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The use of flour from dehydrated artichoke leaves (Cinara scolymus L.

) to
feed animals in zootechnical production (experimental contribution)

Alberto Bonomi
Zootechnics, Food and Nutrition Institute – College of Veterinary Medicine – Parma University

The author describes the results of using flour from dehydrated artichoke leaves in feeding broilers, egg-laying hens, rabbits,
and pigs during weaning and fattening.
The subproduct, foreseen in food in amounts ranging from 4% to 10% to substitute flour from dehydrated alfalfa, has been
proven to enhance productive aptitudes of animals, allowing a significant reduction in production costs.


The research described in the title resulted from reflections derived from an analysis, perhaps rather ambitious from the point of
view of our competitors, although not less interesting, of conditions associated with our agriculture and its future scope.
We seemed to be revealing a slowly evolving phenomenon which tends to substantially modify current structures, originating
larger and more specialized production companies.
The coming years will drive us to a new situation, characterized by companies exclusively dedicated to horticulture, fruits, and
wines, together with others dedicated to cereal-zootechnical production- shepherding-zootechnical, or simply zootechnical, widely
interdependent from productive demands, organically programmed and economically valid.
In this scenario, the problem of subproducts acquires a different meaning from the one that had concerned us. In the past, using
different materials had created discussions and had frequently originated questions. These are economic and technical questions to
which economic and technical solutions have been found, although not always reciprocally harmonious.

1Journal of the Food Science Italian Society, year 18, n.5/1989

Exemplification can be extensive, but we shall limit ourselves to present a summary, mainly to expose our ideas clearly.
Consider by-products of vegetable planting, by-products of fruit production, and those of oenology and other agricultural activities, as
well as the agrarian industry. We know that technically, the problem associated with its use has been faced and solved several times,
but we also know that more satisfactory solutions can be found, taking advantage of new discoveries achieved by the science of animal
nutrition. In fact, despite these or other by-products represent thousands of tons in Italy every year, when divided among a large
number of small companies, these turn out to be unable to exploit them profitably, facing costs that do not match the profits they can
We all appreciate a situation associated with the previous issue, that can be an example: every time certain subproducts or
residues, for any given reason, mainly the size of the companies producing them, are found in considerable amounts, their use is not
only possible, but desirable, and managed according to clear economic criteria.

This is why, if in the future agriculture reaches the awaited restructuration of companies, and its specialization, the problem of
by-products can be addressed through new and interesting approaches.
It is upon this basis that we shall examine the issue of artichoke leaves. Our interest was triggered by the ever-increasing
diffusion of this vegetable in the country; during the last 20 years (49.111 acres accounted for in 1987) besides producing a
considerable amount of heads (around 4.531.000 quintales-units of 100 lbs-) an important mass of leaves has been produced, which
either fresh or ground into flour, having been previously dehydrated, can be successfully used in animal nutrition.
Fresh, it can be used to feed castrated bovine and milking cattle, free of inconveniences and fully satisfying breeders. In fact,
its composition, as shown by tests performed by Maymone and Battaglini (1) and by Galvano and Coll. (2) , renders it appetizing and
As to dehydrated artichoke leaves in feeding domestic animals, particularly monogastric ones, little is yet known. There are still
many questions to be answered, such as its influence on the health of subjects exposed to a continuous supply of the subproduct, the
dosis in different cases, the action exerted upon organoleptic and chemical-bromatological characteristics of productions, etc.
To answer such important questions, we have programmed and developed a series of research studies related to the raising of
broilers, egg-laying hens, rabbits, and pigs during weaning and fattening.
The results obtained will be described after describing the chemical-bromatological composition of the subproduct.

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Chemical-bromatological composition of artichoke leaves:

Artichoke leaves have been subjected to several chemical analyses, in order to:

1) Determine its centesimal chemical composition, using the technique suggested by the C.V.A., of A.S.P.A. (3);
2) Determine its content of macro and micro mineral elements (Ca, P, Mg, Na, K, Co, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Se) through spectrophotometry
with an atomic absorption device, except for phosphorus, for which the colormetric technique reported in A.O.A.C. (4), was used;
3) Investigate and determine the aminoacid dosis through an Aminolyzer of Carlo Erba, according to the methodology described by
Mondino (5);
4) Determine the content of betacarotene and xanthophyllous substances, using the procedure reported in A.O.A.C. (4).
At the same time, tests performed on samples of alfalfa sprouts to obtain the elements required for the comparison.
Results are shown in tables Nº 1 and 2. From the tables, one may conclude that:
1) The chemical composition of artichoke leaves, in comparison to that of alfalfa leaves, has a higher content of ashes, proteins, and
lipids, as well as a lower fiber content;
2) The content of minerals in artichoke leaves, when compared to that of alfalfa, is rich in calcium, and contains sufficient amounts of
phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, cobalt, iron, and selenium, but is low in copper and zinc;
3) Basic aminoacids contained in artichoke leaves are different from those in alfalfa, as they contain a low content of phenilalanine,
lisine, arginine, and histidine, and because they contain a larger content of treonine, cistine, metionine, valine, isoleucine, leusine,
tiroxin, and tryptophane. As to essential aminoacids, there are important differences between artichoke and alfalfa leaves.
4) Non-essential aminoacids of the proteins of artichoke leaves differ from (rest illegible) aspartic acid, serine, proline and alanine,
and for having a larger amount of glicine and glutamic acid. The most important difference between artichoke and alfalfa leaves,
concerning non-essential aminoacids, is the content of aspartic acid, proline, and glutamic acid;
5) Artichoke leaves, as compared to alfalfa leaves, contain a lower content of betacarotene and a larger content of xanthophylls. This
research study solidly confirms comparisons obtained from a previous research (6). Differences must not be overestimated. It
seems reasonable to admit that the composition of artichoke leaves varies as a result of intrinsic and extrinsic factors of the plant. In
fact, the role of the nature of the land where it grows, fertilizers, seasonal behavior, irrigation, planting variations, age of the plant,
etc. must be taken into consideration. These factors are capable of influencing, within certain limits, the chemical-bromatological
value, and mostly, the mineral content of artichoke leaves, as well as that of any other fodder production.

