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Contents of the
Book: China from 2012 to 2027
To look into the
Future. In 2010, in China has been reported first cases of "rapid flu", but
Extraterrestrials. the number of cases did not exceed 15 and the disease is considered as
World Formation. a mutation of the virus, a strain of which was caused as selectively
affects the body, weakened by HIV.
Initially, the symptoms of "rapid flu" were defined as the impact
To find the Ark of of AIDS, who were sick the first carriers of the virus' rapid flu. In the
the Covenant body, weakened by the AIDS virus, any infection can lead to almost
instant death. Therefore, the virus is still unknown and its manifestation
was blamed on HIV.
The winter of 2011 virus infection "rapid flu" was repeated, the ill
about 500 people came to one of the central hospitals in Beijing and the
first cases were among people infected with HIV, but the symptoms of

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RCSPF - Russian Center for Strategic Planning of the Future

the disease and the rate were not significantly different in healthy
individuals and HIV-infected. As a result of improper handling of the
sick and the burial of the dead, in 2014, carrying the virus were ten
thousand people, and they led to the spread of the virus' "rapid flu"
around the globe.
In China, the epidemic of "rapid flu" to 2017 died 42 million
people. This event was not triggered in China any acts of violence or
unrest. By the time scientists from Russia, China and Japan had studied
the mechanism of the virus' "rapid flu" and the conditions of its origin.
This explains the calm of the Chinese population, despite significant
casualties. China's economy, in result of the epidemic suffered very
little, because alliance with Russia and Japan had maintained a high
standard of living, despite its great population and the decline in world
economy. China's production size decreased slightly, what was
associated with a decrease in the market and the high cost of goods.
Products which manufactured by the Chinese, was delivered to
European markets, but most European countries have been devastated,
so the demand for goods has been limited. The decline in production
and change the format in the domestic market led the countries of
economic union to internal stability and strengthen the economy.
In economic union China as well as India, was able to develop
its own technology and production thanks to scientific research of
Russia and Japan. Also epidemic allowed for a natural reduce of
population and provide direct population control, based on concrete
Epidemic in 2022 led to 52 million deaths. Thus, the size of
China's population was just over a billion, which significantly ease the

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economy and finally unloaded the agriculture and industry. After the
epidemic of 2022 population policy became restrictive character with
obvious vector to maintain a constant level of population fertility. In
addition, in all China began uncompromising struggle against the
spread of HIV.
The fight was a total inspection of all citizens to HIV infection, and
then isolation of HIV-infected people in certain towns and settlements.
Around these towns and settlements created strict protection, to leave
this place there was no opportunity.
China's economy after the epidemic of "rapid flu" in 2022
received an additional impetus to the development, in spite of heavy
losses in human resources. Population control, combating the spread of
HIV infection has led to the fact that epidemic of "rapid flu" in China
in 2027 killed only 15 million people, and most of these people was
HIV-infected population.
From 2012 to 2027 in China died of other diseases 70 million.

Japan from 2012 to 2027

First wave of epidemic "rapid flu" in 2014 led to the deaths of three
million people. This caused natural panic, but the riots happened. The
global economic crisis that followed in 2014, had a negative impact on
the Japanese economy. Termination of industrial production of most
branches of Japanese' firms in America and Europe, the financial
collapse in the U.S. also had a negative impact on the economy.

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Cutting off supplies of food and fuel have led to economic crisis.
Help in this situation came from Russia, which has initiated the
establishment of alliance with China and India. This allowed to move
industrial production in favorable areas, and given the lack of tariffs
and quotas, the situation has become for Japan most profitable.
The epidemic in 2017 in Japan killed 4 million people. The
Japanese perceived this quantity, as well as the epidemic itself, quite
easy. By the time it was aware of the distribution method of "rapid flu"
and ways of epidemics. This led to state program to control population
and prevent the spread of HIV. It has been totally audited population for
the presence of the AIDS virus. HIV-infected and AIDS patients were
moved to special, well-guarded settlements.
These actions led to the fact that epidemic of "rapid flu" of 2022
killed half a million people. The bodies of the dead had to be cremated,
because virus "rapid flu "going airborne and burial of the dead could
lead to massive infection, therefore to further spread of the epidemic.
Economic growth in Japan has been steadily growing, owing to its
cooperation with Russia, China and India. Japan continued population
control program, so was able to reduce the population to an adequate
In 2025, in Japan there was a powerfull earthquake, the epicenter
of the earthquake was located on the island of Hokkaido. The
earthquake damaged many towns and villages. Tsunami waves caused
by the earthquake caused major damage to the east coast. The
earthquake and tsunami killed 100,000 people.
Also negatively reflected on Japan rising of sea levels. Many
areas in Japan have been flooded, affected about 15% of the territory.

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Storms caused by climate change, were destroyed six artificial islands.

Flooding of areas of Japan was a huge problem and solution of this
problem was the construction of the dam, which held back the tides.
Epidemic of "rapid flu" in 2027 led to deaths of 2 million people,
thanks to rational policies to prevent the spread of the AIDS virus.
As a result of other diseases from 2012 to 2027 in Japan has dieed 25
million people.

