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Criteria for salvageability: the reuse of bricks

Anne Sigrid Nordby , Bjørn Berge , Finn Hakonsen & Anne Grete Hestnes

To cite this article: Anne Sigrid Nordby , Bjørn Berge , Finn Hakonsen & Anne Grete Hestnes
(2009) Criteria for salvageability: the reuse of bricks, Building Research & Information, 37:1,
55-67, DOI: 10.1080/09613210802476023

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Criteria for salvageability:

the reuse of bricks

Anne Sigrid Nordby1, Bjrn Berge2, Finn Hakonsen1 and Anne Grete Hestnes1
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Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art, Department of Architectural Design, History and Technology,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Alfred Getz vei 3, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway
E-mails:, ¢ and

GAIA Lista, N-4560 Vanse, Norway

Bricks can be regarded as an environmentally beneficial building material only over the whole life cycle. Its high
durability fulfils the demand for environmental payback. However, since a long component lifetime also implies
different uses, the design and construction should enable the potential for reuse. This Norwegian study investigates
how component design and different construction methods influence the salvageability for reuse in order to avoid
down-cycling. The results show that the single brick itself has great potential as a reusable component. Simplicity and
small scale provide a unique architectural flexibility, which increases the potential for a second service life. Regarding
brick constructions, the most important parameter is the choice of connectors. The lime-based mortar used in
historical buildings is far more flexible than the cement mortar commonly used today, and recent developments point
to a reintroduction of limes. On the other hand, the use of bolted connections can make mortar-less masonry
possible, but this approach may lead to sub-optimization in achieving overall environmental goals.

Keywords: brick, brickwork, building materials, design for disassembly, reuse, salvageability, service life, waste
reduction, Norway

Les briques ne peuvent être considérées comme un matériau de construction bénéfique pour l’environnement que si l’on
prend en compte l’ensemble de leur cycle de vie. La grande durabilité de ce matériau répond à la demande d’un bénéfice
en retour pour l’environnement. Néanmoins, étant donné que la longue durée de vie d’un élément de construction
implique également des usages différents, sa conception et sa fabrication devraient pouvoir lui assurer un potentiel de
réutilisation. Cette étude norvégienne examine comment la conception des éléments de construction et des méthodes
de construction différentes influent sur la capacité de récupération des matériaux pour permettre un réemploi qui
évite leur dévalorisation. Les résultats montrent que la simple brique elle-même possède un grand potentiel en tant
qu’élément de construction réutilisable. Sa simplicité et sa petite taille lui assurent une souplesse architecturale
exceptionnelle, ce qui accroı̂t ses chances potentielles de connaı̂tre une seconde vie. S’agissant des constructions en
briques, le paramètre le plus important est le choix des joints. Le mortier de chaux utilisé dans les bâtiments
historiques est beaucoup plus souple que le mortier de ciment couramment utilisé aujourd’hui, mais de récents
développements indiquent une réintroduction des mortiers de chaux. D’un autre côté, l’utilisation de joints boulonnés
peut permettre l’utilisation d’une maçonnerie sans mortier, mais cette approche peut conduire à une sous-
optimisation dans la réalisation des objectifs environnementaux globaux.

Mots clés: brique, maçonnerie en briques, matériaux de construction, conception permettant le démontage, réemploi,
capacité de récupération, durée de vie, réduction des déchets, Norvège

Building Research & Information ISSN 0961-3218 print ⁄ISSN 1466-4321 online # 2009 Taylor & Francis
http: ⁄ ⁄ ⁄journals
DOI: 10.1080/09613210802476023
Nordby et al.

