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Page No
Sl. No Chapter No Particulars





2 Chapter No.2 EARTHWORK

3 Chapter No.3 MORTAR


5 Chapter No.5

7 Chapter No.7 WOOD WORK

8 Chapter No.8 FLOORING



11 Chapter No.11 WELL WORKS


13 Chapter No.13 BORE WELL


15 Chapter No.15 MISCLLENEOUS

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5.16 923.00 919.00 - -
5.17.1 1124.00 1111.00 - -
5.17.2 1504.00 1481.00 1504.00 1341.00
5.17.3 1694.00 1667.00 - -
5.17.4 2067.00 2031.00 - -
7.04 - - 5987.00 5680.00
7.11 4387.66 4321.00 4466.00 4052.00
7.13 3927.00 3872.00 3993.00 3647.00
7.15 4128.00 4076.00 4190.00 3863.00
8.12.3 1340.00 1328.00 1344.00 1269.00
8.12.4 1340.00 1328.00 1344.00 1269.00
8.19 1034.00 958.00 1034.00 955.00
8.20 971.00 894.00 974.00 893.00
8.21 7185.00 7147.00 7186.00 7167.00
8.22.1 2731.00 2693.00 2735.00 2294.00
8.22.2 2400.00 2637.00 2404.00 2247.00
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10. Project Director, e-governance Department, e-procurement Cell, No-141, M.S. Building Bengaluru.


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1 The specification drawn in this SR for Water Supply and allied works based on the recent
publication of IS codes.

2 The schedule of rates book along with detailed specifications furnished in the form of soft
copy, constitute complete SR

3 The material component rates indicated in the SR are the bare rates. (excluding GST but
inclusive of all other charges.)

The prevailing Market Rates of cement, steel and will be assessed and the bare rates as
approved by the Superintending Engineer PWD circle Kalaburgi and Ballari Shall be

4 GST of 12% shall be added separately in the estimate as per Govt. Letter No.
PW D/65/RDF/2017- dtd. 11-10-2018.

5   The increase in GST shall not be paid in the extended period of contract for which the
contractor alone is responsible for delay as determined by the authority while granting the
extension of time.
6   In the Tender Notification, a separate clause mentioning “ GST shall be paid to the
Tendered Amount Separately” is to be published.

7 For ensuring quality aspects of the materials used by the contractors such as cement, steel,
bitumen, pipes, pumping machineries etc., it necessary that the contractor shall furnish the
approved quality control tests certificates for these materials including the finished items.
Department will have the right to get these materials tested at the cost of contractor.

8 Reinforcement shall be measured in length including hooks. The laps and wastages shall
not be measured and paid. Couplings, welded joints, spacer bars, annealed steel wire used
for binding shall not be measured as the cost of these items are deemed to have been
included in the rates.

9 All the pipes, valves and specials shall conform to relevant BIS specification.

10 The volume of reinforcement in RCC works need not be deducted from the measurement
of concrete quantity.

11 The use of filtered sand is totally banned in all items of civil works.

12 The rates for finished item of works indicated in the schedule of rates are inclusive of all
lead, lift, loading and unloading charges irrespective of mode/ type of lead involved. Extra
lead, lift, loading and unloading charges shall not be admissible.

13 If the rates for certain items of works are not found in this SR then such items shall be
obtained from SR of any other GOVT. SR.
14 For items not found in any of the SR data rates shall be prepared and got approved from
competent authority.

15 RMC: while using RMC, taking out the samples at work site is mandatory for conducting
necessary tests. It is the responsibility of the contractor to assure and ensure quality of
RMC at the work spot as per design mix for which Executive Engineer shall obtain
necessary test certificates as per IS standards.
16 The Design Mix shall be got certified from the competent authority by the user /

Superintending Engineer
Rural Drinking Water & Sanitation
Circle, Kalaburagi

Sl.No Zone's Zone-I Zone-II Zone-III Zone-IV Zone-V Zone-VI

Cement Factory Area
Major Irrigation Border Area Sugur Facriry Area
1 Zone-A Basic rate (Up to 5 km Radius) Forest Area
Area (Up to 5 km) (Up to 5 km Radius)

Percentage proposed as per PWD

a 6% 3% 4% 4% 5%
Circle Kalaburgi SR 2018-19

Mining Activity
Area with Major State Border Major Indestrial Area
Zone-B Basic rate Area up to 5 km
Irrigation Tract Area up to 5 Km
Percentage proposed as per PWD
b 5% 3% 5% 5%
Circle Ballari SR 2018-19

Jurisdiction of Zone A Districts : Kalaburgi, Bidar, Yadgir, (Map enclosed)

Jurisdiction of Zone B Districts : Ballary, Raichur, Koppal ,(Map enclosed)
Note: 1) Only one weightage is applicable for each Work. If two weightages of applicable whichever is heigher is to be considered
2) Area weightage is applicable to the full rate of the item

Superintending Engineer
Rural Drinking Water & Sanitation
Circle, Kalaburagi

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Unit Rate exclusive of

1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 0009 Adhesive(for linoiling flooring) Kg 177.97 177.97
2 0509 Adhesive for tiles Kg 25.42 25.42
3 0514 Adhesive for joints Kg 63.56 63.56
4 0022 Bees Wax Kg 152.54 152.54
5 0513 High bond tile adhesive for vitrified tiles Kg 21.19 21.19
6 2008 Fevicol Kgs 190.68 190.68
7 2047 Ball Adhesives Kgs 199.15 199.15
8 0387 Shellac Kgs 230.00 230.00
9 0054 Brick bats 25 to 100 mm Cum 593.22 593.22
10 0055 Brick aggregate 20 mm(Nominal) Cum 593.22 593.22
11 0056 Brick aggregate 25 mm(Nominal) Cum 593.22 593.22
12 0064 Burnt brick class designation 35 ( Non Modular) 100 Nos. 728.00 617.00
Ground Moulded
13 0503 Burnt brick class designation 35 (modular) 100 Nos. 740.00 708.00
14 0488 Table moulded bricks class designation 50 (non 100 Nos. 825.00 758.00
15 0504 Table moulded class designation 50 (modular) 100 Nos. 850.00 745.00
16 0505 Wire cut bricks of class designation 75 (non modular) 100 Nos. 1185.00 1416.00

17 0506 Wire cut bricks of class designation 75 ( modular) 100 Nos. 1280.00 1315.00
18 0311 Pre-cast hollow blocks (40x20x20cms) grade 30 100 Nos. 3644.07 3644.07
19 0391 Solid blocks (concrete 40x20x20cms) 100 Nos. 3559.32 3559.32
0501 Pre-cast hollow blocks (40x10x20cms) 100 Nos. 3644.07 3644.07
0502 Pre-cast solid block (40x10x20cms) 100 Nos. 3474.58 3474.58
20 0497 Hollow concrete blocks (40x20x20cms) 3.5 N/Sqmm 100 Nos. 3389.83 3389.83
21 0498 Hollow concrete blocks (40x20x15cms) 3.5 N/Sqmm 100 Nos. 3474.00 3474.00

22 0499 Hollow concrete blocks (40x20x10cms) 3.5 N/Sqmm 100 Nos. 3389.83 3389.83

Pre-cast clay hollow bricks 40cm x 20cm x 20cm Each 6810.00 0.00
Pre-cast clay hollow bricks 40cm x 20cm x 15cm Each 6810.00 0.00
Pre-cast clay hollow bricks 40cm x 10cm x 20cm Each 6810.00 0.00
23 0175 100 mm and down nominal size Cum 705.00 632.00
24 0734 53 mm nominal size Cum 1105.00 1164.00
25 0750 40 mm nominal size Cum 1118.00 1164.00
26 0060 30 mm nominal size Cum 1158.00 1265.00
27 0800 25 mm nominal size Cum 1190.00 1265.00
28 0749 20 mm nominal size Cum 1267.00 1366.00
29 0058 12.5 mm nominal size Cum 1268.00 1214.00
30 0057 10 mm nominal size Cum 1172.00 1214.00
31 0707 6 mm nominal size Cum 1068.00 1113.00
32 0803 Fine aggregate 2.36 mm nominal size Cum 1068.00 1150.00
33 0762 Key aggregates 22.4 to 2.8 mm Cum 1190.00 1366.00
34 0746 Filter media stone aggregate Cum 1054.29 1054.29
35 0904 Coarse aggregates 53 mm Cum 1105.00 1164.00
36 0906 Crushed aggregates 37.5mm Cum 1118.00 1164.00
37 0912 Crushed coarse aggregate (Supply of hand broken Cum 705.00 1054.29
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
38 0919 Key aggregates passing 26.5mm to 2.8mm Cum 1190.00 1265.00
39 0921 Crushed stone aggregate 13.2mm to 10mm Cum 1268.00 1214.00
40 0922 Crushed stone chipping, 19mm Cum 1276.00 1366.00
41 0926 Crushed aggregate 9.5mm to 4.75mm Cum 1172.00 1214.00
42 567 Filler Aggregates Tonne 1091.43 1091.43
43 0732 Crushed stone chippings 11.2 mm Cum 1172.00 1214.00
44 0733 Crushed stone chippings 13.2 mm Cum 1268.00 1214.00
45 0400 Stone dust / Grit Cum 530.00 532.00
46 0815 Crushed stone chipping 5.6 mm size cum 1068.00 1113.00
47 0819 Lime Stone Dust Tonne 7619.05 7619.05
48 0287 Pea size gravel/6mm and down stone grit cum 428.57 545.00
49 0334 Sand/ Artificial Sand/ Manufactured Sand cum 1350.00 1352.00
50 0551 Ordinary earth cum 110.00 120.00
51 0731 Sand / Crushed Sand cum 1350.00 1352.00
52 0751 Granular material cum 375.00 364.00
53 0752 Gravel 2.36 mm cum 375.00 364.00
54 0772 Natural sand 5.6 to 75 micron cum 1350.00 1352.00
55 0781 Quartz sand Kgs 4.76 4.76
56 0039 Boulders Cum 666.67 666.67
57 0066 Burnt stone slabs 10cms thick Sqm 428.57 428.57
58 0174 Granite stone slabs fine dressed 40 mm thic Sqm 1440.68 1440.68
59 0330 Rubble stones Cum 476.19 476.19
60 0401 Stone slab 10 to 12 cm thick Sqm 571.43 571.43
61 0720 Bond stone 20x20x45 cm. Each 21.00 22.00
62 0780 Quarry spalls Cum 238.10 238.10
63 0789 Size stone 20x20x25 cms Each 15.00 15.00
64 0790 Spall (jelly used for packing) Cum 476.19 476.19
65 0793 Rough stones 15 cm to 45 cm Cum 380.95 380.95
66 0794 Stone boulders 30 cm thick Cum 666.67 666.67
67 0795 Stone spalls Cum 333.33 333.33
68 0939 Stone with minimum size of 200mm Cum 666.67 666.67
69 0010 Aluminium beading Kgs 127.12 127.12
70 0011 Aluminium handles - 15mm Each 59.32 59.32
71 0012 Aluminium hinges 75 mm length Each 33.90 33.90
72 0013 Aluminium stays Each 38.14 38.14
73 0014 Aluminium tower bolt - 20 cm Each 76.27 76.27
74 0017 Aluminium sheet for strips Sqm 254.24 254.24
75 0018 Aluminium window frame section 1.2 mm thick Kgs 169.49 169.49
76 0522 Aluminium Composite panel of approved colour Sqm 1898.31 1898.31
straight portion
77 0533 Aluminium frame section Kgs 194.92 194.92
78 0544 Aluminium composite panel of curved portion Sqm 3135.59 3135.59
79 0860 Aluminium studs 100 x 100mm fitted with lense reflectors nos 211.86 211.86
80 0942 Aluminium sheeting fixed with encapsulated lens type Sqm 3230.34 3230.34
reflective sheeting of size 0.9sqm
81 0943 Aluminium alloy/galvanised steel/ Galvanised MS plate Tonne 44915.25 44915.25
including 5% wastage
82 0944 Aluminium alloy plate, 2mm thick, fixed with high Sqm 3220.34 3220.34
intensity grade sheeting vide Clause 801.3
83 2069 Alluminium anodised profile top cap beading m 338.98 338.98
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
84 0007 AC sheet 6 mm thick semi corrugated Sqm 14.07 144.07
85 0008 AC sheet 6 mm thick semi trafford Sqm 165.25 165.25
86 0327 Ridges (AC sheet) Pair 211.86 211.86
87 0717 Bitumen 80/100 Grade bulk Tonne 38620.00 38010.00
88 835 Bitumen 80/100 Packed Tonne 41820.00 41210.00
89 0814 Bitumen 60/70 Grade Bulk Tonne 39420.00 38810.00
90 836 Bitumen 60/70 Packed Tonne 42620.00 42010.00
91 0030 Bitumen 85/25 Grade Tonne 38282.20 38282.20
92 0820 Bitumen 30/40 Grade Tonne 39082.20 39082.20
93 0730 CRMB 55 Grade Tonne 51797.00 39885.00
94 0806 NRMB 70 Grade Tonne 51797.46 51797.46
95 0735 Cut back MC 70 Tonne 50406.78 50406.78
96 0718 Bitumen emulsion Tonne 39082.20 39082.20
97 0031 Bitumen felt (hessian based) Sqm 72.03 72.03
98 0032 Bitumen washer Each 0.85 0.85
99 0109 Coal tar Sqm 14.29 14.29
100 0108 Coal tar paint L 25.42 25.42
101 0035 Blown or residual bitumen Tonne 25506.78 25506.78
102 0807 Polymer MB 70 Tonne 53766.95 53766.95
103 0736 Detonator Each 8.470 8.470
104 0738 Drill bits Nos 317.80 317.80
105 0786 Safety fuse wire Coil 190.68 190.68
106 0791 Gelatin Kg 105.93 105.93
107 0002 12 mm thick pre laminated board (Novapan) exterior Sqm 550.85 550.85
108 0312 Prelaminated board 19 mm thick of approved Sqm 593.22 593.22
lamination on both side
109 0313 Prelaminated board of approved lamination on one side Sqm 567.80 567.80
and balancing white colour
110 0301.a a.Plywood 12 mm thick (Commercial) Sqm 762.71 762.71
0301.b b.Plywood 19 mm thick (Commercial) Sqm 889.83 889.83
0301.c c.Plywood 25 mm thick (Commercial) Sqm 1483.05 1483.05
0301.d d.Sheet 6 mm thick (Commercial) Sqm 550.85 550.85
111 0293 Plain particle board Sqm 389.83 389.83
112 0180 Hard board 45 x 45 mm size Sqm 105.93 105.93
113 0181 Hard board 600 x 450 mm size Sqm 120.34 120.34
114 0955 Pre-moulded asphalt filler board Sqm 52.66 529.66
115 2006 12mm plywood Sqm 635.59 635.59
116 2007 4mm thick veneer Sqm 932.20 932.20
117 2009 19mm Plyboards Sqm 932.20 932.20
118 2010 1.5mm Laminate Sqm 677.97 677.97
119 2090 5mm PVC sheet Sqm 635.59 635.59
120 2099 5mm BS prelam PVC sheet Sqm 868.64 868.64
121 2100 5mm SS prelam PVC shee Sqm 741.53 741.53
122 2101 2mm PVC sheet Sqm 296.61 296.61
123 0084 Cement Qtl 480.00 508.00
124 0439 White cement Qtl 120.14 1562.50
125 1557 Portland Slag Cement (PSC)/ Portland Pozzolona Qtl 480.00 508.00
Cement (PPC)
126 1558 Ground Granulated blast furnace slag(GGBS) Qtl 333.33 333.33
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
127 0088 Chequered mosaic tiles grey Sqm 231.36 231.36
128 0089 Chequered mosaic tiles light shade Sqm 275.42 275.42
129 0090 Chequered mosaic tiles medium shade Sqm 254.24 254.24
130 0091 Chequered mosaic tiles white colour Sqm 320.34 320.34
131 0110 Cobble stone 60 mm thick Sqm 424.76 424.76
132 0111 Cobble stone 75 mm thick Sqm 469.52 469.52
133 0116 Cuddapah slab 2.5 cm to 4 cm thick Sqm 290.48 290.48
134 0176 Gray colour mosaic tiles Sqm 200.00 200.00
135 0213 Light shade mosaic tiles Sqm 205.08 205.08
136 0228 Machine cut granite stone slab 40 mm Sqm 822.88 822.88
137 0229 machine polished granite stone slab 20 mm Sqm 551.69 551.69
138 0231 marble chips Kgs 21.90 21.90
139 0234 Marble dust Cum 874.29 874.29
140 0235 marble powder Cum 740.00 740.00
141 0237 marble slab 20 mm thick Sqm 1099.15 1099.15
142 0248 metallic floor hardner Kgs 50.85 50.85
143 0386 shahabad slabs 2.5 cm to 4 cm thick Sqm 354.29 354.29
144 0448 white mosaic tiles Sqm 160.17 160.17
145 0507 vitrified tiles 10 mm thick 600X600 mm granolite finish Sqm 406.70 406.70

146 0508 vitrified tiles 600X600 mm 10 mm thick Sqm 381.36 381.36

147 0560 vitrified tiles 900mm x 900mm 12mm thick Sqm 440.68 440.68
148 0545 20 mm thick hassan green granite Sqm 1355.93 1355.93
149 0546 ceramic tiles 30X30 cms Sqm 296.61 296.61
150 0510 Grout for vitrified tiles Kgs 67.80 67.80
151 0511 Spacers for Vitrified tiles No 1.69 1.69
152 0512 Sealer for vetrified tiles Sqm 1.69 1.69
153 0515 Prepolished Grey granite 20 mm thick Sqm 1267.80 1267.80
154 0517 20 mm thick Ruby red granite Sqm 1623.73 1623.73
155 0518 20 mm thick grey granite Sqm 889.83 889.83
156 0519 20 mm thick Shiva gold granite Sqm 1889.83 1889.83
157 0520 20 mm thick Black granite Sqm 1088.98 1088.98
158 0521 Prepolished black granite 20 mm thick Sqm 1266.95 1266.95
159 0523 Prepolished Water cut grey granite Sqm 938.14 938.14
160 0725 Chequerred cement concrete tiles Sqm 190.68 190.68
161 0416 Tandur blue slabes 2.5cms to 4 cm thick Sqm 266.95 266.95
162 0545 20mm thick Hassan green granite Sqm 1355.93 1355.93
163 2076 Lakared granite Sqm 2266.95 2266.95
164 2085 Sadarahalli flammed granite 40mm Sqm 1000.00 1000.00
165 2086 Sadarahalli pre polished granite 20mm Sqm 854.24 854.24
166 2108 Black granite 40mm thick Sqm 1889.83 1889.83
167 0112 Colour glazed tiles 15 x 15 cms 10mm thick Each 6.78 6.78
168 0113 White glazed tiles 15 x 15 cms 6mm thick Each 5.08 5.08
169 0186 Hersian cloth for using in tiles as reinforcement sqm 37.50 37.50
170 0217 Linolium sheet for tile 30 cmsx30cms sqm 243.75 243.75
171 0464 Yelahanka tiles of size 250x250 mm Each 4.76 4.76
172 0481 Mangalore tiles first class and special tile for ridges and nos 13.33 13.33
173 0485 Medium shade mosaic tiles sqm 106.78 106.78
174 0486 Ceramic tiles 15 cms x 15 cms sqm 233.05 233.05
175 0444 White glazed tiles 15 cms x 15 cm , 10 mm thick plain Each 5.93 5.93
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
176 0445 Color glazed tiles 15 cm x 15 cm, 10 mm thick anti skid Each 5.93 5.93
177 578 Pre polished grey granite tile 10mm sqm 457.63 457.63
178 579 Pre polished black granite tile 10mm sqm 889.83 889.83
179 2073 Concrete designer tiles sqm 436.44 436.44
180 2074 Ceramic tiles of 300x 600mm sqm 409.32 409.32
181 2075 Ceramic tiles of 300x 450mm sqm 320.34 320.34
182 2042 Border tiles 30x10cms Each 124.58 124.58
183 2043 Glazed tiles 300 x 450 sqm 249.15 249.15
184 2026 Ceramic tiles 400 x 400mm sqm 368.64 368.64
185 12. Ready Mix Concrete
186 0495 Ready Mix Concrete M 20 (1:1.5:3) cum 4110.14 4110.14
187 0496 Ready Mix Concrete M 25 (1:1:2) cum 4194.92 4194.92
188 2200 Ready Mix Concrete M 30 cum 4237.29 4237.29
189 2201 Ready Mix Concrete M 35 cum 4406.78 4406.78
190 2202 Ready Mix Concrete M 40 cum 4576.27 4576.27
191 5000 Ready Mix Concrete M 20 (OPC 50%+GGBS 50%) cum 3813.00 3813.00
192 5001 Ready Mix Concrete M 25 (OPC 50%+GGBS 50%) cum 3898.00 3898.00
193 5002 Ready Mix Concrete M 30 (OPC 50%+GGBS 50%) cum 4067.00 4067.00
194 5003 Ready Mix Concrete M 35 (OPC 50%+GGBS 50%) cum 4329.00 4329.00
195 5004 Ready Mix Concrete M 40 (OPC 50%+GGBS 50%) cum 4480.00 4480.00
196 0003 18 gauge 75 mm MS laths of 2.8 m length Nos 186.44 186.44
197 0004 Z section Kgs 37.29 37.29
198 0019 Angle iron 40x40x6mm Kgs 37.29 37.29
199 0087 Channels 25x25x6 mm Kgs 37.29 37.29
200 0187 High tension coil oxidised MS Each 677.97 677.97

201 0203 Hooks oxidised MS 150 mm Each 16.95 16.95

202 0221 M.S. flat 30 cmx25mmx3mm Kgs 37.29 37.29

203 0223 M.S. Round Bright bars 20mm Q 3728.81 3728.81

204 0224 M.S. Square Bright bars 20mm Q 3728.81 3728.81

205 0249 Mild steel 6 mm dia Kgs 33.90 33.90

206 0250 Mild steel bars Q 3389.83 3389.83

207 0252 MS channels Kgs 37.29 37.29

208 0255 MS flats 20 mm x 6 mm Kgs 37.29 37.29
209 0257 MS plates Kgs 37.29 37.29
210 0258 MS rods Kgs 33.90 33.90
211 0259 MS sheet 1 mm thick Kgs 35.59 35.59
212 0260 MS sheet 20 gauge Kgs 35.59 35.59
213 0262 MS tees Kgs 33.90 33.90
214 0264 Mullion section (MS) Kgs 33.90 33.90
215 0288 Pig lead Kgs 50.85 50.85
216 0414 T section MS Kgs 37.29 37.29
217 0484 M.S.Shoes Kgs 37.29 37.29
218 0547 Expanded metal 12.5 mm to 25 mm -14 G sqm 254.24 254.24
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
219 0714 Bearing plates Tonne 52542.37 52542.37
220 0716 Binding wire Kgs 55.08 55.08
221 0723 Cast Steel Kgs 42.37 42.37
222 0724 Cast Steel rocker assembly Kgs 72.03 72.03
223 0739 Edge beams of steel of special shape and section Kgs 49.15 49.15
224 0748 Forges Steel (2 rollers) Kgs 203.39 203.39
225 0756 High Tensile steel wires/strands Tonne 50847.46 50847.46
226 0757 High Tensile strands q 5084.75 5084.75
227 0759 ISMC 1002.806x1.05 Tonne 37288.14 37288.14
228 0763 Mild steel q 3389.83 3389.83
229 0764 Mild steel anchors Kgs 32.20 32.20
230 0765 Mild steel matrix including wastage Kgs 32.20 32.20
231 0766 Mild steel plate(Galvanised) Tonne 33898.31 33898.31
232 0767 MS bars Tonne 33898.31 33898.31
233 0770 MS flats Tonne 33898.31 33898.31
234 0771 Ms gratings 260 mmx 260 mm Each 84.75 84.75
235 0777 Pile shoes-Ci Kgs 84.75 84.75
236 0778 Pile shoes-MS Kgs 37.29 37.29
237 0792 Stainless steel 304 grade Kgs 254.24 254.24
238 0862 Mild Steel pipe 100mm dia 2.5mm thick m 254.24 254.24
239 0863 Mild Steel pipe 25mm dia 2.5mm thick m 84.75 84.75
240 0864 CGI sheets Kgs 33.90 33.90
241 0865 Angle iron 45x45x5mm Kgs. 37.29 37.29
242 0866 M.S sheet 300mm wide,2.5mm long and 2.6mm thick Kgs. 37.29 37.29

243 0867 Angle iron 50x50x2mm long Kgs. 37.29 37.29

244 0868 M.S sheet of 12 SWG, 3 Nos of 200mm width and 4m Kgs. 37.29 37.29
245 0870 Steel drum 300mm dia 1.2m high/empty Nos. 101.69 101.69
246 0940 Mild steel angle iron 75 x 75 x 6mm Kgs. 37.29 37.29
247 0941 Mild steel angle iron 75 x 75x 6mm, 2.85 metres long Kgs. 37.29 37.29
248 0957 Corrugated sheet, 3mm thicken "W" beam section Kgs. 46.61 46.61
railing, 4.5m in length.
249 0958 Channel post 150 x 75 x 5mm Kgs. 37.29 37.29
250 0959 Channel 150 x 75 x 5 mm Kgs. 37.29 37.29
251 0963 Structural steel in plates, angles, Galvanised structural Tonne 37288.14 37288.14
steel plate etc.,including 5% wastage
252 0972 RS joist 100 x 75mm Kgs. 37.29 37.29
253 0973 Struts - 2 Nos. for terminal posts, 2m long each 2 x 2 x Kgs. 37.29 37.29
254 0974 Tie 2 Nos. of 8mm steel plate, 1.5sqm each for terminal Kgs. 37.29 37.29
posts at 62.80kg/sqm(2x1.5)
255 0975 Steel wire rope 40mm Kgs. 37.29 37.29
256 0976 Mild steel pipe 25mm dia, 2.5mm thick m 84.75 84.75
257 0977 MS sheet for 600 x 300 x3mm rectangular vane, one Kgs. 37.29 37.29
number at 24 kg/sqm
258 0978 MS sheet for 250mm dia circular vane 3mm thick, 4 Kgs. 37.29 37.29
number at 24 kg/sqm
259 0979 MS sheet 3mm thick at 24kg/sqm Kgs. 37.29 37.29
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
260 0981 Galvanised angle sections 100mm x 10mm of 12mm Kgs. 37.29 37.29
thickness weldable structural steel as per IS:2062.2
Nos. of 12m length each at 17.7 kg/m
261 0988 Helical pipes 600mm diametre m 152.54 152.54
262 0989 Tie rodes 20mm diametre Kgs. 37.29 37.29
263 1100 Steel circular hollow pole of standard specification for Each 6779.66 6779.66
street lighting to mount light at 9m height above road
264 1510 Tube anchorage set complete with bearing plate, No. 11864.41 11864.41
permanent wedges etc.
265 1512 Bearing cc 0.51 0.51
266 1513 Bearing rocker & Roller No. 4237.29 4237.29
267 1516 Sheating duct ID 66mm Tonne 50847.46 50847.46
268 1519 32mm mild steel dowel bars of grade s240 Tonne 37288.14 37288.14
269 1520 16mm deformed steel tie bars fo grade S 415 Tonne 37288.14 37288.14
270 1534 20 x 5 mm diaganals Kgs. 37.29 37.29
271 1553 Cast steel rocker bearing assembly of 250 tonne design Nos. 67796.61 67796.61
load capacity duly painter complete with all leads
components as per drawing and specifications
272 1554 PTFE sliding plate bearing assembly of 80 t. design Nos. 67796.61 67796.61
load capacity duly painted complete with all its
components as per drawing & technical specification.

273 558 MS angles 65 X 65 X 6 mm 34.7 Kgs Kgs. 37.29 37.29

274 562 38 mm dia of 14 guage MS black pipe m 42.37 42.37
275 561 20 mm dia hold fast Rod Nos. 50.85 50.85
276 571 Stainless steel strips m 186.44 186.44
277 573 M S Clamps for Shoe Kgs. 37.29 37.29
278 576 Steel column 400x250 mm (ISHB Series) Tonne 42372.88 42372.88
279 577 Forged steel rollar bearing of 250 tonne No. 3135.59 3135.59
280 1103 Steel circular Hollow pole of standard specification for each 4237.29 4237.29
street lighting to mount light at 5m height above road
281 2022 MS flat 12x75mm Kgs 37.29 37.29
282 2021 M S Tubes Kgs 50.85 50.85
283 2027 50mm dia M.S. Hollow pipe B Class 14 Gauge Kgs 50.85 50.85
284 2028 20mm x 20mm vertical M.S. Square Rod Kgs 37.29 37.29
285 2015 Gusset plates 6mm thick Kgs 50.85 50.85
286 2016 Base plate/ base plate Kgs 50.85 50.85
287 2018 Anchor Bolts 750mm No. 110.17 110.17
288 2029 12x12 M.S. Square Rod Kgs 37.29 37.29
289 2030 16x16mm M.S. Square Rod Kgs 37.29 37.29

290 2031 40x6mm M.S. Flat Kgs 37.29 37.29

291 2032 12mmx6mm M.S. Flat Kgs 37.29 37.29

292 2033 Cast iron spike Nos. 84.75 84.75

293 2034 50x50 M.S. Hollow pipe Kgs 50.85 50.85
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
294 2036 36mm x 6mm M.S. Flat Kgs 37.29 37.29

295 2038 Stainless steel hollow pipes 14 gauge 50mm dia. Kgs 254.24 254.24
296 2039 Stainless steel hollow pipe 14 gauge 25mm dia. Kgs 254.24 254.24
297 2040 5" dia 5mm thick M.S. plate Nos. 37.29 37.29

298 2067 MS pipes of 80mm to 100mm dia Kgs 37.29 37.29

299 2068 RMS Gusset plate Kgs 50.85 50.85
300 2078 Stainless steel tubes 40mm, 14 gauge Kgs 254.24 254.24
301 2091 M.S. Tube m 220.34 220.34
302 489 M.S. 20mm Square bar q 3728.81 3728.81

303 0949 MS angle iron 40mm x 40mm x 6mm, 23 metre in Kgs 37.29 37.29
length at 3.5 kg pe metre
304 0950 MS angle iron 50mm x 50mm x 6mm, 33.8 metre in Kgs 37.29 37.29
length at 4.5 kg per metre.
305 0951 Runner flat 50 x 5mm Kgs 37.29 37.29
306 0952 Welded steel with fabric 75 x 50mm mesh at 4kg/ sqm, Kgs 37.29 37.29
4 x 30 x 1.2+5% wastage
307 0953 Steel pipe 50mm external dia as per IS:1239 2.5mm thick m 169.49 169.49
308 0954 Medium wt. steel channel (ISMC Series) 100mm x Kgs 37.29 37.29
50mm,10.8 metre length at 9.2 kg per m
309 0115 Corner beads 45x45 mm m 12.71 12.71
310 0190 honne wood Cum 68500.00 70903.00
311 0191 honne wood beading 10 mm wide m 12.71 12.71
312 0193 honne wood beading 20x20 mm m 21.19 21.19
313 0194 Honne wood scantling Cum 68500.00 70903.00
314 0195 Honne wood scantling for styles and rails 30mm thick Cum 68500.00 70903.00

315 0196 Honne wood scantling for styles and rails 35mm thick Cum 68500.00 70903.00

316 0198 Honne wood planks for shutters(frame) 35mm thick cum 68500.00 70903.00
317 0200 Honne wood planks for panels 20mm thick cum 68500.00 70903.00
318 0201 Honne wood battens cum 68500.00 70903.00
319 0202 Honne wood beads cum 68500.00 70903.00
320 0205 Jungle wood battens 25mm x 40mm cum 33500.00 34913.00
321 0206 Jungle wood battens 50mm x 40mm cum 33500.00 34913.00
322 0207 Jungle wood runners and planks cum 33500.00 34913.00
323 0208 Jungle wood runners and planks cum 33500.00 34913.00
324 0209 Jungle wood scantling cum 33500.00 34913.00
325 0238 mathi or Nandi wood cum 52500.00 54000.00
326 0239 mathi or Nandi wood planks for panels 20mm thick cum 52500.00 54000.00
327 0240 mathi or Nandi wood scantlings for styles and rail cum 52500.00 54000.00
25mm thick
328 0241 mathi/Nandi wood cum 52500.00 54000.00
329 0242 mathi/Nandi wood battens cum 52500.00 54000.00
330 0243 mathi/Nandi wood beadings 10mm wide m 8.47 8.47
331 0244 mathi/Nandi wood planks for panels 25mm thick Cum 52500.00 54000.00
332 0245 mathi/Nandi wood scantling cum 52500.00 54000.00
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
333 0246 mathi or Nandi wood scantlings for styles and rails cum 52500.00 54000.00
30mm thick
334 0266 Nandi wood reepers 50x25 mm m 59.32 59.32
335 0269 NUWUD (MDF) panel filling 19 mm thick Sqm 423.73 423.73
336 0286 Panel filled with NUWUD (MDF) board 12 mm thick Sqm 381.36 381.36

337 0294 planks for filling Sqm 10169.49 10169.49

338 0332 Sal wood cum 39500.00 42815.00
339 0333 Sal wood battens cum 39500.00 42815.00
340 0389 silver oak or equivalent planks 38 mm thick cum 21186.44 21186.44
341 0417 Teak wood - superior grade cum 135500.00 139896.00
342 0418 Teak wood beading 10mm wide m 21.19 21.19
343 0419 Teak wood beading 20x20 mm m 55.08 55.08
0420 Teak wood cum Deleted Deleted
344 0421 Teak wood gutties Big Each 4.24 4.24
345 0422 Teak wood planks for panels 25 mm thick cum 135500.00 139896.00
346 0423 Teak wood reepers 50x25 mm m 118.64 118.64
347 0424 Teak wood scantling for styles and rails 30mm thick cum 135500.00 139896.00
348 0425 Teak wood scantling for styles and rails 35mm thick cum 135500.00 139896.00
349 0426 Teak wood beads cum 135500.00 139896.00
350 0429 TW beading for fixing glass m 16.95 16.95
351 0463 Wooden strips of I class teak wood (25 mm/6mm) 4mtr. Each 42.37 42.37
352 0490 Jungle wood reepers 50x25 mm m 29.66 29.66
353 0706 25mm thick silver oak planks Sqm 12711.86 12711.86
354 0798 Wooden blocks Nos 169.49 169.49
355 0462 Wooden cleats Each 2.54 2.54
356 0080 Casuarina bellies 75 to 100 mm dia m 37.29 37.29
357 0081 Casuarina poles 100 to 150 mm m 47.46 47.46
358 0082 Casuarina poles 75 to 100 mm dia m 37.29 37.29
359 0869 Jungle wood cum 33500.00 34913.00
360 0872 Wooden staff for fastening of flag 25mmdia, one m Each 8.47 8.47
361 0961 Wooden ballies 8"dia & 9m long No. 211.86 211.86
362 0962 Wooden ballies 2"dia for bracing m 21.19 21.19
363 2002 50x35mm salwood crunnel cum 42815.00 42815.00
364 2003 Teakwood gutties Small Nos. 1.69 1.69
365 2011 Teak wood beading 10mm wide m 21.19 21.19
366 0006 5.5mm thick plain glass Sqm 550.85 550.85
367 0170 Glass shelf 600x120mm with guard rail Each 779.66 779.66
368 0171 Glass strips Sqm 438.14 438.14
369 0172 Glazing clips Kgs 169.49 169.49
370 0467 4mm thick plain glass Sqm 423.73 423.73
371 0324 Reeded glass 2 mm thick Sqm 233.05 233.05
372 0325 Reeded glass 3 mm thick Sqm 275.42 275.42
373 0538 Imported glass 6 mm thick Sqm 762.71 762.71
374 2012 12mm thick plain tuffened glass Sqm 1949.15 1949.15
375 2014 12mm thick frosted toughened glass Sqm 2288.14 2288.14
376 2071 Glass etching Sqm 1144.07 1144.07
377 0005 25 mm dia pulley (for alluminum sliding door) Each 57.63 57.63
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
378 0011 Aluminium handles - 15mm Each 59.32 59.32
379 0012 Aluminium hinges 75 mm length Each 33.90 33.90
380 0038 Bottom lock nail Each 39.83 39.83
381 0046 Brass screws 25 mm Each 1.69 1.69
382 0085 Center pulley Each 84.75 84.75
383 0086 Central ball bearing Each 107.63 107.63
384 0107 Cleat angles Each 44.92 44.92
385 0133 Door closure heavy duty floor mounting Each 1118.64 1118.64
386 0134 Door lock Each 347.46 347.46
387 0177 Gusset plates 3.15 mm thick Kgs 51.69 51.69
388 0178 Handles power coated 150 mm Each 50.85 50.85
389 0179 Handles to full width 2m long Each 855.93 855.93
390 0188 Hinges 5" heavy duty Each 31.36 31.36
391 0189 Hold fasts MS Each 32.20 32.20
392 0220 Locking arrangments Each 550.85 550.85
393 0222 M.S. holder bat clamp 32mm Each 38.14 38.14
394 0225 M.S stays and clamps for 200 mm length including Each 39.83 39.83
bolts and nuts
395 0226 M.S stays and clamps for 50 mm length including bolts Each 22.03 22.03
and nuts
396 0227 M.S stays and clamps for 75 mm length including bolts Each 27.97 27.97
and nuts
397 0253 MS clamps Each 32.20 32.20
398 0254 MS cleats with bolts and nuts to rest on pile Each 11.02 11.02
399 0256 MS handles oxidised 150 mm Each 55.08 55.08
400 0261 MS side shed clamps Each 52.54 52.54
401 0265 Nail and screws Kgs 45.76 45.76
402 0314 Pulleys 38 mm dia Each 43.22 43.22
403 0326 Reeper nails 50 mm long Kgs 44.07 44.07
404 0384 Screws 40 mm Each 2.54 2.54
405 0388 Side guides Each 114.41 114.41
406 0399 Stays (MS) Each 16.95 16.95
407 0427 Tower bolt 300 mm long Each 101.69 101.69
408 0474 Pivots Nos 466.10 466.10
409 0540 Screws Nos 3.39 3.39
410 0537 Box cleats Nos 32.20 32.20
411 0541 Anchor Bolts Nos 14.41 14.41
412 0542 Galvanized L brackets Nos 33.90 33.90
413 0708 Steel inserts with stainless steel bolts and nuts Kgs 62.71 62.71
414 0719 Bolts and nuts Kgs 71.19 71.19
415 0768 MS bolts, nuts and washers Tonne 75423.73 75423.73
416 0710 Anchorages Each 101.69 101.69
417 0711 Anchor loops (IS 2062) Each 275.42 275.42
418 0712 Anchor plates (IS 2062) Each 199.15 199.15
419 0713 Anchorage sets Each 84.75 84.75
420 0094 Chrominum plated screw -25mm Each 3.39 3.39
421 0167 Gl 'j' or 'L' hook with nuts and bolts 8mm dia Each 14.41 14.41
422 0291 Pintels including welded pins Each 11.02 11.02
423 0492 C.P brass brackets Pair 27.97 27.97
424 2084 Hydraulic door clouser - aluminium body No. 760.17 760.17
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
425 0015 Aluminium paint L 173.13 173.13
426 0016 Aluminium paint primer (red oxide) L 84.75 84.75
427 0020 Anticorrosive bitumastic paint L 118.64 118.64
428 0033 Black Japan paint L 97.46 97.46
429 0131 Dark shade pigment Kgs 171.19 171.19
430 0132 Distemper primer L 67.80 67.80
431 0136 Dry Distumper Kgs 55.93 55.93
432 0137 Enamel metal paint L 207.63 207.63
433 0138 Enamel primer L 156.78 156.78
434 0214 Light shade pigment Kgs 152.54 152.54
435 0247 Medium shade pigment Kgs 182.20 182.20
436 0285 Paint remover L 110.17 110.17
437 0289 Pigment Kgs 33.90 33.90
438 0290 Pink primer paint L 127.12 127.12
439 0300 Plastic emulsion paint L 194.92 194.92
440 0320 Ready mix primer paint L 84.75 84.75
441 0321 Ready mix red lead paint L 84.75 84.75
442 0323 Red oxide Kgs 84.75 84.75
443 0430 undercoat flatting varnish L 139.83 139.83
444 0431 Unslaked lime qtl 423.73 423.73
445 0432 Varnish L 142.86 142.86
446 0433 Wall paint L 169.49 169.49
447 0435 Water proof cement paint Kgs 72.03 72.03
448 0438 Wax polish Kgs 237.29 237.29
449 0271 Oil bound distemper Kgs 111.86 111.86
450 0428 Turpentine Oil L 63.56 63.56
451 0543 Anodized M R F painting Sqm 289.83 289.83
452 0447 White lead paint for priming L 93.22 93.22
453 0461 Whitening Kgs 18.64 18.64
454 0775 Paint I quality(synthetic enamel paint) L 228.81 228.81
455 0776 Pigment Kgs 50.85 50.85
456 0784 Road marking paint L 203.39 203.39
457 0779 Primer L 65.25 65.25
458 0173 Gopi powder Kgs 59.32 59.32
459 0218 Linseed oil L 148.31 148.31
460 0219 Liquid wood filler L 186.44 186.44
461 0524 Sand paper Dozen 68.57 68.57
462 0525 50 size sand paper Dozen 114.29 114.29
463 0526 36 size sand paper Dozen 114.29 114.29
464 569 Primer/kg Kgs. 88.98 88.98
465 0528 Wax Kgs 177.97 177.97
466 0529 Sealer Coat L 186.44 186.44
467 0530 Melamine Patty Kgs 177.97 177.97
468 0531 Melamine Polish L 186.44 186.44
469 0532 Thinner L 105.93 105.93
470 0543 Anodized M R F painting Sqm 289.83 289.83
471 1504 Epoxy resin hardener mix for primne coat Kgs 576.27 576.27
472 2044 Light House Polish L 186.44 186.44
473 2045 Texture material Kgs 25.42 25.42
474 2046 Antifungal paint L 286.44 286.44
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
475 2050 Textured based white cement Kgs 32.81 32.81
476 2060 Soap powder Kgs 105.93 105.93
477 2081 Wiping cloths Each 22.86 22.86
478 2083 Soap oil / Phenol L 38.14 38.14
479 2092 Solvent cement adhesive L 169.49 169.49
480 0995 Water based paint for cement concrete surface L 58.59 58.59
481 0021 Asbestos cement pipes 75 mm dia of length 2 mtrs Each 122.88 122.88
482 0095 CI Bends 100 mm dia Each 296.61 296.61
483 0096 CI Bends 75 mm dia Each 241.53 241.53
484 0097 CI Bends 90 mm dia Each 127.12 127.12
485 0098 CI heads 100 mm dia Each 152.54 152.54
486 0099 CI pipes 100 mm dia of 1.8m length Each 1165.25 1165.25
487 0100 CI pipes 75 mm dia of 1.8m length Each 957.63 957.63
488 0101 CI shoes 100 mm dia Each 254.24 254.24
489 0102 CI shoes 110 mm dia Each 283.90 283.90
490 0103 CI shoes 75 mm dia Each 296.61 296.61
491 0146 G.I. Overflow pipe 20mm dia m 131.36 131.36
492 0147 G.I. Pipe 100 mm dia B class m 720.34 720.34
493 0148 G.I. Pipe 150 mm dia B class m 1076.27 1076.27
494 0149 G.I. Pipe 15 mm dia B class m 101.69 101.69
495 0150 G.I. Pipe 20 mm dia B class m 127.12 127.12
496 0151 G.I. Pipe 25 mm dia B class m 177.97 177.97
497 0152 G.I. Pipe 32 mm dia B class m 203.39 203.39
498 0153 G.I. Pipe 40 mm dia B class m 254.24 254.24
499 0154 G.I. Pipe 50 mm dia B class m 279.66 279.66
500 0155 G.I. Pipe 65 mm dia B class m 423.73 423.73
501 0156 G.I. Pipe 80 mm dia B class m 542.37 542.37
502 0157 G.I. Tee 32mm Each 93.22 93.22
503 0158 G.I. Tee 65mm Each 313.56 313.56
504 0169 GI washers Each 12.71 12.71
505 0182 HDPE 110mm dia, 4Kg/sqcm m 161.02 161.02
506 0183 HDPE 110mm outer dia, 2.5Kg/sqcm m 161.02 161.02
507 0184 HDPE 90mm outer dia, 4Kg/sqcm m 127.12 127.12
508 0185 HDPE 90mm outer dia, 2.5Kg/sqcm (rain down water m 106.78 106.78
509 0212 P.V.C. Lead connection pipe 32 mm dia (for wash Each 118.64 118.64
510 0303 Polythylene pipes high density 32mm external dia m 135.59 135.59
511 0304 Polythylene pipes high density 40mm external dia m 152.54 152.54
512 0305 Polythylene pipes high density 50mm external dia m 203.39 203.39
513 0306 Polythylene pipes high density 20mm external dia m 38.14 38.14
514 0307 Polythylene pipes high density 25mm external dia m 55.08 55.08
515 0308 Polythylene pipes high density 32mm external dia m 101.69 101.69
516 0309 Polythylene pipes high density 40mm external dia m 127.12 127.12
517 0310 Polythylene pipes high density 50mm external dia m 152.54 152.54
518 0335 Sand cast iron bend 100 mm dia with access door, Each 330.51 330.51
washers, bolts and nuts
519 0336 Sand cast iron bend 50 mm dia with access door, Each 254.24 254.24
washers, bolts and nuts
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
520 0337 Sand cast iron bend 75 mm dia with access door, Each 271.19 271.19
washers, bolts and nuts
521 0338 Sand Cast iron pipe 100 mm dia 1.8m length Each 711.86 711.86
522 0339 Sand Cast iron pipe 50 mm dia 1.8m length Each 330.51 330.51
523 0340 Sand Cast iron pipe 75 mm dia 1.8m length Each 686.44 686.44
524 0342 Sand Cast iron plain bend 50 mm dia Each 203.39 203.39
525 0344 Sand Cast iron soil waste 114mm offsets 3" dia Each 288.14 288.14
526 0345 Sand Cast iron soil waste 152mm offsets 3" dia Each 491.53 491.53
527 0346 Sand Cast iron soil waste 230mm offsets 3" Each 533.90 533.90
528 0347 Sand Cast iron soil waste double equal invert plain Each 741.53 741.53
branches of required degree '100x100x100x100mm
529 0348 Sand Cast iron soil waste double equal invert plain Each 300.85 300.85
branches of required degree '50x50x50x50mm
530 0349 Sand Cast iron soil waste double equal invert plain Each 466.10 466.10
branches of required degree '75x75x75x75mm
531 0350 Sand Cast iron soil waste double equal junction of Each 635.59 635.59
required degree '100x100x100x100mm
532 0351 Sand Cast iron soil waste double equal junction of Each 296.61 296.61
required degree '50x50x50x50mm
533 0352 Sand Cast iron soil waste double equal junction of Each 813.56 813.56
required degree with access 'door, rubber washers bolts
and nuts, 100x100x100x100mm
534 0353 Sand Cast iron soil waste double equal junction of Each 711.86 711.86
required degree with access 'door, rubber washers bolts
and nuts, 100x100x50x50mm
535 0354 Sand Cast iron soil waste double equal junction of Each 813.56 813.56
required degree with access 'door, rubber washers bolts
and nuts, 100x100x75x75mm
536 0355 Sand Cast iron soil waste double equal junction of Each 584.75 584.75
required degree with access 'door, rubber washers bolts
and nuts, 75x75x75x75mm
537 0356 Sand Cast iron soil waste double equal junction of Each 432.20 432.20
required degree with access 'door, rubber washers bolts
and nuts, 75x75x50x50mm
538 0357 Sand Cast iron soil waste double unequal invert plain Each 533.90 533.90
branches of required degree '100x100x75mm
539 0359 Sand Cast iron soil waste double unequal invert plain Each 788.14 788.14
branches of required degree '100x100x75x75mm
540 0360 Sand Cast iron soil waste double unequal invert plain Each 491.53 491.53
branches of required degree '75x75x50mm
541 0361 Sand Cast iron soil waste double unequal invert plain Each 406.78 406.78
branches of required degree '75x75x50x50mm
542 0362 Sand Cast iron soil waste double unequal junction of Each 813.56 813.56
required degree '100x100x50x50mm
543 0363 Sand Cast iron soil waste double unequal junction of Each 813.56 813.56
required degree '100x100x75x75mm
544 0364 Sand Cast iron soil waste double unequal junction of Each 305.08 305.08
required degree '75x75x50x50mm
545 0365 Sand Cast iron soil waste single equal invert plain Each 677.97 677.97
branches of required degree '100x100x100x100mm
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
546 0366 Sand Cast iron soil waste single equal invert plain Each 440.68 440.68
branches of required degree '50x50x50x50mm
547 0367 Sand Cast iron soil waste single equal invert plain Each 508.47 508.47
branches of required degree '75x75x75x75mm
548 0368 Sand Cast iron soil waste single equal junction of Each 508.47 508.47
required degree with access 'door, rubber washers bolts
and nuts, 75x75x75mm
549 0369 Sand Cast iron soil waste single equal junction of Each 694.92 694.92
required degree with access door ' 100x100x100mm
550 0370 Sand Cast iron soil waste single equal junction of Each 389.83 389.83
required degree with access door ' 50x50x50mm
551 0371 Sand Cast iron soil waste single equal junction of Each 508.47 508.47
required degree with access door ' 75x75x75mm
552 0372 Sand Cast iron soil waste single equal junction of Each 711.86 711.86
required degree with access 'door, rubber washers bolts
and nuts, ' 100x100x100mm
553 0373 Sand Cast iron soil waste single equal junction of Each 440.68 440.68
required degree with access 'door, rubber washers bolts
and nuts, ' 50x50x50mm
554 0374 Sand Cast iron soil waste single unequal junction of Each 360.17 360.17
required degree 100x100x50mm
555 0375 Sand Cast iron soil waste single unequal junction of Each 347.46 347.46
required degree 100x100x75mm
556 0376 Sand Cast iron soil waste single unequal junction of Each 288.14 288.14
required degree 75x75x50mm
557 0377 Sand Cast iron soil waste single unequal junction of Each 576.27 576.27
required degree with access 'door, rubber washers bolts
and nuts, 100x100x50mm
558 0378 Sand Cast iron soil waste single unequal junction of Each 610.17 610.17
required degree with access 'door, rubber washers bolts
and nuts, 100x100x75mm
559 0379 Sand Cast iron soil waste single unequal junction of Each 398.31 398.31
required degree with access 'door, rubber washers bolts
and nuts, 750x75x50mm
560 0380 Sand Cast iron soil waste double equal junction of Each 508.47 508.47
required degree with access 'door, rubber washers bolts
and nuts, 50x50x50x50mm
561 0381 Sand cast iron trap 100mm dia Each 500.00 500.00
562 0382 Sand cast iron trap 50mm dia Each 394.07 394.07
563 0383 Sand cast iron trap 75mm dia Each 440.68 440.68
564 0393 Special for overflow pipe Each 37.29 37.29
565 0402 Stoneware pipes 100mm dia 60 cms long Each 53.39 53.39
566 0403 Stoneware pipes 150mm dia 60 cms long Each 88.98 88.98
567 0404 Stoneware pipes 200mm dia 60 cms long Each 124.58 124.58
568 0405 Stoneware pipes 230mm dia 60 cms long Each 133.90 133.90
569 0406 Stoneware pipes 250mm dia 60 cms long Each 142.37 142.37
570 0407 Stoneware pipes 300mm dia 60 cms long Each 152.54 152.54
571 0408 Stoneware pipes 350mm dia 60 cms long Each 156.78 156.78
572 0409 Stoneware pipes 400mm dia 60 cms long Each 165.25 165.25
573 0410 Stoneware pipes 450mm dia 60 cms long Each 194.92 194.92
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
574 0476 100 mm dia asbestos dia cement pipe of length 2 mtrs Each 105.93 105.93

575 0477 110 mm outer dia 2 kg/sqcm pressure pipe of approved m 152.54 152.54
make (PVC)
576 0478 110 mm outer dia 2.5 kg/sqcm pressure pipe of m 152.54 152.54
approved make (PVC)
577 0479 90 mm outer dia 2kg/sqcm pressure pipe of approved m 110.17 110.17
make (PVC)
578 0493 Sand cast iron soil waste double equal junction of m 466.10 466.10
required degree, 75x75x75x75 mm
579 0534 M S Square pippe 16 G Black pipe Kg 37.29 37.29
580 0702 100 mm asbestos cement pipes m 42.37 42.37
581 0703 100 mm dia 1 m long GI pipe m 728.81 728.81
582 0755 HDPE pipes-90 mm dia m 106.78 106.78
583 0782 RCC pipes NP3 1200 mm dia including collars m 6449.15 6449.15
584 0783 RCC pipes NP3 900 mm dia including collars m 4135.59 4135.59
585 0821 RCC pipes NP3 300 mm dia including collars m 978.81 978.81
586 0822 RCC pipes NP3 450 mm dia including collars m 1822.03 1822.03
587 0823 RCC pipes NP3 600 mm dia including collars m 2313.56 2313.56
588 0824 RCC pipes NP3 750 mm dia including collars m 2533.90 2533.90
589 0825 RCC pipes NP2 300 mm dia including collars m 711.86 711.86
590 0826 RCC pipes NP2 450 mm dia including collars m 978.81 978.81
591 0827 RCC pipes NP2 600 mm dia including collars m 1512.71 1512.71
592 0828 RCC pipes NP2 750 mm dia including collars m 1868.64 1868.64
593 0829 RCC pipes NP2 900 mm dia including collars m 2444.92 2444.92
594 0830 RCC pipes NP2 1200 mm dia including collars m 4224.58 4224.58
595 0831 RCC pipes NP4 900 mm dia including collars m 5025.42 5025.42
596 0832 RCC pipes NP4 1200 mm dia including collars m 8097.46 8097.46
597 565 RCC pipes NP2 150 mm dia including collars m 266.95 266.95
598 566 RCC pipes NP2 250 mm dia including collars m 355.93 355.93
599 0911 RCC pipes 200mm dia, 2.5m long for drainage m 220.34 220.34
600 0929 Plastic tubes 50cm dia, 1.2m high Nos. 23.73 23.73
601 568 RCC NP 4 100 mm dia including collars m 523.73 523.73
602 0001 100mm 'S' or 'P' trap Each 50.85 50.85
603 0023 Bevel lead mirror of superior glass of size 600x450mm Each 720.34 720.34

604 0024 Bib cock 15mm nominal bore-NP Each 148.31 148.31
605 0025 Bib cock 20mm nominal bore-NP Each 135.59 135.59
606 0026 Bib cock 25mm nominal bore-NP Each 186.44 186.44
607 0027 Bib cock 32mm nominal bore-NP Each 254.24 254.24
608 0028 Bib cock 40mm nominal bore-NP Each 254.24 254.24
609 0029 Bib cock 50mm nominal bore-NP Each 296.61 296.61
610 0034 black plastic seat and lid as specified Each 245.76 245.76
611 0040 Brass ball vlave with plastic float 15mm nominal bore Each 254.24 254.24

612 0041 Brass ball vlave with plastic float 20mm nominal bore Each 271.19 271.19

613 0042 Brass ball vlave with plastic float 25mm nominal bore Each 389.83 389.83
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
614 0043 Brass ferrule and C.1 Mouth cover 15mm nominal bore Each 101.69 101.69

615 0044 Brass ferrule and C.1 Mouth cover 20mm nominal bore Each 142.37 142.37

616 0045 Brass ferrule and C.1 Mouth cover 25mm nominal bore Each 169.49 169.49

617 0047 Brass shower rose C.P 100mm dia Each 498.31 498.31
618 0048 Brass shower rose C.P 150mm dia Each 550.85 550.85
619 0049 Brass stop cock-15mm Each 186.44 186.44
620 0050 Brass union 15mm nominal bore with PVC connection Each 142.37 142.37
pipe 300mm length Each
621 0051 Brass union 15mm nominal bore with PVC connection Each 160.17 160.17
pipe 450mm length
622 0052 Brass union 20mm nominal bore with PVC connection Each 160.17 160.17
pipe 300mm length
623 0053 Brass union 20mm nominal bore with PVC connection Each 169.49 169.49
pipe 450mm length
624 0067 C.I manhole cover with frame 610x455mm size (38 Each 2118.64 2118.64
625 0068 C.I/M.S. brackets for flushing cistern Pair 110.17 110.17
626 0069 C.I Cover 500mm dia -50mmthick(16Kgs) Each 932.20 932.20
627 0070 C.P brass chain plug Each 110.17 110.17
628 0071 C.P brass chain with stainless steel plug Each 194.92 194.92
629 0072 C.P.brass pillar tap elbow operated Each 415.25 415.25
630 0073 C.P. brass screws 25mm with washers Each 4.24 4.24
631 0074 C.P.brass towel rail 600mm length 20mm dia Each 409.32 409.32
632 0075 C.P.brass towel rail 740mm length 20mm dia Each 462.71 462.71
633 0076 C.P.brass waste union 32mm of standard pattern Each 161.02 161.02
634 0077 C.P.brass waste union 40mm with fittings Each 161.02 161.02
635 0079 Cast iron foot rest Each 118.64 118.64
636 0105 Circular shape mirror of size 450mm dia with plastic Each 466.10 466.10
moulded frame
637 0114 Copper plated brass piller tap Each 211.86 211.86
638 0117 Gun metal non-return valve 100mm nominal bore Each 1949.15 1949.15
horizontal type
639 0118 Gun metal non-return valve 100mm nominal bore Each 1779.66 1779.66
verticall type
640 0119 Gun metal non-return valve 25mm nominal bore Each 466.10 466.10
horizontal type
641 0120 Gun metal non-return valve 25mm nominal bore Each 373.73 373.73
vertical type
642 0121 Gun metal non-return valve 32mm nominal bore Each 593.22 593.22
horizontal type
643 0122 Gun metal non-return valve 32mm nominal bore Each 593.22 593.22
vertical type
644 0123 Gun metal non-return valve 40mm nominal bore Each 762.71 762.71
horizontal type
645 0124 Gun metal non-return valve 40mm nominal bore Each 720.34 720.34
vertical type
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
646 0125 Gun metal non-return valve 50mm nominal bore Each 1076.27 1076.27
horizontal type
647 0126 Gun metal non-return valve 50mm nominal bore Each 1016.95 1016.95
vertical type
648 0127 Gun metal non-return valve 65mm nominal bore Each 1398.31 1398.31
horizontal type
649 0128 Gun metal non-return valve 65mm nominal bore Each 1271.19 1271.19
vertical type
650 0129 Gun metal non-return valve 80mm nominal bore Each 1737.29 1737.29
horizontal type
651 0130 Gun metal non-return valve 80mm nominal bore Each 1559.32 1559.32
vertical type
652 0139 Europian type water closet of specified make Each 978.81 978.81
653 0143 G.I 32mm dia telescopic flush pipes with Set 320.34 320.34
654 0144 G.I.Flush pipe of standard size and C.P brass Set 466.10 466.10
spreaders,brass unions and clamps 'including fittings
655 0145 G.I jam nut Each 21.19 21.19
656 0159 Gate valve 15mm nominal bore-gun metal Each 211.86 211.86
657 0160 Gate value 20mm nominal bore-gun metal Each 262.71 262.71
658 0161 Gate value 25mm nominal bore-gun metal Each 355.93 355.93
659 0162 Gate value 32mm nominal bore-gun metal Each 661.02 661.02
660 0163 Gate value 40mm nominal bore-gun metal Each 830.51 830.51
661 0164 Gate value 50mm nominal bore-gun metal Each 1398.31 1398.31
662 0165 Gate value 65mm nominal bore-gun metal Each 1694.92 1694.92
663 0166 Gate value 80mm nominal bore-gun metal Each 1796.61 1796.61
664 0204 indian type water closet of size 580 mm of specified Each 601.69 601.69
make with footrests
665 0273 Orissa pattern of size 575x425 mm with integal type Each 1186.44 1186.44
foot rests
666 0274 Oval shape mirror of size 450x350 mm with plastic Each 508.47 508.47
moulded frame
667 0275 P.V.C automatic flushing cistern 7.5 litres with fittings Each 593.22 593.22

668 0276 P.V.C automatic flushing cistern with fittings 10 litres Each 593.22 593.22

669 0277 P.V.C automatic flushing cistern with fittings 15 litres Each 677.97 677.97

670 0278 P.V.C flushing cistern 10 litres low level with Each 576.27 576.27
accessories 40mm flush pipe
671 0279 P.V.C pipes unplasticised 16mm m 38.14 38.14
672 0280 P.V.C pipes unplasticised 20mm m 38.14 38.14
673 0281 P.V.C pipes unplasticised 25mm m 46.61 46.61
674 0282 P.V.C pipes unplasticised 32mm m 55.08 55.08
675 0283 P.V.C automatic flushing cistern 5 litres with fittings Each 444.92 444.92
676 0284 P.V.C flushing cistern 10 litres low level with fittings Each 533.90 533.90
677 0411 stop cock Each 110.17 110.17
678 0434 water meter Each 661.02 661.02
679 0302 Polyethylene water storage tank of specified capacity L 5.08 5.08
and make
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
680 0322 Rectangulur shape mirror of size 1500x450mm with Each 932.20 932.20
drain board of specific make
681 0396 Stainless steel kitchen sink of size 400x470mm with Each 4004.24 4004.24
drain board of specific make
682 0397 Stainless steel kitchen sink of size 500x1000mm with Each 5932.20 5932.20
drain board of specific make
683 0398 Stainless steel kitchen sink of size 510x1575mm with Each 10254.24 10254.24
drain board of specific make
684 0440 White glazed fire clay kitchen sink of size Each 1144.07 1144.07
685 0441 White glazed fire clay kitchen sink of size Each 1457.63 1457.63
686 0442 White glazed fire clay laboratory sink of size Each 779.66 779.66
687 0443 White glazed fire clay laboratory sink of size Each 1016.95 1016.95
688 0446 White glazed/vitreous china clay 10 lts low level Set 1601.69 1601.69
flushing cistern, with fittings and \brakets and 40mm
white C.P flush pipe
689 0449 White vitreous china clay angle back wash basin size Each 682.20 682.20
690 0450 White vitreous china clay angle back wash basin size Each 889.83 889.83
691 0451 White vitreous china clay flat back lipped front urinal Each 610.17 610.17
basin of 430x260x350mm size
692 0453 White vitreous china clay flat back large urinal basin Each 1694.92 1694.92
size 580x380x350mm
693 0454 White vitreous china clay flat back wash basin size Each 508.47 508.47
694 0455 White vitreous china clay flat back wash basin size Each 677.97 677.97
695 0456 White vitreous china clay flat back wash basin size Each 779.66 779.66
696 0457 White vitreous china clay squatting plate Each 847.46 847.46
697 0458 White vitreous china clay surgeon type wash basin size Each 847.46 847.46
698 0460 White vitreous china clay wall corner type, lipped front Each 525.42 525.42
urinal basin of size '340x410x265mm
699 0487 C.P. brass tap with union Each 254.24 254.24
700 0491 Rectangulur shape mirror of size 453x357mm with Each 720.34 720.34
plastic moulded frame
701 0546 ceeramic tiles of size 30x30cms Sqm 398.31 398.31
702 2035 Colour Glazed tiles 30x60cms 6mm thick Each 72.03 72.03
703 2096 L. Bracket Nos. 25.42 25.42
704 0542 Galvanized L brackets Nos 38.14 38.14
705 2079 Granite sink 23cm thick Each 9152.54 9152.54
706 2098 Rubber Gaskete m 12.71 12.71
707 0083 Caustic soda Kgs 38.14 38.14
708 0092 Chiken mesh Sqm 12.71 12.71
709 0168 GI plaster mesh 0.35 mm thick 10 cms wide m 29.66 29.66
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
710 0251 Mosquito proof coupling 25 mm Each 25.42 25.42
711 0295 Plaster mesh 100mm wide m 21.19 21.19
712 0296 Plaster mesh 150mm wide m 25.42 25.42
713 0297 plaster mesh 200mm wide m 29.66 29.66
714 0318 Rabbit wire mesh Sqm 55.08 55.08
715 548 Weld Mesh 75mmx25mm of 6G to 10G Sqm 249.15 249.15
716 549 Weld Mesh 75x50mm of 6G to 10G Sqm 186.44 186.44
717 0729 Copper plate 12 m long x 250 mm wide Kgs 409.32 409.32
718 0796 Wire create size(1.8x1.8mx0.9m)=2.916(4mm dia 2GI Kgs 152.54 152.54
wire in 15 cms x 15 cms mesh)
719 0797 Wire mesh 50 mm x 50 mm Sqm 279.66 279.66
720 0816 Form work for kerb stone/KM stone Sqm 15.25 15.25
721 0104 Cinder ballast cum 254.24 254.24
722 0093 Chlorophriphos emulstiable concentrate L 169.49 169.49
723 0065 Burnt lime/shell lime q 447.62 447.62
724 0141 Fly ash cum 15.25 15.25
725 0142 Fuel (firewood) q 476.19 476.19
726 0210 Kerosene oil L 47.62 47.62
727 0215 Lime cum 3800.00 3800.00
728 0216 Lime surkhi mortar 1:2 cum 423.73 423.73
729 0263 Mud mortar cum 190.48 190.48
730 0267 Nitric Acid L 72.03 72.03
731 0299 Plaster of Paris Kgs 25.00 25.00
732 0394 Spirit L 42.37 42.37
733 0412 Surkhi cum 333.33 333.33
734 0436 Water proofing compound Kgs 42.37 42.37
0483 Diesel L Deleted Deleted
735 0709 Admixture/Super Plasticizer L 169.49 169.49
736 0715 Bentonite Tonne 4067.80 4067.80
737 0741 Epoxy for mortar Kgs 148.31 148.31
738 0742 Epoxy for tack coat Kgs 333.33 333.33
739 0743 Epoxy material for fixing Kgs 42.37 42.37
740 0760 Joint filler (0.01 cm wide and 0.12mm wide) Sqm 169.49 169.49
741 0761 Joint sealing com 25 mm deep Kgs 135.59 135.59
742 0811 Chloroperene C.C. 0.85 0.85
743 0812 Natural Rubber C.C. 0.85 0.85
744 0813 Neoprene Kgs 194.92 194.92
745 0818 Water KL 40.00 40.00
746 0268 Nortlight adjustable ridges of 1.22m Pair 135.59 135.59
747 0270 Nylon rollers Each 9.00 9.00
748 0315 Putty for filling holes Kgs 67.80 67.80
749 0319 Rawl Plug 40 to 50mm Each 1.69 1.69
750 0317 PVC Beading m 10.17 10.17
751 0328 Roofing felt type-2 grade-1 fibre based self finish and Sqm 93.22 93.22
bitumen based
752 0329 Rubber heading for shutturs beading m 25.42 25.42
753 0392 Spun yarn Kgs 33.90 33.90
754 0413 Suspension shaft m 762.71 762.71
755 0516 Plastic sheet Sqm 5.36 5.36
756 0527 Steel wool Pack 21.19 21.19
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
757 0535 Glazing seal m 271.19 271.19
758 0536 Weather Seal Nos 186.44 186.44
759 0539 Specer tape Sqm 29.66 29.66
760 0704 20mm thick compressible fiber band 12 m long x 25 cm Sqm 338.98 338.98
761 0705 20 mm thick filler 12m long x 25 cm deep Sqm 364.41 364.41
762 0737 Deviator Plates Tonne 38983.05 38983.05
763 0740 Elastomeric slab with MS plates inserted inside C.C. 0.42 0.42
polysulphine compound filling Space around Bolts and
764 0774 Nipples Each 8.47 8.47
765 0788 Sheething duct ID m 12.71 12.71
766 0809 PTFE Nodules 6.78 6.78
767 0810 PTFE Nodules cm 0.85 0.85
768 0331 S.F.R.C. Cover and frame 560 mm (ID) heavy duty Each 762.71 762.71
769 0850 Fine Grass Kgs. 5.93 5.93
770 0851 Hedge plant Each 3.00 3.00
771 0852 Flowring plants Each 2.00 2.00
772 0853 Shrubs Each 2.00 2.00
773 0854 Sapiling 2m high 25mm dia Each 10.00 10.00
774 0855 Neem cake q 900.00 900.00
775 0856 Empty bitumen drum Each 125.00 125.00
776 0857 Rivets Each 2.86 2.86
777 0858 Steel wire 3mm dia Kgs 38.14 38.14
778 0859 Sapling 1 to 1.5m high 2cm dia stem Nos. 6.78 6.78
779 0861 Traffic cones with 150mm reflective sleeve Nos. 338.98 338.98
780 0871 Flag of red color cloth 600x600mm Each 20.00 20.00
781 0900 Supply of quarried stone 150-200 size cum 338.98 338.98
782 0901 Stone boulder of size 150mm and below cum 446.43 446.43
783 0910 Precast cement concrete tiles Tiles size 300x300mm Nos. 23.81 23.81
and 25mm thick
784 1104 Jute Rope m 4.76 4.76
785 0925 cold miling machine at 20cum per hour cum 16.95 16.95
786 0927 Scrap types of size 900x20 Nos. 200.00 200.00
787 0928 20mm steel wire rope Kgs. 33.90 33.90
788 0933 Geotextile filter frabic Sqm. 66.96 66.96
789 0934 perforated geosynthetic pipe 150mm dia m 211.86 211.86
790 0935 Paving fabric Sqm. 17.86 17.86
791 0936 Geogrids Sqm. 254.24 254.24
792 0937 Connectors/staples Each 5.08 5.08
793 0938 Polymer braids m 25.42 25.42
794 0945 Hot applied thermoplatic compound L 67.80 67.80
795 0946 Reflectorising glass beads Kgs. 46.61 46.61
796 0947 Cost of approved type of delineators from ISI certified Each 220.34 220.34
firm as per the standard drawing given in IRC:79

797 0948 Barbed wire 335 metre length at 9.38 kg per 100 metre Kgs. 29.66 29.66

798 0960 Sand bags(cost of sand in empty cement bag) No. 47.62 47.62
799 0964 Admixture Kgs. 63.56 63.56
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
800 0966 M 35 grade RCC corbel provided for supporting of cum 3559.32 3559.32
801 0971 Nuts And Bolts Kgs. 42.37 42.37
802 0980 Elastomeric slab seal expansion joint assembly m 10169.49 10169.49
manufactured by using chloroprene, elastomer for
elastomeric slab unit conforming to clause 9150.1 of
IRC:83 (part II) conforming to clause 2600.6 of Morth
803 0982 Preformed continuous chloroprene elastoemer or closed m 11186.44 11186.44
cell foam sealing sealing element with high mtear
strength vulcanised in a single operation for the full
length of a joint ot ensure water tightness.
804 0983 Supply of complete assembly of strip seal expansion m 10169.49 10169.49
joint comprising of edge beams, anchorage, strip seal
element and complete accessories as per approved
specifications and drawings
805 0984 Supply of a modular strip/box seal joint assembly m 4745.76 4745.76
comprising of edge beams, central beam, 2 modules
chloroprene seal, anchorage elements, support and
control system, all steel sections protected against
corrision and installed by the manufacturer or his
authorised representative.
806 0985 Supply of a modular/box/box seal joint assembly m 5805.08 5805.08
containing 3 modules/cells and comprising of edge
beams, two central beams, chloroprene seal, anchorage
elements, support and control system, all steel sections
protected against corrosion and installed by the
manufacturer or his authorised representative.

807 0986 LDO L 40.00 40.00

0987 Trailor 30 Tonne capacity hr Deleted Deleted
808 0990 Farmyard manure cum 170.00 170.00
809 0991 Seeds Kgs. 140.00 140.00
810 0992 Jute netting Sqm 13.33 13.33
811 0994 Doob grass Kgs. 30.00 30.00
812 0997 Accelerator compound for guniting Kgs. 16.95 16.95
813 0998 Wire mess 50mm x 50mm size of 3mm wire Kgs. 33.90 33.90
814 1101 Sodium vapour lamp - 250 watt Each 1144.07 1144.07
815 1502 Pre - packed ploymer concrete based on epoxy system Kgs. 10.17 10.17
complete with curing compound, intiator and promoter

816 1505 Quick setting compound Kgs. 127.12 127.12

817 1507 Acrylic polymer bonding coat L 338.98 338.98
818 1508 Pre-packed cement based ploymer mortar of strength 45 Kgs. 169.49 169.49
Mpa at 28 days
819 1509 Epoxy resin with pot life not less than 60-90 minutes Kgs. 483.05 483.05
and satisfying testing as per clause 2800.3.9
820 1514 bearing Neoprene No. 1762.71 1762.71
821 1521 Separation membrane of impermeable plastic sheeting 3.39 3.39
125 micron thick
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
822 1522 Pre-moulded joint filler, 25mm thick for expansion joint 5.93 5.93

823 1523 Joint sealant Kgs. 152.54 152.54

824 1524 Sealant Primar Kgs. 127.12 127.12
825 1525 Curing compound L 194.92 194.92
826 1526 Super plasticizer admixture IS marked as per 9-103- Kgs. 59.32 59.32
1999 at 0.5% by wt. of cement
827 1552 Collar for AC pipe (average) Nos, 55.08 55.08
828 1555 Elastomeric bearing assembly consting of 7 layers of Nos. 8533.90 8533.90
elastomer bonded to 6 nos. reinforcing steel laminates
by the process of vulcanisation, complete with all
components as per drawings and technical
829 1556 Pot type bearing consisting of a metal piston supported Nos. 68220.34 68220.34
by a disc,PTFE pads providing sliding surfaces against
stainless steel mating together with cast steel
assemblies/ fabricated structural steel assemblies duly
painted with all components as per clause 2006 and
complete as per drawing and technical specifications.

