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Bayesian sparse convex clustering via global-local shrinkage priors

Kaito Shimamura ∗, Shuichi Kawano †

Sparse convex clustering is to cluster observations and conduct variable selection simul-
arXiv:1911.08703v1 [stat.ML] 20 Nov 2019

taneously in the framework of convex clustering. Although the weighted L1 norm as the
regularization term is usually employed in the sparse convex clustering, this increases the
dependence on the data and reduces the estimation accuracy if the sample size is not suffi-
cient. To tackle these problems, this paper proposes a Bayesian sparse convex clustering via
the idea of Bayesian lasso and global-local shrinkage priors. We introduce Gibbs sampling
algorithms for our method using scale mixtures of normals. The effectiveness of the proposed
methods is shown in simulation studies and a real data analysis.

Key Words and Phrases: Dirichlet–Laplace distribution, Hierarchical Bayesian model, Horseshoe
distribution, Normal–exponential–gamma distribution, Markov chain Monte Carlo.

1 Introduction
Cluster analysis is an unsupervised learning method that aims to assign observations to several
clusters so that similar individuals belong to the same group. It is widely used in the research
fields such as biology, genomics, and many other fields of science. In general, conventional
clustering methods such as k-means clustering, hierarchical clustering, and Gaussian mixture
model are pointed out with instability due to the non-convex optimization.
Convex clustering proposed by Hocking et al. (2011) searches the centers of clusters collec-
tively and allocates each individual to them. Convex relaxation ensures that it achieves a unique
global optimization regardless of initialization. The estimates can be obtained by solving a reg-
ularization problem, which is similar to sparse regularization in regression analysis. However,
the convex clustering does not work well if data contain large amount of irrelevant features.
Sparse regularization is used to exclude irrelevant information. Wang et al. (2018) proposed
sparse convex clustering to perform the convex clustering and variable selection simultaneously.
The sparse convex clustering estimates sparse models by L1 norm in addition to regularization
term of the convex clustering. Also, Wang et al. (2018) used the L1 norms as the convex
clustering penalties, and then the penalty was assumed to be different weights according to the

NTT Advanced Technology Corporation, Muza Kawasaki Central Tower, 1310 Omiya-cho Saiwai-
ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa, 212-0014, Japan. Graduate School of Informatics and Engineer-
ing, The University of Electro-Communications, 1-5-1, Chofugaoka, Chofu-shi, Tokyo 182-8585, Japan. (corresponding author)

Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications, 1-5-1, Chofu-
gaoka, Chofu-shi, Tokyo 182-8585, Japan.

individual and the feature. However, it is pointed out by Griffin and Brown (2011) that the
penalty used in the sparse convex clustering is dependent on the data and may lead to model
estimation accuracy degradation when the sample size is small.
Our proposed methods overcome the problem that penalties in the sparse convex clustering
depend heavily on weight. Therefore, even when the sample size is small, estimation is possible
without depending on the weight. For this reason, we first introduce a Bayesian formulation
of sparse convex clustering, and then propose a Bayesian sparse convex clustering based on a
global-local (GL) prior distribution. As the GL prior, we consider three types of distributions:
a normal-exponential-gamma distribution (Griffin and Brown 2005), a horseshoe distribution
(Carvalho et al. 2010), and a Dirichlet–Laplace distribution (Bhattacharya et al. 2015). The
Gibbs sampling algorithm for our proposed models is derived by using scale mixtures of normals
(Andrews and Mallows 1974).
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 devotes the convex clustering
method. In Section 3, we propose a sparse convex clustering in a Bayesian formulation. In
Section 4, we propose a Bayesian convex clustering with the GL shrinkage prior distributions.
The performances of the proposed methods are compared with existing method by conducting
Monte Carlo simulation in Section 5 and real data analysis in Section 6. Concluding remarks
are given in Section 7.

2 Preliminaries
In this section, we describe the convex clustering. This is a convex relaxation of clustering such
as k-means clustering and hierarchical clustering. The convexity overcomes the instability of
conventional clustering methods. In addition, we describe the sparse convex clustering which
simultaneously clusters observations and performs variable selection.

2.1 Convex clustering

Let X ∈ Rn×p be a data matrix with n observations and p variables, and xi (i = 1, 2, · · · , n) be
an i–th row of X. The convex clustering for these n observations is formulated by the following
minimization problem using an n × p feature matrix A = (a1 , · · · , an )T :
1X X
min kxi − ai k22 + γ kai1 − ai2 kq , (1)
A 2
i=1 i1 <i2

where ai is a p dimensional vector corresponding to the xi , k · kq is the Lq norm of a vector

and γ (≥ 0) is a regularization parameter. If âi1 = âi2 for the estimated value âi , the i1 –th
individual and the i2 –th individual belong to the same cluster. The γ controls the number of
same rows of  = (â1 , · · · , ân )T , which is corresponding to the estimated number of clusters.
Both k–means clustering and hierarchical clustering are equivalent to considering the L0 norm
for the second term in the problem (1), and hence a non-convex optimization problem occurs
(Hocking et al. 2011). The convex clustering can be viewed as a convex relaxation of k-means

Figure 1: A cluster path for two interlocking half moons. The colored squares are 20 ob-
servations and the circles are estimates of the convex clustering per regularization parameter.
Among the estimates of the same observation, the lines connect the estimates whose values of
the regularization parameter are close.

clustering and hierarchical clustering. The convex relaxation also guarantees to achieve a unique
global minimization.
Hocking et al. (2011) proposed cluster path to visualize steps of clustering. The cluster path
can be regarded as a continuous regularization path (Efron et al. 2004) of the optimal solution
formed by changing γ. Figure 1 shows the cluster path of two interlocking half moons in Section
5.1. It shows the relationship between values of the regularization parameter and estimates of
the feature vectors ai (i = 1, · · · , n). The estimates exist near the corresponding observations
when the value of the regularization parameter is small, while the estimates concentrate on a
one point when the value is large. The characteristics of the data can be considered from the
grouping order and positional relationship of the estimates.

