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Parada National Highschool

S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City

Chapter I
The Problem and It’s Background
I. Introduction

What is Bullying?

Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a

real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated,

over time. Both person who are bullied and who bully others may have serious and lasting

problems. In order to be considered bullying, the behavior must be aggressive. Bullying

behaviors happen more than once or have the potential to happen more than once. It includes

actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and

excluding someone from a group on purpose. Bullying is divided into four basic types of abuse –

emotional (sometimes called relational), verbal, physical, and cyber. Verbal bullying is saying or

writing means things. Verbal bullying includes: teasing name-calling, inappropriate sexual

comments, taunting threatening to cause harm. Social bullying, sometimes referred to as

relational bullying, involves hurting someone’s reputation or relationships. Physical bullying

involves hurting a person’s body or possessions. It includes: Hitting, kicking, pinching, spitting,

tripping, pushing, taking or breaking someone’s things making mean or rude hand gestures.

Where and When Bullying Happens?

Bullying can occur during or after school hours. While most reported bullying happens in

the school building, a significant percentage also happens in places like on the playground or

the bus. It can also happen travelling to or from school, in the youth’s neighborhood, or on the
Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City

Internet. Every time and everywhere bullying happens, some of those people doing this have

their own group and frat. They’re seeking for revenge and wanting to hurt victims.

This research aims to find out if bullying has a significant effect to the academic

performances of the Grade 10 students.

II. Statement of the problem

This research study aims to answer the following questions:

(1) Dependent demographic profile in terms of age, sex, economic status of the Grade 10


(2) What is the rate of the students who experienced/experiencing bullying?

(3) Does bullying affect the school performance of the Grade 10 students of Parada National

High School?

(3) What is the most experienced type of bullying?

(4) What type of bullying that the majority of students experienced/experiencing?

III. Hypothesis

 Bullying has no significant effect on the academic performance of the Grade 10


Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City
Chapter II
Review of the Literature
I. Literature Review

A. Local

In the Philippines, 2 out of 10 children per day experience were being made fun of, name

calling, and making the child do something he/she doesn’t want to do. Since the statistics were

quite alarming, this prompted the House of Representatives to approved a bill requiring

elementary and secondary schools to include and implement anti-bullying policies in their

students. To monitor its affectivity, the schools are obligated to submit and report incidents to

the DepEd. (Sheryl Ann Datukon, 2016)

Students across the Philippines experience bullying and discrimination in school because

of their sexual orientation and gender identity. “Just Let Us be’: Discrimination against LGBT

Students in the Philippines,” documents the range of abuses against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and

transgender(LGBT) students in secondary school. It details widespread bullying and

harassment, discriminatory policies and practices, and an absence of supportive resources that

undermine the right to education under international law and put LGBT youth at risk. (Bullit

Marquez, 2015)

The Anti-Bullying Act: Helping Schools Keep Your Child Safe Every person has the right

to be protected against violence and abuse, and your children are no exception. As parents, you

do all that you can to shelter and keep your children safe from harm. But it is only a matter of

time before these children grow, and you will no longer be able to keep a watchful eye on them

all day. Such is the case when they begin to go to school. It is for this reason that the Anti-
Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City

Bullying Act has been established by the Philippine Government. Among the biggest fear of

parents, and one of the reasons why many consider home- schooling, is that their children

might be bullied while within school premises. Sadly, such cases do occur, both in the

elementary and high school levels, and even in college. As of 2013, with the implementation of

the Anti-Bullying Act, schools have become better able to protect their students against acts of

abuse from their peers. (Patricia de Castro-Cuyugan, 2013)

In the Philippines, there had been few studies on bullying despite the obvious importance

of the subject. While there are a lot of things that can be learned from foreign researches, it

must be noted that the concept of bullying as it has been often studied in other countries is

practically a foreign social concept. It could be that the use and understanding of the word in

the country is largely consistent with the available literature. This, however, should not stop

anyone from studying bullying as conceptualized by different social groups in the country.

Honrejas (1999) investigated incidence of school bullying in 186 schools in the Philippines.