830 547 Expanded metal 12.5 mm to 25 mm -14 G Sqm 237.29 237.29

831 549 Weldmesh 75 x 50mm of 6g x 10g Sqm 177.97 177.97
832 552 Pesticide L 250.00 250.00
833 553 Granite slabs 7.5 cm to 8 cm thick sqm. 254.24 254.24
834 559 15 mm bolt Nos. 7.63 7.63
835 560 60 x 60 x10 Guage sq.plate washer Kgs. 33.05 33.05
836 570 Sealant Kgs. 97.46 97.46
837 563 PVC Storage Tank L 4.24 4.24
838 564 12x12 guage GI wire 100 mtr at Ts. 8.00/m m 10.17 10.17
839 574 Steel Helmet and Cushion block Kgs. 50.85 50.85
840 0930 Geonets Sqm 55.08 55.08
841 0931 Geomembrane Sqm 55.08 55.08
842 0932 Geotextile Sqm 55.08 55.08
843 2001 Carbon electrodes cc 0.42 0.42
844 2004 Screws 3.5" Nos. 3.39 3.39
845 2005 Screws 1.75" Nos. 1.69 1.69
846 2013 Latch, Pivot, Locking arrangements, SS door rails etc Set 7203.39 7203.39
for glass doors
847 2023 Cast iron ornamental design Nos 67.80 67.80
848 2024 Cast iron arrows No 67.80 67.80
849 2025 Expansion bolt No 21.19 21.19
850 2052 Coconut Broom stick No. 38.10 38.10
851 2053 Bombay broom stick No. 52.38 52.38
852 2054 Squeezer / wiper / rubber brushes No. 76.27 76.27
853 2055 Coir brushes No. 28.57 28.57
854 2056 Bamboo baskets No. 95.24 95.24
855 2057 Plastic buckets 20 L capacity No. 101.69 101.69
856 2058 Trollies No. 1355.93 1355.93
857 2064 Cobble stone 65mm thick Sqm 323.81 323.81
858 2065 Cobble stone 80mm thick Sqm 447.62 447.62
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
859 2072 Welding rods Nos 4.76 4.76
860 2037 Ball beaing hinges heavy duty Nos. 237.29 237.29
861 2041 G.I. Coated expansion bolts Nos. 29.66 29.66
862 2048 Ball Joints Kgs 152.54 152.54
863 2049 Design-Trowel Nos. 46.61 46.61
864 2059 Hose pipe 30m length No. 703.39 703.39
865 2061 Plastic Mug Each 25.42 25.42
866 2063 Bleaching Powder Kgs 67.80 67.80
867 2066 Bronze multiwall polycorbonate G.E. make Kgs 1016.95 1016.95
868 2070 Sealent taps Joint 5.08 5.08
869 2080 Mop stick - alluminium No. 101.69 101.69
870 2082 Disposable garbage bags size 0.9m x 1.5m Each 9.32 9.32
871 2087 RBI Grade 81 Tonne 27118.64 27118.64
872 2088 Safe N Easy/Equivalent Bio-degradable L 415.25 415.25
873 2093 Polymeric expansion joints filler - 12mm thick Sqm 457.63 457.63
874 2094 Polymeric expansion joints filler - 18mm thick Sqm 661.86 661.86
875 2095 Polymeric expansion joints filler - 22mm thick Sqm 916.10 916.10
876 2102 Crystallisation liquid Kgs 127.12 127.12
877 2103 Isoproof Kgs 254.24 254.24
878 2104 Acrylic Kgs 169.49 169.49
879 2105 FCM Kgs 59.32 59.32
880 2106 Non woven geo textile Kgs 80.95 80.95
881 2107 Polysulphide /acrylic sealant Kgs 262.71 262.71
882 2112 Empty Sand / cement bag No. 2.54 2.54
883 9001 Gulty Trap No. 25.42 25.42
884 2097 5mm Semi finished PVC Sheet Sqm 432.20 432.20
885 3001 PVC Pipes 10KG/Sqm 90mm outerdia M 296.61 296.61
886 3002 PVC Pipes 10KG/Sqcm 110mm outerdia M 432.20 432.20
887 3003 PVC Pipes 10KG/Sqcm 140mm outerdia M 728.81 728.81
888 3004 PVC Pipes 10KG/Sqcm 160mm outerdia M 932.20 932.20
889 3005 PVC Pipes 10KG/Sqcm 180mm outerdia M 1186.44 1186.44
890 3006 PVC Pipes 10KG/Sqcm 200mm outerdia M 1440.68 1440.68
891 3007 PVC Pipes 10KG/Sqcm 225mm outerdia M 1779.66 1779.66
892 3008 PVC Pipes 10KG/Sqcm 250mm outerdia M 2203.39 2203.39
893 3009 PVC Pipes 10KG/Sqcm 280mm outerdia M 2796.61 2796.61
894 3010 PVC Pipes 10KG/Sqcm 315mm outerdia M 3559.32 3559.32
895 3022 Water less urinal of size 328x319x598mm Each 18644.07 18644.07
896 2203 Galvanised Steel 105 x 50 mm M 177.97 177.97
897 2204 Galvanised Steel 20 x 47 mm M 88.98 88.98
898 2205 Galvanised Steel 58 x 36 mm M 135.59 135.59
899 2206 Galvanised Steel 22 x 20 (FW 66 mm) M 38.14 38.14
900 2207 Galvanised "C" Section 12 x 3 M 16.95 16.95
901 2208 Float Glass 5 mm Thick Sqm 398.31 398.31
902 2212 M.S. Grill Powder Coated 100 mm Pitch Sqm 593.22 593.22
903 221 Galvanised "C" Section 18 x 7 (FW 33 mm) M 18.64 18.64
904 2209 Galvanised Steel20 x 24 (FW 33 mm) M 39.83 39.83
905 2213 Galvanised Steel 90 x 50 mm M 169.49 169.49
906 2214 TMT Bars Fe 500 M 46500.00 45645.00
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
907 2215 TMT Bars Fe 550 M 47000.00 46145.00

908 2216 Maranthi Wood cum 30677.97 30677.97

909 2217 Galvanised Steel 70 x 55 mm M 163.56 163.56
910 2218 Galvanised Flymesh Section 20 x 40 mm M 110.17 110.17
911 2219 Galvanised Steel Section 48 x 25 mm M 148.31 148.31
912 2220 Galvanised Steel (Glass Beading ) 12 x 12 mm M 0.85 0.85
913 2221 Mesh (SS 304 Grade) Sqm 317.80 317.80
914 2222 Galvanised Steel 72 x 55 mm M 165.25 165.25
915 2223 Galvanised Steel Section 48 x 50 mm M 152.54 152.54
916 2224 Galvanised Steel Section 46 x 52 mm M 148.31 148.31
917 2225 Galvanised Steel Section 46 x 46 mm M 139.83 139.83
918 2226 Galvanised Beading Section 18 x 25 mm M 52.54 52.54
919 2227 Fly ash bricks of size 60 x 20 x 15 cm 100 No. 508.47 508.47
920 2228 White cement based putty Kgs 22.03 22.03
921 Vitrifed tiles - 10 mm thick double charged, nano Sqm 847.46 847.46
technology size 800mmx800mm
922 Vitrifed tiles - 10 mm thick double charged, nano Sqm 1694.92 1694.92
technology size 1200mmx600mm
923 3023 Light weight Concrete (Autoclaved aereated Each 84.75 84.75
cellular)Blocks of size 60 x 20 x 15 cm
924 Solid blocks concrete 40 x 15 x 20 cms 100 No. 2966.10 2966.10
925 3024 Light weight Concrete (Autoclaved aereated Each 50.85 50.85
cellular)Blocks of size 60 x 20 x 10 cm
926 3025 Light weight Concrete (Autoclaved aereated Each 101.69 101.69
cellular)Blocks of size 60 x 20 x 20 cm
927 3027 Polymer modified stucco mortar Kg 19.49 19.49
928 Sal wood (Red) cum 39500.00 33050.85
929 2229 Precast Hallow blocks (40x20x20 cm) grade 50 100 No. 4237.29 4237.29
930 2280 Solid blocks concrete (40 x 15 x 20 cms) grade 35 100 No. 5000.00 4100.00
931 580 Raw-silk granite 20mm thick Sqm 1101.00 1101.00
932 Table top 25mm thick PLPB with edge banding Sqm 1610.17 1610.17
933 75mm thick MS CRCA partition with PLPB tiles Sqm 2542.37 2542.37
934 25 mm thick PLPB separator with edge handing Sqm 1610.17 1610.17
935 L clamps No. 4.24 4.24
936 Nut and bolt No. 3.39 3.39
937 Separator and D-Brackets No. 25.42 25.42
938 Cantilever Brackets No. 80.51 80.51
939 End table hode on Bracket No. 29.66 29.66
940 Corner Hook on Bracket No. 29.66 29.66
941 25mm thich front modesty Sqm 1525.42 1525.42
942 25mm thich legs sqm 1822.03 1822.03
943 Minifix housing No. 4.00 4.00
944 Wooden dowels M8x40 No. 1.50 1.50
945 M6 screw leg No. 5.08 5.08
946 M6 Insert No. 4.24 4.24
947 64 mm dia grommet cap No. 8.47 8.47
948 50mm thick glass wool Sqm 139.83 139.83
949 Wood screws No. 4.00 4.00
950 Ahro tape/press putty Bundle 252.54 252.54
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
951 Lipping 1”x ¼ “ Rmt 20.59 20.59
952 Etching of glass Sqm 1144.07 1144.07
953 Patch fittings No. 1186.44 1186.44
954 Pivot No. 296.61 296.61
955 Floor machine No. 5508.47 5508.47
956 Locking system No. 847.46 847.46
957 SS Door rails Set 635.59 635.59
958 25mm treated commercial black board Sqm 1610.17 1610.17
959 Teak wood balls No. 169.49 169.49
960 19mm block board vinyl bonded w/p 7’x3’ Sqm 974.58 974.58
961 Stainless steel 304 grade Each 37.29 37.29
962 Stainless steel 304 grade tower bolt plate Each 25.42 25.42
963 Stainless steel 304 grade door lock plate Each 35.59 35.59
964 Stainless steel 304 grade aldrop pipe Each 32.20 32.20
965 MS Vertical bolt of size 1/2 x2 Each 25.42 25.42
966 MS Special square nut 4mm Each 8.47 8.47
967 4/15 CSK 304 grade stainless steel screws Each 4.24 4.24
968 4mm stainless steel hexagonal grade nut Each 2.54 2.54
969 PP connector for fixing horizontal and vertical members Each 21.19 21.19
35mm dia length
970 1 Polyurethane foam (PUF) slab 40mm thick average m² 338.98 338.98
with PU slab density 36+/-2 kg/m³
971 25 Polyurethane foam (PUF) slab 50mm thick average m² 559.32 559.32
with PU slab density 36+/-2 kg/m³
972 26 Polyurethane foam (PUF) slab 60mm thick average m² 796.61 796.61
with PU slab density 36+/-2 kg/m³
973 27 Polyurethane foam (PUF) slab 70mm thick average m² 1028.81 1028.81
with PU slab density 36+/-2 kg/m³
974 2 Polymerized plaster reinforced with glass fibre mesh m² 254.24 254.24
975 3 Epoxy based bonding adhesive Kgs 735.59 735.59
976 4 Polyurethane foam (PUF) spray 40mm thick average m² 580.51 580.51
with PU slab density 35+/-5 kg/m³
977 5 Polyurethane foam (PUF) spray 50mm thick average m² 725.42 725.42
with PU slab density 35+/-5 kg/m³
978 6 25mm thick extruded polystyrene (XPS) thermal m² 241.53 241.53
insulating boards
979 7 50mm thick extruded polystyrene (XPS) thermal m² 466.10 466.10
insulating boards
980 8 75mm thick extruded polystyrene (XPS) thermal m² 720.34 720.34
insulating boards
981 9 100mm thick extruded polystyrene (XPS) thermal m² 974.58 974.58
insulating boards
982 12 12mm thick glass wool with resin bonded slab density m² 108.47 108.47
983 13 25mm thick glass wool with resin bonded slab density m² 211.86 211.86
984 14 50mm thick glass wool with resin bonded slab density m² 300.85 300.85
985 15 25mm thick average resin bonded rock wool slab having m² 54.24 54.24
density 36+/-5 kg/cum
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
986 16 40mm thick average resin bonded rock wool slab having m² 76.27 76.27
density 36+/-5 kg/cum
987 17 50mm thick average resin bonded rock wool slab having m² 89.83 89.83
density 36+/-5 kg/cum
988 18 65mm thick average resin bonded rock wool slab having m² 113.56 113.56
density 36+/-5 kg/cum
989 19 75mm thick average resin bonded rock wool slab having m² 128.81 128.81
density 36+/-5 kg/cum
990 20 100mm thick average resin bonded rock wool slab m² 168.64 168.64
having density 36+/-5 kg/cum
991 22 60mm thick extruded polystyrene (XPS) thermal m² 610.17 610.17
insulating boards
992 23 70mm thick extruded polystyrene (XPS) thermal m² 703.39 703.39
insulating boards
993 30 Polyurethane foam (PUF) spray 60mm thick average m² 1261.86 1261.86
with PU foam
994 31 Polyurethane foam (PUF) spray 70mm thick average m² 1577.12 1577.12
with PU foam
995 32 50mm thick thermal insulation of roofing with expanded m² 122.88 122.88
996 33 70mm thick thermal insulation of roofing with expanded m² 182.20 182.20
997 34 90mm thick thermal insulation of roofing with expanded m² 242.37 242.37
998 35 110mm thick thermal insulation of roofing with m² 302.54 302.54
expanded polystyrene
999 36 120mm thick thermal insulation of roofing with m² 332.20 332.20
expanded polystyrene
1000 37 Thermal insulation of roofing with expanded m² 150.85 150.85
polystyrene (50mm thick) with aluminium strips
1001 38 Thermal insulation of roofing with expanded m² 227.12 227.12
polystyrene (70mm thick) with aluminium strips
1002 39 Thermal insulation of roofing with expanded m² 281.36 281.36
polystyrene (90mm thick) with aluminium strips
1003 40 Thermal insulation of roofing with expanded m² 358.47 358.47
polystyrene (110mm thick) with aluminium strips
1004 41 Thermal insulation of roofing with expanded m² 398.31 398.31
polystyrene (120mm thick) with aluminium strips
1005 45 25mm thick rock wool with resin bonded slab density m² 54.24 54.24
1006 46 40mm thick rock wool with resin bonded slab density m² 76.27 76.27
1007 47 50mm thick rock wool with resin bonded slab density m² 89.83 89.83
1008 48 65mm thick rock wool with resin bonded slab density m² 113.56 113.56
1009 49 75mm thick rock wool with resin bonded slab density m² 128.81 128.81
1010 50 100mm thick rock wool with resin bonded slab density m² 168.64 168.64
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
1011 51 M.S.Angale 100 x 100 x 10mm kg
3.142x5.8x14.90=271.53 Kgs
PVC Pipes
PVC PIPES OF 4 Kg./Cm2 Mtr
1012 63mm(0.465) Mtr 39.00 39.00
1013 75mm(0.651) Mtr 55.00 55.00
1014 90mm(0.917) Mtr 77.00 77.00
1015 110mm(1.315) Mtr 111.00 111.00
1016 140mm(2.131) Mtr 182.00 182.00
1017 160mm(2.753) Mtr 238.00 238.00
1018 200mm(4.256) Mtr 378.00 378.00
1019 63mm(0.662) Mtr 53.00 53.00
1020 75mm(0.917) Mtr 76.00 76.00
1021 90mm(1.313) Mtr 111.00 111.00
1022 110mm(1.894) Mtr 160.00 160.00
1023 140mm(3.097) Mtr 266.00 266.00
1024 160mm(3.923) Mtr 343.00 343.00
1025 200mm(6.233) Mtr 532.00 532.00
1026 63mm(0.662) Mtr 124.01 124.01
1027 75mm(0.917) Mtr 177.93 177.93
1028 90mm(1.313) Mtr 251.90 251.90
1029 110mm(1.894) Mtr 376.28 376.28
1030 140mm(3.097) Mtr 621.80 621.80
1031 160mm(3.923) Mtr 805.31 805.31
1032 200mm(6.233) Mtr 1255.08 1255.08
1033 63mm Mtr 84.00 84.00
1034 75mm Mtr 118.00 118.00
1035 90mm Mtr 171.00 171.00
1036 110mm Mtr 258.00 258.00
1037 140mm Mtr 416.00 416.00
1038 160mm Mtr 550.00 550.00
1039 200mm Mtr 854.00 854.00
1040 K-7 100 Mtr 792.00 792.00
1041 K-7150 Mtr 1148.00 1148.00
1042 K-7 200 Mtr 1609.00 1609.00
1043 K-7 250 Mtr 2117.00 2117.00
1044 K-7 300 Mtr 2674.00 2674.00
1045 K-7 350 Mtr 3336.00 3336.00
1046 K-7 400 Mtr 3991.00 3991.00
1047 K-7 450 Mtr 4699.00 4699.00
1048 K-7 500 Mtr 5532.00 5532.00
1049 K-7 600 Mtr 7304.00 7304.00
1050 K-7 700 Mtr 9013.00 9013.00
1051 K-7 750 Mtr 10384.00 10384.00
1052 K-7 800 Mtr 11614.00 11614.00
1053 K-7 900 Mtr 14103.00 14103.00
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
1054 K-7 1000 Mtr 17564.00 17564.00
1055 K-9 100 Mtr 915.00 915.00
1056 K-9 150 Mtr 1323.00 1323.00
1057 K-9 200 Mtr 1903.00 1903.00
1058 K-9 250 Mtr 2552.00 2552.00
1059 K-9 300 Mtr 3225.00 3225.00
1060 K-9 350 Mtr 4057.00 4057.00
1061 K-9 400 Mtr 4860.00 4860.00
1062 K-9 450 Mtr 5794.00 5794.00
1063 K-9 500 Mtr 6733.00 6733.00
1064 K-9 600 Mtr 8886.00 8886.00
1065 K-9 700 Mtr 10187.00 10187.00
1066 K-9 750 Mtr 11419.00 11419.00
1067 K-9 800 Mtr 12646.00 12646.00
1068 K-9 900 Mtr 15344.00 15344.00
1069 K-9 1000 Mtr 18308.00 18308.00
1070 K-9 1100 Mtr 22537.00 22537.00
Chlorination Unit
(To water Supply Storage OHT/GLSR/Sumps )
Supply of chlorination unit to water supply Storage
OHT/GLSR/Sumps etc:-Supplying Chlorination to
Drinking water supply scheme by manually
operating, using Electronic Equipment with
1071 Each 4000.00 4000.00
Charger For Electrolysing to Generate the
Chlorine , unit consisting 4 numbers of Titanium
metal with Nano Elector coated Electrodes Fixed to
5 ltrPVC can including Electrical Equipment like
Wire, pipe, collars Jointing Gum etc.. with
assembling as per Requirementetc Complete.
Water softener
Providing and fixing with necessary accessories natural
maintenanace free water softener made of heavy
schedule UPVC all weather material with outer cover of
SS 316 to withstand pressure upto 6kg/cm2 and capable
of handling flow of 70ltrs/min with inbuilt water
energising system with 5 years product warranty

1072 For 1.5 inch No 44450.00 44450.00

1073 For 2.0 inch No 51700.00 51700.00
1074 3 Pole MCB For Pump Control System(6-16a) Each 930.00 930.00
1075 3 Pole MCB For Pump Control System(20-63a) Each 1420.00 1420.00
1076 3 Pole Contactor With AC Coil (6 - 25a) Each 1245.00 1245.00
1077 3 Pole Contactor With AC Coil (26 - 40a) Each 2460.00 2460.00
1078 Switches With Indicator (22mm Dia) Each 185.00 185.00
1079 Indication Lamps (22mm Dia) Each 126.00 126.00
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
Supply And Delivery at site, IP 21 enclosure, IC 01
cooling, S1 duty, VERTICAL HOLLOW SHAFT type
with Non reversible type ratchet - DIRECTION OF
from ratchet end) suitable for 3 phase AC supply of
415V +/ - 10%, 4 Pole , 1450 RPM, 50Hz +/- 5% with
anambient of 45 deg C. Class ’ F ’ insulation with
temperature rise limited to Class ’ B ’ and altitude <
1000m above MSL conforming to IS:325. (4 pole)
1080 Each 175482.00 175482.00
1081 Each 175482.00 175482.00
1082 Each 175482.00 175482.00
1083 Each 175482.00 175482.00
1084 Each 175482.00 175482.00
1085 Each 175482.00 175482.00
1086 Each 202816.80 202816.80
1087 Each 204798.00 204798.00
1088 Each 223323.60 223323.60
1089 Each 291859.20 291859.20
1090 Each 353172.00 353172.00
1091 Each 473106.00 473106.00
1092 Each 602646.00 602646.00
1093 Each 610904.40 610904.40
1094 Each 617547.60 617547.60
1095 Each 629377.20 629377.20
1096 Each 641226.00 641226.00
1097 Each 860210.40 860210.40
1098 Each 864750.00 864750.00
1099 Each 901652.40 901652.40
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
1100 Each 1191672.00 1191672.00
1101 Each 1301644.80 1301644.80
1102 Each 1353453.60 1353453.60
1103 Each 1491572.40 1491572.40
1104 Each 1571511.60 1571511.60
1105 Each 1717188.00 1717188.00
1106 Transformer oil kg 102.00 102.00
1107 Lithium based grease kg 253.00 253.00
1108 Alum kg 16.00 16.00
1109 Cotton waste kg 83.00 83.00
1110 Rubber packing kg 117.00 117.00
1111 SAE 10 grade oil ltr 267.00 267.00
Supply of ISI Mark 175mm nominal bore, plain end
steel casing pipe-grade of steel Fe 410 of wall thickness
conforming to IS 4270-2001 and latest amendments,
electrical resistance welded steel tube material and
conforming to IS 1387-1993 and manufactured by basic
open hearth electric or basic oxygen process in random
length of 5 to 7m. Both ends threaded conforming to IS
554-1985, one end fixed with socket conforming to IS
4270-2001 and the other end with screwed pipes. All
pipes shall be resonably free from defects. The tubes
shall be resonably straight and should be with ISI
marking weighing 25.10kg/m. (exclusive of all taxes
and duties). Prices include Collar-Medium duty
1112 175mm dia MS Pipe x 2.0mm thick Mtr. 522.00 522.00
1113 175mm dia MS Pipe x 2.5mm thick Mtr. 650.00 650.00
1114 175mm dia MS Pipe x 3.2mm thick Mtr. 828.00 828.00
1115 175mm dia MS Pipe x 3.6mm thick Mtr. 926.00 926.00
1116 175mm dia MS Pipe x 4.0mm thick Mtr. 1093.00 1093.00
1117 175mm dia MS Pipe x 4.5mm thick Mtr. 1093.00 1093.00
1118 175mm dia MS Pipe x 4.8mm thick Mtr. 1231.00 1231.00
1119 175mm dia MS Pipe x 5.4mm thick Mtr. 1380.00 1380.00
1120 Supply of 175mm dia M.S.cap Each 163.00 163.00
Unit Rate exclusive of
1 Sl No. Name Unit GST
Zone -A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
Design,build,errect UMDPE Floating platform sutaible
for mounting submitting submercible or centrifugal
pumps of different capacities . The platform should
have MS plat form with marine paint, aluminium
1121 charnerer sheets, aluminium handrails, ss fastenerers Unit 607270.00 607270.00
floting pantoors as per the detailed enclosed
FLOATING PLATFORM (2x3 Meter size)

Providing and fixing of FRP vessels for pressure filters

1122 Each 126000.00 126000.00
32 x 77

Supply and delivery of submersible borehole pump,

suitable for pumping clean water. installed vertically or
horizontally. All steel components are made in stainless
steel, EN 1.4301 (AISI 304), that ensures high
corrosive resistance. This pump carries drinking water
approval. The pump is fitted with External Jacket
Sauction Lantern , Diffuser Stage casing Impeller all
are made of Cr-Ni steel AISI304. , upper cover
delivery casing are made of Cr-Ni Mo steel AISI316 ,
Stariner & Valve set motor with sand shield, lip seal,
water-lubricated journal bearings and a volume
compensating diaphragm. This pump mimimum
Efficiency Indiex MEI, > 0.70 .
Motor 2-pole induction motor, 50 Hz (n ≈ 2900 rpm).
With water wetted winding in rewindable execution.
Sized for connection to the pumps according to NEMA
Standards. Standard voltages: - three-phase 400 V;
400/690 V. Voltage tolerance : +6% / -10%. In
order to limit both current and torque at each starting,
for rated motor powers equal to or higher than 7.5 kW,
one of the following types of starting is necessaary:
star/delta, soft starter, stator impedance or
autotransformer. Insulation class F for 4 ” motors,
class E for 6-8 ” motors, PVC coated wire for 10 ”
motors. Motor suitable operation with frequency
converter. Protection IP 68.
3.00 HP - 300 LPM @ 26 m = 2 STG Outlet Dia -
1123 Each 71006.00 71006.00
1124 3.00 HP - 90 LPM @ 66 m = 6 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 77334.00 77334.00
Sl. Code Bare Rate for 2019-20
No. No. Zone-A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 1001 Mixer (concrete) - 1 cum Capacity Day 1356.00 1356.00
2 1002 Vibrator (with needle) Day 297.00 297.00
3 1004 Bitumen Boiler Oil Fired - 1500 ltr. Capacity hr 133.00 133.00
4 1005 Mini Mix Plant 6/10 TPH Day 1356.00 1356.00
5 1006 Wheel Burrows Day 13.00 13.00
6 1007 Hand Mixer Day 136.00 136.00
7 1008 Farm Tractor Day 1915.00 1915.00
8 1010 Mechanical Paver finisher 100 TPH capacity Day 5966.00 5966.00
9 1011 Tipper Day 1708.00 1708.00
10 1012 Front End Loader 1 cum bucket capacity hr 593.00 593.00
11 1013 Hot Mix Plant 40/60 TPH Day 65220.00 65220.00
12 1014 Vibrator Roller Day 9797.00 9797.00
13 1015 Hire charges for Tractor mounted or mini dozer Day 2034.00 2034.00
14 1016 Pneumatic Tyre Roller (8 Tonnes) - 25 cum / hr Day 7010.00 7010.00
15 1018 Motor Grader BEML Day 12881.00 12881.00
16 1019 Motorised scrapper Day 1288.00 1288.00
17 1020 Wheeled Dozer D 50 BEML Day 11864.00 11864.00
18 1022 Hydraulic Control Paver finisher (with Electronic Day 15729.00 15729.00
Sensor) 100 TPH
19 1023 Tractor 40 HP Day 1288.00 1288.00
20 1024 Tractor 50 HP Day 2129.00 2129.00
21 1028 Wet Mix Plant 60 TPH/ Pug Mill hr 960.00 960.00
22 1030 Air Compressor Day 1953.00 1953.00
23 1031 J.C.B. Excavator Day 5695.00 5695.00
24 1032 Water Tanker / Day Day 412.00 412.00
25 1035 Road Roller 8-10 T ( 425Cum/day soil compacted) hr 367.00 367.00
26 1036 Front end loader (1Cum) Turnover 120 Cum /day hr 593.00 593.00
when used with hot mix plant
27 1037 Vibratory Roller 8 Tonne hr 1102.00 1102.00
28 1038 Pneumatic Road Roller hr 876.00 876.00
29 1039 Tandem Road Roller - 30 cum / hr hr 876.00 876.00
30 1040 Motor Grader 3.35 meter blade hr 1763.00 1763.00
31 1041 Motorised scraper (950 Cum / day) hr 161.00 161.00
32 1042 Wheeled Dozer (D50 BEML) hr 1356.00 1356.00
33 1043 Hot mix Plant ( 6-10TPH) 8T /hr capacity hr 318.00 318.00
34 1045 Hot mix plant 40-60 TPH Capacity hr 8153.00 8153.00
35 1046 Paver finisher Mechanical 100 TPH capacity hr 746.00 746.00
36 1047 Paver Finisher Hydrostatic with sensor control 100 hr 1966.00 1966.00
37 1048 Tractor 40 HP/hr hr 161.00 161.00
38 1049 Tractor 50 HP/hr hr 266.00 266.00
39 1055 Air compressor (170 Cfm) hr 246.00 246.00
40 1056 Hydraulic Excavator 1 cum bucket hr 958.00 958.00
41 1057 Water Tanker hr 52.00 52.00
42 1058 Tractor mounted dozer hr 318.00 318.00
43 1059 Mixer (concrete small used in culvert) hr 42.00 42.00
44 1060 Vibrator hr 42.00 42.00
45 1063 Concrete pump 45 & 30 cum capacity hr 164.00 164.00
46 1064 nsit mixer 4.5 cum/hour hr 627.00 627.00
Sl. Code Bare Rate for 2019-20
No. No. Zone-A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
47 1065 Batching Plant (30 cum/hour) hr 1568.00 1568.00
48 1066 Batching Plant (15- 20 cum/hour) hr 1312.00 1312.00
49 1069 HOM for pumping water 3.5 KL / hr capacity pump hr 42.00 42.00

50 1070 HOM of Vibrator Day 169.00 169.00

51 1071 HOM of welding and grinding machine Day 339.00 339.00
52 1073 HOM of cutting and grinding machine Day 339.00 339.00
53 1074 HOM of cutting and grinding machine (hr) hr 42.00 42.00
54 1075 HOM of Machinaries for planing cum 34.00 34.00
55 1076 HOM of polishing machine Day 169.00 169.00
56 1077 HOM of Blow lamp Day 42.00 42.00
57 1078 HOM of pilling rig with Bentonite pump, etc. Day 32169.00 32169.00
58 1079 HOM of pump 23 KW Day 678.00 678.00
59 1080 HOM of pump 9.5 KW Day 424.00 424.00
60 1081 HOM of pneumatic hammer and pavement braker hr 42.00 42.00
61 1082 HOM of screed vibrator hr 42.00 42.00
62 1083 Mastic cooker Day 380.00 380.00
63 1084 HOM of gunniting equipment Day 339.00 339.00
64 1085 HOM of drilling equipment Day 42.00 42.00
65 1086 Plate vibrator having 3 Ton compaction force Day 254.00 254.00
66 1087 Crane charges Day 3390.00 3390.00
67 1088 Grout pump, agitator Day 254.00 254.00
68 1089 HOM of 7.5 cft capacity concrete mixing machine Day 1220.00 1220.00
69 1092 Crane Charges/hr hr 424.00 424.00
70 1093 HOM of Machinery jack for prestressing hr 77.00 77.00
71 1094 HOM of spraying machine Day 64.00 64.00
72 1095 Crawlar Tractor hr 169.00 169.00
73 1096 Tipper-5 cum hr 203.00 203.00
74 1097 Smooth Wheeled Roller hr 327.00 327.00
75 1098 Rotavator - 25 cum / hr hr 12.00 12.00
76 1099 Ripper - 60 cum / hr hr 21.00 21.00
77 1301 Mechanical Broom Hydraulic hr 262.00 262.00
78 1302 Bitumen Pressure Distributor hr 754.00 754.00
79 1303 Emulsion Pressure Distrbutor hr 564.00 564.00
80 1304 Hotmix Plant - 120 TPH capacity hr 15763.00 15763.00
81 1305 Hotmix Plant - 100 TPH capacity hr 11653.00 11653.00
82 1306 Vacuum dewatering 34.00 34.00
83 1307 Hydraulic Chip Spreader hr 1695.00 1695.00
84 1308 Pot-hole Repair Machine hr 722.00 722.00
85 1309 GSB Plant 50 cum hr 764.00 764.00
86 1311 Cranes 80 tonnes hr 823.00 823.00
87 1312 Cranes 35 tonnes hr 548.00 548.00
88 1313 Cranes 3 tonnes hr 229.00 229.00
89 1314 Concrete Bucket - 1 cum capacity hr 10.00 10.00
90 1315 Kerb Casting Machine hr 237.00 237.00
91 1317 Piling Rig with Bantonite Pump hr 4021.00 4021.00
92 1321 Generator 100 KVA hr 534.00 534.00
93 1322 Generator 33 KVA hr 251.00 251.00
94 1324 Road Marking Machine hr 57.00 57.00
95 1325 Mobile Slurry Seal Equipment hr 680.00 680.00
96 135 Drilling Equipment (Tractor mounted) Day 1627.00 1627.00
Sl. Code Bare Rate for 2019-20
No. No. Zone-A Zone-B
1 2 3 4 5 6
97 1326 Integrated stone crusher of 200 TPH including belt hr 11144.00 11144.00
conveyor vibrating screens
98 1327 Hot Mix Plant 20 to 40 TPH Capacity hr 3881.00 3881.00
99 1501 Grout pump with agitator & accessories hr 678.00 678.00
100 1503 Epoxy Injection gun hr 233.00 233.00
101 1506 Shotcreteing equipment hr 85.00 85.00
102 1511 Stressing jack with pump hr 127.00 127.00
103 1515 Hire charges for jack of 40 tonne lifting capacity No. 2797.00 2797.00
104 1517 Cement concrete batch mix at 75 cum/ hr hr 1525.00 1525.00
105 1527 Road sweeper at 1250 sqm/hr hr 234.00 234.00
106 1528 Cement concrete batch mix at 175 cum/hor (effective hr 6698.00 6698.00
107 1529 Electric generator set 250 KVA hr 636.00 636.00
108 1530 Slip form paver with electronic sensor hr 1525.00 1525.00
109 1532 Concrete joint cutting machine hr 1326.00 1326.00
110 1535 Batch type cold mixing plant 100 - 120 TPH capacity hr 6780.00 6780.00
producing an average output of 75 tonne per hour

111 1550 Motorised barge of 20 tonne capacity hr 424.00 424.00

112 1551 Boat to carry at least 20 persons hr 93.00 93.00
113 902 base mix plant (pug mill) hr 960.00 960.00
114 965 Transit mixer 4 cum capacity for lead beyond 1 km 2.00 2.00

115 970 Usage of plant & equipment for pneumatic method of hr 339.00 339.00
well sinking
116 996 Air Compressor 250 cfm with pneumatic breaker/ hr 218.00 218.00
jack hammer along with accessories
117 999 Compressor with guniting equipment along with hr 218.00 218.00
118 137 Concrete paver finisher with 40 HP Motor hr 1839.00 1839.00
119 Bitumen emulsion pressure distributor hr 564.00 564.00
120 Three wheel 80-100 kN static roller for intial break hr 367.00 367.00
down rolling, final and finishing rolling
121 Concrete joint cutting machine hr 165.75 211.00
122 Water tanker 6 kl capacity hr 254.24 255.00
FOR THE YEAR 2019-20
(For payment of wages of daily wage employees & For adoption in data rates and preparation of SR)
ZONE I :: Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike, Other Corporation areas of the state & their Agglomeration Areas.
ZONE II :: All District Centres of the state other than mentioned in Zone I
ZONE III :: Other than Places mentioned in Zone I & II
No. Basic DA Total Basic DA Total Basic DA Total Equivalent Cadre
1 Diploma Holder in Engineering 675.00 61.20 736.20 675.00 61.20 736.20 675.00 61.20 736.20 Equivalent Cadre
2 Graduate in Engineering 873.00 61.20 934.20 873.00 61.20 934.20 873.00 61.20 934.20 Equivalent Cadre
3 I.T.I. Certificates Holder 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
4 Job Oriented Diploma Holder 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
5 Mazdoor Heavy 385.00 61.20 446.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 350.00 61.20 411.20 Equivalent Cadre
6 Mazdoor Light/Bisti 385.00 61.20 446.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 350.00 61.20 411.20 Equivalent Cadre
7 Stone Wadder (Heavy) 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
8 Stone Wadder (Light) 385.00 61.20 446.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 350.00 61.20 411.20 Equivalent Cadre

9 Stone revetment builder/Hort Supr/Gauge 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre

10 Scavenger 385.00 61.20 446.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 350.00 61.20 411.20 Equivalent Cadre
11 Sweeper 385.00 61.20 446.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 350.00 61.20 411.20 Equivalent Cadre
12 Mason Class I (with tools) 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
13 Mason Class II(with tools) 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
14 Carpenter Class I (with tools) 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
15 Carpenter Class II ( - do -) 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
16 Carpenter Assistant 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
17 Stone Dresser (with tools) 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
18 Painter Class I 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
FOR THE YEAR 2019-20
(For payment of wages of daily wage employees & For adoption in data rates and preparation of SR)
ZONE I :: Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike, Other Corporation areas of the state & their Agglomeration Areas.
ZONE II :: All District Centres of the state other than mentioned in Zone I
ZONE III :: Other than Places mentioned in Zone I & II
No. Basic DA Total Basic DA Total Basic DA Total Equivalent Cadre
19 Painter Class II 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
20 White/Colour Washer 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
21 Wagon Driller/Pnematic tamper 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
22 Stone Chistler Calss I 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
23 Stone Chistler Class II 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
24 Floor Polisher/Tile Layer 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
25 a) Bar Bender/Welder I 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
26 b) Bar bender/Welder II 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
27 Driver for light vehicle 421.00 61.20 482.20 410.00 61.20 471.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
28 Driver for heavy vehicle 449.00 61.20 510.20 437.00 61.20 498.20 407.00 61.20 468.20 Equivalent Cadre
29 Driver for road rollers 449.00 61.20 510.20 437.00 61.20 498.20 407.00 61.20 468.20 Equivalent Cadre
30 Manual Driller 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
Science Graduate employed in
31 675.00 61.20 736.20 675.00 61.20 736.20 675.00 61.20 736.20 Equivalent Cadre
Arts/Commerce Graduate employed in
32 675.00 61.20 736.20 675.00 61.20 736.20 675.00 61.20 736.20 Equivalent Cadre
33 Licenced Blaster 425.00 61.20 486.20 415.00 61.20 476.20 390.00 61.20 451.20 Equivalent Cadre
34 Blaster Helper 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
35 Hammer man/Stone Breaker 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
FOR THE YEAR 2019-20
(For payment of wages of daily wage employees & For adoption in data rates and preparation of SR)
ZONE I :: Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike, Other Corporation areas of the state & their Agglomeration Areas.
ZONE II :: All District Centres of the state other than mentioned in Zone I
ZONE III :: Other than Places mentioned in Zone I & II
No. Basic DA Total Basic DA Total Basic DA Total Equivalent Cadre
36 Licenced Plumber with tools 425.00 61.20 486.20 415.00 61.20 476.20 390.00 61.20 451.20 Equivalent Cadre

37 Licenced electri Wiremen fitter with tools 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre

38 Lineman 425.00 61.20 486.20 415.00 61.20 476.20 390.00 61.20 451.20 Equivalent Cadre
39 Auto Electrician/ Mechanic Grade I 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
40 Auto Electrician/Mechanic Grade II 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
41 Gas or Electric Welder 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
42 Telephone Operator/Lineman 465.00 61.20 526.20 455.00 61.20 516.20 425.00 61.20 486.20 Equivalent Cadre
43 Telephone Mechanic 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
44 Telephone Attender 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
45 Wireless Operator 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
46 Fitter Class I 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
47 Fitter Class II 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
Mechanic Class I/Mechanic HmP Grade
48 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
I/EME Grade I
Mechanic Class II/Mechanic HmP Grade
49 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
50 Mixer/Generator/(Compressor) Stone 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
Crusher/Motor Mill
FOR THE YEAR 2019-20
(For payment of wages of daily wage employees & For adoption in data rates and preparation of SR)
ZONE I :: Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike, Other Corporation areas of the state & their Agglomeration Areas.
ZONE II :: All District Centres of the state other than mentioned in Zone I
ZONE III :: Other than Places mentioned in Zone I & II
No. Basic DA Total Basic DA Total Basic DA Total Equivalent Cadre
51 Mixer/Generator/(Compressor) Stone 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
Crusher/Motor Mill
Operator Light/Pump Vibrator/
52 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
Grinder/Air conditioner
53 Turner 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
54 Tinker (With tools) 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
55 Cleaner 385.00 61.20 446.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 350.00 61.20 411.20 Equivalent Cadre
56 Crest Gate operator 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
57 Gate Operator for Dam 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
58 Sluice gate operator for Dam 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
59 Sluiceman for canals 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
60 Foreman Grade I 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
61 Foreman Grade II 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
EME Operator Grade I /
62 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
63 EME operator Grade II 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
Divers with Helmet working under
64 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
Pneumatic pressure
65 Divers (ordinary) 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
FOR THE YEAR 2019-20
(For payment of wages of daily wage employees & For adoption in data rates and preparation of SR)
ZONE I :: Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike, Other Corporation areas of the state & their Agglomeration Areas.
ZONE II :: All District Centres of the state other than mentioned in Zone I
ZONE III :: Other than Places mentioned in Zone I & II
No. Basic DA Total Basic DA Total Basic DA Total Equivalent Cadre
66 Well Sinker 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
67 Stenographer (Senior) 465.00 61.20 526.20 455.00 61.20 516.20 425.00 61.20 486.20 Equivalent Cadre
68 Stenographer (Junior) DELETED Equivalent Cadre
69 Typist (Senior) 465.00 61.20 526.20 455.00 61.20 516.20 425.00 61.20 486.20 Equivalent Cadre
70 Typist (Junior) 460.00 61.20 521.20 445.00 61.20 506.20 415.00 61.20 476.20 Equivalent Cadre
71 Lift operator 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
72 Laboratory Attender 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
73 Watchman/Peon 385.00 61.20 446.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 350.00 61.20 411.20 Equivalent Cadre
74 Gurkha Watchman 385.00 61.20 446.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 350.00 61.20 411.20 Equivalent Cadre
75 Cartman with cart and single bullock 385.00 61.20 446.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 350.00 61.20 411.20 Equivalent Cadre
76 Cartman with cart and double bullock 385.00 61.20 446.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 350.00 61.20 411.20 Equivalent Cadre
77 Hot asphalt spraying mazdoor 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
78 Hot asphalt premix spraying mazdoor 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
79 Spun pipe moulder Class I 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
80 Spun pipe moulder Class II 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
81 Patkary/Sowdy/Neerganti 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
82 Horticultural Assistant (Trained) 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
83 Boatman (Licenced) with boat 425.00 61.20 486.20 415.00 61.20 476.20 390.00 61.20 451.20 Equivalent Cadre
FOR THE YEAR 2019-20
(For payment of wages of daily wage employees & For adoption in data rates and preparation of SR)
ZONE I :: Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike, Other Corporation areas of the state & their Agglomeration Areas.
ZONE II :: All District Centres of the state other than mentioned in Zone I
ZONE III :: Other than Places mentioned in Zone I & II
No. Basic DA Total Basic DA Total Basic DA Total Equivalent Cadre
84 Boatman 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
85 Guage Reader 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
86 Sweeper 385.00 61.20 446.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 350.00 61.20 411.20 Equivalent Cadre
87 Chawalies 385.00 61.20 446.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 350.00 61.20 411.20 Equivalent Cadre
88 Navaganies 385.00 61.20 446.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 350.00 61.20 411.20 Equivalent Cadre
89 Brick layer Class I /Moulder 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
90 Brick Layer Class II 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
91 Fireman 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
92 Gangman/Survey/mazdoor 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
93 Wood Sawer (with tools) 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
94 Compounder/Pharmasist 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
95 Compunder (SSLC) 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
96 School Bus Conductor 425.00 61.20 486.20 415.00 61.20 476.20 390.00 61.20 451.20 Equivalent Cadre
97 I.B. Maity 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
98 I.B. Waterman 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
99 Photographer 465.00 61.20 526.20 455.00 61.20 516.20 425.00 61.20 486.20 Equivalent Cadre
100 Dhobi 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
101 Artisan Chistler 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
FOR THE YEAR 2019-20
(For payment of wages of daily wage employees & For adoption in data rates and preparation of SR)
ZONE I :: Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike, Other Corporation areas of the state & their Agglomeration Areas.
ZONE II :: All District Centres of the state other than mentioned in Zone I
ZONE III :: Other than Places mentioned in Zone I & II
No. Basic DA Total Basic DA Total Basic DA Total Equivalent Cadre
102 Artisan Mason 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
103 Artisan Helper 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
104 Artisan fitter 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
105 Assistant Mechanic 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
106 Blacksmith Grade I 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
107 Blacksmith Grade II 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
108 Cook 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
109 Drilling/Grouting Operator Gr.I 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
110 Drilling/Grouting operator Gr.II 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
Foreman - heavy machinery work shop
111 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
112 Fabricator 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
Field Asst. spraying attender, Plant
113 propagators, Prunders with Horticulture 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
Dept. certificate
114 Mali (Gardner) trained 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
115 Mali (Gardner) untrained heavy 385.00 61.20 446.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 350.00 61.20 411.20 Equivalent Cadre
116 Mali (Gardner) Untrained light 385.00 61.20 446.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 350.00 61.20 411.20 Equivalent Cadre
117 Literate Assistant (Graduate) 675.00 61.20 736.20 675.00 61.20 736.20 675.00 61.20 736.20 Equivalent Cadre
FOR THE YEAR 2019-20
(For payment of wages of daily wage employees & For adoption in data rates and preparation of SR)
ZONE I :: Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike, Other Corporation areas of the state & their Agglomeration Areas.
ZONE II :: All District Centres of the state other than mentioned in Zone I
ZONE III :: Other than Places mentioned in Zone I & II
No. Basic DA Total Basic DA Total Basic DA Total Equivalent Cadre
118 Literate Assistant (SSLC passed) 425.00 61.20 486.20 415.00 61.20 476.20 390.00 61.20 451.20 Equivalent Cadre
119 Literate Assistant (Non SSLC) 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
120 Hammer Mazdoor 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
121 Helper (Electrical) 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
122 Medicine sprayer - Malnad 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
123 Medicine sprayer - Maidan 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
124 Jack Hammer Driller 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
125 Laboratory Asst. (Graduate) 675.00 61.20 736.20 675.00 61.20 736.20 675.00 61.20 736.20 Equivalent Cadre
126 Laboratory Asst. (SSLC Passed) 425.00 61.20 486.20 415.00 61.20 476.20 390.00 61.20 451.20 Equivalent Cadre
127 Mechinist Class - I 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
128 Mechinist Class - II 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
Operator for pump compressor Mixer
129 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
without ITI
130 Drilling mechanic Grade I 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
131 Drilling mechanic Grade II 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
132 Revenue Surveyor 460.00 61.20 521.20 445.00 61.20 506.20 415.00 61.20 476.20 Equivalent Cadre
134 Stone cutter Class - II 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
Sismological Asst. having graduation in
135 675.00 61.20 736.20 675.00 61.20 736.20 675.00 61.20 736.20 Equivalent Cadre
FOR THE YEAR 2019-20
(For payment of wages of daily wage employees & For adoption in data rates and preparation of SR)
ZONE I :: Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike, Other Corporation areas of the state & their Agglomeration Areas.
ZONE II :: All District Centres of the state other than mentioned in Zone I
ZONE III :: Other than Places mentioned in Zone I & II
No. Basic DA Total Basic DA Total Basic DA Total Equivalent Cadre
136 Tracer/Blue Printer 385.00 61.20 446.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 350.00 61.20 411.20 Equivalent Cadre
137 Turner with ITI Certifiate Gr.I 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
138 Turner with ITI Certificate Gr.II 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
139 Valveman 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
140 Welder Grade I 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
141 Welder Grade II 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
142 Work Inspector/Maistry/Supervisor 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
Electrical Inspector with Supervisor with
143 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
5 years experience
144 Driver for Rig 449.00 61.20 510.20 437.00 61.20 498.20 407.00 61.20 468.20 Equivalent Cadre
145 Ex-Serviceman/Night Watchman 385.00 61.20 446.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 350.00 61.20 411.20 Equivalent Cadre
146 Ballower 395.00 61.20 456.20 385.00 61.20 446.20 360.00 61.20 421.20 Equivalent Cadre
147 Chinnadika Cooli 425.00 61.20 486.20 415.00 61.20 476.20 390.00 61.20 451.20 Equivalent Cadre
148 Saranga/Khasasi 405.00 61.20 466.20 395.00 61.20 456.20 375.00 61.20 436.20 Equivalent Cadre
I. Ordinary soil:
This shall comprise of vegetation or organic soil, turf,sand,sandy soil, silt,loam,clay,mud,
red earh, sudda, peat, black cotton soil, soft shale or loose murrum,mud debris, a mixture
of all these and similar materials which yields to the ordinary application of pick axe,
shovel, rake or other ordinary digging equipment,. removal of gravel or any other modular
material having diameter in any one direction not exceeding 75 mm. Any other such
occuring strata shall be deemed to be covered under this category.

II. Hard soil:This shall include

1 Stiff heavy clay, hard shale or compact murrum requiring drifting tool or pick axe or both
and shovel closely applied.
2 Gravel, soft laterite, Kankar and cobble stone having maximum diameter in any one
direction between 75 mm and 300 mm.
3 Soling of road path etc., and hard core.
4 Macadam surface such as waterbound and bitumen/tar bound.
5 Lime concrete, stone masonry in lime/ cement mortar below ground level.
6 Soft conglomerate, where the stones may be detached from the matrix with pick axe.

7 Generally any material which requires the close application of pick axe or scarifiers to
loose and not offering resistance to digging, greater than that offered by the hardest of
any soil mentioned in 1 to 6 above.
III. Odinary Rock
i) Ordinary rock comprising of lime stone, sand stone, hard laterite fissured rock,
conglomerate or other soft or disintegrated rock which may be quarried or split with
crow bars.
ii) Un-reinforced cement concrete which may be broken-up with crow bars or pick axe and
stone masonry in cement morter below ground level.
iii) Bouders which do not require blasting having maximum diameter in any direction of more
than 300mm ,found lying loose on the surface or embeded in river bed , soil talus, slope
wash: and terrace material of dissimilar origin.
Hard laterite does not require blasting, it is to be classified under ordinary
rock which does not require blasting.
IV Hard Rock
This shall Comprise:
i) Any rock or RCC excavation of which require the use of mechanical plant or blasting.
ii) Bouders requiring blasting.
For Operating Items of Excavation in Hard Rock with Blasting and Hard Rock by
Chistling Prior Permission of the Superintending Engineer is to be Obtained.
General Note for items

Extra for excavation under watery conditions and / or foul conditions including bailing /
pumping out, removing slush add 20% of the rate of the respective rate on account of
slow progress of work under these conditions.

a) Payment for excavation in pipe line trenches will be restricted to standard section of width
.(For Pipes upto 200 mm diameter Excavation width is to be limited to 0.60 m & for pipes
above 200 mm diameter width is to be limited to 3 times the diameter of the pipe.)

b) In case of S and S and other type of pipe joints wherever required for lead joint, cement
joint or any other types of moulded joints,extra payment will be made for caulking pits.

c) Stone obtained form excavation of hard rock shall be stacked so as to facilitate

measurement taking. For payment on stack measurement in rocky excavation 40%
deduction shall be made for voids; this shall be compared with the pre-measurement of
rock. The quantity whichever is less is to be considered for making payment.

d) Back filling of pipe line trenches shall be done only out of related earth from the trench
excavation, properly watered and consolidated and all surplus earth shall be disposed off
with a lead upto 200 meters and as per the instructions of departmental officers in-charge
of the work / at site.

Superintending Engineer,
RDW &S Circle Kalburgi
Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Cutting of trees girth from 300mm to 600mm including cutting of
trunks, branches and removal of stumps stacking of serviceable
1.01 each 299.00 299.00
materials, earth filling in the depressions / pit, labour charges
complete as per specifications.MORTH specification clause201

Cutting of trees girth from 600mm to 900mm including cutting of

trunks, branches and removal of stumps, stacking of serviceable
1.02 each 922.00 922.00
materials and earth filling in the depressions / pit, labour charges
complete as per specificationsMORTH specification clause201

Cutting of trees girth from 900mm to 1800mm including cutting

of trunks, branches and removal of stumps, stacking of serviceable
1.03 each 2242.00 2242.00
materials and earth filling in the depressions / pit, labour charges
complete as per specificationsMORTH specification clause201

Cutting of trees girth from 1800mm to 2700mm including cutting

of trunks, branches and removal of stumps, stacking of serviceable
1.04 each 3488.00 3488.00
materials and earth filling in the depressions / pit, labour charges
complete as per specifications.MORTH specification clause201

Cutting of trees girth above 2700mm to 3600mm including cutting

of trunks, branches and removal of stumps, stacking of serviceable
1.05 each 6977.00 6977.00
materials and earth filling in the depressions / pit, labour charges
complete as per specifications.MORTH specification clause201

Clearing grass and removal of rubbish by manual means upto a

1.06 distance of 50 metres outside the periphery of the area cleaned ha 25754.00 25754.00
complete as per specifications.MORTH Specification No. 201

Removal of Telephone / Electric poles including excavation and

dismantling of foundation concrete and lines under the supervision of
1.07 concerned department, disposal with all lifts and stacking the nos. 216.00 216.00
serviceable and unserviceable material separatelycomplete as per
specifications.MORTH Specification No. 202

Removal of cement concrete pipe of sewer gutter 1500 mm dia

under the supervision of concerned department including disposal
1.08 with all lifts and stacking of serviceable and unserviceable material m 168.00 168.00
separately but excluding earth excavation and dismantling of masonry
works complete as per specifications.MORTH Specification No. 202

Dismantling of CI water pipe line 600 mm dia including disposal

with all lifts and stacking of serviceable material and unserviceable
1.09 m 136.00 136.00
material separately under supervision of concerned department
complete as per specifications.MORTH Specification No. 202

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Dismantling of barbed wire fencing / wire mesh fencing including
posts, foundation concrete, back filling of pit by manual means
1.10 including disposal of dismantled materia with all lifts, stacking m 65.00 65.00
serviceable material and unserviceable material separately complete
as per specifications.MORTH Specification No. 202

Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining

walls and other structure comprising of masonry, cement concrete,
wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever
necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable
1.11 Cum 453.00 453.00
material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts complete
as per specifications. Lime /Cement Concrete, By Manual Means,
Lime Concrete, cement concrete grade M-10 and belowMORTH
Specification No. 202
Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining
walls and other structure comprising of masonry, cement concrete,
wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever
necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable
1.12 Cum 556.00 556.00
material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and
complete as per specifications, Lime /Cement Concrete, By Manual
Means, Cement Concrete Grade M-15 & M-20MORTH
Specification No. 202

Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining

walls and other structure comprising of masonry, cement concrete,
wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever
1.13 necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable Cum 1589.00 1589.00
material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts complete
as per specifications, Prestressed / Reinforced cement concrete grade
M-20 & aboveMORTH Specification No. 202

Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining

walls and other structure comprising of masonry, cement concrete,
wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever
1.14 necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable Cum 390.00 390.00
material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts complete
as per specifications, By Mechanical Means, Cement Concrete
Grade M-15 & M-20MORTH Specification No. 202

Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining

walls and other structure comprising of masonry, cement concrete,
wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever
1.15 necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable Cum 739.00 739.00
material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts complete
as per specifications, Prestressed / reinforced cement concrete grade
M-20 & aboveMORTH Specification No. 202

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining
walls and other structure comprising of masonry, cement concrete,
wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever
1.16 necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable Cum 247.00 247.00
material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts complete
as per specifications, Dismantling Brick / Tile work, In lime mortar
MORTH Specification No. 202
Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining
walls and other structure comprising of masonry, cement concrete,
wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever
1.17 necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable Cum 350.00 350.00
material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts complete
as per specifications, In cement mortar MORTH Specification No.

Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining

walls and other structure comprising of masonry, cement concrete,
wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever
1.18 Cum 206.00 206.00
necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable
material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts complete
as per specifications, In mud mortarMORTH Specification No. 202

Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining

walls and other structure comprising of masonry, cement concrete,
wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever
1.19 necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable Cum 185.00 185.00
material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts complete
as per specifications, Dry brick pitching or brick solingMORTH
Specification No. 202
Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining
walls and other structure comprising of masonry, cement concrete,
wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever
1.20 necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable Cum 289.00 289.00
material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts complete
as per specifications, Rubble Stone masonry in lime mortar MORTH

Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining

walls and other structure comprising of masonry, cement concrete,
wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever
1.21 necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable Cum 350.00 350.00
material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts complete
as per specifications, Rubble stone masonry in cement
mortar.MORTH Specification No. 202

Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining

walls and other structure comprising of masonry, cement concrete,
wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever
1.22 necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable Cum 247.00 247.00
material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts as per
specification, Rubble stone masonry in mud mortar etc
complete.MORTH Specification No. 202

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining
walls and other structure comprising of masonry, cement concrete,
wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever
1.23 necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable Cum 227.00 227.00
material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts complete
as per specifications, Dry rubble masonry.MORTH Specification No.
Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining
walls and other structure comprising of masonry, cement concrete,
wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever
1.24 necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable Cum 206.00 206.00
material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts complete
as per specifications, Dismantling stone pitching / dry stone
spallsMORTH Specification No. 202

Dismantling of cement concrete pavement by mechanical means

using pneumatic tools, breaking to pieces not exceeding 0.02 cum in
volume and stock piling at designated locations and disposal of
1.25 Cum 898.00 898.00
dismantled materials, stacking serviceable and unserviceable materials
seperately complete as per specifications.MORTH Specification No.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Earthwork in surface excavation in ordinary soil for levelling and
lowering the ground manually (other than foundation of buildings,
culverts, road drains and trenches of pipe lines and cables) and
2.01 removing the excavated stuff to a distance not exceeding 50m and lift Cum 249.00 249.00
upto 1.5m, excavated surface levelled and neatly dressed, disposed
earth to be levelled after breaking of clods and neatly dressed as per
specifications. Specification No KBS 2.1(a)/2.3.1
Earthwork in surface excavation in hard soil for levelling and
lowering the ground manually ( other than foundation of buildings,
culverts, road drains and trenches of pipe lines and cables ) and
2.02 removing the excavated stuff to a distance not exceeding 50m and lift Cum 348.00 348.00
upto 1.5m, excavated surface levelled and neatly dressed, disposed
earth to be levelled after breaking of clods and neatly dressed as per
specifications. specification. Specification No KBS 2.1(a)/2.3.1

Earth work for lowering and levelling the ground other than
foundation works by mechanical means upto 3.00m depth ,
including providing shoring, strutting,and bracing, removal of stumps
and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom, filling
2.03 Cum 60.00 60.00
back the excavated earth to the extent required and
utilising/transporting the remaining earth upto 1.00 KM lead
including the cost of Labour & HOM of Machineries, as per drawing
and technical specification.
Earthwork excavation by manual means for foundation of
buildings, culverts, water supply and sanitary lines and electrical
conduits etc, either in pits or in trenches 1.5m and above in width, in
2.04 ordinary soil not exceeding 1.5 m. in depth including dressing the Cum 299.00 299.00
bottom and sides of pits and trenches, stacking the excavated soil
clear from edges of excavation with lead upto 50 m. including
breaking of clods complete as per specifications.
Earthwork excavation by manual means for foundation of
buildings, culverts, water supply and sanitary lines and electrical
conduits etc, either in pits or in trenches 1.5m and above in width, in
2.05 hard soil not exceeding 1.5 m. in depth including dressing the Cum 448.00 448.00
bottom and sides of pits and trenches, stacking the excavated soil
clear from edges of excavation with lead upto 50 m. including
breaking of clods complete as per specifications.

Excavation by manual means for foundation of buildings, water

supply & sanitary lines and electrical conduits etc., either in pits or in
trenches 1.50m and above in width, in soft rock without
blasting/ordinary rock not exceeding 1.50mtrs in depth including
2.06 Cum 1421.00 1421.00
dressing the bottom and sides of pit and trenches stacking the
excavated stuff clear from edges of excavation with lead upto 50mt
including cost of explosives, labour, HOM complete as per

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5

Excavation by manual means for foundation of buildings, water

supply & sanitary lines and electrical conduits etc., either in pits or in
trenches 1.50m & above in width in hard rock not exceeding 1.50m
2.07 Cum 739.00 739.00
in depth including stacking the excavated stuff clear from edges of
excavation with lead upto 50m including cost of explosives, labour
HOM of equipment complete as per specifications

Excavation for foundation of buildings, water supply & sanitary lines

& electrical conduits etc., either in pits or in trenches 1.50m & above
in width in hard rock by chiselling and / or wedging where
2.08 blasting in prohibited, not excluding 1.50m in depth including Cum 2041.00 2041.00
stacking the excavated stuff clear from edges of excavation with lead
upto 50m including cost of explosives, labour HOM of equipment
complete as per specifications
Earth work in excavation of foundation of structures upto 3 m depth
by Mechanical means as per drawing and technical specification,
including setting out, providing shoring,strutting and bracing,
removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and
bottom, filling back the excavated earth to the extent required and
utilising / transporting the remaining earth upto 1.00km lead,
including cost of labour, materials and HOM of machineries, etc.,
2.09.1 Ordinary/Hard soil Cum 52.00 52.00
2.09.2 Ordinary Rock (without blasting) Cum 67.00 67.00
2.09.3 Ordinary/Hard Rock (With blasting using explosives) Cum 741.00 741.00

Benching hard rock 5 to 7.5 cm depth. for seating of foundation,

2.10 Cum 2191.00 2191.00
including cost of all labour, tools etc., complete as per specifications.

Filling available excavated earth ( excluding rock ) in sides of

foundations upto plinthin layers not exceeding 20 cms. in depth,
2.11 compacting each deposited layer by ramming afterwatering with lead Cum 201.00 201.00
upto 50 m. and lift upto 1.5 m. including cost of all labour complete
as perspecifications.
Providing and filling sand in foundation upto plinth to required
2.12 depth for sub soil treatment including watering ramming with all lead Cum 1770.00 1770.00
and lift complete as per specifications.

Providing and Filling in foundation with granite / trap broken metal

100mm. And down size, with approved sand including hand packing,
2.13 Cum 1935.00 1847.00
ramming, watering, including cost of all materials and labour with all
lead and lift. complete as per specifications

Providing sand cement bed with 5% cement with all leads for all
materials and lift of 1.5 m. machine mixed, laid in layers of 15cms.
2.14 Cum 2696.00 2722.00
thick and well compacted for foundation, including curing cost of
materials labour and HOM complete as per specifications.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5

Providing sand cement bed with 10% cement with all leads for all
materials and lift of 1.5 m. machine mixed, laid in layers of 15cms.
2.15 Cum 3114.00 3165.00
thick and well compacted for foundation including curing cost of
materials labour and HOM complete as per specifications.

Providing sand piles with all leads and lift of 1.5 m. for stabilising
foundation after duly making 5 cms. dia holes to a depth of 1.2 to 1.5
2.16 m. at 0.5 m c to c and filling with sand and tamping wherever Cum 318.00 319.00
required including cost of materials, labour complete as per
Providing sand cement piles with all lead and lifts for stabilising
foundation bed after making 5 cms. dia holes to a depth of 1.2 to
2.17 1.5 m. at 0.5 m c to c and filling with sand and 10% cement, Cum 355.00 356.00
tamping wherever required including cost of materials, labour
complete as per specifications.

Providing and removing shoring and shuttering for protecting the

2.18 sides of foundation trenches, wherever required, including cost of all Sqm 519.00 540.00
materials and labour complete as per specifications.

Extra for additional lift of 1.5m. or part thereof for excavation In

2.19 loose / soft or hard soil including cost of materials, labour complete Cum 19.90 19.90
as per specifications.
Extra for additional lift of 1.5m. or part thereof for excavation In soft
2.20 or hard rock including cost of materials, labour complete as per Cum 34.80 34.80

Removal of Unserviceable Soil with Disposal . Removal of

unserviceable soil including excavation, loading and disposal but
2.21 excluding replacement by suitable soil which shallbe paid separately Cum 33.00 33.00
as per clause 300.5 complete as per specification MORTH
specification no 301.


Earthwork excavation for pipeline trenches including depositing on
bank upto a lead of 50 mtrs and depth up to 2.00 mtrs. Including
2.22 shoring and strutting, danger lighting and using sight rails and boning
rods at every 100 mtrs. Wherever necessary as directed in the
following strata. (Manual Means)
2.22.1 In Ordinary Soil Cum 262.00 262.00

2.22.2 In Hard Soil Cum 262.00 262.00

Earthwork excavation for pipeline trenches including depositing on

bank upto a lead of 50 mtrs and depth up to 2 mtrs. Including
shoring and strutting, danger lighting and using sight rails and boning
2.22.3 Cum 1047.00 1047.00
rods at every 100 mtrs. Wherever necessary as directed (Manual
Means) In
Ordinary rock without blasting

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5

Earth work excavatoin for water Supply & Sanitary lines, Electrical
conduits either in pits or pipe line trenches (upto 600mm Trench
width) as per drawing and technical specification, including setting
out, construction of shoring, strutting, barricading, danger lighting,
bracing, using sight rails & boning rods at every 100 mm
whevere necessary removal of stumps and other deleterious matter,
dressing of sides and levelling the bottom of trench, including
backfilling the excavated earth to the extent required and utilising
the remaining available excavated earth locally for the work. in the
following strata classifications by Mechanical Means

2.23.1 Ordinary / Hard Soil - (Depth upto 3m) Cum 130.00 130.00
2.23.2 Ordinary Rock (not requiring blasting) Cum 174.00 174.00
2.23.3 Hard Rock (requiring blasting) Cum 1015.00 1015.00
2.23.4 Marshy Soil Cum 457.00 486.00
Earth work excavatoin for water Supply & Sanitary lines, Electrical
conduits either in pits or pipe line trenches (for Trenches beyond
600mm to 1500mm width) as per drawing and technical
specification, including setting out, construction of shoring, strutting,
barricading, danger lighting, bracing, using sight rails & boning rods
2.24 at every 100 mm whevere necessary removal of stumps and other
deleterious matter, dressing of sides and levelling the bottom of
trench, including backfilling the excavated earth to the extent
required and utilising the remaining available excavated earth locally
for the work. in the following strata classifications by Mechanical
2.24.1 Ordinary / Hard Soil - (Depth upto 3m) Cum 108.00 108.00
2.24.2 Ordinary Rock (not requiring blasting) Cum 144.00 144.00
2.24.3 Hard Rock (requiring blasting) Cum 846.00 846.00
2.24.4 Marshy Soil Cum 457.00 486.00

Refilling the basement and pipeline trenches with selected

available earth from trench excavation including watering,
Consolidation in layers of 15 cm thick including disposing of the
2.25 Cum 103.00 103.00
surplus earth with all lead & lifts. (Compacting with vibro roller)
Note: Add Rs. 203.00 / cum for earth obtained from borrow

Cutting of road surface for pipeline trenches and disposing of the

2.26 excavated stuff as directed including barricading, danger lighting etc.
in the following classification.
2.26.1 Cutting Macadam Road Surface Cum 346.00 346.00
2.26.2 Cutting Asphalt Road Surface Cum 542.00 542.00
2.26.3 Cutting in Cement Concrete Road Surface Cum 1106.00 1106.00
Providing murrum or gravel bedding for the pipeline including
2.27 watering and consolidation by punners etc. complete with all lead and Cum 259.00 259.00
lift. (in black cotton soil and rock reaches).

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Diversion of water course by providing Coffer dams or bunds or
islands as may be necessary for piers and abutments (for intake well,
connecting pipe line, Jackwell etc ) foundations, bailing out or
pumping water during excavation and until completion etc.,
complete. Including cost of material , labour, HOM complete as per

2.28.1 do- 1.50 mtrs depth below LWL Cum 295.70 295.70

2.28.2 do- beyond 1.50 mtrs depth upto & including 3m depth. Cum 394.00 394.00

2.28.3 do- beyond 3.00 mtrs depth upto & including 4.5m depth. Cum 648.70 648.70

2.28.4 do- beyond 4.50 mtrs depth upto & including 6.00m depth. Cum 801.80 801.80


Earth work excavation for connecting pipe line and disposing the
excavated stuff as per directions of the department including
providing barricading danger lighting. Shoring, strutting and bailing
out water wherever necessary upto 1.50mts depth.
2.29.1 Do in all soils excluding hard murrum (Dry condition) 305.00 305.00
2.29.2 : -- do -- in hard murram ( dry condition ) Cum 541.00 541.00
2.29.3 --- do --- in soft rock and dis-integrated rock under dry condition Cum 843.00 843.00
2.29.4 --- do --- in Hard rock requiring blasting under dry condition Cum 1647.00 1647.00
2.29.5 -- do -- in all soils excluding hard murram under water situation . Cum 1030.00 1030.00
2.29.6 --do- in hard murrum under watery situation Cum 1404.00 1404.00
--- do --- in soft rock and dis-integrated rock under watery
2.29.7 Cum 1739.00 1739.00
2.29.8 --- do --- in Hard rock requiring blasting under watery situation. Cum 1937.00 1937.00
2.29.9 Extra lifts rates in all classifications by Manual means
a 1.50 to 3.00 mtr Cum 108.00 108.00
b 3.00 to 4.50 mtr Cum 254.00 254.00
c 4.50 to 6.00 mtr Cum 290.00 290.00
d 6.00 to 7.50 mtr Cum 363.00 363.00
e 7.50 to 9.00 mtr Cum 435.00 435.00
f 9.00 to 10.50 mtr Cum 508.00 508.00
g 10.50 to 12.00 mtr Cum 651.00 651.00
h 12.00 to 13.50 mtr Cum 754.00 754.00
i 13.50 to 15.00 mtr Cum 857.00 857.00

Note:Beyond 15.00 m For every additional of 1.50 Mtr. Lift

Rs.58.00*per Cum. may be added

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Earth work is excavation for foundation of structures by
Mechnical means as per drawing and technical specification,
2.30 including setting out, construction of shoring, strutting, barricading,
danger lighting, bracing, removal of slumps and other deleterious
matter, dressing of the sides and leveling the bottum of trench to the
extent required, utilising the available excavated earth locally for the
2.30.1 -do- In ordinary / All soil / Hard soil
a 0-3 mtr depth CUM 87.00 87.00
b 3-6 mtr depth CUM 99.00 99.00
c 6-9 mtr depth CUM 114.00 114.00
d 9-12 mtr depth CUM 131.00 131.00
NOTE : Add Rs 18.00 per Cum. For every additional 3 mtr
depth or part there off, for depth beyond 12 mtr.
-do- In ordinary rock comprising of lime stone, sand stone, hard
laterite, fissured rock, conglomerate or other soft or disintegrated
rock which may be quarried or split with crow bars. Boulders which
do not require blasting having maximum dia in direction of more
than 300 mm ; found lying loose on the surface or embedded in river
bed, soil, talus, slope wash and terrace material of dissisimilar origin.
a 0-3 mtr depth cum 116.00 116.00
b 3-6 mtr depth cum 133.00 133.00
c 6-9 mtr depth cum 153.00 153.00
d 9-12 mtr depth cum 175.00 175.00
NOTE : Add Rs 26.00 per Cum. For every additional 3 mtr
depth or part there off, for depth beyond 12 mtr.
-do- In Hard rock - Any rock or cement concrete or RCC,
exacavation of which require the use of mechanical plant.
a 0-3 mtr depth Cum 677.00 677.00
b 3-6 mtr depth Cum 778.00 778.00
c 6-9 mtr depth Cum 894.00 894.00
d 9-12 mtr depth Cum 1027.00 1027.00
NOTE : Add Rs 153.00 per Cum. For every additional 3 mtr depth
or part there off, for depth beyond 12 mtr.
Additional Dewatering charges for open wells and Jackwells shall be
paid as under ;
Upto 12 mtr depth in any kind of strata, 20 % of the normal rate.
Beyond 12 mtr depth but up to 18 mtr depth 25 % of the normal
Beyond 18 mtr depth 30 % of the normal rate.
When over night recuperation exceeds one mtr depth, a rate analysis
may be work out based on actual observations and got approved by
the CE

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing pebbles of size 0.32cms to 10cms (1/8 inch to 4 inch)
2.31 graded filter media with sand including laying, grading and hand Cum 2217.00 2217.00
packing in position as per specification etc., complete.
Providing hearting embankment using selected impervious soil
from approved borrow areas in layers of 250 to 300 mm before
compaction including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, all
2.32 other operations such as excavation, sorting out, transportation, Cum 222.00 222.00
spreading in layer of specified thickness, breaking clods, sectioning,
watering, compacting to density control of not less than 95 percent
using power roller etc., complete with all lead and lifts
Providing cut-off trench filling using selected impervious soil
from approved borrow areas in layers of 250 to 300 mm before
compaction including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, all
2.33 other operations such as excavation, sorting out, transportation, Cum 222.00 222.00
spreading in layers of specified thickness, breaking clods,
sectioning, watering, compacting to density control of not less than
95 percent using power roller etc.,complete with all lead and lifts
Providing casing embankment using semi-pervious soil
from approved borrow areas in layers of 250 to 300 mm before
compaction including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, all
2.34 other operations such as excavation, sorting out, transportation, Cum 222.00 222.00
spreading soil to specified thickness, breaking clods, sectioning,
watering, compacting to density control of not less than 95 percent
using power roller etc., complete with all lead and lifts
Providing casing embankment using semi-pervious soil available
from excavation in layers of 250 to300 mm before compaction
including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, all other
2.35 operations such as re-excavation, sorting out, transportation, Cum 139.00 139.00
spreading soil to specified thickness, breaking clods, sectioning,
watering, compacting to density control of not less than 95 percent
using power roller etc., complete with all lead and lifts

Providing and constructing dry rubble rock-toe using rubble and

stone chips from approved source including cost of all materials,
2.36 Cum 721.00 721.00
machinery, labour, hand packing rubble and stone chips, finishing
top and sides to required slopes etc. complete with all lead and lifts

Providing and constructing dry rubble rock-toe with rubble and

stone chips from dump yard including cost of all materials,
2.37 Cum 592.00 592.00
machinery, labour, hand packing rubble and stone chips, finishing
top and sides to required slopes etc.,complete with all lead and lifts
Providing and constructing longitudinal / cross graded filter
drains using sand and 80 to 20 mm and 20 mm down graded
aggregates satisfying specified filter creteria in layers as per
2.38 Cum 1548.00 1548.00
specifications including cost of all materials, machinery, labour,
laying to required slopes, compaction etc., complete with all lead
and lifts.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and constructing vertical / inclined graded filter media
consisting of sand and coarse aggregate layers of specified
2.39 thickness using approved materials satisfying specified filter
creteria as per specifications including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, laying to required slopes, compaction etc.,
complete with all lead and lifts.
a Sand layer Cum 1784.00 1784.00
b 10 mm down graded coarse aggregate layer Cum 1365.00 1365.00
c 20 mm down graded coarse aggregate layer Cum 1365.00 1365.00
d 40-10 mm graded coarse aggregate layer Cum 1316.00 1316.00
Providing and constructing graded filter media below and
behind rock-toe consisting of 200 mm thick sand, 250 mm thick 20
- 4.75 mm and 400 mm thick 80 - 20 mm size graded coarse
2.40 Cum 1387.00 1387.00
aggregates satisfying filter creteria as per specifications including
cost of all materials, machinery, labour, laying to required slope,
compaction etc., complete with all lead and lifts
Providing and constructing 450 mm thick hand packed rough
stone revetment consisting of 300 mm thick rough stones with 400
to 450 mm long through stones at 1.5 m c / c over a backing of
2.41 Sqm 417.00 417.00
150 mm thick 40 mm down graded coarse aggregate layer including
cost of all materials, machinery, labour, laying to specified slope,
wedging with chips, finishing etc., complete with all lead and lifts
Providing and constructing 150 mm dia hume pipe weep holes
for concrete / masonry walls including providing 200 x 200 x 200
mm size porous concrete block made of cement and 20 mm
2.42 mtr 401.00 401.00
down coarse aggregate in 1 : 4 proportion including 100 mm thick
sand backing at the junction of wall and soil back fill, cost of all
materials, machinery, labour etc., complete with all lead and lifts
Preparing foundation bed for cut-off trench filling in rock
portion by removing all loose material by wedging / chiselling
2.43 Sqm 34.00 34.00
and disposing off the same as directed etc., complete with all lead
and lifts.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing cement mortar of mix 1:1 (1 cement : 1 sand) including
3.01 cost of all materials, labour charges, HOM of machinery complete as Cum 7594.00 7942.00
per specifications.

Providing cement mortar of mix 1:2 (1 cement : 2 sand) including

3.02 cost of all materials, labour charges, HOM of machinery complete as Cum 6004.00 6237.00
per specifications.

Providing cement mortar of mix 1:3 (1 cement : 3 sand) including

3.03 cost of all materials, labour charges, HOM of machinery complete as Cum 5212.00 5387.00
per specifications.

Providing cement mortar of mix 1:4 (1 cement : 4 sand) including

3.04 cost of all materials, labour charges, HOM of machinery complete as Cum 4454.00 4567.00
per specifications.

Providing cement mortar of mix 1:5 (1 cement : 5 sand) including

3.05 cost of all materials, labour charges, HOM of machinery complete as Cum 4048.00 4156.00
per specifications.

Providing cement mortar of mix 1:6 (1 cement : 6 sand) including

3.06 cost of all materials, labour charges, HOM of machinery complete as Cum 3699.00 3786.00
per specifications.

Providing cement mortar with stone dust of mix 1:2 (1 cement :

3.07 2stone dust) including cost of all materials, labour charges, HOM of Cum 5058.00 5292.00
machinery complete as per specifications.

Providing white cement mortar with marble dust of mix 1:2 (1

3.08 white cement : 2 marble dust) including cost of all materials, labour Cum 14378.00 14378.00
charges, HOM of machinery complete as per specifications.

Providing white cement mortar with marble dust of mix 1:3 (1

3.09 white cement : 3 marble dust) including cost of all materials, labour Cum 11286.00 11286.00
charges, HOM of machinery complete as per specifications.

Providing white cement mortar with marble dust of mix 1:4 (1

3.10 white cement : 4 marble dust) including cost of all materials, labour Cum 8824.00 8824.00
charges, HOM of machinery complete as per specifications.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5

Providing white cement mortar with marble dust of mix 1:5 (1

3.11 white cement : 5 marble dust) including cost of all materials, labour Cum 7498.00 7498.00
charges, HOM of machinery complete as per specifications.

Providing fly ash sand mortar of mix 1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 fly
3.12 ash : 3 sand) including cost of all materials, labour charges, HOM of Cum 3648.00 3765.00
machinery complete as per specifications.

Providing fly ash sand mortar of mix 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 fly ash :
3.13 4 sand) including cost of all materials, labour charges, HOM of Cum 3125.00 3211.00
machinery complete as per specifications.

Providing fly ash sand mortar of mix 1:2.5:5 (1 cement : 2.5 fly
3.14 ash : 5 sand) including cost of all materials, labour charges, HOM of Cum 2834.00 2904.00
machinery complete as per specifications.

Providing fly ash sand mortar of mix 1:3:6.5 (1 cement : 3 fly ash
3.15 : 6.5 sand) including cost of all materials, labour charges, HOM of Cum 2601.00 2657.00
machinery complete as per specifications.

3.16 Mud Mortar Cum 230.00 243.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete of grade M
15 with OPC cement @ 240kgs, with 40mm and down size graded
granite metal coarse aggregates @0.878cum and fine aggregtes @
4.01 0.459cum machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 Cum 5236.00 5367.00
cms.thick, well compacted, in foundation, including cost of all
materials, labour, HOM of machinery,curing complete as per
Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete of grade M
10 with OPC cement @ 220kgs, with 40mm and down size graded
granite metal coarse aggregates @0.892cum and fine aggregtes @
4.02 0.465cum machine mixed, machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not Cum 5141.00 5252.00
exceeding 15 cms. thick, well compacted, in foundation including
cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing complete as
per specifications.

Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete of mix M20

with OPC cement @ 300kgs, with 20mm and down size graded
granite metal coarse aggregates @0.69cum and fine aggregtes @
4.03 0.43cum, machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 Cum 5283.00 5431.00
cms. thick, well compacted, in foundation,plinth and cills,
including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing
complete as per specifications.

Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete of grade M

15 with cement @ 240kgs, with 20mm and down size graded
granite metal coarse aggregates @0.878cum and fine aggregtes @
4.04 0.53cum, machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 Cum 5429.00 5552.00
cms. thick, well compacted, in foundation,plinth and cills, ncluding
cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing complete as
per specifications.
Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete of grade M
10 with OPC cement @ 220kgs, with 20mm and down size graded
granite metal coarse aggregates @0.84cum and fine aggregtes @
4.05 0.56cum, machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 Cum 5302.00 5416.00
cms. thick,well compacted, in foundation,plinth and cills, ncluding
cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing complete as
per specifications.
Extra for laying cement concrete under water including cost of
4.06 Cum 153.00 153.00
pumping or dewatering and clearing slush as per specifications.

Extra for laying cement concrete under foul conditions. Specification

4.07 Cum 219.00 219.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and laying in position reinforced cement concrete of
Design mix M20 with OPC cement @ 320kgs, with 20mm and
down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.69cum and
fine aggregtes @ 0.460 cum, with super plasticisers @ 3 liters
confirming to IS 9103-1999 reafirmed-2008, machine mixed,
4.08 concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 cms thick,vibrated for all Cum 5621.00 5778.00
works in foundation for footings, pedastals, retaining walls,
return walls, walls (any thickness ) including attached pilasters,
columnspillars, posts, struts, buttresses, bed blocks,anchor
blocks & plinths etc., including cost of all materials, labour, HOM
of machinery, curing, complete but excluding cost of reinforcement
as per specifications.
Providing and laying in position reinforced cement concrete of
Design mix M25 with OPC cement @ 340kgs, with 20mm and
down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates@0.70 cum and
fine aggregtes @ 0.47cum, with super plasticisers @ 3 liters
confirming to IS 9103-1999 reafirmed-2008 at machine mixed,
concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 cms thick, vibrated for all
works in foundation for footings, pedastals, retaining walls,
4.09 return walls, walls (any thickness ) including attached pilasters, Cum 5771.00 5937.00
columnspillars, posts, struts, buttresses, bed blocks,anchor
blocks & plinths, RCC Raft of Flash mixers, Floculator, RSF,
Raft of Zonal balancing Tanks, Raft of Master Blancing Tank,
Raft of IPS/IMP, Side wall and Top Dome for GLSR's, Pure
water sump etc.. ., including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of
machinery, curing,complete but excluding cost of reinforcement as
per specifications.
Providing and laying in position reinforced cement concrete of
Design mix M30 with OPC cement @ 360kgs, with 20mm and
down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.69 cum and
fine aggregtes @ 0.46 cum, with super plasticisers @ 1% by wt. of
cement, confirming to IS 9103-1999 reafirmed-2008 at machine
4.10 mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 cms thick, vibrated Cum 5815.00 5986.00
for all works Bottom Raft, RCC Raft of Flash mixers,
Floculator, RSF, Raft of Zonal balancing Tanks, Raft of Master
Blancing Tank, Raft of IPS/IMP, Side wall and Top Dome for
GLSR's, Pure water sump etc.. ., including cost of all materials,
labour, HOM of machinery, curing,complete but excluding cost of
reinforcement as per specifications.
Providing and laying in position reinforced cement concrete of
design mix M20 with OPC cement @ 320kgs, with 20mm and
down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.69cum and
fine aggregtes @ 0.46cum, with superplastisiser @3lts confirming to
IS9103-1999Reaffirmed-2008, machine mixed, concrete laid in layers
not exceeding 15 cms thick, vibrated forall works in ground floor
4.11 level for roof slabs, staircase, lintels, and beams,retaining walls, Cum 5854.00 6012.00
return walls, walls ( any thickness ) including attached pilasters,
columns, pillars,posts, struts, buttresses, string or lacing courses,
parapets, coping, bed blocks, anchor blocks,plain window cills,
fillets etc., including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of
machinery, curing,complete but excluding cost of reinforcement as
per specifications.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and laying in position reinforced cement concrete of
design mix M20 with OPC cement @ 24kgs, with 12mm and
down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.05175cum and
fine aggregtes @ 0.0345cum, with superplastisiser @0.225lts,
4.12 Cum 435.00 443.00
machine mixed, well compacted for plain chajja of 7.5 cms. average
thickness, upto ground floor level, including cost of all materials,
labour, HOM of machinery, finishing, curing, complete but
excluding cost of reinforcement as per specifications.
Providing and laying in position reinforced cement concrete of
design mix M20 with OPC cement @ 27.20kgs, with 12mm and
down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates well compacted
4.13 for plain chajja of 8.5 cms. average thickness, upto ground floor Sqm 490.00 500.00
level, including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery,
finishing, curing, complete but excluding cost of reinforcement as
per specifications.
Extra for providing throating or drip moulding to R.C.C. chajja
4.14 m 32.00 32.00
with plastering (labour charges only ) as per specifications.
Extra if vibrator is used for Item No.4.01 to 4.06 as per
4.15 Cum 14.00 14.00

4.16 Deduct where machine mixing is not done as per specifications. Cum 14.00 14.00

Extra for use of water proofing compound in Cement concrete grade

4.17 Cum 209.00 209.00
of M 25, at one kg of compound per bag of cement.
Extra for use of water proofing compound in Cement concrete grade
4.18 Cum 154.00 154.00
of M 20 ,at one kg of compound per bag of cement.

Extra for use of water proofing compound in Cement concrete grade

4.19 Cum 123.00 123.00
of M 15 ,at one kg of compound per bag of cement.
Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, propping
etc., and removal of form work for foundations, footings, bases of
4.20 columns for mass concrete including cost of all materials, labour Sqm 261.00 263.00
complete as per specificaitons.

Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, propping

etc., and removal of form work for suspended floors, landings,
4.21 Sqm 402.00 406.00
balconies and likes, thickness upto 200 mm including cost of all
materials, labour complete as per specificaitons 0.00 to 5.00 mts
Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, propping
etc., and removal of form work for flat surface such as suspended
4.22 Sqm 446.00 448.00
floors, roofs, landings, balconies and likes, thickness above 200
mm including cost of all materials, labour complete as per
Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, propping
etc., and removal of form work for vertical surface such as walls at
4.23 any thickness, including attached pilasters, buttresses, plinth Sqm 360.00 360.00
and string courses cost of all materials, labour complete as per
Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, propping
etc., forcolumns, pillars, post and struts, square / rectangular /
4.24 Sqm 455.00 455.00
polygon in plan including cost of all materials, labour complete as
per specificaiton.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, propping
etc., and removal of form work for columns, pillars,post and struts,
4.25 Sqm 966.00 982.00
circular or curved in plan including cost of all materials, labour
complete as per specificaiton.
Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, propping
etc., and removal of form work for sides and soffits of beams,
4.26 beam haunchings, cantilever girders, bressumers and lintels not Sqm 291.00 291.00
exceeding 1m in depth including cost of all materials, labour
complete as per specificaitons.

Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, propping

etc., and removal of form work for sides and soffits of beams,
4.27 beams haunchings, cantilelver, girders, bressumers and lintels Sqm 408.00 409.00
exceeding 1m in depth including cost of all materials, labour
complete as per specificaitons.

Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, propping

4.28 etc., for edges of slabs and breaks in floor including cost of all Sqm 802.00 817.00
materials, labour complete as per specificaiton.

Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, propping

4.29 etc., for chajjas, corbels etc., including edges including cost of all Sqm 327.00 328.00
materials, labour complete as per specificaiton.

Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, propping

etc., and removal of form work for Stairs (excluding landing)
4.30 Sqm 546.00 555.00
except spiral staircase including cost of all materials, labour complete
as per specificaiton.
Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, propping
4.31 etc., and removal of form work for cornices and mouldings Sqm 542.00 552.00
including cost of all materials, labour complete as per specificaitons.
Providing and removing, centering, shuttering, strutting, propping
etc., and removal of form work for vertical fins and vertical sun
4.32 Sqm 600.00 601.00
breakers including cost of all materials, labour complete as per
Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, propping
etc., and removal of form work for sloping or battering surface
4.33 including folded plates where inclination to horizontal plane does Sqm 517.00 519.00
not exceed 30 degree requiring shuttering only on the under side
including cost of all materials, labour complete as per specificaitons.
Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, propping
etc., and removal of form work for where inclination to horizontal
4.34 plane exceeds 30 degree ( where shuttering may be provided both Sqm 821.00 824.00
on under side and upper side if required ) including cost of all
materials, labour complete as per specificaitons.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing 2 legged scaffolding for stone masonry work using 10-
15 cms. dia best quality casurina poles of 4m over all length (3m
+0.5m projection + 0.5m In to the ground), the distance between two
rows being 1.25m and spacing of posts being 2m in both rows with 2
4.35 horizontal posts with 0.5 mm overlap on either side and braces at 2 m .
c to c including longitudinal and transveres middle braces to step up
and providing platform with casurina poles, forms tied up using coir
rope complete as per specifications. Scaffolding for stone masonry
work converted to m
4.35.1 _-do- Scaffolding for stone masonry work converted to m m 335.00 335.00
4.35.2 _-do- Scaffolding for stone masonry work converted to Cum Cum 252.00 252.00
4.35.3 _-do- Scaffolding for stone masonry work converted to Sqm Sqm 120.00 120.00
Providing two legged scaffolding for brick masonry work using
10-15 cms. dia best quality Casurina poles of 4m over all length (3m
+0.5m projection + 0.5m In to the ground) the distance between two
rows being 1.25m and spacing of post being 2m in both rows with 2
horizontal posts with 0.5 mm overlap on either side and braces at 2 m
c to c including longitudinaland transveres middle braces to step up
and providing platform with casurina poles, forms tiedup using coir
rope complete as per specifications.
4.36.1 do- for non modular brick work Cum 250.00 250.00
4.36.2 do- for modular brick work Cum 289.00 289.00
4.36.3 -do- for non modular brick work Sqm 57.00 57.00
4.36.4 do- for modular brick work Sqm 58.00 58.00
Providing and laying cement concrete using 20 mm and down size
granite coarse aggregates and fine aggregates of ready mixed
concrete (RMC) M 20 for R.C.C works laid in 15 cms thick
layersand well compacted vibrating, curing, , for foundations &
sub-structure work raft foundation column footing , main and
secondary beams' Flash mixers, Floculator, RSF, Raft of Zonal
4.37.1 Cum 5444.00 5444.00
balancing Tanks, Raft of Master Blancing Tank, Raft of
IPS/IMP, Side wall and Top Dome for GLSR's, Pure water sump
etc.. ., including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery,
curing,complete but excluding cost of reinforcement as per
specifications. with all lead and lifts etc., complete (exclusive of cost
of steel and fabrication charges.)

Providing and laying cement concrete using 20 mm and down size

granite coarse aggregates and fine aggregates of ready mixed
concrete (RMC) M 25 for R.C.C works laid in 15 cms thick
layersand well compacted vibrating, curing, for foundations & sub-
structure work for raft foundation column footing , main and
4.37.2 secondarybeams' Flash mixers, Floculator, RSF, Raft of Zonal Cum 5497.00 5497.00
balancing Tanks, Raft of Master Blancing Tank, Raft of
IPS/IMP, Pure water sump etc.. ., including cost of all materials,
labour, HOM of machinery, curing,complete but excluding cost of
reinforcement as per specifications. with all lead and lifts etc.,
complete (exclusive of cost of steel and fabrication charges.)

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5

Providing and laying cement concrete using 20 mm and down size

granite coarse aggregates and fine aggregates of ready mixed
concrete (RMC) M 30 for R.C.C works laid in 15 cms thick
layersand well compacted vibrating, curing, for foundations & sub-
structure work for raft foundation column footing , main and
4.37.3 secondarybeams' Flash mixers, Floculator, RSF, Raft of Zonal Cum 5598.00 5598.00
balancing Tanks, Raft of Master Blancing Tank, Raft of
IPS/IMP, Pure water sump etc.. ., including cost of all materials,
labour, HOM of machinery, curing,complete but excluding cost of
reinforcement as per specifications. with all lead and lifts etc.,
complete (exclusive of cost of steel and fabrication charges.)

Providing and laying cement concrete using 20 mm and down size

granite coarse aggregates and fine aggregates of ready mixed
concrete (RMC) M 25 for R.C.C works laid in 15 cms thick layers
and well compacted vibrating, curing, for all super structure works,
Flash mixers, Floculator, RSF, Raft of Zonal balancing Tanks,
4.38.1 Raft of Master Blancing Tank, Raft of IPS/IMP, Side wall and Cum 5764.00 5764.00
Top Dome for GLSR's, Pure water sump etc.. ., including cost of
all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing,complete but
excluding cost of reinforcement as per specifications with all lead and
lifts etc., complete (exclusive of cost of steel and fabrication

Providing and laying cement concrete using 20 mm and down size

granite coarse aggregates and fine aggregates of ready mixed
concrete (RMC) M 30 for R.C.C works laid in 15 cms thick
layersand well compacted vibrating, curing, for all super structure
works, Flash mixers, Floculator, RSF, Raft of Zonal balancing
4.38.2 Tanks, Raft of Master Blancing Tank, Raft of IPS/IMP, Side Cum 5815.00 5815.00
wall and Top Dome for GLSR's, Pure water sump etc.. .,
including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery,
curing,complete but excluding cost of reinforcement as per
specifications., ith all lead and lifts etc., complete (exclusive of cost
of steel and fabrication charges.)

Providing and laying cement concrete using 20 mm and down size

granite coarse aggregates and fine aggregates of ready mixed
concrete (RMC) M 35 for R.C.C works laid in 15 cms thick
layersand well compacted vibrating, curing,for all super structure
works , Flash mixers, Floculator, RSF, Raft of Zonal balancing
4.38.3 Tanks, Raft of Master Blancing Tank, Raft of IPS/IMP, Side Cum 6021.00 6021.00
wall and Top Dome for GLSR's, Pure water sump etc.. .,
including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery,
curing,complete but excluding cost of reinforcement as per
specifications. with all lead and lifts etc., complete (exclusive of cost
of steel and fabrication charges.)

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and laying cement concrete using 20 mm and down size
granite coarse aggregates and fine aggregates of ready mixed
concrete (RMC) M 40 for R.C.C works laid in 15 cms thick
layersand well compacted vibrating, curing,for all super structure
works , Flash mixers, Floculator, RSF, Raft of Zonal balancing
4.38.4 Tanks, Raft of Master Blancing Tank, Raft of IPS/IMP, Side Cum 6226.00 6226.00
wall and Top Dome for GLSR's, Pure water sump etc.. .,
including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery,
curing,complete but excluding cost of steel & fabrication charges as
per specifications. with all lead and lifts etc., complete (exclusive of
cost of steel and fabrication charges.)
Providing and casting reinforced cement concrete racks with design
mix M20, granite or trap jelly 12mm and down size 5 cms thick and
below with reinforcements of 6mm dia MS bars at 15 cms. Centre to
4.39 centre for main reinforcement and at 30cms centre to centre for Sqm 980.00 984.00
distribution including supports wherever necessary with burnt brick
in CM 1:4 including centring, form work, curing etc., complete
(inclusive of cost of steel and fabrication charges).
Providing RCC loft (atta) 7.5cms thick with cement concrete design
mix M20 using clean granite or trap jelly of 20mm and down size
4.40 with necessary reinforcements at 20cms centre to centre as per Sqm 427.00 438.00
design including form work, centring, curing, etc., complete
(exclusive of cost of steel and fabrication charges).
Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete of grade M
15 with OPC cement @ 240kgs, with 40mm and down size graded
granite metal coarse aggregates @0.878cum and fine aggregtes @
4.41 0.459cum machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 Cum 5227.50 5367.00
cms. thick, well compacted, in foundation, including cost of all
materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing complete as per
Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete of grade M
10 with OPC cement @ 220kgs, with 40mm and down size graded
granite metal coarse aggregates @0.892cum and fine aggregtes @
4.42 0.465cum machine mixed, machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not Cum 5128.00 5252.00
exceeding 15 cms. thick, well compacted, in foundation including
cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing complete as
per specifications. Specification
Providing and laying Reinforced cement concrete of mix design
of M-25 Grade with cement @ 340 kg, 20mm and graded granite
or trap or basalt jelly of approved quality @ 0.7 cum and fine
aggregates @ 0.47 cum, super plasticiser @ 3lts confirming to IS-
9103-1999 reaffirmed 2008 in layers of not more than 15 cms thick,
4.43 Cum 6863.00 6863.00
well consolidated including centering, formwork, vibrating, curing,
smooth finishing to the required plumb and face in C.M.1:3
proportion wherever necessary etc., complete for R. rafts, raft
ring-beam, column footing, columns below ground level
(exclusive cost of steel and fabrication charges)

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and laying Reinforced cement concrete of mix design
of M-30 Grade with cement @ 360 kg, 20mm and graded granite
or trap or basalt jelly of approved quality @ 0.69 cum and fine
aggregates @0.46 cum, super plasticiser @ 3lts confirming to IS-
9103-1999 reaffirmed 2008 in layers of not more than 15 cms thick,
4.44 Cum 7187.00 7382.00
well consolidated including centering, formwork, vibrating, curing,
smooth finishing to the required plumb and face in C.M.1:3
proportion wherever necessary etc., complete for R. rafts, raft
ring-beam, column footing, columns below ground level
(exclusive cost of steel and fabrication charges)

Providing and laying Reinforced cement concrete of mix design

of M-35 Grade with cement @ 390 kg, 20mm and graded granite
or trap or basalt jelly of approved quality @ 0.68 cum and fine
aggregates @ 0.45 cum, super plasticiser @ 3lts confirming to IS-
9103-1999 reaffirmed 2008 in layers of not more than 15 cms thick,
4.45 Cum 7330.00 7535.00
well consolidated including centering, formwork, vibrating, curing,
smooth finishing to the required plumb and face in C.M.1:3
proportion wherever necessary etc., complete for R. rafts, raft
ring-beam, column footing, columns below ground level
(exclusive cost of steel and fabrication charges)

Providing and laying Reinforced cement concrete of mix design

of M-40 Grade with cement @ 420 kg, 20mm and graded granite
or trap or basalt jelly of approved quality @ 0.67 cum and fine
aggregates @ 0.44 cum, super plasticiser @ 3lts confirming to IS-
9103- 1999 reaffirmed 2008 in layers of not more than 15 cms thick,
4.46 Cum 7474.00 7688.00
well consolidated including centering, formwork, vibrating, curing,
smooth finishing to the required plumb and face in C.M.1:3
proportion wherever necessary etc., complete for R. rafts, raft
ring-beam, column footing, columns below ground level
(exclusive cost of steel and fabrication charges)

Providing and laying Reinforced cement concrete of mix design

of M-25 Grade with cement @ 340 kg, 20mm and graded granite
or trap or basalt jelly of approved quality @ 0.7 cum and fine
aggregates @ 0.47 cum, super plasticiser @ 3lts confirming to IS-
9103-1999 reaffirmed 2008 in layers of not more than 15 cms thick,
well consolidated including centering, formwork, vibrating, curing,
smooth finishing to the required plumb and face in C.M.1:3
proportion wherever necessary etc.,complete as per design and
specification for staging, columns and braces above ground level
(exclusive of cost of steel and fabrication charges)

4.47.1 A. Staging of 6.00m per cum Cum 12001.00 12010.00

4.47.2 B. Staging of 7.50m per cum Cum 12309.00 12536.00
4.47.3 C. Staging of 9.00m per cum Cum 12625.00 12858.00
4.47.4 D. Staging 10.50m per cum Cum 12949.00 13188.00
4.47.5 E. Staging of 12.00m per cum Cum 13282.00 13527.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
4.47.6 F. Staging of 15.00m per cum Cum 13623.00 13875.00

4.47.7 G. Staging of 18.00m per cum Cum 13973.00 14232.00

Providing and laying Reinforced cement concrete of mix design

of M-30 Grade with cement @ 360 kg, 20mm and graded granite
or trap or basalt jelly of approved quality @ 0.69 cum and fine
aggregates @0.46 cum, super plasticiser @ 3lts confirming to IS-
9103-1999 reaffirmed 2008 in layers of not more than 15 cms thick,
well consolidated including centering, formwork, vibrating, curing,
smooth finishing to the required plumb and face in C.M.1:3
proportion wherever necessary etc., complete as per design and
specification for staging, columns and braces above ground level
(exclusive of cost of steel and fabrication charges)

4.48.1 A. Staging of 6.00m Cum 12010.00 12010.00

4.48.2 B. Staging of 7.50m Cum 12507.00 12740.00
4.48.3 C. Staging of 9.00m Cum 12828.00 13067.00
4.48.4 D. Staging 10.50m Cum 13158.00 13403.00
4.48.5 E. Staging of 12.00m Cum 13496.00 13747.00
4.48.6 F. Staging of 15.00m Cum 13843.00 14100.00
4.48.7 G. Staging of 18.00m Cum 14199.00 14462.00

Providing and laying Reinforced cement concrete of mix design

of M-35 Grade with cement @ 390 kg, 20mm and graded granite
or trap or basalt jelly of approved quality @ 0.68 cum and fine
aggregates @ 0.45 cum, super plasticiser @ 3lts confirming to IS-
9103-1999 reaffirmed 2008 in layers of not more than 15 cms thick,
well consolidated including centering, formwork, vibrating, curing,
smooth finishing to the required plumb and face in C.M.1:3
proportion wherever necessary etc., complete as per design and
specification for staging, columns and braces above ground level
(exclusive of cost of steel and fabrication charges)

4.49.1 A. Staging of 6.00m Cum 12337.00 12574.00

4.49.2 B. Staging of 7.50m Cum 12654.00 12897.00

4.49.3 C. Staging of 9.00m Cum 12979.00 13228.00

4.49.4 D. Staging 10.50m Cum 13313.00 13258.00

4.49.5 E. Staging of 12.00m Cum 13655.00 13917.00

4.49.6 F. Staging of 15.00m Cum 14006.00 14275.00

4.49.7 G. Staging of 18.00m Cum 14366.00 14642.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and laying Reinforced cement concrete of mix design
of M-40 Grade with cement @ 420 kg, 20mm and graded granite
or trap or basalt jelly of approved quality @ 0.67 cum and fine
aggregates @ 0.44 cum, super plasticiser @ 3lts confirming to IS-
9103- 1999 reaffirmed 2008 in layers of not more than 15 cms thick,
well consolidated including centering, formwork, vibrating, curing,
smooth finishing to the required plumb and face in C.M.1:3
proportion wherever necessary etc., complete as per design and
specification for staging, columns and braces above ground level
(exclusive of cost of steel and fabrication charges)

4.50.1 A. Staging of 6.00m Cum 12481.00 12727.00

4.50.2 B. Staging of 7.50m Cum 12802.00 13054.00

4.50.3 C. Staging of 9.00m Cum 13131.00 13389.00

4.50.4 D. Staging 10.50m Cum 13468.00 13733.00

4.50.5 E. Staging of 12.00m Cum 13814.00 14086.00

4.50.6 F. Staging of 15.00m Cum 14169.00 14448.00

4.50.7 G. Staging of 18.00m Cum 14533.00 14819.00

Providing and laying Reinforced cement concrete of mix design

of M-25 Grade with cement @ 340 kg, 20mm and graded granite
or trap or basalt jelly of approved quality @ 0.7 cum and fine
aggregates @ 0.47 cum, super plasticiser @ 3lts confirming to IS-
9103-1999 reaffirmed 2008 in layers of not more than 15 cms thick,
well consolidated including centering, formwork, vibrating, curing,
4.51 smooth finishing to the required plumb and face in C.M.1:3
proportion wherever necessary etc., complete as per design and
specification and giving satisfactory water proof test including
construction joints wherever necessary as per the directions of the
departmental Officers complete for ring beam, side walls, bottom
dome or bottom slab, shell portion and bottom ribs (exclusive of
cost of steel and fabrication charges and jointing materials)

4.51.1 A. Staging of 6.00m Cum 17512.00 17763.00

4.51.2 B. Staging of 7.50m Cum 17687.00 17938.00

4.51.3 C. Staging of 9.00m Cum 17862.00 18113.00

4.51.4 D. Staging 10.50m Cum 18037.00 18288.00

4.51.5 E. Staging of 12.00m Cum 18212.00 18463.00

4.51.6 F. Staging of 15.00m Cum 18387.00 18638.00

4.51.7 G. Staging of 18.00m Cum 18562.00 18813.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and laying Reinforced cement concrete of mix design
of M-30 Grade with cement @ 360 kg, 20mm and graded granite
or trap or basalt jelly of approved quality @ 0.69 cum and fine
aggregates @0.46 cum, super plasticiser @ 3lts confirming to IS-
9103-1999 reaffirmed 2008 in layers of not more than 15 cms thick,
well consolidated including centering, formwork, vibrating, curing,
4.52 smooth finishing to the required plumb and face in C.M.1:3
proportion wherever necessary etc., complete as per design and
specification and giving satisfactory water proof test including
construction joints wherever necessary as per the directions of the
departmental Officers complete for ring beam, side walls, bottom
dome or bottom slab, shell portion and bottom ribs (exclusive of
cost of steel and fabrication charges and jointing materials)

4.52.1 A. Staging of 6.00m Cum 17587.00 17855.00

4.52.2 B. Staging of 7.50m Cum 17772.00 18030.00

4.52.3 C. Staging of 9.00m Cum 17947.00 18205.00

4.52.4 D. Staging 10.50m Cum 18122.00 18380.00

4.52.5 E. Staging of 12.00m Cum 18297.00 18555.00

4.52.6 F. Staging of 15.00m Cum 18472.00 18730.00
4.52.7 G. Staging of 18.00m Cum 18647.00 18905.00

Providing and laying Reinforced cement concrete of mix design

of M-35 Grade with cement @ 390 kg, 20mm and graded granite
or trap or basalt jelly of approved quality @ 0.68 cum and fine
aggregates @ 0.45 cum, super plasticiser @ 3lts confirming to IS-
9103-1999 reaffirmed 2008 in layers of not more than 15 cms thick,
well consolidated including centering, formwork, vibrating, curing,
4.53 smooth finishing to the required plumb and face in C.M.1:3
proportion wherever necessary etc., complete as per design and
specification and giving satisfactory water proof test including
construction joints wherever necessary as per the directions of the
departmental Officers complete for ring beam, side walls, bottom
dome or bottom slab, shell portion and bottom ribs (exclusive of cost
of steel and fabrication charges and jointing materials)

4.53.1 A. Staging of 6.00m Cum 17740.00 18007.00

4.53.2 B. Staging of 7.50m Cum 17915.00 18182.00

4.53.3 C. Staging of 9.00m Cum 18090.00 18357.00

4.53.4 D. Staging 10.50m Cum 18265.00 18532.00

4.53.5 E. Staging of 12.00m Cum 18440.00 18708.00

4.53.6 F. Staging of 15.00m Cum 18615.00 18882.00

4.53.7 G. Staging of 18.00m Cum 18790.00 19057.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and laying Reinforced cement concrete of mix design
of M-40 Grade with cement @ 420 kg, 20mm and graded granite
or trap or basalt jelly of approved quality @ 0.67 cum and fine
aggregates @ 0.44 cum, super plasticiser @ 3lts confirming to IS-
9103- 1999 reaffirmed 2008 in layers of not more than 15 cms thick,
well consolidated including centering, formwork, vibrating, curing,
4.54 smooth finishing to the required plumb and face in C.M.1:3
proportion wherever necessary etc., complete as per design and
specification and giving satisfactory water proof test including
construction joints wherever necessary as per the directions of the
departmental Officers complete for ring beam, side walls, bottom
dome or bottom slab, shell portion and bottom ribs (exclusive of cost
of steel and fabrication charges and jointing materials)

4.54.1 A. Staging of 6.00m Cum 17883.00 18161.00

4.54.2 B. Staging of 7.50m Cum 18058.00 18336.00
4.54.3 C. Staging of 9.00m Cum 18233.00 18511.00
4.54.4 D. Staging 10.50m Cum 18408.00 18686.00
4.54.5 E. Staging of 12.00m Cum 18583.00 18861.00
4.54.6 F. Staging of 15.00m Cum 18758.00 19036.00
4.54.7 G. Staging of 18.00m Cum 18933.00 19211.00

Providing and laying Reinforced cement concrete of mix design

of M-25 Grade with cement @ 340 kg, 20mm and graded granite
or trap or basalt jelly of approved quality @ 0.7 cum and fine
aggregates @ 0.47 cum, super plasticiser @ 3lts confirming to IS-
9103-1999 reaffirmed 2008 in layers of not more than 15 cms thick,
well consolidated including centering, formwork, vibrating,
curing, smooth finishing to the required plumb and face in
C.M.1:3 proportion wherever necessary etc., complete as per
design and specifications etc., complete for top rib and top dome or
top slab (exclusive cost of steel and fabrication charges)

4.55.1 A. Staging of 6.00m Cum 12942.00 13236.00

4.55.2 B. Staging of 7.50m Cum 13117.00 13411.00

4.55.3 C. Staging of 9.00m Cum 13292.00 13586.00

4.55.4 D. Staging 10.50m Cum 13467.00 13761.00

4.55.5 E. Staging of 12.00m Cum 13642.00 13936.00

4.55.6 F. Staging of 15.00m Cum 13817.00 14111.00

4.55.7 G. Staging of 18.00m Cum 13992.00 14286.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and laying Reinforced cement concrete of mix design
of M-30 Grade with cement @ 360 kg, 20mm and graded granite
or trap or basalt jelly of approved quality @ 0.69 cum and fine
aggregates @0.46 cum, super plasticiser @ 3lts confirming to IS-
9103-1999 reaffirmed 2008 in layers of not more than 15 cms thick,
well consolidated including centering, formwork, vibrating,
curing, smooth finishing to the required plumb and face in
C.M.1:3 proportion wherever necessary etc., completeas per
design and specifications etc., complete for top rib and top dome or
top slab (exclusive cost of steel and fabrication charges)

4.56.1 A. Staging of 6.00m Cum 13026.00 13327.00

4.56.2 B. Staging of 7.50m Cum 13201.00 13502.00

4.56.3 C. Staging of 9.00m Cum 13376.00 13677.00

4.56.4 D. Staging 10.50m Cum 13551.00 13852.00

4.56.5 E. Staging of 12.00m Cum 13726.00 14027.00

4.56.6 F. Staging of 15.00m Cum 13901.00 14202.00

4.56.7 G. Staging of 18.00m Cum 14076.00 14377.00

Providing and laying Reinforced cement concrete of mix design

of M-35 Grade with cement @ 390 kg, 20mm and graded granite
or trap or basalt jelly of approved quality @ 0.68 cum and fine
aggregates @ 0.45 cum, super plasticiser @ 3lts confirming to IS-
9103-1999 reaffirmed 2008 in layers of not more than 15 cms thick,
well consolidated including centering, formwork, vibrating,
curing, smooth finishing to the required plumb and face in
C.M.1:3 proportion wherever necessary etc., completeas per
design and specifications etc., complete for top rib and top dome or
top slab (exclusive cost of steel and fabrication charges)

4.57.1 A. Staging of 6.00m Cum 13169.00 13480.00

4.57.2 B. Staging of 7.50m Cum 13344.00 13655.00

4.57.3 C. Staging of 9.00m Cum 13519.00 13830.00

4.57.4 D. Staging 10.50m Cum 13694.00 14005.00

4.57.5 E. Staging of 12.00m Cum 13869.00 14180.00

4.57.6 F. Staging of 15.00m Cum 14044.00 14355.00

4.57.7 G. Staging of 18.00m Cum 14219.00 14530.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and laying Reinforced cement concrete of mix design
of M-40 Grade with cement @ 420 kg, 20mm and graded granite
or trap or basalt jelly of approved quality @ 0.67 cum and fine
aggregates @ 0.44 cum, super plasticiser @ 3lts confirming to IS-
9103- 1999 reaffirmed 2008 in layers of not more than 15 cms thick,
well consolidated including centering, formwork, vibrating,
curing, smooth finishing to the required plumb and face in
C.M.1:3 proportion wherever necessary etc., completeas per
design and specifications etc., complete for top rib and top dome or
top slab (exclusive cost of steel and fabrication charges)
4.58.1 A. Staging of 6.00m Cum 13313.00 13634.00
4.58.2 B. Staging of 7.50m Cum 13488.00 13800.00
4.58.3 C. Staging of 9.00m Cum 13663.00 13984.00
4.58.4 D. Staging 10.50m Cum 13838.00 14159.00
4.58.5 E. Staging of 12.00m Cum 14013.00 14334.00
4.58.6 F. Staging of 15.00m Cum 14188.00 14509.00
4.58.7 G. Staging of 18.00m Cum 14363.00 14684.00
Providing T.M.T steel reinforcement for R.C.C work including
straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, placing in position, lapping
and / or welding wherever required, tying with binding wire and
4.59 anchoring to the adjoining members wherever necessary complete as
per design (laps, hooks and wastage shall not be measured and paid)
including for OHT & reservoier, cost of materials, labour, HOM of
machinery complete as per specifications.
4.59.1 _do_ TMT bars Fe 500 Ton 71421.00 71421.00
4.59.2 _do_ TMT bars Fe 550 Ton 72072.00 72072.00
Lift charges for steel of all diameters for additional floors over
4.60 ground floor per floor height of 3.5 m. or part thereof cost of labour, Ton 747.00 747.00
complete as per specifications.
Labour Charges for fabricating TMT steel reinforcement
confirming to IS 226/1786 of 1966 with latest amendments including
cleaning, straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, lapping or welding
4.61 wherever required, hoisting and placing in position and tying with Ton 10829.00 10829.00
binding wire of approved quality & 16 gauge as per design &
drawing including conveyance excluding cost of steel etc., complete
(including cost of binding wire)

Providing and fixing M.S. ladder between landing 45 cms. wide

using angle iron of following size and 20 mm M.S. bars at 25cms.
centre to centre with necessary supports of same angle iron as
directed including hand railing on both sides with 25mm dia G.I.
4.62 Rmtr 1821.00 1821.00
pipes with angle iron props at 2 mtrs, interval and 0.5 mtr, height
including fixing in ground with C.C. 1:2:4 and two coats of
nonpoisonous anticorrosive bituminous paint with all lead and lift
etc., complete. 65x65x8mm angle iron frame.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Ladder inside the container: Providing anodized aluminium ladder
using 65mm x 32mm x 3.0mm ‘C’ section for ladder side channel x
25mm dia., flutal pipe for Rungs at 250mm c/c ladder fixed at an
4.63 angle of 70 degrees to horizontal including necessary 25mm dia., G.I. Rmtr 3099.00 3099.00
shutters with necessary G.I. fasteners for bracing the ladders to the
Tank walls to prevent buckling of the ladder with necessary (M-15)
bed for embedding the ladder bottom complete
Providing & fixing G.I. pipe railing of 32mm dia.,G.I. pipe B-class
in two rows of roof dome flat slab of landing of elevated storage
4.64 Rmtr 679.00 679.00
reservoir including cutting, welding, threading, painting, embedding
in C.M. pillars with all lead and lifts etc., complete.
Providing and constructing RCC hexagonal ventilator finial for
RCC over head tank the finial to be constructed with CC (M-20)
proportion using 20mm and down size jelly with reinforcement using
6mm dia., M.S. rods 4 nos., for each of the pillars both ways for full
width of doom at 12cm c/c, the ventilator to be of 0.45 M x 0.5 M
4.65 size provided with 25mm x 25mm x 5mm M.S. frame welded with Each 5687.00 5704.00
diamond mesh to its full width and depth fully covered with
aluminium mosquito mesh finished smooth with CM 1:3 proportion
to required shape and size and ornamental finish including two coats
of anti-corrosive paint for frame and mesh and two coats of cement
paint matching to over head tank etc., complete.
Providing and fixing 60x60cms M.S. inspection door with
necessary M.S. frame made out of M.S. angle 50x50x6mm and M.S.
4.66 shutters of 31.5mm or B.G.10 thick with hinges on top and locking Each 1818.00 1818.00
arrangement, painting etc., complete (for RCC over head tank and
Providing and fixing enameled gauge plate 3 mm thick, 0.23 M
4.67 wide with plastic float thick plastic indicator and flexible nylon wire Each 3382.00 3382.00
etc., complete to 2.50 M height.

Note : Providing and fixing enameled gauge plate 3 mm thick, 0.23

181.00 181.00
M wide For Every additional 0.50M
Labour charges for fixing puddle flanges in position of RCC
4.68 Each 456.00 456.00
including (80mm to 200mm)

Labour charges for hoisting C.I. flanged pipes 2.75mtrs length in

4.69 position aligning the plumb and jointing for RCC over head tank Each 608.00 608.00
80mm to 200mm

Providing 2 coats of Snowcem/Water-proof cement paint of

4.70 approved colour and shade over one coat of primer including curing Sqm 213.00 213.00
etc., complete for RCC over head tank.

Providing 2 coats of snowcem /Water-proof cement paint painting

over one coat of primer including scrapping the exposed faces,
removing loose plastering, removal of vegetations, fungus, cleaning
4.71 Sqm 213.00 213.00
the surface, replastering wherever required in CM 1:3 to the required
shape with necessary scaffolding & curing etc., (Including cost of

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing & fixing copper lightning arrester with five spikes and
20mm dia copper tube or suitable length of aluminium strip of spike
25mmx3mm including grounding as per specification. The
4.72 Each 9645.00 9645.00
aluminium strip is to be encased in G.I. conduct pipe or 40mm dia.,
6.8 M long suitably joined by collar with all specials, fixed to one of
the columns etc., complete up to 6 M staging.

Note:- Data every additional running meter (for item no 4.72) 698.00 698.00

Providing and applying 2 coats of corrosion Inhibition cement

slurry on Reinforcement bars prepared by mixing of 1 Kg of OPC
with 500 CC of Inhibitor solution of approved quality by dipping or
brushing method,the first coat being applied after cleaning the bars by
wire brush or alkaline cleaning powder to remove the rust and dust,
4.73 Ton 1670.00 1670.00
and allowed to air dry for 12-24 hours as the case may be and the
second coat being applied on the fabricated bars before placing in
positionas per clause 5.3.3 of IS 9077-1979. The Rate includes cost
and conveyance of all materials, labour charges etc., complete as per
the direction of Engineer in-charge.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and constructing granite / trap / basalt size stone
masonry in foundation cement mortar 1:6, stone hammerd
5.01 dressed in courses not less than 20 cms high, bond stones at 2 m. Cum 4808.00 4840.00
apart in each course including cost of materials, labour, curing
complete as per specifications. KBS 5.1.13.

Providing and constructing granite / trap / basalt size stone

masonry in basement with cement mortar 1:6, edges of stones
5.02 chistle dressed in courses not less than 15 cms high, bond stones at 2 Cum 5825.00 5859.00
m. apart in each course including cost of materials, labour, curing
complete as per specifications.

Providing and constructing granite / trap / basalt size stone

masonry in superstructure with cement mortar 1:6 , edges of
5.03 stones chistle dressed in courses not less than 15 cms high, bond Cum 6126.00 6159.00
stones at 2 m. apart in each course including cost of materials,
labour, scaffolding, curing complete as per specifications.

Providing and constructing granite / trap / basalt size stone

masonry in superstructure with cement mortar 1:4 , edges of
5.04 stones chistle dressed in courses not less than 15 cms high, bond Cum 6342.00 6389.00
stones at 2 m. apart in each course including cost of materials,
labour, scaffolding, curing complete as per specifications.

Extra for constructing stone masonry in square or rectangular pillars

5.05 Cum 488.00 488.00
complete as per specifications.

Extra for constructing masonry in circular pillars including cost of

5.06 Cum 1114.00 1114.00
extra materials and labour complete as per specifications.KBS 5.1.13

Providing and constructing load bearing wall with solid concrete

blocks having block density not less than 1800kg/m3 having a
minimum average compressive strength of 5.00 N/mm2 confirming to
5.07 IS 2185 (Part 1):2005 and constructed with CM 1:4, as per IS
2572:2005 including cost of all materials labour charges, scaffolding,
curing, hire charges of machineries etc., complete as per

5.07.1 do - with solid concrete blocks of size 400x200x200mm Sqm 905.00 907.00

5.07.2 do - with solid concrete blocks of size 400x150x200mm Sqm 905.00 907.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5

Providing and constructing non load bearing wall with solid

concrete blocks of size 400x100x200mm having a block density not
less than 1800kg/m3 having a minimum average compressive
5.08 strength of 4.00 N/mm2 confirming to IS 2185 (Part 1):2005 and Sqm 807.00 807.00
constructed with CM 1:4, as per IS 2572:2005 including cost of all
materials, labour charges, scaffolding, curing, hire charges of
machineries etc., complete as per specifications

Providing and constructing burnt brick masonry for basement and
superstructure with approved quality of non-modular bricks of
standard size of class designation 3.5Newton per sqmm with
5.09 Cum 6820.00 5358.00
cement mortar 1:6 including cost of materials, labour charges,
scaffolding, curing complete as per specifications. Specification No.
KBS 6.2

Providing and constructing burnt brick masonry with approved

quality of non-modular bricks of standard size of class
designation 5.0Newton per sqmm (table moulded) with cement
5.10 Cum 6624.00 6645.00
mortar 1:6 for basement and superstructure including cost of
materials, labour charges, scaffolding, curing complete as per
specifications.. Specification No. KBS 6.2

Providing and constructing burnt brick masonry with approved

quality of non-modular bricks of standard size of class
designation 5.0Newton per sqmm with cement mortar 1:4 for
5.11 Cum 6624.00 6824.00
basement and superstructure including cost of materials, labour
charges, scaffolding, curing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 6.2

Construction of partition wall 11.2 cms thick with non modular

ground moulded burnt bricks of class designation 3.5 Newton per
sqmm with cement mortar 1:4 inlcluding providing and fixing plaster
mesh manufactured out of hot dipped galvanised iron of nominal
5.12 Cum 723.00 723.00
thickness 0.35 mm. 100 mm. wide as per I.S. 2212/1991 at 7.5 m. c
to c including cost of materials, labour charges, scaffolding, curing
complete as per specifications.. Specification No. KBS 6.2 with
bricks of class designation 3.5 Newton per Sqm
Construction of partition wall 11.2 cms thick with non modular table
moulded burnt bricks of class designation 5.0Newton per sqmm
with cement mortar 1:4 including providing and fixing plaster mesh
5.13 manufactured out of hot dipped galvanised iron of nominal thickness Sqm 897.00 914.00
0.35 mm. 100 mm. wide as per I.S. 2212/1991 at 7.5 m. c to c
including cost of materials, labour charges, scaffolding, curing
complete as per specifications. Specification No. KBS 6.2
Construction of partition wall 11.2 cms thick with non-modular
ground moulded burnt bricks of class designation 3.5Newton per
5.14 sqmm with cement mortar 1:4 including cost of materials, labour Sqm 902.00 700.00
charges, scaffolding, curing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 6.2

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Construction of partition wall 11.2 cms thick with non-modular
table moulded burnt bricks of class designation 5.0Newton per
5.15 sqmm with cement mortar 1:4 including cost of materials, labour Sqm 861.00 878.00
charges, scaffolding, curing complete as per
specifications.Specification No. KBS 6.2
Construction of partition wall 10 cms thick with table moulded
modular burnt bricks of class designation 5.0Newton per sqmm
with cement mortar 1:4 including providing and fixing plaster mesh
5.16 manufactured out of hot dipped gelvanised iron of nominal Sqm 919.00 774.00
thickness 0.35 mm. 100 mm. wide as per I.S. 2212/1991 at 7.5 m. c
to c including cost of materials, labour charges, scaffolding, curing
complete as per specifications. Specification No. KBS 6.2

Provinding and constructing non load bearing wall with Light Weight
Concrete (Autoclaved areated concrete) Blocks confirming to
IS:2185 (part-3) 1984 and IS 6441-1972 of compressive strength of
3.0N/sq mm with a thin layer of polymer based jointing solvent for
super structure with neccesary scaffolding, curing including cost of
all materials, labour, lead& lift etc, complete as per specifications.

5.17.1 - do - with 600x200x100mm size Blocks Sqm 1111.00 1124.00

5.17.2 - do - with 600x200x150mm size Blocks Sqm 1491.00 1341.00
5.17.3 - do - with 600x200x200mm size Blocks Sqm 1667.00 1694.00
5.17.4 - do - with 600x200x230mm size Blocks Sqm 2031.00 2067.00
Note: Lift charges : The above rates are applicable for Ground floor
only.An additional rate of Rs 60.00/Cum and Rs 6/sqm per floor may
be added for every additional floor above or below the ground floor.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5

Providing and fixing in position collapsible steel shutters with single
or double leaf with vertical channel 20mmx10mmx2mm braced with
flat iron diagonals 20mmx5mm size, with top and bottom rails of T
iron sections of 40x40x6 mm with 38mm dia steel pulleys complete
6.01 with bolt and nuts, locking arrangements, stoppers, handles on both Sqm 5210.00 5210.00
sides with 7.5cms openings at 10 cms. c to c applying a priming coat
of red lead paint. cost of materials, labour, HOM of machinery
complete as per specifications. size of gate 2.4mx1.4m
Specification No. KBS 7.7 / 7.12
Providing and fixing 1mm thick M.S. sheet sliding shutters with
frame and diagonal braces of 40x40x6 mm angle Iron 3.15mm thick
M.S. Gusset plates at junctions and corners, 25mm dia pulley,
40x40x6 mm angles and T iron guide rail top and bottom respectively
6.02 Sqm 3180.00 3180.00
with handles, stoppers and locking arrangements etc., including
applying a priming coat of red lead paint cost of materials, labour,
HOM of machinery complete as per specifications.1 double leaf door
of size 2.4x2.4m Specification No. KBS 7.8 / 7.12
Providing and fixing 1mm thick M.S. sheet garage door with frame
and diagonal braces of size 40x40x6 mm angle Iron, 3.15mm thick
M.S. Gusset plates at the junctions and corners, with handles,
6.03 stoppers and locking arrangements etc., including applying a priming Sqm 2729.00 2729.00
coat of red lead paint cost of materials, labour, HOM of machinery
complete as per specifications. Double leaf door of size 2.4x2.4m
Specification No. KBS 7.9 / 7.12
Providing and fixing 1mm thick M.S. sheet garage door with frame
and diagonal braces of size 40x40x6 mm angle Iron, using M.S. flats
30x6 mm for diagonal braces and central cross pieces 3.15mm thick
M.S. Gusset plates at the junctions and corners, with handles,
6.04 Sqm 2133.00 2133.00
stoppers and locking arrangements etc., including applying a priming
coat of red lead paint cost of materials, labour, HOM of machinery
complete as per specifications. 1 double leaf door of size 2.4x2.4m
Specification No. KBS 7.9 / 7.12
Providing and fixing pull and push type rolling shutters of
approved make out of 18 guage, 75mm wide cold rolled steel laths of
convex corrugation, with side guides and bottom rail, with
interlocking arrangements for steel laths by means of alternate clips,
suspension shaft with High tension coil type springs two numbers,
mounted on specially designed pipe shaft, with bracket plates, guide
6.05 Sqm 2607.00 2607.00
channels, ball bearing arrangements, for inside & outside locking with
push & pull operations complete including pulling hooks, 4Nos.
handles with all fittings and accessories painted with a coat of red
lead paint (without top cover) cost of materials, labour, HOM of
machinery complete as per specifications. Shutter size 3mx2.8 m
Specification No. KBS 7.10 / 7.12

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5

Providing and fixing top covers made out of 20 guage M.S. sheet
over pull and push rolling shutters bent to shape including cost of red
6.06 m 482.00 482.00
lead primer coat of painting , materials, labour, HOM of machinery
complete as per specifications. Specification No. KBS 7.10.6 / 7.12

Providing and fixing in position in cement concrete 1:3:6 steel

glazed windows and ventilators side hung/top hung fully openable
as per approved drawings using Z angles of 25x33x3mm, weighing
1.419 Kg/m both for outer and inner frames and central mullion
section of size 25x46x3mm. weighing 2.28Kg/m duly providing T
section 19x19x3mm weighing 0.839 kg/m for glazing of windows not
more than 34 cms. c to c including providing and fixing 4mm. thick
reeded glass with teakwood beading of required size, all steel
6.07 sections should confirm to I.S 7452:1990, 4nos. of holdfasts of Sqm 3895.50 3914.00
approved size, section should be cut to length welded and electrically
grinded subdividing frames of unit shall be tenonned and revetted
into the frames electrically. All the steel surface shall be throughly
cleaned free of rust and painted with one coat of anti-corosive paint
and finishing with two coats of ready mix paint of approved colour
and make including cost of materials, fixtures, labour and HOM of
machinery complete as per specifications. Specification No.KBS
7.12.1 / 7.12.2 / 7.12.3 / 7.12
Providing and fixing in position in cement concrete 1:3:6 steel
glazed windows and ventilators side hung/top hung 2/3 openable
1/3 fixed as per approved drawings using Z angles of 25x33x3mm,
weighing 1.419 kg/m both for outer and inner frames and central
mullion section of size 25x46x3mm, weighing 2.28kg/m all duly
providing T section 19x19x3mm weighing 0.839 kg/m for glazing of
windows, not more than 34 cms. c to c including providing and fixing
4mm. thick reeded glass with teakwood beading of required size, all
6.08 Sqm 3328.00 3338.00
steel sections should confirm to I.S 7452:1990, 4nos. of holdfasts of
approved size, section should be cut to length welded and grinded
electrically subdividing frames of unit shall be tenonned and revetted
into the frames electrically. All the steel surface shall be throughly
cleaned free of rust and painted with one coat of anti-corrosive paint
and finishing two coats of ready mix paint of approved colour and
make including cost of materials, fixtures, labour charges and HOM
of machinery complete as per specifications.

Providing and fixing M.S.grill work for windows and ventilators

weighing 21kg/sqm using M.S. flats, or M.S. square rods, or
combination of M.S. flats and square rods as per approved design,
6.09 drawing including cutting steel sections and welding the same to Kg 95.00 95.00
required pattern with a coat of red lead primer, cost of materials,
fixtures, labour and HOM of machinery complete as per
specifications. Specification No. KBS 7.12

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and fixing in position anodized aluminium windows and
ventilators as per approved drawings with sliding shutters using
double track window frame section of size 61.85x31.75mm. with
1.2mm thick, bottom section weight 0.695 kg/m, sides and top
sections 1.3 mm. thick weight 0.659 kg/m; and shutter comprising
top and bottom section of size 40mmx18mm, 1.25mm thick 0.417
kg./m; shutter outer side 40mmx18mm, 1.25mm.thick weight 0.417
kg/m, shutter interlock section 40mmx26.7mm, 1.1mm thick, weight
0.469 kg/m. the shutters mounted on nylon rollers with approved
6.10 quality of fixtures such as aluminium handles tower bolts etc.; and
providing and fixing 5.5mm. thick plain glass for shutters fitted with
rubber beading aluminium sections anodised 12 to 15 microns,
including cutting to required length, joints mitred subdividing the
frame tenonned and rivetted in the assembled frame stiffened with
end clips at corners angles etc., and fixed to the walls, lintels, floor
beams/cills as the case may be with necessary steel screws, raul
plugs, or teak wood gatties including cutting masonry or concrete
and making good the original surface using cement mortar,
aluminium sections pretreated for removal of any Specification No.
6.10.1 .- do - Using aluminium section anodized to 12-15 microns Sqm 4266.00 4266.00

.- do - Using aluminium section powder coated to a minimum of 60-

6.10.2 70 microns with exterior durable pure polyster grade powder of Sqm 4375.00 4375.00
approved quality
Providing and fixing in position anodized aluminium windows and
ventilators as per approved drawings with sliding shutters using
three track window frame of size 92x31.75mm bottom section
1.3mm thick, weight 1.07kg/m; sides and top sections 1.3 mm, thick,
weight 0.933 kg/m.shutter frame section comprising top and bottom
section of size 40mmx18mm, wall thickness 1.25mm. weight 0.417
kg./m. shutter side outer 40mmx18mm. wall thickness 1.25mm.
weight 0.417 kg/m, shutter interlock section 40mmx26.7mm wall
thickness 1.1 mm. thick, weight 0.469 kg/m, the shutters mounted on
6.11 nylon rollers with approved quality of fixtures such as aluminium
handles tower bolts etc.; providing and fixing 5.5mm. thick plain
glass for shutters fitted with rubber beading all aluminium sections
anodised 12 to 15 microns thick including cutting to required length,
joints mitred subdividing the frame tenonned and rivetted, in the
assembled frame, stiffened with end clips for corners, angles etc., and
fixed to the walls, lintels, floor beams/cills as the case may be, with
necessary steel screws, raul plugs or teak wood gatties including
cutting masonry or concrete and making good the original surface
using cement mortar,
6.11.1 .- do - Using aluminium section anodized to 12-15 microns Sqm 4351.00 4351.00

.- do -using aluminium section powder coated to a minimum of 60-70

6.11.2 microns with exterior durable pure polyster grade powder of Sqm 4472.00 4472.00
approved quality

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and fixing in position anodized aluminium windows and
ventilators as per approved drawings with sliding shutters using four
track window frame of size 122.2x31.75mm. for bottom section
1.1mm thick, weight 1.205 kg/m; sides and top sections 1.2 mm.
thick weight 1.093 kg/m; shutter section comprising top and bottom
section of size 40mmx18mm wall thickness 1.25mm. weight 0.417
kg./m, shutter side outer 40mmx18mm. wall thickness 1.25mm.
weight 0.417 kg/m, shutter interlock section 40mmx26.7mm wall
thickness 1.1 mm. weight 0.469 kg/m; shutters mounted on nylon
rollers with approved quality of fixtures such as aluminium handles,
tower bolts etc.; providing and fixing 5.5mm. thick plain glass for
6.12 shutters fitted with rubber beading aluminium sections anodised 12 to Sqm 3722.00 3722.00
15 microns, including cutting to required length, joints mitred
subdividing the frame, tenonned and rivetted in the assembled frame
to be stiffened with end clips at corners, angles etc.; fixed to the
walls, lintels, floor beams;cills, as the case may be with necessary
steel screws, raul plugs, or teak wood gatties including cutting
masonry or concrete and making good the original surface using
cement mortar; aluminium sections pretreated for removal of any rust
and coated with greasy materials for non adhesion of mortar and
other sticky materials; ( this coating should be cleaned after
installation ) including cost of materials, fixtures, labour and HOM of
machinery complete as per specifications.
Providing, fabricating, assembling and fixing in position anodized
aluminium partitions using sections in combination of plain, single grove
and double grove as per requirements for the frames of overall size
101.6mm x 44.45mm, 3.18mm.thick having section weight, plain sections
2.40kg/m single grove section 2.541kg/m. and double grove section 2.683
kg/m and bottom member 114.3mmx44.45mm 3.18mm thick weight 2.646
kg/m; aluminium louvres of size 77.6mmx27.6mm 1.7mm. thick section
weight 0.483kg/m; bottom portions provided with 12mm. thick
prelaminated sheet both side of approved colour lamination exterior grade;
aluminium sections of mat finish or glossy finish using section, spacing of
vertical member shall not exceed 0.6 m. c to c; sections are cut to the
required lengths, joints mitered and corners grinded subdividing frames
tennoned and rivetted to the frames, the assembled frame should be stiffened
with corner angles stripped and fixed with screws, rawl plugs and teak
6.13 wood gutties to R.C.C.columns or masonry on sides, R.C.C. lintels or
beams at top and floor at bottom, including cutting chistling and making
good with cement mortar to match the surface, providing and fixing bottom
panel filled with the materials to a height of 0.9m. from floor level; and
5.5mm. thick plain glass for middle portion viz., 0.9m. to 2.13 m. and top
panel with lower sections, the glass and panels fitted with glazing clips of
19mmx17.3mm. with thickness of 0.9mm. weight 0.124kg/m; aluminium
sections anodised 12 to 15 microns, sections pre-treated for removal of any
rust and prevention of further rust formation, and coated with greasy Sqm 4374.00 4374.00
materials for non-adherence of mortars or any other sticky materials;
vertical members embedded in the flooring by making suitable size holes
and fixing with cement mortar, with necessary opening for fixing of doors
of standard size (excluding cost of door opening) All the frame should be
throughly cleaned free from rust, scale or dirt including cost of materials,
fixtures, labour and HOM of machinery complete as per specifications.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing, fabricating, assembling and fixing in position anodized
aluminium partitions using aluminium sections of mat finish or
glassy finish in combination of plain grove, single grove and double
grove as per requirements for the frames of overall size 63.5mm x
8.1mm. with thickness of 2mm. having section weight, plain sections
1.054kg/m, single grove thickness 1.95mm. section weight
1.094kg/m, double grove thickness 1.9mm section weight 1.094kg/m
and bottom member 114.3 mm. x 44.45mm. thickness 3.18mm.
weight 2.646 kg/m; aluminium louvres section of size
36.5mmx34.93mm 1.45mm. thick section weight 0.429kg/m; bottom
portions provided with 12mm. thick prelaminated sheet both sides of
approved colour lamination exterior grade upto 0.9m height, spacing
of vertical member not exceeding 0.6 m. c to c; sections are cut to
the required lengths, joints mitered and corners grinded subdividing
frames tennoned and rivetted to the frames; the assembled frame
6.14 stiffened with corner angles, stripped and fixed with screws, rawl
plugs and teak wood gutties to R.C.C.columns on sides, R.C.C.
lintels or beams at top and floor at bottom, including cutting
Sqm 3364.00 3364.00
chistelling and making good with cement mortar to match the
surface; providing and fixing 5.5mm. thick plain glass for middle
portion viz., 0.9m. to 2.13 m. and top panel with louvres sections;
the glass and panels fitted with glazing clips of 19mmx17.3mm. of
thickness 0.9mm. weight 0.124kg/m, aluminium sections anodised 12
to 15 microns, sections treated for removal of any rust and
prevention of further rust formation, coated with greasy materials for
non-adherence of mortars or any other sticky materials; vertical
members embedded in the flooring by making suitable sized holes and
fixing with cement mortar, with necessary opening for fixing of door
of standard size ( excluding cost of door ) all the frame throughly
cleaned, free from rust, scale or dirt including cost of materials,
fixtures, labour and HOM of machinery complete as per
Providing, fabricating, assembling and fixing in position anodized
aluminium shutters to the existing door frame in the partition using
47.62x44.45mm section thickness 3.18mm, weight 1.505kg/m for
vertical frame; 47.62x44.45 thickness of 3mm, weight 1.42kg/m for
top section, 49.91mmx44.45mm with wall thickness 3mm, weight
1.495kg/m for central rail; and 114.3mmx44.45mm thickness
3.18mm, weight 2.646kg/m for bottom rail; aluminium sections
anodized 12 to 15 microns and cut to length joint metred and corners
grinded, the bottom rail and top rail hinged or pivoted, opening
arrangements including providing and fixing standard approved
6.15 accessories, such as aluminium handles, tower bolts, lock, pivots: Sqm 3976.00 3976.00
hinges P.V.C. or rubber gasket, 12mm prelaminated sheets (
Novopan) exterior grade of approved colour both sides same colour
for bottom panel of maximum height 0.90m and 5.5mm thick plain
glass for top panel ( Novopan ) and glass fixed with glazed clips
19mmx17.3mmx11mm, 0.9mm thick, weight 0.124kg/m; aluminium
sections treated for removal of any rust and prevention of further rust
formation, and coated with greasy materials for non-adherance of
mortars or any other sticky materials, including cost of materials,
fixtures, labour and HOM of machinery complete as per

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing, fabricating, assembling and fixing in position anodized
aluminium doors using following aluminium mat finish or glossy
finish, outer frame plain section 101.6x44.45mm thickness 3.18mm,
section weight 2.404 kg/m, door shutters vertical section
44.62x44.45mm thickness 3.18mm, section weight 1.505kg/m, top
section 47.62x44.45mm thickness 3.00mm, section weight
1.426kg/m bottom section 114.3x44.45 thickness 3.18mm, section
weight 2.646kg/m, door central section 49.91x44.45mm thickness
3.00mm, section weight 1.495 kg/m glazing clips 19x17.3x11mm
thickness 0.9mm section weight 0.124kg/m; aluminium sections
anodized 12 to 15 microns cut to length joint metred corners grinded,
the shutters pivoted opening arrangement with heavy duty aluminium
6.16 alloy automatic door closures floor mounted, providing and fixing Sqm 6131.00 6131.00
standard approved accessories, such as aluminium handle for full
width or length, tower bolts, lock, pivots: P.V.C. or rubber gasket
with 5.5m. thick plain glass for top and bottom panel; aluminium
sections treated for removal of any rust and prevention of further rust
formation, and coated with greasy materials for non-adherance of
mortars or any other sticky materials; the assembled frame fitted with
the corner angles, strips and fitted with screws, rawl plugs or
teakwood gutties to R.C.C. columns or masonry on sides. beams and
flooring in bottom. including cutting, chistling and making good with
cement mortar to match the surface; all the frames throughly cleaned
free from rust, scale, or dirt including cost of materials, fixtures,
labour and HOM of machinery complete as per specifications.

Providing , fabricating, assembling and fixing in position anodized

aluminium partition using 101.60mm x 44.45mm x 3.18mm
aluminium, mat finish or glossy finish , anodized sections
combination of plain , single groove and double groove members
should not exceed 0.60mc/c and bottom member of required lengths,
joints mitred and corner grinded sub dividing assembled frame should
be stiffened with corner angles. Stripped and fixed with screws rawl
plug and teakwood guttas to RCC column or masonry on sides. RCC
lintels or beams at top and mosaic floor at bottom; including cutting
chistelling and making good with cement mortar to match the surface
.Providing and fixing 12mm.thick prelaminated sheet (Ecoboard –
6.17 exterior grade )of approved colour for bottom panel of maximum Sqm 2500.00 2500.00
height 0.9m, and 5.50 mm thick plain or pin headed glass for middle
panel and top panel with glazing clips pf
19.05mm.x17.30mm.1.00mm. All the aluminium sections used
should be treated for removal of any rust and prevention of further
rust formation and coated with greasy materials for non adherence of
mortar or any other sticky materials: The vertical members should be
embedded in the flooring by making suitable size holes and fixing
with cement mortar. All the frame should be thoroughly cleaned free
from rust , scale or dirt. work should be carried out as per direction
of engineer-in-charge of the work with all lead and lift as per chief
Architect’s drawing etc., complete to a degree of perfection.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and fixing door frame with or without ventilator made
out of cold rolled steel section of thickness 1.25mm formed into
section of 60mm x 105mm welded to form a rectangular door
conforming to IS 513-1973 and phosphated and painted and with one
coat of red oxide primer, two coat of approved enamel paints the
frame work with 4nos. of hold fast of size 200 x 25 x 4mm fixed in
6.18 Sqm 2000.00 2000.00
cement concrete 1:3 :6 of 20mm down size jelly and 4nos. of ISI
marked hinges 125mm long welded to the frame and fixed with
shutter made out of Honne wood styles and rails of 30mm thick with
panels of 12mm thick ‘ Ecoboard ’ Plain Particle Board of exterior
grade conforming to IS- 3087 excluding the cost of fixtures but
including labour charges for fixing of fixtures.. The hollow portion of
the frame toand
"Providing be filled
rolled of 20mm down
prepainted sizewindows
steel jelly. of IS
standards, made out of 0.6mm thick deep drawing quality galvanised
on both sides 120gms/ Primer coat upto 5 microns with
thermosetting epoxy resin and finish painted with a polyester based
paint 20 microns thick. The size of profiles is approximately 46 x
6.19 Sqm 4400.00 4400.00
52mm for external frames, 46x46mm section for shutters, 46x70mm
section for centre mullion/transom and 18x31mm section is for fixing
glasses. The section should be cut to length joint mitred and
assembling by means of corner brackets made out of cold rolled cold
annealed strips of 1.2mm thick duly galvanised and fixed with nickle
Supplyingself taping screws.
and fixing pressed steel door frames size 125x65 mm
manufactured from 1.25mm thick carbon steel or imported steel
strips with mitred joints of 900 for door openings and shutters made
out of seasoned Honne wood, styles of 30 mm, thick with lock rail of
160 mm, width, top and side rails of 100 mm. width and bottom rails
of 250 mm width and panel filling with 12mm thick particle board of
exterior grade bonded with phenol formal dehide resin and the
6.20 shutter shall be rot proof, vermin proof, heat resistant guaranteed Sqm 3210.00 3210.00
against shrinkage, warpage and such other defects for a period of 3
years. This shall be as per approved drawings, specification and
direction including cost of conveyance, painting with enamel paint 2
coats over primer coat, cost of labour for all items of work,
machinery, equipment and all other incidental charges with all lead,
lift, loading and unloading etc., complete. The Hollow portion of the
frame to be filled with cement concrete 1:2:4.
"Supplying and fixing pressed steel window frame of size 100 x
50mm manufactured from 1.25 mm thick carbon steel or imported
steel strips with neat mitred joints at 900degree for window openings
and shall be suitable to fix M.S. grills as per design and drawings
using 12mm dia rods at 100mm Centre to Centre horizontally and
two members of M.S flats of 6mmx40mm size at 150mm apart,
welded into a frame of 6mmx40mm size M.S. flats with 16mm size
6.21 lugs, and 8 Nos. of 100mm size hinges, 4 Nos of Butt Stay pins and 4 Sqm 3550.00 3550.00
Nos. Tower bolts and shutters half panelled and hallf glazed with
shutters made out of seasoned honne wood, styles of 30mm thick and
100mm width and rails of 30mm thick and 100mm width and using
4mm thick pin headed glass and panel, filling with 12mm thick
particle board of exterior grade bonded with phenol formal dehide
resin and the shutter shall be rot proof vermin proof, heat resistant
guaranteed against shrinkage, warp age and such other defects for a
period of 3 years.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and fixing M.S. Hand railing for Balcony with 50mm
dia. M.S. hollow pipe of 14 gauge, welded to 20mmx20mm M.S.
square rod placed vertically, spaced at 100mm at regular intervals of
600mm. These vertical rods laterally tied to 3 horizontal rods spaced
at equal interval. These assembly is fixed to concrete by using
6.22 expansion bolts and welding the same to reinforcement bars and Sqm 2840.00 2840.00
making good the surface. All the joints and sections hould be cut to
length, welded and grinded wherever necessary etc., complete . The
work includes cost of all materials, labour charges for all items of
work, hire charges for welding, cutting and grinding equipment, and
electricity charges, etc., complete as per specification and drawing .

Providing and laying to required line and slope roofing with semi-
corrugated (Trafford) asbestos cement sheet 6mm. thick fixed
6.23 with galvanised iron J or L hooks, bolts and nuts 8mm. dia C.I plain Sqm 374.00 374.00
and bitumen washers, over the existing purlins, rafters and trusses
including cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
Extra for A.C. sheet corrugated / semi-corrugated sheet roofing with
6.24 Sqm 15.00 15.00
vertical sheeting to a pitch exceeding 60 degrees

Providing and fixing ridges, hips with asbestos cement sheet

roofing with G.I. J or L hooks, bolts and nuts 8mm. dia G.I.plain
6.25 m 300.00 300.00
and bitumen washers, serrated or plain wings, adjustable ridges,
including cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications

Providing and laying to required line and slope roofing with semi-
corrugated (Trafford) asbestos cement sheet 6mm. thick fixed
6.26 with galvanised iron J or L hooks, bolts and nuts 8mm. dia C.I plain m 374.00 374.00
and bitumen washers, over the existing purlins, rafters and trusses
including cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.

Providing and fixing on wall surface asbestos cement rain down

water pipes 100 mm dia including filling the joints with spun yarn
6.27 soaked in neat cement slurry 1:2 with necessary specials like shoes, m 418.00 418.00
bends and offsets fixed with iron clamps, wall plugs, screws,
including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per

Providing and fixing on wall surface 2.5 kg / H.D.P.E. rain

down water pipes 90 mm outer dia approved make and brand with
6.28 necessary specials like shoes, bends and offsets fixed with iron m 365.00 365.00
clamps, wall plugs, screws, including cost of materials, labour,
curing complete as per specifications.

Providing and fixing on wall surface 2.5kg / H.D.P.E. rain

down water pipes 110mm outer dia approved make and brand with
6.29 necessary specials like shoes, bends and offsets fixed with iron m 432.00 432.00
clamps, wall plugs, screws, including cost of materials, labour, curing
complete as per specifications.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and fixing on wall surface 4.0 kg / H.D.P.E. rain
down water pipes 90 mm outer dia approved make and brand with
6.30 necessary specials like shoes, bends and offsets fixed with iron m 391.00 391.00
clamps, wall plugs, screws, including cost of materials, labour,
complete as per specifications.

Providing and fixing on wall surface 4.0 kg / H.D.P.E. rain

down water pipes 110mm outer dia approved make and brand with
6.31 necessary specials like shoes, bends and offsets fixed with iron m 432.00 432.00
clamps, wall plugs, screws, including cost of materials, labour,
complete as per specifications.

Providing and laying non-asbestos high impact polypropylene

reinforced corrugated cement roofing sheet reinforced with a blend
of strong factory made fibers as per IS:14871 and ISO:9933:1995(E)
roofing upto any pitch and fixing with polymer coated J or L
hooks,bolts and nuts 8mm dia,G.I plain and bitumen washers or with
6.32 Sqm 543.00 543.00
self drilling fastener and EPDM washers etc. complete but excluding
the cost of etc,complete excluding the cost of purlins, rafters and
trusses. Including cutting to size and shape of corrugated sheets
wherever required.and cost of materials, labour, complete as per

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and fixing in position half panelled and half glazed shutters
for doors, styles and rails of 40mm. thick with bottom and lock rails
180mm wide top rail and styles 100mm wide as per drawing and
7.01 panels of 25mm thick, 4mm thick plain glass, fixed with beading Sqm 4505.00 4596.00
15mm wide and thickness of finish with the shutters surface including
cost of materials, labour, HOM of machineries complete as
specifications. (excluding cost of fixtures) Honne wood

Providing and fixing in position Honne wood half panelled and half
glazed shutters for doors, styles and rails of 35mm. thick with bottom
and lock rails 180mm wide top rail and styles 100mm wide as per
7.02 drawing and panels of 25mm thick, 4mm thick plain glass, fixed with Sqm 4267.00 4351.00
beading 15mm wide and thickness to finish with the shutters surface
including cost of materials, labour, HOM of machineries complete as
per specifications. (excluding cost of fixtures )

Providing and fixing in position Honne wood half panelled and half
glazed shutters for doors, styles and rails of 35mm. thick with bottom
and lock rails 180mm wide top rail and styles 100mm wide as per
7.03 drawing and panels of 25mm thick, 4mm thick plain glass, fixed with Sqm 3982.00 4056.00
beading 15mm wide and thickness to finish with the shutters surface
including cost of materials, labour, HOM of machineries complete as
per specifications. (excluding cost of fixtures )

Providing and fixing in position Teak wood half panelled and half
glazed shutters for doors, styles and rails of 30mm. thick with bottom
and lock rails 180mm wide top rail and styles 100mm wide as per
7.04 drawing and panels of 20mm thick, 4mm. thick plain glass, fixed with Sqm 5861.00 5680.00
beading 15mm wide and thickness to finish with the shutters surface
including cost of materials, labour, HOM of machineries complete as
per specifications. ( excluding cost of fixtures )
Providing and fixing in position shutters for doors made out of
Honne wood styles and rails of 40mm. thick with bottom and lock
rails 180mm wide top rail and styles 100mm wide as per drawing and
panels of 18mm thick of exterior grade Melamine impregnated
7.05 Sqm 3854.00 3925.00
prelamination particle board of approved colour on both sides
including cost of materials, labour, HOM of machineries complete as
per specifications. ( excluding cost of fixtures ) Approved Colour on
both Side
Providing and fixing in position shutters for doors made out of
Honne wood styles and rails of 40mm. thick with bottom and lock
rails 180mm wide top rail and styles 100mm wide as per drawing and
panels of 18mm thick of exterior grade Melamine impregnated
7.06 Sqm 3833.00 3905.00
prelamination particle board of approved colour on one side and
balancing white colour on the other including cost of materials,
labour, HOM of machineries complete as per specifications. (
excluding cost of fixtures ) Approved Colour on one Side

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and fixing in position shutters for doors made out of
Honne wood styles and rails of 40mm. thick with bottom and lock
rails 180mm wide top rail and styles 100mm wide as per drawing and
7.07 Sqm 3699.00 3770.00
panels of 18mm thick of exterior grade plain particle board including
cost of materials, labour, HOM of machineries complete as per
specifications. ( excluding cost of fixtures)

Providing and fixing in position shutters for doors made out of

Honne wood styles and rails of 35mm. thick with bottom and lock
rails 180mm wide top rail and styles 100mm wide as per drawing and
7.08 panels of 18mm thick of exterior grade Melamine impregnated Sqm 3584.00 3647.00
prelamination particle board of approved colour on both sides
including cost of materials, labour, HOM of machineries complete as
per specifications. ( excluding cost of fixtures )

Providing and fixing in position shutters for doors made out of

Honne wood styles and rails of 35mm. thick with bottom and lock
rails 180mm wide top rail and styles 100mm wide as per drawing and
panels of 18mm thick of exterior grade Melamine impregnated
7.09 Sqm 3597.00 3660.00
prelamination particle board of approved colour on one side and
balancing white colour on the other including cost of materials,
labour, HOM of machineries complete as per specifications. (
excluding cost of fixtures )
Providing and fixing in position Honne wood fully panelled shutters
for windows with styles and rails of 35mm. thick, 75mm wide in two
7.10 halves with panels of 25mm thick including cost of materials, labour Sqm 5228.00 5355.00
charges, HOM of machineries complete as per specifications.
(excluding cost of fixtures )
Providing and fixing in position Matti / Nandi wood fully panelled
shutters for windows with styles and rails of 35mm. thick, 75mm
7.11 wide in two halves with panels of 25mm thick including cost of Sqm 4321.00 4052.00
materials, labour charges, HOM of machineries complete as per
specifications. (excluding cost of fixtures )

Providing and fixing in position Honne wood fully panelled shutters

for windows with styles and rails of 30mm. thick, 75mm wide in two
7.12 halves with panels of 20mm thick including cost of materials, labour Sqm 4628.00 4733.00
charges, HOM of machineries complete as per specifications.
(excluding cost of fixtures )

Providing and fixing in position Matti / Nandi wood fully panelled

shutters for windows with styles and rails of 30mm. thick, 75mm
7.13 wide in two halves with panels of 20mm thick including cost of Sqm 3872.00 3647.00
materials, labour charges, HOM of machineries complete as per
specifications. ( excluding cost of fixtures )

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and fixing in position Honne wood half panelled shutters
at bottom and half glazed at top for indow shutters with styles and
rails of 35mm. thick, 75mm wide in two halves with panels of 25mm
7.14 thick, 3mm thick reeded glass for top panels fixed with wooden Sqm 4794.00 4894.00
beading including cost of materials, labour charges, HOM of
machineries complete as per specifications. ( excluding cost of
fixtures )
Providing and fixing in position Mathi / Nandi wood half panelled
shutters at bottom and half glazed at top for window shutters with
styles and rails of 35mm. thick, 75mm wide in two halves with panels
7.15 of 25mm thick, 3mm thick reeded glass for top panels fixed with Sqm 4076.00 3863.00
wooden beading including cost of materials, labour charges, HOM of
machineries complete as per specifications. ( excluding cost of
fixtures )
Providing & fixing 30mm thick factory made rigid foam Panelled
Door Shutters made from M.S. tube of 19 gauge thickness, size
19x19mm fro styles and 15x15mm for top & bottom rails, covered
with heat moulded PVC C channel of 5mm thick sheet & 30 x 50mm
wide to form styles & 5mm thick & 75mm wide PVC Sheets for top
7.16 rail, lock rail & bottom rail on either side & 5mm thick 20mm wide Sqm 2776.00 2776.00
PVC sheet as gap insert for top rail & bottom rail, Panelling of 5mm
thick PVC sheet fitted in the M.S. Frame, Sealed to the styles & rails
with 5x30mm PVC sheet beading on either side & joined together
with solvent cement adhesive etc., Complete as per manufacturers
specification & direction of Engineer-in-charge fixed to frames with 3
nos of 75 m.m Aluminium hinges.
Providing & fixing factory made PVC Door frame of size 50x47mm
with a wall thickness of 5mm, made out of extruded 5mm rigid PVC
foam sheet metered cut at corners & jointed 2 No.s of 150mm long
7.17 brackets of 15x15mm M.S Square tube, the entire door frame to be Sqm 467.00 467.00
reinforced with 19x19mm M.S Square tube of 19 gauge. The door
frame to be fixed to the wall using M.S. Screws of 65/80mm size
complete as per manufacturers specification & direction of Engineer-

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and laying flooring and steps machine cut granite slabs 40
mm thick on cement mortar bed 1:6, 25 mm thick, and pointed
8.01 Sqm 2416.00 2419.00
with cement mortar 1:3 over existing cement concrete bed , including
cost of materials, mortar labour, curing complete as per
Providing and laying flooring and steps fine dressed granite stone
slabs 40 mm thick on cement mortar bed 1:6, 25 mm thick, and
8.02 pointed with cement mortar 1:3 over existing cement concrete bed , Sqm 3231.00 3234.00
including cost of materials, mortar,labour, curing complete as per
Providing and laying flooring and steps fine machine polished granite
stone slabs 20 mm thick on cement mortar bed 1:6, 20 mm thick,
8.03 and joints finished with cement mortar 1:3 over existing cement Sqm 1175.00 1177.00
concrete bed , including cost of materials, mortar,labour, curing
complete as per specifications

Providing and laying heavy duty cobble stones 60mm thick

interlock pavers, using cement and course sand for manufacture of
blocks of approved size, shape and colour with a minimum
compressive strength of 281 kg per sqm over 50mm thick sand bed (
8.04 average thickness ) and compacting with plate vibrator having 3 tons Sqm 1038.00 1038.00
compaction force thereby forcing part of sand underneath to come up
in between joints, final compaction of paver surface joints into its
final level , including cost of materials, labour and HOM of
machineries complete as per specifications.

Providing and laying heavy duty cobble stones 75mm thick

interlock pavers, using cement and course sand for manufacture of
blocks of approved size, shape and colour with a minimum
compressive strength of 281 kg per sqm over 50mm thick sand bed (
8.05 average thickness ) and compacting with plate vibrator having 3 tons Sqm 1095.00 1095.00
compaction force thereby forcing part of sand underneath to come up
in between joints, final compaction of paver surface joints into its
final level, including cost of materials, labour and HOM of
machineries complete as per specifications.
Providing and laying flooring with M15 cement concrete 40 mm
thick using broken granite 20mm and down size laid to line and level
8.06 Sqm 349.00 357.00
in one layer and finish with a floating coat of neat cement , including
cost of materials, labour, curing, complete as per specifications
Providing and laying red oxide flooring 40 mm thick, with an
under layer of 30mm thick M-15 cement concrete, using broken
granite metal of 12.5mm nominal size and top layer of 10mm thick
8.07 plaster with 1:3 cement mortar mixed with red oxide ( using 3.5 kg Sqm 655.00 655.00
of red oxide per 50 kg of cement ) finished with floating coat of neat
cement mixed with red oxide ( mix of same proportion ) , including
cost of materials, labour, curing, complete as per specifications.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and laying flooring 40 mm thick, with an under layer of
30mm thick M-15 cement concrete, using broken granite metal of
12.5mm nominal size and top layer of 10mm thick plaster with
8.08 Sqm 600.00 606.00
cement mortar 1:3, finished with floating coat of neat cement ,
including cost of materials, labour, curing, complete as per
Extra for making chequers of approved pattern on cement concrete
8.09 floor, steps, landings, pavements , including cost of labour complete Sqm 35.00 35.00
as per specifications.

Flooring with 25mm thick polished tandur blue stone slabs using
cement mortar 1:6, 25mm thick over existing cement concrete bed
8.10 or top of roof laid to line and level and jointed with cement slurry Sqm 1243.00 1248.00
mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab, , including cost of
materials, labour, curing, polishing complete as per specifications.

Flooring with 25mm thick polished shahabad slabs using cement

mortar 1:6, 25mm thick over existing cement concrete bed or top of
8.11 roof laid to line and level and jointed with cement slurry mixed with Sqm 1369.00 1374.00
pigment to match the shade of the slab, , including cost of materials,
labour, curing, polishing complete as per specifications.

Providing Ceramic tiles of approved make,shade and size for

flooring, treads of steps and landings laid on a bed of 12mm thick,
8.12 cement mortar 1:3 mix, flush pointing with white cement using
colour pigment , including cost of materials, labour, curing, complete
as per specifications

8.12.1 _do_ for Ceramic Tiles of size 15x15cms 6mm thick Sqm 1118.00 1122.00

8.12.2 _do_ for Ceramic Tiles of size 30x30cms 6mm thick Sqm 1205.00 1208.00

-do_ for Ceramic Tiles 400 x 400mm 6mm thick on a bed of 20mm
8.12.3 Sqm 1328.00 1269.00

8.12.4 For Ceramic Tiles 300 x 600mm 6mm thick on a bed of 20mm thick Sqm 1328.00 1269.00

Providing skirting upto 30 cms. height with cement mortar 1:3

finished with a floating coat of neat cement including rounding off
8.13 Sqm 316.00 319.00
junctions floor, overall 15 mm thick including cost of materials,
labour, complete as per specifications

Providing red oxide skirting upto 30 cms. height with cement

mortar 1:3 including rounding off junctions with floor, finished
overall 15 mm thick, top portion 5mm thick mixed with red oxide
8.14 Sqm 334.00 337.00
and a floating coat of neat cement using 3.5kg of red oxide of iron
per 50 kg of cement including cost of materials, labour, complete as
per specifications

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing skirting, dadooing, rises of steps with white glazed tiles
6mm thick on 10mm thick cement plaster 1:3 and jointed with
8.15 white cement slurry over existing rough plaster surface using glazed Sqm 1153.00 1165.00
tiles of approved make and size including cost of materials, labour,
complete as per specifications.
Providing skirting, dadooing, rises of steps with colour glazed
tiles 10mm thick on 10mm thick cement plaster 1:3 and jointed
8.16 with white cement slurry over existing rough plaster surface using
glazed tiles of approved make and size including cost of materials,
labour, complete as per specifications.
8.16.1 Colour glazed tiles 15x15 cms 10 mm thick Sqm 1266.00 1269.00
Colour glazed tiles 30x60 cms 6mm thick with border of size 30 x
8.16.2 Sqm 1627.00 1630.00
10 cms
Colour glazed tiles 30x45 cms 10mm thick with border of size 30 x
8.16.3 Sqm 1270.00 1271.00
10 cms
Providing skirting, dadooing, rises of steps using marble slabs
with machine cut edges upto 25mms. thick and not exceeding 30
8.17 cms. height on 10 mms. thick cement mortar 1:3 and jointed with Sqm 3863.00 3867.00
white cement slurry over existing rough plaster surface, including
cost of materials,mortar, labour, complete as per specifications.
Providing and fixing Special make glazed Vitrified tiles
(Granomite finish) of approved make, quality and colour of size
600x600x10mm thick fixed on existing flooring with a special
8.18 adhesive for flooring and skirting and jointed with neat cement slurry Sqm 1099.00 1099.00
mixed with pigment to match the shade of tiles., including providing
spacers at required interval and removing stains etc.,cost of
materials,mortar,labour etc., complete as per specifications..
Providing and fixing glazed Vitrified tiles of approved make,
quality and colour of size 600x600x10mm thick fixed on existing
flooring with a special adhesive for flooring and skirting and jointed
8.19 with neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of Sqm 958.00 955.00
tiles., including providing spacers at required interval and removing
stains etc.,cost of materials,mortar,labour etc. complete as per
Providing and fixing glazed Vitrified tiles of approved make,
quality and colour of size 600x600x10mm thick fixed on a bed of
12 mm thick cement mortar for flooring and skirting and jointed with
8.20 neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of tiles., Sqm 894.00 893.00
including providing spacers at required interval and removing stains
etc., cost of materials,mortar,labour etc.complete as per
Providing and laying pattern flooring for staircase treads and risers
using the combiantion of 20mm thick ruby red granite @ 66%,20
mm thick grey granite @ 20%, 20mm thick black granite 14%. The
8.21 granite meterials are laid with a bed of CM 1:3, 20mm thick pointed Sqm 7147.00 7167.00
with colour pigment, including full rounding for nosing, flaming the
ruby red granite for 50 mm wide including cost of all
materials,mortar,labour, curing etc., complete as per specifications.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and laying pattern flooring for staircase treads and risers
using the combiantion of 20mm thick ruby red granite @ 66%,20 mm
thick grey granite @ 20%, 20mm thick black granite 14%. The
8.22 granite meterials are laid with a bed of CM 1:3, 20mm thick pointed
with colour pigment, including full rounding for nosing, flaming the
ruby red granite for 50 mm wide including cost of all
materials,mortar,labour, curing etc., complete as per specifications.

-do- using Silver grey /Multy red / Ruby red / Black / Hassan green
8.22.1 Sqm 2693.00 2294.00
granite of width not less than 1200mm.

do- using Black granite /Multy red / Ruby red / Black / Hassan
8.22.2 Sqm 2637.00 2247.00
green/River pink granite of width not less than 900mm.

-do- using 10mm thickSilver grey /Multy red / Ruby red / Black /
8.22.3 Sqm 1392.00 1396.00
Hassan green granite tiles

--do- using 19mm thick Raw silk / Black pearl granite of width not
8.22.4 Sqm 2730.00 2734.00
less than 1200mm

do- using 19mm thick Raw silk / Black pearl granite of width not
8.22.5 Sqm 2371.00 2375.00
less than 900 mm.

Providing and fixing of wall cladding using 20mm thick gang saw
water cut Shiva gold granite, grey granite in CM 1:3 proportion
cut to required shape, pattern with paper joints, finished with cement
8.23 mortal using white cement and colour pigments to match the colour Sqm 3499.00 3499.00
of slab making through jointing with sealant, making holes
25mmx12mm grooves in joints including cost of all materials,
mortar,labour,curing etc.,complete
Providing and fixing skirting of 300mm high using prepolished
water cut/gang saw of 19mm thick grey granite 0.5mm wide
8.24 chamfered width and depth and fixing in CM 1:4 of 20mm thick after m 756.00 757.00
chipping the walls etc.,including cost of all materials,
mortar,labour,curing etc.,complete

Providing and laying plat form using prepolished, water cut /

gang saw 40mm thick telephonic Black Granite. laid on existing
vertical -supports and fixing in CM 1:3 proportion. Including cutting
to required shape, pattern with paper joints, including full rounding
8.25 Sqm 3524.00 3524.00
for nosing, finished with cement mortar, pointed with colour
pigments to match the colour of slab making through jointing with
sealant, making holes 25mm x 12mm grooves in joints including cost
of all materials, mortar,labour,curing etc.,complete
Providing full nosing for 40mm thick granite slab using required
8.26 machinery including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour for m 540.00 540.00
all items of work, HOM of equipment etc., complete as per
Providing half nosing for 40mm thick granite slab using required
machinery including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour for
8.27 m 360.00 360.00
all items of work, HOM of equipment etc., complete as per

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing full nosing for 20mm thick granite slab using required
machinery including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour for
8.28 m 270.00 270.00
all items of work, HOM of equipment etc., complete as per
Providing half nosing for 20mm thick granite slab using required
machinery including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour for
8.29 m 180.00 180.00
all items of work, HOM of equipment etc., complete as per
Providing and fixing 40mm thick sadarhalli grey flammed granite slab
8.30 for bath areas in Bathrooms over a bed of 25mm thick CM 1:6 and Sqm 1821.00 1821.00
fixing granite slab with CM 1:3.
Providing and fixing Ceramic tiles of size 400x400mm for flooring,
threads, steps and landing, laid on a bed of 20mm thick cement
mortar 1:3 mix flush pointing with white cement mixed with
8.31 matching colour pigment including curing, cleaning etc., complete. Sqm 1112.00 1052.00
The work includes cost of all materials,mortar,labour charges for all
items of work, hire charges for equipment, , etc., complete as per
Providing and fixing colour glazed tiles of size 300mmx600mm for
walls with borders of size 300x100mm, set in Cement Mortar 1:3
and pointed with white cement with matching colour pigment with
8.32 necessary curing, cleaning including providing and removing Sqm 1204.00 1209.00
scaffolding wherever necessary etc., complete. The work includes
cost of all materials, mortar,labour charges for all items of work, hire
charges for equipment, etc., complete as per specification

Providing and fixing colour glazed tiles of size 300mmx450mm for

walls with borders of size 300x100mm, set in Cement Mortar 1:3
and pointed with white cement with matching colour pigment with
8.33 necessary curing, cleaning including providing and removing Sqm 1028.00 1030.00
scaffolding wherever necessary etc., complete. The work includes
cost of all materials,mortar, labour charges for all items of work, hire
charges for equipment, etc., complete as per specification
Providing and fixing of wall cladding using 20mm thick gang saw
water cut granite in CM 1:3 proportion cut to required shape, pattern
with paper joints, finished with cement mortal using white cement
and colour pigments to match the colour of slab making through
jointing with sealant, making holes 25mmx12mm grooves in joints
including cost of all materials,mortar,labour,curing,etc.,complete.
Do- with gray granite 20 mm thick gangsaw with minimum width
8.34.1 Sqm 2404.00 2408.00
Do- with sadharalli 20 mm thick gangsaw with minimum width
8.34.2 Sqm 2286.00 2290.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing flush pointing to square rubble, course or uncoursed
stone masonry with cement mortar 1:3, 20mm deep, after raking
9.01 Sqm 140.00 141.00
joints to depth of 20mm nicely lining, including cost of materials,
labour, curing complete as per specifications.