Stargates on the Earth.

Henrok race.
Henrok – is colonizers' race which exists in our galaxy so far. In
general this race is human-shape, the difference is at least 2.5 meters in
height. Skin covers plastic chitin brown plates. They are beings from
another Galaxy. The main activity is colonization and depletion of the
base resource of planets.
First of all, for the successful development of the civilization
they need materials to build bases and space ships. For this can serve as
analogues of the Earth materials, including radioactive materials, as the
combination of inert gases and complex hydrocarbons. Stay of race
Henrok on seized planet is not more than three years.
With the development of civilization and population growth, this race
often seize a star systems, draining them and making unsuitable for
further development of colloidal forms of life. Thus, they have reached
our galaxy to. They invaded its borders by huge armada, composed of
more than 10 000 warships. The size of the smallest of them up to 10

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RCSPF - Russian Center for Strategic Planning of the Future

Highly developed races, which are in their development at the
energy level, such as race of Trafans, could not permit such a large
pirate race staying in the galaxy, and made it so the space fleet of
Henrok got into a antimatter zone, consisting of clusters of dark matter,
which has made it impossible to move and coordinating. Matter
absorbs the ships, and they were scattered throughout the galaxy.
Dark matter has caused serious damage to Henroks' ships, and they
were unable to rebuild their fleet and its fighting ability. With gates
Henrok could move to dispersed ships, but it could lead to the
restoration of their former power.
A cruel joke with this race played a feeling of omnipotence,
acquired during the Millennium of planets' plunder. The possibility of
contact with other races hampered by the inability of Henroks conduct
diplomatic negotiations. They talk from position of power and threats
and were destroyed by other races. As a result, survived remained two
hundredths of one percent of this race. The remaining few individuals
could to escape from persecution and destruction on the repaired
vehicle. In 300 individuals, they were able to leave this galaxy and
colonized the planet, suitable for chemical and physical parameters of
their biological regeneration and there rebuild their civilization.
In an emergency order to planet Earth landed three spacecraft of
Henrok. One of them was on the Australian continent. Two other
vessels were in the South and the North Pole.
Planet Earth was inhabited by primitive tribes, but Henrok quickly
found that they are not the only aliens on this planet, and came into
contact with race of Uriya, which has colonized this planet for

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RCSPF - Russian Center for Strategic Planning of the Future

thousands of years, but in terms of technical development was much

lower than the newcomers. Henrok began to talk from position of
strength and set the conditions. They wanted to use race of Uriya as a
slaves, using them to achieve recovery of spacecraft and destroy the
planet's inhabitants. Uriya race, whose descendants were the world's
population, has decided that it would be easier to destroy such
aggressive race and during the war the majority of Henrok individuals
were destroyed, the others could to escape through space portals to
other worlds, and all leave planet Earth.
Race of Uriya used up leftover of spaceships for creation of
bases. Heritably they received the Gates which have been requested.
Technical knowledge, which is the true wealth of race Henrok were
extracted by intelligent races of their genetic code. This helped in
the study of the gates and the way they work.
Local tribes of Australian continent worshiped the heavenly
inhabitants and were very afraid of them. Over time, the tribes became
more numerous and more aggressive. Race Uriya had no desire to
respond to their aggression by total destruction. The base was
transferred to the American continent in the desolate mountains of state
Thanks to Henrok race in our galaxy there are stargate of more than 10
000. The gates are used a few races. All the gates are controlled by race
of Trafans. All three bases, till now are situated in these locations.
Appearance of the film "Stargates" on movie screens, as well as
many other films of space fiction - is psychological preparation
inhabitants of planet Earth to the fact that theirs origin not from a
monkey, and they are not a single human race in space. The idea of

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creating such a film belongs to aliens, but all of the events in this film -
the talented fiction of writers.
Alien base, located in the mountains of Montana and is well
camouflaged in the depths of the mountain. I will not say more about
the structure of the database and its size, as in each reality they have
serious differences, and what is written, is reflected in all realities and
their reflections. But there is common and constant information for all
realities. On the bases there are representatives of many races and main
direction of scientific representatives of these races is to introduce the
gene of Henrok race into the body and the possibility of creating new
Technical knowledge learned from the genetic code of Henrok,
have not been studied yet. Attempt to create their gates ended by their
destruction and deformation of space. Henrok gene presents in all the
gates and the one who does not have this gene will not be able to use
the gate. Only a few could to implant genome of race Henrok.
On all three bases are present humans as guinea. There is elaboration of
the possibility to add genome of Henrok in their genetic code, but
perhaps it will remain only an attempt. In case of success, the future of
humans' civilization can be radically reversed.
About existence of the Stargates on the Earth do know no
government and even such powerful organizations as Shadow
government in Russia and the "Global" in the U.S. The leaders of such
organizations as the "Triad" and "Yakuza" know of the many alien
races on planet Earth and of the Stargates.
On the moon have been appeared two large bases - "Alpha" and "Beta",
built by alien races and the representatives of the human race.

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