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Plant and Soil 255: 571–586, 2003.

© 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria as biofertilizers

J. Kevin Vessey∗
Department of Plant Science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2N2, Canada

Received 14 August 2002. Accepted in revised form 27 March 2003

Key words: Diazotrophs, endophytes, growth-promotion, phytohormones, rhizosphere, root morphology

Numerous species of soil bacteria which flourish in the rhizosphere of plants, but which may grow in, on, or
around plant tissues, stimulate plant growth by a plethora of mechanisms. These bacteria are collectively known as
PGPR (plant growth promoting rhizobacteria). The search for PGPR and investigation of their modes of action are
increasing at a rapid pace as efforts are made to exploit them commercially as biofertilizers. After an initial clari-
fication of the term biofertilizers and the nature of associations between PGPR and plants (i.e., endophytic versus
rhizospheric), this review focuses on the known, the putative, and the speculative modes-of-action of PGPR. These
modes of action include fixing N2 , increasing the availability of nutrients in the rhizosphere, positively influencing
root growth and morphology, and promoting other beneficial plant–microbe symbioses. The combination of these
modes of actions in PGPR is also addressed, as well as the challenges facing the more widespread utilization of
PGPR as biofertilizers.

Introduction ation to stimulate plant growth in agriculture has been

exploited since ancient times. Theophrastus (372–287
Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) repres- BC) suggested the mixing of different soils as a means
ent a wide variety of soil bacteria which, when grown of ‘remedying defects and adding heart to the soil’
in association with a host plant, result in stimulation of (Tisdale and Nelson, 1975). Such mixing of soils may
growth of their host. Biofertilizer is a recently coined have had various positive effects, but undoubtedly
term whose exact definition is still unclear, but which the introduction of beneficial microflora, particularly
most commonly refers to the use of soil microorgan- rhizobia for legume production, would have been one
isms to increase the availability and uptake of mineral of the positive effects. In his poetic work, Georgics,
nutrients for plants. The focus of this review is the Virgil identified that the beneficial effects of legume
mode of action of PGPR which act as biofertilizers, crops grown in rotation were well established circa 30
either directly by helping to provide nutrient to the BC (Chew, 2002), and no doubt the establishment of
host plant, or indirectly by positively influencing root legumes on newly cultivated land required some sort
growth and morphology or by aiding other beneficial of soil inoculation process.
symbiotic relationships. Not all PGPR are biofertil- Research on PGPR has been increasing at an ever
izers. Many PGPR stimulate the growth of plants by increasing rate since the term was first used by Kloep-
helping to control pathogenic organism (for reviews per and coworkers in the late 1970s (Kloepper and
of PGPR as biocontrol agents see, Whipps, 2001; Schroth, 1978; Suslow et al., 1979). For example, the
Zehnder et al., 2001). term PGPR appears in 11 citations from the 1980s in
Although bacteria were not proven to exist un- the USDA’s Agricola Electronic Database (National
til von Leeuwenhoek in 1683 discovered microscopic Agricultural Library, Washington, DC); during the
‘animals’ under the lens of his microscope, their utiliz- first half of the 1990s the term appears in 34 citations,
and during the second half of the decade, 72 cita-
∗ FAX No: +1-204-474-7528.
tions. Likewise, the term biofertilizer appears to have

come into common use in the scientific literature in the separates biofertilizer from organic fertilizer (fertil-
late 1970s. The Agricola Electronic Database indic- izer containing organic compounds which directly, or
ates approximately 60 citations per decade which use by their decay, increase soil fertility). Likewise, the
the term biofertilizer during the 1980s and 1990s. This term biofertilizer should not be used interchangeably
survey demonstrates the trend of an increasing rate with the terms, green manure, manure, intercrop,
of research on PGPR, but is not an absolute measure or organic-supplemented chemical fertilizer. The pro-
of the activity in the area. Many papers investigating posed definition of biofertilizer is not in agreement
bacterial-facilitated promotions of plant growth, but with the position of Okon and Labandera-Gonzalez
which did not use the terms PGPR or biofertilizer, are (1994) who argue that rhizospheric organisms which
not reflected in the survey. improve utilization of soil nutrients, but do not re-
The objectives of this review article are to ini- place soil nutrients (like chemical fertilizers) should
tially define the term biofertilizer, to characterize the not be called biofertilizers. Whether the existence of
two types of relationships between host plants and a microorganism increases the growth of plants by
their PGPR (rhizospheric and endophytic), and two replacing soil nutrients (e.g., by biological N2 fixa-
investigate the modes of action of PGPR which act tion (BNF)) or making nutrients more available (e.g.,
as biofertilizers. Although there is evidence of PGPR by solubilization of phosphates) or increasing plant
having biofertilizing effects on forest tree species (e.g. access to nutrients (e.g., by increasing root surface
Elo et al., 2000; Shishido et al., 1999), the focus in this area), as long as the nutrient status of the plant has
review will be on crop species. been enhanced by the microorganism, the substance
that was applied to the plant or soil containing the
microorganisms, is referred to here as a biofertilizer.
Definition of biofertilizers Not all PGPR can be considered biofertilizers.
Bacteria that promote plant growth by control of de-
Before initiating a discussion of PGPR as biofertil- leterious organism are biopesticides, but not biofer-
izers, it is necessary to define the term, biofertilizer. tilizers. Interestingly some PGPR appear to promote
Modern dictionaries do not contain a definition of the growth by acting as both biofertilizer and biopesti-
term. A search of the world-wide-web with the word cides. For example, strains of Burkholderia cepacia
‘biofertilizer’ results in a great number of internet sites have been shown to have biocontrol characteristics to
with a myriad of interpretations of the term. These Fusarium spp., but also can stimulate growth of maize
sites identify biofertilizers as anything from seaweed under iron-poor conditions via siderophore production
extracts, to composted urban wastes, to various mi- (Bevivino et al., 1998).
crobial mixes with unidentified constituent, to chem- As defined, biofertilizers must contain living mi-
ical fertilizer formulations supplemented with organic croorganisms which promote plant growth by improv-
compounds (e.g., proteins and vitamins). Likewise, ing the nutrient status of the plant. However, not all
the scientific literature has a very open interpreta- biofertilizers will contain PGPR. Rhizospheric fungi
tion of the term biofertilizer, representing everything such as arbuscular mycorrhizae (for a review, see
from green manures (Rao and Gill, 1995; Ventura and Bethlenfalvay, 1993) and Penicillium bilaii (Vessey
Ladha, 1997), to animal manures (Abdel-Magid et al., and Heisinger, 2001) are long known to have plant
1995), to plant extracts (Zodape, 2001). growth promoting effects via increasing nutrient status
It is proposed here that biofertilizer be defined of host plants, however, as our focus is PGPR, we will
as a substance which contains living microorganisms not be discussing fungi as biofertilizers here.
which, when applied to seed, plant surfaces, or soil,
colonizes the rhizosphere or the interior of the plant
and promotes growth by increasing the supply or avail- Relationships between biofertilizing-PGPR and
ability of primary nutrients to the host plant. This their hosts: Rhizospheric and endophytic
definition is based on the logic that the term biofertil-
izer is a contraction of the term biological fertilizer. As For PGPR to have a beneficial effect on plant growth
biology is the study of living organisms, biofertilizer via an enhancement of the nutrient status of their host,
should contain living organisms which increase the there obviously needs to be a intimate relationship
nutrient status of the host plant through their on-going between the PGPR and the host plant. However, the
existence in association with the plant. This definition degree of intimacy between the PGPR and the host