Her findings from these schools reported 2,096 cases of bullying. Forty percent occurred in the

second year level, 29 percent came from the first year level, and few cases came from different

grade levels in elementary and secondary schools with varying intensity. Additionally, she

documented on the forms of bullying mostly indulged by students. She reported that excessive

teasing, extortion (food, money and belongings), physical injuries, use of ball pen and pencils

to stab the victim is common in elementary level. Miguel-Baquilod (2004) of the Department

of Health Manila made a nationwide survey on secondary students’ health. Included in the

survey is violence among youth. It has been reported that of the students surveyed, half of them

were involved in physical fight, and second year students are significantly likely to get

Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City

involved and victimized than third year and fourth year students. One third of students were

bullied one or more times in a one-month period. About three in ten of the victims reported that

they were most often physically bullied. Boys were significantly more likely than girls to have

experienced such. A specific study on relational aggression which is otherwise related to

indirect bullying was investigated by CarvalhoFilho et al. (2004).

The Department of Education in the Philippines reported more than 1,700 cases of child

abuse or bullying in schools for the years of 2013 and 2014, although the DepEd lately said

that this number is decreasing, and that comes after they issued an order in 2012 known as

DepEd Child Protection Policy which states the policy and guidelines for the child protection

in schools against abuse, exploitation, violence, discrimination, bullying and other different

forms that might be a threat for the child. The House of Representatives in Philippine has

approved a bill that requires all the elementary and the secondary schools to adopt policies that

prevent bullying or any other kind of violence in the schools. This bill requires the schools to

include the anti-bullying policies in the school student’s and employee handbook, it should be

apparent on the wall of the schools, the classrooms and websites. The schools should then

submit to the DepEd after six months upon the effect of the law, and any incidents should be

reported immediately, and in case of absence of the policies in any school, there is a sanction

that falls on the school’s administrators. With bullying being referred to as an aggressive

behavior that is done repeatedly and might turn out to be an act of violence, that might be

verbal, physical or social, and usually the person who is responsible for these acts is doing so

because he/she

Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City

wants to show that he/she is more powerful, they want to grab the attention of the people

around them, and it does not always have to be out of revenge or hatred, sometimes they come

out of the person because they are just bored. (Safeschool, 2007)

B. Foreign

According to Yoneyama& Rigby (2006) bullying behavior has an effect on the student's

perception of the school environment. Research has shown that lesser quantities of bullying

behavior are found in schools with a positive school environment. "It was hypothesized that

judgments of classroom climate would be less positive among students who were identified as

(a) bullies, (b) victims, and (c) bully-victims than others who are not involved in bully/victim

problems”. There was three different questionnaires developed using the following measures:

(a) the school climate scale, (b) the victimization scale and (c) the bullying scale. The

questionnaires were given to 531 students attending grades eight and nine in Australia. The

subjects were taken from five different schools. Average age of the subjects was 14.1 years, for

males and 13.9 years for females. In this study, students were only allowed to participate with

their parent's permission (Yoneyama& Rigby, 2006).

In a quantitative research study, Voss and Mulligan (2000) worked together to find out if short

pupils are at risk for being bullied. There were 92 short normal teenagers who were under the

3rd percentile height at school admission. Throughout the bullying survey the study confirmed

there was no major gender or social class distinction between the groups. The majority of the

ages were around 14 years old and their height was around four to five feet. More short

students informed they were bullied at some time inmiddle school more so than the controls.

Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City

The study has revealed that shorter boys are more than twice as likely to be victims of

bullying then as for the control boys. Bullying also saddens shorter boys much more than

control boys. In many of the cases bullying had stopped, but significantly more short pupils

than controls, regardless to sex, reported current bullying (Voss & Mulligan, 2000, Subjects,

Methods, and Results section, ¶ 1).

Entenman, Murnen, & Hendricks (2005-2006) investigate how bullies and bullying

actions are showed in K-3 children's books published from 1995-2003 and how teachers can

utilize these books to inform students about bullying in their classrooms. In the study, 25 books

about bullying were selected based upon the criteria set by Jalongo (1983). A subject study was

performed on each book to identify the behavior of the bully. The behaviors were broken into

different categories: (a) physical intimidation, (b) name-calling, (c) stealing, (d) verbal

intimidation, and (e) teasing. The reviewed children's' books showed the roles of the bully, the

bystander and the importance of adult involvement when bullying takes place. Entenman,

suggests the teacher can take part in a big job by stopping the actions of the bully early on

before the behavior has the opportunity to become part of the child's everyday life. It is

significant to communicate that the victim in each of the stories used was capable of rising

above the problem and get back their self-confidence by the end of the book, with the help of

an adult (Entenman et al., 2005-2006).