Introduction that the environmental loads of a material should be

Bricks in a life cycle perspective expected to be mirrored in a correspondingly high
There is an abundant supply of clay in Norway. Gener- durability. And indeed, when it comes to maintenance
ally, the low content of lime and the high content of and technical lifetime, bricks achieve high scores. In
iron in the clay have resulted in good-quality bricks. this way, the production of bricks with its relatively
At the start of the 1900s, 200 brickyards were distri- high-energy input may be regarded as an investment
buted around the country. Today there is only one. for the future. Brickwork can survive for centuries
Since the Norwegian brick industry has become without maintenance costs worth mentioning, giving
strongly centralized, bricks can no longer be con- the original environmental burden a long payback
sidered a local material, and many brick products are time.
also imported from abroad. Of a total of 19 –21
million bricks traded in Norway yearly, about 70% is
nationally produced. Imported bricks typically come Reuse and recycling
from Finland, Denmark, Belgium, and the Netherlands A building rarely remains in the same physical state
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(personal communication with Tove Narvestad at over such long time spans. Modifications, demolition,
Maxit-Wienerberger, Norway, 2008). This develop- and rebuilding caused by new functional or technical
ment has caused a great increase in the need for trans- needs will probably occur, and should be accommo-
portation. Since bricks are heavy and are mainly dated in the whole technical lifetime of the com-
transported by road, the effect of centralization has ponents. In traditional brickwork, reuse and recycling
an adverse impact on the carbon balance. was allowed for. Weak mortar types made it possible
to deconstruct a wall so that the building blocks
Furthermore, the production of bricks results in a con- could be reclaimed, and this practice was a natural
siderable environmental load. The burning of clay at basis for brick-building cultures throughout history.
high temperatures requires large amounts of energy Generally speaking, the salvageability of bricks was
and results in emission of CO2 and toxic gases. The facilitated as long as pure lime mortar was in
climatic impact of a half brick veneer wall covering common use, which in Europe lasted until around the
an underlying construction of wood framework is esti- 1920s. Constructions using other building materials
mated to be almost 100 kg CO2-equivalents per m2 such as wood were also prepared for reuse. These con-
wall surface (Nordby et al., 2006). This load results struction principles were unfortunately not transferred
from emissions during the extraction, production, to the modern building industry, and the consequences
and transport of building materials, and shows a ‘day are seen in increasing amounts of waste and more
zero’ situation for the building (i.e., excluding operat- pressure on new raw material. When focusing on
ing, maintenance, alteration and end of life impacts). better material resource use in future buildings, salva-
Compared with a complete exterior wall in wood, geability must be reintroduced as a design parameter.
the environmental load is five times higher, and for Only through facilitating a possible reuse or at least a
an insulated cavity wall with two half brick leaves recycling of components can one justify a high environ-
the load is about ten times as high. mental investment in the production of building
There are several measures that could improve the
general environmental profile for bricks. One step Bricks and concrete make up half of the Norwegian
would be to reconstruct local kilns so that the environ- construction waste generated through new construc-
mental loads from transport between extraction, pro- tion, refurbishment and demolition, and correspond
duction and building sites could be reduced. The to about 600 000 tonnes per year (Landet, 2007).
transition to renewable energy sources for production In the context of industrialized building, the salvage
is another action that could directly improve the situ- of bricks today is first and foremost associated
ation. Furthermore, pollutants caused by heating of with recycling through crushing, together with con-
the clay, such as sulphur and fluorine compounds, crete and other masonry materials, for the purpose of
can be neutralized by adding 15 –20% lime to the being used as hardcore. This process is referred to as
clay (Berge, 2000). Further measures to consider in down-cycling, which is a poor environmental option
optimizing the brick-making process are described in because the procedures use energy and results in emis-
publications such as Best Available Techniques in the sions while the product is reduced to a material with
Ceramic Manufacturing Industry (Institute for Pro- less utility value than the original. The ambition must
spective Technological Studies (IPPC), 2006). be to avoid down-cycling by organizing the pro-
duction and construction of brickwork to stimulate
However, it is only when looking at the whole life reuse. Changes in the building industry are needed if
cycle that it becomes possible to compare the environ- this is to occur, although it is encouraging to see
mental profile, and also the total financial costs, of one that some countries already salvage and reuse old
building material to another. The logic of environ- brick for applications in heritage contexts as well as
mental justifiable lifetime (Nordby et al., 2006) states in new buildings.
Criteria for salvageability: the reuse of bricks

Problem statement and methodology In Part A the single brick is discussed for four aspects of
How can bricks can be developed as an environmen- component design. The criteria for salvageability of a
tally sound material through strengthening the salva- component are defined as limited material selection,
geability? What potential and challenges exist for durable design, high generality, and accessible infor-
of reusing bricks? The investigation presented here mation. One criterion; Flexible connections, that is
applies the theory from earlier studies (Nordby et al., common to both levels of the investigation, will only
2007a), where the criteria for salvageability and an be pursued in Part B because it is more relevant when
assessment method are defined. The aim is to investi- discussing the connections between components. Simi-
gate how component design, as well as different con- larly, the criterion Information and access is more suit-
struction methods, limit or support the reusability. ably pursued in Part A.
Therefore, two levels are addressed: Part A: The
brick as a single component; and Part B: Complete Since the single brick is not compared with other build-
brickwork constructions. ing components, it is not relevant to use the assessment
matrix in Part A. Instead, in addition to explaining the
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The design guidelines for salvageability used in this background for each criterion, the authors ask what
study are compiled from a number of studies on the practical, technical and architectural consequences
Design for Disassembly (DfD) (Berge, 2000; Fletcher, are for the single brick with respect to the given strat-
2001; Thormark, 2001; Sassi, 2002; Crowther, 2003; egies. Challenges as well as potentials are discussed.
Durmisevic, 2006). The aim is to create a structured
system suitable for communicating both the basic cri-
teria and the detailed strategies within three levels of
investigation: the component, construction and indus- Part A: Salvageability of the single brick
try levels. However, as the design guidelines also Limited material selection
relate to the processes of sorting, transport, new A limited material selection is desirable when recycling
design and reassembly, the term ‘Design for Disassem- is the goal. Simplicity in the material composition for
bly’ can be perceived as being confined and misleading. each element, and also for the whole building, gives
The suggested replacement Design for Salvageability several advantages in the processes of deconstruction,
tries to include all lines of action that contribute to sorting and reuse.
salvage building materials in one way or the other.
For a more detailed description of the systematization, Bricks consist of dried and fired clay, and the material
see Nordby et al. (2007a). may be classified as a monomaterial, although it con-
tains some additives. The term ‘monomaterial’ implies
Earlier studies have also introduced various assessment that a component consists of a homogeneous material
methods (Thormark, 2001; Sassi, 2002; Durmisevic, throughout (Berge, 2000). Many building products
2006). However, there is generally no direct connec- today are laminated and built up of materials with
tion between the specific design guidelines and the different technical lifetimes. This results in poor
assessed parameters. The current study attempts to resource management because when only one layer
investigate whether or not the traceability of the wears out, the whole component must be replaced.
method can become more apparent by applying the The use of monomaterials also facilitates the reuse
specific guidelines directly in the assessment. The sys- process because it enables necessary quality control of
tematization matrix for salvageability is earlier used components. Another favourable property of bricks is
for rating massive wood components (Nordby et al., that no surface treatment is needed. Both as whole com-
2007b), but not for assessing constructions. Therefore, ponents and as crushed aggregate the material is clean
this is a pilot study. and not subjected to contamination in the form of
mixing of material types. In addition, fired bricks do
The structured guidelines for salvageability can be used not contain environmentally toxic material that could
as a basis in various types of investigations in this field. otherwise complicate the recycling process.
The criteria summarize the key points of the guidelines,
and are expressed as general performance standards. The means of connection between bricks is usually
The criteria are worded in a value-based way so that mortar. On the one hand, it is favourable to use only
the direction can be instantly understood. The criteria one kind of connector. On the other hand, the mortar
are used both as topics for discussion in Part A, and, causes problems because it has a chemical attachment
together with the accompanying prescriptive strategies, to the bricks. This dilemma is discussed in more
in an assessment matrix in Part B. Some criteria are detail in Part B.
used in both Parts A and B. The strategies still represent
different aspects of salvageability, depending on which
level is in focus. The functional units and the details of Durable design
the rating system in the assessment matrix are further To be able to justify the high environmental investment
described in Part B. involved in manufacturing, bricks have to last a long
Nordby et al.

