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Lesson Plan & Implementation:

Reflection and Analysis

College of Education

Reflection is a critical process for supporting your growth and development as a

professional. At the end of each lesson, you should reflect on the experience and analyze its
effectiveness. This part of the process consists of three parts: the reflection, the analysis
and the content-focused questions.

In order to receive full credit your reflection and analysis must include specific references
to the video with time correlations. For this reason, complete a chart as you watch your
video with the following headings and focus your viewing on the student learning goal
and/or teacher instructional goal.
Time Celebration/Struggle/Question: Claim about teaching practice

4:48 At this time I had the students I believe that I was able to
begin to work on their “application demonstrate FEAP 2A
problem” which was number 3 of (organizes, allocates, and
the previous lesson because we manages the resources if time,
did not get to it on Monday. I made space, and attention) during my
sure to set a timer of the board to lesson. Setting the timer up
keep both my students and me on allowed for the students to be
track. One question I do have is better able to pace themselves
how can I put a timer in my Google and also learn about time
slideshow, so I do not have to keep management. This also allowed
flipping between two screens? me to manage my time as the

6:20 While the students were working I believe that I was able to
on their problem from the demonstrate FEAP 3J (Utilize
previous day, I was circulating student feedback to monitor
around the room making sure I instructional needs and to adjust
was available to answer any instruction) at this point in my
questions that my students might lesson. I was walking around the
have. During this time I was also room answering questions my
checking to make sure the students had and also using those
students were on task and questions to help the whole class
working diligently. when going over the problem as a
whole group.

10:11 At this time, I was trying to display I believe that I was able to
my Google slide that had the demonstrate FEAP 2A
problem the students were (Organizes, allocates, and
working on up on the board. manages the resources of time,
Technology was not being very space, and attention) during this
friendly, so instead of displaying part of my lesson. The slide
the slide full screen I had to do it show was not working but I
differently to where it would show went with the flow and found a
up and not be a black screen. new way to use my technology.
This is very important; because
as teachers we have to be
flexible and work within the
perimeters we are given

10:27 I had asked the students “okay, I believe that I demonstrated

what do we think, yes or no?” I had FEAP 3I (Support, encourage,
multiple students say yes and and provide immediate and
multiple say no. At this time I specific feedback to students to
asked for one student who said promote student achievement)
yes and one who said no to stand at this point during the lesson. I
up. I wanted the students to take wanted to make sure that my
ownership of their voice and to students had their voices heard
have a discussion on how they and that I was able to promote
came to their answer. The student engagement. During
students did really well with this this time I was also able to give
and they were able to get their students feedback on their
thoughts out before we began thinking at that exact moment.
solving the problem.

15:11 At this time I had pulled a Popsicle I was able to demonstrate FEAP
stick with a student’s name that I 3C (Identify gaps in students’
know was struggling with the subject matter knowledge) at
content. Instead of putting that this point during my lesson. I
student on the spot, I decided to knew that the student I had
pair him up with one student who called on was not going to be
is above grade level in math that I able to solve the problem in a
knew would not tell him the reasonable amount of time and
answer but help walk him through that he would feel very
the question. This worked out uncomfortable, so I paired him
great and did not make the with a high achieving math
students feel put on the spot. student who was able to help
explain the problem to him. I
had both students answer the
question, which helped with the
one students math self esteem.

16:59 At this time I was asking the class I believe that I was able to
various probing questions about demonstrate FEAP 2H (Adapts
adding fractions. It is very the learning environment to
important that the students accommodate the differing needs
understand that they cannot add and diversity of students) during
or subtract fractions if they do not my lesson. I had to accommodate
have the same denominator. The how I was speaking and giving
students seemed very comfortable the students this information to
with the idea that the ensure that the students were
denominators had to be the same comfortable enough to move on
in order to add. to new content.

17:35 After watching my video I did I believe that I was able to

realize that there was a lot of demonstrate FEAP 1B
“teacher work” on the board. (Sequences lessons and
Typically I like my students to go concepts to ensure coherence
up to the board and work out the and required prior knowledge)
problem, but because they were at this point during my lesson. I
struggling so much with the had to make sure that the
lesson, I wanted to make sure I students were comfortable
was explaining it the best I could. enough with the content before
One question would be how could I could move on. If I were to
I get more student involvement move on to new content this
even when they are not would only hurt the students. I
comfortable with the lesson had to do a lot of teacher led
content? work at the beginning of the
lesson, but it was only to ensure
that the students learned what
they needed to in order to move

19:20 During this time I had a lot of I believe that I could have
students raising their hands to improved on FEAP 2C (Conveys
answer questions. In our high expectations to all
classroom it is the expectation that students) at this point in the
students are to stand when they lesson. The students are well
want to answer or speak. This aware of our classroom norms
would have been a good time to at this point in the school year. I
quickly go over classroom norms should have taken one second
and expectations. to remind the students of our
classroom norms. This would
have helped the rest of the
lesson run more smoothly.