plant can vary depending on where and how the PGPR (Korzhenevskaya et al., 1999) have also been well
colonizes the host plant. Relationships between PGPR characterized.
and their hosts can be categorized into two levels of In many endophytic relationships where no spe-
complexity: (1) rhizospheric and (2) endophytic. cialize structures such a root nodules are formed, the
In rhizospheric relationships, PGPR may colonize means of infection of the PGPR and the location
the rhizosphere, the surface of the root, or even super- and environmental milieu in which the microsymbiont
ficial intercellular spaces (although this latter situation is found is not as clearly understood as in legume–
may often involve dead cell layers; McCulley, 2001). rhizobia symbioses. Firstly, the means of infection is
Not any soil bacterium can colonize these areas. By not clear. Although many studies exist which point to
definition, the plant changes the physical and chemical entry of PGPR into apoplastic spaces of the host at
composition of the soil in the rhizosphere compared to the junction of lateral roots from primary roots (e.g.,
the bulk soil which can affect the ability of a PGPR to O’Callaghan et al., 2001; Spencer et al., 1994), Mc-
colonize the rhizosphere. These differences are mani- Cully (2001) presents elegant arguments that much of
fested by changes in soil pH, water potential, partial the evidence for this form of entry is artefactual. She
pressure of O2 , and a myriad of other physical and argues that fractures introduced during the removal
chemical characteristics due to plant exudations (Grif- of plants from soil or artificial rooting media are re-
fiths et al., 1999; Revsbech et al., 1999; Tavaria and sponsible for the appearance of these entry portals
Zuberer, 1998; Uren and Reisenauer, 1988; Xu, 2000). around lateral root junctions, and that in non-disturbed
In many rhizospheric relationships, the PGPR will roots, such entry points do not exist because swell-
actually attach to the surface of the plant (Andrews ing of root cortical cells seals these junction areas
and Harris, 2000). Scanning electron micrographs of (McCully, 1987; Peterson and Moon, 1993). Some
bacteria on the surface of plants roots are common PGPR endophytic species are known to have cellu-
in the scientific literature. However, the means of at- lase and pectinase activities (e.g., Kovtunovych et al.,
tachment is much less often known. Azospirillum sp. 1999; Verma et al., 2001) and these activities could
is one group of PGPR where mechanisms involved in not doubt aid in infection, however heavily suberized
attachment have been well characterised (Michiels et and/or lignified cell layers would still present a barrier
al., 1991; Steenhoudt and Vanderleyden, 2000). Col- to such bacteria (McCulley, 2001). Some endophytic
onization of root surfaces by PGPR is not uniform. PGPR may utilize other organisms as vectors to gain
For example, Kluyvera ascorbata colonized the up- access to apoplastic spaces in their host. For example
per two-thirds of the surface of canola roots, but no both the pink sugarcane mealybug (Saccharicoccus
bacteria were detected around root tips (Ma et al., sacchari) (Franke et al., 2000) and arbuscular my-
2001). corrhizae (Isopi et al., 1995) have been implicated in
In endophytic relationships, PGPR actually reside the infection of host plants by the endophytic diazo-
within apoplastic spaces inside the host plant. Al- troph, Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus (formerly
though there is some evidence of endophytes occupy- Acetobacter diazotrophiucs).
ing intracellular spaces (e.g., An et al., 2001), these Depending on the host plant and the endophyte,
reports are rare. The best characterized symbioses in- biofertilizing PGPR may be found in all parts of plants
volving colonization of hosts by endophytes are the (seed, roots, stems, leaves, fruit, etc). Within these
legume–rhizobia symbioses. The chemo-attraction, at- organs, there is evidence of endophytes living in apo-
tachment, and infection of the microsymbiont and the plastic intercellular space within parenchyma tissue
development of the root nodules that house the bac- (e.g., Dong et al., 1994, 1997) and xylem vessel apo-
teria is a highly complex and highly regulated process plast (e.g., Fuentes-Ramirez et al., 1999; James et
that has been well described in a number of recent re- al., 2001). In fact, while some researchers consider
views (Gualtieri and Bisseling, 2000; Spaink, 2000). xylem apoplast an ideal place for the location of endo-
Likewise the infection process and development of phytes (e.g., constant supply of nutrients; circulation
N2 -fixing specialized structures in the non-legume systems for beneficial products from the microsym-
symbioses of Parasponia–rhizobia (Gresshoff et al., biont) (James and Olivares, 1998), others feel that this
1984), Alnus–Frankia (Huss-Danell, 1997), Azolla– is a most unsuitable habitat for endophytes, and note
Anabaena (Peters and Meeks, 1989), Gunnera–Nostoc that many plant pathogens bring about plant death by
(Bergman et al., 1992) and cycads–cyanobacteria colonization of the xylem apoplast (Dong et al., 1997;
McCully, 2001).