2.2 Sparse convex clustering

In the conventional convex clustering, when irrelevant information is included in the data, the
accuracy of estimating clusters tends to be low. On the other hand, the sparse convex clustering
(Wang et al. 2018) is an effective method for such data as irrelevant information can be eliminated
using sparse estimation.

The sparse convex clustering considers the following optimization problem:
n p
1X X X
min kxi − ai k22 + γ1 wi1 ,i2 kai1 − ai2 kq + γ2 uj ka·j k1 , (2)
A 2
i=1 (i1 ,i2 )∈E j=1

where γ1 (≥ 0) and γ2 (≥ 0) are regularization parameters, wi1 ,i2 (≥ 0) and uj (≥ 0) are weights,
q ∈ {1, 2, ∞}, E = {(i1 , i2 ); wi1 ,i2 6= 0, i1 < i2 }, and a·j = (a1j , · · · , anj )T is the column vector of
the feature matrix A. The third term imposes a penalty similar to group lasso (Yuan and Lin
2006) and has the effect that kâ·j k1 = 0. When kâ·j k1 = 0, the j–th column of X is removed
from the model. It means variable selection. γ1 and wi1 i2 adjust the cluster size, while γ2 and
uj adjust the number of features. The weight wi1 ,i2 plays an important role to impose a penalty
adaptively to features. Wang et al. (2018) used a following weight parameter
n o
wi1 ,i2 = ιm
i1 ,i2 exp −φ kxi1 − xi2 k2 ,

where the ιm i1 ,i2 equals 1 if the observation xi1 is included in m nearest neighbors of the obser-
vation xi2 , and 0 otherwise. This choice of weights works well for a wide range of φ when m is
small. In our numerical studies, m is fixed at 5 and φ is fixed at 0.5, as in Wang et al. (2018).
Similar to the adaptive lasso (Zou 2006) in a regression problem, the penalty for the sparse
convex clustering can be adjusted flexibly by using weight parameters. However, it is pointed
out by Griffin and Brown (2011) that such penalties are strongly dependent on data. Depending
on the data, such as the small number of samples, the accuracy of model estimation may be

3 Sparse convex clustering in Bayesian formulation

By extending the sparse convex clustering into a Bayesian formulation, we use the entire posterior
distribution to provide a probabilistic measure of uncertainty.

3.1 Bayesian sparse convex clustering

In this section, we reformulate the sparse convex clustering in terms of Bayesian approach.
Similar to Bayesian lasso (Park and Casella 2008), which extends lasso to a Bayesian formulation,
we regard regularized maximum likelihood estimates as MAP estimates.
We consider the following model:
x = a + ε,

where ε is the p dimensional error vector distributed as Np (0p , σ 2 Ip ), a is a feature vector, and
σ 2 (> 0) is a variance parameter. Then, the likelihood function is given by
kxi − ai k22
2 2 −p/2
f (X|A, σ ) = (2πσ ) exp − .
2σ 2

Next, we specify the prior distribution of feature matrix A as
 
 λ 
π(A|σ 2 ) ∝ (σ 2 )−(#E+p)/2 exp − wi1 ,i2 kai1 − ai2 k2
 σ 
(i1 ,i2 )∈E
 
 λ X p 
× exp − uj ka·j k2 , (3)
 σ 

where λ1 (> 0), wi1 ,i2 (> 0), λ2 (> 0), uj (> 0) are hyperparameters, E = {(i1 , i2 ) : 1 ≤ i1 <
i2 ≤ n}, and #E is the number of elements in E. λ1 and λ2 are corresponding to γ1 and γ2 in
(2). This prior distribution is an extension of Bayesian group lasso in linear regression models
(Xu and Ghosh 2015). The estimate of the sparse convex clustering corresponds to the MAP
estimate in the following joint posterior distribution:

π(A, σ 2 |X) ∝ f (X|A, σ 2 )π(A|σ 2 )π(σ 2 )

2 −(np+#E+p)/2 1 2
∝ (σ ) exp − 2 kxi − ai k2

 
 λ p
X λ 2
X 
× exp − wi1 ,i2 kai1 − ai2 k2 − uj ka·j k2 π(σ 2 ), (4)
 σ σ 
(i1 ,i2 )∈E j=1

where π(σ 2 ) is the non-informative scale-invariant prior π(σ 2 ) = 1/2σ 2 or inverse-gamma prior
π(σ 2 ) = IG(ν1 /2, η0 /2). An inverse-gamma probability density function is given by

ην n ηo
IG(x|ν, η) = exp − , (5)
Γ(ν)x−(ν+1) x

where ν (> 0) is a shape parameter and η (> 0) is a scale parameter.

We obtain estimates of each parameter by performing MCMC algorithm by Gibbs sampling.
Therefore, it is necessary to derive the full conditional distribution for each parameter. Because
it is difficult to derive full conditional distributions from (4), we provide a hierarchical represen-
tation of the prior distribution. To derive the hierarchical representation, the prior distribution
π(A|σ 2 ) is rewritten as follows:
( Pp )
j=1 (ai1 j − ai2 j )
Z Z Y 1
π(A|σ 2 ) ∝ ··· (σ 2 )−(#E+p)/2 exp −
2σ 2 τi21 i2
(i1 ,i2 )∈E 2πτi21 i2
( )
Y λ21 wi2 i λ21 wi21 i2 2
1 2
× exp − τi1 i2
2 2
(i1 ,i2 )∈E
( Pn )
1 i=1 aij
× exp −
2σ 2 τej2
2πe τ 2
j=1 j
p p
( )
Y λ22 u2j λ22 u2j 2 Y
× exp − τe dτi1 i2 τj2 .
2 2 j
j=1 (i1 ,i2 )∈E j=1

This is based on the hierarchical representation of the Laplace distribution in the form
Z ∞  2 2  2 
a 1 z a a
exp{−a|z|} = √ exp − exp − s ds.
2 0 2πs 2s 2 2

For details, we refer to Andrews and Mallows (1974).

