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Untuk tugas besar EL5206 teman teman dapat menggunakan server RabbitMQ dengan konfigurasi

Hostname :
Username : ARmachine
Password : 12345
Virtual Host : /ARX

Untuk nama exchange, queue dan routing key harap tambahkan prefix berikut pada nama exchange,
queue dan routing keynya agar tidak bertabrakan dengan kelompok lain.

Prefix : TMDG2017-[NomorKelompok]-[BebasDiisiNamaApaSaja]

Contoh yg dipakai di code dibawah : TMDG2017-5-Ifadin

Untuk Publisher (console app c#):

Instal RabbitMQ.Client melalui NuGet Package Manager, lalu kopas:
using RabbitMQ.Client;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Publisher_cmd
class RMQ
public ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
public IConnection connection;
public IModel channel;
public void InitRMQConnection(string host = "", int port = 5672,
string user = "ARmachine",
string pass = "12345", string vhost = "/ARX")
connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
connectionFactory.HostName = host;
connectionFactory.Port = port;
connectionFactory.UserName = user;
connectionFactory.Password = pass;
connectionFactory.VirtualHost = vhost;
public void CreateRMQConnection()
connection = connectionFactory.CreateConnection();
Console.WriteLine("Koneksi " + (connection.IsOpen ? "Berhasil!" : "Gagal!"));
public void CreateRMQChannel(string queue_name, string routingKey = "TMDG2017-5-
Ifadin", string exchange_name =
if (connection.IsOpen)
channel = connection.CreateModel();
Console.WriteLine("Channel " + (channel.IsOpen ? "Berhasil!" :
if (channel.IsOpen)
channel.QueueDeclare(queue: queue_name,
durable: true,
exclusive: false,
autoDelete: false,
arguments: null);
Console.WriteLine("Queue telah dideklarasikan..");
public void SendMessage(string tujuan, string msg = "send")
byte[] responseBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(msg);// konversi pesan dalam
bentuk string menjadi byte
channel.BasicPublish(exchange: "",
routingKey: tujuan,
basicProperties: null,
body: responseBytes);
Console.WriteLine("Pesan: '" + msg + "' telah dikirim.");
public void Disconnect()
channel = null;
Console.WriteLine("Channel ditutup!");
if (connection.IsOpen)
Console.WriteLine("Koneksi diputus!");
connection = null;

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
RMQ rmq = new RMQ();
Console.WriteLine("Tekan tombol apapun untuk inisialisasi RMQ parameters.");
rmq.InitRMQConnection(); // inisialisasi parameter (secara default) untuk
koneksi ke server RMQ
Console.WriteLine("Tekan tombol apapun untuk membuka koneksi ke RMQ.");
rmq.CreateRMQConnection(); // memulai koneksi dengan RMQ
Console.Write("Masukkan nama queue channel untuk mengirim pesan melalui
RMQ.\n>> ");
string queue_name = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write("Masukkan pesan yang akan dikirim atau 'exit' to close.\n>>");
Console.Write(">> tujuan: ");
string tujuan = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write(">> pesan: ");
string inputMsg = Console.ReadLine();
while (inputMsg != "exit")
rmq.SendMessage(tujuan, inputMsg);
Console.Write(">> tujuan: ");
tujuan = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write(">> pesan: ");
inputMsg = Console.ReadLine();

Untuk Consumer (Hololens)

Contoh menggunakan aplikasi hololens bulan mengorbit pada bumi (default template hololens

Instal RabbitMQ.Client melalui NuGet Package Manager

Add class dengan nama RMQ.cs pada project hololens, kopas :

class RMQ
private string datas = "";

public ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;

