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NHPC - Spring Conference – Connect, Collaborate, Create – Calgary May 2013



The stimulation of these points within the body

aids in the maximum potential of strength,
length, power, flexibility and endurance of the
Musculo-skeletal system.

By improving the neural pathways we can

conversely affect the hormones released by
the Pituitary and Hypothalamus which denotes
whether we are in “Fright or Flight” or “Rest
and digest”.

The initial course of action when focused on

the most efficient outcome-based treatment
should be to start at the very beginning and
this will give you the tools to do just that!

Neuro-lymphatic points Paula Nutting BHScMST Copyright 2013

NHPC - Spring Conference – Connect, Collaborate, Create – Calgary May 2013

Neuro-lymphatic reflexes, or “neurolymphatics” as referred to in Applied Kinesiology, are

locations on the body that are believed to affect a specific muscle and organ. As mentioned
above, it is used in Applied Kinesiology for diagnosing the relationship between weak muscles
and dysfunction with that muscle or its corresponding organ or gland/tissue.
Neuro-lymphatic reflexes were discovered by Dr. Frank Chapman, an osteopath in the
1930s. Through palpation, Chapman found tender areas in the body, which he believed to be
the result of an increase and even congestion in lymph. Subsequent massage to that area
would increase lymphatic drainage and lead to positive effects of the individual’s health,
especially to corresponding bodily organs, areas, and glands.
Dr. George Goodheart, the founder of AK, liked Chapman’s work and through
experimentation discovered that he could turn previously weak muscles on by touching and
massaging these points. Chapman’s work neuro-lymphatic points were all associated with
specific organs and glands as Goodheart’s muscle testings were. The first correlation that
Goodheart found was that Chapman’s neuro-lymphatic point linked with the stomach was
helped to turn on the Pectoralis clavicular muscle, also linked to the stomach. From there,
Goodheart was able to correlate all of the other muscles he discovered and now every muscle
has its own neuro-lymphatic point.

Stress is a term in psychology and biology, borrowed from physics and engineering and first
used in the biological context in the 1930s, which has in more recent decades become
commonly used in popular parlance. It refers to the consequence of the failure to respond
adequately to mental, emotional, or physical demands, whether actual or imagined on the
body. When someone perceives a threat, their nervous system responds by releasing a flood
Neuro-lymphatic points Paula Nutting BHScMST Copyright 2013
NHPC - Spring Conference – Connect, Collaborate, Create – Calgary May 2013
of stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol and also neuropeptides into the
bloodstream. These hormones rouse the body for emergency action. The stress response is
the body’s way of protecting the person. When working properly, it helps in staying focused,
energetic, and alert.

Physiologists define stress as how the body reacts to a stressor, real or imagined, that causes
stress. Acute stressors affect you in the short term; chronic stressors over the longer term and
is achieved by the Autonomic nervous system.

General adaptation syndrome

A diagram of the General Adaptation Syndrome model as designed by Selye. Courtesy of Wikipedia

Stages of Stress

Alarm is the first stage. When the threat or stressor is identified or realized, the body's stress
response is a state of alarm. During this stage, adrenaline will be produced in order to bring
about the fight-or-flight response. There is also some activation of the HPA axis,
producing cortisol.

Resistance is the second stage. If the stressor persists, it becomes necessary to attempt
some means of coping with the stress. Although the body begins to try to adapt to the strains
or demands of the environment, the body cannot keep this up indefinitely, so its resources are
gradually depleted.

Exhaustion is the third and final stage in the GAS model. At this point, all of the body's
resources are eventually depleted and the body is unable to maintain normal function. The
initial autonomic nervous system symptoms may reappear (sweating, raised heart rate, etc.).
If stage three is extended, long-term damage may result, as the body's immune system
becomes exhausted, and bodily functions become impaired, resulting in symptoms and
conditions including ulcers, depression, anxiety, diabetes, digestion disorders,
even cardiovascular problems.