From this relationship, we assume following priors:
( Pp )
1 j=1 (ai1 j − ai2 j )
π A|{τi21 ,i2 }, {e
τj2 }, σ 2
∝ (σ 2 )−(#E+p)/2

exp −
2σ 2 τi21 i2
τi21 i2
(i1 ,i2 )∈E
( Pn )
1 i=1 aij
× q exp − 2τ 2 ,
j=1 τ 2 2σ ej
( )
λ21 wi21 i2 λ21 wi21 i2 2
π τi21 i2

∝ exp − τi1 i2 ,
2 2
( )
λ22 u2j λ22 u2j 2
π τej2

∝ exp − τe .
2 2 j

As a result, it enables us to carry out Bayesian estimation by Gibbs sampling. The details of
the sampling procedure are described in Appendix A.1.

3.2 Unimodality of joint posterior distribution

In Bayesian modeling, theoretical and computational problems arise when there exist multiple
posterior modes. Theoretically, it is doubtful whether a single posterior mean, median, or mode
will represent an appropriate summary of the bimodal posterior distribution. The convergence
speed of Gibbs sampling is a computational problem. Although it is possible to perform Gibbs
sampling, the convergence is practically too slow.
Park and Casella (2008) showed that the joint posterior distribution has single peak in
Lasso type Bayes sparse modeling. We demonstrate that the joint posterior distribution of (4)
is unimodal. Similar to Park and Casella (2008), we use a continuous transformation with a
continuous inverse to show the unimodality of the logarithmic concave density.
The logarithm of the posterior (4) is:
pn + #E + p 1 X
log π(A, σ 2 |X) = log π(σ 2 ) − log(σ 2 ) − 2 kxi − ai k22
2 2σ
λ1 X λ2 X
− wi1 ,i2 kai1 − ai2 k2 − uj ka·j k2 + const. (6)
σ σ
(i1 ,i2 )∈E j=1

Consider the transformation defined by

√ √
Φ ↔ A/ σ 2 , ρ ↔ 1/ σ 2 ,

which is continuous when 0 < σ 2 < ∞. We define Φ = (φ1 , · · · , φn )T = (φ·1 , · · · , φ·p ). The log

posterior (6) is transformed by performing variable conversion in the form
log π(1/ρ2 ) + (pn + #E + p) log(ρ) − kρxi − φi k22
X p
−λ1 wi1 ,i2 kφi1 − φi2 k2 − λ2 uj kφ·j k2 + const. (7)
(i1 ,i2 )∈E j=1

The second and fifth terms are clearly concave in (Φ, ρ), and the third and fourth terms are a
second concave surface in (Φ, ρ). Therefore, if log π(·), which is the logarithm of prior for σ 2 , is
concave, (7) becomes concave. Assuming a prior distribution such as inverse gamma distribution
(5) for σ 2 , log π(·) is a concave function. Therefore, the whole log posterior distribution is

3.3 MAP estimate by weighted posterior means

In Bayesian sparse modeling, unweighted posterior mean is often used as a substitute for MAP
estimates, but the accuracy is not high and sometimes it is far from the MAP estimates. Then
we introduce weighted posterior mean in this section.
We define a vector θ containing all the parameters as follows:

θ = (θ 1 , · · · , θ 2n+2 )
= (a1 , · · · , an , τ 1 , · · · , τ n , τe , σ 2 ),

where τ i = (τi1 , · · · , τin ) and τe = (eτ1 , · · · , τep ). For example, θ 1 = a1 and θ n+1 = τ 1 . In
addition, we assume the parameter vector corresponding to the b–th MCMC sample is θ (b) =
(b) (b)
(θ 1 , · · · , θ 2n+2 ), where the range of b is from 1 to B.
We introduce weights corresponding to the b–th MCMC sample as follows:

(b) (b)
e(θ l ,b) = L(X|θ̂ l )π(θ̂ l ),

(b) (b)
where the L(X|θ) is the likelihood function, the π(θ) is the prior, θ̂ l = {θ̂ 1 , · · · , θ̂ l−1 , θ l , θ̂ l+1 , · · · , θ̂ 2n+2 },
and the θ̂ l0 is an estimate of θ l0 . It can be seen that this weight corresponds to the value of the
posterior probability according to Bayes’ theorem. This weight was also used in the sparsified
algorithm by Shimamura et al. (2019).
Using this weight, we obtain the posterior average as follows:

θ̂ l = w(θ l ,b) θ l ,

e(θ l ,b) / B
where w(θ l ,b) = w b0 =1 w
e(θ l ,b0 ) . Therefore, we adopt θ̂ l as an estimate of θ l . The perfor-
mance of this estimate is examined by numerical studies in Sections 5.1.

4 Bayesian sparse convex clustering via global-local shrinkage
Polson and Scott (2010) proposed a global-local (GL) shrinkage prior distribution. Generally
speaking, when we use the Laplace prior distribution, it is necessary to pay attention to how to
handle contraction for irrelevant parameters and robustness against not irrelevant parameters.
The important features of the GL shrinkage prior distribution are that it has peaks at the
origin and heavy tails. This features make it possible to handle shrinkage of entire variables
and individual variables shrinkage estimated to be zero. Therefore, irrelevant parameters are
sparsifed, and not irrelevant ones are robustly estimated. The penalty for the sparse convex
clustering has similar characteristics. The penalty of the sparse convex clustering is weighted
on individual and feature quantities. This weighted penalty is one of the key factors improving
accuracy. However, this penalty has the problem that is highly dependent on data. By using the
GL prior distribution, it is possible to properly control the dependence on data by the Bayesian
Polson and Scott (2010) formulated the GL scale mixtures of normal for vector a = (a1 , · · · , ap )
as follows:

aj |ν 2 , τj2 ∼ N(0, ν 2 τj2 ),

τj2 ∼ π(τj2 ),
ν 2 ∼ π(ν 2 ).

