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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Judul Kegiatan : Lembar Kegiatan Peserta Didik Chapter I
Tema : Good Morning. How Are You?
Sub Tema : Greeting, Leave Taking, Thanking, Apologizing
Kelas : VII
Semester :1
Kompetensi Dasar : 4.1
Pertemuan :4
Topik Kegiatan : Menyusun dan menampilkan teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis sangat
pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan menyapa, berpamitan, mengucapkan terimakasih,
dan meminta maaf, dan menanggapinya dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

Tujuan Pembelajaran :
Setelah dilaksanakan rangkaian kegiatan siswa dapat:
 mengungkapkan teks interaksi sangat pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan
menyapa, berpamitan, berterima kasih dan meminta maaf secara tertulis.
 menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana untuk
mengucapkan dan merespon ungkapan sapaan, berpamitan, terima kasih, dan permohonan
maaf dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar
dan sesuai konteks.
 menampilkan teks interaksi sangat pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan
menyapa, berpamitan, berterima kasih dan meminta maaf secara lisan.

Formal and polite: Response
Good morning. Morning too
Good afternoon.
Good evening.
How are you?
How do you do?

Informal: Response
Hi! Hi
Hello! Hello
Hey! I'm fine
How is it going? How do you do
How's life?
What should you say to take a leave? Response
See you later See you too
Good bye Bye
Good night See you then
I'll see you then
Nice talking to you.
We should hang out again.
I am sorry, I gotta go now.
What should you say to thank someone Response
(expressing gratitude)?

I'd like to thank you for ...... That's alright

Thank you so much Don't mention it
I really appreciate it My pleasure
That's very nice. Thanks No problem
What should you say to apologize? Response

I apologize for... That's alright

My apology for.... It's okay, but don't do it again
I am sorry for... No problem
Forgive me
Source : Downloaded on Monday at 08.34 pm.

The use of greeting, leave taking, thanking and apologizing expression.

Mr. Dhomah : Good morning, students. How are you today?
Students : Good morning, sir. We are fine. Thanks. And you?
Mr. Dhomah : I’m very well, thanks. Are you okay, Tara? Why did you not answer my
Tara : I am sorry, Sir. I’m dizzy. I have a headache.
Mr. Dhomah : Oh, I see. If you are sick, you may have a rest at the school clinic.
Tara : May I, Sir?
Mr. Dhomah : Yes, of course.
Tara : Thank you, Sir.
Mr. Dhomah : You’re welcome.

Source : English for Grade 7 entitled ‘When English Rings a Bell’, Chapter 1, page 19. Published in 2018.

Source : English for Grade 7 entitled ‘When English Rings a Bell’, Chapter 1, page 19. Published in 2018.
Work in group and write a short dialogue based on the situation below. (20’)
A. You meet your friends on the way to school at 6.30 a.m.
B. You go together with your friends to school.
C. You forget to bring your pen.
D. You borrow a pen from one of your friends.
E. You break the pen.
F. You buy your friend a bowl of meatball
G. You go home together with your friends.
Note :
- Use the expression of greeting, leave taking, thanking, and apologizing in your dialogue.
- Use the correct sentence and grammar.
- The dialogue consists of 10 conversations at least.
- Work in a group consists of three or four students

2. Memorize the dialogue. Be careful with the pronunciation and intonation. (10’)

3. Perform your dialogue in front of the class without text. (50’)

A. Rubrik Penilaian Keterampilan (Praktik/Kinerja/Project)

Rentang Skor
KRITERIA Deskripsi Perolehan

Menulis Teks Fungsi sosial tercapai, struktur dan unsur (89 – 100) ...
kebahasaan tepat

Fungsi sosial tercapai, struktur tepat dan unsur (76-88) ...

kebahasaan kurang tepat

Fungsi sosial tercapai, struktur dan unsur (61-75) ...

kebahasaan kurang tepat

Fungsi sosial, Penggunaan kata, kalimat, dan (0-60) ...

struktur tidak sesuai

B. Rubrik Penilaian Tes Praktek Lisan Berbicara
No Aspek yang Kriteria Score
1 Pengucapan Excellent 4
Good 3
Fair 2
Poor 1
2 Intonasi Excellent 4
Good 3
Fair 2
Poor 1
3 Akurasi Excellent 4
Good 3
Fair 2
Poor 1
4 Kelancaran Excellent 4
Good 3
Fair 2
Poor 1
5 Action Excellent 4
Good 3
Fair 2
Poor 1
Total Score 20
Nilai Total score x 5

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