Providing flush pointing to square rubble, course or uncoursed

stone masonry with cement mortar 1:3, 20mm deep, after raking
9.02 Sqm 139.00 139.00
joints to depth of 20mm nicely lining, including cost of materials,
labour, curing complete as per specifications.
Providing ruled pointing to coursed stone masonry with cement
mortar 1:3, 20mm deep, after raking joints to depth of 20mm nicely
9.03 Sqm 141.00 142.00
lining, including cost of materials, labour,
curing complete as per specifications.
Providing ruled pointing to coursed stone masonry with cement
mortar 1:4, 20mm deep, after raking joints to depth of 20mm nicely
9.04 Sqm 139.00 139.00
lining, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per
15.3.1Providing 12mm thick cement plaster in single coat with
cement mortar 1:3, to brick masonry including rounding off corners
9.05 wherever required smooth rendering, : Providing and removing Sqm 206.00 208.00
scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as
per specifications.
Providing 12mm thick cement plaster in single coat with cement
mortar 1:4, to brick masonry including rounding off corners
9.06 wherever required smooth rendering, : Providing and removing Sqm 197.00 199.00
scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as
per specifications.
Providing 12mm thick cement plaster in single coat with cement
mortar 1:6 to brick masonry including rounding off corners
9.07 wherever required smooth rendering, : Providing and removing Sqm 188.00 188.00
scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as
per specifications.
Providing 15mm thick cement plaster in single coat with cement
mortar 1:3, to brick masonry including rounding off corners
9.08 wherever required smooth rendering, : Providingand removing Sqm 227.00 229.00
scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as
per specifications.
Providing 15mm thick cement plaster in single coat with cement
mortar 1:4, to brick masonry including rounding off corners
9.09 wherever required smooth rendering, : Providing and removing Sqm 215.00 215.00
scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as
per specifications
Providing 15mm thick cement plaster in single coat with cement
mortar 1:6 to brick masonry including rounding off corners
9.10 wherever required smooth rendering, : Providing and removing Sqm 202.00 202.00
scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as
per specifications.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing 18mm thick cement plaster in single coat with cement
mortar 1:3, to brick masonry including rounding off corners
9.11 wherever required smooth rendering, : Providing and removing Sqm 268.00 270.00
scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as
per specifications
Providing 18mm thick cement plaster in single coat with cement
mortar 1:4, to brick masonry including rounding off corners
9.12 wherever required smooth rendering, : Providing and removing Sqm 254.00 254.00
scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as
per specifications
Providing 18mm thick cement plaster in single coat with cement
mortar 1:6 to brick masonry including rounding off corners
9.13 wherever required smooth rendering, : Providing and removing Sqm 238.00 238.00
scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as
per specifications.
Providing 20mm thick cement plaster in single coat with cement
mortar 1:3, to stone masonry & concrete surface including
9.14 rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering,including Sqm 280.00 282.00
providing and removing scaffolding, cost of materials, labour, curing
etc.,complete as per specifications.

Providing 20mm thick cement plaster in single coat with cement

mortar 1:4, to stone masonry / concrete surface including rounding
9.15 off corners wherever required smooth rendering, : Providing and Sqm 262.00 264.00
removing scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour,
curingcomplete as per specifications.
Providing 20mm thick cement plaster in single coat with cement
mortar 1:6 to stone masonry / concrete surface including rounding
9.16 off corners wherever required smooth rendering, : Providing and Sqm 246.00 248.00
removing scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour,
curingcomplete as per specifications.
Providing 12mm thick cement plaster in single coat with cement
mortar 1:3, to ceiling including rounding off corners wherever
9.17 required smooth rendering, including providing and removing Sqm 230.00 230.00
scaffolding, cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per
Providing 12mm thick cement plaster in single coat with cement
mortar 1:4, to ceiling including rounding off corners wherever
9.18 required smooth rendering, : Providing and removing scaffolding, Sqm 220.00 222.00
including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per
Extra for providing and mixing waterproofing compound in cement
plaster work in Brick Masonry at one kg per bag or in the
9.19 Sqm 6.80 6.80
proportion recommended by the manufacturers, for cement mortar
1:3, 12mm thick cost of materials complete as per specifications

Extra for providing and mixing waterproofing compound in cement

plaster work in Brick Masonry at one kg per bag or in the
9.20 Sqm 5.00 5.00
proportion recommended by the manufacturers, for cement mortar
1:4,12mm thick cost of materials complete as per specifications.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Extra for providing and mixing waterproofing compound in cement
plaster work in Brick Masonry at one kg per bag or in the
9.21 Sqm 6.40 6.40
proportion recommended by the manufacturers, for cement mortar
1:4, 15mm thick cost of materials complete as per specifications.
Extra for providing and mixing waterproofing compound in cement
plaster work in Brick Masonry at one kg per bag or in the
9.22 Sqm 7.80 7.80
proportion recommended by the manufacturers, for cement mortar
1:4, 18mm thick cost of materials complete as per specifications.
Extra for providing and mixing waterproofing compound in cement
plaster for stone masonry work at one kg per bag or in the
9.23 Sqm 8.60 8.60
proportion recommended by the manufacturers, for cement mortar
1:4, 20mm thick cost of materials complete as per specifications.
Extra for providing and mixing waterproofing compound in cement
plaster for birck masonry work at one kg per bag or in the
9.24 Sqm 11.50 11.50
proportion recommended by the manufacturers, for cement mortar
1:3, 20mm thick cost of materials complete as per specifications.
Extra for providing and mixing waterproofing compound in cement
plaster for birck masonry work at one kg per bag or in the
9.25 Sqm 8.60 8.60
proportion recommended by the manufacturers, for cement mortar
1:4, 20mm thick cost of materials complete as per specifications.
Providing rough cement plastering 15mm thick in single coat with
cement mortar 1:4, to brick masonry for base of dadooing works
9.26 with sand of approved quality, providing and removing scaffolding, Sqm 199.00 200.00
including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per
Providing rough cement plastering 15mm thick in single coat with
cement mortar 1:6 to brick masonry for base of dadooing works
9.27 with sand of approved quality, providing and removing scaffolding, Sqm 186.00 186.00
including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per
Providing floating coat of cement to plastering and finishing
9.28 smooth , including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per Sqm 19.00 19.00
Providing lime rendering for plastering to wall and ceiling ,
9.29 including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per Sqm 32.00 32.00
Providing and fixing suitable plaster mesh 100mm wide
manufactured out of hot dipped galvanised iron of nominal thickness
0.35mm with a zinc coating of 120gms per sqm width, along route of
9.30 Sqm 25.00 25.00
walls chipped for services, junction between RCC and brick walls
including cost of materials, labour for fixing complete as per
specifications. ( length of mesh only be measured for payment )
Providing and fixing suitable plaster mesh 150mm wide
manufactured out of hot dipped galvanised iron of nominal thickness
0.35mm with a zinc coating of 120gms per sqm width, along route of
9.31 Sqm 31.00 31.00
walls chipped for services, junction between RCC and brick walls
including cost of materials, labour for fixing complete as per
specifications. ( length of mesh only be measured for payment )

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and fixing suitable plaster mesh 200mm wide
manufactured out of hot dipped galvanised iron of nominal thickness
0.35mm with a zinc coating of 120gms per sqm width, along route of
9.32 Sqm 36.00 36.00
walls chipped for services, junction between RCC and brick walls
including cost ofmaterials, labour for fixing complete as per
specifications. ( length of mesh only be measured for payment
Providing and applying two coats dry distemper of approved brand,
and shadeon wall surface including priming coat and whitening after
throughly brooming the surface toremove all dirt, dust, mortar drops
9.33 Sqm 73.00 73.00
and other foreign matter including preparing the surface even and
sand paper smooth, cost of materials, labour, complete as per
Extra over Item 9.33 for applying distemper primer over ceiling and /
9.33.1 Sqm 6.00 6.00
or sloping roof as per specifications.
Providing and applying one coat on old surface dry distemper of
approved brand, and shade on wall surface after throughly brooming
9.34 the surface clean of all gease, dirt, loose pieces of scales including
preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, cost ofmaterial,
labour, complete as per specifications.
9.34.1 Wall surface Sqm 20.00 20.00
Extra over Item 9.34 for applying distemper over ceiling and / or
9.34.2 Sqm 1.50 1.50
sloping roof as per specifications.
Providing and applying two coats with oil bound washable
distemper of approved brand and shade on wall surface including
priming coat with distemper primer after throughly brooming the
9.35 Sqm 110.00 110.00
surface free from mortar drops and other foreign matter including
preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, cost of materials,
labour, complete as per specifications.
Extra over Item 9.35 for applying oil bound washable distemper on
9.35.1 Sqm 7.90 7.90
ceiling and / or sloping roof as per specifications.
Providing and applying one coat with oil bound washable
distemper of approved brand and shade on wall surface to give an
9.36 even shade after throughly brooming the surface free from all grease, Sqm 46.00 46.00
dirt, loose peases of scales, including preparing the surface even and
sand paper smooth, cost of materials, labour, complete as per
Extra over Item 9.36 for applying one coat with oil bound washable
9.36.1 Sqm 3.00 3.00
distemper on ceiling and / or sloping roof as per specifications.
Providing and applying painting in two coats with plastic emulsion
paint of approved brand on wall surface to give an even approved
9.37 shade after throughly brushing the surface, free from mortar drops Sqm 86.80 86.80
and other foreign matter including preparing the surface even and
sand paper smooth, cost of materials, labour, complete as per
9.37.1 do- with primer Sqm 90.00 90.00

Extra over Item 9.37 for painting two coats with plastic emulsion
9.37.2 paint of approved brand and shade on ceiling and / or sloping roof as Sqm 5.00 5.00
per specifications.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and applying painting in one coat with plastic emulsion
paint of approved brand and manufacture on wall surface to give an
even approved shade after throughly brushing the surface, free from
9.38 Sqm 55.90 55.90
mortar drops and other foreign matter including preparing the surface
even and sand paper smooth, cost of materials, labour, complete as
per specifications
Extra over Item 9.38 for painting with one coat plastic emulsion
9.38.1 paint of approved brand and shade on ceiling and / or sloping roof as Sqm 4.00 4.00
per specifications.
Providing and finishing external walls in two coats with
waterproof cement paint of approved brand and shade to give an
9.39 even shade after throughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt Sqm 89.00 89.00
and loose powdered material, free from mortar drops and other
foreign matter cost of materials, labour, complete as per
9.39.1 .-do- with primer Sqm 102.00 102.00
Providing and finishing external walls in one coat with waterproof
cement paint of approved brand and shade to give an even shade
9.40 after throughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt and loose Sqm 51.00 51.00
powdered material, free from mortar drops and other foreign matter
cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
9.40.1 .-do- with primer Sqm 47.00 47.00

Applying priming coat over new wood surface and / or wood

based surface with white lead paint priming including preparing the
9.41 surface after throughly cleaning oil, grease, dirt and foreign matter, Sqm 43.00 43.00
sand papering and knotting ready mix paint including cost of
materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
Applying priming coat over new wood surface and / or wood
based surface after brushing with wood primer pink paint including
9.42 preparing the surface after throughly cleaning oil, grease, dirt and Sqm 46.00 46.00
foreign matter, sand papering and knotting ready mix paint including
cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications
Applying priming coat over new wood surface and / or wood
based surface after brushing with aluminium paint primer, water
9.43 resistant including preparing the surface after throughly cleaning oil, Sqm 42.00 42.00
grease, dirt and foreign matter, sand papering and knotting ready mix
paint including cost of materials, labour, complete as per
Applying priming coat over new wood surface and / or wood
based surface, after brushing with ready mix eanmel priming paint
9.44 including preparing the surface after throughly cleaning oil, grease, Sqm 49.70 49.70
dirt and foreign matter, sand papering and knotting ready mix paint
including cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
Applying priming coat over new wood surface and / or wood
based surface after preparing the surface after throughly cleaning
9.45 oil, grease, dirt and foreign matter, sand papering and knotting liquid Sqm 49.50 49.50
wood filler, for varnish including cost of materials, labour, complete
as per specifications.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and applying painting two coats ( excluding priming
coat ) on new wood surface and / or wood based surface with
9.46 enamel paint to give an even shade, cleaning the surface of all dirt, Sqm 96.90 96.90
dust and foreign matter, sand papering including cost of materials,
labour, complete as per specifications.
Extra over Item No. 9.46 for applying every subsequent coat of
enamel paint to give an even shade after cleaning the surface of all
9.46.1 Sqm 55.00 55.00
dirt, dust and foreign matter, sand papering including cost of
materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
Providing and applying painting one coat ( excluding priming coat
) on new wood surface and / or wood based surface with enamel
9.47 paint to give an even shade after cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust Sqm 61.90 61.90
and foreign matter, sand papering including cost of materials, labour,
complete as per specifications.
Extra over Item No.9.47 for applying every subsequent coat of
enamel paint to give an even shade after cleaning the surface of all
9.47.1 Sqm 55.00 55.00
dirt, dust and foreign matter, sand papering including cost of
materials, labour, complete as per specifications.

Providing and applying polishing with french polish on new wood

surface and / or wood based surface to give an even surface after
9.48 cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and foreign matter, sand papered Sqm 202.00 202.00
smooth, including cost of wood filler and materials, labour,
completeas per specifications.
Providing and applying polishing with french polish over
previously polished wood or wood based surface to give an even
9.49 surface after cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and foreign matter, Sqm 104.00 104.00
sand papered smooth, including cost of wood filler and materials,
labour, complete as per specifications.
Providing and applying wax polish in single coat on new wood
surface and / or wood based surface, with bees wax polish in
proportion of 2:1.5:1:0.5 ( 2 bees wax : 1.5 linseed oil : 1 turpentine
9.50 Sqm 46.60 46.60
oil : 0.5 varnish by weight ) to give an even surface after cleaning the
surface of all dirt, dust and foreign matter, sand papered smooth,
including cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
Applying red lead ready mix priming coat over new steel or other
metal surface including preparing the surface after throughly
9.51 cleaning oil, grease, dirt and other foreign matter, and scoured with Sqm 41.00 41.00
wire brushes, fine steel wool, sand papers including cost of materials,
labour,complete as per specifications.
Providing and applying enamel metal paint two coats ( excluding
priming coat ) over new steel or other metal surface brushing to
9.52 give an even shade after cleaning oil, grease, dirt and other foreign Sqm 95.00 95.00
matter, including cost of materials, labour, complete as per

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and applying enamel metal paint one coat ( excluding
priming coat ) on previously painted steel or other metal surface
9.53 brushing to give an even shade after cleaning oil, grease, dirt and Sqm 61.00 61.00
other foreign matter, including cost of materials, labour, complete as
per specifications.
Providing and applying alluminium paint two coats ( excluding
priming coat ) over new steel or other metal surface brushing to
9.54 give an even shade after cleaning oil, grease, dirt and other foreign Sqm 73.80 73.80
matter, including cost of materials, labour, complete as per
Providing and applying black japan paint one coat ( excluding
priming coat ) on previously painted steel or other metal surface
9.55 brushing to give an even shade after cleaning oil, grease, dirt and Sqm 46.00 46.00
other foreign matter, including cost of materials, labour, complete as
per specifications

Extra for applying every subsequent black japan paint on

previously painted steel or other metal surface brushing to give an
9.56 Sqm 39.90 39.90
even shade after cleaning of oil, grease, dirt and other foreign matter,
including cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.

Providing and applying spray painting in two coats ( excluding

priming coat ) over concrete / masonry / asbestos cement sheet /
plastered surfaces with flat wall paint of approved brand to give even
9.57 Sqm 84.70 84.70
shade after cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and other foreign
matter, and sand papering including cost of materials, labour,
complete as per specifications
Providing and applying spray painting in one coat ( excluding
priming coat ) over concrete / masonry / asbestos cement sheet /
plastered surfaces with flat wall paint of approved brand to give even
9.58 Sqm 54.50 54.50
shade after cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and other foreign
matter, and sand papering including cost of materials, labour,
complete as per specifications.
Providing and applying wax polish on new concrete floor and
vertical plastered surface using approved brand to give an even shade
9.59 after preparing the surface after throughly cleaning oil, dirt, dust Sqm 43.60 43.60
other foreign matter, including cost of materials, labour, complete as
per specifications.

Providing and applying wax polish on previously polished

concrete floor and vertical plastered surface using wax polish of
approved brand to give an even shade after preparing the surface
9.60 Sqm 42.70 42.70
after throughly cleaning oil, dirt, dust and other foreign matter
including cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
Previously Polished Concrete Floor

Providing melamine polishing of approved shade including

removing and refixing of doors shutters scraping with blade and
rubbing with zero size sand paper and applying sealer coat by way of
9.61 Sqm 855.00 855.00
spraying with necessary compressor and applying patty after rubbing
with steel wool including two coats of approved shade of melamine
polish etc., complete.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing melamine polishing of approved shade including
removing and refixing of doorsshutters, glass, beading and
existing polishing, scraping with blade and rubbing with zero size
9.62 sand paper and applying sealer coat by way of spraying with Sqm 1037.00 1037.00
necessary compressor and applying patty after rubbing with steel
wool including two coats of approved shade of melamine polish etc.,
Providing and laying integral cement based waterproofing
treatment including preparation of surface as required or treatment
of roofs, balconies, terraces etc., consisting of following application.
(a) Applying and grouting a lurry coat of neat cement using 2.75
kg/sqm of cement admixed with proprietary water proofing
compound onforming to IS:2645 over the RCC slab after cleaning
the surface before treatment. (b) Laying cement concrete using
broken brick bats 25mm to 100mm size with 50% of cement mortar
1:5 admixed with proprietary water proofing compound conforming
IS:2645 over 20mm thick layer of cement mortar 1:5 admixed with
9.63 proprietary water proofing compound to required slope and treating Sqm 977.00 990.00
similarly the adjoining walls upto 300mm height including rounding
off junctions of walls and slabs. (c) After two days of proper curing,
applying a second coat of cement slurry admixed with proprietary
water proofing compound (d) Finishing the surface with 20mm thick
jointless cement mortar of mix 1:4 admixed with proprietary water
proofing compound and finally finishing the surface with trowel and
neat cement slurry and making of 300x300mm square. (e) The
wholeterrace so finished shall be flooded with water for a minimum
period of two weeks for curing and for final test including cost of
materials, labour complete as per specifications.
Wateproofing of RCC Terrace / podium slab / toilet / utilities / water
retaining structure by preparing the surface by chipping and cleaning
and Grouting of Honey comb, voids, cracks / construction joints and
slab joints with cement slurry (1kg cement added in 10 ltr of water)
added with 100gm of inorganic accelerator, followed by spraying of
liquid biological modified alkaline earth silicates @ 0.40 ltr per sqm
on whole surface to reduce the micro porosity and allowing it to dry,
9.64 Sqm 575.00 575.00
curing the surface for the silicates to penetrate deeper into the
concrete and spraying waterproofing impregnate liquid containg
silane and silanol linear copolymer @ 0.50 ltr per sqm and finally
applying polymer slurry made out of Cross linked Acrylic /styrene
/butadiene & cement in the ratio of 1:0.1, @ the rate of 0.50kg/sqmtr
on the whole surface, including all labour charges tools and
equipments, all complete as per the specification

Bore Packing : filling the bore wherever necessary with polymer

modified concrete and brushing one coat of acrylic copolymer cross
9.65 Sqm 240.00 240.00
linked formulation on the bore.including all labour charges tools and
equipments, all complete as per the manufacturer

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Extra for Water proofing the inside surface of Tanks (OHT & UGT )
- applying of modified polymers soft acrylic esters coat @ 0.40
9.66 Sqm 275.00 275.00
kg/sqm in 2 coats including all labour charges tools and equipments,
all complete as per the specification.
Providing and fixing food grade epoxy painting to over head tank
and sump tank aftercleaning and drying including pumping and
9.67 Sqm 100.00 100.00
bailing out of water, including cost of all materials labour lead and
lifts etc., complete
Cleaning RCCsump tanks and RCC overhead tanks with
mechanical dewatering including removal of sludge, mud, dirt, algea
etc and cleanuing the wall surface of tanks using high pressure jet,
vacuum cleaning and spraying anti bacterial treatment to the wall and
9.68 ceiling surfaces and UV treatment, including removing of sludge etc., L 0.40 0.40
using suitable coconut broomstick, squeesers / wipers / rubber
brushes, coir brushes, plastic buckets, mugs, dewatering using motor
with portal arrangement, hose pipe etc., complete including all safety
Providing and applying composite waterproofing compound as
impregnate only on wet surfaces to arrest leaks in surfaces such as
roof cealing, internal and external walls, flooring and other surfaces
apart from water tanks, sumps, reservoirs, by mixing the
composite waterproofing compound with water in ratio of 1:10 to
9.69 make a workable slurry and pouring it on all cleaned and prepared Sqm 577.00 577.00
corners and disturbed area and further mixing in the ration 1:20 and
pouring it on the prepared surface by cleaning the surface with
etchant chemical from dirt foreign materials etc.,and allowing it to be
there upto 3 hours and then cleaning the same using water complete
as per spcification so that the surface is got back and ready to use
after 4 hours.
Providing and applying Polymer based water proofing slurry having
chemical resistance properties, capable of withstanding a
Temperature of 200 DegC for Protective Negative coating for Water
Dampness & seepages, omprising of Portland cement, Lime stone,
Silica sand, Alumina cement, sodium aluminate in the form of
powder composition at 3.30 kgs mixed with 1.0 liter of Acrylic
9.69.1 emulsion, applied on 0.64 Sqm area/liter of slurry on a cleaned Sqm 2767.00 2767.00
surface free of loose materials etc, complete on all masonry
structures, overhead tank, sump tank, water closet areas, sunken slab
and other such areas, filling tile joints, capable of Self curing within 3
to 4 hours of its application in normal atmospheric condition,
including cost of all materials, labour charges, HOM and machineries
etc., complete.
Providing and applying water proofing in two coats of 300 microns
thickness on all surfaces like concrete, Metal, Plastic, Asbestos,
Wood, Cloth canopy using Heat refractive compound made out of
Vinyl Acetate copolymer latex, Water, Titanium Dioxide, Barium
9.70 metaborate, Ceramic Microsphere powder, Mica, Propylene Glycol kg 803.00 803.00
in suitable proportions and the surface to be treated should be cleared
of loose particles/dust/fungus etc and kept dry before the application
of heat refractive compound, including cost of all materials, labour
charges, HOM and machineries etc., complete.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and injecting chemical emulsion for Pre-constructional
Anti-Termite Treatment, creating continuous chemical barrier
under and around the column pits, walls, trenches, basement
excavation, top surface of the plinth filling, junction of wall and
floor, along the external perimeter of building, expansion joints, over
9.71 the top surface of consolidated earth on which apron is to be laid, Sqm 105.70 105.70
surrounding of pipes and conduits, with chloropyriphos
emulsifiable concentrates of 20% concentration, including cost of
chemical, diluting in water to one percent concentration, labour,
HOM of equipments, complete as per specifications. (Plinth area of
the building at ground floor only shall be measure

Providing, injecting chemical emulsion for Anti-Termite Treatment

along external walls where the apron is not provided using chemical
emulsion at 7.5 Litre/sqm of the vertical surface of the substructure
to a depth of 300mm. Including excavation of channel along the wall
9.72 Sqm 85.70 85.70
and redoing with chlorophyriphos emulsion concentrate 20%
diluting in water to 1% concentration, including cost of chemicals,
diluting in water to one percent concentration, labour,HOM of
equipments, complete as per specifications.

Providing, injecting chemical emulsion for Anti-Termite Treatment

along external walls below concrete or masonry apron using
chemical emulsion at 2.25 litre/m. including drilling and plugging of
9.73 holes, with chlorophyriphos emulsion concentrate 20% diluting in m 46.00 46.00
water to 1%concentration, including cost of chemicals, diluting in
water to one percent concentration, labour, HOM of equipments,
complete as per specifications.
Providing, injecting chemical emulsion for l Anti-Termite
Treatment of soil under existing floors using chemical emulsion at
one litre / hole 30mm apart including drilling 12mm. dia holes and
plugging with cement mortar 1:2 proportion to mach with the
9.74 Sqm 250.80 250.80
existing floors with hlorophyriphos emulsion concentrate 20%,
including cost of chemical diluting in water to one percent
concentration, labour, HOM of equipments, complete as per
Providing, Injecting chemical emulsion for l Anti-Termite
Treatment of existing masonry using chemical emulsion at one liter
/ hole at 300mm intervals including drilling of holesat 45 degree and
9.75 plugging them with cement mortar 1:2 to the full depth of the hole m 79.00 79.00
with Chloropyriphos emulsifiable concentration 20% including cost
of chemical diluting in water to one percent concentration, labour,
HOM of equipments, complete as per specifications.

Providing general disinfection services, spraying of insecticide and

pesticide inside and outside thebuilding ( flies, bedbugs,lizards,
9.76 Sqm 29.00 29.00
cockroaches, spiders caterpillars etc., including cost of
materiilalslabour lead lift, hire charges of equipments etc., complete.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and installing at site of work P.V.C. pipes including cost of
pipes and specials and labour, including lowering into trenches, laying
true to line, level and perfect linking at joints leak proof including
10.01 jointing of approved type with all labour charges and all lift charges,
handling charges including encasing the pipe around to a depth not
less than 15 cms with gravel or selected earth available from the
excavation etc. complete.
10.01.1 PVC PIPES OF 4 Kg./Cm2

(a) 63mm(0.465) Rmtr 121.00 121.00

(b) 75mm(0.651) Rmtr 161.00 161.00

(c) 90mm(0.917) Rmtr 210.00 210.00

(d) 110mm(1.315) Rmtr 288.00 288.00

(e) 140mm(2.131) Rmtr 439.00 439.00

(f) 160mm(2.753) Rmtr 564.00 564.00

(g) 200mm(4.256) Rmtr 853.00 853.00

10.01.2 PVC PIPES OF 6 Kg./Cm2 Rmtr

(a) 63mm(0.662) Rmtr 155.00 155.00

(b) 75mm(0.917) Rmtr 207.00 207.00

(c) 90mm(1.313) Rmtr 280.00 280.00

(d) 110mm(1.894) Rmtr 393.00 393.00

(e) 140mm(3.097) Rmtr 612.00 612.00

(f) 160mm(3.923) Rmtr 778.00 778.00

(g) 200mm(6.233) Rmtr 1202.00 1202.00

10.01.3 PVC PIPES OF 8 Kg./Cm2

(a) 63mm(0.662) Rmtr 207.00 207.00

(b) 75mm(0.917) Rmtr 284.00 284.00

(c) 90mm(1.313) Rmtr 386.00 386.00

(d) 110mm(1.894) Rmtr 557.00 557.00

(e) 140mm(3.097) Rmtr 881.00 881.00

(f) 160mm(3.923) Rmtr 1127.00 1127.00

(g) 200mm(6.233) Rmtr 1718.00 1718.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
10.01.4 PVC PIPES OF 10 Kg./Cm2

(a) 63mm Rmtr 224.00 224.00

(b) 75mm Rmtr 308.00 308.00

(c) 90mm Rmtr 425.00 425.00

(d) 110mm Rmtr 616.00 616.00

(e) 140mm Rmtr 961.00 961.00

(f) 160mm Rmtr 1244.00 1244.00

(g) 200mm Rmtr 1956.00 1956.00

Labour charges for attending to repairs to the PVC pipes by earth
work excavation cutting the old pipe installation and jointing of new
pipes to the existing old pipe to the depth and line, level and perfect
linking at joints including encasing the pipes alround to a depth of not
less than 15cms with earth available and refilling the excavated
trenches giving satisfactory hydraulic test etc., complete
(a) 63mm (0.075)

(b) 75mm (0.132)

(c) 90mm (0.145)

(d) 110mm (0.207) Rmtr 255.00 255.00

(e) 140mm (0.337)

(f) 160mm (0.426)

(g) 200mm (0.500)

DI Pipes
Supplying DI pipes conforming to IS 8329:2000 with latest
amendments and conveying to work site, rolling and lowering into
trenches,laying true to line,level and perfect linking at joints,testing
and commissioning including loading and unloading at both
destinations and cuts of pipes wherever necessary including jointing
of DI pipes and specials,(excluding cost of special) with rubber
10.03 gaskets including cleaning of socket and spigot ends with soap
solution and applying soft soap to the spigot and socket ends before
insertion of rubber gaskets,jacking and fixing in perfect condition
including cost of soap solution,soft soap, waste etc.,and giving
necessary hydraulic tests to the required pressure as per IS
Specification with all lead and lift including cost of jointing material.
(Contractor will make his own arrangement for procuring water for
10.03.1 K-7 Class
(a) 100mm Rmt 909.00 909.00
(b) 150mm Rmt 1320.00 1320.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
(c) 200mm Rmt 1840.00 1840.00
(d) 250mm Rmt 2397.00 2397.00
(e) 300mm Rmt 3035.00 3035.00
(f) 350mm Rmt 3778.00 3778.00
(g) 400mm Rmt 4555.00 4555.00
(h) 450mm Rmt 5383.00 5383.00
(i) 500 mm Rmt 6308.00 6308.00
(J) 600 mm Rmt 8420.00 8420.00
(K) 700mm Rmt 10289.00 10289.00
(L) 750mm Rmt 11812.00 11812.00
(m) 800mm Rmt 13194.00 13194.00
(n) 900mm Rmt 15908.00 15908.00
(O) 1000mm Rmt 19652.00 19652.00
10.03.2 K-9 Class
(a) 100mm Rmt 1039.00 1039.00
(b) 150mm Rmt 1506.00 1506.00
(c) 200mm Rmt 2152.00 2152.00
(d) 250mm Rmt 2858.00 2858.00
(e) 300mm Rmt 3639.00 3639.00
(f) 350mm Rmt 4542.00 4542.00
(g) 400mm Rmt 5478.00 5478.00
(h) 450mm Rmt 6544.00 6544.00
(i) 500 mm Rmt 7582.00 7582.00
(J) 600 mm Rmt 10097.00 10097.00
(K) 700mm Rmt 11540.00 11540.00
(L) 750mm Rmt 12918.00 12918.00
(m) 800mm Rmt 14300.00 14300.00
(n) 900mm Rmt 17235.00 17235.00
(O) 1000mm Rmt 20459.00 20459.00
(P) 1100mm Rmt 25023.00 25023.00
(Q) 1200mm Rmt 30471.00 30471.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
GI Pipes
Supplying,laying,jointing ,testing and commissioning of G.I. Pipes
conforming to IS 1239:1990 with latest amendments, including fixing
Collars, Elbows, Tees, bends, Glad Cocks and other Fittings
(Excluding Cost of Specials) with Cuts and Threads wherever
necessary including conveying the materials to workspot, including
testing for water tightness with all lead and lifts etc complete
(Contractor shall make his own arrangements for procuring water for
10.04.1 :Class-A (LIGHT)
(a) 15mm Rmt 106.00 106.00
(b) 20mm Rmt 129.00 129.00
(c) 25mm Rmt 171.00 171.00
(d) 32mm Rmt 249.00 249.00
(e) 40mm Rmt 290.00 290.00
(f) 50mm Rmt 339.00 339.00
(g) 65mm Rmt 437.00 437.00
(h) 80mm Rmt 494.00 494.00
(i) 100mm Rmt 694.00 694.00
(J) 150mm Rmt 754.00 754.00
10.04.2 :Class-B (MEDIUM)
(a) 15mm Rmt 126.00 126.00
(b) 20mm Rmt 148.00 148.00
(c) 25mm Rmt 196.00 196.00
(d) 32mm Rmt 281.00 281.00
(e) 40mm Rmt 310.00 310.00
(f) 50mm Rmt 395.00 395.00
(g) 65mm Rmt 476.00 476.00
(h) 80mm Rmt 590.00 590.00
(i) 100mm Rmt 838.00 838.00
(J) 150mm Rmt 909.00 909.00
10.04.3 :Class-C (HEAVY)
(a) 15mm Rmt 141.00 141.00
(b) 20mm Rmt 165.00 165.00
(c) 25mm Rmt 228.00 228.00
(d) 32mm Rmt 323.00 323.00
(e) 40mm Rmt 357.00 357.00
(f) 50mm Rmt 463.00 463.00
(g) 65mm Rmt 567.00 567.00
(h) 80mm Rmt 683.00 683.00
(i) 100mm Rmt 974.00 974.00
(J) 150mm Rmt 1185.00 1185.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
10.05 Labour charges for Threading of G.I. Pipes
(a) 15mm Each 22.00 22.00
(b) 20mm Each 25.00 25.00
(c) 25mm Each 29.00 29.00
(d) 32mm Each 33.00 33.00
(e) 40mm Each 40.00 40.00
(f) 50mm Each 61.00 61.00
(g) 65mm Each 71.00 71.00
(h) 80mm Each 111.00 111.00
(i) 100mm Each 122.00 122.00
10.06 Labour charges for Cutting of G.I. Pipes
(a) 15mm Each 16.00 16.00
(b) 20mm Each 20.00 20.00
(c) 25mm Each 30.00 30.00
(d) 32mm Each 33.00 33.00
(e) 40mm Each 40.00 40.00
(f) 50mm Each 61.00 61.00
(g) 65mm Each 76.00 76.00
(h) 80mm Each 101.00 101.00
(i) 100mm Each 122.00 122.00
Giving hydraulic test for C.I. / R.C.C. / P.V.C. / H.D.P.E/ D.I /A.C.
10.07 pipelines to the pressure equal to two times the working pressure
including cost of supply of water.
a upto 80mm Mtr 4.65 4.65
b above 80mm & upto 100mm Mtr 5.58 5.58
c above 100mm & upto 150mm Mtr 7.00 7.00
d above 150mm & upto 200mm Mtr 9.35 9.35
e Above 200 mm dia Mtr 11.65 11.65
Labour charges for making flanged joints for Cast Iron pipes / D.I.
Pipes and specials with rubber insertion and necessary bolts and nuts
and giving necessary hydraulic pressure test including conveying,
loading and unloading the jointing materials etc., complete.
a 80mm (64.00) Each 195.00 195.00
b 100mm (82.00) Each 213.00 213.00
c 150mm (130.00) Each 233.00 233.00
d 200mm (193.00) Each 254.00 254.00
10.09 Labour charges for cutting of CI / DI Pipes
a 80mm Each 33.00 33.00
b 100mm Each 47.00 47.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
c 150mm Each 54.00 54.00

d 200mm Each 76.00 76.00

10.10 Labour charges for Keeping in position for G.I / C.I / D.I pipes

a 80mm Each 50.00 50.00

b 100mm Each 68.00 68.00

c 150mm Each 101.00 101.00

d 200mm Each 151.00 151.00

Laying cast iron pipes and specials of all classes without earth work,
true to line and level including conveying carefully to site, rolling
and lowering into trenches and perfect linking of joints etc., wherever

10.11.1 80mm dia C.I. Pipes Mtr 52.00 52.00

10.11.2 100mm dia C.I. Pipes Mtr 54.00 54.00

10.11.3 150mm dia C.I. Pipes Mtr 74.00 74.00

10.11.4 200mm dia C.I. Pipes Mtr 102.00 102.00

10.11.5 Fixing of Gland Cock of all sizes (15mm to 65mm) No 23.00 23.00

Providing and constructing stand post of size 1.22mx1.22m for

public fountains with RCC post of size 1.22mx0.38mx0.10m with top
rounded and RCC kerb slabs of size 1.22m x0.30m x0.05m in CC
1:2:4 with 12mm size granite, trap or basalt jelly with nominal
reinforcement as per design, plastering with CM 1:4 20mm thick to
10.12 the exposed faces, with pot rest slab of size 0.45mx0.30mx0.20m in No 3974.00 3974.00
CC 1:2:4 with central dip and CC platform 1:2:4 10cm thick and
smooth finishing with CM 1:3 to exposed faces with necessary
formwork, centering, mixing, curing as per specifications including
cost of steel and necessary earthwork excavation and disposing of the
excavated earth as directed with all leads and lifts etc.

Providing and constructing four way CI stand post of size 1.80 m x

1.80 m with pot rests of size 0.3m x0.3m x 0.15m in cement concrete
M-15 with central dip and with cement concrete kerb (CC M-15) of
0.2m thick and 0.1m wide alround with M-15 cement concrete
10.13 platform of 0.1m thick and smooth finishing with CM 1:3 to exposed Each 3974.00 3974.00
faces with necessary formwork and curing including construction of
lead-off drain to a length of 1.5m as per the directions of the
department and necessary earthwork excavation and disposing off the
excavated earth as directed with all leads and lifts etc., complete.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and constructing stand post of size 1.22mx1.22m for
public fountain with stone posts of size 0.45x1.22x0.10m with top
rounded with holes of 25mm size with stone pot rest of
0.45x0.30x0.20m with central dip and kerb stone 8 cms thick 20 cms
wide alround with top rounded with cement concrete plat form 1:2:4,
10.14 10cms thick and smooth finishing with cement mortar 1:3 to the Each 6045.00 6045.00
exposed faces with necessary frame work and curing including two
line dressing to all stones exposed and construction of lead off drains
as per directions of departmental officers and necessary earthwork
excavation and disposing off the excavated earth as directed with all
leads and lifts etc.,complete.

RCC hume pipe Circular pump house: Supplying precast RCC

Circular Hume pipe pump house with M.S door and RCC conical
10.15 Each 16000.00 16000.00
roof as per specification and drawings - Internal dia Mtr. 1200 mm &
height of 2.5 Mtr. With Wall thickness 65mm

Erection and positioning of RCC Hume pipe pump house/Cistern on

size stone masory platform including transportation charges and
10.16 Each 1879.00 1872.00
handling,finishing with all necessary tools ,plants and materials
etc.,complete as directed by the Engineer in charge of the work.

Supplying,,laying of CI flanged pipe true to line/hoisting of CI

flanged pipe confirming to IS 7181-1986 with latest amendments in
position and aligning to correct plumb including cost of jointing
material,conveying to work spot with all lead and lifts etc complete

a 80mm Mtr 1968.00 1968.00

b 100mm Mtr 2399.00 2399.00

c 150mm Mtr 3656.00 3656.00

d 200mm Mtr 5158.00 5158.00

e 250mm Mtr 6845.00 6845.00

Supplying, and Fixing CI puddle flanges confirming to IS 7181-1986
10.18 with latest amendments in position for RCC walls including hoisting
and conveying them to work spot with all lead and lifts etc complete
a 80mm Each 2647.00 2647.00

b 100mm Each 3172.00 3172.00

c 150mm Each 4894.00 4894.00

d 200mm Each 7379.00 7379.00

e 250mm Each 9573.00 9573.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Supplying, of DI flanged pipe confirming to 8329:2000 with latest
amendments with cement morter lining (CML) with portland slag
cement as per IS455:1989 with metallic zinc coating as per annex A
of IS 8329 with finishing layer of Bituminous coating as per Annex C
of IS8329 and flanges metallic zinc rich epoxy paint & Bituminous
coating,laying true to line and hoisting in position and aligning to
correct plumb including cost of jointing material,conveying to work
spot with all lead and lifts etc., complete.
10.19.1 PN-10
a 100mm Mtr 2094.00 2094.00
b 150mm Mtr 2848.00 2848.00
c 200mm Mtr 4103.00 4103.00
d 250mm Mtr 5573.00 5573.00
e 300mm Mtr 7288.00 7288.00
f 350mm Mtr 8935.00 8935.00
g 400mm Mtr 11517.00 11517.00
h 450mm Mtr 14403.00 14403.00
10.19.2 PN-16
a 100mm Mtr 2094.00 2094.00
b 150mm Mtr 2848.00 2848.00
c 200mm Mtr 4103.00 4103.00
d 250mm Mtr 5573.00 5573.00
e 300mm Mtr 7504.00 7504.00
f 350mm Mtr 11553.00 11553.00
g 400mm Mtr 13833.00 13833.00
h 450mm Mtr 18994.00 18994.00
HDPE Pipes
Supplying HDPE pipes conforming to IS 4984:1995 with latest
amendments and conveying to work site including loading and
unloading at both destination and rolling, lowering into trenches,
laying true to line and jointing of pipes and specials by electrofusion
welding, as per standerd procedure and guide lines including encasing
10.20 the pipe around to a depth not less than 15cms with cleaned soft
gravel or selected earth available from the excavation etc., complete
giving hydraulic test as per relevant IS Specification with all lead and
lift including , testing and commissioning. The rate is exclusive of
required specials and fittings etc., complete (Contractor will make his
own arrangement for procuring water for testing)Upto 110mm
dia,Coils shall be used.
10.20.1 PE80 (PN 6.0 / 6 Kg/cm2)
a 63 mm Rmt 142.00 142.00
b 75 mm Rmt 179.00 179.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
c 90 mm Rmt 231.00 231.00
d 110 mm Rmt 331.00 331.00
e 125 mm Rmt 406.00 406.00
f 140 mm Rmt 518.00 518.00
g 160 mm Rmt 647.00 647.00
h 180 mm Rmt 791.00 791.00
i 200 mm Rmt 971.00 971.00
j 225 mm Rmt 1196.00 1196.00

k 250 mm Rmt 1452.00 1452.00

l 280 mm Rmt 1788.00 1788.00

m 315 mm Rmt 2250.00 2250.00

n 355 mm Rmt 2829.00 2829.00

o 400 mm Rmt 3648.00 3648.00

p 450 mm Rmt 4576.00 4576.00

q 500 mm Rmt 5773.00 5773.00

r 560 mm Rmt 7161.00 7161.00

s 630 mm Rmt 9158.00 9158.00

t 710 mm Rmt 15909.00 15909.00

10.20.2 PE100 (PN 6.0 / 6 Kg/cm2)

a 63 mm Rmt 130.00 130.00
b 75 mm Rmt 162.00 162.00
c 90 mm Rmt 210.00 210.00
d 110 mm Rmt 288.00 288.00
e 125 mm Rmt 358.00 358.00
f 140 mm Rmt 451.00 451.00
g 160 mm Rmt 556.00 556.00
h 180 mm Rmt 682.00 682.00
i 200 mm Rmt 836.00 836.00
j 225 mm Rmt 1033.00 1033.00
k 250 mm Rmt 1289.00 1289.00
l 280 mm Rmt 1585.00 1585.00
m 315 mm Rmt 1941.00 1941.00
n 355 mm Rmt 2487.00 2487.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
o 400 mm Rmt 3174.00 3174.00
p 450 mm Rmt 3948.00 3948.00
q 500 mm Rmt 4840.00 4840.00
r 560 mm Rmt 6167.00 6167.00
s 630 mm Rmt 7802.00 7802.00
t 710 mm Rmt 13628.00 13628.00
10.20.3 PE80 (PN 8.0 / 8 Kg/cm2)
a 63 mm Rmt 162.00 162.00
b 75 mm Rmt 209.00 209.00
c 90 mm Rmt 271.00 271.00
d 110 mm Rmt 395.00 395.00
e 125 mm Rmt 486.00 486.00
f 140 mm Rmt 626.00 626.00
g 160 mm Rmt 781.00 781.00
h 180 mm Rmt 954.00 954.00
i 200 mm Rmt 1176.00 1176.00
j 225 mm Rmt 1461.00 1461.00
k 250 mm Rmt 1777.00 1777.00
l 280 mm Rmt 2248.00 2248.00
m 315 mm Rmt 2829.00 2829.00
n 355 mm Rmt 3504.00 3504.00
o 400 mm Rmt 4482.00 4482.00
p 450 mm Rmt 5628.00 5628.00
q 500 mm Rmt 6907.00 6907.00
r 560 mm Rmt 8581.00 8581.00
s 630 mm Rmt 10962.00 10962.00
t 710 mm Rmt 19580.00 19580.00
10.20.4 PE100 (PN 8.0 / 8 Kg/cm2)
a 63 mm Rmt 148.00 148.00
b 75 mm Rmt 187.00 187.00
c 90 mm Rmt 249.00 249.00
d 110 mm Rmt 347.00 347.00
e 125 mm Rmt 433.00 433.00
f 140 mm Rmt 544.00 544.00
g 160 mm Rmt 677.00 677.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
h 180 mm Rmt 835.00 835.00
i 200 mm Rmt 1025.00 1025.00
j 225 mm Rmt 1270.00 1270.00
k 250 mm Rmt 1584.00 1584.00
l 280 mm Rmt 1955.00 1955.00
m 315 mm Rmt 2407.00 2407.00
n 355 mm Rmt 3073.00 3073.00
o 400 mm Rmt 3940.00 3940.00
p 450 mm Rmt 4922.00 4922.00
q 500 mm Rmt 6032.00 6032.00
r 560 mm Rmt 7678.00 7678.00
s 630 mm Rmt 9709.00 9709.00
t 710 mm Rmt 16604.00 16604.00
10.20.5 PE80 (PN 10.0 / 10 Kg/cm2)
a 63 mm Rmt 186.00 186.00
b 75 mm Rmt 241.00 241.00
c 90 mm Rmt 321.00 321.00
d 110 mm Rmt 463.00 463.00
e 125 mm Rmt 574.00 574.00
f 140 mm Rmt 735.00 735.00
g 160 mm Rmt 924.00 924.00
h 180 mm Rmt 1142.00 1142.00
i 200 mm Rmt 1404.00 1404.00
j 225 mm Rmt 1754.00 1754.00
k 250 mm Rmt 2136.00 2136.00
l 280 mm Rmt 2695.00 2695.00
m 315 mm Rmt 3392.00 3392.00
n 355 mm Rmt 4225.00 4225.00
o 400 mm Rmt 5406.00 5406.00
p 450 mm Rmt 6785.00 6785.00
q 500 mm Rmt 8332.00 8332.00
r 560 mm Rmt 10376.00 10376.00
s 630 mm Rmt 13251.00 13251.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
10.20.6 PE100 (PN 10.0 / 10 Kg/cm2)
a 63 mm Rmt 167.00 167.00
b 75 mm Rmt 213.00 213.00
c 90 mm Rmt 285.00 285.00
d 110 mm Rmt 400.00 400.00
e 125 mm Rmt 501.00 501.00
f 140 mm Rmt 629.00 629.00
g 160 mm Rmt 788.00 788.00
h 180 mm Rmt 980.00 980.00
i 200 mm Rmt 1204.00 1204.00
j 225 mm Rmt 1492.00 1492.00
k 250 mm Rmt 1858.00 1858.00
l 280 mm Rmt 2296.00 2296.00
m 315 mm Rmt 2843.00 2843.00
n 355 mm Rmt 3640.00 3640.00
o 400 mm Rmt 4673.00 4673.00
p 450 mm Rmt 5829.00 5829.00
q 500 mm Rmt 7161.00 7161.00
r 560 mm Rmt 9078.00 9078.00
s 630 mm Rmt 11494.00 11494.00
t 710 mm Rmt 20392.00 20392.00
10.20.7 PE80 (PN 12.5 / 12.5 Kg/cm2)
a 63 mm Rmt 212.00 212.00
b 75 mm Rmt 277.00 277.00
c 90 mm Rmt 371.00 371.00
d 110 mm Rmt 542.00 542.00
e 125 mm Rmt 679.00 679.00
f 140 mm Rmt 868.00 868.00
g 160 mm Rmt 1092.00 1092.00
h 180 mm Rmt 1351.00 1351.00
i 200 mm Rmt 1665.00 1665.00
j 225 mm Rmt 2084.00 2084.00
k 250 mm Rmt 2552.00 2552.00
l 280 mm Rmt 3197.00 3197.00
m 315 mm Rmt 4019.00 4019.00
n 355 mm Rmt 5051.00 5051.00
o 400 mm Rmt 6437.00 6437.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
10.20.8 PE100 (PN 12.5 / 12.5 Kg/cm2)
a 63 mm Rmt 186.00 186.00
b 75 mm Rmt 240.00 240.00
c 90 mm Rmt 327.00 327.00
d 110 mm Rmt 463.00 463.00
e 125 mm Rmt 582.00 582.00
f 140 mm Rmt 731.00 731.00
g 160 mm Rmt 922.00 922.00
h 180 mm Rmt 1146.00 1146.00
i 200 mm Rmt 1409.00 1409.00
j 225 mm Rmt 1756.00 1756.00
k 250 mm Rmt 2180.00 2180.00
l 280 mm Rmt 2702.00 2702.00
m 315 mm Rmt 3355.00 3355.00
n 355 mm Rmt 4285.00 4285.00
o 400 mm Rmt 5512.00 5512.00
10.20.9 PE80 (PN 16.0 / 16.0 Kg/cm2)
a 63 mm Rmt 239.00 239.00
b 75 mm Rmt 316.00 316.00
c 90 mm Rmt 429.00 429.00
d 110 mm Rmt 632.00 632.00
e 125 mm Rmt 790.00 790.00
f 140 mm Rmt 1008.00 1008.00
g 160 mm Rmt 1275.00 1275.00
h 180 mm Rmt 1584.00 1584.00
i 200 mm Rmt 1958.00 1958.00
j 225 mm Rmt 2445.00 2445.00
k 250 mm Rmt 2999.00 2999.00
l 280 mm Rmt 3780.00 3780.00
m 315 mm Rmt 4754.00 4754.00
n 355 mm Rmt 5971.00 5971.00
o 400 mm Rmt 7602.00 7602.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
10.20.10 PE100 (PN 16.0 / 16.0 Kg/cm2)
a 63 mm Rmt 212.00 212.00
b 75 mm Rmt 278.00 278.00
c 90 mm Rmt 380.00 380.00
d 110 mm Rmt 541.00 541.00
e 125 mm Rmt 684.00 684.00
f 140 mm Rmt 858.00 858.00
g 160 mm Rmt 1091.00 1091.00
h 180 mm Rmt 1356.00 1356.00
i 200 mm Rmt 1670.00 1670.00
j 225 mm Rmt 2084.00 2084.00
k 250 mm Rmt 2591.00 2591.00
l 280 mm Rmt 3216.00 3216.00
m 315 mm Rmt 4000.00 4000.00
n 355 mm Rmt 5101.00 5101.00
o 400 mm Rmt 6561.00 6561.00
p 450 mm Rmt 8253.00 8253.00
q 500 mm Rmt 10138.00 10138.00

MS Pipes
Providing, transporting, rolling, lowering, laying & Jointing, testing,
commissioning of ERW (Electric Resistance Welded) / SAW
(Submerged Arc Welded) MS pipes (Fe-410 grade) conforming to IS
3589-2001with latest amendments including perfect linking and
welding of joints to correct position including cost and conveyance of
pipes and materials with all lead and lift, cost of all labour and giving
satisfactory hydraulic test as per IS 3589-2001 with latest
amendments for test pressure and working pressure both at factory
and site etc complete as per detailed specifications with inside CM
1:1.5 lining of minimum 10 mm thick upto 610 mm OD & minimum
12mm thick beyond 610 mm OD and out side minimum 25 mm thick
coating in CM 1:3 over 50 x 50 mm weld mesh of 13 gauge,
including loading and unloading of pipes for the following diameters
and specified thickness of plate as noted below, including bailing out
of water wherever necessary. (Contractor will make his own
arrangement for procuring water for testing).
a) No Negative tolerance in respect of thickness is permissible.
b) Basic Cost of MS Pipes is considered as Rs.47,000.00 per MT
c) The pipe costs are FOR destination anywhere in Karnataka.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
10.21.1 219 mm dia

a 4.80mm thick(Min) Rmt 2795.00 2795.00

b 5.40mm thick(Min) Rmt 2963.00 2963.00
c 5.60mm thick(Min) Rmt 3019.00 3019.00
d 6.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 3128.00 3128.00
e 6.40mm thick(Min) Rmt 3239.00 3239.00
f 7.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 3403.00 3403.00
g 7.90mm thick(Min) Rmt 3649.00 3649.00
h 8.20mm thick(Min) Rmt 3730.00 3730.00
i 8.70mm thick(Min) Rmt 3866.00 3866.00
j 9.50mm thick(Min) Rmt 4075.00 4075.00
10.21.2 273.1 mm dia
a 4.80mm thick(Min) Rmt 3301.00 3301.00
b 5.60mm thick(Min) Rmt 3581.00 3581.00
c 6.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 3719.00 3719.00
d 6.40mm thick(Min) Rmt 3859.00 3859.00
e 7.20mm thick(Min) Rmt 4136.00 4136.00
f 7.80mm thick(Min) Rmt 4337.00 4337.00
g 8.70mm thick(Min) Rmt 4644.00 4644.00
h 9.30mm thick(Min) Rmt 4840.00 4840.00
10.21.3 323.9 mm Dia
a 5.60mm thick(Min) Rmt 4105.00 4105.00
b 6.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 4272.00 4272.00
c 6.40mm thick(Min) Rmt 4438.00 4438.00
d 7.10mm thick(Min) Rmt 4727.00 4727.00
e 7.90mm thick(Min) Rmt 5057.00 5057.00
f 8.40mm thick(Min) Rmt 5259.00 5259.00
g 8.70mm thick(Min) Rmt 5382.00 5382.00
h 9.50mm thick(Min) Rmt 5708.00 5708.00
10.21.4 355.60 mm Dia
a 5.60mm thick(Min) Rmt 4465.00 4465.00
b 6.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 4648.00 4648.00
c 6.40mm thick(Min) Rmt 4831.00 4831.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
d 7.10mm thick(Min) Rmt 5137.00 5137.00
e 7.90mm thick(Min) Rmt 5499.00 5499.00
f 8.70mm thick(Min) Rmt 5860.00 5860.00
g 9.50mm thick(Min) Rmt 6219.00 6219.00
10.21.5 406 mm Dia
a 5.60mm thick(Min) Rmt 4999.00 4999.00
b 6.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 5209.00 5209.00
c 6.40mm thick(Min) Rmt 5418.00 5418.00
d 7.10mm thick(Min) Rmt 5784.00 5784.00
e 7.90mm thick(Min) Rmt 6201.00 6201.00
f 8.70mm thick(Min) Rmt 6615.00 6615.00
g 9.50mm thick(Min) Rmt 7026.00 7026.00
h 10.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 7282.00 7282.00
10.21.6 457 mm dia
a 5.60mm thick(Min) Rmt 5598.00 5598.00
b 6.40mm thick(Min) Rmt 6071.00 6071.00
c 7.10mm thick(Min) Rmt 6485.00 6485.00
d 7.90mm thick(Min) Rmt 9656.00 9656.00
e 8.70mm thick(Min) Rmt 7425.00 7425.00
f 9.50mm thick(Min) Rmt 7889.00 7889.00
g 10.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 8179.00 8179.00
10.21.7 508 mm dia
a 5.60mm thick(Min) Rmt 6146.00 6146.00
b 6.40mm thick(Min) Rmt 6674.00 6674.00
c 7.10mm thick(Min) Rmt 7131.00 7131.00
d 7.90mm thick(Min) Rmt 7654.00 7654.00
e 8.70mm thick(Min) Rmt 8178.00 8178.00
f 9.50mm thick(Min) Rmt 8700.00 8700.00
g 10.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 9025.00 9025.00
10.21.8 559 mm dia
a 5.60mm thick(Min) Rmt 6758.00 6758.00
b 6.40mm thick(Min) Rmt 7340.00 7340.00
c 7.10mm thick(Min) Rmt 7847.00 7847.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
d 7.90mm thick(Min) Rmt 8428.00 8428.00
e 8.70mm thick(Min) Rmt 9004.00 9004.00
f 9.50mm thick(Min) Rmt 9580.00 9580.00
g 10.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 9938.00 9938.00
10.21.9 610 mm dia
a 5.60mm thick(Min) Rmt 7344.00 7344.00
b 6.40mm thick(Min) Rmt 7981.00 7981.00
c 7.10mm thick(Min) Rmt 8535.00 8535.00
d 7.90mm thick(Min) Rmt 9170.00 9170.00
e 8.70mm thick(Min) Rmt 9801.00 9801.00
f 9.50mm thick(Min) Rmt 10432.00 10432.00
g 10.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 10825.00 10825.00
h 12.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 12390.00 12390.00
10.21.10 660 mm dia
a 6.40mm thick(Min) Rmt 8691.00 8691.00
b 7.10mm thick(Min) Rmt 9293.00 9293.00
c 7.90mm thick(Min) Rmt 9978.00 9978.00
d 8.70mm thick(Min) Rmt 10662.00 10662.00
e 9.50mm thick(Min) Rmt 11346.00 11346.00
f 10.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 11772.00 11772.00
10.21.11 711 mm dia
a 6.40mm thick(Min) Rmt 9327.00 9327.00
b 7.10mm thick(Min) Rmt 9977.00 9977.00
c 7.90mm thick(Min) Rmt 10718.00 10718.00
d 8.70mm thick(Min) Rmt 11457.00 11457.00
e 9.50mm thick(Min) Rmt 12196.00 12196.00
f 10.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 12656.00 12656.00
g 12.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 14488.00 14488.00
10.21.12 762 mm dia
a 7.10mm thick(Min) Rmt 10718.00 10718.00
b 7.90mm thick(Min) Rmt 11513.00 11513.00
c 8.70mm thick(Min) Rmt 12299.00 12299.00
d 9.50mm thick(Min) Rmt 13092.00 13092.00
e 10.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 13586.00 13586.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
10.21.3 813 mm dia
a 7.10mm thick(Min) Rmt 11352.00 11352.00
b 7.90mm thick(Min) Rmt 12203.00 12203.00
c 8.70mm thick(Min) Rmt 13049.00 13049.00
d 9.50mm thick(Min) Rmt 13896.00 13896.00
e 10.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 14424.00 14424.00
f 12.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 16529.00 16529.00
10.21.14 864 mm dia
a 7.90mm thick(Min) Rmt 13357.00 13357.00
b 8.70mm thick(Min) Rmt 14259.00 14259.00
c 9.50mm thick(Min) Rmt 15132.00 15132.00
d 10.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 15694.00 15694.00
10.21.15 914 mm dia
a 7.90mm thick(Min) Rmt 14473.00 14473.00
b 8.70mm thick(Min) Rmt 15430.00 15430.00
c 9.50mm thick(Min) Rmt 16383.00 16383.00
d 10.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 16967.00 16967.00
10.21.16 965 mm dia
a 8.70mm thick(Min) Rmt 15727.00 15727.00
b 9.50mm thick(Min) Rmt 16735.00 16735.00
c 10.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 17363.00 17363.00
10.21.17 1016 mm dia
a 8.70mm thick(Min) Rmt 16315.00 16315.00
b 9.50mm thick(Min) Rmt 17677.00 17677.00
c 10.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 18339.00 18339.00
d 12.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 20981.00 20981.00
10.21.18 1067mm dia
a 8.70mm thick(Min) Rmt 17563.00 17563.00
b 9.50mm thick(Min) Rmt 18679.00 18679.00
c 10.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 19376.00 19376.00
10.21.19 1118 mm dia
a 8.70mm thick(Min) Rmt 18155.00 18155.00
b 9.50mm thick(Min) Rmt 19325.00 19325.00
c 10.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 20056.00 20056.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
10.21.20 1168 mm dia
a 9.50mm thick(Min) Rmt 20340.00 20340.00
b 10.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 20340.00 20340.00
10.21.21 1219 mm dia
a 10.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 21967.00 21967.00
b 12.50mm thick(Min) Rmt 25945.00 25945.00
10.21.22 1422 mm dia
a 12.50mm thick(Min) Rmt 30434.00 30434.00
b 14.20mm thick(Min) Rmt 33593.00 33593.00
10.21.23 1626 mm dia
a 14.20mm thick(Min) Rmt 38106.00 38106.00
b 16.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 41930.00 41930.00
10.21.24 1829 mm dia
a 14.20mm thick(Min) Rmt 43806.00 43806.00
b 16.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 48119.00 48119.00
c 17.50mm thick(Min) Rmt 51705.00 51705.00
10.21.25 2032 mm dia
a 16.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 53160.00 53160.00
b 17.50mm thick(Min) Rmt 57154.00 57154.00
c 20.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 63793.00 63793.00
10.21.26 2235mm dia
a 16.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 62559.00 62559.00
b 17.50mm thick(Min) Rmt 69876.00 69876.00
c 20.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 76301.00 76301.00
10.21.27 2540mm dia
a 20.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 80696.00 80696.00
b 22.20mm thick(Min) Rmt 88012.00 88012.00
c 25.00mm thick(Min) Rmt 96716.00 96716.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5

Providing, fabricating, welding and placing in position at site of work

100mm x 100mm x 10mm size M.S. Angle cutting edges with 20 mm
11.01 dia, 45mm long, placed at 30cms M.S. rods for RCC Well curb as MT 79364.00 79364.00
per approved design including clearing the site with all lead and lifts
including bailing out water etc., complete.

Labour charges for fabrication, welding, placing in position at site of

work 100mm x 100mm x 10mm size M.S. Angle cutting edges with
11.02 20 mm dia, 45mm long, placed at 30cms rods for RCC Well curb as MT 24010.00 24010.00
per approved design including clearing the site with all lead and lifts
including bailing out water etc., complete.

Providing and laying vibrated cement concrete proportion M-20 with

OPC cement @ 320kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite or
trap or basalt jelly metal coarse aggregates @0.69cum and fine
aggregtes @ 0.460 cum, with super plasticisers @ 3 liters confirming
11.03 to IS 9103-1999 reafirmed-2008, machine mixed, concrete laid in Cum 11017.00 11161.00
layers not exceeding 15 cms thick,vibrated for all works, including
shoring, strutting, form work, bailing out water, mixing with machine
mixer, laying, vibrating, curing ,with all lead and lifts etc., complete
as per specification for Well Curb or RCC cutting edge only.

Providing and laying vibrated cement concrete proportion M-25

with cement @ 340kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite or
trap or basalt jelly metal coarse aggregates @0.70cum and fine
aggregtes @ 0.470 cum, with super plasticisers @ 3 liters confirming
11.04 to IS 9103-1999 reafirmed-2008, machine mixed, concrete laid in Cum 11165.00 11317.00
layers not exceeding 15 cms thick,vibrated for all works, including
shoring, strutting, form work, bailing out water, mixing with machine
mixer, laying, vibrating, curing ,with all lead and lifts etc., complete
as per specification for Well Curb or RCC cutting edge only.

RCC steining : Providing and laying vibrated cement concrete

proportion M-20 with cement @ 320kgs, with 20mm and down size
graded granite or trap or basalt jelly metal coarse aggregates
@0.69cum and fine aggregtes @ 0.460 cum, with super plasticisers
11.05 @ 3 liters confirming to IS 9103-1999 reafirmed-2008, machine Cum 11017.00 11161.00
mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 cms thick,vibrated for
all works, including shoring, strutting, form work, bailing out water,
mixing with machine mixer, laying, vibrating, curing ,with all lead and
lifts etc., complete as per specification for well steining.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
RCC steining : Providing and laying vibrated cement concrete
proportion M-25 with cement @ 340kgs, with 20mm and down
size graded granite or trap or basalt jelly metal coarse aggregates
@0.70cum and fine aggregtes @ 0.470 cum, with super plasticisers
11.06 @ 3 liters confirming to IS 9103-1999 reafirmed-2008, machine Cum 11166.00 11318.00
mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 cms thick,vibrated for
all works, including shoring, strutting, form work, bailing out water,
mixing with machine mixer, laying, vibrating, curing ,with all lead and
lifts etc., complete as per specification for well steining.
Providing and constructing steining with hard, granite or trap or
basalt or sand stone size stone masonry in CM 1:6 proportion with
11.07 courses not less than 20cms high with bond stone spaced at 2 Mtrs Cum 7257.00 7291.00
apart to its full width in each course including pointing in CM
1:3,scaffolding curing bailing out water etc., complete as per
Providing and laying Reinforced cement concrete of mix design of
M-20 Grade with cement @ 320 kg, 20mm and graded granite or
trap or basalt jelly of approved quality @ 0.69 cum and fine
aggregates @ 0.46 cum, super plasticiser @ 3lts confirming to IS-
9103-1999 reaffirmed 2008 machine mixing,laid in layers of not more
11.08 Cum 9270.00 9416.00
than 15 cms thick, well consolidated including centering, formwork,
vibrating, curing, smooth finishing to the required plumb and face in
C.M.1:3 proportion wherever necessary as per design and
specifications etc., complete for RCC roof slab,top dome,ring
beam of all spans (exclusive cost of steel and fabrication charges)

Providing and laying Reinforced cement concrete of mix design of

M-25 Grade with cement @ 340 kg, 20mm and graded granite or
trap or basalt jelly of approved quality @ 0.7 cum and fine
aggregates @ 0.47 cum, super plasticiser @ 3lts confirming to IS-
9103-1999 reaffirmed 2008 machine mixing,laid in layers of not more
11.09 Cum 9435.00 9590.00
than 15 cms thick, well consolidated including centering, formwork,
vibrating, curing, smooth finishing to the required plumb and face in
C.M.1:3 proportion wherever necessary as per design and
specifications etc., complete for RCC roof slab,top dome,ring
beam of all spans (exclusive cost of steel and fabrication charges)


Sinking Circular Wells as per approved design in all kinds of soils

excluding hard rock requiring blasting including making and
removing islands, ring bunds or coffer dams as may be necessary and
11.10 maintaining the same during operation, pumping dewatering,
application of kentledge or other means for around seating of wells,
removal of boulders, burried timbers as directed with necessary
shoring and strutting as per specifications etc. complete.
11.10.1 3 Mtr inner dia well 0 to 3 Mtr depth Rmtr 16427.00 16453.00
11.10.2 3 Mtr. Inner Dia Well from 3 Mtr to 6 Mtr. Depth Rmtr 18430.00 18458.00
11.10.3 3 Mtr. Inner Dia Well from 6 Mtr to 9 Mtr. Depth Rmtr 21144.00 21174.00
11.10.4 3 Mtr. Inner Dia Well from 9 Mtr to 12 Mtr. Depth Rmtr 24627.00 24659.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Sinking Circular Wells as per approved design in all kinds of soils
excluding hard rock requiring blasting including making and
removing islands, ring bunds or coffer dams as may be necessary and
11.11 maintaining the same during operation, pumping dewatering,
application of kentledge or other means for around seating of wells,
removal of boulders, burried timbers as directed with necessary
shoring and strutting as per specifications etc. complete.

11.11.1 4 Mtr inner dia well 0 to 3 Mtr depth Rmtr 24761.00 24801.00
11.11.2 4 Mtr inner dia Well from 3 Mtr to 6 Mtr. Depth Rmtr 27798.00 27841.00
11.11.3 4 Mtr inner dia Well from 6 Mtr to 9 Mtr. Depth Rmtr 31923.00 31970.00
11.11.4 4 Mtr inner dia Well from 9 Mtr to 12 Mtr. Depth Rmtr 37224.00 37274.00

Sinking Circular Wells as per approved design in all kinds of soils

excluding hard rock requiring blasting including making and
removing islands, ring bunds or coffer dams as may be necessary and
11.12 maintaining the same during operation, pumping dewatering,
application of kentledge or other means for around seating of wells,
removal of boulders, burried timbers as directed with necessary
shoring and strutting as per specifications etc. complete.
11.12.1 6 Mtr inner dia well 0 to 3 Mtr depth Rmtr 50242.00 50319.00
11.12.2 6 Mtr inner dia Well from 3 Mtr to 6 Mtr. Depth Rmtr 56287.00 56370.00
11.12.3 6 Mtr inner dia Well from 6 Mtr to 9 Mtr. Depth Rmtr 64436.00 64526.00

11.12.4 6 Mtr inner dia Well from 9 Mtr to 12 Mtr. Depth Rmtr 74858.00 74955.00

Note: For every additional 1.50 Mtr depth add Rs. 19.90 per Cu.m
Earthwork excavation in soil, clay, sand, shedu soil, soft murrum,
including shoring, strutting, barricading, danger lighting, bailing out
11.13 Cum 346.00 346.00
water wherever necessary with stacking the materials as directed
upto a lead of 50 Mtr and lift of 1.5 Mtr etc., complete.

Add for additional lift charges for every lift of 1.50 M or part thereof
11.13.1 Cum 57.00 57.00
beyond 1.50 Mtr to 10.50 Mtr

11.13.2 Add for additional lift charges for lift beyond 10.50 Mtr to 21.00 Mtr Cum 118.00 118.00

Earthwork excavation in hard murrum, boulders, hard Katak

including shoring, strutting, barricading, danger lighting, bailing out
11.14 Cum 420.00 420.00
water wherever necessary, with stacking the materials as directed
upto a lead of 50Mtr & lift of 1.50 Mtr etc., complete

Add for additional lift charges for every lift of 1.50 M or part thereof
11.14.1 Cum 87.00 87.00
beyond 1.50 Mtr to 10.50 Mtr

Add for additional lift of 1.50 Mtrs or part thereof beyond 10.50Mtr
11.14.2 Cum 130.00 130.00
to 21.00 Mtr.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Earthwork excavation in soft rock including shoring, strutting,
barricading, danger lighting, bailing out water wherever necessary
11.15 Cum 939.00 939.00
with stacking the materials as directed upto a lead of 50 Mtr and lift
of 1.5 Mtr etc., complete
Add for additional lift charges for every lift of 1.50M or part thereof
11.15.1 Cum 130.00 130.00
beyond 1.50Mtr to 10.50 Mtr

Add for additional lift of 1.50 Mtrs or part thereof beyond 10.50Mtr
11.15.2 Cum 174.00 174.00
to 21.00 Mtr.

Earthwork excavation in hard rock requiring blasting including

shoring, strutting, baricading, danger lighting, bailing out water
11.16 Cum 1507.00 1507.00
wherever necessary with stacking the materials as directed upto a
lead of 50 Mtr and lift of 1.5 Mtr etc., complete

Add for additional lift charges for lift 1.50M or part thereof beyond
11.16.1 Cum 217.00 217.00
1.50 Mtr to 10.50 Mtr

Add for additional lift charges for lift 1.50M lift or part thereof
11.16.2 Cum 348.00 348.00
beyond 10.50 Mtr to 21.00 Mtrs
Note:For Sl. No. 11.13,11.14, 11.15 & 11.16, 10% of basic rate
shall be deducted if excavation work is done in dry condition.
Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete of grade M 10
with cement @ 220kgs, with 40mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @0.892cum and fine aggregtes @ 0.465cum
11.17 machine mixed, machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding Cum 5981.00 6091.00
15 cms. thick, well compacted, including cost of all materials, labour,
HOM of machinery, curing,lowering to any depth, dewatering etc.,
complete as per specifications with all lead and lifts for Foundation
of steining.
Providing and constructing C.R. IInd sort size stone masonry with
approved quality of hard, granite or trap or basalt of sand stone in
CM 1:6 proportioin, course not less than 20cms high with bond
11.18 Cum 6484.00 6525.00
stones spaced at 2 Mtrs. Apart to its full width in each course
including scaffolding dewatering, curing etc., complete as per
specificaitons for Circular steining
Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete of grade M 10
with cement @ 220kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @0.84cum and fine aggregtes @ 0.56cum,
machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 cms.
11.19 thick,well compacted, for circular steining, ring bond slab, Cum 8986.00 9120.00
including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing and
with smooth finishing to exposed faces, and with necessary centering,
formwork, scaffolding and dewatering etc.,complete as per
Supplying & errection of RCC rings for well steining of 0.3 Mtr
Depth using M-20 grade concrete using clean graded granite or trap
or jelly of approved quality 20mm and down size well compacted
11.20 including centering, formwork and plastering for both faces with C.M
1:3 proportion as per design using 6.50mm M.S. coil at the rate of 10
Kgs/ring including cost of steel and fabrication, bailing out of water,
errection etc., complete.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
For 1.80m dia (clear) rings of steining thickness 0.075mm upto 18 M
11.20.1 Each 1496.00 1520.00
For 1.50m dia (clear) rings of steining thickness 0.075mm upto 18 M
11.20.2 Each 1260.00 1281.00
For 1.20m dia (clear) rings of steining thickness 0.075mm upto 18 M
11.20.3 Each 1029.00 1045.00
Supplying & errection of RCC rings for well steining of 0.3 Mtr
Depth using M-20 grade concrete using clean graded granite or trap
or jelly of approved quality 20mm and down size well compacted
including centering, from work and plastering for both faces with
11.21 Each 4494.00 4577.00
C.M 1:3 proportion as per design using 6.50mm M.S. coil at the rate
of 25 Kgs/ring including cost of steel and fabrication, bailing out of
water, errection etc., complete. For 3.00m dia (clear) rings of
steining thickness 0.15mm upto 18 M depth
Providing and filling with boulders or rubble of approved size and
quality, including hand packing, wedging, filling in voids with quarry
11.22 Cum 1599.00 1600.00
spalls and clean sand etc., complete with all lead and lifts, etc.,
Refilling the excavated stuff in layers of 15cms thick including
11.23 watering and consolidation etc., complete with all lead and lifts, etc., Cum 197.00 197.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Supply of Single Phase Submersible Pump Sets of 100mm dia (4
inch) suitable for bore well and confirming to IS 8034

12.01.1 0.50 HP/0.37kW

a 5 STG (Stage) Each 9970.00 9970.00
b 7 STG Each 10341.00 10341.00
12.01.2 0.75 HP/0.55kW
a 5 STG Each 12250.00 12250.00
b 6 STG Each 12581.00 12581.00
c 7 STG Each 12952.00 12952.00
d 10 STG Each 11910.00 11910.00
e 13 STG Each 12777.00 12777.00
12.01.3 1.00 HP/0.75kW
a 7 STG Each 13231.00 13231.00
b 10 STG Each 14283.00 14283.00
c 12 STG Each 14924.00 14924.00
d 13 STG Each 14924.00 14924.00
e 18 STG Each 15130.00 15130.00
12.01.4 1.50 HP/1.1kW
a 7 STG Each 13819.00 13819.00
b 10 STG Each 13355.00 13355.00
c 12 STG Each 15356.00 15356.00
d 14 STG Each 15956.00 15956.00
e 15 STG Each 16410.00 16410.00
f 18 STG Each 17410.00 17410.00
g 20 STG Each 16059.00 16059.00
h 26 STG Each 17308.00 17308.00
12.01.5 2.00 HP/1.5kW
a 6 STG Each 17329.00 17329.00
b 10 STG Each 16482.00 16482.00
c 12 STG Each 17101.00 17101.00
d 14 STG Each 16605.00 16605.00
e 15 STG Each 17834.00 17834.00
f 16 STG Each 18165.00 18165.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
g 18 STG Each 19588.00 19588.00
h 20 STG Each 19579.00 19579.00
i 25 STG Each 19021.00 19021.00
j 30 STG Each 20590.00 20590.00
k 35 STG Each 21673.00 21673.00
12.01.6 3.00 HP/2.2kW
a 9 STG Each 21074.00 21074.00
b 15 STG Each 20982.00 20982.00
c 20 STG Each 22582.00 22582.00
d 21 STG Each 20362.00 20362.00
e 23 STG Each 23676.00 23676.00
f 30 STG Each 26391.00 26391.00
g 35 STG Each 23881.00 23881.00
h 40 STG Each 24997.00 24997.00
i 50 STG Each 27154.00 27154.00
12.01.7 5.00 HP/3.7kW
a 25 STG Each 26049.00 26049.00
b 30 STG Each 27638.00 27638.00
c 35 STG Each 26173.00 26173.00
d 50 STG Each 30197.00 30197.00

Supply of Submersible Pump Set of 150mm dia suitable for bore well
12.02 and confirming to IS 8034 3Phase, SS Bowl & Impeller with Low
volt Motor and as per specifications

12.02.1 3.00 HP

a 3.00 HP - 300 LPM @ 26 m = 2 STG Outlet Dia - 2.50" Each 22895.00 22895.00

b 3.00 HP - 155 LPM @ 42 m = 3 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 27993.00 27993.00

c 3.00 HP - 135 LPM @ 56 m = 4 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 25738.00 25738.00

d 3.00 HP - 120 LPM @ 55 m = 5 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 27243.00 27243.00

e 3.00 HP - 90 LPM @ 66 m = 6 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 30390.00 30390.00

12.02.2 4.00 HP

a 4.00 HP - 360 LPM @ 30 m = 2 STG Outlet Dia - 3.00" Each 15167.00 15167.00

b 4.00 HP - 245 LPM @ 42 m = 3 STG Outlet Dia - 2.50" Each 25606.00 25606.00

c 4.00 HP - 155 LPM @ 56 m = 4 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 28053.00 28053.00

d 4.00 HP - 135 LPM @ 70 m = 5 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 31834.00 31834.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
e 4.00 HP - 120 LPM @ 77 m = 7 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 31274.00 31274.00

f 4.00 HP - 90 LPM @ 88 m = 8 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 33299.00 33299.00

12.02.3 5.00 HP

a 5.00 HP - 300 LPM @ 39 m = 3 STG Outlet Dia - 2.50" Each 25526.00 25526.00

b 5.00 HP - 245 LPM @ 56 m = 4 STG Outlet Dia - 2.50" Each 26437.00 26437.00

c 5.00 HP - 155 LPM @ 70 m = 5 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 30905.00 30905.00

d 5.00 HP - 135 LPM @ 84 m = 6 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 29236.00 29236.00

e 5.00 HP - 120 LPM @ 88 m = 8 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 32337.00 32337.00

f 5.00 HP - 90 LPM @ 110 m = 10 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 35919.00 35919.00

12.02.4 6.50 HP

a 6.50 HP - 360 LPM @ 45 m = 3 STG Outlet Dia - 3.00" Each 19811.00 19811.00

b 6.50 HP - 300 LPM @ 52 m = 4 STG Outlet Dia - 2.50" Each 28157.00 28157.00

c 6.50 HP - 245 LPM @ 70 m = 5 STG Outlet Dia - 2.50" Each 29440.00 29440.00

d 6.50 HP - 155 LPM @ 84 m = 6 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 34311.00 34311.00

e 6.50 HP - 135 LPM @ 112 m = 8 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 18570.00 18570.00

f 6.50 HP - 120 LPM @ 110 m = 10 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 36674.00 36674.00

g 6.50 HP - 90 LPM @ 132 m = 12 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 40522.00 40522.00

12.02.5 7.50 HP

a 7.50 HP - 360 LPM @ 60 m = 4 STG Outlet Dia - 3.00" Each 18847.00 18847.00

b 7.50 HP - 300 LPM @ 65 m = 5 STG Outlet Dia - 2.50" Each 31879.00 31879.00

c 7.50 HP - 245 LPM @ 84 m = 6 STG Outlet Dia - 2.50" Each 33135.00 33135.00

d 7.50 HP - 155 LPM @ 112 m = 8 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 38958.00 38958.00

e 7.50 HP - 135 LPM @ 140 m = 10 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 38981.00 38981.00

f 7.50 HP - 120 LPM @ 132 m = 12 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 41766.00 41766.00

g 7.50 HP - 90 LPM @ 165 m = 15 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 55387.00 55387.00

12.02.6 10.00 HP

a 10.00 HP - 360 LPM @ 75 m = 5 STG Outlet Dia - 3.00" Each 44576.00 44576.00

b 10.00 HP - 300 LPM @ 91 m = 7 STG Outlet Dia - 2.50" Each 40650.00 40650.00

c 10.00 HP - 245 LPM @ 112 m = 8 STG Outlet Dia - 2.50" Each 41400.00 41400.00

d 10.00 HP - 155 LPM @ 140 m = 10 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 46225.00 46225.00

e 10.00 HP - 135 LPM @ 168 m = 12 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 48195.00 48195.00

f 10.00 HP - 120 LPM @ 176 m = 16 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 55842.00 55842.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
g 10.00 HP - 90 LPM @ 220 m = 20 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 41256.00 41256.00

12.02.7 12.50 HP

a 12.50 HP - 360 LPM @ 90 m = 6 STG Outlet Dia - 3.00" Each 30072.00 30072.00

b 12.50 HP - 300 LPM @ 104 m = 8 STG Outlet Dia - 2.50" Each 44572.00 44572.00

c 12.50 HP - 245 LPM @ 140 m = 10 STG Outlet Dia - 2.50" Each 45664.00 45664.00

d 12.50 HP - 155 LPM @ 168 m = 12 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 33011.00 33011.00

e 12.50 HP - 135 LPM @ 210 m = 15 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 54944.00 54944.00

f 12.50 HP - 120 LPM @ 220 m = 20 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 60662.00 60662.00

g 12.50 HP - 90 LPM @ 264 m = 24 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 63845.00 63845.00

12.02.8 15.00 HP

a 15.00 HP - 360 LPM @ 120 m = 8 STG Outlet Dia - 3.00" Each 34715.00 34715.00

b 15.00 HP - 300 LPM @ 130 m = 10 STG Outlet Dia - 2.50" Each 50166.00 50166.00

c 15.00 HP - 245 LPM @ 168 m = 12 STG Outlet Dia - 2.50" Each 52023.00 52023.00

d 15.00 HP - 155 LPM @ 210 m = 15 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 59820.00 59820.00

e 15.00 HP - 135 LPM @ 266 m = 19 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 61851.00 61851.00

f 15.00 HP - 120 LPM @ 253 m = 23 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 67984.00 67984.00

12.02.9 17.50 HP

a 17.50 HP - 360 LPM @ 135 m = 9 STG Outlet Dia - 3.00" Each 38515.00 38515.00

b 17.50 HP - 300 LPM @ 156 m = 12 STG Outlet Dia - 2.50" Each 55811.00 55811.00

c 17.50 HP - 245 LPM @ 196 m = 14 STG Outlet Dia - 2.50" Each 64335.00 64335.00

d 17.50 HP - 155 LPM @ 252 m = 18 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 64784.00 64784.00

e 17.50 HP - 135 LPM @ 308 m = 22 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 71452.00 71452.00

f 17.50 HP - 120 LPM @ 286 m = 26 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 78348.00 78348.00

12.02.10 20.00 HP

a 20.00 HP - 360 LPM @ 150 m = 10 STG Outlet Dia - 3.00" Each 42297.00 42297.00

b 20.00 HP - 300 LPM @ 169 m = 13 STG Outlet Dia - 2.50" Each 61178.00 61178.00

c 20.00 HP - 245 LPM @ 224 m = 16 STG Outlet Dia - 2.50" Each 65038.00 65038.00

d 20.00 HP - 155 LPM @ 280 m = 20 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 76257.00 76257.00

e 20.00 HP - 135 LPM @ 350 m = 25 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 79623.00 79623.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
12.02.11 25.00 HP

a 25.00 HP - 360 LPM @ 195 m = 13 STG Outlet Dia - 3.00" Each 51620.00 51620.00

b 25.00 HP - 300 LPM @ 221 m = 17 STG Outlet Dia - 2.50" Each 71009.00 71009.00

c 25.00 HP - 245 LPM @ 280 m = 20 STG Outlet Dia - 2.50" Each 76517.00 76517.00

d 25.00 HP - 155 LPM @ 280 m = 20 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 97961.00 97961.00

e 25.00 HP - 135 LPM @ 420 m = 30 STG Outlet Dia - 2.00" Each 101313.00 101313.00

Supply and delivery at site Brand new best make PVC insulated cable
12.03 of Flat 3 core (sheathed) of nominal cross sectional area as per IS
694-1990 with ISI Mark and as per its latest amendments.
a 1x3x1.5 Sqm Mtr. 45.00 45.00
b 1x3x2.5 Sqm Mtr. 58.00 58.00
c 1x3x4 Sqm Mtr. 108.00 108.00
d 1x3x6 Sqm. Mtr. 144.00 144.00
e 1x3x10 Sqm Mtr. 220.00 220.00
Supply and delivery at site of brand new best make pressure gauge
12.04 bourdon type as per IS 778/1984 with ISI Mark and as per its latest
a Size 63 mm Each 300.00 300.00
b Size 80 mm Each 410.00 410.00
c Size 100 mm Each 490.00 490.00
Supply and delivery at site of brand new best make gate valve as per
IS 778/1984 with ISI Mark and as per its latest amendments
a Size 50 mm Each 1190.00 1190.00
b Size 65 mm Each 1355.00 1355.00
c Size 80 mm Each 1650.00 1650.00
Supply and delivery at site of brand new best make non-return valve
as per IS 778/1984 with ISI Mark and as per its latest amendments
a Size 50 mm Each 1175.00 1175.00
b Size 65 mm Each 1395.00 1395.00
c Size 80 mm Each 1575.00 1575.00
Supply and delivery at site indoor type board consisting of two units
12.07 of galvanized mild steel tubes heavy class (C-Class) as per IS 1239
(Part-I) 1990 with latest amendments with ISI mark suitable for
a Upto 6 HP pumps Each 8550.00 8550.00
b 6 to 10 HP pumps Each 13288.00 13288.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Supply and delivery at site brand new best make outdoor type board
consisting of two units of galvanized mild steel tubes heavy class (C-
Class) as per IS 1239 (Part-I) 1990 with latest amendments with ISI
mark suitable for
a Upto 6 HP pumps Each 9517.00 9517.00
b 6 to 10 HP pumps Each 14500.00 14500.00

Supply and delivery at site best indigenous brand new power

capacitor as per IS 2834/1986 with latest amendments with KPTCL
12.09 kVAR 450.00 450.00
authorities and erection, electrification and commissioning of the
same at the location of respective pump sets.

