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The First Amendment to the U.S.

Constitution protects the freedom of speech,

religion and the press. It also protects the right to peaceful protest and to petition the
government. In 1971, the Amendment was adopted along with nine other amendments.
These Amendments make up the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights is a written document
protecting civil liberties under the U.S. law. Landmark Supreme Court cases have dealt
with the right of citizens to protest U.S. involvement in foreign wars, flag burning and
the publication of classified government documents. The Freedom Amendment is a three-
part clause that assures not only press freedom, but Freedom of Religion as well as the
right to assemble.

The first Amendment applies to me by letting me express myself freely. Being a public
relations student concentration here at A&T, we dabble in a lot of journalism classes. In those
classes, we learn how the basics of the journalism and how the structure of the career goes. From
writing articles, doing research, conducting interviews, and piecing to together writings for
published websites, newspapers and more. Without this Amendment I wouldn’t be able to speak
freely and express myself without constrictions. The amendment helped me become who I am
today by letting me be myself.

Being a Journalism and Mass Communications student here at A&T. Our curriculum is
full of classes that deals with all types of writings, videography, and more. I’ve gotten to be
myself when it comes to projects that I got involved in. I’ve gotten to work with equipment and
throughout the department that helps me put together a story for those to either read or look at.
From other point of views, you may see expressing yourself as a way to speak for others. As a
student, we all produce some type of content where it’s relatable and it shows through the
connections you make. Being able to bounce off ideas, share content, and advocate things with
each other as a student wouldn’t happen if we didn’t have the First Amendment.

As a publicist’s, I will use the First Amendment to promote, advocate, and share my
client’s products, work, or events that are in a need to share. I will use my full power to promote
the truth and spread the word of events, products, and more that are tied to clients. Being able to
use my freedom of speech I can sell things to the audience and be able to let them know through
my eyes what is worth buying or using. I would make sure that I am using my freedom of speech
for greater good and always try to look on the bright side of things when a relaying a message.

I abide by the First Amendment by having integrity and speaking my mind. In my

department, the classes and professors help by giving guidance when it comes to speaking our
mind and ways to articulate our words in professional settings. With the organizations in the
department, they help shape you in your set profession and goals which ventures off into media
careers where freedom of speech matters. From my experience, I learn with the guidance from
my department on how to use my freedom of speech properly and professionally. I can
confidently use what I’ve been taught in a public relation setting or in any media field I chose to
take on.

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