Salmon and James (1998) used a quantitative methodology to examine the psychological

health issues of students being bullied. This study assessed: (a) indication of anxiety and

Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City

depression in bullied students, (b) self esteem in bullied students and students that were not

bullied; and (c) self esteem for both bullies and those who were not bullies. Four

questionnaires were anonymously completed by the 904 participants aged 12-17. Two

secondary schools were used for this study. The first school is in a low income area. The

second school is in a high social class area. Salmon and James (1998) found that boys aged 12-

13 with high anxiety and lying scores were most likely to be bullied at the low income school.

Boys aged 15-16 with low anxiety and lying scores and high depression scores were most

likely to be bullies at the high social class school. Girls ages 13-14 in the advantaged school

with low anxiety and lying scores were least likely to be bullied. Girls aged 12-13 with high

anxiety and lying scores and low depression were least likely to be bullies (Salmon and James,

1998, Subjects, Methods, and Results section, ¶ 2).

Bishop JH, Bishop M, Bishop M, Gelbwasser, Green, Peterson, Rubinstaj, and Zuckerman

(2004) explore the relationship between study behavior and academic engagement of

individual students, the norms and attitudes of close friends, and the peer culture of school.

The study is particularly interested in how the academic orientation of students and their close

friends invites or protects them from harassment (Bishop et al., 2004, p.236). A qualitative

research design was used. The participants were from eight New York State suburban high

schools. Surveys were done by 35,000 students at 134 schools and information was examined.

Interviews and respondents were matched on gender (Bishop et al., 2004). The study found

harassment and bullying are directed toward students who are rejected by their classmates.

Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City

Surveys conducted in 1998 and 1999 found that 13.1% of boys and 6.7% of girls were teased,

insulted, or made fun of almost everyday. Another 19.5% of boys and 13.3% of girls were

insulted to their face about once a week (Bishop et al., 2004, p. 237).

C. Article
Anti-Bullying Act: Helping Schools Keep Your Child Safe

By: Patricia de Castro-Cuyugan

What Constitutes Bullying?

Under this Anti Bullying Act, it states that bullying occurs when one or more of the

following occur as a result of verbal, physical or even electronic or online actions by one or a

group of students:

• A student fears possible physical or emotional harm, or damage to his or her property

• A student views the school as a hostile, unsafe environment

• A student’s rights have been violated

• Disruption of the learning process, and the security and order within the school grounds

It has been made clear that bullying, in this case, goes beyond physical harm such as

punching, pushing or kicking. It also includes verbal abuse that causes emotional or

psychological turmoil to a child, or wrongly aims to taint another student’s reputation. Cyber-

bulling is also addressed by the Anti-Bullying Act, and rightly so, as most students these days

have access to the internet and mobile devices.

The policies under the Anti-Bullying Act clearly protects students against bullying while on

Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City

school grounds and within its perimeter. It also takes effect at school functions or programs,

whether these are within the school grounds or at an outside venue. Even school buses and

carpools are covered by the Anti-Bullying Act, given that they are owned, leased by or

accredited by the school. Finally, students are also protected from acts of bullying that result

from or through technological or electronic devices owned by the school.

Other malicious acts may also be considered as protected by the Anti Bullying Act if they

cause a student to feel that he or she is unsafe in school, and in effect, affecting the students’

learning process. As for students who report cases of bullying, or are witnesses to acts of

bullying, they are also protected by this act, and any form of violence or abuse directed

towards them may also be sanctioned.

The responsibility of the school goes beyond that of a learning facility. It must also be able to

provide a safe venue for students to learn, develop and thrive. With the Anti Bullying Act in

place, parents and students alike can now feel that the school is a place where they can be

protected as well. Students, faculty, and school staff are also enjoined to do their part by

reporting any acts of bullying that they witness or hear about, whether physical or emotional.

