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iXerv English

test ✎
Choose the right option and justify your answers (no short answers allowed)
1. What is Utterson’s profession?

 Lawyer

 Doctor

 Priest

 Detective
2. With whom does Utterson take a weekly walk?

 Jekyll

 Lanyon

 Enfield

 Poole
3. What did Enfield see Hyde do late one night?

 Break into Jekyll’s house

 Trample a girl

 Shoot a man

 Steal bread
4. Whom does Jekyll’s will initially specify as his heir?

 Poole

 Lanyon

 Enfield
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 Hyde

5. Why has Lanyon and Jekyll’s friendship cooled?

 They had a dispute over Jekyll’s scientific inquiries

 They both fell in love with the same woman

 Lanyon found Jekyll’s run-down laboratory unsettling

 Jekyll stole Lanyon’s research

6. How does Utterson first meet Hyde?

 He goes to Hyde’s home

 They meet at a dinner party

 Utterson stakes out the door to Jekyll’s laboratory, where Hyde has been known to come

 Hyde comes to Utterson with a legal question

7. How do the characters in the novel describe Hyde?

 They cannot describe him; they are struck by lightning when they utter his name

 They say he is ugly and deformed but cannot say exactly why

 They say he looks oddly similar to Jekyll—like a warped version of him

 They say he has an ugly scar across his face

8. When Utterson tells Jekyll that he has “been learning something of young Hyde," how does Jekyll respond?

 He laughs and says that Utterson is lying

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 He claims never to have met Hyde

 He admits everything

 He turns pale and begs Utterson to change the subject

9. What does a servant girl witness from a window?

 Hyde murdering Sir Danvers Carew

 Jekyll and Hyde meeting in secret

 Jekyll transforming into Hyde

 Hyde trampling a little child

10. Who leads the police to Hyde’s home?

 Jekyll

 A servant girl

 Utterson

 Enfield
11. What is Poole’s position?

 He is Jekyll’s lab assistant

 He is Jekyll’s butler

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 He is Utterson’s clerk

 He is a detective
12. What happens to Hyde after the Carew murder?

 His body is found in the river

 He flees the country

 He kills Jekyll

 He disappears


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