time and endure repeated reuse. Bricks achieve high for more generality, and can serve as models when
scores in terms of their technical lifetime; brick designing new building components.
constructions from both the Chinese and Roman
empires have survived for more than 1500 years, and The brick component is in several ways optimally
when choosing building material for applications shaped to give architectural flexibility: weight and
such as a school building that might be subject to dimensions give great opportunities to solve functional
vandalism, bricks can be a first choice. However; as as well as structural challenges. A relatively small
extreme durability and frost resistance have become format is the starting point. Furthermore, the differing
the norm, all Norwegian bricks are burnt at high temp- dimensions for base, stretcher and header faces, and
eratures. Although facades protected by plaster also possibilities for adjustment in the mortar fillet,
and bricks used for interior walls do not need the make the brick highly adaptable. This applies to differ-
highest quality, only hard-fired bricks are offered for ent construction requirements as well as to desired
sale today. variations in expression and detailing. Construction
principles include a variety of columns, arcs and
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It is possible to achieve a number of environmental advan- vaults, and architectural styles as different as the classi-
tages by differentiating the quality through varying the cal and the functionalistic have exhibited totally differ-
baking temperatures. The interior leaf of a cavity wall ent expressions in brick.
does not need burning to sintering (10008C), which is
common for conventional bricks. Temperatures of The small format is suitable for do-it-yourself building,
400–6008C are sufficient, and thereby the energy use which is assumed also to encourage local reuse. Rela-
may be drastically reduced. Since the range of appli- tively simple tools and methods make minor construc-
cations for bricks varies, a greater selection of brick tion works feasible for a non-professional. The reuse of
types with varying burning temperatures can also bricks will thereby be feasible not only through the
meet other and new demands, such as for moisture industry, but also on the private market.
regulation. In low-fired bricks, the material keeps a
more open pore structure that can absorb and
emit moisture. This property can have a significant Accessible information
effect in rooms with high fluctuations of vapour In facilitating reuse, it is an advantage to have product
pressure. It is also possible to utilize unfired bricks, information tagged or printed directly on the com-
which have very good moisture-regulating capacity, ponents. The company name of the kiln, an indication
in interior leaves. Appropriate material choice may in of the raw material- and baking-qualities, as well as the
some cases even reduce the need for complicated production site and date are information about the
heating, mechanical ventilation and air-conditioning bricks that could be forwarded to coming generations,
(HVAC) systems (Simonson, 2002; Stevenson et al., and become a basis of assessment for possible further
2005). In addition to decreased energy use, unfired or use. Other sources of building information, e.g. ‘as
low-fired bricks have the benefit of easier material built’-drawings and material-logs, are also of great
recycling. value for the future. However, the transfer of infor-
mation through these sources depends on the level of
A greater differentiation of brick qualities may present ambition of the builder and of the ability of coming
challenges to production and also to sorting for reuse. generations to update it, something that cannot be
Here, product labelling is a key factor, and will be dis- granted at the time of production, and by no means
cussed in a separate section. by the manufacturer. In a situation with a greater differ-
entiation of brick qualities than today, product label-
ling becomes an important aspect. Sorting low-fired
High generality and hard-fired bricks of a deconstructed cavity wall
If building materials are to be considered for reuse, the then becomes a manageable task after the mortar has
components should be designed in such a way that been removed.
architectural flexibility is kept. This will enable the
components to enter into different architectural con- Since bricks are cast, product labelling would not
texts regarding functions, structure, expression and become a major inconvenience in the production
detailing. Miscalculated housing policies or financial process. Marking information can be placed in the
speculation may lead to an excess of function-specific moulds. Indeed, historic bricks dating back to the
buildings that cannot be transformed to other uses. Roman Empire were often stamped to indicate the pro-
If these buildings are to be deconstructed and the ducer. This fact has made bricks an important finding
materials reused, the design of the new buildings in archaeological excavations (Darvill et al., 1984).
must not be predetermined by components that are Some Norwegian brick products have also been
too large or too specific, something which unfortunately marked by the producer, and this tradition could
is often the case in contemporary prefabricated build- be expanded to include data on quality. Symbols
ings. Traditional building materials often provide can be standardized in the industry, so that a simple
Criteria for salvageability: the reuse of bricks

code language suitable for moulding of clay can be relative importance of each strategy is shown by a
developed. Symbols, codes and brand images could in number of x’s. These points can be easily distributed
this way, eventually together with letters, give the between the different numbers of strategies as well as
future the necessary information required for reuse. between their relative importance.

