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Instruction: Create a web page to share about 3 days of your life.

1. Create a folder titled journal-yourlastname. Create a folder inside the said

folder titled images. Start with the basic code and structure of an html web
page. Change the title to read My Journal. Save this file in the newspaper
folder as index.html.

2. Change the background of your page with an image or just put a color.

3. At the top of the page put a Heading in the largest style that reads Your Name
Journal… The header's color and its container's background color should be
changed from the default color.

4. Create a navigation bar right at the bottom of the Heading. The navigation
bar should contain the three (3) links [Day 1 Day 2 Day 3], each leading
to the section of the journal entry.

5. Each journal entry should be inside a <section> element. Each section should
have a different color or background image than the others.

6. An entry should start with a title of the day (you can be creative as you want
with the title) using the <h3> tag. And then below the title, put the date of
the entry using the <h5> tag. Change the color and background color of the
title of the day.

7. For each entry, after the title of the day, right at the bottom of it, create
another division that will contain the content of the entry. Set its display
property to flex and then create 4 columns with equal widths. You have the
freedom to set the height of the columns to any value that you want as long
as it is not less than 600px. Do this for each content. Set the left and right
margin of each column to not less than 3px.

8. Inside the content of each entry, insert image/s anywhere you want. The
image should be related to the content of your journal entry. The width of
the image should be similar with the column. The height can vary. (Make sure
the widths of the 4 columns are maintained upon insertion)

9. For the content of each journal entry, you have the freedom to set the font-
family or style of the texts to any font style you like as long as the size should
be smaller than the title. You can also change the color of the texts if you
want. Language to be used can be vernacular, Filipino, or English or a
combination of two or three as long as it is understandable. Avoid the use of
bad and censored words (there will be deductions).

10. At the bottom of the page, include Created by YOUR NAME and the Date
you've finished below it.

Note: The content of the journal including the image(s) should occupy the 4 columns.

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