o Comparison between the different analyses
equal to 0.85/'. (/'": cylinder compressive strength of
the shotcrete) act upon the extension 0.82 (stress Table 1 reports the formulas, relative to the ulti-
block) of the cross section. and that a parabolic dis- mate bending moments, obtained according to the
tribution of cohesive tensile stresses acts upon the previous approaches, by using the reference values
remaining area of the section (Fictitious Crack described in the same Table, (i.e., the thickness r of
Model, see Fig. 6). the layer is equal to 20 cm, and the volumetric per-
When the parameter ( (crack opening parameter) centage of steel fibres is equal to 7oA in all cases).
attains values comprised between 0 and 1, the height Different symbols are used for the same mechanical
z of the compressed zone and the ultimate bending quantity (e.g., the bending moment), in order to
moment m can be calculated according to (see the maintain the original choice of the different Authors.
reference scheme in Fig. 5):
l+ f 2.04. ,

oo (3-38+E')
f -l
I ,6-8É+
.r t9
. =(;),, o i
' ' "rl = l. rgr elastic
L t2-t2(+ a( ) approach
The value op (Fig. 6) to be used into equation (7) M1: 10.8 KN.m

can be evaluated from the following formula:

t:20 cm
V -1, .ru Di Tommaso:
--o' = ---:---l-- Mr,=f,,
2.d, tyl elastic
approach + f1;3.24MPa
M,:21.6 KN.m
wlrere Z7 is the ,rolume percentage of fibres, T6rep-
resents the limit bond stress between fibres and t:20 cm
cotrcrete (.rt;2./),: 0.6:/',''t. where /i, is the con- v;\oh
McCreath: t)J
crete tensile strength), and d7 is the diameter of the limit state ap- L.1t".r=olr^'6'- o1r,,=7.1 I MPa
f-rbres. proach (plate s:1.2 m
When 4, t, instead, the following formulas theory) C7"-,:28.4 KN'm
should be used:
It Presence of the compressed
(10) zone ({=0.5): t:h-20 cm
m=0.68. f ,'..2.
oo l- _, 'l /ì:50.4 MPa
I n r.l_ Marti: l^. 6-8I+3É'l
1U.6.:il/r-zl. ' '.1
' t2-t2(+ 4(' )
;:0.007 m
m: l9 KN.m
nr=0.68 . f . z. lo.oz+- t. (1 l) limit state ap- L
L 4É) proach
Notice that, the value { : 1 implies that all the (beam theory) Absence of the compressed
t:h:20 cm
fìbres across the cracked section (cohesive hinge) zone ((:0.5):
have undergone pull-out from the surrounding [o-sr+3É'.1 on:2.11 MPa
rtt -l ' ' 1.o... h'
The simplified analysis neglects the extent of the
I t2 l" lz: 19.3 KN.m

Table L Comparison of different theories for bending

compressed zone. Therefore, equations (8) and (11)

0<6_< ,,=[9-5*] o, r,. (r2) Comparing the various theories, we observe that
the approaches by Di Tommaso (1990) and Marti
o^-h) (1999) provide similar results. Instead, the ultimate
4r1, t1 =L- (1 3) bending moment obtained according to the theory by
t2. E', Barrett & McCreath (1995) is considerably higher.
In conclusion, if we consider a generic cross sec- This is due to adopting the bidimensional plate the-
tion of the fibre-reinforced shotcrete shell as the ory (instead of beam theory) and to the beneficial
element of height h, we need to decide the best ap- presence of the radial bolts which has not been taken
proach (considering or neglecting the compressive into account by the other Authors.
zone) also with regard to the efficiency of the adhe- Moreover, there is a clear difference between the
sion to the rock. Thereby, on the basis of the value load-carrying capacity calculated according to
of z, the ultimate bending moment can be calculated Stille's theory (1992) and the other theories. The k-'
with the appropriate formula. As a rule, the design parameter, used by Stille to take explicitly into ac-
moments shall be sufflciently smaller than this limit count the bridging action of the fibres, affects di-
state. rectly the value of the elastic bending moment.
Finally, it is important to stress that, since the ef- tensile stresses arise in the upper part of the support,
fèct of fibres is essentially confined to the post-peak although the plastic zone around the hole is always
softening branch (where they provide the shotcrete of limited size.
with an unexpected reserve of ductility), adopting a
linear elastic approach does not permit to consider JOB lilLE . modellÒ

the beneficial role of the reinforcement, unless a FLAC lyetsion 3-10)