Supply and delivery at site delivery of best indigenous brand new

MCB (Miniature Circuit Breakers) of required capacity as per IS per 3
12.10 1025.00 1025.00
88228/1978 and its latest amendments and with ISI Mark of poles
6/10/16/20/25/40 Amps with scalable box.
Supply and delivery of galvanized mild steel tubes heavy class (C
Class) as per IS 1239 (Part-I) 1990 with latest amendments with ISI
Mark (one end fitted with Heavy Duty collar and other end fitted
with protective cover)
a 50mm Each 624.00 624.00
b 63mm Each 746.00 746.00
c 80mm Each 950.00 950.00
Supply and delivery at site 50mm(2 ” ) dia heavy duty unplasticized
PVC Column pipes with heavy duty collers,rubber profile
12.12 Mtr 498.00 498.00
ring,vibration control profile ring,freezing and turbulence free leak
proof EPDM ring with ISI mark with its latest amendments
Supply and delivery at site 50mm(2”) dia heavy duty CI adopter set
12.13 Set 1485.00 1485.00
complete suitable for uPVC Column pipes for Submersible pumpsets
Supply and delivery at site Accessories for Single Phase pumpset like
12.14 SS Groove Nipples,SS Studs & Nuts,Screw Clips &water proof Set 4125.00 4125.00
Insulation Tape etc complete with ISI mark

Supply and delivery at site Stringing of heavy duty Naylone/PP rope

12.15 Mtr 37.00 37.00
with ISI etc complete suitable for Single phase Pumpsets.
Erection, Electrification and commissioning works of Pump sets
including aligning and balancing with all necessary erection of
12.16 materials and labour including supply and erection of two pair of Job 5650.00 5650.00
supporting clamps, bore well caps, cable clips and water tight gland
cable protectors, bolts, nuts, valve and gauges etc., involved in the
Erection of indoor type panel board and meter board units with all
12.17 necessary materials and labour including providing cement concrete Job 1127.00 1127.00
foundation bed etc., complete.
Erection of outdoor type panel board and meter board units with all
12.18 necessary materials and labour including providing cement concrete Job 1198.00 1198.00
foundation bed etc., complete.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Providing main connection from pole - PVC insulated sheathed steel
12.19 wire cable as per IS 1554/ 1988 with latest amendments with ISI
mark from KPTCL pole to meter board unit.

a 3½ x 6 sqmm Rmt. 140.00 140.00

b 3½ x 10 sqmm Rmt. 180.00 180.00
c 3 x 10 sqmm (suitable for over head mains) Rmt. 156.00 156.00
d 3½ x 16 sqmm Rmt. 245.00 245.00
Providing main connection from pole PVC insulated sheathed steel
12.20 wire cable in new trench as per IS 1554/ 1988 with latest Rmt 123.00 123.00
amendments with ISI mark from KPTCL pole to meter board unit.

Providing main connection from pole PVC insulated sheathed steel

12.21 wire cable in GI pipe as per IS 1554/ 1988 with latest amendments Rmt 70.00 70.00
with ISI mark from KPTCL pole to meter board unit.

Supplying and fixing LT cast iron potheads suitable for 1.1 KV class
12.22 UG cable filled with necessary bitumen/insulating compound
complete with terminals, clamps, bolts, nuts and washers etc. for
a 3½x6 Sqm No. 497.00 497.00
b 3½x10 Sqm No. 583.00 583.00
c 3½x25 Sqm No. 745.00 745.00
Earthing: Supplying and fixing and wiring earth electrode for
grounding circuits IC cutouts and other equipments on the meter
board in the pit. The pits should be filled up with equal proportion of
salt and charcoal 150mm around the pipe to complete depth. The
12.23 Job 3633.00 3633.00
connection from the pipe to the conduits etc. is to established
through GI wire of sizes as per clause 7.3.3 of IS 732 using 12mm
bolts, nuts, washers and check nuts, the pipe shall have 16 through
holes of 12mm dia.

12.24 Centrifugal Pumpsets & accessories

Supply and delivery of Centrifugal pumpset at site brand new best
12.24.1 make and with discharge duty confirming to ISI standards and its
latest amendments.

a 2 HP, Size 65x50 Head 13M, Discharge 462 LPM Each 14317.00 14317.00

b 2 HP, Size 50x40 Head 22M, Discharge 186 LPM Each 14317.00 14317.00

c 3 HP, size 50x40 Head 30M, Discharge 198 LPM Each 16452.00 16452.00

d 5 HP, size 80x65 Head 23.50M, Discharge 600 LPM Each 19376.00 19376.00

e 5 HP, size 50x40 Head 46M, Discharge 174 LPM Each 19376.00 19376.00

f 7.5 HP, size 100x100 Head 195M, Discharge 1200 LPM Each 27352.00 27352.00

g 7.5 HP, size 80x65 Head 195M, Discharge 1200 LPM Each 27352.00 27352.00

h 7.5 HP, size 65x50 Head 46M, Discharge 360 LPM Each 27352.00 27352.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
i 10 HP, size 80x65 Head 34.50M, Discharge 840 LPM Each 36390.00 36390.00

j 12.5 HP, size 100x100 Head 25M, Discharge 1560 LPM Each 27941.00 27941.00

k 12.5 HP, size 80x65 Head 40M, Discharge 780 LPM. Each 42251.00 42251.00

l 15 HP, size 80x65 Head 44M, Discharge 900 LPM Each 54531.00 54531.00

m 20 HP, size 100x80 and 42M, Discharge 1320 LPM Each 64256.00 64256.00

Supply and delivery at site brand new best make pressure guage
suitable for centrifugal pump confirming to latest IS standards.
a 80mm Each 592.00 592.00
b 100mm Each 718.00 718.00

Supply and delivery at site brand new best make level guage suitable
12.25 No. 603.00 603.00
for centrifugal pump confirming to latest IS standards.

Supply and delivery at site brand new best make starter/ control panel
12.26 suitable for centrifugal pump confirming with ISI mark and its latest
a Upto 7.5 HP centrifugal pump Each 8647.00 8647.00

b 7.5 to 10 HP centrifugal pump Each 13325.00 13325.00

c 10 to 120 HP centrifugal pump Each 27150.00 27150.00

Supply, delivery, erection and commissioning at site lighting

12.27 distribution board suitable for monoblock centrifugal pump Each 2818.00 2818.00
confirming with ISI mark and its latest amendments.

Supply, delivery, erection and commissioning at site ELCB suitable

12.28 for monoblock centrifugal pump confirming with ISI mark and its Each 3901.00 3901.00
latest amendments.

Earthing: Supplying and fixing and wiring earth electrode for

grounding circuits IC cutouts and other equipments on the meter
board in the pit confirming to IS 3049/1968. The pits should be filled
up with equal proportion of salt and charcoal 150mm around the pipe Job
12.29 3692.00 3692.00
to complete depth. The connection from the pipe to the conduits etc. Work
is to established through GI wire of sizes as per clause 7.3.3 of IS
732 using 12mm bolts, nuts, washers and check nuts, the pipe shall
have 16 through holes of 12mm dia.

Supplying and fixing LT cable of size 4 x 25 Sqmm suitable for

12.30 Rmt 297.00 297.00
centrifugal pump sets with ISI mark and its latest amendments.

Supply and delivery at site brand new best make Foot valve suitable
12.31 for centrifugal pump upto 10HP confirming with ISI mark and its Each 282.00 282.00
latest amendments.

Supply and delivery at site brand new best make Foot valve suitable
12.32 for centrifugal pump above 12.50HP confirming with ISI mark and Each 1717.00 1717.00
its latest amendments.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Rewinding of submersible pumpsets with copper insulaton wire
12.33 suitable gauge as per ISI specifiction with guarantee period of not
less than 6 months
a Rewinding of motor upto 3 HP Job 2600.00 2600.00
b Rewinding of motor of 5 HP Job 3780.00 3780.00
c Rewinding of motor of 7.5 HP Job 4340.00 4340.00
d Rewinding of motor of 10 HP Job 4760.00 4760.00
e Rewinding of motor of 12.5HP Job 5320.00 5320.00
f Rewinding of motor of 15 HP Job 6020.00 6020.00
g Rewinding of motor of 20 HP Job 8540.00 8540.00
12.33.1 Replacing of pump parts.

The following main componenets of submersible pumpsets requirng

replacements as per ISI specifiction with guarantee period of not less
than 12 months

a Pump bowls Each 812.00 812.00

b Intermidiate piece(I.P) with I.P for leaded bronze bush Each 728.00 728.00
c Oil seal Each 171.00 171.00
d Oil seal steel bush Each 171.00 171.00
e Guide vane Each 450.00 450.00
f Impeller shell moulded with alluminium & bronze Each 682.00 682.00
g Dishcharge outlet(D.O) Bearing and D.O Steel bush Each 640.00 640.00
h D.O Bearing Each 175.00 175.00
i Steel bush ( D.O steel bush) Each 213.00 213.00
j Allen screw Each 1029.00 1029.00
k Pump shaft (Stainless Steel)Counter less ground wit key way upto 8 Each 1281.00 1281.00
l Pump key (Stainless Steel)Upto 8 stages Each 307.00 307.00
m Pump coupling (Stainless) Each 1656.00 1656.00
n Non return (NRV) assembly complete with rubber "0" rings Each 315.00 315.00
o Cable guard Each 176.00 176.00
p Stainer Each 289.00 289.00
q Brass Filter Each 636.00 636.00
r Labour Charges (Overhauling only) Each 490.00 490.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Replacing of motor parts as per ISI specifiction with guarantee
period of not less than 12 months
a Stator :3 HP Each 4612.00 4612.00
b Stator : 4 HP Each 5085.00 5085.00
c Stator: 5 HP (With one year gurantee) Each 5535.00 5535.00
Rotor: as per ISI specifiction with guarantee period of not less
than 12 months
a 3 HP Each 4545.00 4545.00
b 4HP Each 4725.00 4725.00
c 5HP Each 5175.00 5175.00
d Upper Flange Each 400.00 400.00
e Lower flange Each 400.00 400.00
f Upper Housing Each 724.00 724.00
g Lower housing Each 724.00 724.00
h Lock ring Each 154.00 154.00
Carbon housing Thrust bearing block assembly complete with
segment bearing pad & tip carbon/Ferradopadding pad
a Carbon housing Each 1137.00 1137.00
b Thrust Bearing block assembly Each 1320.00 1320.00
c Tip Carbon/Ferrode Padding Each 108.00 108.00
d Studs and Nuts Each 87.00 87.00
e Bearing (Gun metal) centrifugal cost alliminium bronze bearing bush Each 468.00 468.00
f Criclips Each 60.00 60.00
g Motor Base with pin Each 553.00 553.00
h Transportation of pumping machinery Each 1085.00 1085.00
Re-errection charges of pumping machinery including overhouling
i Each 1711.00 1711.00
and painting
j Lifting of submersible pumpsets Each 1295.00 1295.00
k Labour Charges Overhauling Each 3060.00 3060.00
l SMC Pump House Each 13050.00 13050.00
12.35 Repairs to Vertical turbine and Horizantal Induction Motor
Rewinding of monobloc motor with copper insulaton wire
12.35.1 suitable gauge as per ISI specifiction with guarantee period of
not less than 12 months
a 7.5 HP monobloc motor rewinding Job 2520.00 2520.00
b 10 HP monobloc motor rewinding Job 3920.00 3920.00
c 12.5 HP monobloc motor rewinding Job 5460.00 5460.00
d 15 HP monobloc motor rewinding Job 6160.00 6160.00
e 20 HP monobloc motor rewinding Job 8680.00 8680.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
f 30 HP monobloc motor rewinding Job 13020.00 13020.00
g 40 HP monobloc motor rewinding Job 14700.00 14700.00
h 50 HP monobloc motor rewinding Job 18760.00 18760.00
i 60 HP monobloc motor rewinding Job 20090.00 20090.00
j 80 HP monobloc motor rewinding Job 24360.00 24360.00
k 100HP monobloc motor rewinding Job 33950.00 33950.00
l 120 HP monobloc motor rewinding Job 42350.00 42350.00
m 150 HP monobloc motor rewinding Job 55860.00 55860.00
n 180 HP monobloc motor rewinding Job 77000.00 77000.00
o 200 HP monobloc motor rewinding Job 87500.00 87500.00
Supplying Ball bearing as per ISI specifiction with guarantee
period of not less than 12 months
a Bearing cost for 7.5 HP Each 980.00 980.00
b Bearing cost for 10HP Each 1190.00 1190.00
c Bearing cost for 12.5 HP Each 1330.00 1330.00
d Bearing cost for 15 HP Each 1540.00 1540.00
e Bearing cost for 20 HP Each 1960.00 1960.00
f Bearing cost for 30 HP Each 2660.00 2660.00
g Bearing cost for 40 HP Each 2940.00 2940.00
h Bearing cost for 50 HP Each 3920.00 3920.00
i Bearing cost for 60 HP Each 4760.00 4760.00
j Bearing cost for 80 HP Each 5040.00 5040.00
k Bearing cost for 100HP Each 6160.00 6160.00
l Bearing cost for 120 HP Each 6300.00 6300.00
m Bearing cost for 150 HP Each 8260.00 8260.00
n Bearing cost for 180 HP Each 8400.00 8400.00
o Bearing cost for 200 HP Each 10150.00 10150.00
Supplying thrust bearing as per ISI specifiction with guarantee
period of not less than 12 months
a Bearing cost for 30 HP Each 12950.00 12950.00
b Bearing cost for 40 HP Each 14700.00 14700.00
c Bearing cost for 50 HP Each 15750.00 15750.00
d Bearing cost for 60 HP Each 17150.00 17150.00
e Bearing cost for 80 HP Each 18550.00 18550.00
f Bearing cost for 100HP Each 18550.00 18550.00
g Bearing cost for 120 HP Each 19950.00 19950.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
h Bearing cost for 150 HP Each 22750.00 22750.00
i Bearing cost for 180 HP Each 24150.00 24150.00
j Bearing cost for 200 HP Each 25550.00 25550.00
Supplying terminal plate as per ISI specifiction with guarantee
period of not less than 12 months
a Terminal Plate-7.5 to 12.5 Each 175.00 175.00
b Terminal Plate -15 to 30 Each 455.00 455.00
c Terminal Plate-40 to 60 Each 665.00 665.00
d Terminal Plate- 80 to 120 Each 1015.00 1015.00
e Terminal Plate -150 to 200 Each 1820.00 1820.00
Repairs to Vertical turbine pumps as per ISI specifiction with
guarantee period of not less than 12 months
12.36.1 V- T Pump

a Phosphorous bronze bearing bush for 30 HP to 40 HP Each 4760.00 4760.00

b Phosphorous bronze bearing bush for 50 HP to 60 HP Each 6580.00 6580.00

c Phosphorous bronze bearing bush for 80 HP to 100 HP Each 7560.00 7560.00

d Phosphorous bronze bearing bush for 100 HP to 150 HP Each 10150.00 10150.00

e Phosphorous bronze bearing bush for 180 HP to 200 HP Each 11760.00 11760.00
a Phosphorous bronze stage bushes for 30 to 40 HP Each 4060.00 4060.00

b Phosphorous bronze stage bushes for 50 to 60 HP Each 5880.00 5880.00

c Phosphorous bronze stage bushes for 80 to 100 HP Each 6720.00 6720.00

d Phosphorous bronze stage bushes for 100 to 150 HP Each 7840.00 7840.00

e Phosphorous bronze stage bushes for 180 to 200 HP Each 9940.00 9940.00

a V-T Pump impeller and neck ringning reconditioning 30 to 40HP Each 3640.00 3640.00

b V-T Pump impeller and neck ringning reconditioning 50 to 60HP Each 4760.00 4760.00

c V-T Pump impeller and neck ringning reconditioning 80 to 100HP Each 6300.00 6300.00

d V-T Pump impeller and neck ringning reconditioning 100 to 150HP Each 7840.00 7840.00

e V-T Pump impeller and neck ringning reconditioning 180 to 200 HP Each 9940.00 9940.00
a Phosphorous bronze bushes for 7.5 to 15 HP monoblock motor Each 420.00 420.00

b Phosphorous bronze bushes for 20 HP monoblock motor Each 980.00 980.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
c Phosphorous bronze bushes for 40HP to 80HP monoblock motor Each 2940.00 2940.00

d Phosphorous bronze bushes for 100HP to 120HP monoblock motor Each 5880.00 5880.00

e Phosphorous bronze bushes for 150HP to 200 HP monoblock motor Each 8540.00 8540.00


a For 20 HP pump bearing Each 1295.00 1295.00

b For 30 HP Pump bearing Each 1736.00 1736.00

c For 40 to 80 HP pump bearing Each 2660.00 2660.00

d For 60 to 80 HP pump bearing Each 4480.00 4480.00

e For 100 to 150HP pump bearing Each 8960.00 8960.00

f For 180 to 200 HP pump bearing Each 12950.00 12950.00

ISI specifiction with guarantee period of not less than 12 months
12.37.1 Pump dismentaling and refitting after attending repairs
a Up to 60 HP Each 8750.00 8750.00
b 60 HP to 120 HP Each 10150.00 10150.00
c 120 HP to 200 HP Each 11200.00 11200.00
d 200 HP to 250 HP Each 12600.00 12600.00
12.37.2 Top body bush fitting
a Up to 60 HP Each 770.00 770.00
b 60 HP to 120 HP Each 980.00 980.00
c 120 HP to 200 HP Each 1050.00 1050.00
d 200 HP to 250 HP Each 1120.00 1120.00
12.37.3 Bottom body bush fitting
a Up to 60 HP Each 840.00 840.00
b 60 HP to 120 HP Each 980.00 980.00
c 120 HP to 200 HP Each 1050.00 1050.00
d 200 HP to 250 HP Each 1120.00 1120.00
12.37.4 Pumps stage body bush fitting each
a Up to 60 HP Each 490.00 490.00
b 60 HP to 120 HP Each 595.00 595.00
c 120 HP to 200 HP Each 665.00 665.00
d 200 HP to 250 HP Each 735.00 735.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
12.37.5 Pump body necking fitting each
a Up to 60 HP Each 700.00 700.00
b 60 HP to 120 HP Each 840.00 840.00
c 120 HP to 200 HP Each 945.00 945.00
d 200 HP to 250 HP Each 1015.00 1015.00
12.37.6 Impeller breezing making
a Up to 60 HP Each 630.00 630.00
b 60 HP to 120 HP Each 700.00 700.00
c 120 HP to 200 HP Each 735.00 735.00
d 200 HP to 250 HP Each 770.00 770.00
12.37.7 Pump shaft press throwble
a Up to 60 HP Each 280.00 280.00
b 60 HP to 120 HP Each 315.00 315.00
c 120 HP to 200 HP Each 350.00 350.00
d 200 HP to 250 HP Each 420.00 420.00
12.37.8 Pump open & fitting at work shop
a Up to 60 HP Each 2940.00 2940.00
b 60 HP to 120 HP Each 3010.00 3010.00
c 120 HP to 200 HP Each 3080.00 3080.00
d 200 HP to 250 HP Each 3150.00 3150.00
12.37.9 Connecting bush G.M new making each
a Up to 60 HP Each 1050.00 1050.00
b 60 HP to 120 HP Each 1190.00 1190.00
c 120 HP to 200 HP Each 1400.00 1400.00
d 200 HP to 250 HP Each 1610.00 1610.00
12.37.10 Line shaft seat welding making each
a Up to 60 HP Each 210.00 210.00
b 60 HP to 120 HP Each 245.00 245.00
c 120 HP to 200 HP Each 280.00 280.00
d 200 HP to 250 HP Each 350.00 350.00
12.37.11 Oil inside new Fitting & threading each
a Up to 60 HP Each 770.00 770.00
b 60 HP to 120 HP Each 910.00 910.00
c 120 HP to 200 HP Each 1050.00 1050.00
d 200 HP to 250 HP Each 1190.00 1190.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
12.37.12 Balancing spaider rubber guide each
a Up to 60 HP Each 770.00 770.00
b 60 HP to 120 HP Each 840.00 840.00
c 120 HP to 200 HP Each 910.00 910.00
d 200 HP to 250 HP Each 980.00 980.00
12.37.13 New T.T nipple making
a Up to 60 HP Each 1890.00 1890.00
b 60 HP to 120 HP Each 2170.00 2170.00
c 120 HP to 200 HP Each 2310.00 2310.00
d 200 HP to 250 HP Each 2450.00 2450.00
12.37.14 Pump gear box body radial bearing
a Up to 60 HP Each 8050.00 8050.00
b 60 HP to 120 HP Each 10150.00 10150.00
c 120 HP to 200 HP Each 11200.00 11200.00
d 200 HP to 250 HP Each 12600.00 12600.00
12.37.15 Gear box ball bearing
a Up to 60 HP Each 910.00 910.00
b 60 HP to 120 HP Each 980.00 980.00
c 120 HP to 200 HP Each 1155.00 1155.00
d 200 HP to 250 HP Each 1330.00 1330.00
12.37.16 Pumping and clean pipe painting
a Up to 60 HP Each 1050.00 1050.00
b 60 HP to 120 HP Each 1190.00 1190.00
c 120 HP to 200 HP Each 1330.00 1330.00
d 200 HP to 250 HP Each 1400.00 1400.00
12.37.17 Transportation charges both side
a Up to 60 HP Each 2170.00 2170.00
b 60 HP to 120 HP Each 2590.00 2590.00
c 120 HP to 200 HP Each 2940.00 2940.00
d 200 HP to 250 HP Each 3150.00 3150.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
12.38 Water Treatment Plants HORIZANTAL PUMP ALL TYPES
12.38.1 Pump open & refitting after repairs
a Up to 25HP Each 3010.00 3010.00
b 25 HP to 100 HP Each 3290.00 3290.00
c 100 HP to 150 HP Each 3570.00 3570.00
d 150 HP to 250 HP Each 3990.00 3990.00
12.38.2 Side galand bush
a Up to 25HP Each 910.00 910.00
b 25 HP to 100 HP Each 1050.00 1050.00
c 100 HP to 150 HP Each 1190.00 1190.00
d 150 HP to 250 HP Each 1260.00 1260.00
12.38.3 Impeller breezing and making
a Up to 25HP Each 700.00 700.00
b 25 HP to 100 HP Each 945.00 945.00
c 100 HP to 150 HP Each 1015.00 1015.00
d 150 HP to 250 HP Each 1155.00 1155.00
12.38.4 Shaft steel welding and making bearing sheet each
a Up to 25HP Each 700.00 700.00
b 25 HP to 100 HP Each 945.00 945.00
c 100 HP to 150 HP Each 1015.00 1015.00
d 150 HP to 250 HP Each 1155.00 1155.00
12.38.5 Shaft threading making each
a Up to 25HP Each 770.00 770.00
b 25 HP to 100 HP Each 980.00 980.00
c 100 HP to 150 HP Each 1190.00 1190.00
d 150 HP to 250 HP Each 1330.00 1330.00
12.38.6 Joint roop 1kg
a Up to 25HP Each 385.00 385.00
b 25 HP to 100 HP Each 490.00 490.00
c 100 HP to 150 HP Each 560.00 560.00
d 150 HP to 250 HP Each 630.00 630.00
12.38.7 Pump shaft bend thrown
a Up to 25HP Each 560.00 560.00
b 25 HP to 100 HP Each 700.00 700.00
c 100 HP to 150 HP Each 840.00 840.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
d 150 HP to 250 HP Each 1050.00 1050.00
12.38.8 Transportation
a Up to 25HP Each 1750.00 1750.00
b 25 HP to 100 HP Each 2030.00 2030.00
c 100 HP to 150 HP Each 2170.00 2170.00
d 150 HP to 250 HP Each 2450.00 2450.00
12.38.9 Pump shaft getting check nut each
a Up to 25HP Each 560.00 560.00
b 25 HP to 100 HP Each 630.00 630.00
c 100 HP to 150 HP Each 700.00 700.00
d 150 HP to 250 HP Each 770.00 770.00
12.38.10 Both coupling new set
a Up to 25HP Each 5600.00 5600.00
b 25 HP to 100 HP Each 7000.00 7000.00
c 100 HP to 150 HP Each 7700.00 7700.00
d 150 HP to 250 HP Each 8750.00 8750.00
Providing and installing of solar photo voltaic (SPV) water pumping

a) 3000 wp/ 3HP submersible with controller

1. Total head 30 mtrs and shut off dynamic Head 45 mtrand water
Each set 267000.00 2,67,000
out put 96000 ltrs/day.
2. Total head 50 mtrs and shut off dynamic Head 75 mtrand water
Each set 270000.00 270000.00
out put 57000 ltrs/day.
3 Total head 70 mtrs and shut off dynamic Head 100 mtrand water
Each set 273000.00 273000.00
out put 39000 ltrs/day
b) 4800 wp/ 5HP submersible with controller
1  Total head 50 mtrs and shut off dynamic Head 70 mtrand water
Each set 383000.00 383000.00
out put 91200 ltrs/day
2. Total head 70 mtrs and shut off dynamic Head 100 mtrand water
Each set 386000.00 386000.00
out put 62400 ltrs/day
c) 4800 wp/ 5HP submersible with controller

1.Total head 50 mtrs and shut off dynamic Head 70 mtr and water
Each set 383000.00 383000.00
out put 91200 ltrs/day.

2. Total head 70 mtrs and shut off dynamic Head 100 mtr and water
Each set 386000.00 386000.00
out put 62400 ltrs/day.
3.Total head 100 mtrs and shut off dynamic Head 150 mtr and water
Each set 389000.00 389000.00
out put 40800 ltrs/day.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
d) 6750 wp/ 7.5 HP submersible with controller
1.Total head 50 mtrs and shut off dynamic Head 70 mtr and water
Each set 565000.00 565000.00
out put 128250 ltrs/day.
2. Total head 70 mtrs and shut off dynamic Head 100 mtr and water
Each set 568000.00 568000.00
out put 87750 ltrs/day.
3.Total head 100 mtrs and shut off dynamic Head 150 mtr and water
Each set 571000.00 571000.00
out put 57375 ltrs/day.

e) 9000 wp/ 10HP submersible with controller

1.Total head 50 mtrs and shut off dynamic Head 70 mtr and water
Each set 714000.00 714000.00
out put 171000 ltrs/day.

2.Total head 70 mtrs and shut off dynamic Head 100 mtr and water
Each set 717000.00 717000.00
out put 117000 ltrs/day.

3.Total head 100 mtrs and shut off dynamic Head 150 mtr and water
Each set 720000.00 720000.00
out put 76500 ltrs/day.

NOTE: The above rates of Chapter no-12 are applicable for

preperation of estimates only.Tenders shall be called for
procurement of pumps , spares and services

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Sinking of Borewell of 165mm dia clear using super fast hydraulic rig
of capacity 300 PSIG & above 1100 CMF & above in all strata
including over burdern. Fixing of casing pipes, collars and cap with
necessary cutting, threading and welding including transportation of
rig and supporting vehicle, crew charges and cost of consumables
etc., complete including yield testing at the final depth with a
minimum working of compressor for one hour (Excluding cost of
casing pipes, collars, cap etc., complete )
a 0-50 Mtrs. Rmtr 347.00 347.00
b 50-100Mtrs Rmtr 442.00 442.00
c 100-150 Mtrs. Rmtr 456.00 456.00
d 150-200 Mtrs. Rmtr 536.00 536.00
e 200-250 Mtrs. Rmtr 634.00 634.00
f 250-300 Mtrs. Rmtr 700.00 700.00
g 300-350 Mtrs Rmtr 825.00 825.00
h 350-400 Mtrs Rmtr 900.00 900.00
I 400-450 Mtrs Rmtr 1129.00 1129.00

Note :- for Every additional 50mm depth behand 450 mtr increase
10% inrate

Logging/Scanning of Borewell at any depth continuously with the

13.02 help of Logger unit including the cost of transportation charges, crew Each 3087.00 3087.00
charges, stationery charges and cost of consumables etc
Hydrofacturing of 165 mm to 150 mm dia Borewell by using
Hydrofracturing Unit using single packer with minimum of two
fractures including transportation of unit supporting vehicle, crew
13.03 charges, cost of consumables and yield testing of Borewell one hour BW 24253.00 24253.00
at once before fracturing and the other after fracturing with in a
radius of 50 Kms from taluk head quarters including supplying
necessary water for fracturing etc., complete.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5

Geophysical Investigation of site for sinking Borewell Geophysical

Investigation of site for sinking Borewell for supplying drinking
water to the habitation either through a hand pump, Mini Water
Supply scheme, or Piped Water Supply Scheme by vertical electrical
sounding by adopting venner or Schlumberger's method, including
reconnaissance survey of geological formation, geophysical
investigation of existing ground water in the vicinity, its quality,
13.04 quantity & acceptability of the users indicating the location of site, BW 3768.00 3768.00
recommended depth of casing pipe required to seal the top
unconsolidated formation incluing an extra depth of 1.0 metre in
consolidated formation for proper seating of casing pipe, depth of
drilling required to cover full depth of aquifer proposed to be tapped,
probable yield and other information required including
transportation of instrument and accessories to work site, engaging
technical personal and labour required etc., complete

Cleaning of borewells including yield testing of Borewell either using

slow or fast Rig for not more than two hours at the final depth with a
13.05 minimum working of two hours continuously with air compressor or BW 15946.00 15946.00
suitable pump as per specification including the cost of transportation
charges crew charges, cost of consumables etc., complete.

13.06 RE DRILLING OF BOREWELLS Rmtr 312.00 312.00

Yield testing of borewell at final depth with a minimum of 10 hours

13.07 continuously with the help of pump testing unit including the cost of 15404.00 15404.00
transportation charges, crew charges and cost of consumables etc.

Positioning of the Rig for retrival of failed borewells Raising Mast

and aligning the Hammer and Drill rods mounted on the Rotary Head
of the Rig concentric with Borewell of 140-149mm dia to be retried
13.08 (wherever further Geo-physicial Investigation has revealed that the 2763.00 2763.00
existing aquifer/aquifers have not been tapped to the full depth)
including selection of the suitable size Bit for deepening, and re-
drilling of the borewell.

Providing and Construction platform in M-15 grade Cement

Concrete using hard granite or basalt or trap jelly of 20mm and
down size for India Mark-II hand pump as per approved drawing
13.09 enclosed to this S.R. (UNICEF standards) including machine mixing Each 5739.00 5739.00
laying, tamping, curing and smooth finishing to exposed faces in C.M
1:3 with necessary moulds including earth work excavation with all
leads for materials etc., complete.

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
NOTE: The below mentioned rates of W.P.P and its components are to be adopted
for preperation of estimates only. Procurement shall be through tendering only
Water purification plants: Supplying, Installation and Commissioning
of automatic Water purification plant (RO+UF) with all accessories
piping, product water tank on single phase power supply on
14.01 Turnkey/EPC Basis as per the enclosed detailed Technical
Specifications including cost of material, loading and unloading and
as directed by the Engineer in charge. (Ref- detailed specification
enclosed seperatly before procurement)

a 25 LPH (Annexure-A) Each 30000.00 30000.00

b 50 LPH (Annexure-B) Each 50000.00 50000.00

c 125LPH (Annexure-C) Each 147500.00 147500.00

d 150 LPH (Annexure-D) Each 150000.00 150000.00

e 250 LPH (Annexure-E) Each 187000.00 187000.00

f 500 LPH SS (Annexure-F) Each 280000.00 280000.00

g 500 LPH FRP (Annexure-G) Each 250500.00 250500.00

h 1000 LPH SS (Annexure-H) Each 400000.00 400000.00

i 1000 LPH FRP (Annexure-I) Each 338000.00 338000.00

j 2000 LPH (Annexure-J) Each 543000.00 543000.00

k 3000 LPH (Annexure-K) Each 662000.00 662000.00

Note: The above rates arrived as per annexures for estimate
prepartion only
Providing and Fixing Pressure Gauges to measure pressure. As
14.02 Each 2850.00 2850.00
per plant requirement.
Providing and Fixing Instrumentation & Control System . As
a Each 2850.00 2850.00
per plant requirement.

b High pressure switch and low pressure switch Each 2850.00 2850.00

UPS for water dispencing in absence of power Min 2 hours

c Each 13500.00 13500.00
Back up for WPP
SS (S.S.304) Pump- 0.5HP
Pump Casing SS (304) , Motor Frame Aluminum, Impeller SS
d 304/Noryl FOR TREATED WATER DISSPENCING , Max Each 4480.00 4480.00
Flow 2800 Ltrs, Make ;CRI /LEO/ KIRLOSKER/ SURAJ/
e SS (S.S.304) Pump- 1HP Each 4640.00 4640.00

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Micron spun Filter
f Each 650.00 650.00

g Sand Filter 13X54 Each 12800.00 12800.00

h Sand Filter 12X48 Each 22400.00 22400.00

i Sand Filter 21X62 Each 40810.00 40810.00

j Carbon Filter Each 12600.00 12600.00

k Carbon (30 Kg) Each 1060.00 1060.00

Multi Port Valve -25NB
l Top Mount 25 NB MPV of top & Bottom hub &laterals of 4” Each 2360.00 2360.00
with piping of 1” piping , Make: Lotus / Initiative Equal
Multi Port Valve - 50NB
m Said Mount 50 NB MPV of top & Bottom hub &laterals of 6” Each 15000.00 15000.00
with piping of 1*1/2” piping. Make: Lotus / Initiative Equal
Automatic Multi Port Valve
Top Mount 25 NB AMPV of top & Bottom hub &laterals of
n Each 8260.00 8260.00
4 ” with piping of 1 ” piping ATUOMATIC BACK WASH
SYTETM, Make: Lotus / Initiative/ASTRO/NEWS/ Equal
Micron Cartridge Filter
To remove the fine particles up to 05 micros and reduce silt
o density index level to acceptable level, Spun PP Micron Each 470.00 470.00
Cartridge filter ,20” Long of 2” Dia micron filter Micron size
of 10 TO 5, Make: Lotus / UKL/NEWS/Equal
Anti Scalant Dosing System Pump
p(1) Each 5780.00 5780.00
0-6 LPH, Make : Edose/ Initiative/Nutone/Equal
,(2) Anti Scalant liquid 5 ltr can Each 1650.00 1650.00
High Pressure Pump - 2/11
To feed the Reverse Osmosis Membranes at pressure more than
the osmosis pressure taking into Consideration flux rate, flow
q Each 22400.00 22400.00
and recovery, Multistage pump of 1 Phase Motor with suction
and delivery of 1 ¼ ” , Make: CRI / SHAKTI / SURAJ/
r High Pressure Pump 3/15 Each 29610.00 29610.00

Pressure Vessel- 12/48

Make: a) Advance composite/Painter equal (b) Material of
s Each 6490.00 6490.00
Construction: FRP (c) Size 12*48 (d) Testing Pressure: 8
kg/cm 2 (e) Opening: Top
Pressure Vessel -13/54
Make: a) Advance composite/Painter equal (b) Material of
t Each 6490.00 6490.00
Construction: FRP (c) Size 13*54 (d) Testing Pressure: 8
kg/cm 2 (e) Opening: Top

Sl. No Description Zone-A Zone-B
Rs Ps Rs Ps

1 2 3 4 5
Pressure Vessel -21/62
Make: a) Advance composite / Painter equal (b) Material of
u Each 22000.00 22000.00
Construction: FRP (c) Size 21*62 (d) Testing Pressure: 8
kg/cm 2 (e) Opening: Top & Bottom
Membrane - (40/40)
RO MEMBRANE -To remove the major part of TDS upto98%
by Reverse Osmosis Membranes arranged and designed to
v Each 15500.00 15500.00
give adequate flow and recovery. 4” Dia with 40” Long , Make
Membrane- (80/40)
To remove the major part of TDS upto 98% by Reverse
Osmosis Membranes arranged and designed to give adequate
w Each 41880.00 41880.00
flow and recovery. 8 ” Dia with 40 ” Long Make :
Membrane Housing - (40/40)
4” Dia 40“ with Single Element long, Max Opp Pressure 250
x Each 8850.00 8850.00
Psi, End Cap Piping Of ¾” & ½” , Material of Construction:

y Membrane Housing (80/40) Each 13050.00 13050.00

Raw water Pump
To feed the Dual Media Filter at pressure more than 2.0 bar,
z Each 4185.00 4185.00
which is min. operating pressure for filter. Make: CRI /
Panel Board 11+1
Automatic and Manual Control Panel with flow meter, TDS
aa Meter, pressure meter, auto flushing, on off switch, Tank Full Each 7080.00 7080.00
Indicator,LPS,Power, Make : ASTRA / RO PANEL /
ab Panel Board 11+2 Each 9820.00 9820.00
Coin Box
Water ATM with Coin Box

ae Digital compact TDS Meter Each 1059.00 1059.00

Chapter-15 ( Misclleneous )

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Water treatment plant for the flow rate of 10000 LPH (0.16
M.L.D) with 16 hour pumping

Design parameter-Supply installation and commissioning of the water treatment

plant capable to treat the water and make it potable at the flow rate of 10000 LPH
with suspended solids level less than 2000 ppm, and PH value and biological
impurities beyond permissible limits of potable water parameters.

I COAGULENT DOSING SYSTEM No 175000.00 175000.00

Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Agitator & Coagulant
Dosing System with required accessories etc. complete for connecting to rising
main and including the cost of vessel, stirrer, storage tank and dosing system and
also the cost of lead, lift and labour and maintenance of the equipments during the
defect liability period of 12 months and confirming to the following specifications
and as directed by Engineer - In- Charge:
MOC of Flash mixer Vessel and Storage FRP/Hdpe
Capacity of vessels 500 liters
Diameter of mixing vessel 895 mm
Height of mixing vessel 940 mm
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
Coagulant dosing System
Mechanically actuated diaphragm
Type of dosing pump
type with drive motor
MOC of dosing pump head P.P.
MOC of diaphragm P.T.F.E.
MOC of gear housing for pump C.I. (powder coated)
MOC of pump and base M.S. powder coated
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
Polymer dosing System
Type of dosing pump Differencial doasing system
Capacity of vessels 300 liters
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
II STATIC MIXER FLOCCULATION TANK ( S.M.F.T ) No 437500.00 437500.00

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Static Mixer

Flocculation Tank (SMFT) Circular shape made of Flocculator shaft and blades
of MOC SS-304 & Flocculation Tank made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and
grade BR with a Retention time of 20 Minits , with all accessories cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring, welding, finishing,
cleaning required accessories and installation of S.M.F.T using the crain on the
pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS platform
between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the following
specifications Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of SMFT grade epoxy paint confirming IS

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
MOC of Flocculator shaft and blades Stainless Steel as per IS-304
Capacity of SMFT vessel 3000 Ltr
wall thick ness 6 mm
With 4" C Section and Chalked
walk way cum Bridge On top of SMFT
Floculator 1.0 HP (3 phase)
III LAMELLA CLARIFIER No 567000.00 567000.00

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Lamella

Clarifier made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and grade BR with all
accessories cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring,
welding, finishing, cleaning required accessories and installation of Lamella using
the crain on the pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS
platform between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the
following specifications. Angle of inclination ( Cos θ)= 55degree, with a Rise rate
of 1.80 m / Hr/ Sqm. Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50 micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of Lamella Clarifier grade epoxy paint confirming IS
Type of settling Inclined Plate type
MOC of inclined plates FRP
Lengeth of lamellaplates 2400 mm
Total no of lamellaplates 7 No
Hopper type with sludge drain and
Sludge storage
necessary valves
4" C section with chequgard plate
walkway for Operation and meintenance
of 4 mm thick Around the lamella
Ladder with raling to reach walkway on 3" L section with Round tube for
top of lamella raling
Providing, Supplying & Installation of Storage System (Ground Level Storage
Reservoir) using Prefabricated Corrosion resistant Zincalume steel structures
made of as per IS- 15961 for intermediate balancing tank (filter feed tank) and
confirming to the following specifications:

Diameter of wall – 2770 mm and Height of wall (Excluding Doom roof) to be

2080 mm. The Material of construction of walls, liner and Doom roof to be
Zincalume steel, Heavy Duty PVC Food grade and Zincalume sheets in
knockdown form respectively to be assembled at site as per the drawings. Heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized external ladder (1 no) to be provided along with heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized access hatch. The rate is inclusive of the cost of
installation of tank on sand bed with bold down clamps & 4 nos of Nozzles made
of Galvanized steel to be provided for Inlet, Outlet, Drain and overflow.
MOC of Storage System Zincalume steel (IS 15961)
Diameter of tank 2770 mm
Height of tank (Excluding doom roof) 2080 mm
MOC of wall panels Zincalume alloy coated steel
MOC of Liner Heavy Duty PVC Food grade
Zincalume alloy coated High tensile
MOC of Doom roof
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
External ladder
(1 no)

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
Access hatch
(1 no)
Galvanized flanged head High
tensile steel bolts
Nozzles Galvanized steel ( 4 nos)
Butterfly valves 2 nos
Providing, Supplying & Installation of Three Phase openwell submersible Set of 47600.00 47600.00
pump set (1+1 ) of approved make as filter feed pump with required accessories Two Unit
etc. complete: fuses and fuse box, starter and panel board, ELCB, MCB, electrical
cables from board to motor, piping for suction and delivery and for connection to
the filter unit and rubber sheet support for pump and confirming to the following
Head 20 m
Flow rate 10,000 lph
Stater and Panel Board 1 Set
ELCB, MCB 1 set
Pipesize for inlet and outlet 50 mm
MOC of Impeller Cast Iron
MOC of Delivery Casing Cast Iron
MOC of Motor body Cast Iron
MOC of Motor shaft Stainless Steel
VI FILTRATION No 161000.00 161000.00
Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter with required accessories for
connecting the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure
of 3.5 Kg/ cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following
specifications: to filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a
filtrate with less than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 5 mm and dish end thickness 5 mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for

the following specification:
Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2
Filter vessel dia 800 mm
HOS 1875 mm
Frontal pipeline 50 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 5 mm
Dish end thickness 5 mm
Filter media Silex Silica sand

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Pressure relief valve 1 no 20 mm
Pressure gauge 2 nos 150 mm dial
MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
MOC of vessel
VII DISINFECTION No 80850.00 80850.00
Generation and dosing of 35 liter of hypochlorite per batch of 8 hours

Providing of Batch type Disinfectant system (Electro – Chlorinators /

Chlorine Generators) with required accessories for dosing the Sodium
Hypochlorite solution suitable to control feed rate and the Electro-chlorinator and
dosing system confirming to the following specification. The system should
generate the sodium hypochlorite solution on site utilizing only food grade salt,
water and electric power and dose the produced sodium hypochlorite solution at
the rate of 2.0 - 1.8 ppm and as per enclosed drawing.

a)The unit shall include the following accessories(i)Generator Module

(Electrolyser)-Will be floor standing and will consist of one single common tank
with stand for brine preparation and hypochlorite production fitted with a bipolar
electrode for converting the brine into hypochlorite solution by the process of
electrolysis in the same tank. Shall have arrangement for acid cleaning and draining
of electrolytic cell (ii) FRP Storage Tank-Will be of 40 Liters capacity

(iii)Power Cables The D.C. Power cables for interconnection between the
generator and D.C. control module will be supplied for wiring at site (iv) D.C.
control module-Will be floor standing type and shall be suitable to provide D.C.
current of 25 amps for the required production capacity of the plant to work on
230V, 50Hz single phase A.C. supply. It will be of full wave type with facility to
vary the current from 0 to full value. The rectifier shall have indication for power
on process-on, overload, over voltage with intelligent timer and reverse polarity
system etc.(v)Metering-cum-Dosing Pump-Dosing pump shall be suitable to
control feed rate.
b) The Electro-chlorinator is designed for
the following specification
Generation capacity 200 grams / Batch (8 hours)
Generator Module 300 mm x580 mm
Nacl storage chamber 1 litres
MOC of Generator Fiber glass
Naocl storage 400 mm x 400 mm
MOC of Naocl storage Fiber glass
Digital flow meter 1 No (to monitor the flow)
Generation modules Cylindrical
Length of Electrode 130 mm mesh
Dia of Electrode 50 mm
Separator 130 mmX38 mm
Cathode 130 mmX25mm
Electrical cable 10 sq copper
Mechanically actuated diaphragm
Dosing system type to dose sodium hypochlorite
mounted on storage tank
Water supply plumbing
i. Connection to salt chamber 20 mm with required valves

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
ii. Outlet for Naocl 20 mm with ball valve

Water treatment plant for the flow rate of 15000 LPH (0.24
M.L.D) with 16 hour pumping
Design parameter-Supply installation and commissioning of the water treatment
plant capable to treat the water and make it potable at the flow rate of 15000 LPH
with suspended solids level less than 2000ppm, and PH value and biological
impurities beyond permissible limits of potable water parameters.

I COAGULENT DOSING SYSTEM No 175000.00 175000.00

Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Agitator & Coagulant

Dosing System with required accessories etc. complete for connecting to rising
main and including the cost of vessel, stirrer, storage tank and dosing system and
also the cost of lead, lift and labour and maintenance of the equipments during the
defect liability period of 12 months and confirming to the following specifications
and as directed by Engineer - In- Charge:

MOC of Flash mixer Vessel and Storage FRP/Hdpe

Capacity of vessels 500 liters

Diameter of mixing vessel 895 mm

Height of mixing vessel 940 mm

Stirrer with motor 1 No

MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304

Coagulant dosing System
Mechanically actuated diaphragm
Type of dosing pump
type with drive motor
MOC of dosing pump head P.P.
MOC of diaphragm P.T.F.E.
MOC of gear housing for pump C.I. (powder coated)
MOC of pump and base M.S. powder coated
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
Polymer dosing System
Type of dosing pump Differencial doasing system
Capacity of vessels 300 liters
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
II STATIC MIXER FLOCCULATION TANK ( S.M.F.T ) No 549500.00 549500.00
Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Static Mixer
Flocculation Tank (SMFT) Circular shape made of Flocculator shaft and blades
of MOC SS-304 & Flocculation Tank made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and
grade BR with a Retention time of 20 Minits , with all accessories cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring, welding, finishing,
cleaning required accessories and installation of S.M.F.T using the crain on the
pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS platform
between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the following
specifications Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.
Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food
MOC of SMFT grade epoxy paint confirming IS
MOC of Flocculator shaft and blades Stainless Steel as per IS-304
Capacity of SMFT vessel 5000 Ltr
wall thick ness 6 mm
With 4" C Section and Chalked
walk way cum Bridge On top of SMFT
Floculator 1.0 HP (3 phase)
III LAMELLA CLARIFIER No 567000.00 567000.00

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Lamella

Clarifier made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and grade BR with all
accessories cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring,
welding, finishing, cleaning required accessories and installation of Lamella using
the crain on the pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS
platform between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the
following specifications. Angle of inclination ( Cos θ)= 55degree, with a Rise rate
of 1.80 m / Hr/ Sqm. Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50 micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of Lamella Clarifier grade epoxy paint confirming IS
Type of settling Inclined Plate type
MOC of inclined plates FRP
Lengeth of lamellaplates 2400 mm
Total no of lamellaplates 7 No
Hopper type with sludge drain and
Sludge storage
necessary valves
4" C section with chequgard plate
walkway for Operation and meintenance
of 4 mm thick Around the lamella
Ladder with raling to reach walkway on 3" L section with Round tube for
top of lamella raling

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5

Providing, Supplying & Installation of Storage System (Ground Level Storage

Reservoir) using Prefabricated Corrosion resistant Zincalume steel structures
made of as per IS- 15961 for intermediate balancing tank (filter feed tank) and
confirming to the following specifications:

Diameter of wall – 3690 mm and Height of wall (Excluding Doom roof) to be

2080 mm. The Material of construction of walls, liner and Doom roof to be
Zincalume steel, Heavy Duty PVC Food grade and Zincalume sheets in
knockdown form respectively to be assembled at site as per the drawings. Heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized external ladder (1 no) to be provided along with heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized access hatch. The rate is inclusive of the cost of
installation of tank on sand bed with bold down clamps & 4 nos of Nozzles made
of Galvanized steel to be provided for Inlet, Outlet, Drain and overflow.

MOC of Storage System Zincalume steel (IS 15961)

Diameter of tank 3690 mm
Height of tank (Excluding doom roof) 2080 mm
MOC of wall panels Zincalume alloy coated steel
MOC of Liner Heavy Duty PVC Food grade
Zincalume alloy coated High tensile
MOC of Doom roof
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
External ladder
(1 no)
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
Access hatch
(1 no)
Galvanized flanged head High
tensile steel bolts
Nozzles Galvanized steel ( 4 nos)
Butterfly valves 2 nos
Providing, Supplying & Installation of Three Phase openwell submersible
pump set (1+1 ) of approved make as filter feed pump with required accessories
etc. complete: fuses and fuse box, starter and panel board, ELCB, MCB, electrical Set of
V 71400.00 71400.00
cables from board to motor, piping for suction and delivery and for connection to Two Unit
the filter unit and rubber sheet support for pump and confirming to the following

Head 20 m
Flow rate 15,000 lph
Stater and Panel Board 1 Set
ELCB, MCB 1 set
Pipesize for inlet and outlet 50 mm
MOC of Impeller Cast Iron
MOC of Delivery Casing Cast Iron
MOC of Motor body Cast Iron
MOC of Motor shaft Stainless Steel

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
VI FILTRATION No 161000.00 161000.00
Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter with required accessories for
connecting the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure
of 3.5 Kg/ cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following
specifications: to filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a
filtrate with less than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 5 mm and dish end thickness 5 mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the following specification:

Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2

Filter vessel dia 800 mm

HOS 1875 mm

Frontal pipeline 50 mm

Valves Butterfly valves

Shell thickness 5 mm

Dish end thickness 5 mm

Filter media Silex Silica sand

Pressure relief valve 1 no 20 mm

Pressure gauge 2 nos 150 mm dial

MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade

MOC of vessel
VII DISINFECTION No 80850.00 80850.00
Generation and dosing of 35 liter of hypochlorite per batch of 8 hours

Providing of Batch type Disinfectant system (Electro – Chlorinators /

Chlorine Generators) with required accessories for dosing the Sodium
Hypochlorite solution suitable to control feed rate and the Electro-chlorinator and
dosing system confirming to the following specification. The system should
generate the sodium hypochlorite solution on site utilizing only food grade salt,
water and electric power and dose the produced sodium hypochlorite solution at
the rate of 2.0 - 1.8 ppm and as per enclosed drawing.

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5

a)The unit shall include the following accessories(i)Generator Module

(Electrolyser)-Will be floor standing and will consist of one single common tank
with stand for brine preparation and hypochlorite production fitted with a bipolar
electrode for converting the brine into hypochlorite solution by the process of
electrolysis in the same tank. Shall have arrangement for acid cleaning and draining
of electrolytic cell (ii) FRP Storage Tank-Will be of 40 Liters capacity

(iii)Power Cables The D.C. Power cables for interconnection between the
generator and D.C. control module will be supplied for wiring at site (iv) D.C.
control module-Will be floor standing type and shall be suitable to provide D.C.
current of 25 amps for the required production capacity of the plant to work on
230V, 50Hz single phase A.C. supply. It will be of full wave type with facility to
vary the current from 0 to full value. The rectifier shall have indication for power
on process-on, overload, over voltage with intelligent timer and reverse polarity
system etc.(v)Metering-cum-Dosing Pump-Dosing pump shall be suitable to
control feed rate.

b) The Electro-chlorinator is designed for the following specification

Generation capacity 200 grams / Batch (8 hours)

Generator Module 300 mm x580 mm
Nacl storage chamber 1 litres
MOC of Generator Fiber glass
Naocl storage 400 mm x 400 mm
MOC of Naocl storage Fiber glass
Digital flow meter 1 No (to monitor the flow)
Generation modules Cylindrical
Length of Electrode 130 mm mesh
Dia of Electrode 50 mm
Separator 130 mmX38 mm
Cathode 130 mmX25mm
Electrical cable 10 sq copper
Mechanically actuated diaphragm
Dosing system type to dose sodium hypochlorite
mounted on storage tank
Water supply plumbing
i. Connection to salt chamber 20 mm with required valves
ii. Outlet for Naocl 20 mm with ball valve

Water treatment plant for the flow rate of 20000 LPH (0.32
M.L.D ) with 16 hour pumping

Design parameter-Supply installation and commissioning of the water treatment

plant capable to treat the water and make it potable at the flow rate of 20000 LPH
with suspended solids level less than 2000ppm, and PH value and biological
impurities beyond permissible limits of potable water parameters.

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
I COAGULENT DOSING SYSTEM No 175000.00 175000.00

Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Agitator & Coagulant

Dosing System for 1.1 mld with required accessories etc. complete for connecting
to rising main and including the cost of vessel, stirrer, storage tank and dosing
system and also the cost of lead, lift and labour and maintenance of the equipments
during the defect liability period of 12 months and confirming to the following
specifications and as directed by Engineer - In- Charge:

MOC of Flash mixer Vessel and Storage FRP/Hdpe
Capacity of vessels 500 liters
Diameter of mixing vessel 895 mm
Height of mixing vessel 940 mm
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
Coagulant dosing System
Mechanically actuated diaphragm
Type of dosing pump
type with drive motor
MOC of dosing pump head P.P.
MOC of diaphragm P.T.F.E.
MOC of gear housing for pump C.I. (powder coated)
MOC of pump and base M.S. powder coated
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
Polymer dosing System
Type of dosing pump Differencial doasing system
Capacity of vessels 300 liters
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
II STATIC MIXER FLOCCULATION TANK ( S.M.F.T ) No 665000.00 665000.00

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Static Mixer

Flocculation Tank (SMFT) Circular shape made of Flocculator shaft and blades
of MOC SS-304 & Flocculation Tank made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and
grade BR with a Retention time of 20 Minits , with all accessories cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring, welding, finishing,
cleaning required accessories and installation of S.M.F.T using the crain on the
pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS platform
between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the following
specifications Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food
MOC of SMFT grade epoxy paint confirming IS

MOC of Flocculator shaft and blades Stainless Steel as per IS-304

Capacity of SMFT vessel 6000 Ltr

wall thick ness 6 mm

With 4" C Section and Chalked

walk way cum Bridge On top of SMFT

Floculator 1.0 HP (3 phase)

III LAMELLA CLARIFIER No 813400.00 813400.00

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Lamella

Clarifier made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and grade BR with all
accessories cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring,
welding, finishing, cleaning required accessories and installation of Lamella using
the crain on the pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS
platform between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the
following specifications. Angle of inclination ( Cos θ)= 55degree, with a Rise rate
of 1.80 m / Hr/ Sqm. Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50 micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of Lamella Clarifier grade epoxy paint confirming IS

Type of settling Inclined Plate type

MOC of inclined plates FRP
Lengeth of lamellaplates 2400 mm
Total no of lamellaplates 11 No
Hopper type with sludge drain and
Sludge storage
necessary valves

4" C section with chequgard plate

walkway for Operation and meintenance
of 4 mm thick Around the lamella
Ladder with raling to reach walkway on 3" L section with Round tube for
top of lamella raling

Providing, Supplying & Installation of Storage System (Ground Level Storage

Reservoir) using Prefabricated Corrosion resistant Zincalume steel structures
made of as per IS- 15961 for intermediate balancing tank (filter feed tank) and
confirming to the following specifications:

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5

Diameter of wall – 4610 mm and Height of wall (Excluding Doom roof) to be

2080 mm. The Material of construction of walls, liner and Doom roof to be
Zincalume steel, Heavy Duty PVC Food grade and Zincalume sheets in
knockdown form respectively to be assembled at site as per the drawings. Heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized external ladder (1 no) to be provided along with heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized access hatch. The rate is inclusive of the cost of
installation of tank on sand bed with bold down clamps & 4 nos of Nozzles made
of Galvanized steel to be provided for Inlet, Outlet, Drain and overflow.

MOC of Storage System Zincalume steel (IS 15961)

Diameter of tank 4610 mm
Height of tank (Excluding doom roof) 2080 mm
MOC of wall panels Zincalume alloy coated steel
MOC of Liner Heavy Duty PVC Food grade
Zincalume alloy coated High tensile
MOC of Doom roof
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
External ladder
(1 no)
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
Access hatch
(1 no)
Galvanized flanged head High
tensile steel bolts
Nozzles Galvanized steel ( 4 nos)
Butterfly valves 2 nos
Providing, Supplying & Installation of Three Phase openwell submersible
pump set (1+1 ) of approved make as filter feed pump with required accessories
etc. complete: fuses and fuse box, starter and panel board, ELCB, MCB, electrical Set of
V 71400.00 71400.00
cables from board to motor, piping for suction and delivery and for connection to Two Unit
the filter unit and rubber sheet support for pump and confirming to the following

Head 20 m
Flow rate 20,000 lph
Stater and Panel Board 1 Set
ELCB, MCB 1 set
Pipesize for inlet and outlet 50 mm
MOC of Impeller Cast Iron
MOC of Delivery Casing Cast Iron
MOC of Motor body Cast Iron
MOC of Motor shaft Stainless Steel
VI FILTRATION No 200900.00 200900.00
Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter with required accessories for connecting
the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure of 3.5 Kg/
cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following specifications: to
filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a filtrate with less
than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 5 mm and dish end thickness 5 mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the following specification:

Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2

Filter vessel dia 1000 mm
HOS 1875 mm
Frontal pipeline 80 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 5 mm
Dish end thickness 5 mm
Filter media Silex Silica sand
Pressure relief valve 1 no 20 mm
Pressure gauge 2 nos 150 mm dial
MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
MOC of vessel
VII DISINFECTION No 121100.00 121100.00

Generation and dosing of 70 liter of hypochlorite per batch of 8 hours

F)Providing of Batch type Disinfectant system (Electro – Chlorinators /

Chlorine Generators) with required accessories for dosing the Sodium
Hypochlorite solution suitable to control feed rate and the Electro-chlorinator and
dosing system confirming to the following specification. The system should
generate the sodium hypochlorite solution on site utilizing only food grade salt,
water and electric power and dose the produced sodium hypochlorite solution at
the rate of 2.0 - 1.8 ppm and as per enclosed drawing.

a)The unit shall include the following accessories(i)Generator Module

(Electrolyser)-Will be floor standing and will consist of one single common tank
with stand for brine preparation and hypochlorite production fitted with a bipolar
electrode for converting the brine into hypochlorite solution by the process of
electrolysis in the same tank. Shall have arrangement for acid cleaning and draining
of electrolytic cell (ii) FRP Storage Tank-Will be of 80 Liters capacity

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
(iii)Power Cables The D.C. Power cables for interconnection between the
generator and D.C. control module will be supplied for wiring at site (iv) D.C.
control module-Will be floor standing type and shall be suitable to provide D.C.
current of 50 amps for the required production capacity of the plant to work on
230V, 50Hz single phase A.C. supply. It will be of full wave type with facility to
vary the current from 0 to full value. The rectifier shall have indication for power
on process-on, overload, over voltage with intelligent timer and reverse polarity
system etc.(v)Metering-cum-Dosing Pump-Dosing pump shall be suitable to
control feed rate.
b) The Electro-chlorinator is designed for
the following specification
Generation capacity 400 grams / Batch (8 hours)
Generator Module 400 mm x 580 mm
Nacl storage chamber 2 litres
MOC of Generator Fiber glass
Naocl storage 400 mm x 500 mm
MOC of Naocl storage Fiber glass
Digital flow meter 1 No (to monitor the flow)
Generation modules Cylindrical
Length of Electrode 160 mm mesh
Dia of Electrode 50 mm
Separator 160 mmX 38 mm
Cathode 160 mmX25mm
Electrical cable 15 sq copper
Mechanically actuated diaphragm
Dosing system type to dose sodium hypochlorite
mounted on storage tank
Water supply plumbing
i. Connection to salt chamber 20 mm with required valves
ii. Outlet for Naocl 20 mm with ball valve

Water treatment plant for the flow rate of 30000 LPH ( 0.48
M.L.D ) with 16 hour pumping

Design parameter-Supply installation and commissioning of the water treatment

plant capable to treat the water and make it potable at the flow rate of 30000 LPH
with suspended solids level less than 2000ppm, and PH value and biological
impurities beyond permissible limits of potable water parameters.

I COAGULENT DOSING SYSTEM No 175000.00 175000.00

Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Agitator & Coagulant

Dosing System for 1.1 mld with required accessories etc. complete for connecting
to rising main and including the cost of vessel, stirrer, storage tank and dosing
system and also the cost of lead, lift and labour and maintenance of the equipments
during the defect liability period of 12 months and confirming to the following
specifications and as directed by Engineer - In- Charge:

MOC of Flash mixer Vessel and Storage FRP/Hdpe

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Capacity of vessels 500 liters
Diameter of mixing vessel 895 mm
Height of mixing vessel 940 mm
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
Coagulant dosing System
Mechanically actuated diaphragm
Type of dosing pump
type with drive motor
MOC of dosing pump head P.P.
MOC of diaphragm P.T.F.E.
MOC of gear housing for pump C.I. (powder coated)
MOC of pump and base M.S. powder coated

MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)

Polymer dosing System

Type of dosing pump Differencial doasing system
Capacity of vessels 300 liters
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
II No 773500.00

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Static Mixer

Flocculation Tank (SMFT) Circular shape made of Flocculator shaft and blades
of MOC SS-304 & Flocculation Tank made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and
grade BR with a Retention time of 20 Minits , with all accessories cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring, welding, finishing,
cleaning required accessories and installation of S.M.F.T using the crain on the
pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS platform
between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the following
specifications Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of SMFT grade epoxy paint confirming IS
MOC of Flocculator shaft and blades Stainless Steel as per IS-304
Capacity of SMFT vessel 9000 Ltr
wall thick ness 6 mm
With 4" C Section and Chalked
walk way cum Bridge On top of SMFT
Floculator 1.0 HP (3 phase)

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
III LAMELLA CLARIFIER No 813400.00 813400.00

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Lamella

Clarifier made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and grade BR with all
accessories cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring,
welding, finishing, cleaning required accessories and installation of Lamella using
the crain on the pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS
platform between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the
following specifications. Angle of inclination ( Cos θ)= 55degree, with a Rise rate
of 1.80 m / Hr/ Sqm. Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50 micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of Lamella Clarifier grade epoxy paint confirming IS
Type of settling Inclined Plate type
MOC of inclined plates FRP
Lengeth of lamellaplates 2400 mm
Total no of lamellaplates 11 No
Hopper type with sludge drain and
Sludge storage
necessary valves
4" C section with chequgard plate
walkway for Operation and meintenance
of 4 mm thick Around the lamella
Ladder with raling to reach walkway on 3" L section with Round tube for
top of lamella raling

Providing, Supplying & Installation of Storage System (Ground Level Storage

Reservoir) using Prefabricated Corrosion resistant Zincalume steel structures
made of as per IS- 15961 for intermediate balancing tank (filter feed tank) and
confirming to the following specifications/ RCC GLSR 10000lit As per standards.

Diameter of wall – 4610 mm and Height of wall (Excluding Doom roof) to be

2080 mm. The Material of construction of walls, liner and Doom roof to be
Zincalume steel, Heavy Duty PVC Food grade and Zincalume sheets in
knockdown form respectively to be assembled at site as per the drawings. Heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized external ladder (1 no) to be provided along with heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized access hatch. The rate is inclusive of the cost of
installation of tank on sand bed with bold down clamps & 4 nos of Nozzles made
of Galvanized steel to be provided for Inlet, Outlet, Drain and overflow.

MOC of Storage System Zincalume steel (IS 15961)

Diameter of tank 4610 mm
Height of tank (Excluding doom roof) 2080 mm
MOC of wall panels Zincalume alloy coated steel
MOC of Liner Heavy Duty PVC Food grade
Zincalume alloy coated High tensile
MOC of Doom roof

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
External ladder
(1 no)
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
Access hatch
(1 no)
Galvanized flanged head High
tensile steel bolts
Nozzles Galvanized steel ( 4 nos)
Butterfly valves 2 nos
Set of 119000.00 119000.00
Providing, Supplying & Installation of Three Phase openwell submersible
Two Unit
pump set (1 +1) of approved make as filter feed pump with required accessories
etc. complete: fuses and fuse box, starter and panel board, ELCB, MCB, electrical
cables from board to motor, piping for suction and delivery and for connection to
the filter unit and rubber sheet support for pump and confirming to the following

Head 20 m
Flow rate 30,000 lph
Stater and Panel Board 1 Set
ELCB, MCB 1 set
Pipesize for inlet and outlet 50 mm
MOC of Impeller Cast Iron
MOC of Delivery Casing Cast Iron
MOC of Motor body Cast Iron
MOC of Motor shaft Stainless Steel
VI FILTRATION No 287000.00 287000.00
Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter with required accessories for connecting
the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure of 3.5 Kg/
cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following specifications: to
filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a filtrate with less
than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 5 mm and dish end thickness 5 mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the following specification:

Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2
Filter vessel dia 1200 mm

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
HOS 1875 mm
Frontal pipeline 80 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 5 mm
Dish end thickness 6 mm
Filter media Silex Silica sand
Pressure relief valve 1 no 20 mm
Pressure gauge 2 nos 150 mm dial
MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
MOC of vessel
VII DISINFECTION No 121100.00 121100.00

Generation and dosing of 70 liter of hypochlorite per batch of 8 hours

F)Providing of Batch type Disinfectant system (Electro – Chlorinators /

Chlorine Generators) with required accessories for dosing the Sodium
Hypochlorite solution suitable to control feed rate and the Electro-chlorinator and
dosing system confirming to the following specification. The system should
generate the sodium hypochlorite solution on site utilizing only food grade salt,
water and electric power and dose the produced sodium hypochlorite solution at
the rate of 2.0 - 1.8 ppm and as per enclosed drawing.

a)The unit shall include the following accessories(i)Generator Module

(Electrolyser)-Will be floor standing and will consist of one single common tank
with stand for brine preparation and hypochlorite production fitted with a bipolar
electrode for converting the brine into hypochlorite solution by the process of
electrolysis in the same tank. Shall have arrangement for acid cleaning and draining
of electrolytic cell (ii) FRP Storage Tank-Will be of 80 Liters capacity

(iii)Power Cables The D.C. Power cables for interconnection between the
generator and D.C. control module will be supplied for wiring at site (iv) D.C.
control module-Will be floor standing type and shall be suitable to provide D.C.
current of 50 amps for the required production capacity of the plant to work on
230V, 50Hz single phase A.C. supply. It will be of full wave type with facility to
vary the current from 0 to full value. The rectifier shall have indication for power
on process-on, overload, over voltage with intelligent timer and reverse polarity
system etc.(v)Metering-cum-Dosing Pump-Dosing pump shall be suitable to
control feed rate.
b) The Electro-chlorinator is designed for
the following specification
Generation capacity 400 grams / Batch (8 hours)
Generator Module 400 mm x 580 mm
Nacl storage chamber 2 litres
MOC of Generator Fiber glass
Naocl storage 400 mm x 500 mm
MOC of Naocl storage Fiber glass
Digital flow meter 1 No (to monitor the flow)
Generation modules Cylindrical
Length of Electrode 160 mm mesh
Dia of Electrode 50 mm
Separator 160 mmX 38 mm

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Cathode 160 mmX25mm
Electrical cable 15 sq copper
Mechanically actuated diaphragm
Dosing system type to dose sodium hypochlorite
mounted on storage tank
Water supply plumbing
i. Connection to salt chamber 20 mm with required valves
ii. Outlet for Naocl 20 mm with ball valve

Water treatment plant for the flow rate of 45000 LPH ( 0.72
M.L.D ) with 16 hour pumping

Design parameter-Supply installation and commissioning of the water treatment

plant capable to treat the water and make it potable at the flow rate of 45000 LPH
with suspended solids level less than 2000ppm, and PH value and biological
impurities beyond permissible limits of potable water parameters.

I COAGULENT DOSING SYSTEM No 206500.00 206500.00

Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Agitator & Coagulant

Dosing System for 1.1 mld with required accessories etc. complete for connecting
to rising main and including the cost of vessel, stirrer, storage tank and dosing
system and also the cost of lead, lift and labour and maintenance of the equipments
during the defect liability period of 12 months and confirming to the following
specifications and as directed by Engineer - In- Charge:

MOC of Flash mixer Vessel and Storage FRP/Hdpe
Capacity of vessels 1000 liters
Diameter of mixing vessel 1080 mm
Height of mixing vessel 1205 mm
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
Coagulant dosing System
Mechanically actuated diaphragm
Type of dosing pump
type with drive motor
MOC of dosing pump head P.P.
MOC of diaphragm P.T.F.E.
MOC of gear housing for pump C.I. (powder coated)
MOC of pump and base M.S. powder coated
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
Polymer dosing System
Type of dosing pump Differencial doasing system
Capacity of vessels 300 liters
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
II STATIC MIXER FLOCCULATION TANK ( S.M.F.T ) No 976500.00 976500.00

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Static Mixer

Flocculation Tank (SMFT) Circular shape made of Flocculator shaft and blades
of MOC SS-304 & Flocculation Tank made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and
grade BR with a Retention time of 20 Minits , with all accessories cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring, welding, finishing,
cleaning required accessories and installation of S.M.F.T using the crain on the
pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS platform
between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the following
specifications Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of SMFT grade epoxy paint confirming IS
MOC of Flocculator shaft and blades Stainless Steel as per IS-304
Capacity of SMFT vessel 15000 Ltr
wall thick ness 6 mm
With 4" C Section and Chalked
walk way cum Bridge On top of SMFT
Floculator 1.0 HP (3 phase)
III LAMELLA CLARIFIER No 886200.00 886200.00

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Lamella

Clarifier made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and grade BR with all
accessories cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring,
welding, finishing, cleaning required accessories and installation of Lamella using
the crain on the pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS
platform between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the
following specifications. Angle of inclination ( Cos θ)= 55degree, with a Rise rate
of 1.80 m / Hr/ Sqm. Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50 micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of Lamella Clarifier grade epoxy paint confirming IS
Type of settling Inclined Plate type
MOC of inclined plates FRP
Lengeth of lamellaplates 2400 mm
Total no of lamellaplates 17 No
Hopper type with sludge drain and
Sludge storage
necessary valves
4" C section with chequgard plate
walkway for Operation and meintenance
of 4 mm thick Around the lamella
Ladder with raling to reach walkway on 3" L section with Round tube for
top of lamella raling

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Providing, Supplying & Installation of Storage System (Ground Level Storage
Reservoir) using Prefabricated Corrosion resistant Zincalume steel structures
made of as per IS- 15961 for intermediate balancing tank (filter feed tank) and
confirming to the following specifications:

Diameter of wall – 5530 mm and Height of wall (Excluding Doom roof) to be

2080 mm. The Material of construction of walls, liner and Doom roof to be
Zincalume steel, Heavy Duty PVC Food grade and Zincalume sheets in
knockdown form respectively to be assembled at site as per the drawings. Heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized external ladder (1 no) to be provided along with heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized access hatch. The rate is inclusive of the cost of
installation of tank on sand bed with bold down clamps & 4 nos of Nozzles made
of Galvanized steel to be provided for Inlet, Outlet, Drain and overflow.
MOC of Storage System Zincalume steel (IS 15961)
Diameter of tank 5530 mm
Height of tank (Excluding doom roof) 2080 mm
MOC of wall panels Zincalume alloy coated steel
MOC of Liner Heavy Duty PVC Food grade
Zincalume alloy coated High tensile
MOC of Doom roof
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
External ladder
(1 no)
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
Access hatch
(1 no)
Galvanized flanged head High
tensile steel bolts
Nozzles Galvanized steel ( 4 nos)
Butterfly valves 2 nos
V Providing, Supplying & Installation of Three Phase openwell submersible Set of 119000.00 119000.00
pump set (1+1 ) of approved make as filter feed pump with required accessories Two Unit
etc. complete: fuses and fuse box, starter and panel board, ELCB, MCB, electrical
cables from board to motor, piping for suction and delivery and for connection to
the filter unit and rubber sheet support for pump and confirming to the following
Head 20 m
Flow rate 45,000 lph
Stater and Panel Board 1 Set
ELCB, MCB 1 set
Pipesize for inlet and outlet 50 mm
MOC of Impeller Cast Iron
MOC of Delivery Casing Cast Iron
MOC of Motor body Cast Iron
MOC of Motor shaft Stainless Steel
VI FILTRATION No 359800.00 359800.00
Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter with required accessories for connecting
the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure of 3.5 Kg/
cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following specifications: to
filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a filtrate with less
than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 5 mm and dish end thickness 5 mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the following specification:

Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2
Filter vessel dia 1400 mm
HOS 1875 mm
Frontal pipeline 80 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 5 mm
Dish end thickness 6 mm
Filter media Silex Silica sand
Pressure relief valve 1 no 20 mm
Pressure gauge 2 nos 150 mm dial
MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
MOC of vessel
VII DISINFECTION No 193900.00 193900.00
Generation and dosing of 140 liter of hypochlorite per batch of 8 hours

F)Providing of Batch type Disinfectant system (Electro – Chlorinators /

Chlorine Generators) with required accessories for dosing the Sodium
Hypochlorite solution suitable to control feed rate and the Electro-chlorinator and
dosing system confirming to the following specification. The system should
generate the sodium hypochlorite solution on site utilizing only food grade salt,
water and electric power and dose the produced sodium hypochlorite solution at
the rate of 2.0 - 1.8 ppm and as per enclosed drawing.

a)The unit shall include the following accessories(i)Generator Module

(Electrolyser)-Will be floor standing and will consist of one single common tank
with stand for brine preparation and hypochlorite production fitted with a bipolar
electrode for converting the brine into hypochlorite solution by the process of
electrolysis in the same tank. Shall have arrangement for acid cleaning and draining
of electrolytic cell (ii) FRP Storage Tank-Will be of 140 Liters capacity

(iii)Power Cables The D.C. Power cables for interconnection between the
generator and D.C. control module will be supplied for wiring at site (iv) D.C.
control module-Will be floor standing type and shall be suitable to provide D.C.
current of 100 amps for the required production capacity of the plant to work on
230V, 50Hz single phase A.C. supply. It will be of full wave type with facility to
vary the current from 0 to full value. The rectifier shall have indication for power
on process-on, overload, over voltage with intelligent timer and reverse polarity
system etc.(v)Metering-cum-Dosing Pump-Dosing pump shall be suitable to
control feed rate.

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
b) The Electro-chlorinator is designed for
the following specification
Generation capacity 800 grams / Batch (8 hours)
Generator Module 500 mm x 800 mm
Nacl storage chamber 5 litres
MOC of Generator Fiber glass
Naocl storage 600 mm x 600 mm
MOC of Naocl storage Fiber glass
Digital flow meter 1 No (to monitor the flow)
Generation modules Cylindrical
Length of Electrode 200 mm mesh
Dia of Electrode 50 mm
Separator 200 mmX 38 mm
Cathode 200 mmX25mm
Electrical cable 25 sq copper
Mechanically actuated diaphragm
Dosing system type to dose sodium hypochlorite
mounted on storage tank
Water supply plumbing
i. Connection to salt chamber 20 mm with required valves
ii. Outlet for Naocl 20 mm with ball valve
Water treatment plant for the flow rate of 55000 LPH ( 0.88
M.L.D ) with 16 hour pumping

Design parameter-Supply installation and commissioning of the water treatment

plant capable to treat the water and make it potable at the flow rate of 55000 LPH
with suspended solids level less than 2000ppm, and PH value and biological
impurities beyond permissible limits of potable water parameters.