Each τj2 (> 0) is called a local shrinkage parameter and ν (> 0) is called a global shrinkage
parameter. This leads to efficient Gibbs sampling based on block update of parameters.
We need to specify the priors π(τj2 ) and π(ν 2 ). In the next subsections, we provide some
concrete formulations for π(τj2 ) and π(ν 2 ).

4.1 NEG prior distribution

Griffin and Brown (2005) proposed using an NEG distribution as an alternative to a Laplace
distribution for prior distribution of regression coefficients. By using an NEG distribution, we
can perform more flexible sparse modeling than a Laplace distribution.
The NEG density function is given by

NEG(θ|λ, γ) = κ exp D−2λ−1 , (8)
4γ 2 γ

where κ = (2λ λ)/(γ π)Γ(λ + 1/2) is a normalization constant, D−2λ−1 is a parabolic cylinder
function, and λ (> 0) and γ (> 0) are hyperparameters that control the sparsity of the θ. The
parabolic cylinder function is a solution of the second-order linear ordinary differential equation

and its integral representation is given by
Z ∞
|θ| 1 2λ 1 2 |θ|
D−2λ−1 = exp − 2 w exp − w − w dw.
γ Γ(2λ + 1) 4γ 0 2 γ

The NEG density function can be expressed as a hierarchical representation

NEG (θ|λ, γ)
θ2 (γ 2 )λ λ−1
Z Z  
exp − 2 ψ exp −ψτ 2 exp −γ 2 ψ dτ 2 dψ
= √ ψ
2πτ 2 2τ Γ(λ)
= N(θ|0, τ 2 )Exp(τ 2 |ψ)Ga(ψ|λ, γ 2 )dτ 2 dψ,

where Exp(·|µ) is a exponential distribution and Ga(·|k, λ) is a gamma distribution. Therefore,

the prior distribution of each parameter is as follows:

θ|τ 2 ∼ N(θ|0, τ 2 ),
τ 2 ∼ Exp(τ 2 |ψ),
ψ ∼ Ga(ψ|λ, γ 2 ).

Using the NEG distribution on the feature matrix A, we propose the following prior:
2 2 −(#E+p)/2
Y 1 1
π(A|σ ) ∝ (σ ) NEG kai1 − ai2 k2 λ1 , γ1 NEG ka·j k2 λ2 , γ2 .

2σ 2σ
(i1 ,i2 )∈E j=1

By using hierarchical representation of the NEG distribution, the prior distribution π(A|σ 2 ) is
decomposed into:
( Pp )
j=1 (ai1 j − ai2 j )
2 2 −(#E+p)/2
Y 1
π(A|σ ) ∝ ··· (σ ) exp −
2σ 2 τi21 i2
(i1 ,i2 )∈E 2πτi21 i2
Y Y (γ12 )λ1 λ1 −1
× ψi1 i2 exp{−ψi1 i2 τi21 i2 } ψ exp{−γ12 ψi1 i2 }
Γ(λ1 ) i1 i2
(i1 ,i2 )∈E (i1 ,i2 )∈E
( Pn )
1 i=1 aij
× exp −
2σ 2 τej2
j=1 2πeτj2
p p
Y Y (γ22 )λ2 eλ2 −1
× ψej exp{−ψej τej2 } ψ exp{−γ22 ψej }
Γ(λ2 ) j
j=1 j=1
Y Y p
Y p
× dψi1 i2 dτi21 i2 dψej τj2 .
(i1 ,i2 )∈E (i1 ,i2 )∈E j=1 j=1

This result allows us to develop a Gibbs sampling algorithm for a Bayesian sparse convex clus-
tering with the NEG prior distribution. The details of the algorithm are given in Appendix

4.2 Horseshoe prior distribution
The horseshoe prior distribution was proposed to overcome the unstable sparse estimation of
other shrinkage priors. For more details of the horseshoe prior distribution, we refer to Carvalho
et al. (2010).
The horseshoe density function is given by
Z p
Z Y p
p(θj |τj2 , ν)p(τj2 )

Hor(θ|ν) ∝ ··· dτj
j=1 j=1
Z p
Z Y p
 2 2
∝ ··· p(θj |τj , ν)p(τj |ψj )p(ψj ) (dτj dψj ).
j=1 j=1

The prior distribution of each parameter is as follows:

θj |τj2 , ν 2 ∼ N(0, τj2 ν 2 ),

τj2 ∼ C+ (0, 1),
τj2 |ψj ∼ IG(1/2, 1/ψj ),
ψj ∼ IG(1/2, 1).

Here ν (> 0) is a hyperparameter that controls the sparsity of the θj , C+ (x0 , γ) is a half Cauchy
distribution on the positive reals, where x0 is a location parameter and γ is a scale parameter.
The smaller the value of the hyperparameter ν, the more the number of parameters {θj } are
estimated to be zero.
Using the horseshoe distribution on the feature matrix A, we propose the following prior:
2 2 −(#E+p)/2 1 1
π(A|σ ) ∝ (σ ) Hor a ν1 Hor a
e ν2 ,
2σ 2σ

where a = (kai1 − ai2 k2 ; (i1 , i2 ) ∈ E) and a

e = (ka·j k2 ; j = 1, · · · , p). By using hierarchical
representation of the horseshoe distribution, the prior distribution π(A|σ 2 ) is a variant as follows:
Z Z ( )
− #E
Y 1
π(A|σ 2 ) ∝ · · · (2πσ 2 ν12 ) 2 (τi21 i2 )−1/2 exp − 2 2 2 kai1 − ai2 k22
2σ τi1 i2 ν1
(i1 ,i2 )∈E
( )  
Y −1/2 2 −1/2−1 1 Y −1/2−1 1
× ψi1 i2 (τi1 i2 ) exp − ψi1 i2 exp −
ψi1 i2 τi21 i2 ψi1 i2
(i1 ,i2 )∈E (i1 ,i2 )∈E
( )
2 2 − p2
Y 1
×(2πσ ν2 ) τj2 )−1/2 exp − 2 2 2 ka·j k22
2σ τej ν2
( ) p ( )
Y −1/2 2 −1/2−1 1 Y −1/2−1 1
× ψej (e
τj ) exp − ψej exp −
ej τe2
ψ ψej
j=1 j j=1
Y p
× (dτi1 i2 dψi1 i2 ) (de
τj dψej ).
(i1 ,i2 )∈E j=1

Then we can estimate posterior distribution by Gibbs sampling. The details of the algorithm
are given in Appendix A.3.