Furthermore, one can imagine that the printing of Each case is then given scores for their various qual-
information about quality, etc. in addition to the purely ities. The scores are based on judgements made by
technical advantage can have a decorative effect. The the authors, and are subject to interpretations.
bricks can be designed so that the surface (or surfaces) However, a principle followed is that no score is
containing information give added value of texture/ given when the desired characteristics are not present,
relief that can contribute to give facades distinctive and a maximum score is given when the desired charac-
architectural expressions. teristics are fully present. Figure 2 shows the combined
scores for the different criteria as clustered columns.
The total number of points for each case is not added
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up because the criteria are considered to represent

Part B: Salvageability of brickwork different aspects of reusability that might vary in
constructions importance from one assessment to the other.
Five different examples of external wall construction
are used to evaluate the potential for salvageability The assessment is presented below. Then, the back-
of different construction methods. The possibility ground and the practical, technical, and architectural
for future reuse of the bricks and other components consequences of the design measures for each criterion
in the walls are the main issues that are discussed. are explained and discussed. Aspects regarding the
Other properties, such as thermal and structural evaluation of each criterion are also commented upon.
capacities, are not considered.

As an example of historic masonry, ‘Trondheimshulmur’ Limited material and component selection

is chosen. This is a two-and-a-quarter brick cavity wall, Bricks may be used as both a load-bearing structure
laid with lime mortar. Two commonly used masonry and as external/internal cladding. Thereby, construc-
walls with contemporary thermal insulation standard tions with few material types are achievable. One
using cement mortar (cavity wall and veneer wall) are advantage of keeping a limited material and com-
selected from the Norwegian Building Research ponent selection is that it is possible to sort in fewer
Design Sheets (SINTEF Byggforsks byggdetaljblader). fractions when deconstructing the building. This sim-
Finally, two mortar-free masonry walls are collected plifies the sorting job, and in addition it is space-
from recently built projects: the IRCAM building in saving. Many construction sites in dense urban areas
Paris from 1989, where bricks are used in a demounta- have problems finding room for the necessary
ble external skin (described by Dahl et al., 1992), and number of containers for waste treatment in the build-
an experimental building in Japan with pre-stressed ing period, and it is not necessarily easier at the time of
dry-masonry ‘SRB-DUP’ as an insulated cavity wall deconstruction.
(described by Yamaguchi et al., 2007). The masonry
constructions are set in chronological order from Another point of using fewer material types in a building
when they were introduced, and thereby somehow is that the quantity of each material becomes relatively
also represent a historical development of brickwork larger and thereby the marketing situation after decon-
(Figure 1). struction becomes more favourable. In earlier times, as
mentioned, the industry of construction materials was
more decentralized. The local material resources then
The assessment matrix made the basis for a common building tradition in the
The four criteria used to assess the salvageability at the region to a greater extent, and this could also give
construction level are: limited material and component benefits for reuse. In a situation where there are fewer
selection, suitable layering, high generality, and flex- material types from which to choose, the market for
ible connections. The strategies that more specifically reused materials will correspond more closely to the
describe the desired measures of the design are listed market for new products, and reuse may therefore be
for each criterion (Table 1). The reasoning given for incorporated more easily into new building activity.
the strategies helps to differentiate their importance
for the assessment. Furthermore, the objective of the When rating the different functional units within this cri-
assessment (reuse) is a decisive factor for the weighting. terion, the cavity walls (cases 1, 2 and 5) receive the
highest scores. Here there are few types of materials,
The strategies receive a maximum score that reflects components and connectors. The historic brickwork
their importance within the criterion. A total of 24 has only one kind of component and one kind of connec-
points is given to each criterion, and the assumed tor, and therefore it is rated the highest. The IRCAM
Nordby et al.
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Figure 1 Functional units of brickwork constructions.The illustrations are reprinted with permission:1. Building Research Design Sheets,
723.308; Eldre yttervegger av mur og betong. Metoder og materialer (SINTEF Building and Infrastructure); 2. Building Research Design
Sheets, 523.231; Skallmurvegg med vanger av murstein og murblokker (SINTEF Building and Infrastructure); 3. Building Research Design
Sheets, 542.301; Murt forblending (SINTEF Building and Infrastructure); 4. DETAIL, Review of Architecture þ Construction Details,1990/4,
p. 396; 5.Yamaguchi et al. (2007)

Table 1 Assessment matrix showing criteria, strategies, reasoning, assumed relative importance (within each criterion), and scores

Salvageability of brickwork Assessment

Criteria Strategies and Relative importance Maximum 1. Historic 2. Cavity 3. Veneer 4. IRCAM 5. SRB-DUP
reasoning (for criteria) score
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Limited material 1. Minimize the number of † Simpli¢es dismantling and  14 14 10 4 0 8

and component materials and components, sorting
selection and of different types of † Simpli¢es quality control of
components components before reuse
† Makes reuse more attractive
due to greater number of
each material and
component type
2. Minimize the number of † Simpli¢es dismantling and  6 6 3 3 3 5
connectors and of different the reassembly of
types of connectors components
3. Avoid secondary ¢nishes † Reduces the potential  2 1 1 2 2 2
deterioration of usefulness/
attractiveness for reuse
4. Avoid toxic and hazardous † Reduces potential health  2 2 2 2 2 2
materials risks that might otherwise
discourage disassembly
Suitable layering 5. Design the layers of the † Facilitates dismantling,  18 9 9 9 15 17
construction as structurally particularly when only some
independent systems parts of a building are being
6. Arrange the layers according † Reduces damage to  6 6 0 0 6 0
to the expected functional components when only
and technical life cycles of some parts of a building are
the components being removed
High generality 7. Aim for modular construction † Gives architectural £exibility  8 8 8 8 4 8
and use a standard structural in second life
8. Aim for small-scale and † Eases handling and  8 8 6 4 2 6
lightweight components transport
† Facilitates self-building and
local reuse

