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Year Action Plan

Join a professional organization

To enhance my understanding of the field and regularly engage in conversations
with colleagues about ongoing trends, I want to join a professional organization
within my first year. I will engage in the discernment process and consult with
1 colleagues and mentors to determine which organization I want to belong to.

Create a reading list

To engage in ongoing learning post-graduation, I will create a running list of
books I would like to read. The readings could include topics surrounding
diversity, inclusion, social justice, mental health, and technology. Over time, I
will complete the readings identified on this list.

Become trained in Mental Health First Aid

To effectively respond to the trends in the field and improve my competency in
supporting students in crisis, I will become trained in Mental Health First Aid.

2 Attend a conference
For ongoing professional development, I want to attend a conference at either the
regional or national level. I will work together with my colleagues to determine
which conference would be the most beneficial to my professional development.

Serve as a volunteer for the region of my professional organization

To help give back to the profession, I want to serve as a volunteer within the
professional organization within my region. As a volunteer, I hope to connect
with colleagues and promote a positive environment within the professional

3 Write an article for a professional journal

In year three, I would like to write an article for a professional journal. By writing
this article, I hope to engage my passion areas and contribute to the field.

Submit a proposal to present at a conference

In year three, I would like to submit a proposal to present at a conference, either at
the regional or national level. By submitting a proposal, I will further develop my
professional communication skills.

Host an intern
In year three, I would like to host an intern as a professional. By hosting an intern,
I would be able to help mentor the upcoming generation of student affairs
professionals. Additionally, I would be able to further develop important skills in
mentorship and supervision.

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