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Table 1 – Chemical-bromatological composition of artichoke and alfalfa leaves (average values).

Composition Artichoke Leaves Alfalfa

Water % s.s. 78,49 75,20

Ashes % s.s. 16,30 10,15
Gross protein % s.s. 19,45 18,62
Gross lipids % s.s. 4,11 3,00
Gross fiber % s.s. 12,25 22,16
Denitrogenized extracts % s.s. 47,89 46,07

Proteins % s.s. 14,54 13,96

U.F. % s.s. 83,03 64,93
U.F.L. % s.s. 81,57 73,27
U.F.C. % s.s. 75,36 64,40

Ca g/kg s.s. 28,52 16,33

P g/kg s.s. 4,60 5,00
Mg g/kg s.s. 2,05 1,80
K g/kg s.s. 12,13 11,30
Na g/kg s.s. 1,92 1,73

Cu mg/kg s.s. 4,70 10,20

Co mg/kg s.s. 0,19 0,16
Fe mg/kg s.s. 142,25 135,70
Zn mg/kg s.s. 21,63 52,13
Mn mg/kg s.s. 34,59 35,26
Se mg/kg s.s. 0,12 0,11

Betacarotene mg/kg s.s. 160,19 210,36

Xanthophylls mg/kg s.s. 439,15 362,38
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Table 2 – Aminoacid content in the protein of artichoke and alfalfa leaves
(average values)
(a) (b) (a) (b)
Aminoacids Artichoke leaf Alfalfa

Treonine 1,20 6,17 0,85 4,56

Cistine 0,56 2,88 0,32 1,72
Mationine 0,45 2,31 0,30 1,61
Valine 1,38 7,10 0,90 4,83
Isolucine 1,31 6,74 0,85 4,56
Leucine 1,45 7,46 1,02 5,48
Tiroxin 0,78 4,01 0,42 2,26
Phenilalanine 0,60 3,08 0,97 5,21
Lisine 0,65 3,34 0,98 5,26
Histidine 0,30 1,54 0,66 3,54
Arginine 0,70 3,60 0,98 5,26
Tryptophane 0,65 3,34 0,35 1,88
Aspartic acid 1,58 8,12 2,10 11,28
Serine 0,73 3,75 1,00 5,37
Glutamic acid 2,50 12,85 1,85 9,94
Proline 1,71 8,79 2,22 11,92
Glicine 1,56 8,02 1,16 6,23
Alanine 1,00 5,14 1,30 6,98
(a) in 100 of dry substance; (b) in 100 of (illegible)

Artichoke leaves in animal feeding

Our institute has researched with the purpose of proving the effects of flour from dehydrated artichoke leaves on performances
and on zooeconomic parameters.

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Table 3 - (Broiler Test) – Chemical analysis of compound integrated foods.

Periods 1º 2º
Water % 11,80 12,10
Ashes % 5,20 4,70
Gross proteins % 22,78 20,09
Gross lipids % 5,10 5,38
Gross fiber % 2,98 2,69
Denitrogenated extracts % 52,14 55,04


The experiment was performed with 3.000 one-day-old Arbor chicks, all male, and divided into groups of 1,000 chicks each,
numbered 1 to 3.
The animals were raised during 60 days, using the “ground” system, taking care that environmental conditions were the same
for all of them.
The chicks in group 1, considered the “control” group, were fed during the first period (from day 1 to day 30) and the second
period (from day 31 to day 60) with two compound integrated foods having the following composition:

-food used during the first period (per 100 kg): soybean flour 18 kg, calendula flour 3 kg, meat flour 4 kg, fish flour 4 kg, dehydrated
alfalfa flour 4 kg, corn flour 60 kg, yellow corn gluten 1 kg, beer yeast 1 kg, calcium carbonate from ground limestone 1 kg,
precipitated bicalcium phosphate bihydrate 1 kg, sodium chloride 0,5 kg, vitamin and oligomineral complex 0,5 kg, fat 2 kg;

-food used during the second period (per 100 kg): soybean flour 12 kg, calendula flour 2 kg, meat flour 5 kg, fish flour 1 kg,
dehydrated alfalfa flour 4 kg, corn flour 70 kg, yellow corn gluten 2 kg, calcium carbonate from ground limestone 0,70 kg, precipitated
bicalcium phosphate bihydrate 0,40 kg, sodium chloride 0,40 kg, vitamin and oligomineral complex 0,50 kg, fat 2kg;

