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Keith Keyser

This I Believe

We have all experienced highschool and the amount of people we consider

“fake”. Those relationships are what I tried to cut out of my life. For me I took it as a

learning experience, and it helped me to create strong friendships that will always have

a place in my heart. Specifically in my senior year, my best friends were those that

consistently were true to themselves. They helped me in times of struggle and could

always hold a deep conversation. For me I had no care of what I looked like or what

was perceived of me. Every decision I made last year or even now is based on what I

feel is right. I am not afraid of others perceptions of me. Last year that helped me in

social situations to make connections with many people that will always be a part of my


Throughout my life I have always been a social person. No matter who, where, what or

when I have been someone that loves to make connections with others. The only way

these connections are meaningful are when people are true to themselves.

So, I believe in always being your true self, and not letting anyone change who

you are. This is something that a lot of people struggle with. By putting masks and trying

to fit in with the people around you. My understanding of the concept “being your true

self” is, creating your own path, living in the moment and expressing who YOU are. Be

who you are, not who you want to be.

To create your own path you need to follow your heart, as well as have an

understanding of your values and ideas. In turn your path will form itself. Others may

judge you or even criticize you, but use that negative energy as motivation to strive for

your goals. I have come to realize recently that living in the moment has a huge impact

on my knowledge of self. Focusing on the now has allowed me to be insightful about my

reactions and reasoning. Thus presenting me with the best opportunity to grasp my

skills, strengths and values.

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