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Chem istry Lab Equipment

Beaker Reagent Measuring Funnel Conical flask TE--,'. Bunsen
bottle cylinder tut,c burner

Clamp Tap Tripod stand

Iron stand Support ring

Gloves Safety glasses Desicator Watch glass Volumetric flask

Hot plate
Digital weight
balance Oven
LECTURE J: Chemistry Labo ratory

Every chemi stry laboratory must be equipped of at least fol lowing facilities .

1. Eyewash fountain/ Emergency Shower: When any material ha s been splashed into 1?es ;;
face the eyewash fountai n is used to flush material. Shower rel eases the water on ~u ing.
·, , f II for your instructor
' stop water fl ow push the rod assemb ly. In case o emergency ca
imme diate ly and don't wo rry abou t spill ed water.

' 2. Fire Exti nguishers

a. CO Extinguisher {large black nozzle): Thi s type of exti ngui sher is used for minor electri cal
fi res and organic liqui d fires. Do not use CO2 ext ingui s_h,e_r on sodi um, potassium, or _meta l
hydride fires, which shou ld be covere d in sand . To use exti nguisher pull the pin on the side of
t he handgrip, di rect t he nozzle at the base of th e flam es an d sq ueeze the handgrip.

b. Sa nd Buckets: Use sand bu ckets for fires in volvi ng acti ve metals, (e.g . Na, K, Li), or metal
hyd rides as sta ted in CO2 extin guisher.

3. Fire : It must be provid ed nearer to workin g place . Since speed is essential in
overco min g 1.!·.e fir e, ro ll the vi ctim on the floor or use your lab coat if yo u have to go any
dist ance fo r u.e blanket. The emergency showe r may also be use d in this situat io n.

4 . Spill kits: In each teaching lab, there are spill s ava ila ble for disposal of corro sive reagents and

• 5. Exits: In ca se of fire or eme rgency leave the buil ding by t he nearest exit and call security. The
be ll to inform security personals be al so available in t he la b.

6. Electrical Cut-Offs: Cut-off electric switch as soon as possible to save a vict im of

electrocut ion.

7. Gas Cut-Offs: In ca se of eme rgency close a gas. cut-off valve located by on e of the ma in doors
of laboratory to residual pressure · in the . However, cutting-off a va lve clo ser t o the
problem wo uld be a better choice which ofte~ locate d und er th e bench. Nevertheless,
instructor shou ld cl ose th e main valve in the event of an evacuatio n.

8. First Aid: Each laboratory sho~ld be properl y eq uipped with a sma ll Fi rst aid Kit. No matter
how mino r, repo rt all injuries t o you r instruct or who will give first aid. In case of emergency also
call 1122 direct ly if appropriat e.
. . - icm1stry Laboratory Rules and S· f ,t I) .
' ,1 e y reca111Jons

Health and safety co ·d · '

ns1 erat1ons are more important tha . .
curricu la . It is essent ial that the t d t n any other materials taught in college
. s u en s are taught what to do in case of an emer .
can be wro ng in t he laboratory and I ·t b - gency, what
,ow I can e prevented .

1. Never work alone in ,my laboratory.

2. Do not eat or drink in the laboratory.

3. Smoking could fatal in labor atory an d that' s why it is strictly prohibited .


- Ke e~ th e work place organized and cl ean. Work carefully by followin~ the standard
instruction s and guidelines and never put anyon e or yourself in danger.

5. Unauthorized experiments are prohibit ed in chemistry laboratory. In case of unwanted

chemical reaction do not cause panic.

6. Students must.know th e location and use of the safety showers, fi rst aid kit, fire extinguisher,
sand buckets and emerge ncy ca ll/inform ation points.

7. Use protect ive clothin g like lab coat and wear protective gloves and safety glasses all the '
time you spent in the laboratory. Use a hair band to keep you r hair away from your face,
especially the female students should be careful.

