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0145-6008/93/1701-0002$3.00/0 Vol. 17, No.

RESEARCH January/February 1993

Brain Lesions in Alcoholics

Michael E. Charness

Brain lesions in alcoholics are multifactorial in origin. Ethanol neu- source of nonnutritive calories, so that heavy drinking is
rotoxicity, Wernicke’s encephalopathy, hepatocerebral degenera- often complicated by malnutrition and vitamin defi-
tion, head trauma, central pontine myelinolysis, Marchiafava-Bignami
ciency. “ . I 2 The diagnosis of Wernicke’s encephalopathy,
syndrome, pellagra, and premorbid pathological conditions, such as
fetal alcohol syndrome, may all contribute to cognitive dysfunction the neurological disorder of thiamine deficiency, is fre-
in alcoholics. With the exception of ethanol neurotoxicity, all of these quently missed,I3 l 4 making it difficult to know whether
conditions are associated with specific neuropathological lesions. cognitive dysfunction in an alcoholic arises from malnu-
Wernicke’s encephalopathy, the neurological syndrome of thiamine trition or ethanol neurotoxicity. This problem is com-
deficiency, is frequently overlooked during life and may cause global pounded by the lack of a specific pathological lesion of
dementia as well as the more familiar Korsakoff’s amnestic syn-
drome. Distinguishing ethanol neurotoxicity from nutritional defi-
ethanol neurotoxicity and the frequent coincidence of
ciency can be facilitated by magnetic resonance imaging, which can several neurological complications of alcoholism, includ-
visualize some of the specific macroscopic lesions of Wernicke’s ing hepatocerebral degeneration, malnutrition and Wer-
encephalopathy, central pontine myelinolysis, cerebellar degenera- nicke’s encephalopathy, head trauma, central pontine
tion, and Marchiafava-Bignami syndrome. Computerized morpho- myelinolysis, Marchiafava-Bignami syndrome, pellagra,
metric studies of alcoholic brains have revealed ventricular enlarge-
and premorbid pathological conditions, such as fetal al-
ment, selective loss of subcortical white matter, and alterations in
neuronal size, number, architecture, and synaptic complexity. These
cohol syndrome.”,I5
lesions tend to be more severe when there is coexisting nutritional Interactions among these conditions may also influence
deficiency or liver disease, suggesting that ethanol neurotoxicity brain damage in alcoholism. Acetaldehyde may acetylate
may not be the sole cause. A search for similar lesions in nonalco- transketolase, reducing its activity.“ Thiamine deficiency
holic Wernicke’s encephalopathy and nonalcoholic liver disease will in turn accelerates ethanol metabolism and the production
help determine the specificity of these lesions.
Key words: Alcoholism, Brain Lesions, Wernicke’s Encephalop-
of acetaldehyde by increasing alcohol dehydrogenase ac-
athy, Magnetic Resonance Imaging. tivity. ‘’-Iy Chronic ethanol administration accelerates the
lesions of experimental thiamine deficiency.”) perhaps
by increasing N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor
strated by neuropsychological testing in 50-70% of
detoxified alcoholics.’ Abstinence leads to a partial recov-
expression and excitotoxicity.” Ethanol impairs the
recovery of function from neural injury of diverse etiol-
ogie~.”-’~Finally, genetic factors may also influence the
ery of function, particularly in the first weeks after the susceptibility of certain alcoholics to develop neurological
cessation of drinking’.’; however, approximately 10% of complications. For example, genetically determined ab-
alcoholics exhibit stable and severe cognitive dysfunction normalities in the thiamine-dependent enzyme transke-
ranging from selective anterograde and retrograde amnesia tolase may explain why only a subset of malnourished
to dementia. alcoholics develop the Wernicke-Korsakoff syn-
Brain damage in alcoholics is clearly multifactorial. drome. 19.26 27
Ethanol and its oxidative metabolite acetaldehyde may The study of brain damage in alcoholism is an interdis-
directly damage the developing and mature nervous sys- ciplinary endeavor involving neuropsychological evalua-
t e m ~ . ~Nonoxidative
-~ metabolism of ethanol generates tion, brain imaging, neuropathological examination, and
fatty acid ethyl esters that accumulate differentially in animal experimentation. Neuropsychological studies can
various tissues in a manner that correlates with suscepti- document the erosion of cognitive function over the life-
bility to ethanol-induced damage.”“’ Ethanol is a rich time of an alcoholic, but must be conducted without
complete knowledge of the pathologic lesions underlying
From the Dcymrttnent qj-Nmrology (,Hurvurd Mcdiid these changes. Imaging studies can visualize some of the
School; Division qf Neurolog), Brighum and W b m m :T Hospitul; und the specific macroscopic lesions of Wernicke’s encephalop-
Section of Neiirologv ( I 27), U’est Rovhirry l‘i~tc~run 1s .4rlniiriistrution
Medkul CentcJr, U’ Ro.vhury. Mu.~sui~hiis~tt.s.
athy, central pontine myelinolysis, cerebellar degenera-
Reci*ivedfi,rpiiblicution Aiigiist 2 7, 1992; ucceptcd Octohiv 23. 1992 tion, and Marchiafava-Bignami syndrome, but cannot
This stud!, M’US supported b), t h Nutionul
~ In.stitiitc on Alcohol .4hit.w identify the microscopic changes that characterize all Wer-
and Alcoholisin (AA06662) und [lie Medical Rcseurch Servic.cJ. Dcpurt- nicke’s cases or the subtle alterations in neuronal number,
men! of Viw-uns Aflairs. size, architecture, and connectivity that may result from
Reprint reqiiests: Micliud E. Churness. M . D., Nurvurd hlcdit,ul
School.Veieruns Administrution Mcdicul Center (127). 1400 C‘FW’ Purk- ethanol neurotoxicity. Autopsy material presents a life-
uuy, Cl’est Ro-ubiiry, MA 02132 time record of insults to the brain of an alcoholic, includ-
Cop~~riglit0 1993 by The Reseurch Socicty on illcoholism. ing lesions unrelated to ethanol neurotoxicity, often in the
2 4koliol C’hn E\[J R r , Vol 17. No I. 1993 pp 2-1 1

