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1. Cari perbedaan griseofulvin makro dan mikro ?

Makro Mikro
Kecepatan disolusi Tidak ada kecepatan
Partikel kecil Partikel Luas
Permukaan luas Permukaan kecil
Kecepatan absorbs logaritme Kecepatan absobrsi dengan linier

Tugas 2

Cari goongan obat yang termasuk Pro drugs nama obat dan merabolid minal 20

1. monoacetylmorphine (6-MAM) adalah metabolit heroin yang berubah menjadi morfin aktif in
2. ald-52 and mld-41 will both convert into the active psychedelic lsd-25
3. carisoprodol is metabolized into meprobamate. until 2012, carisoprodol was not a controlled
substance in the united states, but meprobamate was classified as a potentially addictive
controlled subtance that can produce dangerous and painful withdrawal symptoms upon
discontinuation of the drug
4. Omeprazol mengalami metabolisme dengan bantuan asam menjadi metabolit aktif
5. enalapril is bioactivated esterase to the active enalaprilat
6. valaciclovir is bioactivated by esterase to the active acyclovir
7. fosamprenavir is hydrolysed by esterase to the activeaciclovir
8. levodopa is bioactivated by dopa decarboxylase to the active dopamine
9. chloramphenicol succinate ester is used as an intravenous prodrug of choloramphenicol
,because pure chloramphenicol does not dissolve in water
10. psilocybin is bioactivated by DOPA decarboxylase to the active dopamine metabolit sekunder
11. heroin is deacetylated by `` esterase to the active morpihe metabolit Heroin didalam otak cepat
mengalami hidrolisa menjadi monoasetilmorfin dan akhirnya menjadi morfin, kemudian
mengalami konjugasi dengan asam glukuronik menjadi morfin 6-glukoronid yang berefek
analgesik lebih kuat dibandingkan morfin sendiri. Akumulasi obat terjadi pada pasien gagal ginjal
12. molsidomine is metabolized into SIN-1 white decomposes into the active compound nitric oxide
13. paliperidone is an atypical antipsychotic for schizophrenia. It is the active metabolite of
14. predisone a synthetic cortico-steroid drug, is biooactivated by the liver into the active drug
pridrisolone, which is also a steroid
15. primidone ismetabolized by cytochrome p450 enzyme into Phenobarbital,who is major and
phenylethymalonamide, which is minor
16. lisdexamfetamine is L-lysyl amide that is metabolized in the small inbencot to
dextroamphetamne at a controlled (slow) rate for the treatment of attention-defiot
hyperactitity disorder
17. codeine is converted into morphine bycytochrome p450 enzyme cyp2d6
18. oseltamivir is an ethyl ester prodrug of RO 64-0802, a selective inhibitor of influenza virus
19. cyclophosphamide is a prodrug activated by cytochrome p450 (cyp)
20. fenofibrate is an isopropyl ester of fenofibric acid
Tugas 3 berikan contoh perbedaan absorbs obat beserta contoh obatnya ?

Jenis absorbs Contoh metabolit

absorbsi obat dalam salu ran gastrointestin al
Difusi pasif
Transport konvektif obat yang terlarut dalam medium berair di tempat
absorpsi bergerak menembus membran melalui
Transport aktif 1. Sekresi H+ dari lambung.
2. Pelepasan Na+ dr sel saraf & otot.
3. Penyerapan kembali glukosa dlm tubulus renalis.
4. Transpor aktif K+ & Na+ dari sel darah merah.
5. Transpor aktif obat : penisilin ke tubulus renalis

Transport dipermudah klasik vitamin B12, dimana vitamin B12

membentuk kompleks dengan factor
intrinsik yang di produksi lambung,
kemudian bergabung dengan carrier
Transport pasangan ion Senyawa Nitrogen Kuartener (dengan
rentang pKa tinggi dan kecilnya penyerapan
Pinositosis metabolit inaktif atau zat yang larut dalam air
untuk diekskresikan.

Jenis absorbs Contoh obat

Difusi pasif obat-obat elektrolit organik lemah (asam, basa),
non elektrolit organik (alkohol), glikosida jantung.
Transport aktif Vitamin B, hormon kelamin (testosteron,
estradiol), Vitamin B, dan S fluorourasil.
Transport konvektif Vitamin B1 , dan vitamin c
Transport dipermudah Vitamin b12
Transport pasangan ion chlorthalidone, hydrochlorothiazide,
dan indapamid
pinositosis Vitamin A , Vaksin polio

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