When the body is in this stress state it will commonly present in defensive positions, which
are the return to the foetal position. This shortens muscles of the hip and knee, shoulder
girdle and forearm, cervical region (poke chin) and Tx/diaphragm and Lx/Sx regions.

Neuro-lymphatic points Paula Nutting BHScMST Copyright 2013

NHPC - Spring Conference – Connect, Collaborate, Create – Calgary May 2013

CNS response to Defensive posture

 Poor muscle proprioception

 Inaccurate information to the CNS therefore poor response

 Imbalance of alignment and movement of muscle contractions

 Poor breathing with reduced ability of the diaphragm to contract and thereby using
the accessory respiratory muscles including Scalenes and Pec minor.

 Ceases the parasympathetic nervous system via the control of the Hypothalamus.

 Alters the endocrine system , limbic system and musculoskeletal system

 Alters the emotional state which can be embedded into the fascia.
Cost of stress – long term
 Rapid aging

 Weight gain

 High blood pressure

 Heart disease

 Cancer

 Digestive problems’

 Nervous breakdown, burnout

Cost of stress – long term emotionally
 Anxiety, fear, restlessness

 Irritability, anger

 Depression

 Insecurity

 Loss of libido

 Impaired memory and concentration

 Excessive smoking or drinking

Is there a way out?
 Can we learn to start responding instead of reacting to our stress

 Shift balance from sympathetic to parasympathetic

 Can we interrupt these patterns quickly and effectively

What ever is in the mind is in the body
Stand and twist then visualise full rotation; think about that juicy lemon then bite it.
Relaxation response – in the 1970’s Dr Herbert Benson at Harvard Medical School
discovered what he called the “Relaxation Response”. Benson observed that trained yoga
specialists could control functions that had previously been believed to be autonomic. During

Neuro-lymphatic points Paula Nutting BHScMST Copyright 2013

NHPC - Spring Conference – Connect, Collaborate, Create – Calgary May 2013
meditation, these yogis could reduce their heart rates, blood pressure, metabolism, body
temperature, and other physiological processes to surprising levels

o The only way to activate the parasympathetic response is through
diaphragmatic breathing

o Most of us don’t know how to use it

o We will learn how to get the diaphragm firing and instantly interrupt the stress

o This relieves physical, mental and emotional stress in the body

 Correct deep breathing means efficient gas exchange of O2, CO2 and haemoglobin.

 Spontaneous respiration produces rhythmic discharge of motor neurons, and these

nerve impulses depend on the brain. The rate and depth of respiration in regulated by
chemoreceptor’s measuring PO2, PCO2 and H+.

 75% of quiet inspiration is done by the diaphragm

 Before we activate the diaphragm we need to become aware of the position of the
spine. The more upright you get your thoracic spine the more you open up your ability
to breath.

 By correcting your position alone you can increase your oxygen intake by up to 1 ½
litres per minute


Position is along the centre of the sternum; rub for up to 2 minutes taking more time on areas
of more pain.

This area is our primary defence position and when we are under threat, stress or pain the
Neurolymphatic points become dampened and very tender to palpate.

Easiest to stimulate in supine with knees bent so that the diaphragm can be activated in this
position directly afterward.

1. Breath in through the nose out through the mouth

2. Nothing in the chest and all in the stomach

3. Place one hand on the chest and the other between the navel and the xyphoid

4. 10 deep rhythmic breaths and we are looking for gut sounds [parasympathetic
response] and potential light headedness [ greater oxygenation to the blood stream]

5. Inhale should see the belly rise and very little movement of the chest and the exhale
should see the stomach contract back inwards.

6. If this is difficult to do slow down or apply more rubbing to the tender points. When
you can achieve this effectively you most commonly are aware of how quiet your
mind becomes, and noise and chaos settles.