fracture mechanics analysis is carried out consider- LEGENO

ing the enhanced fracture energy of the composite. I

o 28 1

Two different numerical codes have been used to

evaluate the load-carrying capacity of a fibre-
reinforced circular shotcrete support. The geotechni- l--

cal aspects related to the excavation operations and Fig. 7 Undeformed mesh for the FLAC simulations of rock-
the soil-structure interaction have been analysed by support interaction
means of the finite-difference code FLACT'. After-
wards, the post-peak behavior of the fibre-reinforced
critical cross sections has been analysed with the fi- 3.2 The finite element code C.CRA.P. (Cohesive
nite-element code C.CRA.P (Cohesive CRAck Pro- CRAck Program)
gram), developed at Politecnico di Torino by one of
tlre Authors (Barpi, 1996). This code is able to fol- The finite element program C.CRA.P. was im-
low the entire load history of a fibre-reinforced shot- plemented to simulate the entire behavior of fibre-
crete section, from the linear elastic ascending reinforced shotcrete linings in the framework of the
branch to the softening stage, since it is based on the cohesive crack model.
fictitious crack model. Since the loading conditions are those typical of
Mode I fracture propagation, the crack path can be
3.1 The FLAC@] numerical code (vers.3.40) determined a priori by symmetry reasoning.
Moreover, in the cohesive crack model, stress
The commercial code FLACI" ldeveloped by the singularities are absent, since the maximum princi-
ITASCA Consulting GrouprM), is commonly used in pal stress at the apex of the fictitious crack is equal
geotechnical engineering, especially in the presence to o, (ultimate tensile strength of concrete), and re-
of excavation operations. It is based on an explicit mains constant during crack propagation.
fìnite-difference algorithm and permits simulation of This permits to define a subset of the finite ele-
two-dimensional plane stress, plane strain or axi- ment mesh, named 'rosette', which is constructed
symmetrical conditions. In our simulation, we upon a moving reference system, with the origin
adopted a plane strain condition, which is close to coincident with the fictitious crack tip, which fol-
the situation of long tunnels excavation (constant lows crack propagation as a gauge area where the
cross section and loads acting in the plane). A deep stresses are highest. The rosette is made by an odd
circular hole was considered, inspired by an existing number of regions in order to have, in any loading
engineering situation encountered in the Frasnadello situation, at least one element symmetrical to the x-
/Antea tunnel in San Pellegrino Terme (BG-Italy). axis of the moving system.
The stress coefflcient k6was put equal to 1, 0.3, 0. The crack propagation condition is that the
The cases when ko:0.3 and k6: 0, which are typical maximum principal stress in the centroid of such
of shallow tunnels or of stratified and fractured rock element attains the ultimate tensile strength of the
masses with considerable stress release around the material.
hole, were chosen in order to analyse the role of ten- Due to the symmetry conditions, numerical
sile stresses (as well as their extent) arising in the analyses have been carried out on an archetype of
shotcrete support. tunnel support, by modelling only one half of the
The Mohr-Coulomb plastic criterion was adopted circular lining. The resulting circular arch was gen-
in the analyses. Due to the symmetry, the simulation erated, by means of GiD 6.1.2, possessing the inter-
was carried out only for a quarter of the domain nal radius Ri,;5.7 m and the external radius R,,f5.9
(Fig. 7). The fibre-reinforced shotcrete support was m, i.e. a 20 cm thick shotcrete support was mod-
simulated by assigning the pertinent mechanical elled. As shown in Fig. 8, the boundaries of the arch
properties to a shell of elements at the boundary of were constrained symmetrically.
the hole. By applying localized rock gravity loads,
Steel fibre
content l%l 0 I 1.5
(Dramix@ ([kg/m3]) (0) (78.5) (l 17.5)
zc 30/.s0)

Modulus [MPal 30400 33100 34800
coefficient t-l 0.25 0.25 0.25
Fig. 8 The rnodel for crack propagation used in C.CRA.P.
under the action of a localized gravity load Extension of
the area
[ml I

