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Throughout this project readers will see how technology can impact
and influence simple common life. During the conduction of this
project there were many technology devices that were explored. The
focus of this project was to observe how technology helps people’s
health habits.


My subject for this project was health, I chose this topic because it is
a priority that people should keep in check. Usually when people
think about technology they do not think about health. I wanted to
explore how technology can impact people’s health habits.


For the artificial intelligence application, I explored Amazon Alexa
devices at Best Buy. The reason I chose this technology device was
because many people have this device in their homes. It is very
interesting how such a small device can research and obtain
information in a quick second.

1. People using Amazon Alexa devices can ask questions

regarding human anatomy and learn more about their health.
Alexa also helps keep track, if so desired, of the number of
steps a person has taken in a day. Also, this technological
device can search quick and easy healthy recipes for healthier
meal ideas. People can use this technology for their advantage
only if they use it wisely and smart. Along with research
abilities Alexa offers, it can also help make the simple chores
easier. For example, this device can pair up with other
technological devices that have AI and control certain
activities. Like a smart technological refrigerator, a person can
just ask Alexa to order groceries using the refrigerator.

2. Though technology can help facilitate easier access to many

applications. Technology has many flaws, whether that is
through glitches or simple mistakes. There are always many
risks when using artificial intelligence devices. These devices
tend to record and memorize certain information of the
owners. They are programmed to study and know the likes and
dislikes of the people using the device. This can be an issue to
many since it can be a form of privacy invasion. To solve this
technological flaw, engineers would have to design a form for
smart tools not being able to track and study human trends.

3. This smart appliance can be used for both bad and good
purposes. As a matter of fact, any form of technology has that
power. But more specifically the Amazon Alexa tool can be
used to track and research activities that a person allows it too.
In more depth, it can help people keep track of persons health
lifestyles. However, people can use it to do bad and these
devices tend to make people lazier. These devices are designed
to make life easier. However, as a tendency in humanity, that
usually translates to “how can this device make me do less
work?”. Technology is often misused; it’s supposed to help

people work efficiently. But often it produces laziness and
procrastination among people.


When exploring Extended Reality (XR) I was able to get a more

understanding of what XR was. Extended Reality is much more than
a specific device. It includes many devices, like virtual reality,
augmented reality, and mixed reality. I chose to experiment with a
virtual reality device called Oculus. Its main purpose is for gaming
and viewing. The reason I choose this device was because it seemed
interesting and it can also have a positive effecting to the human

1. This device can absolutely change the mind or influence the

way people lead their health habits. The technological device
fully involves people to get up and move around, whether its
for gaming or other entertaining purposes. Many people live
busy lives and never have time to enjoy themselves and relax.
This type of technology often provides this form of outlet.
Stress is something that as a society we all face, it is important
that people find different ways to distract themselves from
their everyday responsibilities. It is very interesting how this
piece of device has different built in tools that enhance the
experience into a more realistic setting. Although it will
motivate and help people maintain a healthy mental life, it
does not teach people anything.

2. Some shortfalls that this piece of technology has is that it can

be a hazard to people using it. This device requires people to
place an eye gear and hold two remote controls. It can cause
damage to the person using it or those around them. Although
there are no technologic advancements that engineers can do

about this. It is highly critical that there be warnings about the
dangers that are caused when using such devices. It is also a
good idea that when using this type of technology, people
cautiously use it with a friend or family to ensure safety.

3. With this device it is very hard to be utilized for a bad action.

Its sole purpose is to entertain and bring relaxation. However,
technology can also become addictive like any other device
that entertains. For example, television and cellular devices are
used for different purposes, to entertain, inform, and
communicate. But people tend to forget these purposes and
get easily distracted. If this occurs, then it is oneself that is
causing their own damage. It is important to have self-control
over technological devices. That is the only concern that is
presented when obtaining virtual reality appliances.


For this technology area, I explored with a security system called
Nest. This system uses different devices that help protect the homes
of citizens. I chose to explore this device because it amazed me how
a small appliance can protect and keep a house secured through an
app. I was able to experiment and learn the different benefits that
come with having Internet of Things (IOT) installed in a home.

1. Although it was very interesting to learn about this area of

technology, I was unable to find a connection to my topic of
interest. Nest was designed to secure the homes of citizens
and has no benefits in the health life of people. It is highly
important that people have that piece of mind when it comes
to their homes. This does not necessarily motivate or help

people to lead healthy lifestyles. Nest is simply another
technology appliance that was engineered to make the lives of
people easier and provide security. Yet, this can provide
comfort to many and encourage them to go out and exercise
because they know that their homes are secured.

2. Like all technology, there is a chance to have smart devices

hacked and broken into. There is always a high risk when it
comes to installing technological security. That is the biggest
shortfall when it comes to the IOT tools used across the U.S.
There are different tactics that engineers can do to transform
these devices are utilized. It is essential that security systems
such as Nest, have a group assistance of people to help when
some malfunction occurs within the system. Like mentioned
before there is not a strong connection between the device
explored and the topic of this project. Yet, it important that the
security of people is the priority of any technology driven

3. Nest is a security company that designs and manufactures

advanced security technology. Suck as video doorbells, locks,
alarm systems, and outdoor cameras. The purpose of this
company is to do good and bring a sense of security to the
lives of Americans. There appears to be nothing but good that
this appliance can offer to the public. It is difficult for anyone
to use this technology for a bad deed. However, this does not
impede people to try and use it for a bad cause. There were
many things that were designed to protect but used to harm
others in society. It is essential that as a community, people
seek and redefine the purpose for any security tool.


In conclusion, this project focused on how different technology areas

can impact health habits in peoples lives. The different technology
areas that were explored were artificial intelligence, extended reality,
and internet of things. Within these categories I explored
technological devices that applied to each category and found a
connection to my subject. The three devices that I was able to
explore were Amazon Alexa, Oculus, and Nest. Out of the three
appliances that I explored I was only able to connect two of them to
my subject. I decided to choose a subject that does not necessarily
correlate with technology. I wanted to investigate and challenge
myself to see how technology branched out to different areas of life.
For most of the appliances that were discussed in this project, it was
discovered that they all have positive impacts on human health
habits. Yet like most things that are designed to do good, people find
a way to bring harm upon people. There are cautions that people
must realize when using such devices to improve health habits into
their lives. In sum, theses devices can help people lead healthy
lifestyles if they are used correctly.


My experience when exploring these technology devices were very

enjoyable. I was able to learn more about each technology area and
view the benefits that theses devices provide to consumers.
Personally, I am not a fan of new technology advancements;
however, when experimenting with these tools I wanted to keep an
open mind and see how they would benefit people. I was able to
explore the idea of using advanced technology within my life. Yet I
am still cautious and have more research to do before feeling fully
comfortable with placing full trust in advanced technology.

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