I COAGULENT DOSING SYSTEM No 206500.00 206500.00

Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Agitator & Coagulant

Dosing System for 1.1 mld with required accessories etc. complete for connecting
to rising main and including the cost of vessel, stirrer, storage tank and dosing
system and also the cost of lead, lift and labour and maintenance of the equipments
during the defect liability period of 12 months and confirming to the following
specifications and as directed by Engineer - In- Charge:

MOC of Flash mixer Vessel and Storage FRP/Hdpe
Capacity of vessels 1000 liters
Diameter of mixing vessel 1080 mm
Height of mixing vessel 1205 mm
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
Coagulant dosing System
Mechanically actuated diaphragm
Type of dosing pump
type with drive motor
MOC of dosing pump head P.P.
MOC of diaphragm P.T.F.E.
MOC of gear housing for pump C.I. (powder coated)
MOC of pump and base M.S. powder coated
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
Polymer dosing System

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Type of dosing pump Differencial doasing system
Capacity of vessels 300 liters
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
II STATIC MIXER FLOCCULATION TANK ( S.M.F.T ) No 976500.00 976500.00

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Static Mixer

Flocculation Tank (SMFT) Circular shape made of Flocculator shaft and blades
of MOC SS-304 & Flocculation Tank made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and
grade BR with a Retention time of 20 Minits , with all accessories cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring, welding, finishing,
cleaning required accessories and installation of S.M.F.T using the crain on the
pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS platform
between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the following
specifications Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of SMFT grade epoxy paint confirming IS
MOC of Flocculator shaft and blades Stainless Steel as per IS-304
Capacity of SMFT vessel 15000 Ltr
wall thick ness 6 mm
With 4" C Section and Chalked
walk way cum Bridge On top of SMFT
Floculator 1.0 HP (3 phase)
III LAMELLA CLARIFIER No 1227100.00 1227100.00
Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Lamella
Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food
MOC of Lamella Clarifier grade epoxy paint confirming IS
Type of settling Inclined Plate type
MOC of inclined plates FRP
Lengeth of lamellaplates 2400 mm
Total no of lamellaplates 23 No
Hopper type with sludge drain and
Sludge storage
necessary valves
4" C section with chequgard plate
walkway for Operation and meintenance
of 4 mm thick Around the lamella
Ladder with raling to reach walkway on 3" L section with Round tube for
top of lamella raling

Providing, Supplying & Installation of Storage System (Ground Level Storage

Reservoir) using Prefabricated Corrosion resistant Zincalume steel structures
made of as per IS- 15961 for intermediate balancing tank (filter feed tank) and
confirming to the following specifications:

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5

Diameter of wall – 5530 mm and Height of wall (Excluding Doom roof) to be

2080 mm. The Material of construction of walls, liner and Doom roof to be
Zincalume steel, Heavy Duty PVC Food grade and Zincalume sheets in
knockdown form respectively to be assembled at site as per the drawings. Heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized external ladder (1 no) to be provided along with heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized access hatch. The rate is inclusive of the cost of
installation of tank on sand bed with bold down clamps & 4 nos of Nozzles made
of Galvanized steel to be provided for Inlet, Outlet, Drain and overflow.

MOC of Storage System Zincalume steel (IS 15961)

Diameter of tank 5530 mm
Height of tank (Excluding doom roof) 2080 mm
MOC of wall panels Zincalume alloy coated steel
MOC of Liner Heavy Duty PVC Food grade
Zincalume alloy coated High tensile
MOC of Doom roof
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
External ladder
(1 no)
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
Access hatch
(1 no)
Galvanized flanged head High
tensile steel bolts
Nozzles Galvanized steel ( 4 nos)
Butterfly valves 2 nos
Providing, Supplying & Installation of Three Phase openwell submersible
pump set (1+1 ) of approved make as filter feed pump with required accessories
etc. complete: fuses and fuse box, starter and panel board, ELCB, MCB, electrical Set of
V 175000.00 175000.00
cables from board to motor, piping for suction and delivery and for connection to Two Unit
the filter unit and rubber sheet support for pump and confirming to the following
Head 20 m
Flow rate 55,000 lph
Stater and Panel Board 1 Set
ELCB, MCB 1 set
Pipesize for inlet and outlet 50 mm
MOC of Impeller Cast Iron
MOC of Delivery Casing Cast Iron
MOC of Motor body Cast Iron
MOC of Motor shaft Stainless Steel
VI FILTRATION No 455000.00 455000.00

Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter with required accessories for connecting

the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure of 3.5 Kg/
cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following specifications: to
filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a filtrate with less
than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 5 mm and dish end thickness 5 mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the following specification:

Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2

Filter vessel dia 1600 mm
HOS 1875 mm
Frontal pipeline 80 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 6 mm
Dish end thickness 8 mm
Filter media Silex Silica sand
Pressure relief valve 1 no 20 mm
Pressure gauge 2 nos 150 mm dial
MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
MOC of vessel
VII DISINFECTION No 193900.00 193900.00

Generation and dosing of 140 liter of hypochlorite per batch of 8 hours

F)Providing of Batch type Disinfectant system (Electro – Chlorinators /

Chlorine Generators) with required accessories for dosing the Sodium
Hypochlorite solution suitable to control feed rate and the Electro-chlorinator and
dosing system confirming to the following specification. The system should
generate the sodium hypochlorite solution on site utilizing only food grade salt,
water and electric power and dose the produced sodium hypochlorite solution at
the rate of 2.0 - 1.8 ppm and as per enclosed drawing.

a)The unit shall include the following accessories(i)Generator Module

(Electrolyser)-Will be floor standing and will consist of one single common tank
with stand for brine preparation and hypochlorite production fitted with a bipolar
electrode for converting the brine into hypochlorite solution by the process of
electrolysis in the same tank. Shall have arrangement for acid cleaning and draining
of electrolytic cell (ii) FRP Storage Tank-Will be of 140 Liters capacity

(iii)Power Cables The D.C. Power cables for interconnection between the
generator and D.C. control module will be supplied for wiring at site (iv) D.C.
control module-Will be floor standing type and shall be suitable to provide D.C.
current of 100 amps for the required production capacity of the plant to work on
230V, 50Hz single phase A.C. supply. It will be of full wave type with facility to
vary the current from 0 to full value. The rectifier shall have indication for power
on process-on, overload, over voltage with intelligent timer and reverse polarity
system etc.(v)Metering-cum-Dosing Pump-Dosing pump shall be suitable to
control feed rate.

b) The Electro-chlorinator is designed for the following specification

Generation capacity 800 grams / Batch (8 hours)

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Generator Module 500 mm x 800 mm
Nacl storage chamber 5 litres
MOC of Generator Fiber glass
Naocl storage 500 mm x 500 mm
MOC of Naocl storage Fiber glass
Digital flow meter 1 No (to monitor the flow)
Generation modules Cylindrical
Length of Electrode 200 mm mesh
Dia of Electrode 50 mm
Separator 200 mmX 38 mm
Cathode 200 mmX25mm
Electrical cable 25 sq copper
Mechanically actuated diaphragm
Dosing system type to dose sodium hypochlorite
mounted on storage tank
Water supply plumbing
i. Connection to salt chamber 20 mm with required valves
ii. Outlet for Naocl 20 mm with ball valve
Water treatment plant for the flow rate of 65000 LPH ( 1.04
M.L.D) with 16 hour pumping

Design parameter- Supply installation and commissioning of the water treatment

plant capable to treat the water and make it potable at the flow rate of 65000 LPH
with suspended solids level less than 2000ppm, and PH value and biological
impurities beyond permissible limits of potable water parameters.


I COAGULENT DOSING SYSTEM No 206500.00 206500.00

Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Agitator & Coagulant

Dosing System for 1.1 mld with required accessories etc. complete for connecting
to rising main and including the cost of vessel, stirrer, storage tank and dosing
system and also the cost of lead, lift and labour and maintenance of the equipments
during the defect liability period of 12 months and confirming to the following
specifications and as directed by Engineer - In- Charge:

MOC of Flash mixer Vessel and Storage FRP/Hdpe
Capacity of vessels 1000 liters
Diameter of mixing vessel 1080 mm
Height of mixing vessel 1205 mm
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
Coagulant dosing System
Mechanically actuated diaphragm
Type of dosing pump
type with drive motor
MOC of dosing pump head P.P.
MOC of diaphragm P.T.F.E.
MOC of gear housing for pump C.I. (powder coated)
MOC of pump and base M.S. powder coated
1 no (To mount the dosing
MS Stand

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Polymer dosing System
Type of dosing pump Differencial doasing system
Capacity of vessels 300 liters
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
MS Stand

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Static Mixer

Flocculation Tank (SMFT) Circular shape made of Flocculator shaft and blades
of MOC SS-304 & Flocculation Tank made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and
grade BR with a Retention time of 20 Minits , with all accessories cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring, welding, finishing,
cleaning required accessories and installation of S.M.F.T using the crain on the
pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS platform
between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the following
specifications Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of SMFT grade epoxy paint confirming IS
MOC of Flocculator shaft and blades Stainless Steel as per IS-304
Capacity of SMFT vessel 19000 Ltr
wall thick ness 6 mm
With 4" C Section and Chalked
walk way cum Bridge On top of SMFT
III LAMELLA CLARIFIER No 1227100.00 1227100.00

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Lamella

Clarifier made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and grade BR with all
accessories cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring,
welding, finishing, cleaning required accessories and installation of Lamella using
the crain on the pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS
platform between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the
following specifications. Angle of inclination ( Cos θ)= 55degree, with a Rise rate
of 1.80 m / Hr/ Sqm. Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50 micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of Lamella Clarifier grade epoxy paint confirming IS
Type of settling Inclined Plate type
MOC of inclined plates FRP
Lengeth of lamellaplates 2400 mm
Total no of lamellaplates 23 No
Hopper type with sludge drain and
Sludge storage
necessary valves

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
4" C section with chequgard plate
walkway for Operation and meintenance
of 4 mm thick Around the lamella
Ladder with raling to reach walkway on top of lamella
Providing, Supplying & Installation of Storage System (Ground Level Storage
Reservoir) using Prefabricated Corrosion resistant Zincalume steel structures
made of as per IS- 15961 for intermediate balancing tank (filter feed tank) and
confirming to the following specifications:

Diameter of wall – 6460 mm and Height of wall (Excluding Doom roof) to be

2080 mm. The Material of construction of walls, liner and Doom roof to be
Zincalume steel, Heavy Duty PVC Food grade and Zincalume sheets in
knockdown form respectively to be assembled at site as per the drawings. Heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized external ladder (1 no) to be provided along with heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized access hatch. The rate is inclusive of the cost of
installation of tank on sand bed with bold down clamps & 4 nos of Nozzles made
of Galvanized steel to be provided for Inlet, Outlet, Drain and overflow.

MOC of Storage System Zincalume steel (IS 15961)

Diameter of tank 6460 mm
Height of tank (Excluding doom roof) 2080 mm
MOC of wall panels Zincalume alloy coated steel
MOC of Liner Heavy Duty PVC Food grade
Zincalume alloy coated High tensile
MOC of Doom roof
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
External ladder
(1 no)
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
Access hatch
(1 no)
Galvanized flanged head High
tensile steel bolts
Nozzles Galvanized steel ( 4 nos)
Butterfly valves
Providing, Supplying & Installation of Three Phase openwell submersible
pump set (1+1 ) of approved make as filter feed pump with required accessories
etc. complete: fuses and fuse box, starter and panel board, ELCB, MCB, electrical Set of
V 277900.00 277900.00
cables from board to motor, piping for suction and delivery and for connection to Two Unit
the filter unit and rubber sheet support for pump and confirming to the following
Head 20 m
Flow rate 65,000 lph
Stater and Panel Board 1 Set
ELCB, MCB 1 set
Pipesize for inlet and outlet 80 mm
MOC of Impeller Cast Iron
MOC of Delivery Casing Cast Iron
MOC of Motor body Cast Iron
MOC of Motor shaft

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
VI FILTRATION No 539000.00 539000.00
Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter with required accessories for
connecting the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating
pressure of 3.5 Kg/ cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the
following specifications: to filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids
to produce a filtrate with less than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 5 mm and dish end thickness 5 mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the

following specification:
Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2
Filter vessel dia 1800 mm
HOS 1875 mm
Frontal pipeline 80 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 6 mm
Dish end thickness 8 mm
Filter media Silex Silica sand
Pressure relief valve 1 no 20 mm
Pressure gauge 2 nos 150 mm dial
MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food
MOC of vessel
grade inside
VII DISINFECTION No 242200.00 242200.00
Generation and dosing of 210 liter of hypochlorite per batch of 8 hours

F)Providing of Batch type Disinfectant system (Electro – Chlorinators /

Chlorine Generators) with required accessories for dosing the Sodium
Hypochlorite solution suitable to control feed rate and the Electro-chlorinator and
dosing system confirming to the following specification. The system should
generate the sodium hypochlorite solution on site utilizing only food grade salt,
water and electric power and dose the produced sodium hypochlorite solution at
the rate of 2.0 - 1.8 ppm and as per enclosed drawing.

a)The unit shall include the following accessories(i)Generator Module

(Electrolyser)-Will be floor standing and will consist of one single common tank
with stand for brine preparation and hypochlorite production fitted with a bipolar
electrode for converting the brine into hypochlorite solution by the process of
electrolysis in the same tank. Shall have arrangement for acid cleaning and draining
of electrolytic cell (ii) FRP Storage Tank-Will be of 210 Liters capacity

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5

(iii)Power Cables The D.C. Power cables for interconnection between the
generator and D.C. control module will be supplied for wiring at site (iv)
D.C. control module-Will be floor standing type and shall be suitable to
provide D.C. current of 140 amps for the required production capacity of the
plant to work on 230V, 50Hz single phase A.C. supply. It will be of full wave type
with facility to vary the current from 0 to full value. The rectifier shall have
indication for power on process-on, overload, over voltage with intelligent timer
and reverse polarity system etc.(v)Metering-cum-Dosing Pump-Dosing pump shall
be suitable to control feed rate.

b) The Electro-chlorinator is designed for the

following specification
Generation capacity 1200 grams / Batch (8 hours)
Generator Module 500 mm x 800 mm
Nacl storage chamber 5 litres
MOC of Generator Fiber glass
Naocl storage 500 mm x 600 mm
MOC of Naocl storage Fiber glass
Digital flow meter 1 No (to monitor the flow)
Generation modules Cylindrical
Length of Electrode 250 mm mesh
Dia of Electrode 50 mm
Separator 200 mmX 38 mm
Cathode 200 mmX25mm
Electrical cable 25 sq copper
Mechanically actuated
diaphragm type to dose sodium
Dosing system
hypochlorite mounted on storage
Water supply plumbing
i. Connection to salt chamber 20 mm with required valves
ii. Outlet for Naocl
Water treatment plant for the flow rate of 85000 LPH ( 1.36
M.L.D ) with 16 hour pumping

Design parameter-Supply installation and commissioning of the water treatment

plant capable to treat the water and make it potable at the flow rate of 85000 LPH
with suspended solids level less than 2000ppm, and PH value and biological
impurities beyond permissible limits of potable water parameters.

I COAGULENT DOSING SYSTEM No 206500.00 206500.00

Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Agitator & Coagulant

Dosing System for 1.1 mld with required accessories etc. complete for connecting
to rising main and including the cost of vessel, stirrer, storage tank and dosing
system and also the cost of lead, lift and labour and maintenance of the equipments
during the defect liability period of 12 months and confirming to the following
specifications and as directed by Engineer - In- Charge:

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
MOC of Flash mixer Vessel and Storage FRP/Hdpe
Capacity of vessels 1000 liters
Diameter of mixing vessel 1080 mm
Height of mixing vessel 1205 mm
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
Coagulant dosing System
Mechanically actuated diaphragm
Type of dosing pump
type with drive motor
MOC of dosing pump head P.P.
MOC of diaphragm P.T.F.E.
MOC of gear housing for pump C.I. (powder coated)
MOC of pump and base M.S. powder coated
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
Polymer dosing System
Type of dosing pump Differencial doasing system
Capacity of vessels 300 liters
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
II STATIC MIXER FLOCCULATION TANK ( S.M.F.T ) No 1253000.00 1253000.00

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Static Mixer

Flocculation Tank (SMFT) Circular shape made of Flocculator shaft and blades
of MOC SS-304 & Flocculation Tank made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and
grade BR with a Retention time of 20 Minits , with all accessories cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring, welding, finishing,
cleaning required accessories and installation of S.M.F.T using the crain on the
pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS platform
between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the following
specifications Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of SMFT grade epoxy paint confirming IS
MOC of Flocculator shaft and blades Stainless Steel as per IS-304

Capacity of SMFT vessel 24000 Ltr

wall thick ness 6 mm

With 4" C Section and Chalked
walk way cum Bridge On top of SMFT
Floculator 1.0 HP (3 phase)

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
III LAMELLA CLARIFIER No 1305500.00 1305500.00

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Lamella

Clarifier made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and grade BR with all
accessories cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring,
welding, finishing, cleaning required accessories and installation of Lamella using
the crain on the pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS
platform between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the
following specifications. Angle of inclination ( Cos θ)= 55degree, with a Rise rate
of 1.80 m / Hr/ Sqm. Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50 micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of Lamella Clarifier grade epoxy paint confirming IS
Type of settling Inclined Plate type
MOC of inclined plates FRP
Lengeth of lamellaplates 2400 mm
Total no of lamellaplates 32 No
Hopper type with sludge drain and
Sludge storage
necessary valves
4" C section with chequgard plate
walkway for Operation and meintenance
of 4 mm thick Around the lamella
Ladder with raling to reach walkway on 3" L section with Round tube for
top of lamella raling
Providing, Supplying & Installation of Storage System (Ground Level Storage
Reservoir) using Prefabricated Corrosion resistant Zincalume steel structures
made of as per IS- 15961 for intermediate balancing tank (filter feed tank) and
confirming to the following specifications:

Diameter of wall – 6460 mm and Height of wall (Excluding Doom roof) to be

3030 mm. The Material of construction of walls, liner and Doom roof to be
Zincalume steel, Heavy Duty PVC Food grade and Zincalume sheets in
knockdown form respectively to be assembled at site as per the drawings. Heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized external ladder (1 no) to be provided along with heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized access hatch. The rate is inclusive of the cost of
installation of tank on sand bed with bold down clamps & 4 nos of Nozzles made
of Galvanized steel to be provided for Inlet, Outlet, Drain and overflow.

MOC of Storage System Zincalume steel (IS 15961)

Diameter of tank 6460 mm
Height of tank (Excluding doom roof) 3030 mm
MOC of wall panels Zincalume alloy coated steel
MOC of Liner Heavy Duty PVC Food grade
Zincalume alloy coated High tensile
MOC of Doom roof
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
External ladder
(1 no)

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
Access hatch
(1 no)
Galvanized flanged head High
tensile steel bolts
Nozzles Galvanized steel ( 4 nos)
Butterfly valves 2 nos

Providing, Supplying & Installation of Three Phase openwell submersible

pump set (1+1 ) of approved make as filter feed pump with required accessories
etc. complete: fuses and fuse box, starter and panel board, ELCB, MCB, electrical Set of
V 277900.00 277900.00
cables from board to motor, piping for suction and delivery and for connection to Two Unit
the filter unit and rubber sheet support for pump and confirming to the following

Head 20 m
Flow rate 85,000 lph
Stater and Panel Board 1 Set
ELCB, MCB 1 set
Pipesize for inlet and outlet 80 mm
MOC of Impeller Cast Iron
MOC of Delivery Casing Cast Iron
MOC of Motor body Cast Iron
MOC of Motor shaft Stainless Steel
VI FILTRATION No 665000.00 665000.00
Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter with required accessories for connecting
the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure of 3.5 Kg/
cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following specifications: to
filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a filtrate with less
than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 5 mm and dish end thickness 5 mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for

the following specification:
Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2
Filter vessel dia 2000 mm
HOS 1875 mm
Frontal pipeline 150 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 6 mm
Dish end thickness 8 mm
Filter media Silex Silica sand

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Pressure relief valve 1 no 20 mm
Pressure gauge 2 nos 150 mm dial
MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
MOC of vessel
VII DISINFECTION No 269500.00 269500.00

Generation and dosing of 280 liter of hypochlorite per batch of 8 hours

F)Providing of Batch type Disinfectant system (Electro – Chlorinators /

Chlorine Generators) with required accessories for dosing the Sodium
Hypochlorite solution suitable to control feed rate and the Electro-chlorinator and
dosing system confirming to the following specification. The system should
generate the sodium hypochlorite solution on site utilizing only food grade salt,
water and electric power and dose the produced sodium hypochlorite solution at
the rate of 2.0 - 1.8 ppm and as per enclosed drawing.

a)The unit shall include the following accessories(i)Generator Module

(Electrolyser)-Will be floor standing and will consist of one single common tank
with stand for brine preparation and hypochlorite production fitted with a bipolar
electrode for converting the brine into hypochlorite solution by the process of
electrolysis in the same tank. Shall have arrangement for acid cleaning and draining
of electrolytic cell (ii) FRP Storage Tank-Will be of 280 Liters capacity

(iii)Power Cables The D.C. Power cables for interconnection between the
generator and D.C. control module will be supplied for wiring at site (iv) D.C.
control module-Will be floor standing type and shall be suitable to provide D.C.
current of 180 amps for the required production capacity of the plant to work on
230V, 50Hz single phase A.C. supply. It will be of full wave type with facility to
vary the current from 0 to full value. The rectifier shall have indication for power
on process-on, overload, over voltage with intelligent timer and reverse polarity
system etc.(v)Metering-cum-Dosing Pump-Dosing pump shall be suitable to
control feed rate.

b) The Electro-chlorinator is designed for the following specification

Generation capacity 1600 grams / Batch (8 hours)
Generator Module 6000 mm x 800 mm
Nacl storage chamber 8 litres
MOC of Generator Fiber glass
Naocl storage 750 mm x 900 mm
MOC of Naocl storage Fiber glass
Digital flow meter 1 No (to monitor the flow)
Generation modules Cylindrical
Length of Electrode 300 mm mesh
Dia of Electrode 60 mm
Separator 300 mmX 48 mm
Cathode 300 mmX35mm
Electrical cable 70 sq copper
Mechanically actuated diaphragm
Dosing system type to dose sodium hypochlorite
mounted on storage tank
Water supply plumbing

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
i. Connection to salt chamber 20 mm with required valves
ii. Outlet for Naocl 20 mm with ball valve
Water treatment plant for the flow rate of 1,10,000 LPH (1.76
M.L.D) with 16 hour pumping

Design parameter- Supply installation and commissioning of the water treatment

plant capable to treat the water and make it potable at the flow rate of 110000
LPH with suspended solids level less than 2000ppm, and PH value and biological
impurities beyond permissible limits of potable water parameters.

I COAGULENT DOSING SYSTEM No 234500.00 234500.00

Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Agitator & Coagulant

Dosing System for 1.1 mld with required accessories etc. complete for connecting
to rising main and including the cost of vessel, stirrer, storage tank and dosing
system and also the cost of lead, lift and labour and maintenance of the equipments
during the defect liability period of 12 months and confirming to the following
specifications and as directed by Engineer - In- Charge:

MOC of Flash mixer Vessel and Storage FRP/Hdpe
Capacity of vessels 1500 liters
Diameter of mixing vessel 1327 mm
Height of mixing vessel 1245 mm
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
Coagulant dosing System
Mechanically actuated diaphragm
Type of dosing pump
type with drive motor
MOC of dosing pump head P.P.
MOC of diaphragm P.T.F.E.
MOC of gear housing for pump C.I. (powder coated)
MOC of pump and base M.S. powder coated
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
Polymer dosing System
Type of dosing pump Differencial doasing system
Capacity of vessels 300 liters
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
II STATIC MIXER FLOCCULATION TANK ( S.M.F.T ) No 1543500.00 1543500.00

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Static Mixer

Flocculation Tank (SMFT) Circular shape made of Flocculator shaft and blades
of MOC SS-304 & Flocculation Tank made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and
grade BR with a Retention time of 20 Minits , with all accessories cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring, welding, finishing,
cleaning required accessories and installation of S.M.F.T using the crain on the
pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS platform
between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the following
specifications Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of SMFT grade epoxy paint confirming IS
MOC of Flocculator shaft and blades Stainless Steel as per IS-304
Capacity of SMFT vessel 32000 Ltr
wall thick ness 6 mm
With 4" C Section and Chalked
walk way cum Bridge On top of SMFT
Floculator 1.50 HP (3 phase)
III LAMELLA CLARIFIER No 1660400.00 1660400.00

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Lamella

Clarifier made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and grade BR with all
accessories cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring,
welding, finishing, cleaning required accessories and installation of Lamella using
the crain on the pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS
platform between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the
following specifications. Angle of inclination ( Cos θ)= 55degree, with a Rise rate
of 1.80 m / Hr/ Sqm. Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50 micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of Lamella Clarifier grade epoxy paint confirming IS

Type of settling Inclined Plate type

MOC of inclined plates FRP

Lengeth of lamellaplates 2400 mm
Total no of lamellaplates 41 No
Hopper type with sludge drain and
Sludge storage
necessary valves
4" C section with chequgard plate
walkway for Operation and meintenance
of 4 mm thick Around the lamella
Ladder with raling to reach walkway on 3" L section with Round tube for
top of lamella raling

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5

Providing, Supplying & Installation of Storage System (Ground Level Storage

Reservoir) using Prefabricated Corrosion resistant Zincalume steel structures
made of as per IS- 15961 for intermediate balancing tank (filter feed tank) and
confirming to the following specifications:

Diameter of wall – 7380 mm and Height of wall (Excluding Doom roof) to be

3030 mm. The Material of construction of walls, liner and Doom roof to be
Zincalume steel, Heavy Duty PVC Food grade and Zincalume sheets in
knockdown form respectively to be assembled at site as per the drawings. Heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized external ladder (1 no) to be provided along with heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized access hatch. The rate is inclusive of the cost of
installation of tank on sand bed with bold down clamps & 4 nos of Nozzles made
of Galvanized steel to be provided for Inlet, Outlet, Drain and overflow.

MOC of Storage System Zincalume steel (IS 15961)

Diameter of tank 7380 mm
Height of tank (Excluding doom roof) 3030 mm
MOC of wall panels Zincalume alloy coated steel
MOC of Liner Heavy Duty PVC Food grade
Zincalume alloy coated High tensile
MOC of Doom roof
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
External ladder
(1 no)
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
Access hatch
(1 no)
Galvanized flanged head High
tensile steel bolts
Nozzles Galvanized steel ( 4 nos)
Butterfly valves 2 nos
Providing, Supplying & Installation of Three Phase openwell submersible
pump set (1+1 ) of approved make as filter feed pump with required accessories
etc. complete: fuses and fuse box, starter and panel board, ELCB, MCB, electrical Set of
V 347900.00 347900.00
cables from board to motor, piping for suction and delivery and for connection to Two Unit
the filter unit and rubber sheet support for pump and confirming to the following
Head 20 m
Flow rate 1,10,000 lph
Stater and Panel Board 1 Set
ELCB, MCB 1 set
Pipesize for inlet and outlet 100 mm
MOC of Impeller Cast Iron
MOC of Delivery Casing Cast Iron
MOC of Motor body Cast Iron
MOC of Motor shaft Stainless Steel
VI FILTRATION No 763700.00 763700.00
Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter with required accessories for connecting
the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure of 3.5 Kg/
cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following specifications: to
filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a filtrate with less
than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 5 mm and dish end thickness 5 mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the following specification:

Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2
Filter vessel dia 2200 mm
HOS 1875 mm
Frontal pipeline 150 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 6 mm
Dish end thickness 8 mm
Filter media Silex Silica sand
Pressure relief valve 1 no 20 mm
Pressure gauge 2 nos 150 mm dial
MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
MOC of vessel
VII DISINFECTION No 403900.00 403900.00

F)Providing of Disinfectant system (continuous Electro – Chlorinators /

Chlorine Generators) with required accessories for controlled dosing of Sodium
Hypochlorite solution suitable to the water flow. The Electro-chlorinator and
dosing system confirming to the following specification. The system should be
designed to generate the sodium hypochlorite solution automatically by drawing
required common salt from salt chamber, water from storage and electric power
and dose the sodium hypochlorite solution at the rate of 2.0 - 1.8 ppm .

b) The Electro-chlorinator is designed for

the following specification
Generator Capacity 200 grams / hour (continuous )
Salt Consumed 1 Kg / hour
Hypochlorite 7 ~ 8.0 Gpl
Process tank 50 Ltrs (FRP)
NaOCl Produced Per hour 35-40 liters
100000 LPH (approx.) with 2 ppm
Water that can be treated
Ractifier Full wave
Over load protection
Short circuit pritection
AC Power Consumed ……………….kw/hour
MOC of process chamber FRP
Salt chamber FRP

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Brine chamber FRP
FRP with storage capacity
Hypochlorite chlorite storage chamber
MS with FRP lining to protect from
MOC of stand and structure
Diaphram Dosing PUMP capacity 40 lph
2 nos
Automation Fully Micro controller
To feed brine water and Raw water
Micro controller
to process chamber
Define consistint constration of
brine solution
Auto control of contineous batch
process and hypo drain
flow control Solenoid valves
Sensors Flot Level Sensors
Cleaning of electrode Reveres polarity machanisum
Water treatment plant for the flow rate of 1,35,000 LPH (2.16
M.L.D) with 16 hour pumping

Design parameter- Supply installation and commissioning of the water treatment

plant capable to treat the water and make it potable at the flow rate of 135000
LPH with suspended solids level less than 2000ppm, and PH value and biological
impurities beyond permissible limits of potable water parameters.

I COAGULANT DOSING SYSTEM No 273000.00 273000.00

Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Agitator & Coagulant

Dosing System for 1.1 mld with required accessories etc. complete for connecting
to rising main and including the cost of vessel, stirrer, storage tank and dosing
system and also the cost of lead, lift and labour and maintenance of the equipments
during the defect liability period of 12 months and confirming to the following
specifications and as directed by Engineer - In- Charge:

MOC of Flash mixer Vessel and Storage FRP/Hdpe
Capacity of vessels 2000 liters
Diameter of mixing vessel 1327 mm
Height of mixing vessel 1572 mm
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
Coagulant dosing System
Mechanically actuated diaphragm
Type of dosing pump
type with drive motor
MOC of dosing pump head P.P.
MOC of diaphragm P.T.F.E.
MOC of gear housing for pump C.I. (powder coated)
MOC of pump and base M.S. powder coated
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
Polymer dosing System
Type of dosing pump Differencial doasing system
Capacity of vessels 500 liters
Stirrer with motor 1 No

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
II STATIC MIXER FLOCCULATION TANK ( S.M.F.T ) No 1708000.00 1708000.00

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Static Mixer

Flocculation Tank (SMFT) Circular shape made of Flocculator shaft and blades
of MOC SS-304 & Flocculation Tank made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and
grade BR with a Retention time of 20 Minits , with all accessories cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring, welding, finishing,
cleaning required accessories and installation of S.M.F.T using the crain on the
pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS platform
between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the following
specifications Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of SMFT grade epoxy paint confirming IS
MOC of Flocculator shaft and blades Stainless Steel as per IS-304
Capacity of SMFT vessel 42000 Ltr
wall thick ness 6 mm
With 4" C Section and Chalked
walk way cum Bridge On top of SMFT
Floculator 1.50 HP (3 phase)
III LAMELLA CLARIFIER No 2779000.00 2779000.00

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Lamella

Clarifier made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and grade BR with all
accessories cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring,
welding, finishing, cleaning required accessories and installation of Lamella using
the crain on the pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS
platform between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the
following specifications. Angle of inclination ( Cos θ)= 55degree, with a Rise rate
of 1.80 m / Hr/ Sqm. Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50 micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of Lamella Clarifier grade epoxy paint confirming IS
Type of settling Inclined Plate type
MOC of inclined plates FRP
Lengeth of lamellaplates 2400 mm
Total no of lamellaplates 59 No
Hopper type with sludge drain and
Sludge storage
necessary valves
4" C section with chequgard plate
walkway for Operation and meintenance
of 4 mm thick Around the lamella

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Ladder with raling to reach walkway on 3" L section with Round tube for
top of lamella raling

Providing, Supplying & Installation of Storage System (Ground Level Storage

Reservoir) using Prefabricated Corrosion resistant Zincalume steel structures
made of as per IS- 15961 for intermediate balancing tank (filter feed tank) and
confirming to the following specifications:

Diameter of wall – 7380 mm and Height of wall (Excluding Doom roof) to be

3030 mm. The Material of construction of walls, liner and Doom roof to be
Zincalume steel, Heavy Duty PVC Food grade and Zincalume sheets in
knockdown form respectively to be assembled at site as per the drawings. Heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized external ladder (1 no) to be provided along with heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized access hatch. The rate is inclusive of the cost of
installation of tank on sand bed with bold down clamps & 4 nos of Nozzles made
of Galvanized steel to be provided for Inlet, Outlet, Drain and overflow.

MOC of Storage System Zincalume steel (IS 15961)

Diameter of tank 7380 mm
Height of tank (Excluding doom roof) 3030 mm
MOC of wall panels Zincalume alloy coated steel
MOC of Liner Heavy Duty PVC Food grade
Zincalume alloy coated High tensile
MOC of Doom roof
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
External ladder
(1 no)
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
Access hatch
(1 no)
Galvanized flanged head High
tensile steel bolts
Nozzles Galvanized steel ( 4 nos)
Butterfly valves 2 nos

Providing, Supplying & Installation of Three Phase openwell submersible

pump set (1+1 ) of approved make as filter feed pump with required accessories
etc. complete: fuses and fuse box, starter and panel board, ELCB, MCB, electrical set of
V 436100.00 436100.00
cables from board to motor, piping for suction and delivery and for connection to Two Unit
the filter unit and rubber sheet support for pump and confirming to the following

Head 20 m
Flow rate 1,35,000 lph
Stater and Panel Board 1 Set
ELCB, MCB 1 set
Pipesize for inlet and outlet 100 mm
MOC of Impeller Cast Iron
MOC of Delivery Casing Cast Iron
MOC of Motor body Cast Iron
MOC of Motor shaft Stainless Steel

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
VI FILTRATION No 836500.00 836500.00
Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter with required accessories for connecting
the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure of 3.5 Kg/
cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following specifications: to
filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a filtrate with less
than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 5 mm and dish end thickness 5 mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the following specification:

Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2

Filter vessel dia 2400 mm
HOS 1875 mm
Frontal pipeline 150 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 6 mm
Dish end thickness 8 mm
Filter media Silex Silica sand
Pressure relief valve 1 no 20 mm
Pressure gauge 2 nos 150 mm dial
MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
MOC of vessel
VII DISINFECTION No 471100.00 471100.00

Providing of Contineious type Disinfectant system (Electro – Chlorinators /

Chlorine Generators) with required accessories for dosing the Sodium
Hypochlorite solution suitable to control feed rate and the Electro-chlorinator and
dosing system confirming to the following specification. The system should
generate the sodium hypochlorite solution on site utilizing only food grade salt,
water and electric power and dose the produced sodium hypochlorite solution at
the rate of 2.0 - 1.8 ppm and as per enclosed drawing.

b) The Electro-chlorinator is designed for

the following specification
Generator Capacity 300 grams / hour (continuous )
Salt Consumed 1.5 Kg / hour
Hypochlorite 7 ~ 8.0 Gpl
Process tank 70 Ltrs (FRP)
NaOCl Produced Per hour 50-55 liters
135000 LPH (approx.) with 2 ppm
Water that can be treated

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Ractifier Full wave
Over load protection
Short circuit pritection
AC Power Consumed ……………….kw/hour
MOC of process chamber FRP
Salt chamber FRP
Brine chamber FRP
FRP with storage capacity
Hypochlorite chlorite storage chamber
MS with FRP lining to protect from
MOC of stand and structure
Diaphram Dosing PUMP capacity 60 lph
2 nos
Automation Fully Micro controller
To feed brine water and Raw water
Micro controller
to process chamber
Define consistint constration of
brine solution
Auto control of contineous batch
process and hypo drain
flow control Solenoid valves
Sensors Flot Level Sensors
Cleaning of electrode Reveres polarity machanisum
Water treatment plant for the flow rate of 1,50,000 LPH(2.40
M.L.D ) with 16 hour pumping

Design parameter - Supply installation and commissioning of the water treatment

plant capable to treat the water and make it potable at the flow rate of 150000
LPH with suspended solids level less than 2000ppm, and PH value and biological
impurities beyond permissible limits of potable water parameters.

I COAGULANT DOSING SYSTEM No 273000.00 273000.00

Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Agitator & Coagulant

Dosing System for 1.1 mld with required accessories etc. complete for connecting
to rising main and including the cost of vessel, stirrer, storage tank and dosing
system and also the cost of lead, lift and labour and maintenance of the equipments
during the defect liability period of 12 months and confirming to the following
specifications and as directed by Engineer - In- Charge:

MOC of Flash mixer Vessel and Storage FRP/Hdpe
Capacity of vessels 2000 liters
Diameter of mixing vessel 1327 mm
Height of mixing vessel 1572 mm
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
Coagulant dosing System
Mechanically actuated diaphragm
Type of dosing pump
type with drive motor
MOC of dosing pump head P.P.
MOC of diaphragm P.T.F.E.
MOC of gear housing for pump C.I. (powder coated)
MOC of pump and base M.S. powder coated

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
Polymer dosing System
Type of dosing pump Differencial doasing system
Capacity of vessels 500 liters
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
II STATIC MIXER FLOCCULATION TANK ( S.M.F.T ) No 1932000.00 1932000.00

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Static Mixer

Flocculation Tank (SMFT) Circular shape made of Flocculator shaft and blades
of MOC SS-304 & Flocculation Tank made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and
grade BR with a Retention time of 20 Minits , with all accessories cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring, welding, finishing,
cleaning required accessories and installation of S.M.F.T using the crain on the
pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS platform
between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the following
specifications Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of SMFT grade epoxy paint confirming IS
MOC of Flocculator shaft and blades Stainless Steel as per IS-304
Capacity of SMFT vessel 48000 Ltr
wall thick ness 6 mm
With 4" C Section and Chalked
walk way cum Bridge On top of SMFT
Floculator 1.50 HP (3 phase)
III LAMELLA CLARIFIER No 2779000.00 2779000.00

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Lamella

Clarifier made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and grade BR with all
accessories cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring,
welding, finishing, cleaning required accessories and installation of Lamella using
the crain on the pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS
platform between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the
following specifications. Angle of inclination ( Cos θ)= 55degree, with a Rise rate
of 1.80 m / Hr/ Sqm. Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50 micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of Lamella Clarifier grade epoxy paint confirming IS
Type of settling Inclined Plate type
MOC of inclined plates FRP
Lengeth of lamellaplates 2400 mm
Total no of lamellaplates 59 No

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Hopper type with sludge drain and
Sludge storage
necessary valves
4" C section with chequgard plate
walkway for Operation and meintenance
of 4 mm thick Around the lamella
Ladder with raling to reach walkway on 3" L section with Round tube for
top of lamella raling

Providing, Supplying & Installation of Storage System (Ground Level Storage

Reservoir) using Prefabricated Corrosion resistant Zincalume steel structures
made of as per IS- 15961 for intermediate balancing tank (filter feed tank) and
confirming to the following specifications:

Diameter of wall – 8300 mm and Height of wall (Excluding Doom roof) to be

3030 mm. The Material of construction of walls, liner and Doom roof to be
Zincalume steel, Heavy Duty PVC Food grade and Zincalume sheets in
knockdown form respectively to be assembled at site as per the drawings. Heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized external ladder (1 no) to be provided along with heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized access hatch. The rate is inclusive of the cost of
installation of tank on sand bed with bold down clamps & 4 nos of Nozzles made
of Galvanized steel to be provided for Inlet, Outlet, Drain and overflow.

MOC of Storage System Zincalume steel (IS 15961)

Diameter of tank 8300 mm
Height of tank (Excluding doom roof) 3030 mm
MOC of wall panels Zincalume alloy coated steel
MOC of Liner Heavy Duty PVC Food grade
Zincalume alloy coated High tensile
MOC of Doom roof
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
External ladder
(1 no)
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
Access hatch
(1 no)
Galvanized flanged head High
tensile steel bolts
Nozzles Galvanized steel ( 4 nos)
Butterfly valves 2 nos
Providing, Supplying & Installation of Three Phase MONO submersible pump
set (1+1 ) of approved make as filter feed pump with required accessories etc.
complete: fuses and fuse box, starter and panel board, ELCB, MCB, electrical Set of
V 508200.00 508200.00
cables from board to motor, piping for suction and delivery and for connection to Two Unit
the filter unit and rubber sheet support for pump and confirming to the following
Head 20 m
Flow rate 1,50,000 lph
Stater and Panel Board 1 Set
ELCB, MCB 1 set
Pipesize for inlet and outlet 100 mm
MOC of Impeller Cast Iron
MOC of Delivery Casing Cast Iron
MOC of Motor body Cast Iron
MOC of Motor shaft Stainless Steel

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
VI FILTRATION No 926100.00 926100.00
Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter with required accessories for connecting
the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure of 3.5 Kg/
cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following specifications: to
filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a filtrate with less
than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 5 mm and dish end thickness 5 mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for
the following specification:
Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2
Filter vessel dia 2600 mm
HOS 1875 mm
Frontal pipeline 150 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 6 mm
Dish end thickness 8 mm
Filter media Silex Silica sand
Pressure relief valve 1 no 20 mm
Pressure gauge 2 nos 150 mm dial
MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
MOC of vessel
VII DISINFECTION No 471100.00 471100.00

F)Providing of Contineious type Disinfectant system (Electro – Chlorinators /

Chlorine Generators) with required accessories for dosing the Sodium
Hypochlorite solution suitable to control feed rate and the Electro-chlorinator and
dosing system confirming to the following specification. The system should
generate the sodium hypochlorite solution on site utilizing only food grade salt,
water and electric power and dose the produced sodium hypochlorite solution at
the rate of 2.0 - 1.8 ppm and as per enclosed drawing.

b) The Electro-chlorinator is designed for the following specification

Generator Capacity 300 grams / hour (continuous )
Salt Consumed 1.5 Kg / hour
Hypochlorite 7 ~ 8.0 Gpl
Process tank 70 Ltrs (FRP)
NaOCl Produced Per hour 50-55 liters
150000 LPH (approx.) with 2 ppm
Water that can be treated
Ractifier Full wave
Over load protection
Short circuit pritection
AC Power Consumed ……………….kw/hour
MOC of process chamber FRP
Salt chamber FRP

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Brine chamber FRP
FRP with storage capacity
Hypochlorite chlorite storage chamber
MS with FRP lining to protect from
MOC of stand and structure
Diaphram Dosing PUMP capacity 60 lph
2 nos
Automation Fully Micro controller
To feed brine water and Raw water
Micro controller
to process chamber
Define consistint constration of
brine solution
Auto control of contineous batch
process and hypo drain
flow control Solenoid valves
Sensors Flot Level Sensors
Cleaning of electrode Reveres polarity machanisum
Water treatment plant for the flow rate of 1,85,000 LPH
( 2.96 M.L.D ) with 16 hour pumping

Design parameter- Supply installation and commissioning of the water treatment

plant capable to treat the water and make it potable at the flow rate of 185000
LPH with suspended solids level less than 2000ppm, and PH value and biological
impurities beyond permissible limits of potable water parameters.

I COAGULANT DOSING SYSTEM No 273000.00 273000.00

Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Agitator & Coagulant

Dosing System for 1.1 mld with required accessories etc. complete for connecting
to rising main and including the cost of vessel, stirrer, storage tank and dosing
system and also the cost of lead, lift and labour and maintenance of the equipments
during the defect liability period of 12 months and confirming to the following
specifications and as directed by Engineer - In- Charge:

MOC of Flash mixer Vessel and Storage FRP/Hdpe
Capacity of vessels 2500 liters
Diameter of mixing vessel 1475 mm
Height of mixing vessel 1690 mm
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
Coagulant dosing System
Mechanically actuated diaphragm
Type of dosing pump
type with drive motor
MOC of dosing pump head P.P.
MOC of diaphragm P.T.F.E.
MOC of gear housing for pump C.I. (powder coated)
MOC of pump and base M.S. powder coated
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
Polymer dosing System
Type of dosing pump Differencial doasing system
Capacity of vessels 500 liters
Stirrer with motor 1 No

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
II STATIC MIXER FLOCCULATION TANK ( S.M.F.T ) No 2089500.00 2089500.00

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Static Mixer

Flocculation Tank (SMFT) Circular shape made of Flocculator shaft and blades
of MOC SS-304 & Flocculation Tank made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and
grade BR with a Retention time of 20 Minits , with all accessories cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring, welding, finishing,
cleaning required accessories and installation of S.M.F.T using the crain on the
pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS platform
between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the following
specifications Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of SMFT grade epoxy paint confirming IS
MOC of Flocculator shaft and blades Stainless Steel as per IS-304
Capacity of SMFT vessel 55000 Ltr
wall thick ness 6 mm
With 4" C Section and Chalked
walk way cum Bridge On top of SMFT
Floculator 1.50 HP (3 phase)
III LAMELLA CLARIFIER No 3472000.00 3472000.00

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Lamella

Clarifier made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and grade BR with all
accessories cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring,
welding, finishing, cleaning required accessories and installation of Lamella using
the crain on the pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS
platform between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the
following specifications. Angle of inclination ( Cos θ)= 55degree, with a Rise rate
of 1.80 m / Hr/ Sqm. Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50 micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of Lamella Clarifier grade epoxy paint confirming IS
Type of settling Inclined Plate type
MOC of inclined plates FRP
Lengeth of lamellaplates 2400 mm
Total no of lamellaplates 82 No
Hopper type with sludge drain and
Sludge storage
necessary valves
4" C section with chequgard plate
walkway for Operation and meintenance
of 4 mm thick Around the lamella
Ladder with raling to reach walkway on 3" L section with Round tube for
top of lamella raling

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
IV CLARIFIED WATER STORAGE TANK No 1208900.00 1208900.00
Providing, Supplying & Installation of Storage System (Ground Level Storage
Reservoir) using Prefabricated Corrosion resistant Zincalume steel structures
made of as per IS- 15961 for intermediate balancing tank (filter feed tank) and
confirming to the following specifications:

Diameter of wall – 9230 mm and Height of wall (Excluding Doom roof) to be

3030 mm. The Material of construction of walls, liner and Doom roof to be
Zincalume steel, Heavy Duty PVC Food grade and Zincalume sheets in
knockdown form respectively to be assembled at site as per the drawings. Heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized external ladder (1 no) to be provided along with heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized access hatch. The rate is inclusive of the cost of
installation of tank on sand bed with bold down clamps & 4 nos of Nozzles made
of Galvanized steel to be provided for Inlet, Outlet, Drain and overflow.

MOC of Storage System Zincalume steel (IS 15961)

Diameter of tank 9230 mm
Height of tank (Excluding doom roof) 3030 mm
MOC of wall panels Zincalume alloy coated steel
MOC of Liner Heavy Duty PVC Food grade
Zincalume alloy coated High tensile
MOC of Doom roof
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
External ladder
(1 no)
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
Access hatch
(1 no)
Galvanized flanged head High
tensile steel bolts
Nozzles Galvanized steel ( 4 nos)
Butterfly valves 2 nos

Providing, Supplying & Installation of Three Phase MONO submersible pump

set (1+1 ) of approved make as filter feed pump with required accessories etc.
complete: fuses and fuse box, starter and panel board, ELCB, MCB, electrical Set of
V 581000.00 581000.00
cables from board to motor, piping for suction and delivery and for connection to Two Unit
the filter unit and rubber sheet support for pump and confirming to the following

Head 20 m
Flow rate 1,85,000 lph
Stater and Panel Board 1 Set
ELCB, MCB 1 set
Pipesize for inlet and outlet 100 mm
MOC of Impeller Cast Iron
MOC of Delivery Casing Cast Iron
MOC of Motor body Cast Iron
MOC of Motor shaft Stainless Steel
VI FILTRATION No 1046500.00 1046500.00
Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter with required accessories for connecting
the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure of 3.5 Kg/
cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following specifications: to
filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a filtrate with less
than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 5 mm and dish end thickness 5 mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the following specification:

Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2

Filter vessel dia 2800 mm
HOS 1875 mm
Frontal pipeline 200 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 6 mm
Dish end thickness 8 mm
Filter media Silex Silica sand
Pressure relief valve 1 no 20 mm
Pressure gauge 2 nos 150 mm dial
MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
MOC of vessel
VII DISINFECTION No 471100.00 471100.00

F)Providing of Contineious type Disinfectant system (Electro – Chlorinators /

Chlorine Generators) with required accessories for dosing the Sodium
Hypochlorite solution suitable to control feed rate and the Electro-chlorinator and
dosing system confirming to the following specification. The system should
generate the sodium hypochlorite solution on site utilizing only food grade salt,
water and electric power and dose the produced sodium hypochlorite solution at
the rate of 2.0 - 1.8 ppm and as per enclosed drawing.

b) The Electro-chlorinator is designed for the following specification

Generator Capacity 300 grams / hour (continuous )
Salt Consumed 1.5 Kg / hour
Hypochlorite 7 ~ 8.0 Gpl
Process tank 70 Ltrs (FRP)
NaOCl Produced Per hour 50-55 liters
185000 LPH (approx.) with 2 ppm
Water that can be treated
Ractifier Full wave
Over load protection
Short circuit pritection
AC Power Consumed ……………….kw/hour
MOC of process chamber FRP
Salt chamber FRP

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Brine chamber FRP
FRP with storage capacity
Hypochlorite chlorite storage chamber
MS with FRP lining to protect from
MOC of stand and structure
Diaphram Dosing PUMP capacity 60 lph
2 nos
Automation Fully Micro controller
To feed brine water and Raw water
Micro controller
to process chamber
Define consistint constration of
brine solution
Auto control of contineous batch
process and hypo drain
flow control Solenoid valves
Sensors Flot Level Sensors
Cleaning of electrode Reveres polarity machanisum
Water treatment plant for the flow rate of2,00,000 LPH
( 3.20 M.L.D ) with 16 hour pumping

Design parameter- Supply installation and commissioning of the water treatment

plant capable to treat the water and make it potable at the flow rate of 200000
LPH with suspended solids level less than 2000ppm, and PH value and biological
impurities beyond permissible limits of potable water parameters.

I COAGULANT DOSING SYSTEM No 283500.00 283500.00

Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Agitator & Coagulant

Dosing System with required accessories etc. complete for connecting to rising
main and including the cost of vessel, stirrer, storage tank and dosing system and
also the cost of lead, lift and labour and maintenance of the equipments during the
defect liability period of 12 months and confirming to the following specifications
and as directed by Engineer - In- Charge:
MOC of Flash mixer Vessel and Storage FRP/Hdpe
Capacity of vessels 3000 liters
Diameter of mixing vessel 1475 mm
Height of mixing vessel 1987 mm
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
Coagulant dosing System
Mechanically actuated diaphragm
Type of dosing pump
type with drive motor
MOC of dosing pump head P.P.
MOC of diaphragm P.T.F.E.
MOC of gear housing for pump C.I. (powder coated)
MOC of pump and base M.S. powder coated
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
Polymer dosing System
Type of dosing pump Differencial doasing system
Capacity of vessels 500 liters
Stirrer with motor 1 No

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
II STATIC MIXER FLOCCULATION TANK ( S.M.F.T ) No 2089500.00 2089500.00

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Static Mixer

Flocculation Tank (SMFT) Circular shape made of Flocculator shaft and blades
of MOC SS-304 & Flocculation Tank made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and
grade BR with a Retention time of 20 Minits , with all accessories cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring, welding, finishing,
cleaning required accessories and installation of S.M.F.T using the crain on the
pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS platform
between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the following
specifications Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of SMFT grade epoxy paint confirming IS
MOC of Flocculator shaft and blades Stainless Steel as per IS-304
Capacity of SMFT vessel 55000 Ltr
wall thick ness 6 mm
With 4" C Section and Chalked
walk way cum Bridge On top of SMFT
Floculator 1.50 HP (3 phase)
III LAMELLA CLARIFIER No 3472000.00 3472000.00

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Lamella

Clarifier made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and grade BR with all
accessories cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring,
welding, finishing, cleaning required accessories and installation of Lamella using
the crain on the pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS
platform between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the
following specifications. Angle of inclination ( Cos θ)= 55degree, with a Rise rate
of 1.80 m / Hr/ Sqm. Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50 micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of Lamella Clarifier grade epoxy paint confirming IS
Type of settling Inclined Plate type
MOC of inclined plates FRP
Lengeth of lamellaplates 2400 mm
Total no of lamellaplates 82 No
Hopper type with sludge drain and
Sludge storage
necessary valves
4" C section with chequgard plate
walkway for Operation and meintenance
of 4 mm thick Around the lamella

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Ladder with raling to reach walkway on 3" L section with Round tube for
top of lamella raling
IV CLARIFIED WATER STORAGE TANK No 1204000.00 1204000.00

Providing, Supplying & Installation of Storage System (Ground Level Storage

Reservoir) using Prefabricated Corrosion resistant Zincalume steel structures
made of as per IS- 15961 for intermediate balancing tank (filter feed tank) and
confirming to the following specifications:

Diameter of wall – 9230 mm and Height of wall (Excluding Doom roof) to be

3030 mm. The Material of construction of walls, liner and Doom roof to be
Zincalume steel, Heavy Duty PVC Food grade and Zincalume sheets in
knockdown form respectively to be assembled at site as per the drawings. Heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized external ladder (1 no) to be provided along with heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized access hatch. The rate is inclusive of the cost of
installation of tank on sand bed with bold down clamps & 4 nos of Nozzles made
of Galvanized steel to be provided for Inlet, Outlet, Drain and overflow.

MOC of Storage System Zincalume steel (IS 15961)

Diameter of tank 9230 mm
Height of tank (Excluding doom roof) 3030 mm
MOC of wall panels Zincalume alloy coated steel
MOC of Liner Heavy Duty PVC Food grade
Zincalume alloy coated High tensile
MOC of Doom roof
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
External ladder
(1 no)
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
Access hatch
(1 no)
Galvanized flanged head High
tensile steel bolts
Nozzles Galvanized steel ( 4 nos)
Butterfly valves 2 nos
Providing, Supplying & Installation of Three Phase MONO submersible
pump set (1+1 ) of approved make as filter feed pump with required accessories
etc. complete: fuses and fuse box, starter and panel board, ELCB, MCB, electrical set of
V 726600.00 726600.00
cables from board to motor, piping for suction and delivery and for connection to Two Unit
the filter unit and rubber sheet support for pump and confirming to the following
Head 20 m
Flow rate 2,00,000 lph
Stater and Panel Board 1 Set
ELCB, MCB 1 set
Pipesize for inlet and outlet 100 mm
MOC of Impeller Cast Iron
MOC of Delivery Casing Cast Iron
MOC of Motor body Cast Iron
MOC of Motor shaft Stainless Steel
VI FILTRATION No 1134000.00 1134000.00
Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter with required accessories for connecting
the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure of 3.5 Kg/
cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following specifications: to
filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a filtrate with less
than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 5 mm and dish end thickness 5 mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the following specification:

Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2
Filter vessel dia 3000 mm
HOS 1875 mm
Frontal pipeline 200 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 6 mm
Dish end thickness 8 mm
Filter media Silex Silica sand
Pressure relief valve 1 no 20 mm
Pressure gauge 2 nos 150 mm dial
MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
MOC of vessel
VII DISINFECTION No 539000.00 539000.00
F)Providing of Contineious type Disinfectant system (Electro – Chlorinators /
Chlorine Generators) with required accessories for dosing the Sodium
Hypochlorite solution suitable to control feed rate and the Electro-chlorinator and
dosing system confirming to the following specification. The system should
generate the sodium hypochlorite solution on site utilizing only food grade salt,
water and electric power and dose the produced sodium hypochlorite solution at
the rate of 2.0 - 1.8 ppm and as per enclosed drawing.

b) The Electro-chlorinator is designed for the following specification

Generator Capacity 400 grams / hour (continuous )

Salt Consumed 2 Kg / hour
Hypochlorite 7 ~ 8.0 Gpl
Process tank 100 Ltrs (FRP)
NaOCl Produced Per hour 70-80 liters
200000 LPH (approx.) with 2 ppm
Water that can be treated
Ractifier Full wave
Over load protection
Short circuit pritection
AC Power Consumed ……………….kw/hour
MOC of process chamber FRP
Salt chamber FRP

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Brine chamber FRP
FRP with storage capacity
Hypochlorite chlorite storage chamber
MS with FRP lining to protect from
MOC of stand and structure
Diaphram Dosing PUMP capacity 200 lph
2 nos
Automation Fully Micro controller
To feed brine water and Raw water
Micro controller
to process chamber
Define consistint constration of
brine solution
Auto control of contineous batch
process and hypo drain
flow control Solenoid valves
Sensors Flot Level Sensors
Cleaning of electrode Reveres polarity machanisum
Water treatment plant for the flow rate of 2,25,000 LPH
( 3.60 M.L.D ) with 16 hour pumping

Design parameter- Supply installation and commissioning of the water treatment

plant capable to treat the water and make it potable at the flow rate of 225000
LPH with suspended solids level less than 2000ppm, and PH value and biological
impurities beyond permissible limits of potable water parameters.

I COAGULANT DOSING SYSTEM No 290500.00 290500.00

Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Agitator & Coagulant

Dosing System for 1.1 mld with required accessories etc. complete for connecting
to rising main and including the cost of vessel, stirrer, storage tank and dosing
system and also the cost of lead, lift and labour and maintenance of the equipments
during the defect liability period of 12 months and confirming to the following
specifications and as directed by Engineer - In- Charge:

MOC of Flash mixer Vessel and Storage FRP/Hdpe
Capacity of vessels 3000 liters
Diameter of mixing vessel 1475 mm
Height of mixing vessel 1987 mm
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
Coagulant dosing System
Mechanically actuated diaphragm
Type of dosing pump
type with drive motor
MOC of dosing pump head P.P.
MOC of diaphragm P.T.F.E.
MOC of gear housing for pump C.I. (powder coated)
MOC of pump and base M.S. powder coated
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
Polymer dosing System
Type of dosing pump Differencial doasing system
Capacity of vessels 1000 liters
Stirrer with motor 1 No

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
II STATIC MIXER FLOCCULATION TANK ( S.M.F.T ) No 2118900.00 2118900.00

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Static Mixer

Flocculation Tank (SMFT) Circular shape made of Flocculator shaft and blades
of MOC SS-304 & Flocculation Tank made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and
grade BR with a Retention time of 20 Minits , with all accessories cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring, welding, finishing,
cleaning required accessories and installation of S.M.F.T using the crain on the
pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS platform
between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the following
specifications Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of SMFT grade epoxy paint confirming IS
MOC of Flocculator shaft and blades Stainless Steel as per IS-304
Capacity of SMFT vessel 65000 Ltr
wall thick ness 6 mm
With 4" C Section and Chalked
walk way cum Bridge On top of SMFT
Floculator 1.50 HP (3 phase)
III LAMELLA CLARIFIER No 3472000.00 3472000.00

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Lamella

Clarifier made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and grade BR with all
accessories cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring,
welding, finishing, cleaning required accessories and installation of Lamella using
the crain on the pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS
platform between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the
following specifications. Angle of inclination ( Cos θ)= 55degree, with a Rise rate
of 1.80 m / Hr/ Sqm. Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50 micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of Lamella Clarifier grade epoxy paint confirming IS
Type of settling Inclined Plate type
MOC of inclined plates FRP
Lengeth of lamellaplates 2400 mm
Total no of lamellaplates 82 No
Hopper type with sludge drain and
Sludge storage
necessary valves
4" C section with chequgard plate
walkway for Operation and meintenance
of 4 mm thick Around the lamella

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Ladder with raling to reach walkway on 3" L section with Round tube for
top of lamella raling
IV CLARIFIED WATER STORAGE TANK No 1379000.00 1379000.00

Providing, Supplying & Installation of Storage System (Ground Level Storage

Reservoir) using Prefabricated Corrosion resistant Zincalume steel structures
made of as per IS- 15961 for intermediate balancing tank (filter feed tank) and
confirming to the following specifications:

Diameter of wall – 10150 mm and Height of wall (Excluding Doom roof) to be

3030 mm. The Material of construction of walls, liner and Doom roof to be
Zincalume steel, Heavy Duty PVC Food grade and Zincalume sheets in
knockdown form respectively to be assembled at site as per the drawings. Heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized external ladder (1 no) to be provided along with heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized access hatch. The rate is inclusive of the cost of
installation of tank on sand bed with bold down clamps & 4 nos of Nozzles made
of Galvanized steel to be provided for Inlet, Outlet, Drain and overflow.
MOC of Storage System Zincalume steel (IS 15961)
Diameter of tank 10150 mm
Height of tank (Excluding doom roof) 3030 mm
MOC of wall panels Zincalume alloy coated steel
MOC of Liner Heavy Duty PVC Food grade
Zincalume alloy coated High tensile
MOC of Doom roof
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
External ladder
(1 no)
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
Access hatch
(1 no)
Galvanized flanged head High
tensile steel bolts
Nozzles Galvanized steel ( 4 nos)
Butterfly valves 2 nos
Providing, Supplying & Installation of Three Phase MONO submersible pump
set (1+1 ) of approved make as filter feed pump with required accessories etc.
complete: fuses and fuse box, starter and panel board, ELCB, MCB, electrical Set of
V 726600.00 726600.00
cables from board to motor, piping for suction and delivery and for connection to Two Unit
the filter unit and rubber sheet support for pump and confirming to the following
Head 20 m
Flow rate 2,25,000 lph
Stater and Panel Board 1 Set
ELCB, MCB 1 set
Pipesize for inlet and outlet 125 MM & 150 MM
MOC of Impeller Cast Iron
MOC of Delivery Casing Cast Iron
MOC of Motor body Cast Iron
MOC of Motor shaft Stainless Steel
VI FILTRATION No 1288000.00 1288000.00
Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter with required accessories for connecting
the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure of 3.5 Kg/
cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following specifications: to
filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a filtrate with less
than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 5 mm and dish end thickness 5 mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the following specification:
Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2
Filter vessel dia 3200 mm
HOS 1875 mm
Frontal pipeline 200 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 6 mm
Dish end thickness 8 mm
Filter media Silex Silica sand
Pressure relief valve 1 no 20 mm
Pressure gauge 2 nos 150 mm dial
MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
MOC of vessel
VII DISINFECTION No 539000.00 539000.00

F)Providing of Contineious type Disinfectant system (Electro – Chlorinators /

Chlorine Generators) with required accessories for dosing the Sodium
Hypochlorite solution suitable to control feed rate and the Electro-chlorinator and
dosing system confirming to the following specification. The system should
generate the sodium hypochlorite solution on site utilizing only food grade salt,
water and electric power and dose the produced sodium hypochlorite solution at
the rate of 2.0 - 1.8 ppm and as per enclosed drawing.

b) The Electro-chlorinator is designed for the following specification

Generator Capacity 400 grams / hour (continuous )
Salt Consumed 2 Kg / hour
Hypochlorite 7 ~ 8.0 Gpl
Process tank 100 Ltrs (FRP)
NaOCl Produced Per hour 70-80 liters
225000 LPH (approx.) with 2 ppm
Water that can be treated
Ractifier Full wave
Over load protection
Short circuit pritection
AC Power Consumed ……………….kw/hour
MOC of process chamber FRP
Salt chamber FRP
Brine chamber FRP
FRP with storage capacity
Hypochlorite chlorite storage chamber
MS with FRP lining to protect from
MOC of stand and structure
Diaphram Dosing PUMP capacity 200 lph
2 nos
Automation Fully Micro controller

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
To feed brine water and Raw water
Micro controller
to process chamber
Define consistint constration of
brine solution
Auto control of contineous batch
process and hypo drain
flow control Solenoid valves
Sensors Flot Level Sensors
Cleaning of electrode Reveres polarity machanisum
Water treatment plant for the flow rate of 2,50,000 LPH
(4.00 MLD ) with 16 hour pumping

Design parameter- Supply installation and commissioning of the water treatment

plant capable to treat the water and make it potable at the flow rate of 250000
LPH with suspended solids level less than 2000ppm, and PH value and biological
impurities beyond permissible limits of potable water parameters.

I COAGULANT DOSING SYSTEM No 297500.00 297500.00

Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Agitator & Coagulant

Dosing System for 1.1 mld with required accessories etc. complete for connecting
to rising main and including the cost of vessel, stirrer, storage tank and dosing
system and also the cost of lead, lift and labour and maintenance of the equipments
during the defect liability period of 12 months and confirming to the following
specifications and as directed by Engineer - In- Charge:

MOC of Flash mixer Vessel and Storage FRP/Hdpe
Capacity of vessels 3500 liters
Diameter of mixing vessel 1475 mm
Height of mixing vessel 1987 mm
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
Coagulant dosing System
Mechanically actuated diaphragm
Type of dosing pump
type with drive motor
MOC of dosing pump head P.P.
MOC of diaphragm P.T.F.E.
MOC of gear housing for pump C.I. (powder coated)
MOC of pump and base M.S. powder coated
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
Polymer dosing System
Type of dosing pump Differencial doasing system
Capacity of vessels 1000 liters
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
II STATIC MIXER FLOCCULATION TANK ( S.M.F.T ) No 2118900.00 2118900.00

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Static Mixer

Flocculation Tank (SMFT) Circular shape made of Flocculator shaft and blades
of MOC SS-304 & Flocculation Tank made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and
grade BR with a Retention time of 20 Minits , with all accessories cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring, welding, finishing,
cleaning required accessories and installation of S.M.F.T using the crain on the
pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS platform
between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the following
specifications Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of SMFT grade epoxy paint confirming IS
MOC of Flocculator shaft and blades Stainless Steel as per IS-304
Capacity of SMFT vessel 65000 Ltr
wall thick ness 6 mm
With 4" C Section and Chalked
walk way cum Bridge On top of SMFT
Floculator 1.50 HP (3 phase)
Set of
III LAMELLA CLARIFIER 5558000.00 5558000.00
Two Unit

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Lamella

Clarifier made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and grade BR with all
accessories cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring,
welding, finishing, cleaning required accessories and installation of Lamella using
the crain on the pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS
platform between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the
following specifications. Angle of inclination ( Cos θ)= 55degree, with a Rise rate
of 1.80 m / Hr/ Sqm. Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50 micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of Lamella Clarifier grade epoxy paint confirming IS
Type of settling Inclined Plate type
MOC of inclined plates FRP
Lengeth of lamellaplates 2400 mm
Total no of lamellaplates 59 No
Hopper type with sludge drain and
Sludge storage
necessary valves

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
4" C section with chequgard plate
walkway for Operation and meintenance
of 4 mm thick Around the lamella
Ladder with raling to reach walkway on 3" L section with Round tube for
top of lamella raling
IV CLARIFIED WATER STORAGE TANK No 1379000.00 1379000.00

Providing, Supplying & Installation of Storage System (Ground Level Storage

Reservoir) using Prefabricated Corrosion resistant Zincalume steel structures
made of as per IS- 15961 for intermediate balancing tank (filter feed tank) and
confirming to the following specifications:

Diameter of wall – 10150 mm and Height of wall (Excluding Doom roof) to be

3030 mm. The Material of construction of walls, liner and Doom roof to be
Zincalume steel, Heavy Duty PVC Food grade and Zincalume sheets in
knockdown form respectively to be assembled at site as per the drawings. Heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized external ladder (1 no) to be provided along with heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized access hatch. The rate is inclusive of the cost of
installation of tank on sand bed with bold down clamps & 4 nos of Nozzles made
of Galvanized steel to be provided for Inlet, Outlet, Drain and overflow.

MOC of Storage System Zincalume steel (IS 15961)

Diameter of tank 10150 mm
Height of tank (Excluding doom roof) 3030 mm
MOC of wall panels Zincalume alloy coated steel
MOC of Liner Heavy Duty PVC Food grade
Zincalume alloy coated High tensile
MOC of Doom roof
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
External ladder
(1 no)
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
Access hatch
(1 no)
Galvanized flanged head High
tensile steel bolts
Nozzles Galvanized steel ( 4 nos)
Butterfly valves 2 nos
Providing, Supplying & Installation of Three Phase MONO submersible pump
set (1+1 ) of approved make as filter feed pump with required accessories etc.
complete: fuses and fuse box, starter and panel board, ELCB, MCB, electrical set of
V 909300.00 909300.00
cables from board to motor, piping for suction and delivery and for connection to Two Unit
the filter unit and rubber sheet support for pump and confirming to the following
Head 20 m
Flow rate 2,50,000 lph
Stater and Panel Board 1 Set
ELCB, MCB 1 set
Pipesize for inlet and outlet 125 MM & 150 MM
MOC of Impeller Cast Iron
MOC of Delivery Casing Cast Iron
MOC of Motor body Cast Iron
MOC of Motor shaft Stainless Steel

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Set of
VI FILTRATION 1673000.00 1673000.00
Two Unit

Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter with required accessories for connecting

the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure of 3.5 Kg/
cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following specifications: to
filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a filtrate with less
than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 5 mm and dish end thickness 5 mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for

the following specification:
Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2
Filter vessel dia 2400 mm
HOS 1875 mm
Frontal pipeline 150 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 6 mm
Dish end thickness 8 mm
Filter media Silex Silica sand
Pressure relief valve 1 no 20 mm
Pressure gauge 2 nos 150 mm dial
MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
MOC of vessel
VII DISINFECTION No 673400.00 673400.00

F)Providing of Contineious type Disinfectant system (Electro – Chlorinators /

Chlorine Generators) with required accessories for dosing the Sodium
Hypochlorite solution suitable to control feed rate and the Electro-chlorinator and
dosing system confirming to the following specification. The system should
generate the sodium hypochlorite solution on site utilizing only food grade salt,
water and electric power and dose the produced sodium hypochlorite solution at
the rate of 2.0 - 1.8 ppm and as per enclosed drawing.

b) The Electro-chlorinator is designed for the following specification

Generator Capacity 500 grams / hour (continuous )

Salt Consumed 2.5 Kg / hour
Hypochlorite 7 ~ 8.0 Gpl

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Process tank 100 Ltrs (FRP)
NaOCl Produced Per hour 85-90 liters
250000 LPH (approx.) with 2 ppm
Water that can be treated
Ractifier Full wave
Over load protection
Short circuit pritection
AC Power Consumed ……………….kw/hour
MOC of process chamber FRP
Salt chamber FRP
Brine chamber FRP
FRP with storage capacity
Hypochlorite chlorite storage chamber
MS with FRP lining to protect from
MOC of stand and structure
Diaphram Dosing PUMP capacity 200 lph
2 nos
Automation Fully Micro controller
To feed brine water and Raw water
Micro controller
to process chamber
Define consistint constration of
brine solution
Auto control of contineous batch
process and hypo drain
flow control Solenoid valves
Sensors Flot Level Sensors
Cleaning of electrode Reveres polarity machanisum

Water treatment plant for the flow rate of 3,00,000 LPH

( 4.80 M.L.D ) with 16 hour pumping

Design parameter-Supply installation and commissioning of the water treatment

plant capable to treat the water and make it potable at the flow rate of 300000
LPH with suspended solids level less than 2000ppm, and PH value and biological
impurities beyond permissible limits of potable water parameters.

Set of
I COAGULANT DOSING SYSTEM 469000.00 469000.00
Two Unit
Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Agitator & Coagulant
MOC of Flash mixer Vessel and Storage FRP/Hdpe
Capacity of vessels 2000 liters
Diameter of mixing vessel 1327 mm
Height of mixing vessel 1572 mm
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
Coagulant dosing System
Mechanically actuated diaphragm
Type of dosing pump
type with drive motor
MOC of dosing pump head P.P.
MOC of diaphragm P.T.F.E.
MOC of gear housing for pump C.I. (powder coated)
MOC of pump and base M.S. powder coated

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
Polymer dosing System
Type of dosing pump Differencial doasing system
Capacity of vessels 1000 liters
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
Set of
II STATIC MIXER FLOCCULATION TANK ( S.M.F.T ) 3416000.00 3416000.00
Two Unit

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Static Mixer

Flocculation Tank (SMFT) Circular shape made of Flocculator shaft and blades
of MOC SS-304 & Flocculation Tank made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and
grade BR with a Retention time of 20 Minits , with all accessories cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring, welding, finishing,
cleaning required accessories and installation of S.M.F.T using the crain on the
pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS platform
between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the following
specifications Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of SMFT grade epoxy paint confirming IS
MOC of Flocculator shaft and blades Stainless Steel as per IS-304
Capacity of SMFT vessel 42000 Ltr
wall thick ness 6 mm
With 4" C Section and Chalked
walk way cum Bridge On top of SMFT
Floculator 1.50 HP (3 phase)
Set of
III LAMELLA CLARIFIER 5558000.00 5558000.00
Two Unit

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Lamella

Clarifier made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and grade BR with all
accessories cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring,
welding, finishing, cleaning required accessories and installation of Lamella using
the crain on the pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS
platform between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the
following specifications. Angle of inclination ( Cos θ)= 55degree, with a Rise rate
of 1.80 m / Hr/ Sqm. Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50 micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of Lamella Clarifier grade epoxy paint confirming IS

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Type of settling Inclined Plate type
MOC of inclined plates FRP
Lengeth of lamellaplates 2400 mm
Total no of lamellaplates 59 No
Hopper type with sludge drain and
Sludge storage
necessary valves
4" C section with chequgard plate
walkway for Operation and meintenance
of 4 mm thick Around the lamella
Ladder with raling to reach walkway on 3" L section with Round tube for
top of lamella raling
Set of
Two Unit

Providing, Supplying & Installation of Storage System (Ground Level Storage

Reservoir) using Prefabricated Corrosion resistant Zincalume steel structures
made of as per IS- 15961 for intermediate balancing tank (filter feed tank) and
confirming to the following specifications:

Diameter of wall – 7380 mm and Height of wall (Excluding Doom roof) to be

3030 mm. The Material of construction of walls, liner and Doom roof to be
Zincalume steel, Heavy Duty PVC Food grade and Zincalume sheets in
knockdown form respectively to be assembled at site as per the drawings. Heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized external ladder (1 no) to be provided along with heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized access hatch. The rate is inclusive of the cost of
installation of tank on sand bed with bold down clamps & 4 nos of Nozzles made
of Galvanized steel to be provided for Inlet, Outlet, Drain and overflow.
MOC of Storage System Zincalume steel (IS 15961)
Diameter of tank 7380 mm
Height of tank (Excluding doom roof) 3030 mm
MOC of wall panels Zincalume alloy coated steel
MOC of Liner Heavy Duty PVC Food grade
Zincalume alloy coated High tensile
MOC of Doom roof
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
External ladder
(1 no)
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
Access hatch
(1 no)
Galvanized flanged head High
tensile steel bolts
Nozzles Galvanized steel ( 4 nos)
Butterfly valves 2 nos
Providing, Supplying & Installation of Three Phase MONO submersible pump
set (1+1 ) of approved make as filter feed pump with required accessories etc.
complete: fuses and fuse box, starter and panel board, ELCB, MCB, electrical Set of
V 1060500.00 1060500.00
cables from board to motor, piping for suction and delivery and for connection to Two Unit
the filter unit and rubber sheet support for pump and confirming to the following
Head 20 m
Flow rate 3,00,000 lph
Stater and Panel Board 1 Set
ELCB, MCB 1 set

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Pipesize for inlet and outlet 125 MM & 150 MM
MOC of Impeller Cast Iron
MOC of Delivery Casing Cast Iron
MOC of Motor body Cast Iron
MOC of Motor shaft Stainless Steel
Set of
VI FILTRATION 1852200.00 1852200.00
Two Unit
Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter with required accessories for connecting
the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure of 3.5 Kg/
cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following specifications: to
filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a filtrate with less
than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 5 mm and dish end thickness 5 mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the following specification:

Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2
Filter vessel dia 2600 mm
HOS 1875 mm
Frontal pipeline 150 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 6 mm
Dish end thickness 8 mm
Filter media Silex Silica sand
Pressure relief valve 1 no 20 mm
Pressure gauge 2 nos 150 mm dial
MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
MOC of vessel
VII DISINFECTION No 808500.00 808500.00

F)Providing of Contineious type Disinfectant system (Electro – Chlorinators /

Chlorine Generators) with required accessories for dosing the Sodium
Hypochlorite solution suitable to control feed rate and the Electro-chlorinator and
dosing system confirming to the following specification. The system should
generate the sodium hypochlorite solution on site utilizing only food grade salt,
water and electric power and dose the produced sodium hypochlorite solution at
the rate of 2.0 - 1.8 ppm and as per enclosed drawing.

b) The Electro-chlorinator is designed for

the following specification
Generator Capacity 600 grams / hour (continuous )

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Salt Consumed 3 Kg / hour
Hypochlorite 7 ~ 8.0 Gpl
Process tank 120 Ltrs (FRP)
NaOCl Produced Per hour 105-110 liters
300000 LPH (approx.) with 2 ppm
Water that can be treated
Ractifier Full wave
Over load protection
Short circuit pritection
AC Power Consumed ……………….kw/hour
MOC of process chamber FRP
Salt chamber FRP
Brine chamber FRP
FRP with storage capacity
Hypochlorite chlorite storage chamber
MS with FRP lining to protect from
MOC of stand and structure
Diaphram Dosing PUMP capacity 200 lph
2 nos
Automation Fully Micro controller
To feed brine water and Raw water
Micro controller
to process chamber
Define consistint constration of
brine solution
Auto control of contineous batch
process and hypo drain
flow control Solenoid valves
Sensors Flot Level Sensors
Cleaning of electrode Reveres polarity machanisum

Water treatment plant for the flow rate of 3,25,000 LPH

( 5.20 M.L.D ) with 16 hour pumping

Design parameter- Supply installation and commissioning of the water treatment

plant capable to treat the water and make it potable at the flow rate of 325000
LPH with suspended solids level less than 2000ppm, and PH value and biological
impurities beyond permissible limits of potable water parameters.

Set of
I COAGULANT DOSING SYSTEM 469000.00 469000.00
Two Unit

Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Agitator & Coagulant

Dosing System for 1.1 mld with required accessories etc. complete for connecting
to rising main and including the cost of vessel, stirrer, storage tank and dosing
system and also the cost of lead, lift and labour and maintenance of the equipments
during the defect liability period of 12 months and confirming to the following
specifications and as directed by Engineer - In- Charge:

MOC of Flash mixer Vessel and Storage FRP/Hdpe
Capacity of vessels 2500 liters
Diameter of mixing vessel 1475 mm
Height of mixing vessel 1692 mm
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Coagulant dosing System
Mechanically actuated diaphragm
Type of dosing pump
type with drive motor
MOC of dosing pump head P.P.

MOC of diaphragm P.T.F.E.

MOC of gear housing for pump C.I. (powder coated)

MOC of pump and base M.S. powder coated

MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
Polymer dosing System
Type of dosing pump Differencial doasing system
Capacity of vessels 1000 liters
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
Set of
II STATIC MIXER FLOCCULATION TANK ( S.M.F.T ) 3864000.00 3864000.00
Two Unit

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Static Mixer

Flocculation Tank (SMFT) Circular shape made of Flocculator shaft and blades
of MOC SS-304 & Flocculation Tank made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and
grade BR with a Retention time of 20 Minits , with all accessories cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring, welding, finishing,
cleaning required accessories and installation of S.M.F.T using the crain on the
pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS platform
between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the following
specifications Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of SMFT grade epoxy paint confirming IS
MOC of Flocculator shaft and blades Stainless Steel as per IS-304
Capacity of SMFT vessel 47000 Ltr
wall thick ness 6 mm
With 4" C Section and Chalked
walk way cum Bridge On top of SMFT
Floculator 1.50 HP (3 phase)

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Set of
III LAMELLA CLARIFIER 5558000.00 5558000.00
Two Unit

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Lamella

Clarifier made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and grade BR with all
accessories cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring,
welding, finishing, cleaning required accessories and installation of Lamella using
the crain on the pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS
platform between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the
following specifications. Angle of inclination ( Cos θ)= 55degree, with a Rise rate
of 1.80 m / Hr/ Sqm. Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50 micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of Lamella Clarifier grade epoxy paint confirming IS
Type of settling Inclined Plate type
MOC of inclined plates FRP
Lengeth of lamellaplates 2400 mm
Total no of lamellaplates 59 No
Hopper type with sludge drain and
Sludge storage
necessary valves
4" C section with chequgard plate
walkway for Operation and meintenance
of 4 mm thick Around the lamella
Ladder with raling to reach walkway on 3" L section with Round tube for
top of lamella raling
Set of
Two Unit
Providing, Supplying & Installation of Storage System (Ground Level Storage
Reservoir) using Prefabricated Corrosion resistant Zincalume steel structures
made of as per IS- 15961 for intermediate balancing tank (filter feed tank) and
confirming to the following specifications:

Diameter of wall – 8300 mm and Height of wall (Excluding Doom roof) to be

3030 mm. The Material of construction of walls, liner and Doom roof to be
Zincalume steel, Heavy Duty PVC Food grade and Zincalume sheets in
knockdown form respectively to be assembled at site as per the drawings. Heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized external ladder (1 no) to be provided along with heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized access hatch. The rate is inclusive of the cost of
installation of tank on sand bed with bold down clamps & 4 nos of Nozzles made
of Galvanized steel to be provided for Inlet, Outlet, Drain and overflow.

