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Challenges are what make life meaningful.

Without them, life is boring, dull, and

pointless. Life is beautiful but not always easy. There are problems and challenges that

we need to face. Isn't it crazy? To think that those challenges that we will face tomorrow

will be an opportunity for us to grow. It is true. Challenges can either break you or make

you. You can either allow the obstacles in your life be the excuse of your failure or be

the reason behind your success. I want you to take a look at the challenges you have

faced in the past. Did they made you stronger? Did they made you who you are today?

“Challenges build successful people in the end.” Do you know Colonel Sanders? He is

the founder of KFC. But before his success, he was broke. The bank gave him only

(30)$ to live his life. He almost gave up. But he realized that he needed to do something

with his life instead of committing suicide. He used his remaining money and made

chickens. He used his skill as an opportunity to cook fried chickens. *kwento*

Challenges are inevitable but they are not indestructible. Allowing yourself to fail and

lose is optional. When a problem comes in your life, try to turn it into an opportunity as

much as possible. But if you can’t, change your way of thinking about challenges

instead. As you know, challenges will make you stronger. No, let me rephrase that.

Challenges will make “you”. Realize that you have the capability to do anything

including overcoming your own challenges. Take a step today and focus on the bright

side because challenges that you had faced yesterday and challenges you will face

tomorrow are merely opportunities that were given to you to push you to succeed in life.

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