Mode of action of PGPR as biofertilizers it is not reviewed here. The focus of this review is on
associative N2 fixers.
The means by which PGPR enhance the nutrient status It is interesting that so many PGPR have the ability
of host plants can be categorized into five areas: (1) to fix N2 , yet rarely is their mode of action for the
biological N2 fixation, (2) increasing the availability of stimulation of plant growth credited to BNF. PGPR
nutrients in the rhizosphere, (3) inducing increases in that have the ability to fix N2 , but for which there is
root surface area, (4) enhancing other beneficial sym- little evidence, or even counter evidence, that their
bioses of the host, and (5) combination of modes of stimulation of growth of a specific host plant is due
action. Each of these areas will be examined in this to nitrogenase activity include Azoarcus sp. (Hurek
section of the review. et al., 1994), Beijerinckia sp. (Baldani et al., 1997),
Unfortunately in many studies reported in the lit- Klebsiella pneumoniae (Riggs et al., 2001), Pantoea
erature, the mode of action of PGPR as biofertilizers agglomerans (Riggs et al., 2001), and Rhizobium sp.
are not addressed. We are referring to the plethora of (Antoun et al., 1998; Yanni et al., 2001).
papers which can be found in the literature where stim- It is also interesting that so many PGPR are diazo-
ulation of growth in plants is reported by inoculation trophs, yet the mechanism underlying their growth-
with a putative PGPR, but no mode of action of the promoting effects is not the supply of fixed N to the
PGPR is identified. Often these sorts of papers may host. This suggests that possibly (1) there is something
only report stimulation of growth by measurements of about the ability to fix N2 that makes the organisms
total above ground biomass or yield, and not enough well adapted to living in the rhizosphere (e.g., lower
morphometric data (e.g., root weight, root length) is mineral N levels due to plant absorption), (2) what
collected to even suggest a possible mode of action of may be considered insignificant levels of N2 fixation
the PGPR. We researchers in this field should strive to (i.e., in agricultural terms) may actually be beneficial
design and execute experimentation which can not just to host plants in nature, or (3) researchers commonly
identify putative PGPR, but implicate their underlying select for nitrogenase activity or use culture media
modes of action as well. Ultimately, understanding of well suited to diazotrophs (e.g., minimal N media)
mode of action at the physiological and genetic level when attempting to isolate PGPR. Of these possible
is most useful. The work of Vanderleyden and co- explanations, the author believes that the latter reason
workers (Costacurta et al., 1994; Dobbelaere et al., may be more important.
1999; Vande Broek et al., 1999) on the role of indole- Despite much excitement and research on associ-
3-acetic acid (IAA) by Azospirillum brasilense in the ative N2 fixation in a vast array of non-legume crop
promotion of plant growth, and the work of Glick and plants in the late 1970s and early 1980s (e.g., see
co-workers (Holguin and Glick, 2001; Li et al., 2000; Vose and Ruschel, 1981; Wani, 1986), there is still
Mayak et al., 1999; Saleh and Glick, 2001; Shah et al., little evidence of inoculation of non-legumes lead-
1998; Wang et al., 2000) on 1-aminocyclopropane-1- ing to agronomically significant levels of BNF from
carboxylate deaminase production by some PGPR, are PGPR in most crops. For example, it was once widely
two rare examples of demonstration of the mode of believed the beneficial effects of Azospirillum brasi-
action of a PGPR to the genetic level. lense on non-legumes was via BNF, but it is now
well recognized that its growth promoting effects ori-
PGPR that fix N2 for their host ginate predominantly from other mechanisms (i.e.,
phytothormone production, effects on root morpho-
The most studied and longest exploited PGPR are the logy, etc.). A list of PGPR for which evidence exists
rhizobia (including the Allorhizobium, Azorhizobium, that their promotion of plant growth is based on their
Bradyrhizobium, Mesorhizobium, Rhizobium, and ability to fix N2 in situ are provided in Table 1.
Sinorhizobium) for their ability to fix N2 in their An exception to the generally low influence of
legume hosts. Commercial rhizobia inoculants for use associative BNF are the symbioses between sugar-
on legume crops were first introduced in the 1890s cane and endophytic diazotrophs, in which the host
(Fred et al., 1932). Because the field of legume– routinely obtains 20–60% of its N requirements from
rhizobia symbioses is so vast, and many excellent the microsymbiont (Boddey et al., 2001). In particular,
review articles and monographs cover the topic well Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus has been shown to
(e.g., Hansen, 1994; Gualtieri and Bisseling, 2000; contribute significantly to the N-nutrition of sugar-
Schultze and Kondorosi, 1998; Sessitsch et al., 2002), cane under controlled conditions (Sevilla et al., 2001).
Table 1. Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) for which evidence exists that their
stimulation of plant growth is related to their ability to fix N2