Table 4 - (Broilers Test ) – Weighted growth and use of food

7Journal of the Food Science Italian Society, year 18, n.5/1989

Day 30 Day 60 Food ingested
Per kg of live weight .
Average live weight (g) Subjects Average live weight (g) Subjects
(from day 1 to day 60)
1 1.230,60±56,40 984 2.800,00±88,40 978 2,42
2 1.248,36±48,20 987 2.838,16±80,69 980 2,39
3 1.255,21±45,31 988 2.983,10±76,63 983 2,30
(P=0,05) 51,25

To feed groups 2 and 3, considered the “experimental groups”, the same foods were used, but the flour (illegible line) was
added, 2% and 4%, correspondingly, substituting the equivalent percentages of dehydrated alfalfa flour.
Table 3 shows the results of the chemical analysis of the foods of the first and second periods.
Observations during and at the end of the test included verification of individual weight increase and the intake of foods, as
well as control of the slaughter yield and the evaluation of skin color. These two last tests were performed on 50 chicks chosen at
random in each group.
Analysis of results shown in tables 4, 5, and 6, enables the following considerations:

1) Flour from dehydrated artichoke leaves, used in food for broilers in a dosis of 4% to substitute flour from dehydrated alfalfa,
determined a significant improvement of weighted development of the chicks, of around 6.5% during 60 days;
2) Besides a more rapid growth, a better utilization of food was observed: in fact, a kilogram of live weight was obtained with a
smaller amount of food, of about 5%, in comparison to the control animals;
3) The same dosis of flour from dehydrated artichoke leaves favored a skeletal yield of 1,95% and a meat yield of 4,50%, as well as
skin pigmentation (following spectrophotometry, reflection percentages to yellow and orange wavelengths were found to be
superior in around 4,50% in relation to those of the control group);
4) At a lower dosis (2%), flour from dehydrated artichoke leaves was ineffective on growth speed and utilization of food, in relation to
slaughtering yields and skin pigmentation.
5) The food being tested, in the dosis adopted, did not modify the organoleptic characteristics of meat, neither did it harm the health of
the subjects.

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Therefore, we may conclude that flour from dehydrated artichoke leaves, when used in a dosis of 4%, is capable of producing
satisfactory results as food for broilers. It allows the production of food having good trophic efficiency and may also favor the
slaughtering yield and the intensity of skin pigmentation (a characteristic widely appreciated by consumers).

Table 5 - (Broiler Test) – Results of warm slaughter.

Skeleton Meat Fat Bones Skin & Head and Legs
subcutaneous neck

Group % % % % % % % % % % %
l.w. skeleton l.w. skeleton l.w. skeleton l.w. skeleton l.w. l.w. l.w.
67,50 54,74 36,95 4,00 2,70 32,78 22,13 8,84 5,72 6,98 5,40
1 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±
0,85 0,70 0,64 0,21 0,18 0,63 0,49 0,52 0,37 0,32 0,24
67,91 54,90 37,28 3,71 2,52 33,13 22,30 8,26 5,61 7,11 5,24
2 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±
1,04 0,63 0,60 0,25 0,22 0,58 0,51 0,44 0,35 0,26 0,31
68,82 56,12 38,62 3,34 2,30 32,88 22,53 7,66 5,27 6,90 5,00
3 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±
0,96 0,71 0,53 0,26 0,17 0,70 0,62 0,61 0,41 0,28 0,27
(P=0,05) 0,72 0,90 1,00

9Journal of the Food Science Italian Society, year 18, n.5/1989

Table 5, continued
Illegible Illegible, spleen Feathers Intestine and pancreas
Group heart, lungs,
Kidneys and testes
% % % %
l.w. l.w. l.w. l.w.

2,78 3,80 7,92 3,78

1 ± ± ± ±
0,17 0,21 0,53 0,24
2,54 3,49 8,25 3,00
2 ± ± ± ±
0,20 0,25 0,47 0,19
2,40 3,70 8,00 2,90
3 ± ± ± ±
0,24 0,30 0,39 0,22


10Journal of the Food Science Italian Society, year 18, n.5/1989

Table 6 - (Broiler test) – Skin color (average reflection percentages to different wavelengths)
Values shown were obtained through spectrophotometry by means of a Unigalvan device.
Reflection values are arranged from the first to the last wavelength, as follows: violet, blue,
blue, green, yellow-green, yellow, orange, red, and red.
Groups 4.260 4.700 4.900 5.200 5.500 5.800 6.000 6.600 6.840
26,59 27,41 31,32 31,80 35,14 37,23 38,11 27,46 26,39
1 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±
1,10 1,00 1,38 1,63 1,34 1,16 1,29 1,53 1,33
26,12 27,20 31,00 31,62 35,38 37,54 38,67 27,71 26,10
2 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±
0,90 1,14 1,52 1,70 1,29 1,30 1,41 1,62 1,40
26,23 26,83 30,69 31,00 35,00 38,81 39,91 27,38 25,84
3 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ±
0,87 0,99 1,43 1,59 1,62 1,14 1,48 1,70 1,59

d.m.s. 1,06 0,95

(P= 0,05)

Egg-laying hens (egg production for consumption)

