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Exam Time Zones 2A Unit 1-3

Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

a. piano
b. comic books
c. volleyball
d. TV
e. karate
____ 1. Bob likes to collect _____. He reads them every day.
____ 2. I do _____ with my friends. We all love martial arts.
____ 3. Anna loves music. She likes to play the _____.
____ 4. Mario likes to watch _____.

Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

Read the letter. Then answer T for true or F for false.

Dear Ali,
People have a very unusual holiday here in the United States. Every year on October 31,
children enjoy a holiday called Halloween. On Halloween night, they put on masks and
costumes and visit other people’s houses. Some children put on animal costumes which
have long hair and sharp teeth. Others look very scary with big eyes and long noses. When
people open the door, the children say the words, “Trick or treat.” Then the person gives
them treats such as chocolates and candies. The children usually collect a lot of treats
before they go home at the end of the evening.

____ 5. Children visit their teachers on Halloween night.

Read the encyclopedia article. Then answer T for true or F for false.
Charles Frederick Worth was the world’s first high fashion designer. He was from England,
but he designed his clothes in Paris. Before Worth, people who made clothes didn’t put
their names on them. Also, they didn’t get much money for making beautiful clothes. But
Worth changed everything. He started a company with some fashion designers. Worth’s
clothes were very expensive. The designers would draw pictures of many beautiful dresses.
Female customers chose the dress designs they liked, and the company would make dresses
that fit their bodies. In the 1900s, other people in England and the United States started the
same kind of companies. These companies are called fashion houses, and one of the most
famous ones today is Chanel.

____ 6. Worth’s dresses cost a lot.

____ 7. Women liked Worth’s dresses because they were specially designed for them.

____ 8. The purpose of the article is to tell about the beginning of fashion design.

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

Choose the correct word to complete each question.

____ 9. Q: _____ martial arts do you practice?

A: I do karate.
a. What
b. How often
c. When
____ 10. Q: _____ does Rita collect?
A: She collects comic books.
a. What
b. How often
c. When
____ 11. Q: _____ do you play tennis?
A: I play twice a week.
a. What
b. How often
c. When

Choose the correct word to complete each sentence or question.

____ 12. They _____ brown hair.

a. wear
b. have
c. are
Complete each statement.

Complete the questions and answers.

13. Q: What do you like to do after school?

A: ____________________ play volleyball.

14. Q: ____________________ karate?

A: They do karate after school on Friday.

Read the article. Then answer the questions.

The martial art called karate comes from Japan. It is hundreds of years old. The word ‘kara’
means ‘open’ or ‘empty,’ and the word ‘te’ means ‘hand.’ So karate means fighting with
open hands. Like most martial arts students, karate students wear white clothes. Color is
important in karate. Students get different color belts as they learn more about the practice
of karate. New students have white belts and teachers usually have black belts. It takes a
few years of training to get a black belt. But it also depends on the student’s age, karate
style, and how often he or she trains.

15. Karate students wear different color _______________.

Complete each sentence with the correct form of a verb from the box.

be do have wear

16. My sister __________ glasses.

Short Answer
Use the words to write statements or questions.

17. ? / play / often / video games / how / you / do


18. . / play / day / I / every / guitar / the


19. ? / on / weekends / what / like / you / do / do / to


Use the words to write statements.

20. . / store / her / recently / I / the / saw / at


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