PGPR Relationship to host Host crops Sample References

Azospirillum sp. Rhizospheric Maize de Salamone et al., 1996

Rice Malik et al., 1997
Wheat Boddey et al., 1986

Azoarcus sp. Endophytic Kallar grass Hurek et al., 2002

Sorghum Stein et al., 1997
Rice Egener et al., 1999

Azotobacter sp. Rhizospheric Maize Pandey et al., 1998

Wheat Mrkovacki and Milic, 2001

Bacillus polymyxa Rhizospheric Wheat Omar et al., 1996

Burkholderia sp. Endophytic Rice Baldani et al., 2001

Cyanobacteria∗ Rhizospheric Rice Hashem, 2001

Wheat Obreht et al., 1993

Gluconacetobacter Endophytic Sorghum Isopi et al., 1995

diazotrophicus Sugarcane Boddey et al., 2001
Sevilla et al., 2001

Herbaspirillum sp. Endophytic Rice James et al., 2002

Sorghum James et al., 1997
Sugarcane Pimentel et al., 1991

∗ Numerous species; predominantly of the genera Anabaena and Nostoc.

Another N2 -fixing endophytic species of sugarcane, (Chen et al., 1993; Gantar and Elhai, 1999; Tchan
Herbaspirillum seroepdicae, has been shown to infect et al., 1991; Youssef et al., 1998), Azorhizobium
rice and result in increased 15 N2 incorporation (James caulinodans and rice (Christiansen-Weniger, 1996),
et al., 2002). Azotobacter nigricans and rape (Koval’skaya et al.,
Some researchers have been pursing the formation 2001) and Azospirillum sp. and maize (Christiansen-
of ‘para-nodules’ on non-leguminous plants as poten- Weniger and Vanderleyden, 1994). Although this is an
tial sites to host diazotrophs. Treatment of the roots of interesting line of research, it is questionable whether
some plants with natural, synthetic, or precursors of the formation of para-nodules offers any advantage
the phytohormone auxin will result in the formation in promoting associations between diazotrophs and
of nodular-looking tumours with of varying degrees non-legume hosts compared to research pursuing the
of tissue organization, a para-nodule. These tumours promotion of the symbioses with normal root tissues.
likely originate from lateral root meristems and are
more correctly viewed as modified root tissue, rather
PGPR that increase the availability of nutrients in the
than an organ with ontogenesis similar to legume nod-
ules (Sprent, 1990). Inoculation of such treated roots
with rhizospheric or endophytic diazotrophs some- There is ample evidence that the mode of action of
times results in colonization of the para-nodule and many PGPR is by increasing the availability of nu-
some degree of nitrogenase activity. Such experiments trients for the plant in the rhizosphere (Glick, 1995;
have involved the colonization of para-nodules on as- Rodriguez and Fraga, 1999). The method by which
sociations involving wheat and various diazotrophs these increases take place involve solubilization of

unavailable forms of nutrients and/or siderophore pro- Facilitated absorption of iron

