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Kendrick Rey B.



The seminar was fun and it will gives you more knowledge of what the business really
about. All the speakers are knowledgeable in terms of business talks they have a lot of ideas for
their audiences to pursue in putting a business and to pursue to become a successful
entrepreneur in the future, they don’t have other goal but to share their knowledge, their
experiences, in order for us to encourage to become a successful entrepreneur. And one thing that
really impressed me, is to create a business that can help in our rural places and avoid thinking
about the income or the money because according to one speaker, “If we help other people to rise
again through our businesses, money will follow”. As an entrepreneur student, the speakers
convinced me through words of wisdom that I need to do this to become a social entrepreneur.
And also I understand that, it takes years, decades to become a social entrepreneur because being
a social entrepreneur is not easy we need more people to support us, we need more connections,
finances, mentors and etc. On the other hand, in putting a social enterprises, we need more and
more time to think because there is a lot of hindrances, obstacle we encounter before we succeed.
We need to plan thrice or more of what are the needs of our economy, we need to look and
observe the surroundings, the people, of what they needs in their daily lives, and especially, we
need a heart a heart that is willing to help other people because as what I have understand, social
enterprises is not all about money it is all about what we can do to help our economy, the rural
places, and to the people. And through seminars, my desires increases that one day, I will become
a successful social entrepreneur, I want to help other people and I want to become part of
successful and abundant economy in the future.

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