The test was performed with 1.500 five-and-a half-months–old Hubbard Golden Comet
hens having an average weight of 2.000 grams.
The animals were divided into three groups, labeled 1 to 3, of 500 hens each, gathered by
compartment in subgroups of three, and were raised during 12 months.
The hens in group 1, considered the “control group”, were fed during the experimental
period with a food having the following composition : (per 100 kg): corn flour 4,5 kg, wheat
flour 8 kg, soybean flour 9 kg, calendula flour 7 kg, meat flour 4 kg, fish flour 2 kg, dehydrated
alfalfa 4 kg, wheat bran 6 kg, yellow corn gluten 3 kg, fat 3 kg, calcium carbonate from ground
limestone 7,20 kg, precipitated bicalcic phosphatae bihydrate 0,80 kg, sodium bicarbonate 0,15
kg, sodium chloride 0,25 kg, oligomineral and vitamin complex 0,50 kg, metlonine 0,05kg, lisine
0,05 kg.
Groups 2 and 3, considered “experimental”, were fed with the same food, but adding
flour from dehydrated artichoke leaves at a rate of 2% and 4% correspondingly, to substitute the
percentages of dehydrated alfalfa flour.
Table 7 shows the results of the chemical analysis of the food.

Table 7 (Egg-laying hens test) – Chemical analysis of the integrated compound food.

Water % 12,20
Ashes % 11,93
Gross proteins % 18,15
11Journal of the Food Science Italian Society, year 18, n.5/1989
Gross lipids % 5,78
Gross fiber % 5,55
Denitrogenized extracts % 46,39

Egg-laying percentages, weight of eggs, and food intake were verified daily during the
test, and monthly, individual weighted increase, and the degree of pigmentation of egg yolks.
Results observed are summarized in tables 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. We may conclude:

1) Flour from dehydrated artichoke leaves used to feed egg-laying hens in a dosis of 4% in the
food, to substitute the corresponding percentage of dehydrated alfalfa flour, has favored egg
production. Hens thus treated showed all during the productive cycle (12 months), an average
higher egg-laying rate, in absolute values, of 3%;
2) Together with a larger production, a better utilization of the food and an enhanced
pigmentation of egg yolks was observed, equivalent to 6% and 4.5%, (in relation to the
equivalents of betacarotene per cc of yolk), when compared to the control group;
3) A lower percentage (2%) of flour from dehydrated artichoke in the composition, had neither
positive nor negative effects on egg-laying, food conversion indexes, or egg yolk
4) The subproduct in the doses foreseen did not cause variations in the weight of eggs, the
weighted growth, and was unharmful for the health of the hens.

To conclude, it seems possible to state that flour from dehydrated artichoke leaves may
represent an interesting food for food technologists and animal raisers; observations and results
of research may be helpful to set economic criteria to use the subproduct better in preparing food
portions for egg-laying hens.

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Table 8 - (Egg-laying hens test) – Percentage of egg-laying – average values.
Group 1 2 3 d.m.s
1º 50,10±1,64 50,62±1,79 50,71±1,63
2º 75,11±1,80 75,39±1,63 75,60±1,54
3º 77,30±1,91 77,00±1,96 77,88±2,10
4º 78,24±2,23 78,50±2,04 80,28±2,31 1,21
5º 78,69±2,40 79,14±2,32 80,51±2,20 1,14
6º 76,31±2,18 76,82±2,13 79,47±2,09 1,16
7º 73,16±2,26 73,56±2,31 75,82±2,00 1,19
8º 71,23±2,15 71,00±2,23 73,70±2,00 1,10
9º 66,17±2,05 66,48±1,93 69,33±1,87 1,30
10º 64,29±1,90 64,71±2,12 66,86±2,16 1,24
11º 61,73±2,20 62,25±1,98 64,34±2,10 1,22
12º 59,14±2,46 59,33±2,31 62,32±2,27 1,31

Table 9 - (Egg-laying hens test) - Average food intake for the production of a dozen eggs.

Group 1 2 3
1º 1,870 1,845 1,800
2º 2,050 2,020 2,000
3º 2,180 2,200 2,100
4º 2,300 2,228 2,170
5º 2,410 2,385 2,220
6º 2,525 2,460 2,350
7º 2,590 2,538 2,400
8º 2,670 2,624 2,500
9º 2,700 2,618 2,525
10º 2,731 2,750 2,550
11º 2,764 2,740 2,580
12º 2,820 2,796 2,645

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Table 10 - (Egg-laying hens test) – Weight of eggs – average values.
Group 1 2 3

1º 55,00±0,23 55,23±0,27 55,38±0,24

2º 55,38±0,28 55,61±0,30 56,00±0,24
3º 56,20±0,26 56,70±0,24 56,61±0,25
4º 57,33±0,21 57,12±0,24 57,00±0,18
5º 59,60±0,20 60,10±0,22 59,48±0,19
6º 62,52±0,20 62,76±0,18 62,26±0,19
7º 64,68±0,19 64,73±0,17 64,85±0,22
8º 65,02±0,21 65,24±0,23 65,38±0,24
9º 65,88±0,26 66,16±0,21 66,25±0,28
10º 66,39±0,30 66,40±0,27 66,70±0,31
11º 66,58±0,25 66,71±0,28 66,94±0,25
12º 67,10±0,25 66,94±0,26 67,23±0,23