duction which helps facilitate the transport of certain
nutrients (notably ferric iron). Iron is an essential nutrient of plants, but it is rel-
atively insoluble in soil solutions. Plant roots prefer
to absorb iron as the more reduced ferrous (Fe2+ )
ion, but the ferric (Fe3+ ) ion is more common in
well aerated soil although it is easily precipitated in
Solubilization of phosphates
iron-oxide forms (Salisbury and Ross, 1992). Plants
Phosphorus is second only to nitrogen in mineral nutri- commonly excrete soluble organic compounds (che-
ents most commonly limiting the growth of terrestrial lators and phytosiderophores) which binds Fe3+ and
plants. Ironically, soils may have large reserves of helps to maintain it in solution. Chelators ‘deliver’ the
total P, but the amounts available to plants is usually Fe3+ to the root surface where it is reduced to Fe2+
a tiny proportion of this total (Stevenson and Cole, and immediately absorbed (i.e., ‘Strategy I’ plants).
1999). The low availability of P to plants is because Phytosiderophores, excreted by grasses (i.e., ‘Strategy
the vast majority of soil P is found in insoluble forms, II’ plants), are absorbed with the Fe3+ across the
and plants can only absorb P in two soluble forms, plasmalemma (e.g., von Wiren et al., 2000).
the monobasic (H2 PO4 − ) and the diabasic (HPO4 2− ) Some rhizospheric bacteria also produce sidero-
ions (Glass, 1989). Phosphate solubilizing bacteria phores and there is evidence that a number of plant
are common in the rhizosphere and secretion of or- species can absorb bacterial Fe3+ -siderophore com-
ganic acids and phosphatases are common method of plexes (Bar-Ness et al., 1991; Wang et al., 1993).
facilitating the conversion of insoluble forms of P to However, there is a controversy as the significance of
plant-available forms (Kim et al., 1998). bacterial Fe3+ -siderophore uptake to the iron nutrition
The solubilization of P in the rhizosphere is the of plants. While some believe that there contribu-
most common mode of action implicated in PGPR that tion of these siderophores to the overall iron require-
increase nutrient availability to host plants (Richard- ments of plants is small (Glick, 1995), other suggest
son, 2001). Examples of recently studied associations an important role (Duijff et al., 1994), even a vital
include Azotobacter chroococcum and wheat (Ku- role, especially in calcareous soils (Masalha et al.,
mar and Narula, 1999), Bacillus circulans and Cla- 2000). Bar-Ness et al. (1992), who had earlier sup-
dosporium herbarum and wheat (Singh and Kapoor, ported the concept of bacterial siderophore uptake by
1999), Bacillus sp. and five crop species (Pal, 1998), plants (Bar-Ness et al., 1991), concluded that two
Enterobacter agglomerans and tomato (Kim et al., bacterial siderophores (pseudobactin and ferrioxam-
1998), Pseudomonas chlororaphis and P. putida and ine B) were inefficient as iron sources for plants and
soybean (Cattelan et al., 1999), Rhizobium sp. and that rhizospheric siderophore-producing bacteria can
Bradyrhizobium japonicum and radish (Antoun et al., be in competition with the plant for iron. In fact, the
1998), and Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. phaseoli vast majority of research on microbial siderophores
and maize (Chabot et al., 1998). in the rhizosphere is associated with their biocontrol
Phosphate-solubilizing bacteria are common in activities due to their competitive effects with plant
rhizospheres (e.g., Nautiyal et al., 2000; Vazquez pathogens (e.g., Hiifte et al., 1994).
et al., 2000b). However, the ability to solubilize P
by no means indicates that a rhizospheric bacterium Positive effects on root growth and morphology
will constitute a PGPR. For example, Cattelan et al.
(1999) found only two of five rhizospheric isolates The Barber and Cushman model (Barber and Cush-
positive for P solubilization actually had a positive man, 1981) is a mechanistic mathematical model
effect on soybean seedling growth. Likewise, not all P- used to simulate and predict nutrient uptake in plants.
solubilizing PGPR increase plant growth by increasing The model includes ion uptake kinetic parameters,
P availability to the hosts. For example, de Freitas et soil nutrient supply parameters, and root morphology
al. (1997) found a number of P-solubilizing Bacillus parameters. Sensitivity analysis of model simulations
sp. isolates and a Xanthomonas maltophilia isolate based on empirical studies consistently point to the
from canola (Brassica napus L.) rhizosphere which importance of root morphology parameters in the up-
had positive effects on plant growth, but no effects on take of a variety of nutrients (NO3 − , P, and K)(Barber
P content of the host plants. and Silverbush, 1984). This indicates that despite wide

ranges in the solubilities and availabilities of soil nu- promote cell divisions, cell enlargement, and tissue
trient species, PGPR that affect root morphology, and expansion in certain plant parts (Salisbury, 1994). Re-
more specifically, increase root surface area, can have searchers have recently begun to identify cytokinin
a huge influence on nutrient uptake potentials. production by PGPR (Table 2). Gibberellins (gibber-
By far the most evidence for the positive effects ellic acid; GA) are a class of phytohormones most
of biofertilizing-PGPR points to bacteria-mediated commonly associated with modifying plant morpho-
changes in root growth and morphology. Bacterial- logy by the extension of plant tissue, particularly stem
mediated increases in root weight are commonly re- tissue (Salisbury, 1994). Evidence of GA production
ported responses to PGPR inoculations (e.g., Bashan by PGPR is rare, however Gutierrez-Manero et al.
and Dubrovsky, 1996; Bertrand et al., 2001; Frommel (2001) provide evidence that four different forms of
et al., 1991; Vessey and Buss, 2002). More import- GA are produced by Bacillus pumilus and Bacillus
antly, increases in root length and root surface area licheniformis. Inoculation of alder (Alnus glutinosa)
are sometimes reported (e.g., Galleguillos et al., 2000; with these PGPR could effectively reverse a chemic-
German et al., 2000; Holguin and Glick, 2001; Jac- ally induced inhibition of stem growth. Although this
oud et al., 1999; Volkmar and Bremer, 1998). Fallik is not strong evidence of GA production being a com-
et al. (1994) reported that inoculation of maize with mon method of growth promotion by PGPR, it does
Azospirillum brasilense resulted in a proliferation of suggest that it may have a role, and indicates that more
root hairs which could have dramatic effects on in- research is this area is warranted.
creasing root surface area. The reporting of root length Ethylene is the only gaseous phytohormone. It is
and root surface area are important because increase in also known as the ‘wounding hormone’ because its
these parameters are more reflective of an increase the production in the plant can be induced by physical
volume of soil explored, than that which would be in- or chemical perturbation of plant tissues (Salisbury,
dicated by just increases in root weight. For example, 1994). Among its myriad of effects on plant growth
treatment of clipped soybean roots with A. brasilense and development, ethylene production can cause an
Sp7 caused a 63% increase in root dry weight, but inhibition of root growth. Glick et al. (1998) put
more than a 6-fold increase in specific root length forward the theory that the mode of action of some
(root length per unit root dry weight), and more than PGPR was the production of 1-aminocyclopropane-
a 10-fold increase in total root length (Molla et al., 1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase, an enzyme which
2001). could cleave ACC, the immediate precursor to ethyl-
Many actual and putative biofertilizing-PGPR pro- ene in the biosynthetic pathway for ethylene in plants.
duce phytohormones that are believed to be related to They submitted that ACC deaminase activity would
their ability to stimulate plant growth. In most cases decrease ethylene production in the roots of host plants
these phytohormones are believed to be changing as- and result in root lengthening. Subsequently, Glick’s
similate partitioning patterns in plants and affecting research program has provided numerous empirical
growth patterns in roots to result in bigger roots, more studies with wild-type and genetically modified PGPR
branched roots, and/or roots with greater surface area. to support their theory (Holguin and Glick, 2001; Li
Indole-3-acetic acid is a phytohormone which is et al., 2000; Mayak et al., 1999; Saleh and Glick,
known to be involved in root initiation, cell division, 2001; Shah et al., 1998; Wang et al., 2000). In
and cell enlargement (Salisbury, 1994). This hormone some cases, the growth promotion effects of ACC-
is very commonly produced by PGPR (Barazani and deaminase-producting PGPR appear to be best ex-
Friedman, 1999). Table 2 lists recent papers where the pressed in stressful situations such as flooded (Grichko
production of this hormone has been implicated in the and Glick, 2001) or heavy metal-contaminated soils
growth promotion by biofertilizing-PGPR. Most com- (Burd et al., 1998).
monly, IAA-producing PGPR are believed to increase As stated above, IAA production in PGPR had
root growth and root length, resulting in greater root been identified for a long time as a mode of action
surface area which enables the plant to access more on the promotion of the growth of host plants. How-
nutrients from soil. ever, the more recent discoveries of the involvement
Production of other phytohormones by biofertilizing- of cytokinins, ACC deaminase, and possibly GA pro-
PGPR has been identified, but not nearly to the same ducing PGPR opens the possibility that even more
extent as bacteria which produce IAA. Cytokinins plant growth-regulating substances may be involved in
are a class of phytohormones which are known to the promotion of plant growth by some PGPR. Given
Table 2. Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) for which evidence exists that their promotion
of plant growth is due to influences on or by phytohormones