4.3 Dirichlet–Laplace prior distribution

The Dirichlet–Laplace prior was proposed to provide simple sufficient conditions for posterior
consistency (Bhattacharya et al. 2015). It is known that a Bayesian regression model with this
prior distribution has the consistent property of variable selection asymptotically. Also, we can
obtain joint posterior distributions for a Bayesian regression model when we employ this prior.
This is an advantage because most of prior distributions induce not a joint posterior distribution
but a marginal posterior distribution and a joint posterior distribution has more information
than a marginal distribution in general.
The Dirichlet–Laplace density function is given by
Z p
Z Y p
DL(θ|α) ∝ ··· {p(θj |τj , ν)} p(τ |α)p(ν) (dτj )dν
j=1 j=1
Z Z Yp p
p(θj |ψj , τj2 , ν 2 )p(ψj ) p(τ |α)p(ν)

∝ ··· (dτj ψj )dν,
j=1 j=1

where τ = (τ1 , · · · , τp )T . The prior distribution of each parameter is

θj |τj , ν ∼ DE(τj ν),

θj |τj , ψj , ν ∼ N(0, ψj τj2 ν 2 ),
ψj ∼ Exp(1/2),
τ ∼ Dir(α, · · · , α),
ν ∼ Ga(pα, 1/2),

where α (> 0) is a hyperparameter that controls the sparsity of the θj and Dir(α, · · · , α) is a
Dirichlet distribution. The sum of the Dirichlet distribution random variables is one. Also, the
mean is E[τj ] = 1/p and the variance is Var(τj ) = (p − 1)/{p2 (pα + 1)}. When the value of α is
small, most of the parameters {τj } are close to zero and the remaining parameters are close to
one. If {τj } is close to zero, {θj } is also close to zero.
Using the Dirichlet–Laplace distribution on the feature matrix A, we propose the following
1 1
π(A|σ 2 ) ∝ (σ 2 )−(#E+p)/2 DL a α1 DL a α2 .

2σ 2σ

By using hierarchical representation of the Dirichlet–Laplace distribution, the prior distribution

π(A|σ 2 ) is a variant as follows.
Z Z ( )
Y 1
π(A|σ ) ∝ ··· (2πσ 2
ψi1 i2 τi21 i2 ν 2 )−1/2 exp − kai1 − ai2 k22
2σ 2 ψi1 i2 τi21 i2 ν 2
(i1 ,i2 )∈E
1 1
× exp − τi1 i2
2 2
(i1 ,i2 )∈E (i1 ,i2 )∈E
α1 #E−1
×ν exp {−ν/2}
( )
Y 1
× (2πσ 2 ψej τej2 νe2 )−1/2 exp − a2·j
j=1 2σ ψej τe2 νe2
p  p
1 1
ψejα2 −1
× exp − τej
2 2
j=1 j=1
α2 p−1
ν exp {−e
ν /2}
Y Y p
Y p
ν dψi1 i2 dτi21 i2 dψej τj2 .
(i1 ,i2 )∈E (i1 ,i2 )∈E j=1 j=1

Then we can estimate posterior distribution by Gibbs sampling. The details of the algorithm
are given in Appendix A.4.

5 Artificial data analysis

In this section, we conduct numerical studies to evaluate the performance of the proposed
methods using artificial data. First, clustering performance is evaluated by a illustrative example
that includes no irrelevant features. Next, we evaluate the accuracy of the sparsity by performing
simulations including irrelevant features.

5.1 Illustrative example

We demonstrated our proposed methods with artificial data. The data were generated according
to two interlocking half moons with n = 50 observations, K = 2 clusters, and p = 2 features.
Figure 2 shows one example of two interlocking half moons. In this setting, we did not perform
sparse estimation. The cluster formation was discussed by comparing cluster paths of each
For each generated dataset, the estimates were obtained by using 50, 000 iterations of Gibbs
sampler. Candidates of the hyperparameters were set by

λmin exp{(log λmax − log λmin ) · (i/m)}

for i = 1, · · · , m. For the hyperparameter λ in a Bayesian convex clustering by Lapalce prior

distribution (Bscvc), we set m = 50, λmin = 0.05, and λmax = 90.0. For the hyperparameters
λ1 and γ1 in a Bayesian convex clustering by NEG prior distribution (Bsnegcvc). For the
hyperparameters λ1 , we set m = 30, λmin = 0.0001, and λmax = 2.75. For the hyperparameters

Figure 2: The two interlocking half moons with n = 50 observations.

γ1 , we set m = 2, λmin = 0.4, and λmax = 0.5. The weighted posterior means introduced in
Section 3.3 was used for Bscvc and Bsnegcvc estimates.
Figure 3 shows the results. The outline of cluster formation is the same between two methods.
The order in which the samples form clusters was also the same. If the distance between
estimated feature values of different clusters does not decrease, the accuracy of cluster estimation
will improve in the concept of the convex clustering. However, the distance between all features
is close due to the effect of sparse regularization. Scvc used weights to bring only features
belonging to the same cluster closer. Bsnegcvc used NEG distribution instead of weights. In
the cluster path in Figure 3(b), the estimated feature values are merged at a position more
further from the origin than other methods. This can be seen especially in the upper right and
lower left of the figure. This result shows that the close feature values were merged while the
distance between the distant feature values kept. This is a factor that improves the accuracy of
Bsnegcvc’s clustering estimation.