Criteria for salvageability: the reuse of bricks

† Gives architectural £exibility
in second life
9. Reduce the complexity of † Special tools may not be  8 8 8 6 2 6
constructions and plan for identi¢ed or available
using common tools and † Facilitates self-building and
equipment local reuse
† Gives architectural £exibility
in second life
Flexible 10. Use reversible connections † Enables dismantling of  16 16 0 0 16 16
connections between building parts subassemblies
† Enables quality control of
components before reuse
11. Design joints to withstand † Reduces damage to  4 4 0 0 3 4
repeated use components
12. Allow for the parallel † Simpli¢es dismantling,  4 0 0 0 3 0
disassembly of components particularly when only some
parts of a building are being

Nordby et al.
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Figure 2 Scores for each criterion shown as clustered columns

building receives the lowest score due to the many rain screen and carrier of architectural
material types. The two remaining strategies within expression, masonry was reduced to an evocative
this criterion, avoid secondary finishes and avoid toxic stage set by the stroke of a pen.
and hazardous materials, are regarded to be less import- (Dahl et al., 1992, p. 7; translated by the author)
ant in this analysis. The walls that are plastered have
been subtracted because of this, but apart from that As a consequence of this structural differentiation, the
none of the constructions is very different. load-bearing layer is often replaced by more rational
backing systems in wood, steel or concrete.

Suitable layering For the above-mentioned reasons, the authors have

A frequently recommended principle in life cycle been hesitant about letting layered construction be a
planning is the need for layered constructions. The declared measure for salvageable constructions. The
theory is based upon the observation that different main thing for facilitating the reuse of components
parts or layers of a building are changed at different after their first service life is not whether the construc-
time rates. Therefore, an adaptive building should tion is layered. But if it is layered, the layers should
allow slippage between differently paced systems be structurally independent. In addition, the layers
(Brand, 1994). When each layer is made structurally should be organized in the correct order regarding
independent and each component is exchangeable, the the expected lifetime so that there is access to the com-
challenges of the mismatch between the often long tech- ponents that are likely to be replaced first (Durmisevic,
nical lifetime of components and the often short service 2006). This applies to both functional and technical
life of a building or of a building layer are met. This lifetime; some components are replaced because of
strategy has evident benefits from the maintenance per- new technical requirements or because of a desire for
spective. On the other hand, from the point of facilitat- a new appearance, other components must be replaced
ing reuse after terminated functional lifetime, limited because the material has decayed. The dilemma is
material selection and simplicity of construction demonstrated in the insulation layer of a modern
methods are seen as equally important parameters. cavity wall, which becomes an Achilles’ heel in the
Components that can meet a number of challenges of construction. The layer of Rockwool used in cases 2
the exterior skin may therefore be preferred to special- and 3 cannot be replaced without demolishing the
ized components that can carry out only one task. cement-mortared brick leaves that are technically far
more durable. As a result of these discussions, the
Regarding exterior brick constructions, the demand wording of the criterion and of strategy number 5 is
for better heat insulation has resulted in a breakdown rewritten.
of the earlier integrated masonry. This detachment
has both technical and architectural consequences. The results show that the three first cases receive a
Today, there is usually no connection of brick half score for layering with constructional indepen-
binders between the outer skin and the load-bearing dence. Even though only the interior leaf is load-
members behind, thus the facade no longer communi- bearing, the layers are structurally integrated with
cates the structure of the building: wall ties. The two mortar-less walls (4 and 5) are
further developed as independent layers, and receive
From being a resilient, flexible construction, at higher scores. Concerning the order of the layers
the same time performing as load-bearing wall, with regard to expected lifetime, the two un-insulated
Criteria for salvageability: the reuse of bricks