Neuro-lymphatic points Paula Nutting BHScMST Copyright 2013

NHPC - Spring Conference – Connect, Collaborate, Create – Calgary May 2013
Breathing is easy when doing
most things but when you get Summary
into challenging situations or  Release the defence
exercises, you tend to either position on the
hold your breath or shallow sternum
or accessory breath. This is  Get your client
the most important area to get breathing
right and will improve  Deep relaxed breaths
performance levels  2 minutes with you in
exponentially. the treatment room
 10 minutes per day


Ensure the CORE is fully activated by assessing and treating the Psoas-Glut-Hamstring
The CORE also includes the Transverse Abdominus, Rectus Abdominus and Obliques which
will be looked at in the next section.
Actions include hip flexion, hip extension and hip extension/knee flexion.
If the hip flexor shuts down then the Glut on the same side will shut down too due to
agonist/antagonist relationship and its reciprocal inhibition.





Psoas Major
 ACTION - Flexes the hip joint, flexes the trunk if legs are fixed
 Influences the biomechanics and balance of the pelvis and lumbar spine
 When tight pulls the Lx spine into lordosis
 When doesn’t fire reduces the Lx lordosis
 Its role in defensive positions is pulling the legs up into a ball

Testing the Psoas

 Flex the hip with leg externally rotated and abducted to match the line of the Psoas
 Stabilise the opposite Ilium with one hand
Neuro-lymphatic points Paula Nutting BHScMST Copyright 2013
NHPC - Spring Conference – Connect, Collaborate, Create – Calgary May 2013
 Press down on the elevated straight leg at the ankle whilst the client resists your
 Look for strength and/or cramping in the Quadriceps (sign of overuse of this group)
 Check the ability of the client to hold the leg up.

 ACTION – extends the hip and flexes the knee, short head flexes the knee only
 Adductor Magnus (hamstring portion) extends the hip joint
 Exercises for Hamstrings include leg curls, squats and Leg press with Quads

Testing the Hamstrings

 We are looking for length and not strength in this instance
 Take the relaxed leg into hip flexion till the client feels the stretch – record length

Reflexes for Activation

 Test the psoas and hamstring and allow the client to register their length/strength
 Explain how they work together and why we test together
 Work the Reflex points for 30 seconds each side
 Now re-test the Psoas and Hamstring and expect dramatic shifts

Neuro-lymphatic points Paula Nutting BHScMST Copyright 2013

NHPC - Spring Conference – Connect, Collaborate, Create – Calgary May 2013
Gluteus Maximus
 Major muscle responsible for keeping us upright, stabilising the pelvis during
movement and power and control in sitting to standing/walking/stair climbing
 ACTIONS – extends the hip joint, braces the knee in extension, lateral rotation of the

Testing the Gluts

 Client lies prone and flexes the knee 900 and then lifts the knee off the floor
 You apply a downward force to the leg just near the knee and the client resists

Alternate test with dynamic stability

 Client gets into the bridge position with one leg then raised vertically into the air
 You then push the leg in multiple directions and see if they can resist those forces

Reflexes for activation

 ACTION controls knee flexion but also flexes the hip
 Along the occipital
(Rectus femoris)
Ridge from Mastoid
Process to the other  If the Psoas shuts down the Quads take over the role
due to this secondary action
 They become tight to maintain hip stability
 ACTION – all heads extend the knee, and the VMO
provides correct patella tracking by pulling the patella
 Exercises include leg extensions, squats, and leg press

Testing the Quads

Client lies supine with hip and knee bent to 90
 Ask them to maintain this position whilst you push the
femur (just above the knee) and pull the ankle
simultaneously to try to straighten the leg.