public IConnection connection;
public IModel channel;
public void InitRMQConnection(string host = "", int port = 5672,
string user = "ARmachine",
string pass = "12345", string vhost= "/ARX")
connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
connectionFactory.HostName = host;
connectionFactory. Port = port;
connectionFactory.UserName = user;
connectionFactory.Password = pass;
connectionFactory.VirtualHost = vhost;
public void CreateRMQConnection()
connection = connectionFactory.CreateConnection();
Debug.WriteLine("Koneksi " + (connection.IsOpen ? "Berhasil! " : "Gagal! "));
public void CreateRMQChannel(string queue_name, string routingKey = "TMDG2017-5-
Ifadin", string exchange_name = "TMDG2017-5-Ifadin")
if (connection.IsOpen)
channel = connection.CreateModel();
Debug.WriteLine("Channel " + (channel.IsOpen ? "Berhasil! " : "Gagal!
channel.QueueDeclare(queue: queue_name,
durable: true,
exclusive: false,
autoDelete: false,
arguments: null);
Debug.WriteLine("Queue telah dideklarasikan. . ");
public void SendMessage(string tujuan, string msg = "send")
byte[] responseBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(msg); // konversi pesan dalam
bentuk stringmenj adi byte
channel.BasicPublish(exchange: "",
routingKey: tujuan,
basicProperties: null,
body: responseBytes);
Debug.WriteLine("Pesan: ' " + msg + "' telah dikirim. ");
public void WaitingMessage(string queue_name)
using (channel = connection.CreateModel())
channel.QueueDeclare(queue: queue_name,
durable: true,
exclusive: false,
autoDelete: false,
arguments: null);
var consumer = new EventingBasicConsumer(channel);
consumer.Received += (model, ea) =>
var body = ea.Body;
var message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body);
//Debug.WriteLine(" [x] Pesan diterima: {0} ", message);
datas = message;
channel.BasicConsume(queue: queue_name, noAck: true, consumer: consumer);
//Debug.WriteLine(" memutus koneksi. ");
public string getData()
return datas;
public void Disconnect()
channel = null;
Debug.WriteLine("Channel ditutup! ");
if (connection.IsOpen)
Debug.WriteLine("Koneksi diputus! ");
connection = null;
Lalu pada Program.cs tambahkan code between ///////RMQ-HOLOLENS start :) and ///////RMQ-

public class HelloWorldApplication : StereoApplication

Node earthNode;

///////RMQ-HOLOLENS start :)
RMQ rabbitmq;
///////RMQ-HOLOLENS end :)

public HelloWorldApplication(ApplicationOptions opts) : base(opts) { }

protected override async void Start()

// Create a basic scene, see StereoApplication

///////RMQ-HOLOLENS start :)
rabbitmq = new RMQ();
///////RMQ-HOLOLENS end :)

// Enable input
EnableGestureManipulation = true;
EnableGestureTapped = true;

// Create a node for the Earth

earthNode = Scene.CreateChild();
earthNode.Position = new Vector3(0, 0, 1.5f); //1.5m away
earthNode.SetScale(0.3f); //D=30cm

// Scene has a lot of pre-configured components, such as Cameras (eyes),

Lights, etc.
DirectionalLight.Brightness = 1f;
DirectionalLight.Node.SetDirection(new Vector3(-1, 0, 0.5f));

//Sphere is just a StaticModel component with Sphere.mdl as a Model.

var earth = earthNode.CreateComponent<Sphere>();
earth.Material = Material.FromImage("Textures/Earth.jpg");

var moonNode = earthNode.CreateChild();

moonNode.SetScale(0.27f); //27% of the Earth's size
moonNode.Position = new Vector3(1.2f, 0, 0);

// Same as Sphere component:

var moon = moonNode.CreateComponent<StaticModel>();
moon.Model = CoreAssets.Models.Sphere;

moon.Material = Material.FromImage("Textures/Moon.jpg");

// Run a few actions to spin the Earth, the Moon and the clouds.
earthNode.RunActions(new RepeatForever(new RotateBy(duration: 1f,
deltaAngleX: 0, deltaAngleY: -4, deltaAngleZ: 0)));
await TextToSpeech("Hello world from UrhoSharp!");

///////RMQ-HOLOLENS start :)
protected override void OnUpdate(float timeStep)
//terima data
var data = rabbitmq.getData();
Debug.WriteLine("Isi:" + data);
//gerakin bidak ??
//kosongkan data
data = "";
Debug.WriteLine("Isi:" + data);
///////RMQ-HOLOLENS end :)

// For HL optical stabilization (optional)

public override Vector3 FocusWorldPoint => earthNode.WorldPosition;

//Handle input:

Vector3 earthPosBeforeManipulations;
public override void OnGestureManipulationStarted() =>
earthPosBeforeManipulations = earthNode.Position;
public override void OnGestureManipulationUpdated(Vector3 relativeHandPosition)
earthNode.Position = relativeHandPosition + earthPosBeforeManipulations;

public override void OnGestureTapped() { }

public override void OnGestureDoubleTapped() { }
Cara testing, jalankan publisher dan hololensnya
Pada publisher cmd :

isikan nama queue channel sesuai prefix, contoh : TMDG2017-5-Ifadin

Tujuan: TMDG2017-5-Ifadin

Pesan: terserah

Pada output debug hololens, perhatikan jika pesan dari publisher sudah masuk

Karena getData nya di fungsi OnUpdate, jadi di output debug nya muncul berkali2. Edit2 sesuai
kebutuhan kalian ya

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