5.2 Simulation studies

We demonstrated our proposed methods with artificial data including irrelevant features. The
data were generated according to two interlocking half moons with n = 100 observations, K = 2
clusters, and p = 40 features. The features consists of 38 irrelevant features and 2 relevant
features. The irrelevant features were independently generated from N(0, 0.52 ). We considered
three methods: the sparse convex clustering (Scvc), Bscvc, and Bnegscvc.
As the estimation accuracy, we used the RAND index which is a correctness of cluster
estimation. The RAND index ranges between 0 and 1, and a higher value indicates better

(a) (b)

Figure 3: Results for two interlocking half moons. (a) is the result for Bascvc, (b) is the result
for Bsnegcvc.

performance. The RAND index is given by

RAND = ,
n(n − 1)/2

r X
X s n o
a = # (xi , xj )|xi , xj ∈ Ck∗ , xi , xj ∈ Cel ; i < j ,
k=1 l=1
X X n o
b = # (xi , xj )|xi ∈ Ck∗1 , xj ∈ Ck∗2 , xi ∈ Cel1 , xj ∈ Cel2 ; i < j .
k1 <k2 l1 <l2

Here C ∗ = {C1∗ , · · · , Cr∗ } is the true clusters set and Ce = {Ce1 , · · · , Ces } is the estimated clusters
set. In addition, we used the false negative rate (FNR) and the false positive rate (FPR) for the
accuracy of sparse estimation:

#{j|âj = 0 ∧ a∗j = 0} #{j|âj 6= 0 ∧ a∗j 6= 0}

FNR = , FPR = ,
#{j|a∗j = 0} #{j|a∗j 6= 0}

where, {a∗j |j = 1, · · · , p} are the true feature vectors and {âj |j = 1, · · · , p} are the estimated fea-
ture vectors. Estimated indicators are calculated by 50 times. The setting of the iteration count
and the hyperparameter candidate was the same as in Section 5.1. To ensure fair comparisons,
we used the results with hyperparameters that maximize the RAND index.
The simulation results are summarized in Table 1. Bscvc and Bnegscvc outperform Scvc in
terms of the RAND index and FNR. Because Bscvc has high accuracy in the RAND index, it
can be seen that the cluster is accurately estimated. On the other hand, the Bnegscvc has high
FNR accuracy, and it can be seen that irrelevant features are correctly reduced.

Table 1: Results for simulation study.

RAND (sd) FNR (sd) FPR (sd)

Scvc 0.79 (0.18) 0.74 (0.32) 1.00 (0.00)
Bscvc 0.99 (0.02) 0.90 (0.07) 1.00 (0.00)
Bnegscvc 0.93 (0.10) 0.99 (0.03) 1.00 (0.00)

6 Application
We applied our proposed methods to a real dataset: the LIBRAS movement data from the
Machine Learning Repository (Lichman 2013). The LIBRAS movement dataset has 15 classes.
Each classes are divided by the type of the hand movement. There are 24 observations in
each class, and each observation has 90 features consisting of hand movement coordinates. In
this numerical experiment, 5 classes were randomly selected from 15 classes. This procedure is
repeated 25 times to calculate and compare accuracies. Accuracies of each method is evaluated
using the RAND index, the estimated number of clusters, and the number of selected features.
This is the same as Wang et al. (2018). We computed the mean and standard deviation of each
accuracy. As in Section 5.2, we used the results with hyperparameters that maximize the RAND
index for comparisons.
The results are summarized in Table 2. Bsnegcvc shows the best RAND index. The RAND
index of Bsnegcvc is slightly higher than that of other methods. The estimated number of
clusters in Scvc is the fewest among all methods. Bsnegcvc selects the smallest number of

Table 2: Application to LIBRAS movement dataset.

RAND (sd) Clusters (sd) Selected features (sd)

Scvc 0.55 (0.12) 8.0 (3.61) 82.5 (17.93)
Bscvc 0.56 (0.12) 10.2 (4.00) 83.3 (13.50)
Bsnegcvc 0.59 (0.13) 9.4 (3.56) 79.8 (20.11)

7 Conclusion
We proposed the sparse convex clustering in a Bayesian formulation. Using the global-local
shrinkage prior distribution, we constructed a Bayesian model to various data with more flexible
constraints than the ordinary L1 type convex clustering. We overcame the problem such that
the sparse convex clustering depends on weights in the regularization term. Furthermore, we
proposed a weighted posterior mean based on a posteriori probability to provide more accurate
MAP estimation.
In Section 6, the computational time in our proposed methods is about 20 minutes at each
hyperparameter. Using the global-local shrinkage prior increases the computational cost, and

hence we need to balance the feasibility of the calculation with the accuracy of the estimation. In
numerical experiment, the hyperparameters with the best accuracy were selected as with Wang
et al. (2018). It is also interesting to develop information criteria to select the hyperparameters.
We leave these interesting topics as future work.

Appendix Formulation of Gibbs sampling

This appendix introduces a specific Gibbs sampling method for a Bayesian sparse convex clus-

A.1 Bayesian sparse convex clustering

The prior distribution is transformed as follows:

τj }, σ 2 |X)
π(A, {τi1 i2 }, {e
( )
1 X
∝ (2πσ 2 )−pn/2 exp − 2 (xi − ai )T (xi − ai )

( Pp )
(a − a ) 2
Y 1 j=1 i j i j
×(σ 2 )−(#E+p)/2
1 2
exp −
2σ 2 τi21 i2
τi1 i2
(i1 ,i2 )∈E
( )
Y λ21 wi2 i λ21 wi21 i2 2
1 2
× exp − τi1 i2
2 2
(i1 ,i2 )∈E
( Pn )
1 i=1 aij
× q exp −
j=1 τej2 2σ 2 τej2
( )
Y λ22 u2j λ22 u2j 2
× exp − τe .
2 2 j

The full conditional distribution is obtained as follows:

τj2 }, σ 2 ∼ Nn (S −1 x·j , σ 2 S −1 ),
a·j |x·j , {τi21 i2 }, {e
τj−2 + 1)In ,
S = Sτ + (e
|ai , ai , σ 2 ∼ IGauss(µ0 , λ0 ),
τi21 i2 1 2
wi21 i2 λ21 σ 2
µ = P p 2
j=1 (ai1 j − ai2 j )
λ0 = wi21 i2 λ21 ,
µ0 , λ
|a·j , σ 2 ∼ IGauss(e e0 ),
u2j λ22 σ 2
e0 = Pn
µ 2 ,
i=1 aij
e0 = u2 λ2 ,
λ j 2

τj2 } ∼ IG(ν 0 , η 0 ),
σ 2 |X, A, {τi21 i2 }, {e
ν 0 = np + #E + p + ν0 ,
η = (xi − ai )T (xi − ai )
+ aT·j (Sτ + τej−2 In )a·j + η0 ,

where IGauss(x|µ, λ) denotes the inverse-Gaussian distribution with a density function

λ(x − µ)2
λ −3/2
x exp − , (x > 0)
2π 2µ2 x

−2 −2 −2
 P 

 1<i τ1i −τ12 ··· −τ1n 

 −τ −2 −2 −2 −2
 P P 
i<2 τi2 + 2<i τ2i ··· −τ2n
 

Sτ = .. .. .. .. .

 . . . . 

−2 −2 −2
 P 
−τ1n −τ2n ··· i<n τin
 

A.2 Bayesian NEG sparse convex clustering
The prior distribution is transformed as follows:

τj }, {ψej }, σ 2 |X)
π(A, {τi1 i2 }, {ψi1 i2 }, {e
( )
2 − pn 1 X T
∝ (2πσ ) 2 exp − 2 (xi − ai ) (xi − ai )

( Pp )
1 j=1 (ai1 j − ai2 j )
× exp −
2σ 2 τi21 i2
(i1 ,i2 )∈E2πτ 2 σ 2 i1 i2
Y Y (τi21 i2 )λ1 λ1 −1
× ψi1 i2 exp{−ψi1 i2 τi21 i2 } ψ exp{−γ12 ψi1 i2 }
Γ(λ1 ) i1 i2
(i1 ,i2 )∈E (i1 ,i2 )∈E
( Pn )
1 i=1 aij
× exp −
2σ 2 τej2
j=1 τj2 σ 2
p p
Y Y τj2 )λ2 λ2 −1
× ψej exp{−ψej τej2 } ψe exp{−γ22 ψej }
Γ(λ2 ) j
j=1 j=1
×π(σ ).

The full conditional distribution is obtained as follows:

τj2 }, σ 2 ∼ Nn (S −1 x·j , σ 2 S −1 ),
a·j |x·j , {τi21 i2 }, {e
τj−2 + 1)In ,
S = Sτ + (e
|ai , ai , ψi i , σ 2 ∼ IGauss(µτ −2 , λτ −2 ),
τi21 i2 1 2 1 2 i1 i2 i1 i2
2σ 2 ψi1 i2
µτ −2 = Pp 2
j=1 (ai1 j − ai2 j )
i1 i2

λτ −2 = 2ψi1 i2 ,
i1 i2

ψi1 i2 |τi21 i2 ∼ Ga(kψi1 i2 , λψi1 i2 ),

kψi1 i2 = λ1 + 1,
λψi1 i2 = τi21 i2 + γ12 ,
|a·j , ψej , σ 2 ∼ IGauss(µτe−2 , λτe−2 ),
τej2 j j
u 2σ 2 ψej
µτe−2 = t Pn 2 ,
i=1 aij

λτe−2 = 2ψej ,

τj2 ∼ Ga(kψej , λψej ),

ψej |e
kψej = λ2 + 1,
λψej = τej2 + γ22 ,
τj2 } ∼ IG(ν 0 , η 0 ),
σ 2 |X, A, {τi21 i2 }, {e
ν 0 = np + #E + p + ν0 ,
η0 = (xi − ai )t (xi − ai )
+ aT·j (Sτ + τej−2 In )aT·j + η0 ,

−2 −2 −2
 P 

 1<i τ1i −τ12 ··· −τ1n 

 −τ −2 −2 −2 −2
 P P 
i<2 τi2 + 2<i τ2i ··· −τ2n
 

Sτ = .. .. .. .. .

 . . . . 

−2 −2 −2
 P 
−τ1n −τ2n ··· i<n τin
 

A.3 Bayesian horseshoe sparse convex clustering

The prior distribution is transformed as follows:

π(A, {τi1 i2 }, {ψi1 i2 }, {eτj }, {ψej }, σ 2 |X)
( )
2 − pn 1 X T
∝ (2πσ ) 2 exp − 2 (xi − ai ) (xi − ai )

( )
p#E Y 1
×(2πσ 2 ν12 )− 2 (τi21 i2 )−1/2 exp − 2 2 2 kai1 − ai2 k22
2τi1 i2 ν1 σ
(i1 ,i2 )∈E
( )  
Y −1/2 2 −1/2−1 1 Y −1/2−1 1
× ψi1 i2 (τi1 i2 ) exp − ψi1 i2 exp −
ψi1 i2 τi21 i2 ψi1 i2
(i1 ,i2 )∈E (i1 ,i2 )∈E
( )
2 2 − pn
Y 1
×(2πσ ν2 ) 2 (eτj2 )−1/2 exp − 2 2 2 ka·j k22
τj ν2 σ
p p
( ) ( )
Y −1/2 2 −1/2−1 1 Y −1/2−1 1
× ψej (e
τj ) exp − ψej exp −
ej τe2
ψ ψej
j=1 j j=1

×π(σ 2 ).