Reflexes for activation

 Multiple points to assist in maximal
 Along the curve at the bottom of
the rib cage
 On the back between ribs 8 – 12
and a general rub with the palm of
the hand is usually sufficient

Neuro-lymphatic points Paula Nutting BHScMST Copyright 2013

NHPC - Spring Conference – Connect, Collaborate, Create – Calgary May 2013
Calves (indicate chronic stress)
 Consist of 2 distinct muscles and actions, Gastrocnemius being the most significant.
As it crosses 2 joints and flexes both the knee and plantar-flexes the ankle if it is not
firing correctly and/or shortened it will impact overall biomechanics.
 A tight Calf will unlock the knee in the stance phase of Gait and load the Quads
instead of the natural transfer up the lateral component of the leg, up and across the
sacrum and up the contralateral side of the trunk. The spine should be the “engine of
all our movements” and if this is not the case the body will lock up quickly
 ACTION – flex the ankle (aiding in pushing off in running or walking) and flexion of
the knee (not Soleus)
 Exercises include standing or seated calve raises

Testing the Gastrocnemius

 This test is a flexibility test and with the leg extended fully you are looking at the
dorsiflexion of the ankle
 Push the knee into full extension and the angle of dorsiflexion should be a minimum
0 0 0 0
of 15 past 90 and good flexibility 30 – 40 past 90

Reflexes for activation

 Gastrocnemius and Soleus have the same reflex points
 Best points are in the front of the of the torso and located 5cm across and 5cm up
from the umbilicus
 Note this can be very painful on highly sensitive people

th th
Also points between the 10 and 12 ribs 3cm laterally within the Erector Spinae

Tibialis Anterior
 Opposes the action of the Calf, when the calf is
tight it can create symptoms of shin splints
 Reduced shock absorption of Gait
 ACTION dorsiflexion and inversion of the foot,
assists in maintaining medial longitudinal arch of
the foot

Testing the Tibialis Anterior

 Ask the client to dorsiflex the foot and toes
 Place your hand over foot and include toes
 Apply strong opposing pressure
 Any give is a sign of poor activation

Activation for Tibialis Anterior

 These points are found just above the inguinal
line on the edge of the Rectus Abdominus
 Look at your client for defensive position to
suggest poor activation i.e. stress at a chronic

Neuro-lymphatic points Paula Nutting BHScMST Copyright 2013

NHPC - Spring Conference – Connect, Collaborate, Create – Calgary May 2013


Let’s go back to the CORE and the need for the entire unit to function as a whole, no matter
how strong, fit, big, athletic people appear it is surprising how pathetic their abdominal
activation is. This then means that the body needs to elicit other muscles to do the job of trunk
stability and this tends to be the neck and jaw.

 Rectus Abdominus, Obliques internal and external and Transverse Abdominus all
have similar actions but can become very dysfunctional in their alignment similar to
setting up a tent with all the tent wires strung in different tensions.
 ACTION flexion of the trunk, lateral flexion, rotation and tertiary stability, raises the
intra-abdominal pressure to provide stability (TA)
 Exercises include crunches, sit-ups, leg raises, planks

Testing the Abdominals

 Instruct your client to cross arms and perform a sit up and assist them if required
 Ensure you have one arm locking their legs down by applying weight onto the knees
with your arm
 Once in this position put your other forearm onto their crossed arms and push them
back to the table/floor whilst they resist
 Make sure that the client is not cheating by using the neck; get them to slightly extend
the neck back to neutral and open the jaw
 Variations include obliques where they twist their trunks and resist your pressure.

Reflexes for activation

 Main reflex is inside the thighs just posterior to the Adductor Longus
 The Rectus Abdominus is more distal and the Obliques and TA are superior and up
to the attachment area of the Adductors
 Activation of the total region by slapping, finger kneading ensure that all muscles are
fully neurally stimulated and can assist in correct core function and less focus on the
Jaw and neck
 The secondary region is on the back running in the mid-thoracic area, rubbing with
the flat of your hand is sufficient to stimulate it but in conjunction with the front region

Neuro-lymphatic points Paula Nutting BHScMST Copyright 2013

NHPC - Spring Conference – Connect, Collaborate, Create – Calgary May 2013
This muscle group is closely linked to the shutting down of the TMJ and tight jaw muscles in
general. It is also affected with whiplash trauma as well as Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome
therefore it is wise to expect some emotional release when re-activating this muscle group.