8. Never taste solutions or chemicals. Assume that any unfamiliar chemica l is hazardous.

9. For all poisonous reactions or any reaction wh ich produce noxious gases use the fume hoods.

10. Never add water to concentrated acid or base wh en diluting. Always add th e concentrated
acid or base to water, while stirring the solution. Add sulfuric acid in very small quantities to
water as it generates a lot of heat.

11. Wash all the apparatus before use and clean it before returning to the lab drawer when

12. Use side shelves of the laboratory to place unneeded books and you r bags.

l3. All solid chemicals and papers etc. must be disposed of in the wast e containers/bins.
14. Do not change position of chemicals and stock reagent bottles. . . .
- f k' ~ · f bottle careful ly read th e label twice. Ask 111structor ,f you
15. Be ore ta 111g any c1 1errnca1 rom a
are not sure.

16. Always pour reagents by holding the bottle label upwa rds facing the pal~ of the hand,- _To
avoid the accumulation of reagent on bottle tip remove it by touch ing with tip of the receiving

17. To avoid possibility of contamination never return unused ch emical to the stock bottle.

18. Never use broken or cracked glassware. Dispose it in conta iner reserved for broken glasses.

19. Immediately wipe up spilled chemicals. Use plenty of water to rinse spilled acid or base and
wipe up with a sponge and the sponge rinsed after.

20. Before leaving laboratory make sure that your bench area shou ld be rinsed off with a wet
sponge and the electricity supply switch (if used), gas, water, and air valves be shut off.

21. If yo u require any apparatus or chem icals from the chemistry st ore room call your
111structor bt cause it is out of bounds to students.

All students must read this part before working in the laboratory. .
· LECTURE 3: Chemical Laboratory Safe ty Symbols

~~- ■ ~
1. Frot •Id box 2. Omktlg Wat<"' 3, S. ltly Sllowt< ~. E"""!lff'CY Ey.,,..i, 5. Emergency Exil

-~·· ·
6. AaMr'TDly point 7. Oofibri:11.COf 8. fl on-ftlnYMbkl
comrnprai,etl gu
9. F1ca prot•dlon
10 Protacf,v• cklthing

' f)t)(t@ ♦
11 . GkwO'l requlud 12 . Eyep,otecHon 13. Ear prcttction 1.a. RocphrlOf'Yp,oiod ioo 15. 0ainoerous whon
roqulrtd roqulred we<

A ~-. ,c,~.)) ~ .&

16. OpOca l 111dla lioo 17. lffs cr 18. Uon-k>l, tzng
19. Chffll la\l w t ~ 10. General dnnger

21. Ciwc in og en k: 22. Sk)haurd 2:1. Corr01tve 24. Eloc:1rk h112•d 25. RIWJJoactive ha:- ..rcl

A'i~AA~26. Odd-,t 27. low toms,-rat ure 28. Hot a.url• ct 29. Hot wate, 30. Org.wi k po,o-.kte

31. Envlronment,'LI h11z.,rd 32. Tox ic 33. Er pio, lve 31. Fhvnmab le JS. H,m nful or n' it an l

· ·~~®
,16. rt.11 1nmnbl• •o lid ;17 _FtMi mnhhli 'iJ ., .,: .. ·jJn,,l!!:>,c.o usly
· c"'nb\."1Uhle
:i9. Fh@ Blrm kl!t .io. Oo n ol <!A l o, th in k
1. First aid station : It is the facil ity of initial care for an injury or illness.

2. Drinking water: This sign indicates water is safe for drinking purposes.

3. Safety Shower: 0 11 expos ure to hazardous substance the first 10 to 15 seconds are critical.
Even a delay of few seco nd s can cause serious injury. Emergency showers and eyewash stat ion s
provide on-the-spot decontamination. They are helpful to flush away hazardous substances
that can cause injury.