MOC of Storage System Zincalume steel (IS 15961)

Diameter of tank 8300 mm
Height of tank (Excluding doom roof) 3030 mm
MOC of wall panels Zincalume alloy coated steel
MOC of Liner Heavy Duty PVC Food grade
Zincalume alloy coated High tensile
MOC of Doom roof

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
External ladder
(1 no)
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
Access hatch
(1 no)
Galvanized flanged head High
tensile steel bolts
Nozzles Galvanized steel ( 4 nos)
Butterfly valves 2 nos
Providing, Supplying & Installation of Three Phase MONO submersible
pump set (1+1 ) of approved make as filter feed pump with required accessories
etc. complete: fuses and fuse box, starter and panel board, ELCB, MCB, electrical Set of
V 1060500.00 1060500.00
cables from board to motor, piping for suction and delivery and for connection to Two Unit
the filter unit and rubber sheet support for pump and confirming to the following
Head 20 m
Flow rate 3,25,000 lph
Stater and Panel Board 1 Set
ELCB, MCB 1 set
Pipesize for inlet and outlet 125 MM & 150 MM
MOC of Impeller Cast Iron
MOC of Delivery Casing Cast Iron
MOC of Motor body Cast Iron
MOC of Motor shaft Stainless Steel
Set of
VI FILTRATION 1852200.00 1852200.00
Two Unit
Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter with required accessories for connecting
the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure of 3.5 Kg/
cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following specifications: to
filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a filtrate with less
than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 5 mm and dish end thickness 5 mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for

the following specification:
Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2
Filter vessel dia 2600 mm
HOS 1875 mm
Frontal pipeline 150 mm

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 6 mm
Dish end thickness 8 mm
Filter media Silex Silica sand
Pressure relief valve 1 no 20 mm
Pressure gauge 2 nos 150 mm dial
MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
MOC of vessel
VII DISINFECTION No 917000.00 917000.00

F)Providing of Contineious type Disinfectant system (Electro – Chlorinators /

Chlorine Generators) with required accessories for dosing the Sodium
Hypochlorite solution suitable to control feed rate and the Electro-chlorinator and
dosing system confirming to the following specification. The system should
generate the sodium hypochlorite solution on site utilizing only food grade salt,
water and electric power and dose the produced sodium hypochlorite solution at
the rate of 2.0 - 1.8 ppm and as per enclosed drawing.

b) The Electro-chlorinator is designed for the following specification

Generator Capacity 700 grams / hour (continuous )

Salt Consumed 3.5 Kg / hour
Hypochlorite 7 ~ 8.0 Gpl
Process tank 140 Ltrs (FRP)
NaOCl Produced Per hour 135-140 liters
325000 LPH (approx.) with 2 ppm
Water that can be treated
Ractifier Full wave
Over load protection
Short circuit pritection
AC Power Consumed ……………….kw/hour
MOC of process chamber FRP
Salt chamber FRP
Brine chamber FRP
FRP with storage capacity
Hypochlorite chlorite storage chamber
MS with FRP lining to protect from
MOC of stand and structure
Diaphram Dosing PUMP capacity 200 lph
2 nos
Automation Fully Micro controller
To feed brine water and Raw water
Micro controller
to process chamber
Define consistint constration of
brine solution
Auto control of contineous batch
process and hypo drain
flow control Solenoid valves
Sensors Flot Level Sensors
Cleaning of electrode Reveres polarity machanisum

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Water treatment plant for the flow rate of 3,50,000 LPH
( 5.60 M.L.D ) with 16 hour pumping

Design parameter-Supply installation and commissioning of the water treatment

plant capable to treat the water and make it potable at the flow rate of 350000
LPH with suspended solids level less than 2000ppm, and PH value and biological
impurities beyond permissible limits of potable water parameters.

Set of
I COAGULANT DOSING SYSTEM 469000.00 469000.00
Two Unit

Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Agitator & Coagulant

Dosing System for 1.1 mld with required accessories etc. complete for connecting
to rising main and including the cost of vessel, stirrer, storage tank and dosing
system and also the cost of lead, lift and labour and maintenance of the equipments
during the defect liability period of 12 months and confirming to the following
specifications and as directed by Engineer - In- Charge:

MOC of Flash mixer Vessel and Storage FRP/Hdpe

Capacity of vessels 2500 liters

Diameter of mixing vessel 1475 mm

Height of mixing vessel 1692 mm

Stirrer with motor 1 No

MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304

Coagulant dosing System

Mechanically actuated diaphragm
Type of dosing pump
type with drive motor
MOC of dosing pump head P.P.
MOC of diaphragm P.T.F.E.
MOC of gear housing for pump C.I. (powder coated)
MOC of pump and base M.S. powder coated
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
Polymer dosing System
Type of dosing pump Differencial doasing system
Capacity of vessels 1000 liters
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Set of
II STATIC MIXER FLOCCULATION TANK ( S.M.F.T ) 3864000.00 3864000.00
Two Unit
Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Static Mixer
Flocculation Tank (SMFT) Circular shape made of Flocculator shaft and blades
of MOC SS-304 & Flocculation Tank made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and
grade BR with a Retention time of 20 Minits , with all accessories cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring, welding, finishing,
cleaning required accessories and installation of S.M.F.T using the crain on the
pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS platform
between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the following
specifications Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.
Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food
MOC of SMFT grade epoxy paint confirming IS
MOC of Flocculator shaft and blades Stainless Steel as per IS-304
Capacity of SMFT vessel 47000 Ltr
wall thick ness 6 mm
With 4" C Section and Chalked
walk way cum Bridge On top of SMFT
Floculator 1.50 HP (3 phase)
Set of
III LAMELLA CLARIFIER 6944000.00 6944000.00
Two Unit

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Lamella

Clarifier made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and grade BR with all
accessories cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring,
welding, finishing, cleaning required accessories and installation of Lamella using
the crain on the pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS
platform between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the
following specifications. Angle of inclination ( Cos θ)= 55degree, with a Rise rate
of 1.80 m / Hr/ Sqm. Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50 micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of Lamella Clarifier grade epoxy paint confirming IS
Type of settling Inclined Plate type
MOC of inclined plates FRP
Lengeth of lamellaplates 2400 mm
Total no of lamellaplates 82 No
Hopper type with sludge drain and
Sludge storage
necessary valves
4" C section with chequgard plate
walkway for Operation and meintenance
of 4 mm thick Around the lamella
Ladder with raling to reach walkway on 3" L section with Round tube for
top of lamella raling

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Set of
Two Unit
Providing, Supplying & Installation of Storage System (Ground Level Storage
Reservoir) using Prefabricated Corrosion resistant Zincalume steel structures
made of as per IS- 15961 for intermediate balancing tank (filter feed tank) and
confirming to the following specifications:

Diameter of wall – 8300 mm and Height of wall (Excluding Doom roof) to be

3030 mm. The Material of construction of walls, liner and Doom roof to be
Zincalume steel, Heavy Duty PVC Food grade and Zincalume sheets in
knockdown form respectively to be assembled at site as per the drawings. Heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized external ladder (1 no) to be provided along with heavy
duty hot dipped galvanized access hatch. The rate is inclusive of the cost of
installation of tank on sand bed with bold down clamps & 4 nos of Nozzles made
of Galvanized steel to be provided for Inlet, Outlet, Drain and overflow.

MOC of Storage System Zincalume steel (IS 15961)

Diameter of tank 8300 mm

Height of tank (Excluding doom roof) 3030 mm
MOC of wall panels Zincalume alloy coated steel
MOC of Liner Heavy Duty PVC Food grade
Zincalume alloy coated High tensile
MOC of Doom roof
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
External ladder
(1 no)
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
Access hatch
(1 no)
Galvanized flanged head High
tensile steel bolts
Nozzles Galvanized steel ( 4 nos)
Butterfly valves 2 nos
Providing, Supplying & Installation of Three Phase MONO submersible pump
set (1+1 ) of approved make as filter feed pump with required accessories etc.
complete: fuses and fuse box, starter and panel board, ELCB, MCB, electrical Set of
V 1212400.00 1212400.00
cables from board to motor, piping for suction and delivery and for connection to Two Unit
the filter unit and rubber sheet support for pump and confirming to the following
Head 20 m
Flow rate 3,50,000 lph
Stater and Panel Board 1 Set
ELCB, MCB 1 set
Pipesize for inlet and outlet 125 MM & 150 MM
MOC of Impeller Cast Iron
MOC of Delivery Casing Cast Iron
MOC of Motor body Cast Iron
MOC of Motor shaft Stainless Steel

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Set of
VI FILTRATION 2093000.00 2093000.00
Two Unit
Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter with required accessories for connecting
the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure of 3.5 Kg/
cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following specifications: to
filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a filtrate with less
than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 5 mm and dish end thickness 5 mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the following specification:

Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2

Filter vessel dia 2800 mm
HOS 1875 mm
Frontal pipeline 200 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 6 mm
Dish end thickness 8 mm
Filter media Silex Silica sand
Pressure relief valve 1 no 20 mm
Pressure gauge 2 nos 150 mm dial
MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
MOC of vessel
VII DISINFECTION No 917000.00 917000.00

F)Providing of Contineious type Disinfectant system (Electro – Chlorinators /

Chlorine Generators) with required accessories for dosing the Sodium
Hypochlorite solution suitable to control feed rate and the Electro-chlorinator and
dosing system confirming to the following specification. The system should
generate the sodium hypochlorite solution on site utilizing only food grade salt,
water and electric power and dose the produced sodium hypochlorite solution at
the rate of 2.0 - 1.8 ppm and as per enclosed drawing.

b) The Electro-chlorinator is designed for

the following specification
Generator Capacity 700 grams / hour (continuous )
Salt Consumed 3.5 Kg / hour
Hypochlorite 7 ~ 8.0 Gpl
Process tank 140 Ltrs (FRP)
NaOCl Produced Per hour 135-140 liters

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
350000 LPH (approx.) with 2 ppm
Water that can be treated
Ractifier Full wave
Over load protection
Short circuit pritection
AC Power Consumed ……………….kw/hour
MOC of process chamber FRP
Salt chamber FRP
Brine chamber FRP
FRP with storage capacity
Hypochlorite chlorite storage chamber
MS with FRP lining to protect from
MOC of stand and structure
Diaphram Dosing PUMP capacity 200 lph
2 nos
Automation Fully Micro controller
To feed brine water and Raw water
Micro controller
to process chamber
Define consistint constration of
brine solution
Auto control of contineous batch
process and hypo drain
flow control Solenoid valves
Sensors Flot Level Sensors
Cleaning of electrode Reveres polarity machanisum

Water treatment plant for the flow rate of 3,75,000 LPH

(6.00 M.L.D ) with 16 hour pumping

Design parameter- Supply installation and commissioning of the water treatment

plant capable to treat the water and make it potable at the flow rate of 375000
LPH with suspended solids level less than 2000ppm, and PH value and biological
impurities beyond permissible limits of potable water parameters.

Set of
I COAGULANT DOSING SYSTEM 469000.00 469000.00
Two Unit

Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Agitator & Coagulant

Dosing System for 1.1 mld with required accessories etc. complete for connecting
to rising main and including the cost of vessel, stirrer, storage tank and dosing
system and also the cost of lead, lift and labour and maintenance of the equipments
during the defect liability period of 12 months and confirming to the following
specifications and as directed by Engineer - In- Charge:

MOC of Flash mixer Vessel and Storage FRP/Hdpe
Capacity of vessels 2500 liters
Diameter of mixing vessel 1475 mm
Height of mixing vessel 1692 mm
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
Coagulant dosing System
Mechanically actuated diaphragm
Type of dosing pump
type with drive motor
MOC of dosing pump head P.P.

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
MOC of diaphragm P.T.F.E.
MOC of gear housing for pump C.I. (powder coated)
MOC of pump and base M.S. powder coated
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
Polymer dosing System
Type of dosing pump Differencial doasing system
Capacity of vessels 1000 liters
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
Set of
II STATIC MIXER FLOCCULATION TANK ( S.M.F.T ) 3864000.00 3864000.00
Two Unit

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Static Mixer

Flocculation Tank (SMFT) Circular shape made of Flocculator shaft and blades
of MOC SS-304 & Flocculation Tank made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and
grade BR with a Retention time of 20 Minits , with all accessories cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring, welding, finishing,
cleaning required accessories and installation of S.M.F.T using the crain on the
pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS platform
between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the following
specifications Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of SMFT grade epoxy paint confirming IS
MOC of Flocculator shaft and blades Stainless Steel as per IS-304
Capacity of SMFT vessel 47000 Ltr
wall thick ness 6 mm
With 4" C Section and Chalked
walk way cum Bridge On top of SMFT
Floculator 1.50 HP (3 phase)
Set of
III LAMELLA CLARIFIER 6944000.00 6944000.00
Two Unit

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Lamella

Clarifier made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and grade BR with all
accessories cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring,
welding, finishing, cleaning required accessories and installation of Lamella using
the crain on the pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS
platform between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the
following specifications. Angle of inclination ( Cos θ)= 55degree, with a Rise rate
of 1.80 m / Hr/ Sqm. Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50 micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of Lamella Clarifier grade epoxy paint confirming IS
Type of settling Inclined Plate type
MOC of inclined plates FRP
Lengeth of lamellaplates 2400 mm

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Total no of lamellaplates 82 No
Hopper type with sludge drain and
Sludge storage
necessary valves
4" C section with chequgard plate
walkway for Operation and meintenance
of 4 mm thick Around the lamella
Ladder with raling to reach walkway on 3" L section with Round tube for
top of lamella raling
Set of
Two Unit

Providing, Supplying & Installation of Storage System (Ground Level Storage

Reservoir) using Prefabricated Corrosion resistant Zincalume steel structures
made of as per IS- 15961 for intermediate balancing tank (filter feed tank) and
confirming to the following specifications:

Diameter of wall –9230 mm and Height of wall (Excluding Doom roof) to be 3030
mm. The Material of construction of walls, liner and Doom roof to be Zincalume
steel, Heavy Duty PVC Food grade and Zincalume sheets in knockdown form
respectively to be assembled at site as per the drawings. Heavy duty hot dipped
galvanized external ladder (1 no) to be provided along with heavy duty hot dipped
galvanized access hatch. The rate is inclusive of the cost of installation of tank on
sand bed with bold down clamps & 4 nos of Nozzles made of Galvanized steel to
be provided for Inlet, Outlet, Drain and overflow.

MOC of Storage System Zincalume steel (IS 15961)

Diameter of tank 9230 mm
Height of tank (Excluding doom roof) 3030 mm
MOC of wall panels Zincalume alloy coated steel
MOC of Liner Heavy Duty PVC Food grade
Zincalume alloy coated High tensile
MOC of Doom roof
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
External ladder
(1 no)
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
Access hatch
(1 no)
Galvanized flanged head High
tensile steel bolts
Nozzles Galvanized steel ( 4 nos)
Butterfly valves 2 nos
Providing, Supplying & Installation of Three Phase MONO submersible pump
set (1+1 ) of approved make as filter feed pump with required accessories etc.
complete: fuses and fuse box, starter and panel board, ELCB, MCB, electrical Set of
V 1212400.00 1212400.00
cables from board to motor, piping for suction and delivery and for connection to Two Unit
the filter unit and rubber sheet support for pump and confirming to the following
Head 20 m

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Flow rate 3,75,000 lph
Stater and Panel Board 1 Set
ELCB, MCB 1 set
Pipesize for inlet and outlet 125 MM & 150 MM
MOC of Impeller Cast Iron
MOC of Delivery Casing Cast Iron
MOC of Motor body Cast Iron
MOC of Motor shaft Stainless Steel
Set of
VI FILTRATION 2093000.00 2093000.00
Two Unit
Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter with required accessories for connecting
the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure of 3.5 Kg/
cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following specifications: to
filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a filtrate with less
than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 5 mm and dish end thickness 5 mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the following specification:

Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2
Filter vessel dia 2800 mm
HOS 1875 mm
Frontal pipeline 200 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 6 mm
Dish end thickness 8 mm
Filter media Silex Silica sand
Pressure relief valve 1 no 20 mm
Pressure gauge 2 nos 150 mm dial
MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
MOC of vessel
VII DISINFECTION No 1022700.00 1022700.00

F)Providing of Contineious type Disinfectant system (Electro – Chlorinators /

Chlorine Generators) with required accessories for dosing the Sodium
Hypochlorite solution suitable to control feed rate and the Electro-chlorinator and
dosing system confirming to the following specification. The system should
generate the sodium hypochlorite solution on site utilizing only food grade salt,
water and electric power and dose the produced sodium hypochlorite solution at
the rate of 2.0 - 1.8 ppm and as per enclosed drawing.

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5

b) The Electro-chlorinator is designed for the following specification

Generator Capacity 800 grams / hour (continuous )

Salt Consumed 4 Kg / hour
Hypochlorite 7 ~ 8.0 Gpl
Process tank 160 Ltrs (FRP)
NaOCl Produced Per hour 140-150 liters
375000 LPH (approx.) with 2 ppm
Water that can be treated
Ractifier Full wave
Over load protection
Short circuit pritection
AC Power Consumed ……………….kw/hour
MOC of process chamber FRP
Salt chamber FRP
Brine chamber FRP
FRP with storage capacity
Hypochlorite chlorite storage chamber
MS with FRP lining to protect from
MOC of stand and structure
Diaphram Dosing PUMP capacity 200 lph
2 nos
Automation Fully Micro controller
To feed brine water and Raw water
Micro controller
to process chamber
Define consistint constration of
brine solution
Auto control of contineous batch
process and hypo drain
flow control Solenoid valves
Sensors Flot Level Sensors
Cleaning of electrode Reveres polarity machanisum
Water treatment plant for the flow rate of 4,00,000 LPH
( 6.40 M.L.D ) with 16 hour pumping

Design parameter-Supply installation and commissioning of the water treatment

plant capable to treat the water and make it potable at the flow rate of 400000
LPH with suspended solids level less than 2000ppm, and PH value and biological
impurities beyond permissible limits of potable water parameters.

Set of
I COAGULANT DOSING SYSTEM 581000.00 581000.00
Two Unit

Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Agitator & Coagulant

Dosing System for 1.1 mld with required accessories etc. complete for connecting
to rising main and including the cost of vessel, stirrer, storage tank and dosing
system and also the cost of lead, lift and labour and maintenance of the equipments
during the defect liability period of 12 months and confirming to the following
specifications and as directed by Engineer - In- Charge:

MOC of Flash mixer Vessel and Storage FRP/Hdpe
Capacity of vessels 3000 liters
Diameter of mixing vessel 1475 mm

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Height of mixing vessel 1987 mm
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
Coagulant dosing System
Mechanically actuated diaphragm
Type of dosing pump
type with drive motor
MOC of dosing pump head P.P.
MOC of diaphragm P.T.F.E.
MOC of gear housing for pump C.I. (powder coated)
MOC of pump and base M.S. powder coated
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
Polymer dosing System
Type of dosing pump Differencial doasing system
Capacity of vessels 1000 liters
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
Set of
II STATIC MIXER FLOCCULATION TANK ( S.M.F.T ) 4179000.00 4179000.00
Two Unit

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Static Mixer

Flocculation Tank (SMFT) Circular shape made of Flocculator shaft and blades
of MOC SS-304 & Flocculation Tank made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and
grade BR with a Retention time of 20 Minits , with all accessories cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring, welding, finishing,
cleaning required accessories and installation of S.M.F.T using the crain on the
pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS platform
between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the following
specifications Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of SMFT grade epoxy paint confirming IS
MOC of Flocculator shaft and blades Stainless Steel as per IS-304
Capacity of SMFT vessel 55000 Ltr
wall thick ness 6 mm
With 4" C Section and Chalked
walk way cum Bridge On top of SMFT
Floculator 1.50 HP (3 phase)

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Set of
III LAMELLA CLARIFIER 6944000.00 6944000.00
Two Unit

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Lamella

Clarifier made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and grade BR with all
accessories cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring,
welding, finishing, cleaning required accessories and installation of Lamella using
the crain on the pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS
platform between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the
following specifications. Angle of inclination ( Cos θ)= 55degree, with a Rise rate
of 1.80 m / Hr/ Sqm. Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50 micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of Lamella Clarifier grade epoxy paint confirming IS
Type of settling Inclined Plate type
MOC of inclined plates FRP
Lengeth of lamellaplates 2400 mm
Total no of lamellaplates 82 No
Hopper type with sludge drain and
Sludge storage
necessary valves
4" C section with chequgard plate
walkway for Operation and meintenance
of 4 mm thick Around the lamella
Ladder with raling to reach walkway on 3" L section with Round tube for
top of lamella raling
Set of
Two Unit
Providing, Supplying & Installation of Storage System (Ground Level Storage
Reservoir) using Prefabricated Corrosion resistant Zincalume steel structures
made of as per IS- 15961 for intermediate balancing tank (filter feed tank) and
confirming to the following specifications:

Diameter of wall –9230 mm and Height of wall (Excluding Doom roof) to be 3030
mm. The Material of construction of walls, liner and Doom roof to be Zincalume
steel, Heavy Duty PVC Food grade and Zincalume sheets in knockdown form
respectively to be assembled at site as per the drawings. Heavy duty hot dipped
galvanized external ladder (1 no) to be provided along with heavy duty hot dipped
galvanized access hatch. The rate is inclusive of the cost of installation of tank on
sand bed with bold down clamps & 4 nos of Nozzles made of Galvanized steel to
be provided for Inlet, Outlet, Drain and overflow.
MOC of Storage System Zincalume steel (IS 15961)
Diameter of tank 9230 mm
Height of tank (Excluding doom roof) 3030 mm
MOC of wall panels Zincalume alloy coated steel
MOC of Liner Heavy Duty PVC Food grade
Zincalume alloy coated High tensile
MOC of Doom roof
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
External ladder
(1 no)
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
Access hatch
(1 no)

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Galvanized flanged head High
tensile steel bolts
Nozzles Galvanized steel ( 4 nos)
Butterfly valves 2 nos
Providing, Supplying & Installation of Three Phase MONO submersible
pump set (1+1 ) of approved make as filter feed pump with required accessories
etc. complete: fuses and fuse box, starter and panel board, ELCB, MCB, electrical Set of
V 1363600.00 1363600.00
cables from board to motor, piping for suction and delivery and for connection to Two Unit
the filter unit and rubber sheet support for pump and confirming to the following
Head 20 m
Flow rate 4,00,000 lph
Stater and Panel Board 1 Set
ELCB, MCB 1 set
Pipesize for inlet and outlet 150 MM & 200 MM
MOC of Impeller Cast Iron
MOC of Delivery Casing Cast Iron
MOC of Motor body Cast Iron
MOC of Motor shaft Stainless Steel
Set of
VI FILTRATION 2268000.00 2268000.00
Two Unit
Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter with required accessories for connecting
the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure of 3.5 Kg/
cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following specifications: to
filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a filtrate with less
than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 5 mm and dish end thickness 5 mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the following specification:

Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2
Filter vessel dia 3000 mm
HOS 1875 mm
Frontal pipeline 200 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 6 mm
Dish end thickness 8 mm
Filter media Silex Silica sand
Pressure relief valve 1 no 20 mm
Pressure gauge 2 nos 150 mm dial
MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
MOC of vessel

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
VII DISINFECTION No 1022700.00 1022700.00

F)Providing of Contineious type Disinfectant system (Electro – Chlorinators /

Chlorine Generators) with required accessories for dosing the Sodium
Hypochlorite solution suitable to control feed rate and the Electro-chlorinator and
dosing system confirming to the following specification. The system should
generate the sodium hypochlorite solution on site utilizing only food grade salt,
water and electric power and dose the produced sodium hypochlorite solution at
the rate of 2.0 - 1.8 ppm and as per enclosed drawing.

b) The Electro-chlorinator is designed for the following specification

Generator Capacity 800 grams / hour (continuous )

Salt Consumed 4 Kg / hour
Hypochlorite 7 ~ 8.0 Gpl
Process tank 160 Ltrs (FRP)
NaOCl Produced Per hour 140-150 liters
400000 LPH (approx.) with 2 ppm
Water that can be treated
Ractifier Full wave
Over load protection
Short circuit pritection
AC Power Consumed ……………….kw/hour
MOC of process chamber FRP
Salt chamber FRP
Brine chamber FRP
FRP with storage capacity
Hypochlorite chlorite storage chamber
MS with FRP lining to protect from
MOC of stand and structure
Diaphram Dosing PUMP capacity 200 lph
2 nos
Automation Fully Micro controller
To feed brine water and Raw water
Micro controller
to process chamber
Define consistint constration of
brine solution
Auto control of contineous batch
process and hypo drain
flow control Solenoid valves
Sensors Flot Level Sensors
Cleaning of electrode Reveres polarity machanisum

Water treatment plant for the flow rate of 4,25,000 LPH

( 6.80 M.L.D ) with 16 hour pumping

Design parameter-Supply installation and commissioning of the water treatment

plant capable to treat the water and make it potable at the flow rate of 425000
LPH with suspended solids level less than 2000ppm, and PH value and biological
impurities beyond permissible limits of potable water parameters.

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Set of
I COAGULANT DOSING SYSTEM 581000.00 581000.00
Two Unit
Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Agitator & Coagulant
MOC of Flash mixer Vessel and Storage FRP/Hdpe
Capacity of vessels 3000 liters
Diameter of mixing vessel 1475 mm
Height of mixing vessel 1987 mm
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
Coagulant dosing System
Mechanically actuated diaphragm
Type of dosing pump
type with drive motor
MOC of dosing pump head P.P.
MOC of diaphragm P.T.F.E.
MOC of gear housing for pump C.I. (powder coated)
MOC of pump and base M.S. powder coated
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
Polymer dosing System
Type of dosing pump Differencial doasing system
Capacity of vessels 1000 liters
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
Set of
II STATIC MIXER FLOCCULATION TANK ( S.M.F.T ) 4179000.00 4179000.00
Two Unit

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Static Mixer

Flocculation Tank (SMFT) Circular shape made of Flocculator shaft and blades
of MOC SS-304 & Flocculation Tank made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and
grade BR with a Retention time of 20 Minits , with all accessories cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring, welding, finishing,
cleaning required accessories and installation of S.M.F.T using the crain on the
pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS platform
between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the following
specifications Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of SMFT grade epoxy paint confirming IS
MOC of Flocculator shaft and blades Stainless Steel as per IS-304
Capacity of SMFT vessel 55000 Ltr
wall thick ness 6 mm
With 4" C Section and Chalked
walk way cum Bridge On top of SMFT
Floculator 1.50 HP (3 phase)

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Set of
III LAMELLA CLARIFIER 6944000.00 6944000.00
Two Unit

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Lamella

Clarifier made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and grade BR with all
accessories cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring,
welding, finishing, cleaning required accessories and installation of Lamella using
the crain on the pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS
platform between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the
following specifications. Angle of inclination ( Cos θ)= 55degree, with a Rise rate
of 1.80 m / Hr/ Sqm. Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50 micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of Lamella Clarifier grade epoxy paint confirming IS
Type of settling Inclined Plate type
MOC of inclined plates FRP
Lengeth of lamellaplates 2400 mm
Total no of lamellaplates 82 No
Hopper type with sludge drain and
Sludge storage
necessary valves
4" C section with chequgard plate
walkway for Operation and meintenance
of 4 mm thick Around the lamella
Ladder with raling to reach walkway on 3" L section with Round tube for
top of lamella raling
set of
IV CLARIFIED WATER STORAGE TANK Three 2929500.00 2929500.00
Providing, Supplying & Installation of Storage System (Ground Level Storage
Reservoir) using Prefabricated Corrosion resistant Zincalume steel structures
made of as per IS- 15961 for intermediate balancing tank (filter feed tank) and
confirming to the following specifications:

Diameter of wall –8300 mm and Height of wall (Excluding Doom roof) to be 3030
mm. The Material of construction of walls, liner and Doom roof to be Zincalume
steel, Heavy Duty PVC Food grade and Zincalume sheets in knockdown form
respectively to be assembled at site as per the drawings. Heavy duty hot dipped
galvanized external ladder (1 no) to be provided along with heavy duty hot dipped
galvanized access hatch. The rate is inclusive of the cost of installation of tank on
sand bed with bold down clamps & 4 nos of Nozzles made of Galvanized steel to
be provided for Inlet, Outlet, Drain and overflow.

MOC of Storage System Zincalume steel (IS 15961)

Diameter of tank 8300 mm
Height of tank (Excluding doom roof) 3030 mm
MOC of wall panels Zincalume alloy coated steel
MOC of Liner Heavy Duty PVC Food grade
Zincalume alloy coated High tensile
MOC of Doom roof
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
External ladder
(1 no)

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
Access hatch
(1 no)
Galvanized flanged head High
tensile steel bolts
Nozzles Galvanized steel ( 4 nos)
Butterfly valves 2 nos
Providing, Supplying & Installation of Three Phase MONO submersible
pump set (1+1 ) of approved make as filter feed pump with required accessories
etc. complete: fuses and fuse box, starter and panel board, ELCB, MCB, electrical Set of
V 1363600.00 1363600.00
cables from board to motor, piping for suction and delivery and for connection to Two Unit
the filter unit and rubber sheet support for pump and confirming to the following
Head 20 m
Flow rate 4,25,000 lph
Stater and Panel Board 1 Set
ELCB, MCB 1 set
Pipesize for inlet and outlet 150 MM & 200 MM
MOC of Impeller Cast Iron
MOC of Delivery Casing Cast Iron
MOC of Motor body Cast Iron
MOC of Motor shaft Stainless Steel
Set of
VI FILTRATION 2268000.00 2268000.00
Two Unit

Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter with required accessories for connecting

the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure of 3.5 Kg/
cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following specifications: to
filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a filtrate with less
than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 5 mm and dish end thickness 5 mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the following specification:

Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2

Filter vessel dia 3000 mm
HOS 1875 mm
Frontal pipeline 200 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 6 mm
Dish end thickness 8 mm
Filter media Silex Silica sand

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Pressure relief valve 1 no 20 mm
Pressure gauge 2 nos 150 mm dial
MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
MOC of vessel
VII DISINFECTION No 1131200.00 1131200.00

F)Providing of Contineious type Disinfectant system (Electro – Chlorinators /

Chlorine Generators) with required accessories for dosing the Sodium
Hypochlorite solution suitable to control feed rate and the Electro-chlorinator and
dosing system confirming to the following specification. The system should
generate the sodium hypochlorite solution on site utilizing only food grade salt,
water and electric power and dose the produced sodium hypochlorite solution at
the rate of 2.0 - 1.8 ppm and as per enclosed drawing.

b) The Electro-chlorinator is designed for the following specification

Generator Capacity 900 grams / hour (continuous )

Salt Consumed 4.5 Kg / hour
Hypochlorite 7 ~ 8.0 Gpl
Process tank 180 Ltrs (FRP)
NaOCl Produced Per hour 155-160 liters
425000 LPH (approx.) with 2 ppm
Water that can be treated
Ractifier Full wave
Over load protection
Short circuit pritection
AC Power Consumed ……………….kw/hour
MOC of process chamber FRP
Salt chamber FRP
Brine chamber FRP
FRP with storage capacity
Hypochlorite chlorite storage chamber
MS with FRP lining to protect from
MOC of stand and structure
Diaphram Dosing PUMP capacity 200 lph
2 nos
Automation Fully Micro controller
To feed brine water and Raw water
Micro controller
to process chamber
Define consistint constration of
brine solution
Auto control of contineous batch
process and hypo drain
flow control Solenoid valves
Sensors Flot Level Sensors
Cleaning of electrode Reveres polarity machanisum
Water treatment plant for the flow rate of 4,50,000 LPH
( 7.20 M.L.D ) with 16 hour pumping

Design parameter-Supply installation and commissioning of the water treatment

plant capable to treat the water and make it potable at the flow rate of 450000
LPH with suspended solids level less than 2000ppm, and PH value and biological
impurities beyond permissible limits of potable water parameters.

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Set of
I COAGULANT DOSING SYSTEM 581000.00 581000.00
Two Unit

Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Agitator & Coagulant

Dosing System for 1.1 mld with required accessories etc. complete for connecting
to rising main and including the cost of vessel, stirrer, storage tank and dosing
system and also the cost of lead, lift and labour and maintenance of the equipments
during the defect liability period of 12 months and confirming to the following
specifications and as directed by Engineer - In- Charge:

MOC of Flash mixer Vessel and Storage FRP/Hdpe
Capacity of vessels 3000 liters
Diameter of mixing vessel 1475 mm
Height of mixing vessel 1987 mm
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
Coagulant dosing System
Mechanically actuated diaphragm
Type of dosing pump
type with drive motor
MOC of dosing pump head P.P.
MOC of diaphragm P.T.F.E.
MOC of gear housing for pump C.I. (powder coated)
MOC of pump and base M.S. powder coated
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
Polymer dosing System
Type of dosing pump Differencial doasing system
Capacity of vessels 1000 liters
Stirrer with motor 1 No
MOC of stitter and shaft SS 304
MS Stand 1 no (To mount the dosing system)
Set of
II STATIC MIXER FLOCCULATION TANK ( S.M.F.T ) 4237800.00 4237800.00
Two Unit

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Static Mixer

Flocculation Tank (SMFT) Circular shape made of Flocculator shaft and blades
of MOC SS-304 & Flocculation Tank made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and
grade BR with a Retention time of 20 Minits , with all accessories cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring, welding, finishing,
cleaning required accessories and installation of S.M.F.T using the crain on the
pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS platform
between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the following
specifications Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of SMFT grade epoxy paint confirming IS
MOC of Flocculator shaft and blades Stainless Steel as per IS-304
Capacity of SMFT vessel 65000 Ltr
wall thick ness 6 mm
With 4" C Section and Chalked
walk way cum Bridge On top of SMFT
Floculator 1.50 HP (3 phase)

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Set of
III LAMELLA CLARIFIER 6944000.00 6944000.00
Two Unit

Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Lamella

Clarifier made of MOC -M.S as per IS-2062 and grade BR with all
accessories cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning,anchoring,
welding, finishing, cleaning required accessories and installation of Lamella using
the crain on the pre constructed platform Etc., Complete with connecting the MS
platform between SMFT tank and Lamella Clarifier and confirming to the
following specifications. Angle of inclination ( Cos θ)= 55degree, with a Rise rate
of 1.80 m / Hr/ Sqm. Painting Work: Surface preparation with grit blasting with
50 micron profile; For inside Two coats of epoxy primer and two coats of non
reactive epoxy coat , for Out side one coat of red oxide primer and two coat of
Enamel paint. Etc., Complete as directed by the Engineer in-Charge of work.

Mild Steel (IS 2062) with food

MOC of Lamella Clarifier grade epoxy paint confirming IS
Type of settling Inclined Plate type
MOC of inclined plates FRP
Lengeth of lamellaplates 2400 mm
Total no of lamellaplates 82 No
Hopper type with sludge drain and
Sludge storage
necessary valves
4" C section with chequgard plate
walkway for Operation and meintenance
of 4 mm thick Around the lamella
Ladder with raling to reach walkway on top 3" L section with Round tube for
of lamella raling
Set of
IV CLARIFIED WATER STORAGE TANK Three 2929500.00 2929500.00
Providing, Supplying & Installation of Storage System (Ground Level Storage
Reservoir) using Prefabricated Corrosion resistant Zincalume steel structures
made of as per IS- 15961 for intermediate balancing tank (filter feed tank) and
confirming to the following specifications:

Diameter of wall –8300 mm and Height of wall (Excluding Doom roof) to be 3030
mm. The Material of construction of walls, liner and Doom roof to be Zincalume
steel, Heavy Duty PVC Food grade and Zincalume sheets in knockdown form
respectively to be assembled at site as per the drawings. Heavy duty hot dipped
galvanized external ladder (1 no) to be provided along with heavy duty hot dipped
galvanized access hatch. The rate is inclusive of the cost of installation of tank on
sand bed with bold down clamps & 4 nos of Nozzles made of Galvanized steel to
be provided for Inlet, Outlet, Drain and overflow.

MOC of Storage System Zincalume steel (IS 15961)

Diameter of tank 8300 mm
Height of tank (Excluding doom roof) 3030 mm
MOC of wall panels Zincalume alloy coated steel
MOC of Liner Heavy Duty PVC Food grade
Zincalume alloy coated High tensile
MOC of Doom roof
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
External ladder
(1 no)

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Heavy duty hot dipped galvanized
Access hatch
(1 no)
Galvanized flanged head High
tensile steel bolts
Nozzles Galvanized steel ( 4 nos)
Butterfly valves 2 nos
Providing, Supplying & Installation of Three Phase MONO submersible pump
set (1+1 ) of approved make as filter feed pump with required accessories etc.
complete: fuses and fuse box, starter and panel board, ELCB, MCB, electrical Set of
V 1514800.00 1514800.00
cables from board to motor, piping for suction and delivery and for connection to Two Unit
the filter unit and rubber sheet support for pump and confirming to the following
Head 20 m
Flow rate 4,50,000 lph
Stater and Panel Board 1 Set
ELCB, MCB 1 set
Pipesize for inlet and outlet 150 MM & 200 MM
MOC of Impeller Cast Iron
MOC of Delivery Casing Cast Iron
MOC of Motor body Cast Iron
MOC of Motor shaft Stainless Steel
Set of
VI FILTRATION 2576000.00 2576000.00
Two Unit
Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter with required accessories for connecting
the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure of 3.5 Kg/
cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following specifications: to
filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a filtrate with less
than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 5 mm and dish end thickness 5 mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the following specification:
Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2
Filter vessel dia 3200 mm
HOS 1875 mm
Frontal pipeline 200 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 6 mm
Dish end thickness 8 mm
Filter media Silex Silica sand
Pressure relief valve 1 no 20 mm
Pressure gauge 2 nos 150 mm dial
MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
MOC of vessel

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
VII DISINFECTION No 1131200.00 1131200.00

F)Providing of Contineious type Disinfectant system (Electro – Chlorinators /

Chlorine Generators) with required accessories for dosing the Sodium
Hypochlorite solution suitable to control feed rate and the Electro-chlorinator and
dosing system confirming to the following specification. The system should
generate the sodium hypochlorite solution on site utilizing only food grade salt,
water and electric power and dose the produced sodium hypochlorite solution at
the rate of 2.0 - 1.8 ppm and as per enclosed drawing.

b) The Electro-chlorinator is designed for the following specification

Generator Capacity 900 grams / hour (continuous )
Salt Consumed 4.5 Kg / hour
Hypochlorite 7 ~ 8.0 Gpl
Process tank 180 Ltrs (FRP)
NaOCl Produced Per hour 155-160 liters
450000 LPH (approx.) with 2 ppm
Water that can be treated
Ractifier Full wave
Over load protection
Short circuit pritection
AC Power Consumed ……………….kw/hour
MOC of process chamber FRP
Salt chamber FRP
Brine chamber FRP
FRP with storage capacity
Hypochlorite chlorite storage chamber
MS with FRP lining to protect from
MOC of stand and structure
Diaphram Dosing PUMP capacity 200 lph
2 nos
Automation Fully Micro controller
To feed brine water and Raw water
Micro controller
to process chamber
Define consistint constration of
brine solution
Auto control of contineous batch
process and hypo drain
flow control Solenoid valves
Sensors Flot Level Sensors
Cleaning of electrode Reveres polarity machanisum

Note: For adopting Items 15.09 to Item No 15.22, (For more than 1.50MLD
capacity) prior approval of Chief Engineer is to be obtained

NOTE: The rates of W.T.P components are applicable for preperation of

estimates only.Tenders shall be called for procurement of above equipments

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Rejuvation and repalcememt of filter media

Removing and replacement filter media M.G.F. Conferming to standerd

specification, with all necessary labour, lead and lift materials etc complete with
the following details 1.The existing media is to be fully removed and replaced with
new filter media
2.Existing vessel is to be prepared smoothly with scrubbing and painted with two
coats epoxy for innner and two coat enamel paint for outer with primer as base
coat 3.Existing Butterfly walves, pressure gauge, bolts and nuts and rubber liner
are to be replaced with new one as per standard 4.After completion of the inner
and outer surface of the M.G.F. the filter media is to be replaced with new filter
media for a depth as per the drawing.

a) Rejuvation and repalcememt of filter media in MGF-800 mm dia

1 Filter Media as Silica Each 48300.00 48300.00
2 Filter Media as Zesorb Each 55650.00 55650.00
3 Filter Media as Anthracite Each 5085.00 5085.00
b) Rejuvation and repalcememt of filter media in MGF-1000 mm dia
1 Filter Media as Silica Each 60270.00 60270.00
2 Filter Media as Zesorb Each 71610.00 71610.00
3 Filter Media as Anthracite Each 72345.00 72345.00
c) Rejuvation and repalcememt of filter media in MGF-1200 mm dia
1 Filter Media as Silica Each 86100.00 86100.00
2 Filter Media as Zesorb Each 10270.00 10270.00
3 Filter Media as Anthracite Each 103005.00 103005.00
d) Rejuvation and repalcememt of filter media in MGF-1400 mm dia
1 Filter Media as Silica Each 107940.00 107940.00
2 Filter Media as Zesorb Each 129990.00 129990.00
3 Filter Media as Anthracite Each 130725.00 130725.00
e) Rejuvation and repalcememt of filter media in MGF-1600mm dia Each
1 Filter Media as Silica Each 136500.00 136500.00
2 Filter Media as Zesorb Each 165270.00 165270.00
3 Filter Media as Anthracite Each 166005.00 166005.00
f) Rejuvation and repalcememt of filter media in MGF-1800mm dia
1 Filter Media as Silica Each 161700.00 161700.00
2 Filter Media as Zesorb Each 198240.00 198240.00
3 Filter Media as Anthracite Each 198975.00 198975.00
g) Rejuvation and repalcememt of filter media in MGF-2000mm dia
1 Filter Media as Silica Each 199500.00 199500.00
2 Filter Media as Zesorb Each 244440.00 244440.00
3 Filter Media as Anthracite Each 245175.00 245175.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
h) Rejuvation and repalcememt of filter media in MGF-2200mm dia
1 Filter Media as Silica Each 229110.00 229110.00
2 Filter Media as Zesorb Each 283500.00 283500.00
3 Filter Media as Anthracite Each 284235.00 284235.00
i) Rejuvation and repalcememt of filter media in MGF-2400mm dia
1 Filter Media as Silica Each 250950.00 250950.00
2 Filter Media as Zesorb Each 315630.00 315630.00
3 Filter Media as Anthracite Each 316365.00 316365.00
j) Rejuvation and repalcememt of filter media in MGF-2600mm dia
1 Filter Media as Silica Each 277830.00 277830.00
2 Filter Media as Zesorb Each 353850.00 353850.00
3 Filter Media as Anthracite Each 354585.00 354585.00
k) Rejuvation and repalcememt of filter media in MGF-2800mm dia
1 Filter Media as Silica Each 313950.00 313950.00
2 Filter Media as Zesorb Each 401940.00 401940.00
3 Filter Media as Anthracite Each 402675.00 402675.00

Online sensor for continuous monitoring water quality for the flow
rate of 10000 LPH (0.16 M.L.D) to 4,50,000 LPH (7.20M.L.D)

Online Sensors

Providing of Online sensors with Digital Display of water quality for

Continuous monitoring Turbidity , pH and Free Clorine.
pH Indicator and Transmitter - 2 No
Microprocessor Based Design
Range 0 to 14.00 pH
Mounting Filed Mounted
Enclosure Weather proof
Supply 230 VAC
Max Temp 0 to 45°C
Operating Pressure 0 to 6 Bar
Chlorine Sensor -and Transmitter ( Free Chlorine ) -1 no Set 1270500.00 1270500.00
Application Free Chlorine , Inorganic Chlorine.
Range 0 to 5 ppm
Operating Pressure Up to 1 Bar
Operating Temp 0 to 45°C
Turbidity Indicator and Transmitter -2 No
Scale 0 - 1500 NTU
Power Supply 24V dc
Operating Temp 0 to 45°C
Max . Pressure up to 1 Bar
Body PVC
Cable 10 meter
Mounting Immersed in the Tank

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Mini Water treatment plant for the flow rate of 10000 LPH (0.04
M.L.D) with 4 hour pumping
Design parameter-Design , Build , Supply , Errect and commissioning of Mini
Filtration Plants with Chlorine Dosing Equipment to supply water to villages
through surface water sources of different capacities .
1 Filter feed pump - MOC SS Unit
Capacity: 10m ³ /h @ 25 to 30m
Pump Casing: Chrome Nickel Steel
Pump Nos
AISI 304
Impeller: Chrome Nickel Steel AISI
Suction Valve 50 NB -uPVC - Sch 40 Nos
Discharge Valve 50 NB -uPVC - Sch 40 Nos
Discharge NRV 50NB, MOC - CI/uPVC Nos
Suction & Discharge Piping uPVC 50NB - Sch 40 1-Lot
Chlorine Dosing - System for Disinfection
Dosing Tank 100 Ltrs Nos
Dosing Pump 0-6 LPH Nos
Multigrade Sand Filter - (FRP 10m3/h)
Vessel FRP - 30X72 Nos
Manual Multiport Valve 50 NB Nos
Media Pebbles, gravels, sand 550Kg
Media Anthracite 175Kg
Frontal Piping & Fittings upvc - 50 NB Lot 390600.00 390600.00
Activated Carbon Filter - (FRP 10m3/h)
Vessel FRP - 30X72 Nos
Manual Multiport Valve 50 NB Nos
Media Pebbles, gravels, sand 350Kg
Media Activated Carbon 125Kg
Frontal Piping & Fittings upvc - 50 NB Lot
InterConnecting Piping of WTP
InterConnecting Piping of WTP u-pvc 50 NB Lot

Dol Starter Panel, Wall/Floor

2 Electrical panel for Filter Feed Pump Mounted with dry run protection Nos
and Overload Protection

3 Skid for Plant Installation MOC - Stainless Steel Nos

4 Instrumentation
Line Mounted Pressure Guages, 65
Pressure Guages 3Nos
Mm Dia, Glycirine Filled
Rota meter Line Mounted Rota meters 3Nos
level Contoller Floaty Type, For raw Water Tank Nos

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Mini Water treatment plant for the flow rate of 20000 LPH (0.08
M.L.D) with 4 hour pumping
Design parameter-Supplying Installation and commisssioning of Lamella clarifier
with all other accessories with the specified flow rate (LPH) etc complete and as
directed by the engineer incharge ( The details of componentwise specifications are
as per mentioned below.
Note: The adaptation of the online sensors to be decided by the component
1 Filter feed pump - MOC SS
Capacity: 20m ³ /h @ 25 to 30m
Pump Casing: Chrome Nickel Steel
Pump Nos
AISI 304
Impeller: Chrome Nickel Steel AISI
Suction Valve 65 NB -uPVC - Sch 40 Nos
Discharge Valve 65 NB -uPVC - Sch 40 Nos
Discharge NRV 65 NB, MOC - CI/uPVC Nos
Suction & Discharge Piping uPVC 65 NB - Sch 40 Lot
Chlorine Dosing - System for Disinfection
Dosing Tank 200 Ltrs Nos
Dosing Pump 0-6 LPH Nos
Multigrade Sand Filter - (FRP 20m3/h)
Vessel FRP - 48X72 Nos
Manual Multiport Valve 65 NB Nos
Media Pebbles, gravels, sand 1350Kg
Media Anthracite 400Kg
Frontal Piping & Fittings upvc - 65 NB 1-Lot 667800.00 667800.00
Activated Carbon Filter - (FRP 20m3/h)
Vessel FRP - 48X72 Nos
Manual Multiport Valve 65 NB Nos
Media Pebbles, gravels, sand 900Kg
Media Activated Carbon 275Kg
Frontal Piping & Fittings upvc - 65 NB 1-Lot
InterConnecting Piping of WTP
InterConnecting Piping of WTP u-pvc 65 NB 1-Lot

Dol Starter Panel, Wall/Floor

2 Electrical panel for Filter Feed Pump Mounted with dry run protection Nos
and Overload Protection

3 Skid for Plant Installation MOC - Stainless Steel Nos

4 Instrumentation
Line Mounted Pressure Guages, 65
Pressure Guages 3Nos
Mm Dia, Glycirine Filled
Rota meter Line Mounted Rota meters 3Nos
level Contoller Floaty Type, For raw Water Tank Nos

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5

Automatic Online Hydraulically Operated Self Cleaning Multi

15.27 grade Pressure Filter for the flow rate of 10000 & 15000 LPH 2 Nos 409000.00 409000.00
(0.16 &0.24 M.L.D) with 16 hour pumping
Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter(2 Nos)with required accessories for
connecting the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure
of 3.5 Kg/ cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following
specifications: to filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a
filtrate with less than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 6mm and dish end thickness 8mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the following specification:

Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2
Filter vessel dia (Zeosorb) 1000 mm
HOS 800 mm
Filter vessel dia (Anthracite/Carbon) 1000 mm
HOS 1000 mm
Frontal pipeline 75 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 6 mm
Dish end thickness 8 mm
Pressure relief valve 1 no
Chlorine Dosing Pump 2 nos
Pressure gauge 2 nos
MOC of vessel MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
a Filter Media as Silica Sand Pressure Filter 1650 Kg 161000.00 161000.00
b Filter Media as Zeosorb Pressure Filter 350 ltr 185500.00 185500.00
c Filter Media as Anthracite Pressure Filter 605 Kg 187950.00 187950.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5

Automatic Online Hydraulically Operated Self Cleaning Multi

15.28 grade Pressure Filter for the flow rate of 20000 LPH (0.32 2 Nos 474500.00 474500.00
M.L.D ) with 16 hour pumping

Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter (2 Nos) with required accessories for

connecting the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure
of 3.5 Kg/ cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following
specifications: to filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a
filtrate with less than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 6 mm and dish end thickness 8 mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the following specification:

Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2
Filter vessel dia (Zeosorb) 1200 mm
HOS 1500 mm
Filter vessel dia (Anthracite/Carbon) 1200 mm
HOS 1800 mm
Frontal pipeline 75 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 6 mm
Dish end thickness 8 mm
TCL Dosing Pump 1 nos
Pressure relief valve 1 no
Pressure gauge 2 nos
MOC of vessel MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
a Filter Media as Silica Sand Pressure Filter 1914 Kg 200900.00 200900.00
b Filter Media as Zeosorb Pressure Filter 400 ltr 238700.00 238700.00
c Filter Media as Anthracite Pressure Filter 702 Kg 241150.00 241150.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Automatic Online Hydraulically Operated Self Cleaning Multi
15.29 grade Pressure Filter for the flow rate of 30000 LPH ( 0.48 2 Nos 539900.00 539900.00
M.L.D ) with 16 hour pumping
Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter (2 Nos) with required accessories for
connecting the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure
of 3.5 Kg/ cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following
specifications: to filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a
filtrate with less than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 6 mm and dish end thickness 8 mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the following specification:

Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2

Filter vessel dia (Zeosorb) 1400 mm
HOS 1500 mm
Filter vessel dia (Anthracite/Carbon) 1400 mm
HOS 1800 mm
Frontal pipeline 75 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 6 mm
Dish end thickness 8 mm
TCL Dosing Pump 1 nos
Pressure relief valve 1 no
Pressure gauge 2 nos
MOC of vessel MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
a Filter Media as Silica Sand Pressure Filter 2178 Kg 287000.00 287000.00
b Filter Media as Zeosorb Pressure Filter 454 ltr 340900.00 340900.00
c Filter Media as Anthracite Pressure Filter 800 Kg 343350.00 343350.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Automatic Online Hydraulically Operated Self Cleaning Multi
15.30 grade Pressure Filter for the flow rate of 45000 LPH ( 0.72 2 Nos 638100.00 638100.00
M.L.D ) with 16 hour pumping
Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter (2 Nos) with required accessories for
connecting the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure
of 3.5 Kg/ cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following
specifications: to filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a
filtrate with less than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 6 mm and dish end thickness8 mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the following specification:

Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2

Filter vessel dia (Zeosorb) 1600 mm
HOS 1500 mm
Filter vessel dia (Anthracite/Carbon) 1600 mm
HOS 1800 mm
Frontal pipeline 100 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 6 mm
Dish end thickness 8 mm
TCL Dosing Pump 1 no
Pressure relief valve 1 no
Pressure gauge 2 nos
MOC of vessel MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
a Filter Media as Silica Sand Pressure Filter 2574 Kg 359800.00 359800.00
b Filter Media as Zeosorb Pressure Filter 536 ltr 433300.00 433300.00
c Filter Media as Anthracite Pressure Filter 944 Kg 435750.00 435750.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Automatic Online Hydraulically Operated Self Cleaning Multi
15.31 grade Pressure Filter for the flow rate of 55000 LPH ( 0.88 2 Nos 707455.00 707455.00
M.L.D ) with 16 hour pumping

Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter (2 Nos) with required accessories for

connecting the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure
of 3.5 Kg/ cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following
specifications: to filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a
filtrate with less than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 6 mm and dish end thickness 8 mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the following specification:

Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2

Filter vessel dia (Zeosorb) 1800 mm
HOS 1500 mm
Filter vessel dia (Anthracite/Carbon) 1800 mm
HOS 1800 mm
Frontal pipeline 100 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 6 mm
Dish end thickness 8 mm
TCL Dosing Pump 1 no
Pressure relief valve 1 no
Pressure gauge 2 nos
MOC of vessel MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
a Filter Media as Silica Sand Pressure Filter 2958 Kg 455000.00 455000.00
b Filter Media as Zeosorb Pressure Filter 616 ltr 455000.00 455000.00
c Filter Media as Anthracite Pressure Filter 1085 Kg 553350.00 553350.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Automatic Online Hydraulically Operated Self Cleaning Multi
15.32 grade Pressure Filter for the flow rate of 65000 LPH ( 1.04 2 Nos 731500.00 731500.00
M.L.D) with 16 hour pumping
Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter (2 Nos) with required accessories for
connecting the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure
of 3.5 Kg/ cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following
specifications: to filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a
filtrate with less than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 6 mm and dish end thickness 8 mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the following specification:

Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2

Filter vessel dia (Zeosorb) 2000 mm
HOS 1800 mm
Filter vessel dia (Anthracite/Carbon) 2000 mm
HOS 2000 mm
Frontal pipeline 100 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 6 mm
Dish end thickness 8 mm
TCL Dosing Pump 1 no
Pressure relief valve 1 no
Pressure gauge 2 nos
MOC of vessel MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
a Filter Media as Silica Sand Pressure Filter 3354 Kg 539000.00 539000.00
b Filter Media as Zeosorb Pressure Filter 699 ltr 660800.00 660800.00
c Filter Media as Anthracite Pressure Filter 1230 Kg 663250.00 663250.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Automatic Online Hydraulically Operated Self Cleaning Multi
15.33 grade Pressure Filter for the flow rate of 85000 LPH ( 1.36 2 Nos 1179500.00 1179500.00
M.L.D ) with 16 hour pumping

Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter (2 Nos) with required accessories for

connecting the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure
of 3.5 Kg/ cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following
specifications: to filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a
filtrate with less than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 6 mm and dish end thickness 8 mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the following specification:

Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2

Filter vessel dia (Zeosorb) 2200 mm
HOS 2000 mm
Filter vessel dia (Anthracite/Carbon) 2200 mm
HOS 2200 mm
Frontal pipeline 150 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 6 mm
Dish end thickness 8 mm
TCL Dosing Pump 1 no
Pressure relief valve 1 no
Pressure gauge 2 nos
MOC of vessel MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
a Filter Media as Silica Sand Pressure Filter 4758 Kg 665000.00 665000.00
b Filter Media as Zeosorb Pressure Filter 991 ltr 814800.00 814800.00
c Filter Media as Anthracite Pressure Filter 1745 Kg 817250.00 817250.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Automatic Online Hydraulically Operated Self Cleaning Multi
15.34 grade Pressure Filter for the flow rate of 1,10,000 LPH (1.76 2 Nos 1502375.00 1502375.00
M.L.D) with 16 hour pumping

Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter (2 Nos) with required accessories for

connecting the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure
of 3.5 Kg/ cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following
specifications: to filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a
filtrate with less than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 6 mm and dish end thickness 8 mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the following specification:

Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2

Filter vessel dia (Zeosorb) 2400 mm
HOS 2000 mm
Filter vessel dia (Anthracite/Carbon) 2400 mm
HOS 2200 mm
Frontal pipeline 150 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 6 mm
Dish end thickness 8 mm
TCL Dosing Pump 1 no
Pressure relief valve 1 no
Pressure gauge 2 nos
MOC of vessel MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
a Filter Media as Silica Sand Pressure Filter 6060 Kg 763700.00 763700.00
b Filter Media as Zeosorb Pressure Filter 1262 ltr 945000.00 945000.00
c Filter Media as Anthracite Pressure Filter 2222 Kg 947450.00 947450.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5

Automatic Online Hydraulically Operated Self Cleaning Multi

15.35 grade Pressure Filter for the flow rate of 1,35,000 LPH (2.16 2 Nos 1807300.00 1807300.00
M.L.D) with 16 hour pumping

Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter (2 Nos) with required accessories for

connecting the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure
of 3.5 Kg/ cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following
specifications: to filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a
filtrate with less than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 8 mm and dish end thickness 10 mm the
inner surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the following specification:

Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2

Filter vessel dia (Zeosorb) 2400 mm
HOS 2200 mm
Filter vessel dia (Anthracite/Carbon) 2400 mm
HOS 2400 mm
Frontal pipeline 150 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 8 mm
Dish end thickness 10 mm
TCL Dosing Pump 1 no
Pressure relief valve 1 no
Pressure gauge 2 nos
MOC of vessel MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
a Filter Media as Silica Sand Pressure Filter 7290 Kg 836500.00 836500.00
b Filter Media as Zeosorb Pressure Filter 1519 ltr 1052100.00 1052100.00
c Filter Media as Anthracite Pressure Filter 2673 Kg 1054550.00 1054550.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Automatic Online Hydraulically Operated Self Cleaning Multi
15.36 grade Pressure Filter for the flow rate of 1,50,000 LPH(2.40 2 Nos 1948600.00 1948600.00
M.L.D ) with 16 hour pumping


Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter ( 2Nos) with required accessories for

connecting the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure
of 3.5 Kg/ cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following
specifications: to filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a
filtrate with less than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 8 mm and dish end thickness 10 mm the
inner surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the following specification:

Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2

Filter vessel dia (Zeosorb) 2600 mm
HOS 2000 mm
Filter vessel dia (Anthracite/Carbon) 2600 mm
HOS 2200 mm
Frontal pipeline 150 mm
Valves Butterfly valves
Shell thickness 8 mm
Dish end thickness 10 mm
TCL Dosing Pump 1 no
Pressure relief valve 1 no
Pressure gauge 2 nos
MOC of vessel MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
a Filter Media as Silica Sand Pressure Filter 7860 Kg 926100.00 926100.00
b Filter Media as Zeosorb Pressure Filter 1638 ltr 1179500.00 1179500.00
c Filter Media as Anthracite Pressure Filter 2882 Kg 1181950.00 1181950.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5

Automatic Online Hydraulically Operated Self Cleaning Multi

15.37 grade Pressure Filter for the flow rate of 1,85,000 LPH( 2.96 2 Nos 2253563.00 2253563.00
M.L.D ) with 16 hour pumping


Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter ( 2Nos) with required accessories for

connecting the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure
of 3.5 Kg/ cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following
specifications: to filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a
filtrate with less than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 8 mm and dish end thickness 10mm the inner
surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the following specification:

Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2

Filter vessel dia (Zeosorb) 2800 mm
HOS 2000 mm
Filter vessel dia (Anthracite/Carbon) 2800 mm
HOS 2200 mm
Frontal pipeline 200 mm
Valves Butterfly valves (Auto)
Shell thickness 8 mm
Dish end thickness 10 mm
TCL Dosing Pump 1 no
Pressure relief valve 1 no
Pressure gauge 2 nos
MOC of vessel MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
a Filter Media as Silica Sand Pressure Filter 9090 Kg 1046500.00 1046500.00
b Filter Media as Zeosorb Pressure Filter 1894 ltr 1339800.00 1339800.00
c Filter Media as Anthracite Pressure Filter 3333 Kg 1342250.00 1342250.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Automatic Online Hydraulically Operated Self Cleaning Multi
15.38 grade Pressure Filter for the flow rate of 2,00,000 LPH ( 3.20 2 Nos 2394800.00 2394800.00
M.L.D ) with 16 hour pumping

Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter (2 Nos) with required accessories for

connecting the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure
of 3.5 Kg/ cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following
specifications: to filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a
filtrate with less than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 8 mm and dish end thickness 10 mm the
inner surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the following specification:

Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2
Filter vessel dia (Zeosorb) 3000 mm
HOS 2000 mm
Filter vessel dia (Anthracite/Carbon) 3000 mm
HOS 2200 mm
Frontal pipeline 200 mm
Valves Butterfly valves (Auto)
Shell thickness 8 mm
Dish end thickness 10 mm
TCL Dosing Pump 1 no
Pressure relief valve 1 no
Pressure gauge 2 nos
MOC of vessel MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
a Filter Media as Silica Sand Pressure Filter 9660 kg 1134000.00 1134000.00
b Filter Media as Zeosorb Pressure Filter 2013 ltr 1470700.00 1470700.00
c Filter Media as Anthracite Pressure Filter 3542 kg 1473150.00 1473150.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Automatic Online Hydraulically Operated Self Cleaning Multi
15.39 grade Pressure Filter for the flow rate of 2,25,000 LPH ( 3.60 2 Nos 2692300.00 2692300.00
M.L.D ) with 16 hour pumping

Providing of Multi-grade Pressure Filter (2 Nos) with required accessories for

connecting the filter to rising main with a maximum / minimum operating pressure
of 3.5 Kg/ cm2 to 2.0 Kg / cm2 respectively and confirming to the following
specifications: to filter water containing 50 ppm of suspended solids to produce a
filtrate with less than 5 ppm of suspended solids.

a) The vertical cylindrical shell with dish ends made up of mild steel confirming to
IS 2062 fabricated of plate thickness 8 mm and dish end thickness 10 mm the
inner surface of M.S. Shell should be provided with epoxy paint , the raw material
confirming to FDA standards. Protective coat of red oxide primer and enamel
paint as per IS – 14209 for outer surface of the M.S. Shell should be provided.

b) The following accessories should be provided with the pressure filter:

i. One suitable set of laterals and header and bell mouth for water distribution and
collection system.
ii. One initial charge of , filter media and under bed material with one set of
suitable frontal pipe work and valves and pressure gauges to monitor the pressure
loss across the filter operated manually as per the specifications below

c) The pressure filter unit is designed for the following specification:

Working pressure 1.5 Kg / Cm2 to 3.5 Kg / cm2
Filter vessel dia (Zeosorb) 3000 mm
HOS 2200 mm
Filter vessel dia (Anthracite/Carbon) 3000 mm
HOS 2400 mm
Frontal pipeline 200 mm
Valves Butterfly valves (Auto)
Shell thickness 8 mm
Dish end thickness 10 mm
TCL Dosing Pump 1 no
Pressure relief valve 1 no
Pressure gauge 2 nos
MOC of vessel MS IS 2062 with Epoxy food grade
10860 kg
a Filter Media as Silica Sand Pressure Filter 1288000.00 1288000.00
b Filter Media as Zeosorb Pressure Filter 2263 ltr 1670900.00 1670900.00
c Filter Media as Anthracite Pressure Filter 3982 kg 1673350.00 1673350.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5

Supply and delivery of Woltman model with removal mechanism water meters
confirming to ISO 4064 part I,II,III class B or IS 779 and IS 2373 with life cycle
test certificate from FCRI/ NABL accredited lab. The water meters shall have
magnetic drivers or mechanical drivers and shall be versatile for installation in any
position. The meters shall be hydrodynamically, hydrostatically balanced. The
runner, runner chamber, pointer of the meter shall be as per ISO 4064 class B
specification. Dry dial excavated counter housing fully protected against flooding
ensuring easy reading in all climates.

Note: the above rates are basic rates inclusive of transportation charges, earth
work excavation, labour charges, cutting and threading, conveyance, welding and
hire charges for tools and plants ets., complete.
15.40.1 50mm Each 14252.00 14252.00
15.40.2 80mm Each 19451.00 19451.00
15.40.3 100mm Each 25531.00 25531.00
15.40.4 150mm Each 39599.00 39599.00
15.40.5 200mm Each 45665.00 45665.00
15.40.6 250mm Each 92767.00 92767.00
15.40.7 300mm Each 154760.00 154760.00
15.40.8 400mm Each 253825.00 253825.00
15.40.9 500mm Each 314223.00 314223.00

Supply and fixing of Horizontal Mechanical Woltman type hermetically sealed

water meters with copper Glass register with IP 68 protection. The meter shall be
removable machanism type manufactured as ISO 4064-1: 1993 with MID
certification. The meters shall be capable of transmitting consumption data on daily
basis to central server through GSM/GPRS. The meter interface unit shall be fitted
to the meter without wire. The consumption data shall be collected, stored and
analysed by data logger. The data logger should provide data like flow rate, total
flow, consumption analyses, reverse flow, meter tampering, daily flow distribution,
leakage detection. The data logger shall also send alarms on blocked meter, flow
rate above limit, pressure below or above limits.

15.41.1 50mm Nos 59200.00 59200.00

15.41.2 80mm Nos 63750.00 63750.00
15.41.3 100mm Nos 69200.00 69200.00
15.41.4 150mm Nos 82800.00 82800.00
15.41.5 200mm Nos 102000.00 102000.00
15.41.6 250mm Nos 134800.00 134800.00
15.41.7 300mm Nos 286900.00 286900.00

Supply and delivery at site special moulded variety 25 mm dia PVC couplers as
15.42 per IS 7834/ 1987 and fabricated as per IG124/ 1984 with ISI mark and with its No. 15.00 15.00
latest amendments

15.42.1 32 mm dia No. 18.00 18.00

15.42.2 40 mm dia No. 25.00 25.00
15.42.3 50 mm dia No. 35.00 35.00
15.42.4 63 mm dia No. 40.00 40.00
15.42.5 75 mm dia No. 50.00 50.00
15.42.6 90 mm dia No. 60.00 60.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
15.42.7 110 mm dia No. 90.00 90.00
15.42.8 140 mm dia No. 118.00 118.00
15.42.9 160 mm dia No. 140.00 140.00
15.42.10 180 mm dia No. 170.00 170.00
15.42.11 200 mm dia No. 200.00 200.00
15.42.12 225 mm dia No. 235.00 235.00
15.42.13 250 mm dia No. 309.00 309.00
15.42.14 280 mm dia No. 380.00 380.00
15.42.15 315 mm dia No. 425.00 425.00

Supply and delivery at site special moulded variety 25 mm dia

15.43 PVC elbows as per IS 7834/ 1987 and fabricated as per IG124/ No. 35.00 35.00
1984 with ISI mark with its latest amendments
15.43.1 32 mm dia No. 45.00 45.00
15.43.2 40 mm dia No. 55.00 55.00
15.43.3 50 mm dia No. 70.00 70.00
15.43.4 63 mm dia No. 90.00 90.00
15.43.5 75 mm dia No. 108.00 108.00
15.43.6 90 mm dia No. 115.00 115.00
15.43.7 110 mm dia No. 130.00 130.00
15.43.8 140 mm dia No. 195.00 195.00
15.43.9 160 mm dia No. 270.00 270.00
15.43.10 180 mm dia No. 370.00 370.00
15.43.11 200 mm dia No. 400.00 400.00
15.43.12 225 mm dia No. 520.00 520.00
15.43.13 250 mm dia No. 650.00 650.00
15.43.14 280 mm dia No. 690.00 690.00
15.43.15 315 mm dia No. 720.00 720.00
Supply and delivery at site special moulded variety 25 mm dia
15.44 PVC tee as per IS 7834/ 1987 and fabricated as per IG124/ 1984 No. 30.00 30.00
with ISI mark with its latest amendments
15.44.1 32 mm dia No. 35.00 35.00
15.44.2 40 mm dia No. 48.00 48.00
15.44.3 50 mm dia No. 55.00 55.00
15.44.4 63 mm dia No. 65.00 65.00
15.44.5 75 mm dia No. 90.00 90.00
15.44.6 90 mm dia No. 120.00 120.00
15.44.7 110 mm dia No. 140.00 140.00
15.44.8 140 mm dia No. 210.00 210.00
15.44.9 160 mm dia No. 310.00 310.00
15.44.10 180 mm dia No. 500.00 500.00
15.44.11 200 mm dia No. 600.00 600.00
15.44.12 225 mm dia No. 878.00 878.00
15.44.13 250 mm dia No. 950.00 950.00
15.44.14 280 mm dia No. 1050.00 1050.00
15.44.15 315 mm dia No. 1185.00 1185.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Supply and delivery at site special moulded variety 25 mm dia
15.45 PVC bend as per IS 7834/ 1987 and fabricated as per IG124/ 1984 No. 40.00 40.00
with ISI mark with its latest amendments
15.45.1 32 mm dia No. 55.00 55.00
15.45.2 40 mm dia No. 70.00 70.00
15.45.3 50 mm dia No. 75.00 75.00
15.45.4 63 mm dia No. 85.00 85.00
15.45.5 75 mm dia No. 100.00 100.00
15.45.6 90 mm dia No. 120.00 120.00
15.45.7 110 mm dia No. 160.00 160.00
15.45.8 140 mm dia No. 220.00 220.00
15.45.9 160 mm dia No. 300.00 300.00
15.45.10 180 mm dia No. 335.00 335.00
15.45.11 200 mm dia No. 375.00 375.00
15.45.12 225 mm dia No. 585.00 585.00
15.45.13 250 mm dia No. 680.00 680.00
15.45.14 280 mm dia No. 950.00 950.00
15.45.15 315 mm dia No. 986.00 986.65

Supply and delivery at site special moulded variety 25 mm dia PVC service
15.50 saddles as per IS 7834/ 1987 and fabricated as per IG124/ 1984 with ISI mark No. 35.00 35.00
with its latest amendments

15.46.1 32 mm dia No. 50.00 50.00

15.46.2 40 mm dia No. 60.00 60.00
15.46.3 50 mm dia No. 80.00 80.00
15.46.4 63 mm dia No. 90.00 90.00
15.46.5 75 mm dia No. 120.00 120.00
15.46.6 90 mm dia No. 160.00 160.00
15.46.7 110 mm dia No. 190.00 190.00
15.46.8 140 mm dia No. 200.00 200.00
15.46.9 160 mm dia No. 260.00 260.00
15.46.10 180 mm dia No. 330.00 330.00
15.46.11 200 mm dia No. 370.00 370.00
15.46.12 225 mm dia No. 470.00 470.00
15.46.13 250 mm dia No. 520.00 520.00
15.46.14 280 mm dia No. 560.00 560.00
15.46.15 315 mm dia No. 650.00 650.00
Supply and delivery at site special moulded variety 25 mm dia
15.47 PVC reducer as per IS 7834/ 1987 and fabricated as per IG124/ No. 65.00 65.00
1984 with ISI mark with its latest amendments
15.47.1 32 mm dia No. 90.00 90.00
15.47.2 40 mm dia No. 110.00 110.00
15.47.3 50 mm dia No. 220.00 220.00
15.47.4 63 mm dia No. 140.00 140.00
15.47.5 75 mm dia No. 150.00 150.00
15.47.6 90 mm dia No. 195.00 195.00
15.47.7 110 mm dia No. 195.00 195.00
15.47.8 140 mm dia No. 270.00 270.00
15.47.9 160 mm dia No. 350.00 350.00
15.47.10 180 mm dia No. 430.00 430.00
15.47.11 200 mm dia No. 550.00 550.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
15.47.12 225 mm dia No. 620.00 620.00
15.47.13 250 mm dia No. 660.00 660.00
15.47.14 280 mm dia No. 790.00 790.00
15.47.15 315 mm dia No. 900.00 900.00

Supply and delivery at site CIDE pipes ISI marked (horizontal

CIUDF) of 1-meter length, 80 mm dia as per ISI 181/ 1986 with
15.48 Each 1200.00 1200.00
latest amendments if any, the flange should be drilled as per IS
1538/ 1976, the pipes should bear ISI marking on them.

15.48.1 1-meter length, 100 mm dia Each 1489.00 1489.00

15.48.2 1-meter length, 150 mm dia Each 1700.00 1700.00
15.48.3 1-meter length, 200 mm dia Each 2659.00 2659.00
15.48.4 1-meter length, 250 mm dia Each 4000.00 4000.00
15.48.5 2.75 meter length, 80 mm dia Each 2800.00 2800.00
15.48.6 2.75 meter length, 100 mm dia Each 3357.00 3357.00
15.48.7 2.75 meter length, 150 mm dia Each 4925.00 4925.00

Providing 50 mm dia medium class CI flanged and socket tail

pieces confirming to IS 1538 (Part-I to XXII) 1978 with latest
15.49 No. 350.00 350.00
amendments if any cost of all materials, labour charges etc.
15.49.1 65 mm dia No 375.00 375.00
15.49.2 80 mm dia No. 420.00 420.00
15.49.3 100 mm dia No. 550.00 550.00
15.49.4 125 mm dia No. 700.00 700.00
15.49.5 150 mm dia No. 900.00 900.00
15.49.6 200 mm dia No. 1100.00 1100.00
15.49.7 250 mm dia No. 1300.00 1300.00
15.49.8 300 mm dia No. 1500.00 1500.00

Providing 50 mm dia heavy class CI flanged and socket tail pieces

confirming to IS 1538 (Part-I to XXII) 1978 with latest
15.5 No 400.00 400.00
amendments if any cost of all materials, labour charges etc.
15.50.1 65 mm dia No 500.00 500.00
15.50.2 80 mm dia No. 750.00 750.00
15.50.3 100 mm dia No. 950.00 950.00
15.50.4 125 mm dia No. 1100.00 1100.00
15.50.5 150 mm dia No. 1300.00 1300.00
15.50.6 200 mm dia No. 1325.00 1325.00
15.50.7 250 mm dia No. 1600.00 1600.00
15.50.8 300 mm dia No. 1800.00 1800.00

Providing 80 mm dia medium class CI collar confirming to IS

15.51 1538 (Part-I to XXII) 1978 with latest amendments if any cost of No. 500.00 500.00
all materials, labour charges etc. complete.
15.51.1 100 mm dia No. 600.00 600.00
15.51.2 125 mm dia No. 800.00 800.00
15.51.3 150 mm dia No. 9000.00 9000.00
15.51.4 200 mm dia No. 1200.00 1200.00
15.51.5 250 mm dia No. 1389.00 1389.00
15.51.6 300 mm dia No. 1600.00 1600.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Providing 80 mm dia heavy class CI collar confirming to IS 1538
15.52 (Part-I to XXII) 1978 with latest amendments if any cost of all No. 600.00 600.00
materials, labour charges etc. complete.
15.52.1 100 mm dia No. 650.00 650.00
15.52.2 125 mm dia No. 800.00 800.00
15.52.3 150 mm dia No. 1000.00 1000.00
15.52.4 200 mm dia No. 1400.00 1400.00
15.52.5 250 mm dia No. 1700.00 1700.00
15.52.6 300 mm dia No. 2500.00 2500.00

Providing 80 mm dia medium class CI plugs confirming to IS 1538

15.53 (Part-I to XXII) 1978 with latest amendments if any cost of all No. 120.00 120.00
materials, labour charges etc. complete.
15.53.1 100 mm dia No. 160.00 160.00
15.53.2 125 mm dia No. 250.00 250.00
15.53.3 150 mm dia No. 420.00 420.00
15.53.4 200 mm dia No. 790.00 790.00
15.53.5 250 mm dia No. 800.00 800.00
15.53.6 300 mm dia No. 1000.00 1000.00
Providing 80 mm dia heavy class CI plugs confirming to IS 1538
15.54 (Part-I to XXII) 1978 with latest amendments if any cost of all No. 140.00 140.00
materials, labour charges etc. complete.
15.54.1 100 mm dia No. 200.00 200.00
15.54.2 125 mm dia No. 300.00 300.00
15.54.3 150 mm dia No. 475.00 475.00
15.54.4 200 mm dia No. 602.00 602.00
15.54.5 250 mm dia No. 700.00 700.00
15.54.6 300 mm dia No. 900.00 900.00
Providing 80 mm dia CI bank flange confirming to IS 1538 (Part-I
15.55 to XXII) 1978 with latest amendments if any cost of all materials, No. 200.00 200.00
labour charges etc. complete.
15.55.1 100 mm dia No. 250.00 250.00
15.55.2 125 mm dia No. 300.00 300.00
15.55.3 150 mm dia No. 350.00 350.00
15.55.4 200 mm dia No. 500.00 500.00
15.55.5 250 mm dia No. 550.00 550.00
15.55.6 300 mm dia No. 735.00 735.00
Providing 80 mm dia CI caps confirming to IS 1538 (Part-I to
15.56 XXII) 1978 with latest amendments if any cost of all materials, No. 200.00 200.00
labour charges etc. complete.
15.56.1 100 mm dia No. 250.00 250.00
15.56.2 125 mm dia No. 350.00 350.00
15.56.3 150 mm dia No. 500.00 500.00
15.56.4 200 mm dia No. 600.00 600.00
15.56.5 250 mm dia No. 718.00 718.00
15.56.6 300 mm dia No. 865.00 865.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5

Providing 80 mm dia Bell mouthed pipes (flanged) confirming to

15.57 IS 1538 (Part-I to XXII) 1978 with latest amendments if any cost No. 320.00 320.00
of all materials, labour charges etc. complete.