absence of data concerning premorbid cognitive function production of lactate."-32This burst of glucose utilization
and the extent and duration of drinking. Animal and could represent a shift from aerobic metabolism to rapid
cellular models can control for nutritional deficiency and glycolysis due to reduced pyruvate dehydrogenase activ-
liver disease, but may not be generalizable to different it^.^' MK-801, a drug that blocks ion currents activated
species, including humans. Below, some of the important by NMDA-preferring glutamic acid receptors,33 reduces
pathological processes that underlie brain damage in al- the neurological signs and the severity and extent of lesions
coholism are highlighted. in experimental thiamine d e f i ~ i e n c yThese
. ~ ~ data suggest
that glutamate toxicity may cause structural lesions in
Wernicke's en~ephalopathy,~~ as happens in a variety of
WERNICKE'S ENCEPHALOPATHY other neurological disorder^.'^ Indeed, extracellular con-
Wernicke's encephalopathy is a common neurological centrations of glutamate increase up to 7-fold in the medial
disorder caused by thiamine deficiency, and alcoholics thalamus and 3-fold in the hippocampus following sei-
account for most cases in the Western world." Thiamine zures in thiamine-deficient rats.36 The observation that
deficiency in alcoholics results from a combination of chronic ethanol treatment increases the density of NMDA
inadequate dietary intake, reduced gastrointestinal absorp- receptors in specific brain region^'^,^^ suggests a possible
tion, decreased hepatic storage, and impaired utilization." mechanism whereby chronic ethanol ingestion could po-
Only a subset of thiamine-deficient alcoholics develop tentiate the excitotoxicity of glutamate in Wernicke's en-
Wernicke's encephalopathy, perhaps because they have cephalopathy."
i ~ ~ h e r i t eord ~ ~ . ~ ~ abnormalities of the thiamine-
acquired28 The distinctive nature of the pathological findings in
dependent enzyme transketolase that reduce its affinity Wernicke's encephalopathy permits subclinical cases to be
for thiamine. diagnosed postmortem. Autopsy studies have consistently
The detailed, regional pathology of Wernicke's enceph- revealed a higher (0.8-2.8%) incidence of Wernicke lesions
alopathy has been outlined by Victor and colleagues.1' in the general population than is predicted by clinical
The characteristic lesions of Wernicke's encephalopathy studies (0.04-0.13%). ".I4 The observation that acute Wer-
occur symmetrically in structures surrounding the third nicke's encephalopathy was correctly diagnosed before
ventricle, aqueduct, and fourth ventricle. The mamillary death in only I of 22 patients13 suggests that the classic
bodies are involved in virtually all cases, and the dorso- clinical triad of encephalopathy, ophthalmoplegia, and
medial thalamus, locus ceruleus, periaqueductal gray, ocu- ataxia is either surprisingly rare13.14q39 or is not properly
lar motor nuclei, and vestibular nuclei are commonly elicited and recognized."q4'
affected. Lesions occur less frequently in the colliculi, In clinical studies, only one-third of patients with acute
fornices, septa1 region, hippocampus, and cerebral cortex, Wernicke's encephalopathy present with the classic clini-
which may show patchy, diffuse neuronal loss, and astro- cal triad.I2 A majority of patients are profoundly disori-
cytic proliferation. In about half of the cases, sagittal ented, indifferent, and inattentive, and some exhibit an
sections through the cerebellum reveal selective loss of agitated delirium related to ethanol withdrawal. Although
Purkinje cells at the tips of the folia of the anterior superior fewer than 5 % of patients present with a depressed level
cerebellar vermis. These changes are identical to those of consciousness, the course in untreated patients may
found in alcoholic cerebellar degeneration, where they can progress through stupor and coma to death.12.41Ocular
occur in the absence of other Wernicke lesions. motor abnormalities, including nystagmus, lateral rectus
Acute Wernicke lesions can be identified by endothelial palsy, and conjugate gaze palsies, occur in 96%, reflecting
prominence, microglial proliferation, and occasional pe- lesions of the oculomotor, abducens, and vestibular nuclei.
techial hemorrhages. In chronic lesions, there is demyeli- Gait ataxia occurs in 87% and is likely due to a combi-
nation, gliosis, and loss of neuropil with relative preser- nation of polyneuropathy noted in 82% of cases, cerebellar
vation of neurons. Neuronal loss is most prominent in the involvement, and vestibular pare~is.'~.~' In keeping with
relatively unmyelinated medial thalamus. 12.29 Atrophy of the restriction of cerebellar pathology to the anterior and
the mamillary bodies is a highly specific finding in chronic superior vermis, ataxia of the arms and dysarthria or
Wernicke's encephalopathy and is present in up to 80% scanning speech are each observed in less than 20% of
of cases." cases. I'
It is unclear how thiamine deficiency causes brain le- Autopsy-based series also suggest a very high incidence
sions. Thiamine is a cofactor for transketolase, a-ketoglu- (82%) of mental status abnormalities, but much lower
tarate dehydrogenase, pyruvate dehydrogenase, and incidences of ataxia (23%), ocular motor abnormalities
branched-chain a-ketoacid dehydrogenase,12and may also (29%), and polyneuropathy ( 1 1 %).40 The classic triad of
function in axonal conduction and synaptic transmis- clinical findings was identified retrospectively in only 17%
ion.^' Thiamine deficiency produces a diffuse decrease in of autopsy cases and 19% showed none of the classic
cerebral glucose ~tilization.~' Shortly before the develop- elements. Stupor or coma, hypotension, and hypothermia
ment of structural brain lesions, vulnerable brain areas were predominant findings in unsuspected case^.'^.'^.^^
exhibit a burst of metabolic activity accompanied by local The discrepancy between prospective clinical and retro-