The full conditional distribution is obtained as follows:

τj2 }, σ 2 ∼ Nn (S −1 x·j , σ 2 S −1 ),
a·j |x·j , {τi21 i2 }, {e
1 1
S = 2 Sτ + + 1 In ,
ν1 ν22 τej2
τi21 i2 |ai1 , ai2 , ψi1 i2 , σ 2 ∼ IG(ατ 2 , βτ 2 ),
i1 i2 i1 i2

1 1
ατ 2 = 1, βτ 2 = kai1 − ai2 k22 + ,
i1 i2 i1 i2 2ν12 σ 2 ψi1 i2
ψi1 i2 |τi21 i2 ∼ IG(αψi1 i2 , βψi1 i2 ),
αψi1 i2 = 1, βψi1 i2 = + 1,
τi21 i2
τej2 |a·j , ψej , σ 2 ∼ IG(ατej , βτej ),
1 1
ατej = 1, βτej = 2 2
ka·j k22 + ,
2ν2 σ ψj
τj2 ∼ IG(αψej , βψej ),
ψej |e
αψej = 1, βψej = + 1,
τj2 } ∼ IG(ν 0 , η 0 ),
σ 2 |X, A, {τi21 i2 }, {e
ν 0 = np + #E + p + ν0 ,
η0 = (xi − ai )t (xi − ai )
X 1 1
+ aT·j 2 Sτ + 2 2 In a·j + η0 ,
ν1 ν2 τej

−2 −2 −2
 P 

 1<i τ1i −τ12 ··· −τ1n 

 −τ −2 −2 −2 −2
 P P 
i<2 τi2 + 2<i τ2i ··· −τ2n
 

Sτ = .. .. .. .. .

 . . . . 

−2 −2 −2
 P 
−τ1n −τ2n ··· i<n τin
 

A.4 Bayesian Dirichlet–Laplace sparse convex clustering

The prior distribution is transformed as follows:

π(A, {τi21 i2 }, {ψi21 i2 }, ν, {e τi21 i2 }, {ψei21 i2 }, νe, σ 2 |X)

( )
2 − pn 1 X T
∝ (2πσ ) 2 exp − 2 (xi − ai ) (xi − ai )

( )
Y 1
× (2πσ 2 τi21 i2 ψi1 i2 ν 2 )−1/2 exp − 2 2 kai1 − ai2 k22
2σ τi1 i2 ψi1 i2 ν 2
(i1 ,i2 )∈E
Y 1  
α1 −1 1
× τi1 i2 exp − ψi1 i2
2 2
(i1 ,i2 )∈E (i1 ,i2 )∈E
n νo
×ν α1 #E−1 exp −
( )
Y 1
× (2πσ 2 τej2 ψej νe2 )−1/2 exp − a2
2σ 2τ 2ψ ej νe2 ·j
j=1 ej
p Y1p  
τejα2 −1
× exp − ψej
2 2
j=1 j=1
α2 p−1 νe
×eν exp −
×π(σ 2 ).

The full conditional distribution is obtained as follows:

τj2 }, νe, σ 2 ∼ Nn (S −1 x·j , σ 2 S −1 ),

a·j |x·j , {τi21 i2 }, ν, {e
1 1
S = 2 Sτ ψ + + 1 In ,
ν νe2 τej2 ψej
Ti1 i2 |ai1 , ai2 , σ 2 ∼ giG χTi1 i2 , ρTi1 i2 , λTi1 i2 ,
2kai1 − ai2 k2
χTi1 i2 = √ , ρTi1 i2 = 1, λTi1 i2 = α − 1,
τi1 i2 = Ti1 i2 / Ti1 i2 ,
(i1 ,i2 )∈E
|ai1 , ai2 , τi1 i2 , ν, σ 2 ∼ IGauss(µψ−1 , λψ−1 ),
ψi1 i2 i1 i2 i1 i2

ντi1 i2 σ 2
µψ−1 = , λψ−1 = 1,
i1 i2 kai1 − ai2 k2 i1 i2

ν|ai1 , ai2 , τi1 i2 , σ ∼ giG (χν , ρν , λν ) ,
X kai − ai k2
χν = 2 √ 2 , ρν = 1, λν = (α − 1)#E,
τ 2
(i1 ,i2 )∈E i1 i2 σ

Tj |a·j , σ 2

∼ giG χTj , ρTj , λTj ,
2ka·j k2
χTj = √ , ρTj = 1, λTj = α e − 1,
τej = Tj / Tj ,
|a·j , τej , νe, σ 2 ∼ IGauss(µψe−1 , λψe−1 ),
e j j

νeτej σ 2
µψe−1 = , λψe−1 = 1,
j ka·j k2 j

νe|a·j , τej , σ 2 ∼ giG (χνe, ρνe, λνe) ,

X ka·j k2
χνe = 2 √ , ρνe = 1, α − 1),
λνe = p(e
j=1 τ
ej σ2
τj2 }, νe ∼ IG(ν 0 , η 0 ),
σ 2 |X, A, {τi21 i2 }, ν, {e
ν 0 = np + #E + p + ν0 ,
η = (xi − ai )t (xi − ai )
X 1 1
+ aT·j 2
Sτ ψ + In aT·j + η0 ,
ν νe τej2 ψej

where giG (x|χ, ρ, λ) is generalized inverse Gaussian

z ∼ giG(χ, ρ, λ0 ),
π(z) ∝ z λ0 −1 exp{−(ρz + χ/z)/2},

−2 −1 −2 −1 −2 −1
 P 

 1<i2 τ1i2 ψ1i2 −τ12 ψ12 ··· −τ1n ψ1n 

−2 −1 −2 −1 −2 −1 −2 −1
 P P 
−τ12 ψ12 i1 <2 τi1 2 ψi1 2 + 2<i2 τ2i2 ψ2i2 · · · −τ2n ψ2n

 

Sτ ψ = . . . .. .

 .. .. .. . 

 
−2 −1 −2 −1 −2 −1
 P 
−τ1n ψ1n −τ2n ψ2n ··· i1 <n τi1 n ψi1 n
 

S. K. was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP19K11854 and MEXT KAKENHI
Grant Numbers JP16H06429, JP16K21723, and JP16H06430. The super-computing resource
was provided by Human Genome Center (the Univ. of Tokyo).

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