Factor PGPR Host Reference


IAA Aeromonas veronii Rice Mehnaz et al., 2001

Agrobacterium sp. Lettuce Barazani and Friedman, 1999
Alcaligenes piechaudii Lettuce Barazani and Friedman, 1999
Azospirillum brasilense Wheat Kaushik et al., 2000
Bradyrhizobium sp. Radish Antoun et al., 1998
Comamonas acidovorans Lettuce Barazani and Friedman, 1999
Enterobacter cloacae Rice Mehnaz et al., 2001
Enterobacter sp. Sugarcane Mirza et al., 2001
Rhizobium leguminosarum Radish Antoun et al., 1998

Cytokinin Paenibacillus polymyxa Wheat Timmusk et al., 1999

Pseudomonas fluorescens Soybean de Salamone et al., 2001
Pine Bent et al., 2001
Rhizobium leguminosarum Rape & lettuce Noel et al., 1996

Gibberellin Bacillus sp. Alder Gutierrez-Manero et al., 2001

ACC deaminase Alcaligenes sp. Rape Belimov et al., 2001

Bacillus pumilus Rape Belimov et al., 2001
Enterobacter cloacae Rape Saleh and Glick, 2001
Pseudomonas cepacia Soybean Cattelan et al., 1999
Pseudomonas putida Mung bean Mayak et al., 1999
Pseudomonas sp. Rape Belimov et al., 2001
Variovorax paradoxus Rape Belimov et al., 2001

that many ‘newer’ plant growth-regulating substances in root respiration caused a compensatory increase in
have been identified in plants (e.g., brassinosteroids carbon assimilation in the shoot, leading to an 8%
and triacontanol; Salisbury, 1994), undoubtedly more increase in plant growth.
plant growth-regulating substances have yet to be dis-
covered. It is likely that the mode of action of currently ‘Helper’ bacteria
identified and yet to be discovered PGPR will involve
production of substances which will mimic or influ- It is not uncommon to see the effects of biofertilizing-
ence the action of these newer plant growth-regulating PGPR be via a synergism or promotion of the bene-
substances. ficial effects of a third-party rhizospheric microorgan-
Aside from the effects of bacterial-facilitated ef- ism. In these cases, the PGPR aiding the other host–
fects of phytohormones on root growth, there is evid- symbiont relationship is often referred to as ‘helper’
ence in some systems that PGPR may be directly bacteria. The vast majority of studies investigating
affecting root respiration which in turn leads to in- PGPR as aids of other host-symbiont relationships
creases in root growth. Inoculation of various plant involve either legume–rhizobia symbioses or plant–
species with Azospirillum has shown to increase root fungi symbioses.
respiration rates (Sarig et al., 1992; Vedder-Weiss et
al., 1999). Phillips et al. (1999) discovered that the Stimulation of legume–rhizobia symbioses
release of lumichrome, a breakdown product of ri-
PGPR aiding aspects of the legume–rhizobia symbi-
boflavin, from Sinorhizobium meliloti resulted in an
osis is the most common of these types of reports. As
increase in root respiration by alfalfa. This increase
early as 1979, Singh and Subba Rao reported positive
Table 3. Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) that stimulate the rhizobia–legume symbioses and percentage change on
several characteristics of the symbioses due to inoculation1

Crop PGPR Nodule Nodule Nitrogen Reference

Number Weight Benefit2

Alfalfa Pseudomonas +122 to +141 123 +48 to +194 Knight and Langston-Unkefer, 1988

Common Azospirillum 17 NM3 NM Burdman et al., 1996

bean brasilense
Bacillus sp. +37 to +87 +33 to +83 +76 to +115 Srinivasan et al., 1996