spective, autopsy-based descriptions of Wernicke’s en- prove useful in the diagnosis of atypical chronic cases of
cephalopathy is likely due to the exclusion of atypical Wernicke’s en~ephalopathy~~ and in elucidating prospec-
presentations in clinical series and the underestimation in tively the full clinical spectrum of the disorder.
autopsy series of classic signs that were not properly elic- MR studies comparing amnestic alcoholics, nonamnes-
ited, recognized, or recorded. tic alcoholics, and controls identified increases in cerebro-
Computed tomography (CT) scanning occasionally re- spinal fluid volume, ventricular enlargement, and reduc-
veals low-density diencephalic abnormalities in acute Wer- tions in cortical and subcortical grey matter structures in
nicke’s e n ~ e p h a l o p a t h y .In
~ ~some
, ~ ~ acute cases, magnetic both alcoholic g r o ~ p s . ~ The
’ , ~ *amnestic alcoholics showed
resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrates increased T2 sig- particularly large decreases in the anterior diencephalon,
nal surrounding the aqueduct and third ventricle, consist- mesial temporal, and orbitofrontal regions.51Neuropsy-
ent with the localization of the pathologic lesion^.^^.^' chological measures in the nonamnestic alcoholics did not
Atrophy of the mamillary bodies can be identified by MRI correlate with grey matter volume in a variety of brain
in approximately 80% of alcoholics with a history ofclassic regions.
Wernicke’s encephalopathy4*(Fig. 1) and is not found in With prompt administration of thiamine, ocular signs
control subjects, Alzheimer’s patients, or alcoholics with- improve within hours to days, and ataxia and confusion
out a history of Wernicke’s e n ~ e p h a l o p a t h y Alcoholics
.~~.~~ within days to weeks.” This early response likely repre-
with the Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome have small mam- sents recovery of a biochemical rather than a structural
illary bodies and normal hippocampal volumes, as deter- lesion. A majority of patients are left with horizontal
mined by MRI, whereas the converse is true in nonalco- nystagmus, ataxia, and a potentially disabling memory
holic amnestic patient^.^' The ability to detect specific disorder known as the Korsakoff amnestic syndrome.
Wernicke lesions by MRI should prove valuable in study- These sequelae may result from the accumulation of le-
ing the cognitive disorders of a l c o h o l i ~ sThe . ~ ~ finding of sions during repeated subclinical episodes of thiamine
small mamillary bodies in a mentally impaired patient deficiency,14,53-55 rapid development of irreversible lesions
will indicate that nutritional deficiency has likely played during a single acute episode,54or inadequate treatment
a role in the cognitive disorder. This technique may also of patients with low-afinity transketolase variants2’

