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Factors of photosynthesis

Importance of
adaptation of leaf for
Respiration &
what happens if intercostal
Photosynthesis are
muscles cramp? : unable to
among the compulsory breathe, the thoraxic
topics in exam volume remain unchange
(frequently asked
Xymes is the enzyme
Tips 4 = As a subject needed by yeast :
anaerobic respiration ->
teacher : spend time to fermentation reaction
read the examiners The different between
report, don't just focus aerobic & anaerobic
on the answer scheme ~
seed germination :
Tips 1 : diagram of seed

Biology - how to teach

(what i have learnt from
Teacher Mimi's Bio class on
24th September 4-6pm, hostel)
drilling and practice : need to find
past question papers

Tips 3
when answering
questions : answers
students to familiar themselves with
must be specific (avoid
diagrams : they should be able to label and
being too general)
know the function of the structures ~
application /e.g. what happen if intercostal
Application question: muscles cramp?
that ask them to link
and relate knowledge
from different topics
Tips 2

Biology - how to teach (what i have learnt in Teacher Mimi's Bio class on 24th September 4-6pm, hostel ).mmap - 24/9/2010 - Mindjet

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