Lentil P. putida 0 to +46 NM- 0 to +228 Chanway et al. 1989

Pea Pseudomonas sp. 0 0 0 Chanway et al. 1989

P. fluorescens 298 NM NM Andrade et al., 1998

Peanut Azospirillum +47 +31 to +70 NM Raverkar and Konde, 1988


Red clover Pseudomonas sp. +210 NM +124 Marek-Kozaczuk and Skorupska, 2001

Soybean Bacillus sp. and +55 to +57 NM NM Li and Alexander, 1988

Pseudomonas sp.
Aeromonas 0 to +73 0 to +300 0 to +140 Zhang et al., 1996, 1997
Serratia 0 to +191 0 to +1351 0 to +92 Dashti et al., 1997, 1998
S. liqufaciens 0 to +231 0 to +1190 0 to +111 Dashti et al., 1997, 1998
Isolates GW3205 0 to +189 +166 to +200 NM Cattelan et al., 1999
& LN32124
P. chlororaphis 0 0 to +200 NM Cattelan et al., 1999
A. brasilense +730 +681 NM Molla et al., 2001
B. cereus +16 None 12 Vessey and Buss, 2002
1 Partially compiled by Buss (1998). 2 Measured as nitrogenase activity or N accumulation. 3 NM – Not measured. 4 Species not

effects of A. brasilense inoculation on nodule num- found that a number of putative PGPR had positive
ber, nodule dry weight and shoot growth of soybean. effects on shoot and/or root growth in soybean and
Table 3 lists many of the PGPR which have been im- were positive for production of IAA or ACC deam-
plicated as helper bacteria in various legume–rhizobia inase, but these putative PGPR had no positive effects
symbioses. on nodulation. In fact, Cattelan et al. (1999) found
There is evidence for a number of modes of ac- several rhizospheric isolates which stimulated aspects
tion for PGPR stimulation of legume–rhizobia sym- of the soybean–bradyrhizobia symbiosis and which
bioses, but the most commonly implicated mode is had β-glucoanase or cyanide production (if these sub-
phytohormone-induced (usually IAA) stimulations of stances were involved or how they might stimulate the
root growth (e.g., Molla et al., 2001; Srinivasan et soybean–bradyrhizobia symbiosis is unclear).
al., 1996; Vessey and Buss, 2002). In this way, the Some PGPR that stimulate legume–rhizobia sym-
stimulation of nodulation is most commonly an indir- bioses appear to more directly influence the develop-
ect effect; the PGPR stimulates root growth, which ment of the symbioses. Burdman et al. (1996) related
provides more sites for infection and nodulation. How- Azospirillum brasilense-mediated stimulation in nod-
ever, this is not always the case. Cattelan et al. (1999) ulation of common bean to an increased production

of flavonoids by the legume host. These flavonoids highest N and P uptake was observed when tomatoes
are the initial chemical signals secreted by the legume were inoculated with both organism. It is interesting
host to induce nod genes in rhizobia and thereby that in each of the above reports, one or more of the
initiate the legume–rhizobia symbiosis (Schultze and helper bacteria are known to have P solubilizing cap-
Kondorosi, 1998). Andrade et al. (1998) speculated abilities and clearly suggest that the bacteria are acting
that an increase in nodulation in pea mediated by in concert with the AM to improve P acquisition of the
inoculation with Pseudomonas fluorescens was due host plant. However, no doubt other mechanisms, such
to an increase in flavonoid exudation by the host as phytohormone production (possibly affecting the
plant. Proposed alternative modes of action include potential sites and success of infection processes) are
toxin (i.e., tabtoxinine-β-lactam) release by Pseudo- at work. Working out the mode of action in the these
monas syringae stimulating the alfalfa–rhizobia sym- tripartite relationships can prove to be complicated
biosis (Knight and Langston-Unkefer, 1988) and B (Azcon, 1993).
vitamins secretion by Pseudomonas sp. enhancing the The relationship between PGPR and AM are not
red clover-rhizobia symbiosis (Marek-Kozaczuk and always positive. Studies of spring wheat (Germida
Skorupska, 2001). and Walley, 1996; Walley and Germida, 1997) found
variable results of co-inoculation and AM fungi and
Stimulation of plant-fungal symbioses PGPR strains of Pseudomonas cepacia, P. aeruginosa,
P. fluorescens or P. putida. The results indicated that
Although the action of biopesticidal PGPR is often some PGPR inoculants may have negative effects on
an antogonistic effect on fungal pathogens of plants the mutualistic association between host plants and
(Whipps, 2001), biofertilizing PGPR sometimes en- AM. Requena et al. (1997) working with semi-arid
hance plant growth indirectly by stimulating the rela- pioneering legume, Anthyllis cytisoides, and exotic
tionship between the host plant and beneficial rhizo- and native genotypes of AM and PGPR, identified the
spheric fungi such as arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM). importance of physiological and genetic adaptation in
Although AM by themselves are well known to en- the relationship among host, PGPR and AM. They
hance the uptake of various soil nutrients (especially found that the greatest benefit to the host arose from
phosphorus) (e.g., Bethlenfalvay, 1993; Marschener, the use of native, and not introduced strains, of AM
1998; Ness and Vlek, 2000; Tobar, 1994), studies are and PGPR.
proving that co-inoculation with some PGPR can en-
hance the relationship between plant and fungal sym- Combinations of modes of action
bionts. Although research in agriculturally important
plants is common (see below), tripartite relationships Although to this point this review has presented single
among PGPR, fungal symbionts (both AM and ecto- modes of actions of biofertilizing PGPR, in fact in
mycorrhizal fungi), and forest tree species are coming many cases (possibly most cases) a single PGPR will
to the fore (e.g., Frey-Klett et al., 1999; Garbaye, display several of these modes of action. Likewise,
1994; Geric et al., 2000; Shishido and Chanway, the isolation of bacteria from rhizospheres will often
1998). reveal multiple modes of action from the population
Ratti et al. (2001) found that the combination of putative PGPR inhabiting the rhizosphere. For ex-
of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus ag- ample, Cattelan et al. (1999) identified 22 isolates
gregatum, and the PGPR Bacillus polymyxa and Azos- from soybean rhizosphere positive for PGPR traits.
pirillum brasilense maximized biomass and P con- Not all bacteria that had PGPR traits stimulated soy-
tent of the aromatic grass palmarosa (Cymbopogon bean growth, but six isolates positive for ACC deam-
martinii) when grown with an insoluble source of inase production, four isolates positive for siderophore
inorganic phosphate. Likewise Toro et al. (1997) production, three isolates positive for β-1,3-glucanase
found that both Enterobacter sp. and Bacillus sub- production, and two isolates positive for P solubiliz-
tilis promoted the establishment of the AM, Glomus ation increased at least one aspect of early soybean
intraradices, and increased plant biomass and tissue growth. Antoun et al. (1998) surveyed 266 strains of
N and P contents. Kim et al. (1998) found that P rhizobia and found 83% produced siderophores, 58%
content was increased with inoculation with either the produced IAA, and 54% could solubilize phosphorus.
AM, Glomus etunicatum, or the phosphate solubiliz- Inoculation of radish with these strains revealed 25%
ing PGPR, Enterobacter agglomerans; however, the of the stains to be PGPR, but 64% to have no ef-