Fig. 1. MRI of chronic Wernicke’s encephalop

athy. (A) Normal control and (B)chronic Wer-
nicke’s encephalopathy. T1-weighted sagittal
(left) and coronal (right) images in the plane of
the mamillary bodies (arrows). The Wernicke
patient shows shrinkage of the mamillary bod-
ies (arrows) and anterior superior cerebellar
vermis (arrowheads) and enlargement of the
third ventricle, lateral ventricles, interhemi-
spheric fissure, and cerebral sulci (arrowheads).
Images were acquired using TR 600, TE 25 (an
excellent description of MRI image acquisition,
T1, and T2 can be found in ref. 135. Repro-
duced with permission from Annals of Neurol-
ogy 22595400,1987.

KORSAKOFF'S AMNESTIC SYNDROME war include descriptions of some individuals with endur-
Approximately 80% of alcoholic patients recovering ing disorders of mental function following treatment with
from classic Wernicke's encephalopathy exhibit the selec- More recent cases provide clearer descrip-
tive memory disturbance of Korsakoff s amnestic syn- tions of Korsakoffs amnestic syndrome following Wer-
drome," which is characterized by marked deficits in nicke's encephalopathy in n o n a l c o h o l i ~ s Quantita-
anterograde and retrograde memory, apathy, an intact tive brain morphometry (see below) in these uncommon
sensorium, and relative preservation of other intellectual patients will indicate whether ventricular enlargement,
a b i l i t i e ~ . 'Korsakoff
~.~~ s amnestic syndrome may also ap- shrinkage of cerebral white matter, selective neuronal loss,
pear without an antecedent episode of Wernicke's enceph- and simplification of dendritic arbors are specific lesions
a l ~ p a t h y . ' ~Acute
.'~ lesions may be superimposed on of ethanol neurotoxicity or previously unrecognized man-
chronic lesions, suggesting that subclinical episodes of ifestations of thiamine deficiency.
Wernicke's encephalopathy may culminate in Korsakoff s
amnestic ~ y n d r o m e . ~ The
~ ,memory
~ ~ , ~ ~disorder correlates CEREBELLAR DEGENERATION
best with the presence of histopathological lesions" and
areas of decreased density on CT scan5' in the dorsomedial Alcoholic patients may be aMicted by a chronic cere-
thalamus. However, Wernicke lesions have been confined bellar syndrome related to the degeneration of Purkinje
to the mamillary bodies in one reported case of Korsakoff s cells in the cerebellar ~ o r t e x . ~
' cerebellar struc-
amnestic syndrome.59 tures-especially the anterior and superior vermis-are
Whereas Korsakoff s amnestic syndrome is most readily predominantly affected, a pattern that resembles the dis-
recognized as a relatively selective disorder of anterograde tribution of cerebellar pathology in Wernicke's encepha-
and retrograde memory, some alcoholics with Wernicke lopathy.'? The cause of alcoholic cerebellar degeneration
lesions exhibit a more global abnormality of higher cog- is not known with certainty, but its similarity to the
nitive f ~ n c t i o n . ~Torvik"
' identified Wernicke's lesions at cerebellar lesion in Wernicke's encephalopathy suggests
autopsy in 20 alcoholics who had been evaluated by that thiamine deficiency is likely to be an important
psychiatrists during the course of their illness. Fifteen of f a ~ t o r . ~ 'It. ~has
' also been proposed that alcoholic cere-
the 20 patients were felt to have a global dementia and bellar degeneration, like central pontine myelinolysis. may
only 5 had a circumscribed memory disorder; conse- be related to electrolyte abn~rmalities.~' Evidence for a
quently, Korsakoff s amnestic syndrome was diagnosed in direct toxic effect of ethanol as the cause is poor: cerebellar
only 3 of 20 patients, whereas Alzheimer's disease was ataxia in alcoholics does not correlate with daily, annual.
diagnosed in 8. Twelve of 15 patients diagnosed with or lifetime consumption of ethan01,'~and animal models
