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Allison Renegar

English 111
Professor Williams

Our Minds Grow As We Grow

One quote I think of when I think of growing older is, “The heads of strong old age are
beautiful/ Beyond” -Robinson Jeffers. The quote talks about how, as we mature and grow older,
so do our thoughts. When we are young are thoughts are simplistic and innocent, but as we
grow older and experience more with life, our thoughts are more profound and more
sophisticated. We mature so much in our lives, our younger self is like a different person. When
reflecting on our younger self, we can see that we no longer believe the same things we did
when we were younger.
When I was little in Elementary School, my view of the world was extremely small; I only
knew what my parents, friends, and teachers told me. I believed anything anyone would tell me
and my opinions weren’t really mine. For instance, I believe in certain religious beliefs my
parents taught me that I do not believe in now. As a kid, I was also insecure, and I had a hard
time keeping up with school. Adults viewed me as well behaved, but my parents let me do
basically whatever I wanted, and I did just that. I was careless and didn’t think on my
repercussions so I would run around and cause mischief. Most of the time, I try and create this
mischief with my older brother, but sometimes we would fight, and I would run away from him.
As a kid, I would also do anything where I could use my imagination because I found it hard to
make friends, and I always felt like no one understood me. In third grade, I even made a club
called the “mustache club,” and I would talk to all the members during recess about their
minuscule problems and try to help them. I made this club because I never felt like I belonged in
any group of friends at my Elementary school. Every year of Elementary school, I would make a
new best friend and my parents would always wonder why. Even though I didn’t feel like I
belonged, I wasn’t necessarily a sad kid, I didn’t really focus on not fitting in, until middle school.
In Elementary School, my priorities were super small things. I focused on things that I
would love if I could put my attention towards now. I focused on making Tv shows on my iPod
with my brother, which friend I was going to hang out with over the weekend and if we were
doing anything fun in class. Even though I felt isolated from most of my peers, I still didn’t really
think about anything profound, and my life was simple for the most part. Sometimes I wish I
could go back to my life as a child because I didn’t have to stress about anything, like I do now.
On Urban Dictionary Middle School is defined as, “One of the worst places imaginable.” I
think that everyone who had a problematic Middle School experience will agree with that. My
insecurity of not feeling like I belonged carried into Middle school, and I had a hard time, and I
dealt with obstacles all throughout Middle School. Middle School years are the years when a kid
changes, from a kid to a teenager. Changing from a kid to a teenager is hard enough, but
dealing with obstacles while you’re changing is even more difficult. Throughout those years, I
dealt with things that shaped my view of the world. Although Middle School was hard, I
appreciate the struggle I went through because it made me stronger.
In Middle School, my priorities were hilarious, I focused on all the wrong things. In Middle
School, I focused on ‘truth or dare’ relationships, what outfit I was going to wear the next day
and petty drama. These priorities of mine were so significant to me at the time. I thought these
petty conflicts I had to deal with were some of the worst things in life. Looking back on some
ways that I felt was interesting because I had no idea that my life was so simple. If I didn’t stress
at all on those things, it wouldn’t have really made a difference in my life, I would’ve just been
High school is where I am at this point in my life. I am a sixteen-year-old Junior in High
School. I had changed a lot from when I was in Middle School and Elementary school. My
perception of things is a lot bigger now, I try to focus on the bigger picture most of the time, but
sometimes I end up indulging with petty drama in High School. I have matured, and I am more
comfortable with myself than I was when I was younger. My views on life aren’t depicted by
what my friends or family think either; they are based truly on what I believe is right. My views
have been shaped through the obstacles I have dealt with in recent years. The things I deal with
now are more in-depth than they ever were and even though growing older is beautiful, the
issues you get are darker and darker.
My priorities now are responsibilities that I have to deal with every day. Everyday I try
and focus on getting into the right college, having good and healthy relationships with my family
and friends, and taking care of my mind and body. I think that sometimes I drift from these
responsibilities, but these are the things that I know I should always try and focus on.
I am often envious of the things I use to focus on when I was a kid, life was so much
simpler back then. But then I remember why I changed when I grew up, even though life got
harder, I grew as a person. Becoming more mature made me a healthy and unique individual.
Going through hardships create beautiful people.

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