Table 11 - ( Egg-laying hens test) – Weighted increase

1 2 3

Initial average
weight (g) 1.850,30±101,60 1.890,27±110,38 1.830,10±96,42
1º 1.910,26±118,70 1.940,32±103,26 1.898,16±104,69
2º 1.961,38±103,13 1.978,43±116,38 1.950,25±105,40
3º 2.030,18±120,11 2.000,39±113,67 2.048,62±100,56
4º 2.090,63±129,63 2.075,52±120,15 2.110,46±101,37
5º 2.158,29±119,49 2.190,38±131,18 2.200,67±114,65
6º 2.230,54±127,08 2.245,28±121,19 2.268,39±128,84
7º 2.266,62±117,33 2.273,54±138,14 2.303,71±125,29
8º 2.300,22±108,20 2.290,66±133,67 2.339,48±130,14
9º 2.370,19±127,24 2.348,59±118,11 2.390,15±132,67
10º 2.410,56±119,85 2.395,82±134,26 2.428,90±121,19
11º 2.440,29±114,76 2.470,18±130,12 2.480,86±128,63
12º 2.460,51±135,23 2.485,73±126,90 2.520,13±131,17

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Table 12 - (Egg-laying hens test) – betacarotene equivalents per cc of yolk

Group 1 2 3 d.m.s.
1º 30,71±1,19 30,50±1,23 30,80±1,12
2º 30,90±1,16 31,08±1,25 31,75±1,29
3º 31,12±1,00 31,34±1,07 32,90±1,13 1,10
4º 31,46±1,14 31,60±1,29 33,30±1,26 1,22
5º 32,58±1,30 32,61±1,24 34,45±1,32 1,00
6º 32,70±1,12 32,83±1,16 34,46±1,14 1,13
7º 32,86±1,04 32,94±1,18 34,58±1,06 1,08
8º 33,15±1,11 33,49±1,03 34,60±1,07 1,09
9º 33,26±1,21 33,78±1,19 34,91±1,24 0,91
10º 33,42±0,98 33,80±1,03 34,95±0,94 0,96
11º 34,00±0,81 34,25±0,88 35,51±0,80 1,04
12º 34,29±1,13 34,38±1,05 35,79±1,02 0,88

Meat rabbits

One hundred 30-day-old New Zealand rabbits were used for this test. They were all
males, recently weaned, and were divided into three groups of 50 rabbits each, numbered from 1
to 3.
All three groups were raised in uniform environmental conditions during 60 days.
The rabbits in group 1, considered the “control group”, received during the first period (from day
30 to day 60), and the second period (from day 61 to day 90), two types of food, having the
following composition:
- food during the first period (per 100 kg) soybean flour 10 kg, calendula flour 5 kg, meat flour 3
kg, powdered skim milk 4 kg, corn flour 27 kg, barley flour 15 kg, dehydrated alfalfa flour 10 kg,
wheat bran 15 kg, rice flour 5 kg, molasses 3 kg, calcium carbonate from ground limestone 1 kg,
precipitated bicalcic phosphate bihydrate 1 kg, sodium chloride 0,5 kg, oligomineral and vitamin
complex 0,5 kg;

- food during the second period (per 100 kg) soybean flour 8 kg, calendula flour 5 kg, meat flour
2 kg, powdered skim milk 2 kg, corn flour 37 kg, barley flour 15 kg, dehydrated alfalfa flour 10
kg, wheat bran 10 kg, rice flour 5 kg, molasses 3 kg, calcium carbonate from ground limestone 1
kg, precipitated bicalcic phosphate bihydrate 1 kg, sodium chloride 0,5 kg, oligomineral and
vitamin complex 0,5 kg.

The food supply of groups 2 and 3, considered the “experimental groups”, was basically
the same as the above, adding flour from dehydrated artichoke leaves in amounts of 5% to 10%,
correspondingly, to substitute the percentages of dehydrated alfalfa.
Table 13 shows the results of the chemical analysis of foods during the first and second
15Journal of the Food Science Italian Society, year 18, n.5/1989
During and after the test, individual weighted increase, food intake, and slaughter yield,
were controlled.
The mentioned observations are shown in tables 14 and 15. Analysis of these tables leads
to the following conclusions:

1) Flour from dehydrated artichoke leaves, used in doses of 5% to 10% in foods substituting an
equal amount of dehydrated alfalfa flour, favored the growth speed of rabbits, with better
effectiveness at higher doses. After 60 days, these rabbits exceeded the control group in terms
of measurable weight differences of 4% to 7%, correspondingly;
2) Parallel to a greater growth speed, a better utilization of food was observed. By the end of the
cycle, differences between conversion indexes recorded for experimental and control groups
varied from 3% to 5%.
3) The same doses of flour from dehydrated artichoke leaves favored skeletal yield (2,5% and
4,5%, correspondingly), in loin meat (7% and 10%, correspondingly) and in overall meat (4%
and 7%, correspondingly). Additionally, regarding slaughter yield, results were better when
using the subproduct in a dosis of 10% of the food;
4) During the experiment, the animals showed no signs of illness or disturbances associated with
their diet. Mortality rate was modest, with values between 4% and 6%.

Therefore, according to results obtained and research carried out, it seems safe to conclude
that flour from dehydrated artichoke leaves, in doses of 5% to 10%, may improve the efficiency
of foods intended for rabbits, and to favor quantitative characteristics of meat.