dementia showed only the lesions of Wernicke's enceph- of cerebellar degeneration induced by ethanol in the ab-
alopathy at autopsy, although subtle structural abnormal- sence of nutritional deficiency show a somewhat different
ities were not sought." The occurrence of global dementia pattern of cerebellar pathology, in which the granule cells
in Wernicke's encephalopathy and the absence of non- and molecular layer interneurons are more vulnerable
Wernicke lesions in demented alcoholics has led some than Purkinje cells.75
investigators to conclude that most cases of dementia in Alcoholic cerebellar degeneration typically occurs only
alcoholics are nutritional in rigi in."^'^^^^^('' Whether alco- after 10 or more years ofexcessive ethanol use. It is usually
hol neurotoxicity plays a role in these cases can only be a gradual, progressive disorder that develops over weeks
determined by correlating computerized brain morphom- to months, but may also evolve over years or commence
etry with premorbid neuropsychiatric examination. a b r ~ p t l y . Mild
~ ' and apparently stable cases may become
One of three patients in Wernicke's original report was suddenly worse. As in Wernicke's encephalopathy, ataxia
a nonalcoholic. I' Wernicke's encephalopathy has since affects the gait most severely. Limb ataxia and dysarthria
been described in nonalcoholic patients with malnutrition occur more often than in Wernicke's encephalopathy,
due to hyperemesis, starvation, gastric plication, renal whereas nystagmus is rare.71
dialysis, malignancy, and AIDS. 12,61-63Indeed, in one au- The diagnosis of alcoholic cerebellar ataxia is based on
topsy series, nonalcoholics accounted for I2 of 52 cases of the clinical history and neurologic examination. CT or
Wernicke's en~ephalopathy.~~ MRI scans may show cerebellar cortical atrophy (Fig. I),
Korsakoff s amnestic syndrome is an infrequent sequela but one-half of alcoholic patients with this finding are not
of Wernicke's encephalopathy in n o n a l c o h ~ l i c s .This~~ ataxic on examination.'(' Whether these represent subclin-
observation has led to speculation that ethanol neurotox- ical cases in which symptoms will develop subsequently is
icity is an important contributing factor in the memory unclear.
disorders of alcoholic^.^^ Although it is certainly possible
that neurotoxic effects of ethanol may worsen the cerebral HEPATOCEREBRAL DEGENERATION
disorder of thiamine deficiencv. it is also clear that Kor-
d ,

sakoffs amnestic syndrome can occur in the absence of Hepatic encephalopathy develops in many alcoholics
ethanol. Accounts of thiamine deficiency in prisoners of with liver disease. and is characterized by altered senso-

rium, frontal release signs, asterixis. hyperreflexia, exten-

sor plantar responses, and occasional seizures. Whereas
some patients progress from stupor to coma and then
death, others recover and suffer recurrent episodes. Brains
of patients with hepatic encephalopathy show enlargement
and proliferation of protoplasmic astrocytes in the basal
ganglia, thalamus, red nucleus, pons, and cerebellum, in
the absence of neuronal loss or other glial changes.77
Occasional patients do not recovery fully after an epi-
sode of hepatic encephalopathy, but rather, go on to
develop a progressive syndrome of tremor, choreoatheto-
sis. dysarthria, gait ataxia, and dementia. Hepatocerebral
degeneration may progress in step-wise fashion, with in-
complete recovery after each episode of hepatic encepha-
lopathy, or slowly and inexorably, without a discrete epi-
sode of encephalopathy. Brain examination reveals astro-
cytic proliferation, as described, laminar necrosis in the
cortex, patchy loss of neurons throughout the cortex, basal
ganglia, and cerebellum, and cavitation of the cortico-
subcortical junction and superior pole of the p ~ t a m e n . ’ ~ , ~ ~


