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perfect guide

The most important advantage of this book is that it sets out all the
technical nuances of this seemingly impossible matter - direct contact with
a dead person. Instead of verbiage typical of such books, most of it is
devoted to every detail of a meeting with a deceased person, which

to meet a dead

 ecaf ot ecaf nosrep daed a teem ot ediug tcefrep

includes not only a description of the entry into the phase, its deepening
and retention, directly the techniques and methods of contact with the
deceased, but also the rules of behavior with him and psychological
training (after all, it is very difficult for the psyche). In your hands is a one-
of-a-kind effective manual for a real meeting with those who have gone

person face to
into another world. Nothing else will give you this. Actually, in addition to
the technical description of the development of the phase and coming into
contact with it, all possible theories about the nature of this possibility are
considered. Naturally, it is difficult to choose one of them if you are a
beginner. However, a book and practice can allow you, at a minimum, to

find paths to how everything really is, or how you want it to be more
common ... This book in no way claims to be the truth of the very first
a instance. Here, only a number of checked patterns have been laid out that
unambiguously lead to the resumption of communication with a person
d who has left our world. It also provides various related information for
thought. Only you can find your truth. However, I would like to note that it
does not make sense to search for truth on the basis of purely theoretical
reasoning. This is always an ungrateful affair if it is possible to verify
everything in practice, especially since it is far from being as difficult to
achieve as it seems to many. Contact with a dead person in phase is not
only knowledge of our and other worlds, if any, but also knowledge of
ourselves, our resources and capabilities, often hidden from view. If you
are sceptical about the contents of the book, this is understandable and
natural. I understand you perfectly. Moreover, if I myself had not had to
deal with this sometime, I probably would have been one of the first in this
series. This is perfectly normal for a pragmatic mind. However, as you can
see from the table of contents, the book is not a set of theoretical
proposals, but created in the form of direct concrete recommendations.
This in itself may serve as an argument in favour of the possibility of
contact in phase, if you are completely unfamiliar with this state. But why
believe? Give it a try. What can prevent this if it is accessible to everyone?
Why refuse, if another such possibility is not something that has not been
proved, even in theory it does not exist? Since the book deals with
meetings with the dead, many will think that they can get a definite
answer to this serious question in this book: is their life after death ?.
However, due to the existence of a mass of theories about the nature of
this phenomenon and the true mechanism of contact with those who have
left our world, we will not do anything stupid when we become like
Orthodox believers who strictly stop their whole being on one idea. We will
A masterpiece book to
contact with dead by
deevan lamazum m

keep all the possible possibilities in mind, if something receives

confirmation in practice, then only then we can trust this. But how far can
the existence or non-existence of the afterlife seriously affect this

practice? In this book, you will be able to reveal all of the practical secrets
required for communications with the dead.


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