fects, and 11% to actually have detrimental effects on assimilate partitioning patterns, and not that the bac-
plant growth. Belimov et al. (2001) investigated 15 teria are providing an increased supply to nutrient to
strains of bacterial isolated from the rhizoplane of pea the host plant. If bacterial actions can result in im-
and Indian mustard representing a variety of bacterial proved root morphology for nutrient uptake, this begs
species. They found that of five Pseudomonas isol- the question, ‘Why do plants have less than ideal root
ates which stimulated some aspect of growth of rape morphology for nutrient uptake in the first place?’ No
grown in uncontaminated or Cd-contaminated soils, doubt what we are observing is a modification of plant
three were positive for ACC-deaminase and phosphate processes for better plant performance as humans see
solubilization activity, and two were positive for ACC- fit (i.e., increased growth and yield in agricultural set-
deaminase activity, phosphate solubilization activity, tings), but not which the plant might associate with
and IAA production. These studies indicate that PGPR increased fitness. If this is the case, then we must
will often have multiple modes of actions. We can be aware that modification of plant processes to im-
also infer from these studies that PGPR co-existing in prove plant growth may increase the risk of adverse
the rhizosphere that have single modes of action may effects for the plant (e.g., do longer, more slender roots
act synergistically to stimulate the growth of the host make the plant more susceptible to the infection by
plant, such as that indicated in Rojas et al. (2001). certain pathogens?). Second to effects on plant growth
regulation, solubilization of phosphorus is the most
commonly suggested mode of action of biofertilizing
Conclusions and syntheses PGPR. This effect, as well as the less commonly re-
ported effect of siderophore production to aid in the
This review has shown that there is huge potential uptake of iron, may be more easily seen as a direct
for the use of PGPR as biofertilizing agents for a biofertilizing action (i.e., physiological activity of the
wide variety of crop plants in a wide range of cli- PGPR results in increased supply of a nutrient to the
matic and edaphic conditions. It is interesting that so plant).
much research in this area has focussed on associative Aside from the use of rhizobial inoculants on
diazotrophs, when, aside from the Gluconacetobac- legumes which has existed for over a century (Fred et
ter diazotrophicus–sugarcane symbiosis, there is little al., 1932), there has been little extensive commercial-
evidence for consistent, significant levels of fixed-N ization of biofertilizing PGPR. An exception to this is
supply by rhizospheric or endophytic bacteria to their Azospirillum inoculant which is available for a vari-
host plants. As stated earlier, the focus on diazotrophs ety of crops in Europe and Africa (Dobbelaere et al.,
may be reflective of the selection criteria which re- 2001). No doubt the lack of consistent responses in
searcher use in looking for biofertilizing PGPR, or different host cultivars (e.g., Dashti et al., 1998) and
indicative that there is something about the nature of different field sites (e.g., Bullied et al., 2002; Hilali
diazotrophic bacteria which make them well suited for et al., 2001) are reasons limiting the more widespread
life in the rhizosphere. commercialization of biofertilizing PGPR. Our under-
The vast majority of studies that investigate the standing of rhizosphere ecology (for reviews on the
mode of action of biofertilizing PGPR indicate or sug- topic see, Andrews and Harris, 2000; O’Donnell et
gest bacterial influences on plant growth regulating al., 2000; Schloter et al., 2000; Toal et al., 2000), and
substance (e.g., phytohormone production, production in particular, the influence of rhizospheric organisms
of enzymes which decrease phytohormone produc- on each other (e.g., Rojas et al., 2001; Vazquez et
tion by the host, or induction of the host to produce al., 2000a), must increase before we can be assured
signally substances to other symbionts (i.e., flavon- that biofertilizing PGPR in inoculants will success-
oids)). These factors often affect root development fully colonize host rhizosphere (de Freitas, 2000) and
and morphology resulting in greater root surface area consistently promote the growth of host plants.
for the absorption of nutrients or enhance other host–
symbiont relationships (i.e., the ‘helper’ bacteria ef-
fect). It is interesting that so much of the beneficial ef- Acknowledgements
fects of biofertilizing PGPR can come from influences
on plant growth regulation, because what is essentially The author’s research program on PGPR is largely
happening in these case is simply a modification of supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering
plant processes, i.e., changes in root architecture and Research Council (NSERC) of Canada, Agriculture

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