Marchiafava-Bignami syndrome is a rare disorder of

demyelination or necrosis of the corpus callosum and
adjacent subcortical white matter, which occurs predom-
inantly in malnourished a l c o h o l i ~ sIn
.~~some cases there
are associated lesions of Wernicke’s encephalopathy or Fig. 2 Marchiafava-Bignami syndrome. The splenium of the corpus callosum shows
selective neuronal loss and gliosis in the third cortical an area of increased signal (arrow) (TR 2000, TE 40).
layer. A few cases have been described in nonalcohol-
i c ~ demonstrating
, ~ ~ - ~ ~ that ethanol alone is not responsible 10% of human cases also have symmetric extrapontine
for the lesion. The course may be acute, subacute, or lesions, most frequently in the striatum, thalamus, cere-
chronic, and is marked by dementia, spasticity, dysarthria, bellum, and cerebral white matter.84 Microscopic exami-
and inability to walk. Patients may lapse into coma and nation reveals demyelinated axons with preserved cell
die, survive for many years in a demented condition, or bodies except in the center of lesions, which may show
occasionally recover.” The disorder was formerly diag- cavitation. Myelinolytic lesions can be induced experi-
nosed only at autopsy, but lesions can now be imaged mentally by rapid correction of chronic hyp~natremia.”.~~
using CT or MRLX2MR typically shows areas of increased In rats, the lesions are primarily extrapontine in l~cation,’~
T2 signal (Fig. 2) or cystic areas of decreased T 1 signal whereas in dogs, a mixture of pontine and extrapontine
within the corpus callosum.” lesions is observed.8x The marked species differences in
the distribution of lesions in central pontine myelinolysis
illustrates one of the difficulties in generalizing patholog-
ical findings from experimental animals to humans.
Central pontine myelinolysis is a disorder of cerebral Symptoms and signs of central pontine myelinolysis
white matter that usually affects alcoholics, but also occurs may be absentx3 or obscured by associated conditions,
in nonalcoholics with liver disease, including Wilson’s such as ethanol withdrawal, Wernicke’s encephalopathy,
disease, malnutrition, anorexia, burns, cancer, Addison’s or hepatic encephalopathy. Treatment of these disorders
disease, and severe electrolyte disorders, such as thiazide- may lead to an initial improvement in mental status,
induced hyponatremia. Central pontine myelinolysis followed within days by confusion, lethargy, and coma
is frequently associated with a rapid correction of hypo- due to central pontine myelinolysis. Involvement of the
natremia; however, the majority of cases occur in alco- corticospinal tracts causes paraparesis or quadriparesis and
holics, suggesting that alcoholism may contribute to the demyelination of the corticobulbar tracts leads to dysar-
genesis of central pontine myelinolysis in as yet undefined thria, dysphagia, and inability to protrude the tongue. The
ways. tendon reflexes may be increased, decreased, or normal,
The most common macroscopic lesion is a triangular and Babinski signs may be present. Disorders of conjugate
region of pallor in the base of the pons. ApprGximately eye movement occur occasionally and may reflect exten-