walls (1 and 4) get full scores, whereas the others require more time for setting and for gaining strength,
receive none. thus the construction efficiency may be reduced. Fur-
thermore, frost must be avoided before setting, and
therefore working and curing must take place in the
High generality summer season. Another limitation is related to the
Generality is more thoroughly discussed at the com- resistance to lateral loads, both during construction
ponent level. When assessing the generality of a and in use. Since historic lime mortar walls relied
construction, an aggregated generality for the com- on a certain mass of masonry to give stability, building
ponents of which the construction consists have been a half brick wall in lime mortar following the same
estimated. The components of all walls except the rules/designs as for a cement mortar is likely to
IRCAM building receive the top score for modular become a problem (personal communication with
design and standardization. The IRCAM building dis- T. Yates, 2007). Therefore, attention should be paid
plays a range of custom-made concepts which makes to the design of the wall.
the components less salvageable despite their demount-
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ability. The building also receives low scores for com- Another possibility is to use bricks without mortar.
ponents with moderate size and weight, and for Examples of this are shown in cases 4 and 5: the
reduced complexity in the construction. IRCAM building in Paris by architect Renzo Piano;
and an experimental building with the SRB-DUP pre-
stressed dry masonry system in Japan (Yamaguchi
Flexible connections et al., 2007). The first example has a demountable
An important principle for a reusable construction facade with perforated bricks mounted in aluminium
is that the joints are designed as reversible connec- frames. This concept facilitates replacement when
tions. Mechanical fasteners are preferred to chemical one or more components are worn. This particular
bonding. Since mortar generally is chemically fixed to rain-screen may not be sufficiently watertight for a
the bricks, this point is problematic in the most com- Norwegian coastal climate. However, one might
monly used brick constructions today. However, the think of similar principles used in other places in the
strength of the bonding depends on the type of mortar. building, e.g. in interior leaves. The second example
shows pre-stressed dry masonry, where steel plates
Norwegian masonry-work built before 1925 usually and bolts for every course keep the bricks together.
used pure lime-based mortars which are weak and The system provides a strong masonry sidewall par-
allow disassembly without damaging the bricks. Build- ticularly suited to absorb shearing stress in an earth-
ings from the period between 1925 and 1955 may also quake-exposed part of the world. For Norwegian
be demountable, although limited amounts of cement seismic conditions the strength of this wall is probably
were added to the lime. However, the various overdone. Nonetheless, the demountable brick leaf is
cement-based mortar mixes used after 1955 are an interesting principle to discuss as the components
usually stronger than the bricks themselves, and there- may easily be unscrewed and reused.
fore the bricks will break before the mortar during
demolition (Madsø, 2001; Yates et al., 2007). Since Walls 1, 4 and 5 are highly credited for having both
lime mortars are used in historic buildings, the knowl- reversible connections between components and for
edge and use of limes today is primarily related to having durable joints. However, only the IRCAM
building conservation. However, in addition to provid- building receives additional points for the possibility
ing demountable constructions, lime-based mortars of parallel disassembly. Walls 2 and 3 get no score
also show a range of other technical and environmental for flexible connections because the strong cement
benefits. For these reasons, a reintroduction of lime- mortar prohibits disassembly.
based mortars is currently under development.

Lime-based mortars include products with various

properties. Non-hydraulic lime (or pure/fat/air lime), Discussion
hydraulic lime (or water lime), and hydrated lime (or Environmental pro¢le of bricks
slaked lime) have different characteristics for The construction industry will increasingly have
curing and for strength (see to respond to concerns about carbon emissions
trad_lime.html). As more extensive information and embedded energy. In the future, different types
about lime mortars can be found elsewhere (Allen of material salvage could be specified at the stage of
et al., 2003; Waldum et al., 2006), the important issuing a building permit – for either the reuse of
aspect considered here is whether or not the bricks material and/or the design and construction to allow
can be feasibly demounted and cleaned. for the future reuse of the materials and components.
For brick constructions a transition to reversible con-
However, some challenges should be noted when using nections will in this context be the single most import-
lime mortars. A critical point is the curing time. Limes ant aspect.
Nordby et al.

Bricks may be developed as an environmentally sound represent a ‘molecular’ level in buildings, a level that
material through accommodating the following: may be of growing importance both in environmental
considerations and as a point of departure for architec-
. more regionally distributed brick production/
tural design.
kilns, and thereby less transport
The analysis of the exterior walls in Part B shows that
. differentiation of quality through variable firing
there is no obvious right answer to what is the optimal
brick construction regarding salvageability. However,
the results point to some interesting trends of develop-
. tagging of product information when moulding
ment. The historic 19th-century brickwork laid with
lime-based mortar is considered among the best, a
. transition to lime-based mortars or mechanical
result that may seem to be an unfair judgement since
the functional unit is not corrected for the rather
Cost is an important framework condition for how poor U-value. The insulated cavity wall (case 2) was
Downloaded by [Indian Institute of Technology Madras] at 09:29 23 September 2015

buildings are being created, and is often presented as introduced in the 1940s precisely as an answer to the
an obstacle in achieving salvageability. However, in a demand for decreased energy consumption during
long-term perspective, sustainable solutions might be building operation. However, with more material
financially advantageous. As pointed out by the Stern types and concrete-based mortar, it gets fewer points
Review (Stern, 2006), global environmental threats within all criteria for salvageability. Furthermore,
such as climate change require setting broad bound- the veneer wall with a concrete backing (in use from
aries for the financial analyses, both geographically the 1960s) is a logical continuance of the split-up
and in terms of period of time. Decision-making in a masonry. This solution is considered to have the
single building project is usually based upon mere lowest chance for salvageability in this study. The
acquisition costs, but in order to make sustainable IRCAM building from 1989 introduces an advanced
solutions financially viable, a life cycle perspective wall system with a demountable facade. This concept
must be used. This will influence thermal insulation receives high scores for both sensible layering and flex-
standards as well as durability, maintainability and ible connections. However, new challenges arise in the
flexibility. With these intentions, life cycle costing form of many material types and customized designs
(LCC) was made mandatory for public procurements with low generality. The bolted, dry-masonry SRB-
in Norway in 2001 (MD Miljøverndepartementet, DUP wall from 2005 shows relatively good results
2007). Although the LCC methodology is limited in within all the criteria, and may therefore seem as the
accounting for environmental, social and cultural most promising brick construction for the future.
assets, and the costs involved in buildings, the hope is Still, since this assessment only addresses salvagea-
that it might help to focus on long-term sustainability bility, it does not take into account other environ-
(Cole and Sterner, 2000). mental considerations. With regard to the amount of
steel needed to construct this wall, the environmental
The salvage of building materials was financially prof- investment may be considerably higher than for mor-
itable in earlier times, and is still so in developing tared masonry. It will therefore probably not be envir-
countries. The reason why reuse is usually not profit- onmentally advisable to use such a construction in
able in the West today is a complex issue. However, areas where earthquakes are not a critical issue.
it is important to remember that the ‘non-profitability’
of salvaging building material is conditioned by the This analysis is an attempt to assess the salvageability
prevailing financial framework, which is changeable. of bricks and brick constructions. Since salvageability
is only one aspect of environmental building measures,
there will always be the risk of solving one problem and
unconsciously creating others on the way. The case
Results of the analysis of bricks and brickwork study of the brick walls may be read as a history of
The results of Part A show that the single brick itself sub-optimization. In the pursuit for better insulation
has great potential as a reusable component. The tra- value, basic qualities of masonry definitely became
ditional brick may be seen as an almost ideal com- lost. One of these lost qualities was demountability.
ponent regarding most criteria for salvageability. On the other hand, in the pursuit for demountability,
Particularly, through simplicity and its small scale, other criteria for the broader scope of salvageability
bricks possess a high generality, which eases their inte- as well as basic environmental aspects are disregarded.
gration in most building contexts. Without great If designing demountable brick masonry means apply-
changes in dimensions, bricks have been applied in ing great amounts of highly resource-intensive
various vernacular traditions as well as in a range of materials like steel and aluminium, it might be time
architectural styles. This fact substantiates the unique to think twice. The conclusion is that it is important
architectural flexibility of bricks, which is an important to consider the environmental investments of the
prerequisite for enabling future life cycles. Bricks materials as well as the component function in a life
Criteria for salvageability: the reuse of bricks