 When the SCM complex is in imbalance symptoms such as vertigo, dizziness,

nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, visual disturbances and headaches (with a possible link to
migraines) are common. This is due to the mechano-receptors receiving poor
 ACTIONS include extension of the upper Cx spine, flexion of the head if it is already
flexed and contralateral flexion; and are involved with accessory breathing.

Testing for SCM

 Ask your client to lift their head off the table
 Give the forehead a firm push
 If it is weak we need to activate

Reflexes for activation

 There are 2 main areas for this to be most effective
 First activation is on the sterno-clavicular joints
 Second is at the Cervico-thoracic junction

When we lock or tense up the jaw, which is a common activity when stressed, it affects the 1
and 2 Vertebrae which dampens the neural activity throughout the body. It can also be felt
at the Gluts and will affect stride length.
 Once we jaw bite the body becomes weak and will stay that way till we do something
about it.
 Lock the jaw and walk
o Feel the tension throughout the body
o Decreased stride length
o Test the diaphragm reflex
o Touch toes and feel where you are tight, then open your mouth wide and
redo the move

Testing for the jaw

 Open your jaw as wide as you can and see how many fingers you can get into it

Activating the jaw

 Massage the masseter and pterygoids and work softly into any areas of increased
 Then move up and massage the temporalis muscle looking for superficial fascial skin
 Instruct your client to move the jaw from side to side for 30 seconds
 Retest the jaw width with the fingers
Neuro-lymphatic points Paula Nutting BHScMST Copyright 2013
NHPC - Spring Conference – Connect, Collaborate, Create – Calgary May 2013
 Also re-check the hamstring and calf length to see if there is greater ROM (what
affects the top will affect the bottom)

Pelvic floor
Not to forget the necessity of the pelvic floor to assist in the
stability of the lower core and the correlation to lower back
pain; a group of tissues that include the long and broad
Testing for the pelvic floor
 Instruct your client to do 5 pelvic floor contractions
 Repeat on completion of activation for change
Activation for pelvic floor
 Points found between S2 – S4 on both sides of the
sacrum along the sacral/ilium ridge


The muscles involved within this system or sling include the Adductors, Gluteus Medius and
Minimus and the Quadratus Lumborum. Used for asymmetric weight bearing such as climbing
stairs and in the stance phase of gait this is 85% of the cycle.

 Abductors and Adductors work together to

stabilize the hip.

 The QL maintains pelvic height

 SIJ joint instability can cause reflex shutting

down of the lateral system

Testing the lateral system

 Client supine, abduct legs and ask
them to resist pushing them together
 Client then adducts legs and you
attempt to pull them apart under resistance
 Client holds the table and you
take both legs to the side and instruct
the client to resist you returning them
to the table
 Repeat other side
 If any test is weak then activate points
 Retest

Activating the lateral sling

 Points for activation lie over the iliac crest

Neuro-lymphatic points Paula Nutting BHScMST Copyright 2013

NHPC - Spring Conference – Connect, Collaborate, Create – Calgary May 2013


The transverse/rotation plan is responsible for backward rotational movements and stabilizes
the SIJ during gait.
Consists of the Glut max (and Piriformis) on one side and the Latissimus Dorsi on the
contralateral side, these are interconnected via the thoraco-lumbar fascia and act like a coiled
spring to conserve energy.