sion of the lesion in the pons or associated Wernicke with postnatal de~elopment,'~ however, learning disabili-
lesions. Disproportionate involvement of motor function ties and hyperactivity p e r s i ~ t . ' ~ ~ ' ~
may produce the "locked-in" syndrome, with only limited Neuropathological examination in fetal alcohol syn-
ability to move the limbs or face despite a normal level of drome reveals microcephaly, cerebellar dysplasia, agenesis
consciousness." of the corpus callosum, and neuronal-glial heterotopi-
The lesions of central pontine myelinolysis can be vis- as,'8-'"" lesions consistent with the decreased proliferation
ualized using CT scanning or MRI (Fig. 3). MRI is more and disordered migration of neurons that have been dem-
sensitive than CT in imaging the pontine lesions'"; how- onstrated by in vivo ['Hlthymidine labeling studies in
ever, even MRI may be unremarkable early in the course rats. ""
of central pontine myelinolysis."' The most common MR In animal studies, gestational exposure to ethanol also
finding is an area of decreased TI signal or increased T2 causes microcephaly'O' and disrupts the cytoarchitecture
signal within the basis pontis. Other disorders, such as of cerebral cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum, and other
multiple sclerosis, multiinfarct dementia, and encephalitis, subcortical structures.1"1.10'-108 Alterations in the levels of
may show similar pontine MRI abnormalities, but also monoamines and acetylcholine in animals exposed to
cause significant periventricular abnormalities and a dis- ethanol in utero may derive from the failure of projection
tinctive clinical picture.") Serial CT or MRI studies indi- neurons to reach their targets.'" The pathological basis
cate that the radiographic lesions may resolve in parallel for mental retardation and learning disabilities may reside
with patient recovery'"~''; thus, the absence of lesions on in more subtle structural abnormalities, such as the sim-
MRI does not exclude the previous occurrence of central plification of hippocampal dendrites seen in animals ex-
pontine myelinolysis. posed to ethanol in utero.' "' Prenatal ethanol exposure
alters synaptogenesis and dendritic structure (reviewed in
ETHANOL NEUROTOXICITY IN THE DEVELOPING ref. 108) and reduces the density of parallel fibers in the
NERVOUS SYSTEM molecular layer of the cerebellum."'
Brain lesions in alcoholics may in some instances ante- MRI in a small number of children with fetal alcohol
date birth. Alcoholism runs in families, and many alco- syndrome has identified agenesis or hypoplasia of the
holics have been exposed to high concentrations of alcohol corpus callosum and selective reductions in the volume of
during critical stages of brain development. A n y attempt the cerebrum, cerebellum, and basal ganglia.'".'13 The
to understand the pathogenesis of subtle brain lesions in further elucidation of MR abnormalities in fetal alcohol
alcoholics must take into account the potential contribu- syndrome may help define the role of gestational exposure
tion of fetal alcohol exposure. to alcohol in the cognitive disorders of alcoholics.
The fetal alcohol syndrome is characterized by pre- and
postnatal growth retardation, microcephaly, neurological ETHANOL NEUROTOXICITY IN THE MATURE NERVOUS
abnormalities, facial dysmorphology. and other congenital
an~malies.~." This full syndrome occurs in approximately Evidence that a direct neurotoxic effect may contribute
0.33 cases/ 1000 live births.'3 More often, heavy intrauter- to chronic cognitive dysfunction in alcoholics has been
ine exposure to ethanol is associated with a constellation adduced from imaging studies, neuropathological obser-
of less severe abnormalities "fetal alcohol effects," includ- vations, and animal experiments. CT and MRI show
ing mental retardation, intrauterine growth retardation, enlargement of the cerebral ventricles and sulci in a ma-
and minor, upgrouped congenital anomalies involving the jority of alcoholics"'; however. when corrected for the
cutaneous, genitourinary, musculoskeletal, and cardiac effects of aging, the radiographic indices do not correlate
systems.'2 Some dysmorphic features appear to recede consistently with either the duration of drinking or the

Fig. 3. Central pontine myelinolysis Arrows in-

dicate a midpontine abnormality that appears
as an area of decreased T I signal [sagittal
image (A)] (TR 600, TE 25) and increased T2
signal [horizontal image (B)] (TR 2000 TE 70)