4. Emergency eye wash: Se e safety shower:

5. Emergency exit: Special exit allows for fa ster evacuation in case of fire or any eme rgency.

6. Assembly poirit: It is the safe place where people should gather on effective evacuation.

7. Defibrillator: This is an electrnnlc device which gives an electric shock to the heart.

8. Non-flammable gas: Used for non-hazardous gases.

9. Face prolection required: It must be provided whenever necessary to protect aga inst
radiological, E,wironmental, and chem ical hazards or mechanical irritants ..

10. Protect ive clothing: Th is clothing is especially designed to work under dangerous working

11. Gloves required: Gloves are required to improve health and safety at work . Always wash
your hands aft1:r work even you wore gloves.

12. Eye protection required: It must be provided whenever necessary to pro tect against
radiological, environmental, and chemical hazards or mechanical irritants.

13. Ear protection required: This protection is required when noise exposure exceed s the 85
decibels (dB) .

14. Respiratory It is used to protect individuals from harmful airborne

contaminants or low oxygen levels.

15. Dangerous when wet: The se substances violently react with water like Na, Ka nd Li etc.
_ optical radiation: Optical radi at ion (100 nm to 1 mm) is part of the elcc.iromagnetic
spectrum subdivided into UV, Visib le and IR obey the laws of optics as these can be refracted
and focused with lenses. Workers needs to be protected from UV and laser lights etc.

17. Laser: Laser safety is required to minimize the risk of laser accidents.

18. Ionizing radiation: Ionizing r;:idiation damage to t issue and/or organs and may cause on high

19. Chemical weapon: Chemica ls those are toxic enough to be used as weapons.

20. General danger: Pose many types of th reat.

21. Carcinogenic: A substan ce that is directly involved in causing cancer.

22. Biohazard : Pose threat to living organisms.

23. Corrosive: These substances usually cause irreversibly damage on contact. Damage is
caused usually to skin, eyes, and tissue just under the sk in, ingest ion or inhalation may be very

24. Electric hazard: It indicates electric shock risk .

25. Radioactive hazards: These hazards emit ionizin g radiations. It is one the mr1jor threat to
most life form s and environment.

26. Oxidants or Oxidizing chemicals: These agents spontaneously evolve oxygen even on sligh t
heat or promote combustion . To be kept away from flammabl e chemicals.

27. Low temperature: Protection required against low t emperature.

28. Hot surface: Hot surface should be handled carefully.

i9. Hot water: Thi s sign is used to indicate hot water.

30. Organic Peroxide: This sa fety symbol is use d in the storage and tra nsport of organ ic

31. Environmental hazard: It is relati vely rare wit h laboratory chemicals as most of which pose
some environmental haza rd s if not get rid of properly.
32. Tmdc: Those substances and preparations which in low quantities can ca use chronic or
acute damage to human when absorbed , inhaled or swallowed and may cause even death .

33. Explosive: Indicative of expl osive materials.

34. Flammable or extremely flammable: Any material or pyrophoric materials that catch fire

spontaneously on exposure to air.

35. Irrit ant or Harmful: This symbol covers a wide range of minor hazards which cause


36. Flammable solid: Ca n und ergo co mbustion rea dily, if any sou rce of combustion is present.

37. Flammable gas: Thi s symbol is use d fo r the storage or transport of a flam mab le gas.

38. Spontaneously combustible: The ·mat erial in the container labeled with the symbol should
be handlen with great caut ion to avoid any accident.

39. Fire blanket: It do not allow any oxygen to the fi re an d is helpfu l in controlling sm all fire
with temperatures up to 900 ,degrees.

40. Do not eat or drink: This is not permitted in are as where chemical, radiol ogical, and/or
biological materials are present or stored .

Not e: Squ;Jre symbols above will be found on chemical bottles and jar:s whereas diam on d '
shaped symbols are used on the backs of tankers and t rucks to ide nt ify wha t the mess is in the
event of a leak.

Source: The National Institute for Occupational Safety an d Health (NIOSH)

LECTURE 4: First Aid in Chemistry L:ihorn lory

Accidents do not often hap pen in we ll-equipped chem istry laboratories if students
Jnderstand safe laboratory procedu res and are careful in follo wing th em. However, m inor
occasional acciden t does occur. The fo llowing information will be helpful in case if some
accident occurs.

