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Will Payne

En 101

Madeline Kinkel


Dear Ms. Madeline,

My name is William Robert (Billy Bob) Payne. Currently I am 18 and working through ROTC

and college like many others. So far College has been fun, but I am just waiting for the

workload to pickup. It is a lot different from high school being done by 11 almost every

morning, waking up at 4:30 every morning will definitely start taking its tole about halfway

through the semester.

However, you might be wondering where I’m from and how I ended up at UA. Until now I

have lived in Indiana. Indianapolis was my home until we got robbed and some people stole my

mother’s jewelry and one of my dad’s guns. After that event, my family moved up to a suburb

called carmel. First grade is where I met my best friend. My grandparents and aunt and uncle

also live up in Carmel. As a kid I went hunting and fishing alot with my dad. I began hunting by

the time I was three and old enough to follow directions and keep quiet when I needed to. When

we go hunting we always eat whatever we get so I grew up eating venison, fish and squirrel. My

love of the outdoors was one of the reasons I came to UA because I felt like I would meet a lot of

people who enjoy those same activities as me. So far I have only found a couple but it is still a

good crowd.

Enough of talking about activities though. Family is another thing that made we want to come

from UA. Like I said earlier I live with my dad, mom and sister. Sophia. My dad works for the

health department in the foods section so we don’t get to eat out much. Some of the restaurants
in Indianapolis are absolutely disgusting. My mom works at a preschool and she is one of the

nicest people I know just like my grandpa. My sister just started High School and is already

playing JV and Varsity as a freshman. I’m super excited for her and know that she is already

working hard and making a good impression. Finally we have a dog named Gunny, because my

dad was in the Marines which made the Army a great choice. The great family environment at

UA reminds me of home and that was another reason I came to UA.

The last few reasons that made UA my pick all come together. I played football all 4

years of highschool even though I broke my leg as a freshmen. I also was in a fishing and

mechanics club in highschool. Finally, I love history. It was my favorite class in highschool and

whenever I went on a vacation with my family I would try to find out if there were any

battlefields or museums around because I always found that kind of thing interesting UA has a

great history program so that also made it a natural choice. The history plus the amazing football

team and bass fishing club helped me decide on the University of Alabama as my home.

Now on to the future. I want to get a 3.5 to 4.0 for this year and get my contract for

ROTC. That means get my scholarship. I also want to learn to enjoy english and hopefully this

class will allow me to do that. When I get out of college I want to be an airborne infantry officer

in the army and then either teach history at a highschool or go to law school. I am looking

forward to the rest of the semester.

Sincerely, Will Payne

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