As a feedback from the FLAC@ simulations of the Ultimate ten-

rock-support interaction, an initial notch has been sile strength [MPa] 3.63 4.22 5.55
generated into the C.CRA.P. model, in correspon- o,,
dence of the zones where the highest tensile stresses Fracture
developed. The subsequent crack propagation starts energy [N/ml I50 s200 6300
fiom there, permitting to follow the post-peak be- Gr
havior of such archetype of support. Critical
Numerical analyses yield the history of the ap- crack open-
[ml 0.0000826 0.002464 0 00227
plied load as a function of the vertical displacement irg
ò_, (measured at the top of the support) and as a .tt.
function of the crack mouth opening displacement Specific
(C:MOD). The experimental material data have been weight Ikg/m'] 2265 2279 2355
selected, in the literature, among the most important
researches on fibre-reinforced concrete. They are Tab. 2 Experimental material data adopted in the C.CRA.P.
mentioned in Table 2. In this Table, the most im- simulations (data by Bekaert Robocon, 1996)
portant results found during a wide research carried
by Bekaert on fibre-reinforced shotcrete are re- (load-vcrtical displacement), Bekaert Robocon
ported. In particular, we refer to a linear cohesive , '120000
law (e.g. linear dependence of the bridging stress o 100000
on the crack opening displacement w). 2 Boooo

In our simulations we loaded five nodes, symmet- ì ooooo

rically with respect to the top of the support. This !

s 40000
condition is corresponding to a localised punching lo
load due, for instance, to the self-weight of a unsta- I I.C
Vertical displacement (cm)
ble rock wedge. t--

Fi6rJ contcnt: 09o ;-';="';- piUre c.,nteni: ld"

The following diagrams (Figs. 9, 10) show the Fihre content: 1.57n
applied load as a function of the vertical displace- I

ment ò-,, at the top, and of the CMOD. Notice that,

due to the symmetry conditions, the horizontal dis- Fig. 9 Numerical response (applied load vs. vertical displac
placement at the top node is zero. ment)
In Fig. 1 1, an enlargement of the crack propaga-
tion zone is depicted. Notice the special finite ele- (load-Cl{OD), Bekaert Robocon
ments belonging to the rosette and the crack propa-
gated to a certain extent through the thickness of the
shotcrete layer. *1r"':tn :,*
80000 ...--..../r+
z^ "r,r'tt

i= 60000,,,,,,,"'''
I d

J 40am


o o.o2 o.o4 o 06 o.oe I

Ci\lOD (cm)
Fibre conlenl: 0o,o Fibre content: lqo I

Fibre conlcnt: l.5oo

Fig. 10 Numerical response (applied load vs. CMOD)

The analysis of various numerical simulations
permits to put into evidence the optimal volumetric
percentage of steel fibres with respect to strength
and ductility. With reference to Fig. 10, for example,
3 a big difference (of the shape and of the absolute
a rzz values) is present between the curves corresponding
to the absence of fibres and the I oZ content. On the
contrary, the curves corresponding to 1oA and 1.5oA
are remarkably similar. This implies that excessive
quantities of fibres may result in a very expensive
mix design, withouth a coffesponding increase of
Fig. I I Enlargement of the crack propagation zone performances.

The maximum load that the support is able to Finally, once the maximurn load bearing capacity
sustain is one of the numerical outputs. It is plotted of a fibre-reinforced shotcrete shell has been fixed
in Fig. 12. For instance, considering a volumetric (see, e.g., Fig. l2'), we can calculate the maximum
percentage of fibres equal to l.5oA. the maximum height of a unstable rock wedge pushing against the
punching load that the support can resist results top of the hole (see Fig. 13). Consider the worst
equal to almost l2 tons. situation for the support, i.e., the presence of a py-
The hrst points of the curves shown in Figs. 9 and ramidal block whoJe size is compaìable to the cliar-
10 correspond, instead, to the load of first crack acteristic size of the hole (e.g., diameter of the hole
formation P,,. which is a function of concrete ulti- : 11.8m). For a volumetric percentage of fibres
mate tensile stress (o,,), of the cross-section area of equal to l.5oÀ (117.5 kg/ m'; Pn,^:12 tons), the
the support (b,h). and of the radius of the hole (R) maximum height of the wedge sustainable by the
according to the following formula (which is valid shotcrete support alone is equal to 1.5 m. In the
under the hypothesis of infinite axial stiffness): presence of lòwer fibre contents (e.g., V1:30 kg/m3
o .b.h2.6.0.t82 : 0,38Yo; Pn,or:6 tons), which are more common
(1 4) for undergroung mixtures, the maximum height of
the rock wedge becomes equal to 0.8m.
The shape of the curve beyond the first crack load
Considering a less dramatic situation, e.g. a
depends deeply on the bridging action of the hbres.
punching rock wedge with a smaller size, compara-
Considering, as an example, the situation depicted in
ble for instance to the tunnel radius (equal to 5.9 m),
Fig 10, we can notice that the action of the fibres not
the following values of the maximum height are
only raises the load-carrying capacity of the support,
provided by the analysis:
but, more imporlantly, improves the fracture energy
- Vf :l17.5 kgim' :l ,5%o; P*o,:12 t è hn o,: 3,4 m
of the shotcrete and favours the transition from a - Vf: 30 kg/m3 :0,38Yo; P*o,:6 t h.^: 1,8 m.
brittle behavior towards a ductile behavior of the =
structure. Notice. in fact, that the post-peak response l

is very close to a horizontal (pseudo-plastic) branch.