Taking action helps make your school a safe place.

Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City

II. Definition of Terms

Anti-bullying Act – it defines the act of bullying as any severe use by one or more students of a


Cyber bullying – the use of electronic communication to bully a person.

Legislation – laws, considered collectively.

Name-calling – abusive language or insults.

Physical bullying – that hurt someone’s body or damages their possessions.

Plague – cause continual trouble or distress.

Rumors – a currently circulating story or report of doubtful truth.

Taunting threatening - is a typical way which a bully attacks their victim.

Teasing – make fun of or attempt to provoke in playful way.

Threats – a statement of an intention to inflict pain , injury , damage or other hostile action on


Verbal bullying – is described as a negative defining statement told to the victim or about the


Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City
Chapter III
Research Methodology
I. Instrumentation

We, the researchers designed an interview schedule and survey questionnaires as one of

the data collection instrument for this study. The Grade 10 students in Parada National High

school were interviewed. The interview questions were aimed at eliciting relevant

information concerning about bullying. Questions relating to methodology and perceived

problems of bullying and learning as well as possible strategies that could be adopted to

prevent this kind of violent treatment in Parada National High school were asked during the

interview schedule. The content of the instrument was based on the findings of the interview

conducted with the Grade 10 students at Parada National High school as well as on the

information from the literature review.

A set of question provided for the respondent. This set of questionnaire has 5-item degree

of judgement with choices from the scale of 4 to 1.

4= Strongly Agree

3= Agree

2= Disagree

1= Strongly Disagree

Subjects were then instructed to respond to their degree of agreement with the statements

contained in the instrument.

Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City

II. Respondents

The respondents of this study were 5 sections of grade 10 students of Parada

National High School for the demographic profiles only. The sections that is included is

the Aguinaldo that has 45 students, Marcos with 44 students, Quezon that has 47

students, Ramos with 42 students and Roxas that has 44 students. And for the other set of

survey questionnaires, we neutrally divide it and selected 15 respondents each section

which are the students who have been bullied. They are the other respondent who will

answer all the interviews and survey that this study needed. Two hundred twenty-

twocopies of the questionnaires given out were successfully, completed and returned.

III. Data Gathering Procedure

We, the researchers compiled and tabularized all the data to organize the answer

of the respondents. They had been interview and used survey questionnaires in this study.

After the survey, interviews and all necessary modifications, the questionnaires were

administered directly to the study. The presentation, analysis, and interpretation of the

data will be based on the scale ranges and perspectives by the respondents in the

interview. The result would be the basis for identifying the rate of the students who have

experienced/experiencing bullying, if this has significant effects in the academic

performance of grade 10 students, and what type of bullying that most of the students

have experienced/experiencing.

Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City
Chapter IV
Presentation Analysis/ Interpretation
This part of the study involves analysis and interpretation of the gathered data. These were

presented in tables, graphs and figures which reflect the results of the survey and interview that

has been done.

Demographic Profile of the Respondents

1.1 Age

12 1

48 42
Age 15
Age 16
Age 17
Age 18
Age 19
Age 20


Figure 1

Frequency and Percentage Distribution

Of Overall Respondents’ Age

Figure 1 depicts the frequency and percentage distribution of the overall respondents

according to their age. As seen, one hundred eighteen (118) or fifty-four percent of the

respondents were aged sixteen, forty two (42) equivalent to eighteenpercent (18%) were aged

fifteen, forty-eight (48) or twenty two percent (22%) were aged seventeen, ten (10) equivalent to
Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City

five percent (5%) were aged eighteen, two (2) equivalent to one percent (1%) were aged

nineteen, and finally, one (1) or one percent (1%) belonged to the agedtwenty one.

1.2 Gender




Figure 2

Frequency and Percentage Distribution

Of Overall Respondents’ Gender

Figure 2 illustrates the frequency and percentage distribution of the overall respondents in

terms of their gender. It can be seen through the chart that most of the respondents were male

with a total number of one hundred fourteen (114) equivalents to seventy percent (52%). On the

other hand, the female group consisted of one hundred eight (108) individuals, which was equal

to forty-eight (48%) of the respondents.

Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City

1.3 Economic Status









High Middle Low

Figure 3

Frequency and Percentage Distribution

Of Overall Respondents’ Economic Status

Figure 3 illustrates the frequency and percentage distribution of the overall respondents in

terms of their economic status. It can be seen through the chart that most of the respondents

belong to the middle class which is 65%, while the 19% belong to the group of low class. And

the 16% belong to the high class or well off family.

Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City

Table 1

No. 4 3 2 1 Total

F % F % F % F % F %

1 29 39% 22 29% 15 20% 9 12% 75 100%

2 33 44% 20 27% 19 25% 3 4% 75 100%

3 30 40% 25 33% 16 21% 4 5% 75 100%

4 28 37% 30 40% 12 19% 5 4% 75 100%

5 31 41% 25 33% 18 24% 1 2% 75 100%

6 29 39% 34 45% 10 13% 2 3% 75 100%

7 25 33% 32 43% 15 20% 3 4% 75 100%

8 22 29% 33 44% 17 23% 3 4% 75 100%

9 27 36% 38 51% 6 8% 4 5% 75 100%

10 30 40% 27 36% 13 17% 5 7% 75 100%

Table 1 shows the numerical presentation of the results of the survey together with the

number of responses of the students who already bullied, and the frequency of responses. The

percentage of the result in each statement is also given in this table.

Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City

Table 1.1

Suggestion #1: Fight them violently by pushing, kicking, punching etc.

Response Frequency Percentage Rank

Strongly Agree 9 12% 4

Agree 15 20% 3

Disagree 22 29% 2

Strongly Disagree 29 39% 1


The first table reveals that 39% of the students who have been bullied are strongly
disagreeing to fight those bullies by means of pushing, kicking, punching etc.

Table 1.2

Suggestion #2: Surround yourself with people who treat you wonderfully.

Response Frequency Percentage Rank

Strongly Agree 33 44% 1

Agree 20 27% 2

Disagree 19 25% 3

Strongly Disagree 3 4% 4


The second suggestion reveals that 44% of the students who have been bullied are
strongly agreeing to surround themselves with people who treat them wonderfully.

Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City

Table 1.3

Suggestion #3: Join a fraternity

Response Frequency Percentage Rank

Strongly Agree 4 5% 4

Agree 16 21% 3

Disagree 25 33% 2

Strongly Disagree 30 40% 1


The third question reveals that 40% of the students who have been bullied strongly
disagreed to join a fraternity.

Table 1.4

Suggestion #4: Join a youth program or youth center

Response Frequency Percentage Rank

Strongly Agree 28 37% 1

Agree 30 40% 2

Disagree 12 19% 3

Strongly Disagree 5 4% 4


The fourth suggestion reveals that 40% of the students who have been bullied are
agreeing to join a youth program or youth center.

Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City
Table 1.5

Suggestion #5: Lock yourself on your room and do not get out avoiding bullying

Response Frequency Percentage Rank

Strongly Agree 1 2% 4

Agree 18 24% 3

Disagree 25 33% 2

Strongly Disagree 31 41% 1


The fifth suggestion reveals that 41% of the students who have been bullied are strongly
disagreeing to lock themselves in a room and do not get out just to avoid bullying.

Table 1.6

Suggestion #6: Find some hobbies

Response Frequency Percentage Rank

Strongly Agree 29 39% 3

Agree 34 45% 4

Disagree 10 13% 2

Strongly Disagree 2 3% 1


The sixth suggestion reveals that 45% of the students who have been bullied are agreeing
to find some hobbies.

Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City
Table 1.7

Suggestion #7: Do not isolate yourself

Response Frequency Percentage Rank

Strongly Agree 25 33% 2

Agree 32 43% 1

Disagree 15 20% 3

Strongly Disagree 3 4% 4


The seventh suggestion reveals that 43% of students who have been bullied are agreeing
that they will not isolate themselves to surpass the bullying that they have been experienced.

Table 1.8

Suggestion #8: Be quiet and bow to those who bully you

Response Frequency Percentage Rank

Strongly Agree 3 4% 4

Agree 17 23% 3

Disagree 33 44% 1

Strongly Disagree 22 29% 2


The eighth suggestion reveals that 44% of the students who have been bullied are
disagreeing to be quiet and bow to those bullies.

Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City
Table 1.9

Suggestion #9: Strengthen your self-esteem/ self confidence

Response Frequency Percentage Rank

Strongly Agree 27 36% 2

Agree 38 51% 1

Disagree 6 8% 3

Strongly Disagree 4 5% 4


The ninth suggestion reveals that 51% of students who have been bullied are agreeing to
strengthen their self-esteem/ self-confidence.

Table 1.10

Suggestion #10: Cry in front of them

Response Frequency Percentage Rank

Strongly Agree 5 7% 4

Agree 13 17% 3

Disagree 27 36% 2

Strongly Disagree 30 40% 1


The tenth suggestion reveals that 40% of the students who have been bullied are strongly
disagreeing to cry in front of the bullies.

Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City

Interpretation of data from an actual interview

From an actual interview,75 out of 222 respondents have been experienced bullying. Out of
theserespondents, 34 (45%) experienced verbal bullying, 20 (27%) in physical bullying and 21
(28%) in social bullying when we asked the question ”What type of bullying have you
experienced?”. While in the second question “How does bullying affects you personally, 27
(36%) respondents said that bullying affects their self-esteem, 28 (37%) has been affected
emotionally and 20 (27%) has been affected mentally.And for the question “How does bullying
affects your school performance in terms of attendance and study habits?”, 35% of the
respondents’ attendance has been affected, 65% of them affects their self –confidence , while
21% were frightened to go to school and 10% said that they made this to pursue their studies
even more ad develop themselves.

Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City
Chapter V
Conclusion/ Recommendation
I. Conclusion

1. This research was conducted for the purpose of determining the effects of bullying to

the Grade 10 students’ school performances. Based on the interpretation of the data,

we can conclude that majority of the grade 10 students’ school performances has been

significantly affected by bullying therefore the null hypothesis has been rejected.

2. According to the interpreted data from the actual interview, 45% has been bullied

through verbal, which is the highest in the data, therefore we can conclude from this,

that the most experienced type of bullying is verbal bullying. It happened through

name-calling, teasing, taunting, underestimating, and threatening.

3. Furthermore, bullying has positive and negative effects on the school performances of

the students. Since they were taunted, and their skills were questioned it makes them

to work hard to develop themselves even more, that was the positive effect. While the

negative effects, they felt that they are worthless, useless, that afterwards made them

lazy to go to school. It affects their school performances in terms of attendance and

study habits.
Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City

II. Recommendation

1. School organizations can implement activities that will enhance students”

confidence and boost their self-esteem.

2. Guidance counselor must be often for every studentin case they need or ask for

consultations and counseling regarding to their situation.

3. Recreational activities can provide to the victims of bullying so they can focus on

other things.

4. We recommend our handbook entitled “Stand-up against Bullying” which serves

as a guide on how to surpass the bad experiences of bullying.

Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City






Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City

Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City

Topic: The Effects of Bullying in school performance of the Grade 10 students of Parada
National HighSchool a basis for a proposed development of “Stand-up against Bullying
Hand book”

Name (optional): Sex (optional): Grade&Sec.


Kindly read carefully each of the following suggestions and check ( / )

only one in the number under the column at the right which corresponds to the best of your
knowledge that regards to the topic.

4 Strongly Agree

3 Agree

2 Disagree

1 Strongly Disagree

Suggestions 1 2 3 4

1. Fight them violently by pushing, kicking, punching etc.

2. Surround yourself with people who treat you wonderfully.

3. Join a fraternity

4. Join a youth program or youth center

5. Lock yourself on your room and do not get out avoiding


6. Find some hobbies

7. Do not isolate yourself

8. Be quiet and bow to those who bully you

9. Strengthen your self-esteem/ self confidence

10. Cry in front of them

Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City


Topic: The Effects of Bullying in school performance of the Grade 10 students

of Parada National High School a basis for a proposed development of

“Stand-up against Bullying Hand book”

1. What type of bullying have you experienced?

2. How does bullying affect you personally?

3. How does bullying affect your school performances in terms of attendance

and study habits?

Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City

Parada National Highschool
S. De Guzman St., Parada, Valenzuela City

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