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Std.:- 10th Diwali Assignment Sub.

:- Computer

Instruction for weightage of marks: Code [7] + Output [3] = Marks [10]
Instruction for arranging printed paper: 1st page yours details.
2nd page Question and the code of this question.
3rd page Output of your code.
2nd and 3rd will be repeated at last.

A. Write the HTML code to generate the following web page with the given below specification: [10]
1. Create a web page named incometax.html.
2. Create a table in this web page with 4 columns and 6 rows.
3. Table's header row with a heading INCOME TAX SLABS 2019-20 should spread over 4 cells.
4. After heading row, first cell of next should spread over 5 rows with an image named IT.jpg.
5. Set the space between the cell wall and the cell content to 10 pixels and set the space between the cell to
10 pixels.
Note:- Content for reference Page No.:-288 of Old book.
B. Write the HTML code to generate the following web page with the given below specification: [10]
1. Create a web page named Feedback.html.
2. Create a table in this web page with 2 columns and 10 rows.
3. Adding Text Box, Check Box, Radio Button, Multi-line Text Box, Drop-down List and Buttons.
4. Add Selectors like Universal, Element, Class and ID selector.
5. Add Internal and External Style Sheet, too.
C. Design a project for J B & KARP that will generate the mark sheet of student. The following criteria should be
used to calculate the Total, Result, Percentage and Grade. [10]
1. The sum of marks of five subjects in Total column.
2. Below 33 will be Fail and greater than equal to 33 will be Pass in Result Column.
3. To find out the percentage of student.
4. Grade will be printed like >=80 A1, >=70 A2, >=60 B1, >=50 B2, >=40 C1, >=33 D, <33 E.
D. Create a program that will accept Customer Number, Customer Name, Old Reading, and Current Reading for
generating the electricity bill of DGVCL. The following criteria should be used to calculate the total bill amount.
1. Maintenance charge @Rs 250.
2. For the first 100 units, every unit will be charged @Rs 3.50/unit.
3. After 100 units, every unit will be charged @Rs 4.50/unit.
4. Service tax of 11.5% will be added to the final bill.
5. Rental amount @Rs 250 will be added to the final bill.
Note: - Content for reference Page No.:-161 of New book.

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