30:12 At this time the students had gone I believe that I was able to
over the lesson for the day and demonstrate FEAP 3B (Deepen
were set free to complete specific and enrich students’
numbers of the problem set. While understanding through content
they were working I was area literacy strategies,
circulating around and answering verbalization of thought, and
any questions that the students application of the subject matter)
had regarding the lesson content. at this point in my lesson. The
students began to work
individually on the problem set.
During this time it allowed me to
see what areas my students still
needed some instruction on that I
could go over during the lesson

45:22 After about 15 minutes of I believe that I was able to

individual working, I called the demonstrate FEAP 3F (Employ
class back together to debrief on higher-order questioning
one of the problems they techniques). I was able to ask
completed. During this time I was the students more difficult
able to see what students used questions during the question
different strategies, answer any debrief of the lesson. This also
questions, ask the students allowed me to see what areas
probing questing, and gauge their the students will need to work
understanding level for the lesson. on for the upcoming lessons.

The Reflection: The reflection component should make you think about your overall
impressions and feelings that you had.

Questions to consider in your reflection:

1. What aspects of your lesson were implemented differently than you planned? Why
did that happen?
The major aspect of my lesson that was implemented differently than I planned was
the application problem section. In my lesson plan, I had the students completing
the application problem that is supposed to be done in conjunction with lesson 7.
However, the lesson that the students did the previous day was a great struggle for
the majority of the class. In response to their struggle instead of having the students
complete the application problem for lesson 7, I had them complete one of the more
challenging word problems that we were unable to get to the day before. I believe
this was a wise decision because the students would not have been successful in this
lesson if they did not have the proper background knowledge.
2. If you were going to teach this lesson to the same group of students, what would you
do differently? Why? What would you do the same? Why?
If I were going to teach this lesson again to the same group of students I would do a
few things differently. The first thing that I would do differently would be to use
fraction models with the students. I believe that if I were to use the models it would
have greatly benefited many of my students, especially my ELL students because it
would give them a visual representation of what we were discussing. Another part
of my lesson that I would do differently is to have the students engage in more turn
and talks with their shoulder partners. I feel like if I were to have them talk more to
their partners they might have heard different strategies that they could have found
3. What surprised you in your lesson?
One aspect of my lesson that definitely surprised me was that the problem from the
previous days lesson took as long as it did. I knew that the students struggled with
this content, but I did not realize that this was going to take as long as it did. I do
believe that I needed to take all of that time and go over the lesson though. I knew
that if the students did not feel confident with the previous lesson they would not
feel confident with the following lesson. I might not have planned for this question
to take about twenty-five minutes, but I am glad I was able to go through it and
answer any questions or misconceptions that my students were having.
4. Describe an instance or particular encounter that comes to mind. Why did you pick
that instance? What is so perplexing about that particular moment?
One particular instance that comes to mind when thinking of this lesson is when I
was using Popsicle sticks to call on students. For some reason I was not a fan of
using this method to call on students. I picked this instance, because I do like the
idea of randomly calling on students, but I do not believe that Popsicle sticks is the
method I want to be using. I would like to try and find a way that I could still call on
students randomly. For every math lesson I use a Google slides presentation that I
create, so I would like to try and find a way that I could put something on my slides
to help with calling on students.
5. What connections can you make to your lesson today from your coursework, the
literature, and any previous lessons or experiences?
One connection that I can make from my lesson to previous coursework is to be able
to understand the needs of your students and to do what is best for the whole group.
In our math methods course, we talked a lot about how some topics might not come
easy to your students as a whole group. We talked about how it is important to stay
on a topic until the majority of your students understand, instead of pushing
through the content. You want your students to be able to make connections and to
have the ability to understand why they are doing what they are doing. With this
specific lesson I had to stay and make sure my students felt comfortable enough
before moving on to more difficult and challenging content.

The Analysis: The analysis part addresses the lesson’s effectiveness – to what extent
did the students meet the objectives stated in your lesson plan and how do you
know? Make 2-3 claims about student learning and support it with evidence that you
gathered from the lesson (video, student work, observation notes, etc.).

Questions to answer in your analysis:

1. Which students achieved the learning objective? Which students did not achieve the
learning objective? How do you know? Which of the following helped or hindered
your students’ learning – teaching methods, activities, instructional materials, and
planned differentiation strategies?
In regards to this lesson, all of my students were able to achieve the learning
objective. I know this because after the lesson, I had students complete the exit
ticket for lesson seven. After colleting the exit tickets and going through them all
students had passing scores for this exit ticket. The students did have a lot of review
before actually starting lesson seven, which I believe is one of the reasons the
students did so well. I spent a lot of extra time going over material, but it was what
the students needed in order to succeed. One teaching method that I could have
done better with to help my students was to do more differentiation strategies.
Using actual fraction tiles would have been very helpful for my ELL students who
struggle with the conceptualization aspect of fractions.
2. How did any special considerations of accommodations affect the lesson? Discuss the
outcomes you achieved explicitly with any students eligible for ELL support, gifted
instruction or IEP/504 accommodations—did they meet your objectives? Why or
why not?
All of my students (gifted and students with 504’s) were able to meet the objectives.
There were no instances in this lesson where a student’s educational plan affected
the lesson. The student who has a 504 and requires “cool down time” did not need
this during the lesson, which allowed her to be in the classroom for the whole
lesson. This allowed her to hear everything that was being said and time to engage
in mathematic practices. I also had the gifted student’s who are working on their
enrichment project complete the hardest problem in the problem set and show it to
me to check before they went on to work on the Bowling Alley Project. This allowed
me to make sure that the students were able to grasp the lesson and see if they truly
had an understanding of the content, because the problem they did was very
3. Based on what happened in this lesson, what are the next steps? What do you plan to
teach next to this class based on the data you collected? Be sure to explain how you
will use information from this evaluation in future lesson planning.
Based on what happened during this lesson the next step that I will be looking at is
how the students preformed on their mid-module assessment. Lesson seven was the
last lesson before the students took their assessment. After I grade the mid-module
this will allow me to gain information on what students need more help in what
content areas. I will then be able to incorporate more differentiation in the
remainder of the lessons before the end of module assessment. I will also be able to
give the students additional, individualized practice before the end of module
4. Include artifacts representing student work that reinforces your narrative.
This is an example of the problem set that the students were working on for lesson
seven which was solving two-step word problems that contained fractions. This
image of my student’s work reinforces my narrative of how spending extra time on
the previous lesson really helped them grasp what they needed to lesson seven.

Content-Focused Questions: Choose the section that aligns with your lesson content
and answer the questions accordingly.

Questions to answer specific to a mathematics lesson:

1. Analyze your use of mathematics vocabulary. Were you precise in your use of
vocabulary? Did you encourage precision in students' use of vocabulary?
Overall, I believe that I do a great job of making sure I am using mathematic
vocabulary throughout my lessons. The students do not have traditional
homework books that reinforce vocabulary (some of which they will see on their
FSA) so I try my hardest to be using those words in class and have my students
use them as well. In this lesson I was able to make sure we were using numerator,
denominator, part of the whole, simplify, and equivalent. Also when the students
are answering or discussing with each other, I make sure that they are using the
proper vocabulary words to help reinforce their meaning.

2. Consider your mathematical explanations. Were you accurate in your discussion of

mathematics content?
I do believe that my mathematical explanations were accurate and helped my
students succeed with the lessons content. I made sure that the night before I
taught the lesson I watched all of the videos that went along with it for teachers
and made sure I wrote out/ worked through all of the problems I was going to give
my students beforehand so that I could see if there were any misconceptions that
needed to be addressed during the lesson.
3. Did you support student accuracy (in other words, did you correctly identify student
work as accurate or inaccurate)? This does not mean that you necessarily told a
student they were wrong, but that you recognized their lack of accuracy and took
steps to support their further learning.
In my lesson I do believe that I was able to support student accuracy. Whenever
we would go over problems I would always encourage students to keep trying
even if they felt like they were defeated. I would praise the students for any little
part of the question they did get right. I did not ever flat out tell a student that they
were wrong; because I am trying to build up their math esteem, not break it down.
I also would continuously probe the students for more information when they
were answering questions. By probing them for more information I was able to
deepen their mathematical thinking, which will greatly benefit them as they
continue in their schooling.
4. Consider the extent to which you provided opportunities for your students to "do
mathematics." Which of the mathematical practices did you PLAN to facilitate and
which of those practices are OBSERVABLE in student behavior?
During my lesson, I did give the students multiple times to “do mathematics.” I
believe that it is very important to allow students time to work through the
problems. This is especially true for students who learn better by doing the
specific task, and we have a lot of these students in the class. The students also
had opportunities to solve problems with their shoulder partner. Since this lesson
structure was a guided release style, we started as a whole group, then the students
worked with their shoulder partners through problems, and then it was individual
work. I believe that it is important to allow the students time to work
collaboratively with their peers and not just sit in a lecture style class for an hour,
as that would not benefit these students. While the students were completing the
problem set, I was circulating around the room assisting the students with
questions that they had.
5. Consider how the mathematics was represented in the class. Were connections made
between representations (verbal, numerical, pictorial, physical etc.)?
There were only a couple of connections made between representations during my
lesson. I used verbal and pictorial representations by explain the process of the
problems and pictorial by drawing diagrams to help the students visualize what
we were discussing. I wish that I had used some sort of physical model to help
make deeper connections throughout the lesson.
**Include in your reflection either at the end or integrated within, references to
times where you demonstrated applicable FEAPs. Your reflection can serve as the
artifact you link to in your FEAPs portfolio for those specific FEAPs that you describe
demonstrating there.

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