This means that, once the maximum load P,,* is at- q 26m
tained. further deformation of the shotcrete support
is possible under constant, or slightly decreasing
load. Of course, this result is possible because nu-
merical analyses are carried out by C.CRA.P. under
crack length control.
Nlaxirnum load
1 00000

z 80000
40000 Fig. 13 Qualitative representation of the potentially unstable
20000 - rock wedges
100 120
Fibre contents (kg/m3) I

Fig. 12 Increase of the maximurn load as a function of the fibre

content (nun.rerical simulations by C.CRA.P.)
4 CONCLUSIONS nistic approach, Tunnelling and Underground Space
Technology, V. 10, N. 1, pp. 79-89.
The role of concrete supports in tunnel engineer-
ing is not only that of sustaining loads but also that Bertolino C. (2002),Il calcestruzzo sprùzzato fibro-
of stabilizing the rock mass around the hole by con- rinforzato nelle costruzioni in sotterraneo, Master
trolling its deformations. The load-bearing action, in Thesis, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale e Ge-
fàct, is very often accomplished by the rock itself. otecnica, Politecnico di Torino.
The shotcrete lining, behaving like a membrane,
permits redistribution of stresses around the hole and Carpinteri A. (1999), Nonlinear crack models for
contributes to avoid localized stress releases and nonmetallic materials, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
separation of unstable rock blocks.
Thereby, the requirement of ductility for rock
supports seems to be a very important issue in un- Di Tommaso A. (1990), Le opere preliminari di so-
derground engineering. In this context, the principal stegno in spritzbeton fibroarmato, Officine Macca-
characteristics of a fibre-reinforced shotcrete lining ferri.
is the high fracture energy accompanied by the ca-
pacity to develop large deformations (provided the Holmgren J. (1993), Tunnel linings of steel fibre
thickness of the layer is not too high). This permits reinforced shotcrete, Proceedings ofthe 5th Interna-
to maintain remarkable load-carrying capabilities tional Congress on Rock Mechanics, Melbourne.
well beyond the maximum load, as shown by the
numerical simulations reported in this paper. Karihaloo B. (1995), Fracture mechanics and struc-
Our results indicate that the fibre-reinforced shot- tural concrete, Longman Scientific & Technical,
crete lining, in the presence of sufficiently good London.
geomechanical conditions of the rock, provides ex-
cellent mechanical performances and is therefore Marti P., Pfyl T., Sigrist V., Ulaga T. (1999), Har-
perfèctly capable to play the role of the final tunnel monized test procedures for steel fiber-reinforced
support. The maximum sustainable loads have been concrete, ACI Materials Journal, V. 96, N. 6, pp.
shown to be high. This result, accompanied by the 676-68s.
excellent post-peak performances, implies that high
safety factors can be reached also with respect to Stille H. (1992), Rock support in theory and prac-
unpredictable rock instabilities and localized tice, Proceedings of the International Symposium on
punching loads. At the same time, adding a fraction Rock Support, Sudbury, Canada, 16-19 June.
of short fibres to the mixture provides an efficient
method to reduce shrinkage cracking, improving the Vandewalle M. (1992), Tunnelling the world,
durability of the structure Bekaert SA, Zwevegem, Holland.
Adequate structural theories should be adopted to
take into account the ductility of the material at the
design stage, otherwise the beneficial effects of fi-
bre-reinforcement are missed. As a conclusion of
this paper, we suggest that a step forward would be
represented by implementing into the commercial
codes commonly used for underground engineering
(e.g., FLACT*'; the softening constitutive law. In this
way, a complete analysis of the rock-support inter-
action will be possible for the entire loading history.


Barpi F. (1996), Modelli numerici per lo studio dei

fenomeni fessurativi nelle dighe, Tesi di Dottorato,
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale, Politecnico
di Torino.

Barrett S.V.L., McCreath D.R. (1995), Shotcrete

support design in blocky ground: towards a determi-

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