cycle perspective before choosing the type of construc- The Norwegian standards even prescribed shearing
tion. As the development of the exterior brick wall stress firmness in the bonding with bricks. However,
through the last 130 years evidently shows, this is not this demand is now abandoned in the harmonization
necessarily a simple task. process with European standards (personal communi-
cation with F. Madsø, 2007). Even so, the strength of
the commonly used mortars greatly exceeds what is
Challenges with the reuse process desired for achieving salvageability.
In the process of reusing salvaged bricks, several steps
need to be undertaken. A project at the former indus- A new way of thinking about masonry is required,
trial area Lilleborg in Oslo where 55 000 bricks were and some new developments of blocks, bricks and
salvaged reports on methods for testing bricks for mortars point to interesting solutions. Fired clay pro-
reuse in facades for new dwellings (Madsø, 2001). ducts like poroton and lightweight aggregate blocks
After surveying the feasibility for salvaging bricks show better insulation properties than traditional
from the variously dated buildings, tests were under- bricks. These building components are therefore
Downloaded by [Indian Institute of Technology Madras] at 09:29 23 September 2015

taken to document their quality for future use. These preferred for the construction of masonry walls in a
tests regarded compressive strength as well as the great number of new buildings in Central European
density, water adsorption and pore-filling capacity of countries, possibly in combination with facing bricks
the material. An investigation was also performed of or tiles (Leimand, 2007). An additional advantage is
the bond characteristics between the reclaimed bricks that these blocks are stackable and neatly detailed so
and various mortars for new building. Particular atten- that a minimum quantity of mortar is necessary.
tion was paid to the resistance of the bricks to freeze/ Some blocks even have a tongue and groove locking
thaw. After extensive testing of sample selections, it system that makes them independent of mortar
was concluded that the bricks needed better resistance altogether. Thus, the problem of the cold bridges of
to freeze/thaw. Since exterior and interior layers of the mortar fillet is avoided, and an optimal homo-
bricks with varying qualities had not been separated geneous masonry construction is achieved. The
during deconstruction, the chosen solution was re- method naturally also facilitates salvage of the blocks.
baking all the bricks. This involved additional costs
and energy use for baking as well as for transport to Other construction methods for sustainable masonry
and from the brickyard that carried out this operation show a ‘back-to-basic’ trend. Low-technology material
in Denmark. types like earth, straw or hemp mixed with sand and
lime have a low environmental impact, and the use of
Sorting and cleaning of reclaimed bricks are labour- straw or hemp fibres improves the thermal insulation
intensive processes that generally represent a financial properties of bricks. These materials may either be
obstacle to reusing bricks. Although lime mortars are compressed in casting frames or shaped into blocks.
far easier to separate from the bricks than cement, Either way, a homogeneous and constructionally inte-
the working conditions can be a problem. As cleaning grated wall is produced, leading to reduced complexity
machines cause dust pollution and noise, manual and architectural coherence as well as easy material
labour is still often preferred (Madsø, 2001; also recycling (Stevenson et al., 2005).
personal communication with Kenneth Urdshals
at Stavne Gård Salvage Yard, Trondheim, 2008). Recent projects, particularly in the UK, have experi-
Although bricks salvaged from mortar-less masonry mented with using lime mortars in new building. In
may be easier to process regarding cleaning and spite of the challenges involved in construction men-
perhaps also sorting, quality control remains an inevi- tioned above, cavity walls in brick with thermal insula-
table point. The Lilleborg report concludes that separ- tion have shown good results with limes (personal
ate standards and accompanying test methods should communication with M. Beare, 2008). Lime mortar
be set for reclaimed bricks based on historic national is more flexible and more hygroscopic than cement,
standards. and expansion joints can be avoided (Allen et al.,
2003). Also, when using limes as connector and
as plaster the environmental investments are kept low
New developments of blocks, bricks and mortars (Fossdal, 2003). One of several advantages here is
The construction industry is perceived as a conserva- demountability.
tive and slowly changing sector. Cement-based
mortars are by far the most commonly used bonding
for brick and block masonry, whereas lime mortars Considerations about the methods
are mainly described for use in conservation. Norwe- The research method is based upon the structured
gian mortars are developed for gluing bricks of thin guidelines for salvageability. The criteria are used
veneers and for supporting lean, reinforced structures both as topics for a discussion in Part A, and in an
with reduced masonry mass, and are generally stronger assessment matrix for a case study in Part B. In both
than the mortars used in other Scandinavian countries. Parts A and B, some criteria clearly have stronger
Nordby et al.