Table 13 – (Rabbit test) – Chemical analysis of integrated compound food.

Period 1º 2º
Water % 11,90 12,10
Ashes % 7,24 7,00
Gross proteins % 18,20 16,10
Gross lipids % 3,30 3,60
Gross fiber % 10,41 9,66
Denitrogenized extracts % 48,95 51,54

Table 14 - (Rabbit test) – Weighted growth and food use.

Initial Average Average Average Average Food
live weight live weight live weight live weight live weight ingested

(day 30) (g) (day 45) (g) (day 60) (g) (day 75) (g) (day 90) (g) per
kg of lv
(from day
30 to day 90

16Journal of the Food Science Italian Society, year 18, n.5/1989

1 685,38±35,12 1.160,37±40,32 1.630,29±48,16 2.150,23±58,90 2.671,36±70,12 3,610
2 698,52±31,63 1.152,23±36,30 1.658,32±43,40 2.187,41±54,38 2.780,12±65,36 3,500
3 692,63±38,82 1.194,93±38,93 1.687,49±46,92 2.241,38±60,15 2.860,49±72,33 3,430
(P=0,05) 70,42 95,28

Table 15 - (Rabbit test) – Results of warm slaughter

Groups Skeleton Foreparts Rear parts Lumbar Meat Fat

% l.w. % l.w. % l.w. % l.w. % l.w. % l.w.

1 50,38±1,28 14,86±0,63 18,70±0,38 12,97±0,42 34,50±0,73 2,90±0,16
2 51,90±1,17 15,12±0,52 19,59±0,43 13,88±0,56 35,90±0,81 2,75±0,18
3 52,95±1,15 15,23±0,49 20,13±0,29 14,30±0,50 36,92±0,76 2,63±0,18
(P=0,05) 0,92 0,48 0,36 0,77

Head Skin Legs & Liver Spleen, Full

Intestine tail heart, stomach Full
neck lungs,
% l.w. % l.w.. % l.w. % l.w. % l.w. % l.w. % l.w.
9,36±0,32 12,10±0,38 3,25±0,15 2,81±0,10 2,69±0,16 4,08±0,19 13,34±0,53
9,00±0,36 11,68±0,46 3,00±0,12 3,26±0,11 2,58±0,18 3,78±0,21 13,10±0,48
8,78±0,29 11,20±0,41 2,80±0,13 3,31±0,14 2,23±0,13 3,51±0,17 13,42±0,44

17Journal of the Food Science Italian Society, year 18, n.5/1989

Pigs in weaning phase

The test was carried out with 15 litters –a total of 147 Large White piglets, 3 weeks old
and weighing an average of 5 kg., divided into three groups of 5 litters each, numbered from 1 to
They were raised under known techniques and uniform environmental conditions for all
groups, during 63 days.
The piglets in group 1, considered the “control group”, were fed during the first period
(from week 4 to week 8) and the second period (from week 9 to week 12) with foods having the
following composition:

- food during the first period (per 100 kg): (1) 13 kg, corn flakes 17 kg, coatless oat flakes 5 kg,
corn flour 7 kg, dehydrated alfalfa flour 4 kg, soybean flour 17 kg, (illegible) 4,50 kg, powdered
skim milk 10 kg, powdered milk serum 5 kg, fat 5kg, dextrose 4kg, young wheat bran 4 kg, yeast
1 kg, calcium carbonate from ground limestone 0,77 kg, precipitated bicalcic phosphate 0,80 kg,
sodium chloride 0,35 kg, carbadox 0,05 kg, fragrances 0,03 kg, lignosulfites 1kg, oligomineral
and vitamin complex (4) 0,50 kg;

- food during the second period (per 100 kg): (1) 5 kg, corn flakes 14 kg, coatless oat flakes 5 kg,
corn flour 20 kg, (6) 7 kg, dehydrated alfalfa flour 4 kg, soybean flour 15 kg, anchovy flour 3,50
kg, powdered skim milk 8 kg, powdered milk serum 3,50 kg, fat 3,50 kg, dextrose 3 kg, young
wheat bran 4 kg, yeast 1 kg, calcium carbonate from ground limestone 0,77 kg, precipitated
bicalcic phosphate bihydrate 0,80 kg, sodium chloride 0,35 kg, carbadox 0,05 kg, fragrances 0,03
kg, lignosulfites 1kg, oligomineral and vitamin complex (4) 0,50 kg.
Groups 2 and 3, considered “experimental”, were equally fed, only adding flour from
dehydrated artichoke leaves in a proportion of 2% to 4% correspondingly, to substitute the
equivalent percentages of dehydrated alfalfa flour.

Table 16 – (Piglet test during weaning phase) – Chemical analysis of integrated compound
Period 1º 2º
Water % 11,58 12,02
Ashes % 6,17 5,69
Gross proteins % 19,55 18,13
Gross lipids % 6,60 6,10
Gross fiber % 2,59 3,08
Denitrogenized extracts % 53,51 54,98

Table 16 shows the results of the chemical analysis of foods during the first and second
Food in pellets was given ad libitum, using hopper-shaped feeders.
Food ingestion was verified daily during the test, and weighted increase was verified
weekly, weighing the animals individually, at the same time of the morning.