 Piriformis and contralateral Lat stabilize the pelvic by co-contraction

 If one isn’t working efficiently then the other will under perform reciprocally
 More dominant is the lat but symptoms appear most often in the Piriformis

Test the piriformis 1 then the lats strength/length
 Treatment of the Lats tends to improve the piriformis length and abate the symptoms
 ACTIONS of lats extends the flexed arm, adduction and medial rotation of the arm
 ACTIONS of piriformis laterally rotates the hip joint

Testing the Piriformis-Lat looking for flexibility

Client bends their knee to 90 then pulls their ankle to the chin
 Should be able to reach the chin on both sides
 Assess length, pain, bilateral evenness
 Test the lats by asking the client to internally rotate the straight arm and hold to the
side of the body
 Ask them to hold it there and you pull outwards
 If the piriformis on the left is the problem it is usually the lat on the right too
Activation of the posterior system

Front reflex is the most efficient and found between 7 & 8 ribs directly under the
 Palpate the lower ribs and work up for this landmark (ie move 2 up)
 Usually quite tender so go gently

th th
Also points located between the 7 & 8 ribs approx 3cm lateral to the spine but less
 Once activated re-check the Piriformis and Lat to test improvement

Neuro-lymphatic points Paula Nutting BHScMST Copyright 2013

NHPC - Spring Conference – Connect, Collaborate, Create – Calgary May 2013


 Functional mobility of the shoulder and arm requires a stable and dynamic base from
the Tx spine.
 When Tx tight especially into extension then the shoulder ROM is impaired and will
compensate for its ADL needs
 Impacts T1 – T4/5 therefore instigate neck and shoulder pain

First 165 is done from the shoulder joint and scapula

Last 15 from thoracic rotation (one arm) or thoracic extension (both arms)
 Activating the anterior Tx area will allow for increased length, flexibility and function

Testing the Shoulder/Thoracic region

 2 tests pending on shoulder ROM
 Lack of full ROM is a + sign for treatment
 Full extension requires muscle function testing
 Keep the arms in full extension and ask the client
to resist you pulling up towards the ceiling
 Do one arm at a time
 Do the same test for the reduced ROM starting
at their end point

Activation of the Shoulder/Thoracic region

 These points are located on the ribs below the Pectorals
 Doing a general full rub of the entire area is the most effective way to stimulate these
 Rub strongly with a flat hand or get the client to do it if its more appropriate
 You can also use finger tips to dig in between ribs but do this with care as the area is
both ticklish and painful
 Retest the range and function
This allows for any overhead activities to be easier to do, check also for spine alignment and
any head forward placement for improvement.

Lingering shoulder pain

 Most often the pain is gone post the MAT
 If its still there release the Levator Scapular
and Upper Trapezius via way of the
Infraspinatus Trigger Point
Testing the Trapezius/Levator Scapular

Supine the client flexes the arm to 90 and
adducts to point of stretch
 Full range should be tissue approximation on
the chest without discomfort
Activation of the region
 Side lying knead the Infraspinatus TrPoint
 This is painful so do this sparingly
 Retest the range and pain for change

Neuro-lymphatic points Paula Nutting BHScMST Copyright 2013

NHPC - Spring Conference – Connect, Collaborate, Create – Calgary May 2013


Tests for Supraspinatus and is heavily involved with the central meridian line in acupuncture.
When we are stressed we commonly roll the shoulder towards the midline which mimics the
defensive patterns.

Testing the Supraspinatus

Client lying supine with arm raised to 45 and held
 You place your hand on the dorsum of the hand and ask them to resist you pushing
back towards the contralateral iliac crest
 If the reflex points are inactive then strength will be limited

Activation of the Central line

 There are 3 points for the activation of the Central Line
 2 are massaged and 1 is a holding position
 The first region is along the line of the armpit, if you start under the axilla and work up
to the AC joint then you should take on the Supraspinatus and the neck flexors and
 The second region is between C2 and the occipital ridge encompassing both sides of
the spineous process
 The last region is above the eyebrows in line with the frontal sinuses and even the
pressure can be quite tender.

After completing this sequencing for strength and function you should be able to effectively
assess, treat and give home programming for your clients. This treatment is very applicable to
the more stressed clients but you must show them the how and why this works so that they
can take ownership of their defensive sympathetic responses and manage the stress when
they acknowledge it.


Neuro-lymphatic points Paula Nutting BHScMST Copyright 2013

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