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Effects of Social Media

The worry that computer-mediated communication who have a pernicious effect on our

social networks was has been there since the advent of the internet. Before the internet age,

people went met in social gatherings, shared, and made friends while achieving other meaningful

goals through their social interactions. Such traditional settings are now rare. Now, people stare

at their computers and smartphones all day typing messages and creating new virtual friends

whom they have never met and are likely to never meet. This situation is replicated everywhere,

in the parks, the train, restaurants, homes etc. The argument is therefore fronted that social

contributes to a sense of isolation and a surge in feelings of loneliness.

Scientific results indicate that usage of Facebook has led to some people feeling lonely

and even low self-esteem. Scientific evidence from other research suggest that social media has a

negative effect one’s psychological health (Ludden). This negative effects are as a result of

people using social media as a substitute for in-person interactions. Specifically, self-comparison

is the number one reason why people feel lonely or experience drops in self-esteem. Other

people’s lives appear far much better/, glamorous and exciting than your own. By comparing

one’s life to that of other people on social media, one is likely to feel insignificant.
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The over use of social media has led a decline in social skills. People are more

comfortable talking behind a computer than they would be in in-person exchanges. Particularly

for people who suffer from anxiety – specifically the fear of interacting with strangers, social

media appear for them, a safe haven. While they may feel comfortable interacting online, their

social networks are fragile and do not fully cater for their social interaction needs. When these

people log off from the social sites they are lonely and isolated. According to Clark, Algoe and

Green (33), browsing through social media and reading other people’s comments may feel like

social engagement that may lead to one temporarily forgetting their loneliness but in truth it only

contributes to time wastage and increased loneliness thereafter.

Other studies have however found positive effects of social media. The benefits of social

media definitely outweigh the negative aspects. Social media is much more than online

friendships. Social networks are now a major information tool, offers connectivity, is an

education tool, creates awareness and has contributed to thousands of noble course among other

benefits (Nabi, Abby and Jiyeon 725). But just like any other substance, excessive use will have

adverse effects. In spite of these benefits there should be minimum age requirement. This is

because young people and especially those below 16 are very vulnerable and susceptible to

negative influence. The existence of trolls and bullies and adult content enhances my belief that a

minimum age is necessary.

Special problems brought about by social media include cyberbullying, addiction, fraud

and scams, misinformation, loss of privacy and ruined reputations.

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Works Cited

Clark, Jenna L., Sara B. Algoe, and Melanie C. Green. "Social network sites and well-being: the

role of social connection." Current Directions in Psychological Science 27.1 (2018): 32


Ludden, David Ph.D. Psychology Today. 24 Jan. 2018. Web. 20 March 2019

Nabi, Robin L., Abby Prestin, and Jiyeon So. "Facebook friends with (health) benefits?

Exploring social network site use and perceptions of social support, stress, and well

being." Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 16.10 (2013): 721-727.

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