Important Terms

1) Poison ~ - causes disturbances in organisms and produce toxic effects

2) Carcinogenic , ~causes cancer

3) Irritant - causes redness, inflammation or painful reaction to allergy or ce ll-lin inp, damage.
'4) Caustic - burn in g awc1y living t issue or"cause corrosion
S) Corrosive rlJ-- damage or eats away tissue gradually

Accident and First Aid

If any accident or mishap occu rs in laboratory, inform t he teacher immediately. The availabilit y
of immediate healt h care fi rst aid kit aid could be help ful to avoid permanent damage.

1) Bleeding from a Cut: Mostly only minor cuts occur in th e chemistry laboratory. For minor
cuts, use sterile gauze to apply pressure to the wound and wash t he blood from t he site of cut
before applying a sterile bandage. If the victim i_s bleeding bad ly and if possi ble t hen ra ise t he
bleeding part and use sterile gauze to apply external pressure to th e wound . While first aid is
being given, call ambulance.

2) Chemical Spills on the Skin: If chemical spill over a small area use water to fl ush the skin. For
a small base or acid spill on the skin, use boric acid t o neutralize a base and neu tralize an acid
. with baking soda . Use t he sa fety shower if a large amount of ch emica l spi lled is on the bo dy. Do
not wo rry regarding water spilled on floor just tries to save vict im .

3) Chemicals in the Mouth: If any chemical ta ken into th e mouth, it must be sp at out
imm ediately followed by rinsing of the mouth thoroughly with tap wat er. Not e t he name o f the
chemica l as these are poisonous to varying degrees. Notify the t eacher an d conta ct a hos pital
emerge ncy if nee ded.

4) Chemicals in t he Eyes: Certain harmful chemicals can destroy eyesight in a ve ry short time .
The likelihood of t his kind of accident is very rare if you will be w earin g goggles or safety glasses
in th e lab. Do not attempt t o go for a treatment without flu shin g your eyes w ith wate r be
continue:! tor a prolonged time-I0 or 15 minutes. In severe case, emergency must be called
while flu sl1ing b continuing. It is recommended not to use contact lenses in laboratory.

5) Fire - Hair or Clothing: It is the responsibility of t he closest person to bring the fire blanket to
the victi ,r; whose clothing or hair catches on fire as quickly as possible. Use th e blanket to wrap
the victim co smother the fire . After wrapp ing blanket tell the victim to -Stop, Drop and Roll.
Notify the emergency office immediately. If fire is on large scale turn burners off or main gas
va lve; unplug appliances and use the fire extinguisher. Evacuate the room immediately if fire is

6) Shock: It is a serious medical condition. Any person suffering from any severe injury (for
exa mple, major loss of blood or a bad burn) may be in a state of sh ock. A person in shock is
usuall y, faint and may also be moist skin, with cold, sweating, and a weak, rapid pulse.
Person i11 shock should not be allowed to walk alone anywhere. Pl ace the victim face up in a
horizontal position, with the feet ra ised about 1 foot above ground and loosens any tightly
fitting clothing.

7) Breathing Chemical Fumes or Smokes: To make an accident unlikely all experiments that
gives oft noxious gases or smoke should be conducted in a well-ventilated fume hood . This will
make an accident of this kind unlikely. However, if chem ical fumes or smoke are present in the
laboratory, it mu st evocated immediately meanwhile t horoughly ventilate the room before
going back to work.

8) Fainting: On fainting provide fresh air and position th e head lower tha n,t he legs. Loosen t ight
clothin g.


rinciple: (1/2 mark)
Standard solution: (1/2 mark)

Indicator: (1/2 mark)

End point: (1/2 mark)

Equation: (1/2 mark)

Procedure: (1 mark)

Observations and calculations:_Performance = Smarks (Correct B.R. = 1 mark, se t of concordant

read ings= lrna rk, molarity = 1 mark, result = 2marks)

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