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We attract circumstances, events and people with our dominant thoughts, emotions, self-talk and visualization.

If we think intensely and fequently about success we will get it. We attract what we think, whether good or bad.
The process-of manifestation includes ourdream, visualization, planning, our belief andfinally action.

1. Law of Manifestation
We create reality through our thoughts. Therefore think passionately about success and we will get it. Always be
careful of our thoughts and direct them to what our intention are, If we hink about failure with the same
frequency and ntensity ultimately we will fail. Therefore don't think about failures.

2. Law of Unwavering Desire

The energy that we are producing will propel in that direction. Therefore wish to have mething completely
without wavering,

3.Law of Delicate Balance

Always have balance between the dream we hope and living in satisfaction and gratitude. member, if frustrated
by lack of results, we sending negative impulses. We have to ate balance and align ourself with the Desire is
beneficial, but despair is harmful.

4.Law of Magnetism
The energy we radiate or bring with us is whatwe will attract from the universe.In shoft,wereap what we sow.

5.Law of Synchronization
We are part of a greater whole and not a separate entity.Do not fight the flow or resist the order of
things.Always,therefore,align with a giving attitude and bring value beyond what we receive in any situation.

6.Law of Universal Influence

Energy has influence in your personal arena and in the world at large.We are all connected to each other by the
energy we exude.So radiate only the positive.

7.Law of Dillgent Action

Massive action with value,honour and diignity which promote the environment around you is required for
success.Act only in a way that is honourable to yourself and to others.
8.Law of Expectation
What we expect with confidence becomes self-fulfilling prophecy and it becomes reality and attracts into our
life.Remember, what we expect doesn't disappoint us.What we expect from other peopledetermines our attidue
towards other people.Simi-larly,what we expect from situations determines our attitude towards
situations.In\other words,people are only mirrors of our inner world and frame of mind.Generally people
behave in accordance with other's expectations. The Law of Expectation triggers formation of con-victions and
beliefs about self,life and others.

9.Law of Reflection
Everything happens first inside us,then corresponds outside of us.We cannot achieve anything unless itis created
within us.Our circumstances reflect our inner state and frame of mind.Our outer world reflects our inner world.
Our level of health,wealth and intelligence reflects in how we think consistently.

“Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation.'

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