severity of cognitive impairment.’’ The ventricles and directly damage cholinergic projection neurons. 122.126 Evi-
sulci become significantly smaller within about 1 month dence also exists for disruption of serotonergic and adre-
of abstinence,’.’ 14-’ l 6 whereas brain water, estimated by nergic pathways in amnestic alcoholics.~’7
MRI”’ or chemical does not change con- The recent use of computerized morphometry has re-
sistently. Based on these findings, it has been hypothesized vealed alterations in neuronal size, number, architecture,
that changes in brain parenchyma, but not brain water, and synaptic complexity in alcoholics. Neuronal density
may account for the reversible radiographic and cognitive in the superior frontal cortex was reduced by 22% in
abnormalities of alcoholics.’,”’ In support of this hypoth- alcoholics compared with nonalcoholic controls. Neu- ”’
esis are reports that chronic ingestion of ethanol by well- ronal loss was accompanied by selective glial proliferation
nourished animals can reversibly reduce the complexity in the superior frontal cortex and was more pronounced
ofdendritic arborization4and alter the density of dendritic in a subgroup of alcoholics with cirrhosis or Wernicke’s
spines’ in the hippocampus. encephalopathy. By contrast, neuronal counts in motor,
Pathological studies of the brains of alcoholics have temporal, or cingulate cortex did not differ between the
provided mixed evidence for ethanol-induced cerebral two A decrease in neuronal area was also
atrophy.” Brain weight in alcoholics is reduced only observed in the superior frontal, cingulate, and motor
slightly as compared with that in nonalcoholics,”,’ ”).”” cortices. 17x.12y The complexity of basal dendritic arboriza-
and some workers find no differences at all.”.”’ Brain tion of layer 111 pyramidal cells in both superior frontal
volume, estimated by the volume of the pericerebral and motor cortices was significantly reduced in a group of
space-the cerebrospinal fluid-filled region between the 15 alcoholics compared with controls.’30Similarly, a sig-
brain and skull-is reduced in alcoholics compared with nificant reduction in dendritic arborization of Purkinje
controls, but this indirect measure of cerebral atrophy is cells in the anterior superior vermis was observed in 4
most abnormal in alcoholics with liver disease or Wer- alcoholics, 3 of whom also had lesions of Wernicke’s
nicke’s encephalopathy.’” Quantitative morphometry encephalopathy or pe1lag1-a.l~’Finally, a group of five
suggests that alcoholics, including those with liver disease alcoholics without lesions of nutritional deficiency showed
and Wernicke’s encephalopathy, lose a disproportionate a decrease in the density of synaptic spines in layer V
amount of subcortical white matter as compared with cortical pyramidal cells when compared with control pa-
cortical gray matter.”” This loss of cerebral white matter tients.‘”
is also apparent when brains of nondemented alcoholics These data demonstrate that there is selective neuronal
with liver disease are compared with those from patients loss, dendritic simplification. and reduction of synaptic
with nonalcoholic liver disease; thus, liver disease cannot complexity in different brain regions of alcoholics: how-
be the sole cause of this selective loss of brain tissue. The ever, it remains uncertain how these cellular lesions relate
loss of cerebral white matter is evident across a wide range to the selective loss of white matter described above. The
of ages, is not accentuated in the frontal lobes,’”’and is of etiology of these cellular lesions is also unclear, because
sufficient magnitude (6- 17%)to account for the associated patients often had coincident lesions of nutritional defi-
ventricular enlargement.’” ciency or cirrhosis. In fact, the cellular lesions were often
The identification of selectively affected neurotransmit- most severe in the alcoholics with liver disease or Wernicke
ter pathways could have important implications for the lesions. There are three possible explanations for these
management of dementia in alcoholics. Cholinergic neu- findings: ( 1 ) that liver disease and Wernicke lesions are
rons in the nucleus basalis of the basal forebrain, which markers of worse alcoholism, greater ethanol intake, and
innervate much of the cerebral cortex and are preferen- more severe ethanol neurotoxicity; (2) that liver disease
tially depleted in dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease, and thiamine deficiency potentiate the neurotoxic actions
have also been reported to be lost in three patients with of ethanol; or ( 3 ) that liver disease and thiamine deficiency
Korsakoff s syndrome. I” Levels of the acetylcholine-syn- cause these lesions. The fact that the neurological syn-
thesizing enzyme choline acetyltransferase, which are re- dromes of liver disease and thiamine deficiency can de-
duced in the cerebral cortex in Alzheimer’s disease, are velop slowly suggests that lesions in these disorders may
also depleted in the brains of alcoholics, as reported in also arise insidiously. Indeed, it is conceivable that some
some,123.124 but not all’25studies. Whether putative cholin- of the subtle, nonspecific lesions identified in alcoholic
ergic deficits in alcoholics are a consequence of thiamine brains are early manifestations of malnutrition and liver
deficiency or direct ethanol neurotoxicity is unclear. disease that precede more recognizable, specific lesions of
Long-term administration of ethanol to well-nourished Wernicke’s disease and hepatocerebral degeneration. This
rats causes memory deficits, reductions in choline acetyl- hypothesis can be tested easily by using computerized
transferase levels and choline uptake, and a slight (17%) morphometry to seek similar, subtle lesions in nonalco-
loss of neurons in the nucleus basalis.6,’26 Transplantation holic patients with Wernicke’s disease and hepatocerebral
of cholinergic neurons into the hippocampus and neocor- degeneration. To date, all of the Wernicke patients studied
tex corrects both the cholinergic deficits and memory by computerized morphometry have been alcoholics,
abnormalities, suggesting that, at least in rats. ethanol can some of whom have also had liver disease. In the mean-

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