18Journal of the Food Science Italian Society, year 18, n.5/1989

Table 17 – (Piglet test during weaning phase)
Group 1 2 3

Subjects n. 50 48 50
Initial live weight kg. 4,92 5,10 5,04
Final live weight kg. 32,74 33,13 34,90
Duration d. 63 63 63
Daily increase kg 0,442 0,445 0,474
Index 2,170 2,150 2,080

The analysis of results shown in table 17 leads to the following conclusions :

1) Flour from dehydrated artichoke leaves, used in a dosis of 4% of food, to substitute
dehydrated alfalfa flour, has favored the weighted development of piglets. Towards the end of
the weaning phase, piglets thus fed, in comparison to the control group, showed a larger
average daily growth of up to 6.5%;
2) Besides, also in the same dosis, the subproduct rendered a better yield in meat. The difference
between the converesion index recorded for the experimental group and the control group,
was of 4%;
3) Adding a lower dosis (2%) of flour from dehydrated artichoke leaves to food, did not
influence, either positively or negatively, the productive aptitudes of the animals;
4) The health of the piglets of the different groups was good during the raising period. Mortality
rate was low, between 2% and 4%.
Experimentation has confirmed satisfactory use of flour from dehydrated artichoke leaves to
feed piglets during the weaning phase.
As to the dosis of the subproduct, we suggest an amount of 4% of the food, but there are no
valid reasons to believe that higher percentages would be recommendable; the measure we have
adopted considers, essentially, practical conditions for its use and the different limits that
influence the formulation of food for the piglets.

Fresh meat-producing pigs

Ninety Large White pigs, half of them castrated males, and half of them females, of an
average live weight of approximately 27 kg, were used in this study, divided into three groups of
thirty pigs each, numbered from 1 to 3. They were raised in adjacent pens until reaching a
slaughter weight of 110 kg. The raising cycle was subdivided into two periods: beginning in 27
to 60 kg of live weight, and ending in 60 kg live weight and over.
The subjects in group 1, considered the “control group”, were fed, during the first and
second periods, with two integrated compound foods, which had the following composition,

- food during the first period (per 100 kg): soybean flour 7 kg, calendula flour 3 kg, meat flour 4
kg, fish flour 4 kg, dehydrated alfalfa flour 6 kg, carrubo flour 3 kg, corn flour 30 kg, barley
19Journal of the Food Science Italian Society, year 18, n.5/1989
flour 17 kg, wheat bran 13 kg, corn semola 5 kg, molasses 3,50 kg, linen bread 1 kg, yeast 1 kg,
calcium carbonate from ground limestone 0,80 kg, precipitated bicalcic phosphate bihydrate 0,90
kg, sodium chloride 0,30 kg, oligomineral and vitamin complex (5) 0,50 kg;

- food during the second period (per 100 kg): soybean flour 5 kg, calendula flour 3 kg, meat flour
4 kg, fish flour 2 kg, dehydrated alfalfa flour 6 kg, carrubo flour 3kg, corn flour 40 kg, barley
flour 17 kg, wheat bran 8 kg, corn semola 4 kg, molasses 3,50 kg, linen bread 1 kg, yeast 1 kg,
calcium carbonate from ground limestone 0,70 kg, precipitated bicalcic phosphate bihydrate 1 kg,
sodium chloride 0,30 kg, oligomineral and vitamin complex (5) 0,50 kg.
Groups 2 and 3 were fed on the same food, just adding the flour from dehydrated artichoke
leaves in dosis of 3% to 6% to substitute an equal percentage of dehydrated alfalfa flour.

Table 18 – (Test of pigs during fattening phase) – Chemical analysis of integrated

compound foods
Period 1º 2º

Water % 12,29 12,38

Ashes % 5,48 5,22
Gross proteins % 18,73 16,91
Gross lipids % 3,40 3,22
Gross fibers % 4,31 4,13
Denitrogenized extracts % 55,79 58,14

Table 18 shows the results of the chemical analysis of foods used during the first and
second periods.
Food was offered to pigs as a liquid, respecting a ratio of 3:1 of water to food. Food
portions were given twice a day on a fixed schedule.
Individual weighted increase, food ingestion, slaughter yield, and skeletal evaluation were
verified during and at the end of the test.

Table 19 – (Test of pigs during fattening)

Groups 1 2 3
Subjects n. 30 30 30
Live initial weight kg. 26,79 26,91 27,13
Live final weight kg. 106,38 107,00 112,21
Duration d. 120 120 120
Daily increase kg. 0,663 0,667 0,709
Index 3,455 3,420 3,300

20Journal of the Food Science Italian Society, year 18, n.5/1989

Table 20 – (Test of pigs during fattening)
Groups 1 2 3 d.m.s.