practical and architectural implications for bricks than might be a mismatch between the degree of accuracy
others. Since the criteria are considered to represent in the matrix and the more approximate estimate of
different aspects of reusability, they may vary in the qualitatively given scores. However, further detail-
mutual importance from one assessment to the other. ing of the conceptual framework might improve the
Therefore, the authors suggest that the criteria should precision. Therefore, more case studies are needed to
be kept as separate measures also in future research. investigate the usefulness of the method.

In the assessment matrix, the various strategies within

each criterion are weighted according to the objective Conclusions
of the particular study, such as recycling of materials, The single brick itself has great potential as a durable
reuse of components, or relocation. General examples and architecturally flexible building component – as
of weighting of design principles according to objectives demonstrated throughout history and shown in Part
are given in Crowther (2003, pp. 300–301), Addis and A of this paper. In the assessment at the construction
Schouten (2004, p. 26), and Durmisevic (2006, pp. level in Part B, both historic brickwork and the SRB-
Downloaded by [Indian Institute of Technology Madras] at 09:29 23 September 2015

272–274). In this study, if the objective was recycling DUP system have the best overall scores for salvage-
instead of reuse, other strategies would have been ability. However, this result needs to be placed in a
stressed. These could be strategies 3 and 4; Avoid second- broader perspective. In achieving salvageability, revers-
ary finishes and Avoid toxic and hazardous materials. ible connections is considered the most important
Hence, the resulting weighting of each assessment will strategy, and the two possible lines of action indicate
vary. Furthermore, in weighting the strategies and in different design solutions. The use of weak (lime)
giving scores, different solutions will seem preferable mortars, on the one hand, and the development of
depending on the context. For instance, since distance mortar-less masonry using metallic connectors, on the
from suppliers determines the transport situation, the other hand, also have different consequences for the
choice of lightweight components will probably be of overall environmental profile. In the authors’ view,
more emphasis in a rural setting, particularly if the objec- avoiding sub-optimizations in buildings is of primary
tive is distant reuse or relocation. Also, minimizing concern. Although the total environmental load is not
material types will be important in a rural setting calculated in this case study, there is reason to believe
because the marketing potential for reused material that the environmental costs of using steel bolts out-
will be better when the quantity of each material type weigh the advantages of easier cleaning of bricks after
is higher. Furthermore, the strategies might be weighted disassembly. Therefore, the study suggests that further
differently depending on the type of reuse involved. The development of lime mortars is the most promising
industrialized construction business will have other measure in achieving salvageable brickwork.
incentives for ‘plug-in’ concepts than the handicraft
trade pursuing historical preservation. The strategy stres- As shown, the dilemma of the strategy suitable layering
sing modular construction will consequently be weighted is closely related to the historical developments of
higher in the first case than in the latter. exterior walls. Aiming at decreasing the energy
demand, the Norwegian building code imposes strict
The assessment matrix used in Part B has already requirements on thermal insulation. However, in
been used for assessing massive wood components. order to avoid sub-optimization when evaluating
Assessing salvageability at the component level is less environmental effects of buildings, holistic assessments
complicated because there are fewer factors to be and long-term perspectives must be used. Holistic
incorporated in the assessment. In this study of brick- evaluation methods go beyond the question of energy
work, all the components in the exterior wall have to use for operation, and include a set of aspects regarding
be taken into account when giving scores. Therefore, the life cycles of the products. In a Scottish project,
an assessment at the construction level will be more construction issues like buildability, waste, biodegrad-
subjected to rough estimates than at the component ability, embodied energy, transportation, and a biore-
level. The different experience and viewpoints of the gional approach to materiality are assessed as well as
researchers will also probably affect the results. In an the physical performance regarding thermal properties,
ideal situation, a team of professionals representing a ventilation, moisture balance, air quality and acoustics
wide range of experience in the field of construction (Stevenson et al., 2005). Deconstruction, disposal and
and deconstruction should perform the assessment. A salvageability could furthermore be added to this list
team would guarantee more robust research results. of parameters. Also, to comply with long-term
demands for resource efficient material use, life cycle
The way the structuring of the guidelines for salvage- costing should be implemented as a compulsory finan-
ability is set up makes it open-ended and applicable cial framework for all buildings. Before the Norwegian
in different types of investigations. Because several building authorities impose even stricter demands for
levels within the framework are adaptable, it is import- thermal insulation, more holistic studies are needed to
ant that the method is kept transparent. Generally, it document the complexity and the full environmental
seems that transparency is achieved, but that there effects of how buildings are constructed.
Criteria for salvageability: the reuse of bricks

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Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPPC) (2006) Best
by a multidisciplinary team of professionals. The cri- Available Techniques in the Ceramic Manufacturing Indus-
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Downloaded by [Indian Institute of Technology Madras] at 09:29 23 September 2015

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Nordby, A.S., Hestnes, A.G. and Berge, B. (2007b) Reusability of
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Lisbon, Portugal.
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