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The danger of television for children

Television is the electronic media which has a lot of information. Although nowdays there are some
electronic media which is more sophisticated than television, but television is still the main
electronic media. Television is still needed by people to get many information and entertainment.
Television viewer is not only adult or teenager but also children. Usually children watch television is
for watching some children’s television program like cartoon. Watching television sometimes can
give children some information and entertainment, but by watching television there are some
negative impacts which will influence children

The first one is watching television can influence children life style. Children who often watch
television usually will be a consumptive people. When children watch their television programs
absolutely there are some commercial break. The commercial break usually a food product or toys
product. Children are the people which really quick to response what they see. It will make children
buy the product in the commercial break what they see. Children who really often watch television
will be a lazy people. Children is a people who really quick to addicted by something. Usually children
who really often watch the television will be lazy to do a work something which they usually do. For
example children will delay their eating time because the are watching their favorite tv program and
children will lazy to study because they think that watching television is the interesting one than do
their homework.

The second one is watching television can influence children’s physical health. Watching television
can affect brain development, television viewing can affect the mind set of a child. Their mindset is
like what they used to watch every day and this will affect his mind. In addition to children who
frequently watch television can hamper verbal communication with its environment as well as more
aggressive and also highlight aspects of violence shown on television. Remember that some parents
protested a few months ago a boy killed playmates because imitate scenes on television. The second
is increasing the obesity. When children watch the television usually they eat some snacks. In
Addition to time there are more Used to sit but the habit of snacking while watching can increase
their obesity. In addition, children who watch television frequently, the burning of food in the body
is reduced so That the food stored in the body into fat and not burn.

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