Slaughter live weight kg. 112,80±2,25 113,15±2,38 113,22±2,46

- kg 85,96±1,88 86,65±1,96 90,18±1,74 1,08
- % l.w. 76,21±1,70 76,58±1,85 79,65±1,62 1,17
Leg ham
- kg 22,85±1,63 23,31±1,68 25,25±1,54 1,00
- % skeleton 26,58±1,50 26,90±1,38 28,00±1,65 0,83
Loin ham
- kg 10,32±1,42 10,68±1,35 11,45±1,22 0,70
- % skeleton 12,00±1,26 12,32±1,38 12,70±1,29 0,58
- kg 10,64±1,00 11,17±1,10 11,72±1,19 0,80
- % skeleton 12,38±1,21 12,89±1,04 13,00±1,16 0,55
Fatty cuts (fat, bacon,
throat, cheek)
- kg 32,47±1,23 32,32±1,31 33,28±1,28
- % skeleton 37,78±1,12 37,30±1,08 36,90±1,17
- kg 2,15±0,31 2,00±0,38 1,67±0,28
- % skeleton 2,50±0,26 2,31±0,30 1,85±0,31
Other cuts (head, illegible,
- kg 5,85±0,40 5,37±0,48 5,33±0,36
- % skeleton 6,80±0,34 6,20±0,39 5,91±0,42
- kg 41,52±1,50 42,30±1,36 48,75±1,28 1,39
- % skeleton 48,30±1,61 48,82±1,49 50,73±1,56 1,10
- kg 31,63±1,20 31,28±1,26 31,56±1,32
- % skeleton 36,80±1,31 36,10±1,19 35,00±1,24 0,52
- kg 11,52±1,35 11,44±1,11 11,36±1,23
- % skeleton 13,40±1,28 13,20±1,39 12,60±1,34

Average fat thickness

- cm 3,10±0,03 2,97±0,05 2,80±0,03 0,15

21Journal of the Food Science Italian Society, year 18, n.5/1989

Tables Nº 19 and 20 show the results obtained from these tests. Analysis of the tables enable
us to conclude that:
1) Flour from dehydrated artichoke leaves, used in a dosis of 6% in food to substitute a
corresponding percentage of dehydrated alfalfa flour, favored the productive aptitudes of pigs.
By the end of the cycle, pigs thus fed showed a larger daily average increase of 5,5%, and at
the same time, a food conversion index lower than 4.5%.
2) The slaughter yield evidenced the effect of the subproduct. When comparing experimental and
control animals, the first showed a skeletal yield of over 4.5% and a meat yield of over 5%;
3) When a dosis of 3% was used, the subproduct showed a weaker or almost inexistent effect on
the productive aptitudes of the animals.
4) The dosis of flour from dehydrated artichoke leaves used showed neither positive nor negative
effects on the health of the animals.
Experimentally, flour from dehydrated artichoke leaves is capable of producing positive
results in raising light pigs. It stimulates growth speed and improves meat yield in relation to the
Regarding amounts of subproduct, based on our observations, we recommend an amount of
6% of the food.


We have presented the results of research carried out in our Institute with the purpose of
studying the possibility of using flour from dehydrated artichoke leaves to feed zootechnically
interesting animals, particularly broilers, egg-laying hens, rabbits, and pigs during weaning and
fattening phases.
All studies, performed at entrepreneurial level, allow us to conclude that:
1) Flour from dehydrated artichoke leaves has a positive effect on weighted development (6.5%),
on food utilization (5%), on skeletal yield (1.95%), on meat yield (4.5%), and on skin
2) Flour from dehydrated artichoke leaves, used in food for egg-laying hens in a dosis of 4% to
substitute dehydrated alfalfa flour, can stimulate egg-laying (3%) and favor egg yolk
pigmentation (4%).
3) Flour from dehydrated artichoke leaves used in rabbit food in dosis of 5% to 10%, to
substitute equal percentages of dehydrated alfalfa flour, improves growth speed (4% and 7%,
correspondingly) and food utilization (3% and 5%, correspondingly), as well as skeletal yield
(2.5% and 4.5%, correspondingly), in loin (7% and 10%, correspondingly), and in meat (4%
and 7%, correspondingly);
4) Flour from dehydrated artichoke leaves, in a dosis of 4% to substitute dehydrated alfalfa flour,
used in piglets being weaned, favors growth speed (6.5%) and the food conversion index
5) Flour from dehydrated artichoke leaves, as part of the food for fresh meat producing pigs, in a
dosis of 6% to substitute dehydrated alfalfa flour, positively influences weighted growth
(5.5%), the food conversion index (4.5), skeletal yield (4.5%) and meat yield (5%).
Based on results and to answer the questions posed in the introduction, we may confidently state
that using flour from dehydrated artichoke leaves allows the production of food for chickens,
22Journal of the Food Science Italian Society, year 18, n.5/1989
rabbits, and pigs, characterized by trophic efficiency, appeal, and proper tolerance, also
unharmful to health and to animal productivity. The subproduct can be included in animal food
in amounts equal to those of dehydrated alfalfa, over which it shows important advantages.
Finally, we would like to remind that the research plan, its development, and the conclusions
of the experimental work, were carried out under the methodological strictness required by
scientific research. However, and perhaps for this reason, results not only allow practical
interpretation, but the methods themselves may ideally be transferred to actual production
situations. We do not wish to generalize and support the idea that the advantages obtained from
using flour from dehydrated artichoke leaves are absolutely repeatable in all cases, but we have
no doubt that both the food technician and the expert breeder can benefit from this food in all
circumstances allowed by the company’s productive criterion.
Positive aspects will be shown in the reduction of production costs.

The author thanks Professor Felice D’Introno for his cooperation during the programming of

23Journal of the Food Science Italian Society, year 18, n.5/1989

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