15.57.1 100 mm dia No. 420.00 420.00

15.57.2 125 mm dia No. 500.00 500.00
15.57.3 150 mm dia No. 650.00 650.00
15.57.4 200 mm dia No. 850.00 850.00
15.57.5 250 mm dia No. 1149.00 1149.00
15.57.6 300 mm dia No. 1400.00 1400.00
Providing 80 mm dia Duck foot bend confirming to IS 1538 (Part-
15.58 I to XXII) 1978 with latest amendments if any cost of all No. 350.00 350.00
materials, labour charges etc. complete.
15.58.1 100 mm dia No. 420.00 420.00
15.58.2 125 mm dia No. 590.00 590.00
15.58.3 150 mm dia No. 800.00 800.00
15.58.4 200 mm dia No. 900.00 900.00
15.58.5 250 mm dia No. 1000.00 1000.00
15.58.6 300 mm dia No. 1200.00 1200.00
Providing 80 mm dia Sluice valve/ scour valve confirming to IS
15.59 1538 (Part-I to XXII) 1978 with latest amendments if any cost of No. 2900.00 2900.00
all materials, labour charges etc. complete.
15.59.1 100 mm dia No. 3800.00 3800.00
15.59.2 125 mm dia No. 4200.00 4200.00
15.59.3 150 mm dia No. 4900.00 4900.00
15.59.4 200 mm dia No. 5500.00 5500.00
15.59.5 250 mm dia No. 6000.00 6000.00
15.59.6 300 mm dia No. 6500.00 6500.00

Providing 80 mm dia Air valve confirming to IS 1538 (Part-I to

15.60 No. 2700.00 2700.00
XXII) 1978 with latest amendments if any

15.60.1 100 mm dia No. 3000.00 3000.00

15.60.2 125 mm dia No. 3578.00 3578.00
15.60.3 150 mm dia No. 3915.00 3915.00
15.60.4 200 mm dia No. 4500.00 4500.00
15.60.5 250 mm dia No. 5000.00 5000.00
15.60.6 300 mm dia No. 6000.00 6000.00
Providing 80 mm dia Medium class 90 ” double flanged bend
confirming to IS 1538 (Part-I to XXII) 1978 with latest
15.61 No. 500.00 500.00
amendments if any cost of all materials, labour charges etc.
15.61.1 100 mm dia No. 600.00 600.00
15.61.2 125 mm dia No. 800.00 800.00
15.61.3 150 mm dia No. 1200.00 1200.00
15.61.4 200 mm dia No. 1400.00 1400.00
15.61.5 250 mm dia No. 1500.00 1500.00
15.61.6 300 mm dia No. 2500.00 2500.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Providing 80 mm dia Heavy class 90 ” double flanged bend
confirming to IS 1538 (Part-I to XXII) 1978 with latest
15.62 No. 550.00 550.00
amendments if any cost of all materials, labour charges etc.
15.62.1 100 mm dia No. 678.00 678.00
15.62.2 125 mm dia No. 890.00 890.00
15.62.3 150 mm dia No. 1000.00 1000.00
15.62.4 200 mm dia No. 1400.00 1400.00
15.62.5 250 mm dia No. 2000.00 2000.00
15.62.6 300 mm dia No. 2300.00 2300.00
Providing 80 mm dia Medium class 45 ” double flanged bend
confirming to IS 1538 (Part-I to XXII) 1978 with latest
15.63 No. 485.00 485.00
amendments if any cost of all materials, labour charges etc.
15.63.1 100 mm dia No. 590.00 590.00
15.63.2 125 mm dia No. 700.00 700.00
15.63.3 150 mm dia No. 900.00 900.00
15.63.4 200 mm dia No. 1100.00 1100.00
15.63.5 250 mm dia No. 1700.00 1700.00
15.63.6 300 mm dia No. 2200.00 2200.00
Providing 80 mm dia Heavy class 45 ” double flanged bend
confirming to IS 1538 (Part-I to XXII) 1978 with latest
15.64 No. 575.00 575.00
amendments if any cost of all materials, labour charges etc.
15.64.1 100 mm dia No. 775.00 775.00
15.64.2 125 mm dia No. 900.00 900.00
15.64.3 150 mm dia No. 1200.00 1200.00
15.64.4 200 mm dia No. 1880.00 1880.00
15.64.5 250 mm dia No. 2500.00 2500.00
15.64.6 300 mm dia No. 2900.00 2900.00
Providing 80 mm dia Medium class 90” double flanged socketed
bend confirming to IS 1538 (Part-I to XXII) 1978 with latest
15.65 No. 590.00 590.00
amendments if any cost of all materials, labour charges etc.
15.65.1 100 mm dia No. 700.00 700.00
15.65.2 125 mm dia No. 900.00 900.00
15.65.3 150 mm dia No. 1200.00 1200.00
15.65.4 200 mm dia No. 1900.00 1900.00
15.65.5 250 mm dia No. 2700.00 2700.00
15.65.6 300 mm dia No. 3000.00 3000.00
Providing 80 mm dia Heavy class 90 ” double flanged socketed
bend confirming to IS 1538 (Part-I to XXII) 1978 with latest
15.70 No. 800.00 800.00
amendments if any cost of all materials, labour charges etc.
15.66.1 100 mm dia No. 1100.00 1100.00
15.66.2 125 mm dia No. 1400.00 1400.00
15.66.3 150 mm dia No. 1900.00 1900.00
15.66.4 200 mm dia No. 2600.00 2600.00
15.66.5 250 mm dia No. 3300.00 3300.00
15.66.6 300 mm dia No. 4218.00 4218.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5

Providing 80 mm dia Medium class 45 ” double flanged socketed bend

15.67 confirming to IS 1538 (Part-I to XXII) 1978 with latest amendments if any No. 590.00 590.00
cost of all materials, labour charges etc. complete.

15.67.1 100 mm dia No. 700.00 700.00

15.67.2 125 mm dia No. 900.00 900.00
15.67.3 150 mm dia No. 1300.00 1300.00
15.67.4 200 mm dia No. 1800.00 1800.00
15.67.5 250 mm dia No. 2700.00 2700.00
15.67.6 300 mm dia No. 2500.00 2500.00

Providing 80 mm dia Heavy class 45 ” double flanged socketed bend

15.68 confirming to IS 1538 (Part-I to XXII) 1978 with latest amendments if any No. 785.00 785.00
cost of all materials, labour charges etc. complete.

15.68.1 100 mm dia No. 900.00 900.00

15.68.2 125 mm dia No. 1300.00 1300.00
15.68.3 150 mm dia No. 1600.00 1600.00
15.68.4 200 mm dia No. 1900.00 1900.00
15.68.5 250 mm dia No. 2789.00 2789.00
15.68.6 300 mm dia No. 3500.00 3500.00

Providing 80 mm dia Medium class 22½” double socketed bend confirming

15.69 to IS 1538 (Part-I to XXII) 1978 with latest amendments if any cost of all No. 580.00 580.00
materials, labour charges etc. complete.

15.69.1 100 mm dia No. 690.00 690.00

15.69.2 125 mm dia No. 800.00 800.00
15.69.3 150 mm dia No. 1000.00 1000.00
15.69.4 200 mm dia No. 1400.00 1400.00
15.69.5 250 mm dia No. 2000.00 2000.00
15.69.6 300 mm dia No. 2718.00 2718.00

Providing 80 mm dia Heavy class 22½” double socketed bend confirming to

15.70 IS 1538 (Part-I to XXII) 1978 with latest amendments if any cost of all No. 675.00 675.00
materials, labour charges etc. complete.

15.70.1 100 mm dia No. 900.00 900.00

15.70.2 125 mm dia No. 1000.00 1000.00
15.70.3 150 mm dia No. 1400.00 1400.00
15.70.4 200 mm dia No. 1800.00 1800.00
15.70.5 250 mm dia No. 2500.00 2500.00
15.70.6 300 mm dia No. 3267.00 3267.00

Providing 80 mm dia Medium class 14¼” double socketed bend confirming

15.71 to IS 1538 (Part-I to XXII) 1978 with latest amendments if any cost of all No. 700.00 700.00
materials, labour charges etc. complete.

15.71.1 100 mm dia No. 1000.00 1000.00

15.71.2 125 mm dia No. 1300.00 1300.00
15.71.3 150 mm dia No. 1700.00 1700.00
15.71.4 200 mm dia No. 2368.00 2368.00
15.71.5 250 mm dia No. 2998.00 2998.00
15.71.6 300 mm dia No. 3100.00 3100.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5

Providing wrought mild steel (galvanized) 15 mm dia GI collar confirming to

15.72 Each 38.00 38.00
IS 1239-II, 1991 with latest amendments if any.

15.72.1 20 mm Dia Each 65.00 65.00

15.72.2 25 mm Dia Each 93.00 93.00
15.72.3 32 mm Dia Each 115.00 115.00
15.72.4 40 mm dia Each 135.00 135.00
15.72.5 50 mm dia Each 175.00 175.00
15.72.6 65 mm dia Each 205.00 205.00
15.72.7 80 mm dia Each 275.00 275.00
15.72.8 100 mm dia Each 345.00 345.00
15.72.9 125 mm dia Each 435.00 435.00
15.72.10 150 mm dia Each 475.00 475.00

Supply and delivery at site wrought middle steel (galvanized) 15 mm dia GI

15.73 Each 38.00 38.00
elbow confirming to IS 1239-II, 1991 with latest amendments if any.

15.73.1 20 mm Dia Each 65.00 65.00

15.73.2 25 mm Dia Each 79.00 79.00
15.73.3 32 mm Dia Each 105.00 105.00
15.73.4 40 mm dia Each 135.00 135.00
15.73.5 50 mm dia Each 175.00 175.00
15.73.6 65 mm dia Each 195.00 195.00
15.73.7 80 mm dia Each 285.00 285.00
15.73.8 100 mm dia Each 335.00 335.00
15.73.9 125 mm dia Each 395.00 395.00
15.73.10 150 mm dia Each 445.00 445.00

Supply and delivery at site wrought middle steel (galvanized) 15 mm dia GI

15.74 Each 65.00 65.00
bend confirming to IS 1239-II, 1991 with latest amendments if any.

15.74.1 20 mm Dia Each 80.00 80.00

15.74.2 25 mm Dia Each 95.00 95.00
15.74.3 32 mm Dia Each 135.00 135.00
15.74.4 40 mm dia Each 175.00 175.00
15.74.5 50 mm dia Each 235.00 235.00
15.74.6 65 mm dia Each 265.00 265.00
15.74.7 80 mm dia Each 335.00 335.00
15.74.8 100 mm dia Each 410.00 410.00
15.74.9 125 mm dia Each 465.00 465.00
15.74.10 150 mm dia Each 495.00 495.00

Supply and delivery at site wrought middle steel (galvanized) 15 mm dia GI

15.75 Each 40.00 40.00
tee confirming to IS 1239-II, 1991 with latest amendments if any.

15.75.1 20 mm Dia Each 70.00 70.00

15.75.2 25 mm Dia Each 90.00 90.00
15.75.3 32 mm Dia Each 115.00 115.00
15.75.4 40 mm dia Each 125.00 125.00
15.75.5 50 mm dia Each 195.00 195.00
15.75.6 65 mm dia Each 245.00 245.00
15.75.7 80 mm dia Each 297.00 297.00
15.75.8 100 mm dia Each 415.00 415.00
15.75.9 125 mm dia Each 530.00 530.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
15.75.10 150 mm dia Each 625.00 625.00

Supply and delivery at site wrought middle steel (galvanized) 15 mm dia GI

15.80 Each 35.00 35.00
socket confirming to IS 1239-II, 1991 with latest amendments if any.

15.76.1 20 mm Dia Each 55.00 55.00

15.76.2 25 mm Dia Each 75.00 75.00
15.76.3 32 mm Dia Each 95.00 95.00
15.76.4 40 mm dia Each 145.00 145.00
15.76.5 50 mm dia Each 195.00 195.00
15.76.6 65 mm dia Each 245.00 245.00
15.76.7 80 mm dia Each 310.00 310.00
15.76.8 100 mm dia Each 385.00 385.00
15.76.9 125 mm dia Each 420.00 420.00
15.76.10 150 mm dia Each 500.00 500.00

Supply and delivery at site wrought middle steel (galvanized) 15 mm dia GI

15.77 Each 35.00 35.00
plugs confirming to IS 1239-II, 1991 with latest amendments if any.

15.77.1 20 mm Dia Each 45.00 45.00

15.77.2 25 mm Dia Each 65.00 65.00
15.77.3 32 mm Dia Each 85.00 85.00
15.77.4 40 mm dia Each 115.00 115.00
15.77.5 50 mm dia Each 130.00 130.00
15.77.6 65 mm dia Each 155.00 155.00
15.77.7 80 mm dia Each 175.00 175.00
15.77.8 100 mm dia Each 245.00 245.00
15.77.9 125 mm dia Each 295.00 295.00
15.77.10 150 mm dia Each 335.00 335.00

Supply and delivery at site wrought middle steel (galvanized) 15 mm dia GI

15.78 Each 55.00 55.00
union confirming to IS 1239-II, 1991 with latest amendments if any.

15.78.1 20 mm Dia Each 85.00 85.00

15.78.2 25 mm Dia Each 105.00 105.00
15.78.3 32 mm Dia Each 125.00 125.00
15.78.4 40 mm dia Each 155.00 155.00
15.78.5 50 mm dia Each 175.00 175.00
15.78.6 65 mm dia Each 230.00 230.00
15.78.7 80 mm dia Each 395.00 395.00
15.78.8 100 mm dia Each 425.00 425.00
15.78.9 125 mm dia Each 455.00 455.00
15.78.10 150 mm dia Each 535.00 535.00
Supply and delivery at site wrought middle steel (galvanized) 15 mm dia GI
15.79 back nut/ check nut confirming to IS 1239-II, 1991 with latest amendments if Each 45.00 45.00
15.79.1 20 mm Dia Each 65.00 65.00
15.79.2 25 mm Dia Each 95.00 95.00
15.79.3 32 mm Dia Each 115.00 115.00
15.79.4 40 mm dia Each 135.00 135.00
15.79.5 50 mm dia Each 175.00 175.00
15.79.6 65 mm dia Each 195.00 195.00
15.79.7 80 mm dia Each 290.00 290.00
15.79.8 100 mm dia Each 540.00 540.00
15.79.9 125 mm dia Each 540.00 540.00
15.79.10 150 mm dia Each 590.00 590.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Supply and delivery at site wrought middle steel (galvanized) 15 mm dia GI
15.80 hexagonal nipple confirming to IS 1239-II, 1991 with latest amendments if Each 55.00 55.00
15.80.1 20 mm Dia Each 65.00 65.00
15.80.2 25 mm Dia Each 85.00 85.00
15.80.3 32 mm Dia Each 105.00 105.00
15.80.4 40 mm dia Each 120.00 120.00
15.80.5 50 mm dia Each 140.00 140.00
15.80.6 65 mm dia Each 165.00 165.00
15.80.7 80 mm dia Each 185.00 185.00
15.80.8 100 mm dia Each 235.00 235.00
15.80.9 125 mm dia Each 260.00 260.00
15.80.10 150 mm dia Each 295.00 295.00
Supply and delivery at site 15 mm dia GM (copper alloy) gate valves
confirming to Class-I as per IS 778 with latest amendments, 1 No. screwed in
15.81 bonnet inside screw, rising spring spindle integral seat screwed females ends Each 516.00 516.00
confirming to IS 554/ 1990 body hydraulically tested 1.5HP seat standard
tested 1 HP with IS mark.
15.81.1 20 mm Dia Each 710.00 710.00
15.81.2 25 mm Dia Each 935.00 935.00
15.81.3 32 mm Dia Each 1070.00 1070.00
15.81.4 40 mm dia Each 1200.00 1200.00
15.81.5 50 mm dia Each 1350.00 1350.00
15.81.6 65 mm dia Each 1495.00 1495.00
15.81.7 80 mm dia Each 1585.00 1585.00
15.81.8 100 mm dia Each 1635.00 1635.00
15.81.9 125 mm dia Each 1775.00 1775.00
15.81.10 150 mm dia Each 2185.00 2185.00

Providing 15 mm dia GM (copper alloy) reflex valves/ globe valves

confirming to Class-I and as per IS 778/1990 with latest amendments, 1 No.
15.82 Each 325.00 325.00
and with ISI mark screwed female ends confirming to IS 554/ 1990 horizontal
body hydraulically tested for 1.50 HP and seat hydraulically tested 1 HP.

15.82.1 20 mm Dia Each 385.00 385.00

15.82.2 25 mm Dia Each 430.00 430.00
15.82.3 32 mm Dia Each 485.00 485.00
15.82.4 40 mm dia Each 575.00 575.00
15.82.5 50 mm dia Each 635.00 635.00
15.82.6 65 mm dia Each 685.00 685.00
15.82.7 80 mm dia Each 745.00 745.00
15.82.8 100 mm dia Each 865.00 865.00
15.82.9 125 mm dia Each 935.00 936.00
15.82.10 150 mm dia Each 1075.00 1075.00
Providing 15 mm dia GM (copper alloy) wheel valves/ check valve confirming
to IS 778/1990 Class-I with latest amendments No. 1 and with ISI mark
15.83 screwed in bonnet integral seat inside, screw, rising spindle screwed female Each 455.00 455.00
ends confirming to IS 554/ 1990 body hudraulically tested 1.50 HP seat
hydraulically tested 1.00 HP.
15.83.1 20 mm Dia Each 550.00 550.00
15.83.2 25 mm Dia Each 725.00 725.00
15.83.3 32 mm Dia Each 830.00 830.00
15.83.4 40 mm dia Each 910.00 910.00
15.83.5 50 mm dia Each 1025.00 1025.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
15.83.6 65 mm dia Each 1150.00 1150.00
15.83.7 80 mm dia Each 1285.00 1285.00
15.83.8 100 mm dia Each 1415.00 1415.00
15.83.9 125 mm dia Each 1545.00 1545.00
15.83.10 150 mm dia Each 1680.00 1680.00

Providing 15 mm dia GM ferrules as per IS 2692 and with ISI mark rouby
15.84 Each 240.00 240.00
body hydraulically tested 2.00 HP of size 8 mm to 50 mm.

15.84.1 20 mm dia Each 345.00 345.00

15.84.2 25 mm dia Each 390.00 390.00

Providing 15 mm dia GM gland cocks tested against hydraulic pressure of 20

15.84.3 Each 235.00 235.00
K g/m² with ISI mark.

15.84.4 20 mm Dia Each 335.00 335.00

15.84.5 25 mm Dia Each 410.00 410.00
15.84.6 32 mm Dia Each 475.00 475.00
15.84.7 40 mm dia Each 575.00 575.00
15.84.8 50 mm dia Each 630.00 630.00
Black electric resistance (ERW) continues welded mild steel tubes medium grade
confirming to IS 1239/1990 amendments 1-5 with latest amendments if any in
15.85 random length of 4-7 Mtrs both ends threaded confirming to IS 554/1985 one end Rmt 950.00 950.00
fitted with a socket and other end with plastic protection supplied should be with
ISI markings.

Providing and fixing MS casing collars as per IS 1239 (part-II) 1982 with all
latest amendments if any for any dia. The thickness of plate used for covering one
15.86 Each 275.00 275.00
end shall be 3mm (minimum). The dimensions of caps and colars shall be strictly as
per IS 1239 (Part-II) 1982 with all amendments

Providing and laying at site of work MS casing caps as per IS 1239 (part-II) 1982
with all latest amendments if any for any dia. The thickness of plate used for
covering one end shall be 3mm (minimum). The dimensions of caps and colars
15.87 Each 325.00 325.00
shall be strictly as per IS 1239 (Part-II) 1982 with all amendments including cost
of material and labour charges for fixing, if any etc. complete with all lead and lifts
and as directed by the Engineer in charge
15.88 Supplying of lead Kg. 350.00 350.00
15.89 Supply of hemp yarn Kg. 325.00 325.00
15.90 Supply of solvent cement Ltr 425.00 425.00
15.91 Supply of bolt and nut with washers Kg 105.00 105.00
15.92 Supply of rubber insertion sheet (3 mm) Kg 95.00 95.00
15.93 Supply of AC cowl No. 175.00 175.00
15.94 Laboratory Chemicals & Equipments
15.94.1 Potassium Permanaganate Per KG 1486.80 1486.80
15.94.2 Bleacing Powder Per KG 330.40 330.40
15.94.3 Glassware Cleaner Per Ltr 295.00 295.00
15.94.4 Hand wash Cleaner Per Ltr 295.00 295.00
15.94.5 Hand Gloves Per pair 194.70 194.70
15.94.6 Mask Per pair 16.80 16.80
15.94.7 Aprons Each 885.00 885.00
Per 100
15.94.8 Supply of Chlorine Gas in 100 KG Cylnder KG 17000.00 17000.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Per 900
15.94.9 Supply of Chlorine Gas in 900 KG Cylnder KG 49000.00 49000.00
Chemical & Reagents Required for Taluka & District Water Quality
Testing Laborotary
Chemical/ Reagents Reagent /
15.95.1 Phenolpthlien % SR11 100gm 175.00 175.00
15.95.2 Sulphuric Acid 0.02N std SR13 500ml 595.00 595.00
15.95.3 Methyl Orenge 0.040% SR12 100gm 130.00 130.00
15.95.4 Silver Nitrate 0.02N std SR6 500ml 950.00 950.00
15.95.5 Silver Nitrate 0.02N std SR5 500ml 250.00 250.00
Reagent-7 (Zirconium Oxychloride, O-
15.95.6 SR7 500ml 900.00 900.00
15.95.7 STD Fluoride Solution 100 ppm RD7 500ml 350.00 350.00
15.95.8 Tisab (Sodium Chloride, Acetic Acid) SR51 500ml 300.00 300.00
15.95.9 Edta 0.02 N std SR4 500ml 650.00 650.00
15.95.10 EBT 2% SR3 100gm 250.00 250.00
15.95.11 Buffer Solution (ammonia/Amm.chloride) SR2 500ml 250.00 250.00
15.95.12 STD Iron Solution 100 PPM RS8 500ml 350.00 350.00
Reagent-8(1:10phenonetrolie base, Hydroxyl
15.95.13 SR8 500 ml 650.00 650.00
amine hydrochloride, ammonium accetate)
15.95.14 HYDROCHLORIC ACID AR 500 ml 250.00 250.00
15.95.15 SDT. Nitrate Solution 100 PPM RS14 500 ml 350.00 350.00
15.95.16 NFEDA Reagent/Sulphanalmide/Zinc SR14 100 gm 350.00 350.00
15.95.17 Reductant Reagent/Acetic Acid/Citric SR15 100 gm 350.00 350.00
15.95.18 POTASSIUM CHLORIDE AR 500 gm 224.00 224.00
15.95.19 BUFFER SOLUTION 4, 7, 10 RS2 1 set 350.00 350.00
15.95.20 SODIM CHLORIED SOL.STD 1000 PPM RS1 500 ml 350.00 350.00
15.95.21 Mercury Papers/(Mercuric Lodide) SR31 1 pkt 750.00 750.00
15.95.22 Sulphamic Acid SR32 500 gm 250.00 250.00
15.95.23 Zinc Granules SR33 500 gm 400.00 400.00
Sdt. 40 Ntu Sol. (Hydrazime Sulphate,
15.95.24 RST 500 ml 250.00 250.00
Hexamethylene Tetramide)
15.95.25 BARIUM CHLORIDE AR 100 gm 450.00 450.00
15.95.26 STD. SULPHATE SOLUTION 1000 PPM SRS 500 ml 320.00 320.00
15.95.27 REAGENT-Free Chlorine/DPD 100 ml 350.00 350.00
15.95.28 SODIUM HYDROXIDE LR 500 ml 350.00 350.00
15.95.29 SULPHURIC ACID CONC 99% LR 500 ml 375.00 375.00
15.95.30 MURAXIDE INDICATOR LR 5 gm 250.00 250.00
15.95.31 HYDROCHORIC ACIDE LR 500 ml 350.00 350.00
15.95.32 BACTARIOLOGICAL VIALS SR 1 voil 36.00 36.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
Supplying and fixing M.S. Rectangular poles made out of 2 equal angles of
65x65x6 mm welded together and fixed in CC (1:2:4) WITH 2 NOS 16mm dia
M.S. hold fast rods each of length 25 cms. Including cost of all materials cutting,
15.96 bending scaffolding wherever necessary, nicely finishing the welded joints with all m 984.00 984.00
lead lifts and as per the directions of the Engineer-in - charge of the work and
including providing 2 coats of approved quality paint over one coat of shop
painting ( excluding cost of earthwork and concrete)

Providing chain link fencing 50mm size of 8 guage properly stretched between
rectangular poles and fixed with suitable bolts & nuts, the free ends shall be
15.97 welded to the pole and block pipe at top and bottom as required including cost of sqm 715.00 715.00
all materials, labour, lead and lifts and as per the directions of the Engineer-in-
charge of work including two coats of approved quality paint over one coat of
shop paint

Providing and fixing M.S. Block pipe of 38mm dia, of heavy guage of 14 including
removing the bends, cutting the pipe, and fixing pipe in between the existing two
verticle poles (M.S. rectangular poles) and spot welding the chain link with M.S.
15.98 block pipe including cost of all materials wastage in cutting, and scaffolding m 408.00 408.00
wherever necessary with all lead and lift as directed by the Engineer-in-charge of
work etc., complete including two coats of approved quality paint over one coat of
shop paint.

Provoding Barbed GI wire fencing of 12x12 guage drawn into stone pillers or iron
pillers including drawing in holes wherever necessary excluding the cost of pillers
15.99 m 32.00 32.00
but including the cost of barbed wire and binding wire etc,.including cost of
materials,labour,HOM complete as per specifications

Providing and fixing RCC precast fencing pole of size 0.15m x 0.15m x2.0m
casted in CC 1:1.5:3 with 20mm downsize aggregate making holes for drawing
barbed wire at 30cm c/c using 10 mm dia vertical 4 TMT steel rods and 8mm dia
stirrups at 15cm c/c fixed 1.5m above ground level using steel moulding, curing,
15.100 each 1791.00 1791.00
transportation to work spot including excavation in hard soil fixing in plain cement
concrete 1:2:4 using 20mm downsize aggregate including aligning to plumb and
line providing including cost of all materials, labour, hire charge of machineries
lead, lift loading & unloading etc.,Complete.

Providing two bulb underreemed pile foundation upto maximum 5m depth

including hire charges of machineries digging the pile holes, labour charges and
15.101 m 912.00 912.00
laying 20mm and down size jelly RCC M 20 keeping the reinforcement edge
cutting etc., complete as per specifications. - - 23 cm dia

Providing two bulb underreemed pile foundation upto maximum 5m depth

including hire charges of machineries digging the pile holes, labour charges and
15.102 m 1489.00 1489.00
laying 20mm and down size jelly RCC M 20 keeping the reinforcement edge
cutting etc., complete as per specifications. - - 30 cm dia

Painting two coats on new concrete surface :Painting two coats after filling the
surface with synthetic enamel paint in all shades on new plastered concrete
15.103 Sqm 82.00 82.00
surfaces, with materials, labour complete as per specifications. MORTH
Specification No 803

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5

Painting New Letter and Figures of any Shade with synthetic enamel paint black or
any other approved colour to give an even shade complete as per specifications.
15.104 cm 1.00 1.00
(“i) Hindi ( Matras commas and the like not to be measured and paid for half letter
shall be counted as half) “ MORTH Specification No. 803

Painting new letter and figures of any shade with synthetic enamel paint black or
any other approved colour to give an even shade complete as per specifications.
15.105 cm 0.70 0.70
(“ii) English and Roman - Hyphen and the like not to be measured and paid for “
MORTH Specification No.801

Supply and Fixing of Cast Steel Double Flanged Dual plate check valve Class
150 Conforming to API 594 with latest amendments as detailed below of
15.106 following diameters and types and conveying to work site, loading, unloading,
stacking etc., complete with all lead and lift. The rates are inclusive of cost of
Bolts and Nuts.
15.106.1 Class 150
(a) 80mm Each 4153.00 4153.00
(b) 100mm Each 4787.00 4787.00
(c) 150mm Each 8224.00 8224.00
(d) 200mm Each 15548.00 15548.00
(e) 250mm Each 22436.00 22436.00
(f) 300mm Each 29423.00 29423.00
(g) 350mm Each 39853.00 39853.00
(h) 400mm Each 56462.00 56462.00
(i) 450mm Each 67749.00 67749.00
(j) 500mm Each 78070.00 78070.00
(k) 600mm Each 88087.00 88087.00
(l) 700mm Each 124622.00 124622.00
(m) 750mm Each 137960.00 137960.00
(n) 800mm Each 153042.00 153042.00
(o) 900mm Each 212153.00 212153.00
(p) 1000mm Each 272062.00 272062.00
(q) 1100mm Each 810101.00 810101.00
( r) 1200mm Each 1045791.00 1045791.00
15.106.2 Class 300
(a) 80mm Each 4544.00 4544.00
(b) 100mm Each 5239.00 5239.00
(c) 150mm Each 9012.00 9012.00
(d) 200mm Each 17056.00 17056.00
(e) 250mm Each 24608.00 24608.00
(f) 300mm Each 32288.00 32288.00
(g) 350mm Each 43751.00 43751.00
(h) 400mm Each 61997.00 61997.00
(i) 450mm Each 74393.00 74393.00
(j) 500mm Each 85742.00 85742.00
(k) 600mm Each 97895.00 97895.00
(l) 700mm Each 136908.00 136908.00
(m) 750mm Each 151560.00 151560.00
(n) 800mm Each 168142.00 168142.00
(o) 900mm Each 233136.00 233136.00
(p) 1000mm Each 299018.00 299018.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5

Supply and delivery of Resilient seated soft sealing Sluice Valves with body,
bonnet of Ductile Iron of grade GGG50, wedge fully rubber lined with EPDM and
seals of NBR and the valves should be of vacuum tight and 100% leak proof with
face dimensions as per BS 5163-89/IS 14846-2000/ DIN 3202 F4/F5. The stem
sealing should be with Toroidal sealing rings (minimum 2 'O' rings). All the valves
should be with electrostatic powder coating both inside and outside with pocket
less body passage. The valves shall be supplied with suitable size galvanized bolts
and nuts of required numbers as per relevant IS.

15.107.1 PN-10
(a) 50mm Each 5810.00 5810.00
(b) 80mm Each 8552.00 8552.00
(c) 100mm Each 10838.00 10838.00
(d) 150mm Each 18965.00 18965.00
(e) 200mm Each 30082.00 30082.00
(f) 250mm Each 45275.00 45275.00
(g) 300mm Each 63832.00 63832.00
(h) 350mm Each 110881.00 110881.00
(i) 400mm Each 133867.00 133867.00
(j) 450mm Each 182703.00 182703.00
(k) 500mm Each 230432.00 230432.00
(l) 600mm Each 332974.00 332974.00
15.107.2 PN-16
(a) 50mm Each 5810.00 5810.00
(b) 80mm Each 8552.00 8552.00
(c) 100mm Each 10838.00 10838.00
(d) 150mm Each 18965.00 18965.00
(e) 200mm Each 30082.00 30082.00
(f) 250mm Each 45275.00 45275.00
(g) 300mm Each 63832.00 63832.00
(h) 350mm Each 110881.00 110881.00
(i) 400mm Each 133867.00 133867.00
(j) 450mm Each 182703.00 182703.00
(k) 500mm Each 230432.00 230432.00
15.107.3 PN-25
(a) 50mm Each 5869.00 5869.00
(b) 80mm Each 8939.00 8939.00
(c) 100mm Each 11622.00 11622.00
(d) 150mm Each 19850.00 19850.00
(e) 200mm Each 30460.00 30460.00
(f) 250mm Each 53945.00 53945.00
(g) 300mm Each 68269.00 68269.00
(i) 400mm Each 150330.00 150330.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
(k) 500mm Each 251316.00 251316.00

Supply and fixing of single chamber triple function tamper proof (Both the orifces
to be housed in the single chamber) Air valves with Body and cover in Ductile cast
iron of grade GGG 50. All internal parts such as float, shell etc., all cover bolts of
austenitic alloy / SS 304 steel, DN 50 float of HOSTAFLON / SS 304 and gaskers
15.108 and seals of EPDM. Epoxy powder coating (EP-P) inside and outside colour bule
RAL5005. The valves should be designed for all the three functions i.e.,
1. Large orifice for venting of large air volumes on start up.
2. Large orifice for intake of large air volumes.
3. Small orifice for discharge of pressurized air during operation.

15.108.1 PN-10
(a) 50mm Each 16364.00 16364.00
(b) 80mm Each 22996.00 22996.00
(c) 100mm Each 30672.00 30672.00
(d) 150mm Each 36287.00 36287.00
(e) 200mm Each 46534.00 46534.00
15.108.2 PN-16
(a) 50mm Each 17989.00 17989.00
(b) 80mm Each 25162.00 25162.00
(c) 100mm Each 37994.00 37994.00
(d) 150mm Each 45855.00 45855.00
(e) 200mm Each 53555.00 53555.00
15.108.3 PN-25
(a) 50mm Each 21454.00 21454.00
(b) 80mm Each 30142.00 30142.00
(c) 100mm Each 37994.00 37994.00
(d) 150mm Each 45855.00 45855.00
(e) 200mm Each 53555.00 53555.00

Supply and fixing of DI double flanged water type (Concentric) / double

eccentrically disc, butterfly valves conforming to DIN 335 / IS 13095 with
renewable soft seal on the disc and body seat face of nickel weld overlay micro
finished / Integral Seat with power or liquid epoxy coating with minimum
thickness of 250 microns applied on both body and disc inside and outside. Face to
15.109 face dimensions as per EN 558-1 basic series 14 (DN 3203 F4) or AWWA C 504 :
80 or BS 5155 or IS 13095. The valves shall be supplied along with the required
number of standard make galvanized Bolts and nuts. The flange drilling standard is
IS 1538. Hence, drilling of hole in the valves shall match with the pipe flange
drilling standrad. The valves are to be suitable for buried operation with the gear
box sealed and lubricated for life time operation.

15.109.1 DI Double Flanged Wafer Type Butterfly valve PN-10

(a) 50mm Each 8654.00 8654.00
(b) 80mm Each 9569.00 9569.00
(c) 100mm Each 12013.00 12013.00
(d) 150mm Each 14455.00 14455.00
15.109.2 DI Double Flanged Wafer Type Butterfly valve PN-16
(a) 50mm Each 17989.00 17989.00
(b) 80mm Each 25162.00 25162.00
(c) 100mm Each 37994.00 37994.00
(d) 150mm Each 45855.00 45855.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
15.109.3 DI Double Flanged Eccentric Butterfly Valve PN 10
(a) 200mm Each 17499.00 17499.00
(b) 250mm Each 32077.00 32077.00
(c) 300mm Each 43866.00 43866.00
(d) 350mm Each 88731.00 88731.00
(e) 400mm Each 115320.00 115320.00
(f) 450mm Each 124264.00 124264.00
(g) 500mm Each 159028.00 159028.00
(i) 600mm Each 243508.00 243508.00
(j) 700mm Each 378636.00 378636.00
(k) 800mm Each 447014.00 447014.00
(l) 900mm Each 579628.00 579628.00
(m) 1000mm Each 736169.00 736169.00
(n) 1200mm Each 864318.00 864318.00
15.109.4 DI Double Flanged Eccentric Butterfly Valve PN 16
(a) 200mm Each 17499.00 17499.00
(b) 250mm Each 32077.00 32077.00
(c) 300mm Each 43866.00 43866.00
(d) 350mm Each 88731.00 88731.00
(e) 400mm Each 76594.00 76594.00
(f) 450mm Each 124264.00 124264.00
(g) 500mm Each 157426.00 157426.00
(h) 600mm Each 243508.00 243508.00
(i) 700mm Each 378636.00 378636.00
(j) 800mm Each 447014.00 447014.00
(k) 900mm Each 579628.00 579628.00
(l) 1000mm Each 736169.00 736169.00
(m) 1200mm Each 864318.00 864318.00
15.109.5 DI Double Flanged Eccentric Butterfly Valve PN 25
(a) 400mm Each 240909.00 240909.00
(b) 500mm Each 374664.00 374664.00
(c) 600mm Each 435097.00 435097.00
(d) 700mm Each 826641.00 826641.00
(e) 800mm Each 821188.00 821188.00
(f) 900mm Each 1496066.00 1496066.00
(g) 1000mm Each 1748182.00 1748182.00
(h) 1200mm Each 2202497.00 2202497.00

Supply and fixing of ductile iron double flanged swing check valves with slanted
seat or with lever weight with straight disc, with metallic corrosion proof and wear
15.110 resistant seat faces with nickel overlay micro-finised / Integral seat with body and
disc in Ductile Iron in GGG 50 shaft of stainless steel and bearing of zinc free
bronze and surface protection with epoxy liquid of GSK quality.

15.110.1 PN 10
(a) 50mm Each 6899.00 6899.00
(b) 80mm Each 9735.00 9735.00
(c) 100mm Each 13344.00 13344.00
(d) 150mm Each 22866.00 22866.00
(e) 200mm Each 46226.00 46226.00
(f) 250mm Each 84060.00 84060.00
(g) 300mm Each 125154.00 125154.00
(h) 350mm Each 223753.00 223753.00
(i) 400mm Each 262257.00 262257.00

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5
(j) 450mm Each 399073.00 399073.00
(k) 500mm Each 401424.00 401424.00
(l) 600mm Each 546193.00 546193.00
(m) 700mm Each 924631.00 924631.00
(n) 800mm Each 1497409.00 1497409.00
(o) 900mm Each 1705129.00 1705129.00
(p) 1000mm Each 208590.00 208590.00
15.110.2 PN 16
(a) 50mm Each 6899.00 6899.00
(b) 80mm Each 9735.00 9735.00
(c) 100mm Each 13344.00 13344.00
(d) 150mm Each 22866.00 22866.00
(e) 200mm Each 46226.00 46226.00
(f) 250mm Each 84060.00 84060.00
(g) 300mm Each 125154.00 125154.00
(h) 350mm Each 223753.00 223753.00
(i) 400mm Each 262257.00 262257.00
(j) 450mm Each 427185.00 427185.00
(k) 500mm Each 443102.00 443102.00
(l) 600mm Each 555274.00 555274.00
(m) 700mm Each 924631.00 924631.00
(n) 800mm Each 1554438.00 1554438.00
(o) 900mm Each 1790273.00 1790273.00
(p) 1000mm Each 2112341.00 2112341.00

Supply and installation of water connections to individual houses up to water

meter point (which shall be fixed about one meter from customer boundary) and
includes civil works like Earthwork excavation for the pipeline trenches for laying
of MDPE /GI pipes of following diameters for the house connection in all types of
soils, disintegrated rock, soft rock, hard rock, including cutting of any road using
machine cutter, crossing drains, compound, cutting any surfaces along the
pipelines such as tiles /floor/concrete/or any other surfaces using machine cutter,
boring the wall surfaces comprising of BBM or SSM for conveying the pipelines
15.111 to customer property, restoring the damaged portions inside or outside the
property premises, refilling etc. Complete supply and laying of MDPE PE-80, PN
12.5 pipes with special such as Electro fusion tapping ferrule or saddles of
pressure rating PN12.5/SDR 11 or higher grade of approved make conforming
standard specifications with brass cutter, flow regulator, water tight cap-cutting
edges for making hole/tapping suitable to HDPE distribution mains by electro
fusion welding. Tapping ferrules(Mechanical type clamp saddle) with cost of GI
pipes, all specials such as GI tee, GI elbow, GI coupler, stopper etc, and brass or
SS tap for the following diameters.

15.111.1 15mm dia No 5814.00 5814.00

15.111.2 20mm dia No 6018.00 6018.00
15.111.3 25mm dia No 6306.00 6306.00

Providing 50mm dia HDPE sleeve pipe with allied accessories at ferrule point of
15.112 No 230.00 230.00
HSC to assist in regulating flow with allen key etc,. complete

Kalaburagi Kalaburagi
Sl. No. Specifications Unit Circle Zone-A Circle Zone-B
Rate (Excluding G.S.T)
1 2 3 4 5

Supply and fixing of HDPE water meter box to protect the water meter of class 'B:
multijet type of size 15 to 32mm including HDPE box with base dia 300mmxlid dia
200mmxheight 250mm with openable lid and the cover is buried below GL with lid
flush with GL including earthwork excavation for 600mmx600mm and base sand
15.113 No 500.00 500.00
filling for 100mm thick over which the cover is placed and enclosed by PCC 1:2:4
using 12 to 20mm BG jelly for an height of 150mm and refilling with excavated
earth for balance 100mm height,disposal of excess earth with all lead and lifts etc
complete as per drawing enclosed

Providing and fixing 25 mm dia 2.75 m long ribbed steel anchor rods with
one end split and driven firmly using steel wedge into 1.25 m deep 38 mm dia.
hole drilled in bed rock and other end provided with L-bend for embedding in
15.114 Each 952.00 952.00
concrete / masonry for spillway and appurtenant works including drilling and
cleaning hole, filling hole with thick cement slurry, driving anchor rod, cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, steel wedge etc., complete with all lead and lifts



Particulars Qty Rate Amount
1 Skid 1 1200.00 1200.00
2 Housing 3 650.00 1950.00
3 Pump 1 3500.00 3500.00
4 Adaptor 1 600.00 600.00
5 Ball Valve 1 150.00 150.00
6 Divertor 1 200.00 200.00
7 Spun 2 200.00 400.00
8 Activated Carbon 1 450.00 450.00
9 Carbon Filter 1 450.00 450.00
10 Membrane Housing 2 500.00 1000.00
11 Membrane 2 3500.00 7000.00
12 Housing Elbow 3/8 6 30.00 180.00
13 Housing Elbow 1/4 8 20.00 160.00
14 Tubes 8 30.00 240.00
15 Flow restricter 1 350.00 350.00
16 Selonoide valve 1 450.00 450.00
17 Tee 1/4X3/8X1/4 1 30.00 30.00
18 Tee 1/4 3 Side 1 30.00 30.00
Erection charges 7500.00
Transport charges 500.00
Over head charges & Contractor profits 3660.00
Grand Total 30000.00
Particulars Qty Rate Amount
1 Skid 1 1800.00 1800.00
2 Housing 20" 3 650.00 1950.00
3 Mem Housing 4 500.00 2000.00
4 Membrane 4 3860.00 15440.00
5 Pump 48 V 2 3860.00 7720.00
6 Adaptor 48V 2 600.00 1200.00
7 Selonoide valve 48V 2 450.00 900.00
8 Post Carbon 1 350.00 350.00
9 Spun 20" 2 300.00 600.00
10 Activated Carbon 20" 1 600.00 600.00
11 Flow restricter 4 350.00 1400.00
12 3/8 X 1/2 Elbow 6 30.00 180.00
13 Mem Housing Elbow 12 30.00 360.00
14 Housing Elbow 2 30.00 60.00
15 Tee 1/4 8 30.00 240.00
16 Tube 3/8 3 30.00 90.00
17 Tube 1/4 5 30.00 150.00
Erection charges 7500.00
Transport charges 500.00
Over head charges & Contractor profits 6960.00
Grand Total 50000.00
Water purification plants : Supplying, Installation and Commissioning of fully automatic Water purification plant
(RO+UV+UF)with all accessories piping, product water tank on single phase power supply on Turnkey/EPC Basis
as per the enclosed detailed Technical Specifications including cost of material applicable taxes and duties loading
and unloading,


Descrption Specification Make
A Materials
1 Raw Water Pump N/A 0 N/A

Micron cartridge filter for removing

Suspended particles >10 &5 micron. Should
2 Micron Catridge Filter have capacity of 100 litres /hour . material of 2 neopure/nzo/Equivalent
Catridge should be polypropylene having
length of 10” X 2.5" dia.

3 Sand Filter 0.15mtr dia X 0.25 mtrs 1

4 Carbon Filter N/A N/A

Transparent glassy balls of size 16.5mm to

Anti Scalant Dosing Elixer/saitech/pentapure/
5 17.5mm dia,weight approximately 9 to 11gm 8
System & Chemicals equvalent
and should have the PH of 6.5 to 7.5

Pump Side
IE2 rating..
Design Flow :0.096-0.144 m3/hr Calpeda/flowjet/grundfos/E-
6 High Pressure Pump 1
Design Head :3mtr chain/cosmos
Rated Motor :24VDC,5A,120W

For Capacity of 100 litres / hour Sprial wound

TFC Polyamide suitable size Dia 2.5” x 10”
7 RO Membrane 2 TorrayHydronautics/Equivalen
long . No of membrane Shall have 2 numbers
and the No of membrane housing shall be 2.

For Capacity of 100 litres / hour Sprial wound

8 RO Housing TFC Polyamide suitable size Dia 2.5” x 10” 2
long . the No of membrane housing shall be 2.

Autoflush SV 24V, Function- use for

chemical cleaning of RO
Membranes over a period of timeFRP/ Elixer/saitech/pentapure/ORG/
9 CIP System 1
Engineering Grade Plastic5 Micron2.5 Mtr equvalent
/Sec PP

10 Dispensing Pump N/A 0 N/A

11 Coin box / card N/A 0 N/A
Descrption Specification Make
A Materials Fully enclosed stainless steel 304 grade
Cabinet with 4 no's mounting wheels(63mm
dia) of lenth 1100mm X width 530mm X
height 1940mm.ground clearences should be
minimum 100mm,purification system should Elixer/saitech/pentapure/ORG/
12 SS Cabin 1
be visible for easy maintenance.5 no's of half equvalent
inch size SS taps for drinking purpose.Fully
water proof Stickers and branding as per
government official guidance.Tray for bottle
dispense of suitable size of SS Make.
200 Litres inbuilt Stainless Storage Tank
with 1/2" SS taps 5 nos should be provided.
13 Storage Tank 1 set Aqua / Elixir / Nova / Eqvi
For Low and high level flow control ,
commericial float switch should be provided.

14 Multiport Valve N/A N/A

Low Pressure Switch(24v) for raw water
Control Panel with protections at inlet should be provided.3/8"
15 N/A N/A
Data Transfer to Server Solenyed Valve of range (with Brass made 0-
10bar) 24 volt DC should be provided for
high pressure pump for low pressure cutoff
/Stainless steel float switch with suitable cable
for proper operation of the system. smps 5a,
Function-to measure pressurePump outlet,
Filter outlet, Pressure pump
• 3/8" 24 volt DC PVC Auto flush system Danfose/Uflow/org-cherry/
16 Instruementation items 1set
with solenoid valve EAC/Equivalent
• Pressure controler valve
• 1/4"-3/8" TDS controler

fFor backup the instrumentation 230V

as input and 24v DC,5A output switch mode
power supply unit should be provided.
.To remove dust,dirt,clay etc of
17 sediment filter 1 bio +/Elixer/Equivalent
polypropelyene size 10" long x 2.5" dia

To remove chlorine,iodine,odour,bad taste

18 Pre- carbon and color etc of Coconut shell/Charcoal based 1 bio +/Elixer/Equivalent
size 10" long
To remove x 2.5"
acidic dia in the body, supplies
minerals. Improves PH & taste of water etc of
antebacteria balls(mineral
19 Mineral filter Ceramic,alkaline,antibacterial,touramaline,tas 1Set bio +/Elixer/Equivalent
te enhancer,oxygen reduction potential and
11 w UV
tube with
balls size
long xsize
8" dia with inlet outlet dia 1/4" to 3/8"
Function-to disinfect water, will kill bacteria Alfa/ Phillips/ ACE Hygiene
20 UV set 1 set
and or equivalent
micro-organisms upto 99.9%

For Capacity of 100 litres / hour Sprial wound

Polypropelyene suitable size Dia 2.5” x 10”
21 UF Membrane 1 TorrayHydronautics/Bioplus/E
long . No of membrane Shall have 2 numbers
and the No of membrane housing shall be 2.

22 12v DC TDS controller 1

Installation &
23 1
Descrption Specification Make
A Materials
24 Transportation 1
25 1st Year Maintainance 1
26 2nd Year Maintainance 1
Specifications for 125 LPH RO Plant
Description Qty Rate Amount
1 RO membrane –
For Capacity of 1000 litres / hour Sprial wound TFC Polyamide suitable
size Dia 4” x 40” long . No of membrane Shall have 4 numbers and the No 1 12750.00 12750.00
of membrane housing shall be 2. Skid of construction should be Mild steel
power coated.

2 For RO Plant Raw Water Pump

a.Pump Side
Horizontal multi-stage Self priming Close Coupled pumps, having
Single-piece barrel casing, with front suction port abovepumps axis
and radial delivery at top. Pump Casing & Casing Cover , Spacer
Sleeve Should be in Cr.Ni Steel AISI 304. Shaft Should be Cr.Ni Steel
AISI 303. Mechanical seal suitable for RO Application. Suction lift

b. Motor Side
2 polemotor with Standard voltage for Single phase 230V with Voltage 1 11670.00 11670.00
variation +10% / - 10%. Insulation class F & Protection – IP54.
Classification Scheme of minimum IE2 rating. Motor inbuilt thermal
protector is mandatory.

Pump Model :NGXM 2

Design Flow :0.5 m3/hr

Design Head :10mtr

Rated Motor :0.15 kW / 0.2 HP
3 For RO Plant High pressure Water Pump

b.Pump Side
Vertical multi-stage pumps with suction and delivery connections of
the same diameter and arranged along the same axis (in-line).
Corrosion-resistant bearing sleeves lubricated by the pumped liquid.A
pump with thrust bearing and sleeve coupling for use of any standard
motor with IM V1 construction.Pump Casing , impeller, stage casing
& Casing Cover , Spacer Sleeve Should be in Cr.Ni Steel AISI 304.
Shaft Should be Cr.Ni Steel AISI 303. Mechanical seal suitable for RO
ApplicationRecommended WRAS certified Pump. 1 35880.00 35880.00
1 35880.00 35880.00
Description Qty Rate Amount
b. Motor Side
2 polemotor with Standard voltage for three phase 400V with Voltage
Pump Model+5% / - 5%.25-212
: MXV Insulation class F & Protection – IP54.
Classification Scheme of minimum IE2 rating..
Design Flow :1.0 m3/hr
Design Head :100mtr
Rated Motor :1.5 kW / 2.0 HP
4 Control Panel
Panel Dimension Shouldbe minimum 450mm (W) x 250 (H) mm x 450 (D)
mm. Sheet thickness should be 1.6 & 2mm finished with powered coated
RAL 7035. It has to operate with both Auto / manual . Float switch for raw
water tank has to be connected in this to avoid dry run. Analog Voltmeter
and Ammeter should be there for metering. Electrical protection like Phase
Reverse, UV, OV, Phase Fail, Neutral Fail, Asymmetry, Over Current 1 25000.00 25000.00
(OLR)are mandatory. Phase indication lamp for R,Y,B , PUMP ON/OFF,
Pump trip, Supply Unhealthy, Float Switch fault. Raw water Pump &High
pressure Pump Control Should be inside this panel.

5 Micron Filter
Micron cartridge filter for removing Suspended particles >5 micron.
1000.00 1000.00
Should have capacity of 1000 litres /hour . material of Catridge should be
polypropylene having length of 20”.

6 Skid
Stainless steel Skid rectangular type for capacity of 125 LPH – 1no with
above mentioned items mounted on it.

Flow indicators of 2 numbers – float type panel mounted 1 no on RO 1 36200.00 36200.00

Module ie Product & 1 no on Waste flow. Pressure Gauge of 0-4 kg/cm2
– 1no After Micron Filter & 0- 20 kg/cm2 after high pressure pump. Limit
Switches to protect the pump from high and low pressure ie before & after
high pressure pump . Pressure Control Valve at reject water line – 1no .

Sub-Total 122500.00

Over Head Charges & Contractor Profit 24500.00

Total 147000.00
Particulars Qty Rate Amount
1 Raw Water Pump 0.5Hp 1 4910.00 4910.00
2 Vessel 1054 1 8500.00 8500.00
3 20 Nb Top mount filter 1 3600.00 3600.00
4 Media 40 12.00 480.00
5 Carbon 15 125.00 1875.00
6 20" Housing 3/4" 1 1200.00 1200.00
7 20" Spun 1 450.00 450.00
8 40X40 Mem Dow 1 16500.00 16500.00
9 40X40M Housing 1 8900.00 8900.00
10 Pump 2-10 I Phase 1 23500.00 23500.00
11 Skid 1 14000.00 14000.00
12 RO panel 1 8400.00 8400.00
13 Pressure Gauage 2 1950.00 3900.00
14 Flow Meter 1/2" 2 1335.00 2670.00
15 Low power switch 2 1900.00 3800.00
16 Dosing Pump 1 5500.00 5500.00
17 Antiscalent Chemical 5 330.00 1650.00
18 Upvc Fittings 10000.00
19 SS Tank 2000 Ltr 26000.00
20 Total 145835.00
21 Erection 10000.00
22 Transport 2000.00
Over head charges & Contractor profits 29165.00
Grand Total 187000.00
Specifications for 150 LPH RO Plant
Descrption Qty Rate Amount
1 RO membrane –
For Capacity of 150 litres - Minimum salt rejection:98% Permeate flow:
300GPD Diameter: 3 inch Length: 12 inch Testing pressure : 65 psi Testing
temperature: 25 °C PH value of testing solution: 6.5-7.5 Concentration of
testing solution:1000ppm Recovery rate of single membrane element: 10% 1 12750.00 12750.00
Max feedwater temperature : 45 °C PH value range of feedwater: 4-11 Max
NTU of feedwater: 1 Max SDI of feedwater: 5 Max concentration of free

2 For RO Plant Raw Water Pump

a. Pump Side
Horizontal PeripheralPumpClose Coupled pumps, having Single-piece
barrel casing, with front suction port abovepumps axis and radial
delivery at top. Pump Casing & Casing Cover , Spacer Sleeve Should be
in Cr.Ni Steel AISI 304. Shaft Should be Cr.Ni Steel AISI 303. Mechanical
seal suitable for RO Application.Suction lift upto9mtrs

b. Motor Side
2 polemotor with Standard voltage for Single phase 230V with Voltage 1 11670.00 11670.00
variation +10% / - 10%. Insulation class F & Protection – IP54. Classification
Scheme of minimum IE3 rating. Motor inbuilt thermal protector is mandatory.

Pump Model : NGXM 2

Design Flow : 0.5 m3/hr

Design Head : 10mtr

Rated Motor : 0.33 kW / 0.5 HP

3 For RO Plant High pressure Water Pump

a.Pump Side
Vertical multi-stage pumps with suction and delivery connections of the
same diameter and arranged along the same axis (in-line). Corrosion-
resistant bearing sleeves lubricated by the pumped liquid.A pump with
thrust bearing and sleeve coupling for use of any standard motor with IM
V1 construction.Pump Casing , impeller, stage casing & Casing Cover ,
Spacer Sleeve Should be in Cr.Ni Steel AISI 304. Shaft Should be Cr.Ni
Steel AISI 303. Mechanical seal suitable for RO Application Recommended
WRAS certified Pump.
1 35944.00 35944.00
Sl. 1 35944.00 35944.00
Descrption Qty Rate Amount
b. Motor Side
2 polemotor with Standard voltage for three phase 400V with Voltage
variation +5% / - 5%. Insulation class F & Protection – IP54. Classification
Scheme of minimum IE2 rating..

Pump Model : MXVB25-206

Design Flow : 1.0 m3/hr

Design Head : 60mtr

Rated Motor : 1.1 kW / 1.5 HP

4 Control Panel
Panel Dimension Shouldbe minimum 450mm (W) x 250 (H) mm x 450 (D)
mm. Sheet thickness should be 1.6 & 2mm finished with powered coated RAL
7035. It has to operate with both Auto / manual . Float switch for raw water
tank has to be connected in this to avoid dry run. Analog Voltmeter and
Ammeter should be there for metering. Electrical protection like Phase
Reverse, UV, OV, Phase Fail, Neutral Fail, Asymmetry, Over Current (OLR) 1 25000.00 25000.00
are mandatory. Phase indication lamp for R,Y,B , PUMP ON/OFF, Pump trip,
Supply Unhealthy, Float Switch fault. Raw water Pump & High pressure Pump
Control Should be inside this panel.

5 Micron Filter

Micron cartridge filter for removing Suspended particles >5 micron. Should
have capacity of 150 litres /hour . material of Catridge should be 1 2150.00 2150.00
polypropylene having length of 20”.

6 Skid

Stainless steel Skid rectangular type for capacity of 150 LPH – 1no with above
mentioned items mounted on it.

Flow indicators of 2 numbers – float type panel mounted 1 no on RO Module 1 37500.00 37500.00
ie Product & 1 no on Waste flow. Pressure Gauge of 0-4 kg/cm2 – 1no
After Micron Filter & 0- 20 kg/cm2 after high pressure pump. Limit Switches
to protect the pump from high and low pressure ie before & after high pressure
pump . Pressure Control Valve at reject water line – 1no .

Sub-Total 125014.00

Over Head Charges &Contractor Profit 25002.80

Total 150000.00
Water purification plants : Supplying, Installation and Commissioning of fully automatic Water
purification plant (RO+UV+UF)with all accessories piping, product water tank on single phase power
supply on Turnkey/EPC Basis as per the enclosed detailed Technical Specifications including cost of
material applicable taxes and duties loading and unloading,

250 LPH
Descrption Specification Make Rate
A Materials
1 Raw Water Pump N/A 0 N/A

Micron cartridge filter for removing Suspended

Micron Catridge particles >10 &5 micron. Should have capacity of 100 neopure/nzo/
2 2 1500
Filter litres /hour . material of Catridge should be Equivalent
polypropylene having length of 10” X 2.5" dia.

3 Sand Filter N/A N/A

4 Carbon Filter N/A N/A

Anti Scalant Dosing Transparent glassy balls of size 16.5mm to 17.5mm

5 System & dia,weight approximately 9 to 11gm and should have 8 150
Chemicals the PH of 6.5 to 7.5

Pump Side
IE2 rating..
High Pressure Design Flow :0.096-0.144 m3/hr
6 1 grundfos/E-chain/ 9500
Pump Design Head :3mtr
Rated Motor :24VDC,5A,120W

For Capacity of 100 litres / hour Sprial wound TFC

Polyamide suitable size Dia 2.5” x 10” long . No of
7 RO Membrane 2 TorrayHydronautics/E 9200
membrane Shall have 2 numbers and the No of
membrane housing shall be 2.

For Capacity of 100 litres / hour Sprial wound TFC

8 RO Housing Polyamide suitable size Dia 2.5” x 10” long . the No 2 1500
of membrane housing shall be 2.

Autoflush SV 24V, Function- use for chemical

cleaning of RO Membranes over a period of Elixer/saitech/
9 CIP System timeFRP/ Engineering Grade Plastic5 Micron2.5 1 pentapure/ORG/ 500
Mtr /Sec PP equvalent

10 Dispensing Pump N/A 0 N/A

11 Coin box / card N/A 0 N/A

Fully enclosed stainless steel 304 grade Cabinet with

4 no's mounting wheels(63mm dia) of lenth 1100mm
X width 530mm X height 1940mm.ground clearences
should be minimum 100mm,purification system Elixer/saitech/
12 SS Cabin should be visible for easy maintenance.5 no's of half 1 pentapure/ORG/ 90260
inch size SS taps for drinking purpose.Fully water equvalent
proof Stickers and branding as per government
official guidance.Tray for bottle dispense of suitable
size of SS Make.

200 Litres inbuilt Stainless Storage Tank with 1/2"

SS taps 5 nos should be provided. For Low and high Aqua / Elixir / Nova /
13 Storage Tank 1 set
level flow control , commericial float switch should Eqvi
be provided.
Descrption Specification Make Rate
14 Multiport Valve N/A N/A 3000
Control Panel with
15 Data Transfer to N/A N/A
Server Low Pressure Switch(24v) for raw water protections
at inlet should be provided.3/8" Solenyed Valve of
range (with Brass made 0-10bar) 24 volt DC should
be provided for high pressure pump for low pressure
cutoff /Stainless steel float switch with suitable cable
for proper operation of the system. smps 5a,
Function-to measure pressurePump outlet, Filter
outlet, Pressure pump
• 3/8" 24 volt DC PVC Auto flush system with Danfose/Uflow/org-
16 solenoid valve 1set cherry/EAC/ 15650
• Pressure controler valve Equivalent
• 1/4"-3/8" TDS controler
backup the instrumentation 230V as input and 24v
DC,5A output switch mode power supply unit should
be provided.

To remove dust,dirt,clay etc of polypropelyene size bio

17 sediment filter 1 540
10" long x 2.5" dia +/Elixer/Equivalent

To remove chlorine,iodine,odour,bad taste and color

18 Pre- carbon etc of Coconut shell/Charcoal based size 10" long x 1 450
2.5" dia

To remove acidic waste in the body, supplies

minerals. Improves PH & taste of water etc of
antebacteria balls (mineral Ceramic, alkaline, bio
19 Mineral filter 1Set 1200
antibacterial, touramaline, taste enhancer, oxygen +/Elixer/Equivalent
reduction potential and silver activated carbon balls
size 10" long x 2.5" dia
11 w UV tube with stainless steel housing size 8"
long with inlet outlet dia 1/4" to 3/8" Function-to
Alfa/ Phillips/ ACE
20 UV set disinfect water, will kill bacteria and 1 set 1400
Hygiene or equivalent
micro-organisms upto 99.9%

For Capacity of 100 litres / hour Sprial wound

Polypropelyene suitable size Dia 2.5” x 10” long . No
21 UF Membrane 1 TorrayHydronautics/Bi 950
of membrane Shall have 2 numbers and the No of
membrane housing shall be 2.

12v DC TDS
22 1 200

Installation & 7500

24 Transportation 4000

1st Year 11000

2nd Year 11500

26 Maintainance

TOTAL 170000
Particulars Qty Rate Amount
1 Raw Waetr Pump 1 Hp 1 5600.00 5600.00
2 Vessel 1054 2 7500.00 15000.00
3 25 Nb Top mount filter Compo 2 3650.00 7300.00
4 Media 130 12.00 1560.00
5 Carbon 600Iv 25 125.00 3125.00
6 20" Housing 3/4" 1 1200.00 1200.00
7 20" Spun 1 450.00 450.00
8 4" X 40" Membrane 2 16500.00 33000.00
9 4" X 40" M Housing 2 8900.00 17800.00
10 Pump 2-11 1 22400.00 22400.00
11 Skid 1 12000.00 12000.00
12 Electrical Control Panel 1 7080.00 7080.00
12.a Card And Coin Machine 1 15340.00 15340.00
12.b Battery And Charger(UPS) 1 7360.00 7360.00
12.c Data Transmission Kit (Iot) 1 17250.00 17250.00
13 Pressure Gauage 2 950.00 1900.00
14 Flow Meter 1/2" 2 1335.00 2670.00
14.a Float Switch 2 960.00 1920.00
14.b TDS & pH Sensor 1 3490.00 3490.00
15 LPS & HPS 2 1900.00 3800.00
16 Dosing Pump 1 5500.00 5500.00
17 Antiscalent Chemical 5 330.00 1650.00
18 SS Tank 2000 Ltr 1 26000.00 26000.00
19 Upvc Materials 1 14520.00 14520.00
Erection Charges 5000.00
Transport Charges 1500.00
Over head charges & Contractor profits 45585.00
Grand Total 280000.00
Supply installation commissiong with qulity test report of the whole of drinking water distribution/dispensing plants/units of
capacity 500 LPH RO plant with product water as per BIS standards on single phase power supply including Warranty,Operation
& maintainance for 60 Months.(As per Technical Specification).


1 Raw Water Storage Tank with low level and high Function–storage of raw water
level switch.
Type/ MOC Three Layered HDPE tanks made from virgin material of Food
Grade Quality, suitable for the purpose of Storage of drinking /
portable water. (where source fluctuation persists or space constraint
exists underground sump may be provided) .

Control Provision of Low Level and High Level Switch

Capacity 5000 Ltr tank

Make Sintex /Poly Plast/Frontier/Ganga or Equivalent

2 Inlet Pump Function– to feed water from storage tank to filter

Type Horizontal Centrifugal
Number One
Make Grundfos /Mahendra /Nuton/Kirloskar /Crompton greaves/
equivalent to these make
MOC SS -316/SS-304
Capacity As per plant requirement (2.5m3 per hour) as per new specification
Pressure and power As per plant requirement (3kg / sq cm, 1.50 HP)

3 Granual Activated Carbon Filter with min 900 Iodin Function– to remove pesticide, insecticide and biological impurities
value with auto MPV from water.
Flow Rate As per plant requirement
MOC of housing FRP
Size As per plant requirement (13"X54")
Make Gopani/Aventura/Pentair/Hitech/equivalent to these make

4 Micron Cartridge Filter Function- fine filtration of water for removal of Suspended solids up
to 1 micron size to prevent chocking/ blockage of UF Membrane (if
Flow rate As per plant requirement 4m3/hrs
MOC of Cartridge housing FRP/Engineering grade plastic/equivalent
NO. of Cartridge housing As per plant requirement 2 Nos
Micron Rating 5 Micron & 1 Micron
Flow valocity 2.5 Mtr/Sec
MOC of cartridge PP
Make Zephyr/ Ametak-USA/MMP/Parker/Aventura/Hitech or equivalent

5 Sand filter Pressure sand Filter (PSF) to remove any Turbidity in water
Flow Rate As per plant requirement
Material of Housing FRP/Engineering grade plastic
Size As per plant requirement (13"x54")
Media Pebbels, Gravel, Coarse Sand , Fine Sand & Antracite of Suitable
Quanitity as per plant Requirement
MOCof housing FRP
Make Pentair/Aventura/Hitech/Gopani/Advanced composite or equivalent
to these make
6 Anti scalant Dosing System Function- to inhibit scaling of hardness salt and Silica on RO
Pump 1 Set
Make KIDSPAE/Meltonroy/E-Dose/Injecta/Pentair/ Nuton/GE Thermax/
Quantity 1 No.
Type Electronic/Diaphragm Type
Capacity 0-6LPH
Quantity of tank 1 No.
Capacity of Tank 100 ltr.
Make of Tank Any Standard Indian Make - ISI

7 High Pressure Pump & motor Function-to develop required pressure for Reverse Osmosis on RO
Type Vertical Centrifugal Multistage 2.5 m3/hr flow 10-13 bar pressure

a). Pump External jacket, suction casing, delivery chorome-

casing, impeller, lower cover, Uppre cover, Spacer nickel steel 1.4301 EN 10088 (ASI 304)
pump shaft, plug chorome-nickel steel 1.4301 EN 10088 (ASI 303)
mechanical seal, SO Ceramic alumina/ carbon/EPDM
Wear ring PTFE
O-ring NBR
MOC of pump casing SS316 / SS 304
b). motor IS 12615:2014, IEC 60034/30, Rating IE3 with IP 65 protection and
class F insultion
Capacity As per plant requirement
Pressure and power As per plant requirement

8 Pressure Vessel Function-to house RO Membranes under pressure

Item RO Module consisting of membrane housing with RO membrane
mounted on SS skid 40mm sq tube. 1.5 tank 304 nicker less then 6%

Diameter As per plant requirement (4")
Length As per plant requirement (40")
Make Codeline/ Phoenix/Aventura/ Aqueous / protec/pentair/Maxima
/Advance or equivalent

9 Membrane Function-to remove dissolved salt, all kind of heavy metals from
water by Reverse Osmosis to produce permeate water having less
dissolved salt/parameters confirming BIS 10500:2012 and reject
water having highly concentrated salt.
Type TFC, Polyamide
Size As per plant requirement
Average Flux <18 GFD
Make DOW Filmtec-USA, / Hydranautics / Burton/ Oltermare toray GE-
Wave cyber
Operating Water Temperature Ambient Temperature

10 Ultra Filteration Function-Blending RO outpit water with UF Permeate water to adjust

PH &TDS of output water.
Type Spirally wound PAN,PS,PES,PVDF
Size as per plant requirement(4 X 40inch) 5 No.s
Average Flux 25 LMH to 35LMH
Make DOW Filmtec-USA, / Hydranautics / Burton/ Oltermare toray

Operating Water Temperature Ambient Temperature

Membrane Housing Make Advanced composite aventura,Hitech,pentair or equivalent
MOC of housing FRP
11 UltraViolate System/ Ozone disinfection System Function-to disinfect water, kill bacteria and micro-organisms

Capacity As per plant requirement

Make Alfa/ Phillips/ ACE Hygiene / Hitech or equivalent/kidspae

12 Cleaning in Place(CIP) System Function- use for chemical cleaning of RO Membranes over a
period of time
Quantity of tank 1 No.
Capacity of tank As per plant requirement
Make of tank Any Stadard Indian Make - ISI Brand
Micron Cartridge Filter 1 No.
Flow rate As per plant requirement
MOC FRP/Engineering grade plastic
No. of Cartridge housing As per plant requirement
Micron Rating 5 Micron
Flow velocity 2.5 Mtr/Sec
MOC of cartridge pp

13 Product Water Storage Tank with support Function–For storage of Product Water from R.O. Plant
stand,drain trey
Type/ MOC SS 304 thickness 0.8mm
Control Provision of Low Level and High Level Switch
Capacity 2000 ltrs – Shell thickness not less than 0.8mm

14 Pressure Pump for Dispencing Function - Create Pressure for Dispencing system
Horizontal - Centrifugal
MOC SS 304
Number 1 No's
Capacity As per plant Requirement
Pressure As per plant Requirement
Make Grundfos /Mahendra /Nuton/Kirloskar /Crompton greaves/

15 SS SKID Function-to mount RO system ,

SIZE as per requirement for 1000 LPH RO
Material SS 304 with standard thickness and quality 40mm 1 and half inches
Instrumentation &Controls

A Pressure Gauges Function-to measure pressure

Quantity 4 No
Location Pump outlet, Filter outlet, High pressure pump discharge and RO
Range 0-7 Kg/cm2
Location Feed pump outlet/Filter outlet
Quantity 2 No
Location High pressure pump discharge and RO reject
Range 0-20 Kg/ cm2
Make Forbes Marshal/Waree or equivalent

B Flow Indicator Function-to measure flow rate at location

Quantity 3 No.
Location RO Feed, RO Product, Reject
Type Float type, panel mounted
Max operating temperature 40 degree centigrade
Measure points RO Feed, RO Product, Reject
Make Flow Max/ Eureka/ GF or equivalent
C Instrumentation & Control System
• High pressure switch and low pressure switch
• Back wash system with solenoid valve
• Electric control panel with “A” meter, Voltmeter
• Pressure control valves
• TDS meter
• Combo Dispensing system/(android base remote
operated with facilities of push button for coin and
provision of (ATW) smart card System,
• push button should be provided to
stop water dispensing any time.
• UPS for water dispensing in absence of power
• flushing switch with solenoid valves
• Micro base panel with GSM Facility.
•System Should have
compatibility to remote access, control and
. Real time remote monitoring & control system to
monitor health & performance of the plant. The unit
should contain ARM based micro controller unit and
GPRS module.The unit should be able to monitor all
the sensors, Flow sensors & Pump power
consumption(Energy meters) and control pumps
automatically based on sensor & programmed
schedule.It then should send all the prameters over
GPRS network in realtime with configurable interval
from 15 minutes to 24 hours. Default transmission
interval should be 15 minutes.The protocol for
sending should be CSV over HTTP and FTP.Default
should be set to FTP.(
protocol info should be added).

required electrical components shall be of relevant BIS code and IS standard.

5.Design of RO system must be done keeping in mind pollution norms of reject management and accordingly RO recoveries
must be optimized

Particulars Qty Rate Amount
1 Raw Water Pump 1 Hp 1 5600.00 5600.00
2 Vessel 1054 2 4100.00 8200.00
3 25 Nb Top mount filter Compo 2 3650.00 7300.00
4 Media 130 12.00 1560.00
5 Carbon 600Iv 25 125.00 3125.00
6 20 Housing 3/4" 1 1200.00 1200.00
7 20" Spun 1 450.00 450.00
8 4" X40" Membrane Ft 2 16500.00 33000.00
9 4" X 40" M Housing Ukl 2 8900.00 17800.00
10 Pump 2-11 1 22400.00 22400.00
11 Skid 1 8700.00 8700.00
12 Electrical Control Panel 1 7080.00 7080.00
12.a Card And Coin Machine 1 15340.00 15340.00
12.b Battery And Charger(UPS) 1 7360.00 7360.00
12.c Data Transmission Kit (Iot) 1 17250.00 17250.00
13 Pressure Gauage 2 950.00 1900.00
14 Flow Meter 1/2" 2 1335.00 2670.00
14.a Float Switch 2 960.00 1920.00
14.b TDS &pH Sensor 1 3490.00 3490.00
15 LPS & HPS 2 1900.00 3800.00
16 Dosing Pump 1 5500.00 5500.00
17 Antiscalent Chemical 5 330.00 1650.00
18 FRP Tank 2000 Ltr 1 12100.00 12100.00
19 Upvc Materials 1 14520.00 14520.00
Erection Charges 5000.00
Transport Charges 800.00
Over head charges & Contractor profits 40785.00
Grand Total 250500.00
Raw Water Storage Tank Function– For storage of raw water

Type/ MOC Two/Three Layered PE tanks made from virgin material of

Food Grade Quality, suitable for the purpose of providing /
Storage drinking/ portable water OR

If necessary, extra storage facility in the form of 5 KL

Sump may be provided where source fluctuation
persists.For 500 LPH-5KL Sump

Control Provision of Low Level and High Level Switch

Capacity 2000 ltrs /3000 ltrs –site specific

Make Sintex /Poly Plast/Frontier/Ganga or Equivalent

2 Inlet Pump Function– to feed water from storage tank to filter

Type Horizontal Centrifugal

Number One
Make Grundfos /CRI/Mahindra /Kirloskar /Crompton greaves/

Capacity As per plant requirement

Pressure and power As per plant requirement
Multi Grade Sand Filter with MPV Function– to remove pesticide, insecticide and biological
Granular Activated Carbon Filter with impurities from water.
3 min 900 Iodine Value with MPV

Flow Rate As per plant requirement

MOC FRP/Engineering grade plastic

No. of Cartridge Housing As per plant requirement

Make Parker/Raxor/Gopani/ equivalent

Micron Cartridge Filter Function- fine filtration of water for removal of

4 Suspended solids up to1micronmicronsizetoprevent

chocking/ blockageon UF Membrane
Flow rate As per plant requirement
MOC FRP/Engineering grade plastic/ equivalent
NO. of Cartridge housing As per plant requirement
Micron Rating 0.5 Micron
Flow velocity 2.5 Mtr/Sec
MOC of cartridge PP
Make Zephyr/ Ametak-USA /MMP/Parker or equivalent
5 Sand Filter Pressure sand Filter (PSF) to remove any Turbidity in
Flow Rate As per plant requirement
Material of Housing FRP/Engineering grade plastic
Make Filtrex/Parker/Raxor/ equivalent

Anti scalant Dosing Function- to inhibit scaling of hardness salt and

System Silica on RO Membranes
Pump 1 Set
Make ASIALMI/ Sonder/ Prominent/ E-Dose/Injecta/Pentair/
Quantity 1 No.
Type Electronic Diaphragm Type
Capacity 0-5LPH
Quantity of tank 1 No.
Capacity of Tank 100 ltr.
Make of Tank Indian
High Pressure Pump Function-to develop required pressure for Reverse
Osmosis on RO Membranes
Type Vertical Centrifugal Multistage
MOC SS316 / SS 304
Number One
Make Grundfos/Mahindra/CRI/ KSB/Crompton
Capacity As per plant requirement
Pressure and power As per plant requirement
8 Pressure Vessel Function-to house RO Membranes under pressure
Item RO Module consisting of membrane housing with
RO membrane mounted on SS skid
Diameter As per plant requirement
Length As per plant requirement
Make Codeline/ Phoenix/ Aqueous / Protec / Maxima /Advance
or equivalent

Membrane Function-to remove dissolved salt all kind of heavy metals

from water by Reverse Osmosis to produce permeate water
having less dissolved salt/parameters confirming BIS
9 10500:2012 and reject water having highly concentrated

Type TFC, Polyamide

Size As per plant requirement

Average Flux <18 GFD

Make DOW Filmtec-USA, / Hydranautics /

or equivalent

Operating water Ambient Temperature


Ultra Violate System + Ozone Function-to disinfect water, will kill bacteria and
10 disinfection System.

Capacity As per plant requirement

Make Alfa/ Phillips/ ACE Hygiene or equivalent

Cleaning in Place(CIP) Function- use for chemical cleaning of RO

System Membranes over a period of time
Quantity of tank 1 No.
Capacity of tank As per plant requirement
Make of tank Indian
Micron Cartridge Filter
Flow rate As per plant requirement
MOC FRP/ Engineering Grade Plastic
No. of Cartridge housing As per plant requirement
Micron Rating 5 Micron
Flow velocity 2.5 Mtr /Sec
MOC of cartridge PP
Product Water Storage Function–For storage of Product Water from R.O.
Tank Plant
Type/ MOC SS 304 storage tank for 250LPH – 500Ltrs,500LPH –
1000Ltrs,1000LPH – 2000Ltrs.
Control Provision of Low Level and High Level Switch
Capacity storage tank 1000/2000 ltrs –site specific,250 – 500LPH

Instrumentation &Controls

A Pressure Gauges Function-to measure pressure

Quantity 4 No
Location Pump outlet, Filter outlet, High Pressure pump
Discharge and RO Reject
Range 0-7 Kg/cm2
Location Feed pump outlet /Filter outlet
Quantity 2 No
Location High pressure pump discharge and RO reject
Range 0-20 Kg/ cm2
Make Forbes Marshal/Waree or equivalent
B Flow Indicator Function-to measure flow rate at location
Quantity 3 No.
Location RO Feed, RO Product, Reject
Type Float type, panel mounted
Max, operating 40 degree centigrade
Measuring points RO Feed, RO Product, Reject
Make Flow Max/ Blue &White/ FIP/ Eureka/ GF or equivalent
C Instrumentation & Control System
·      High pressure switch and low
pressure switch

·      Back wash system with solenoid

·      Electric control panel with “A”
meter, Voltmeter indicators, on off

·      Pressure control valve

·      TDS meter
·      Automation to collect pure drinking
water of 20 ltr by dropping 1 nos of one
rupee coins or 10 ltrs by dropping one
rupee coins / Any Time Water (ATW)
smart card System with GSM.The unit
should be able to monitor all the
sensors, Flow sensors & Pump power
consumption(Energy meters) and
control pumps automatically based on
sensor & programmed schedule

1)      The piping and accessories used after high pressure pump i.e from high pressure pump
to product water tank shall be SS/UPVC 316 grade.

2) All the Equipment/Instruments shall conform to BIS tandards.

3)   Indianmake membranes duly certified by National agency may be used.

4)     Mounting Skid of RO system to be SS 304 grade,32/40MM.
Particulars Qty Rate Amount
1 Raw Waetr Pump 1 Hp 1 9500.00 9500.00
2 Vessel 1354 2 12500.00 25000.00
3 25Nb Valve 2 3800.00 7600.00
4 Media 250 12.00 3000.00
5 Carbon 600Iv 100 125.00 12500.00
6 20"Jumbo Housing 1 2575.00 2575.00
7 20"Jumbo Spun 1 950.00 950.00
8 8" X 40" Membrane 1 41880.00 41880.00
9 8" X 40" M Housing 1 16500.00 16500.00
10 Pump 2-18 Iii Ph 1 43500.00 43500.00
11 Skid 1 22500.00 22500.00
12 Electrical Control Panel 1 16780.00 16780.00
12.a Card And Coin Machine 1 21350.00 21350.00
12.b Battery And Charger(UPS) 1 7360.00 7360.00
12.c Data Transmission Kit (Iot) 1 22775.00 22775.00
13 Pressure Guage 2 950.00 1900.00
14 Flow Meter 3/4" 2 2250.00 4500.00
14.a Float Switch 2 960.00 1920.00
14.b TDS & pH Sensor 1 3490.00 3490.00
15 LPS & HPS 2 1900.00 3800.00
16 Dosing Pump 1 5900.00 5900.00
17 Antiscalent Chemical 8 330.00 2640.00
18 SS Tank 2000 Ltr 26000.00
19 Upvc Materials 24000.00
Erection Charges 5000.00
Transport Charges 1500.00
over head charges & contractor profits 65580.00
Grand Total 400000.00
1 Raw Water Storage Tank Function– For storage of raw water
Type/ MOC Two/Three Layered PE tanks made from virgin
material of Food Grade Quality, suitable for the
purpose of providing / Storage drinking/ portable water

If necessary, extra storage facility in the form of 5 KL

Sump may be provided where source fluctuation
persists.For 1000 LPH-5KL Sump
Control Provision of Low Level and High Level Switch
Capacity 2000 ltrs /3000 ltrs –site specific

Make Sintex /Poly Plast/Frontier/Ganga or Equivalent

2 Inlet Pump Function– to feed water from storage tank to filter

Type Horizontal Centrifugal
Number One
Make Grundfos /CRI/Mahindra /Kirloskar /Crompton
greaves/ equivalent
Capacity As per plant requirement
Pressure and power As per plant requirement
3 Multi Grade Sand Filter with MPV Function– to remove pesticide, insecticide and
Granular Activated Carbon Filter with biological impurities from water.
min 900 Iodine Value with MPV
Flow Rate As per plant requirement

MOC FRP/Engineering grade plastic

No. of Cartridge Housing As per plant requirement

Make Parker/Raxor/Gopani/ equivalent

4 Micron Cartridge Filter Function- fine filtration of water for removal of

Suspended solids up to1micronmicronsizetoprevent
chocking/ blockageon UF Membrane
Flow rate As per plant requirement
MOC FRP/Engineering grade plastic/ equivalent
NO. of Cartridge housing As per plant requirement
Micron Rating 0.5 Micron
Flow velocity 2.5 Mtr/Sec
MOC of cartridge PP
Make Zephyr/ Ametak-USA /MMP/Parker or equivalent
5 Sand Filter Pressure sand Filter (PSF) to remove any Turbidity in
Flow Rate As per plant requirement
Material of Housing FRP/Engineering grade plastic
Make Filtrex/Parker/Raxor/ equivalent

6 Anti scalant Dosing Function- to inhibit scaling of hardness salt and

System Silica on RO Membranes
Pump 1 Set
Make ASIALMI/ Sonder/ Prominent/ E-Dose/Injecta/Pentair/
Quantity 1 No.
Type Electronic Diaphragm Type
Capacity 0-5LPH
Quantity of tank 1 No.
Capacity of Tank 100 ltr.
Make of Tank Indian

7 High Pressure Pump Function-to develop required pressure for Reverse

Osmosis on RO Membranes
Type Vertical Centrifugal Multistage
MOC SS316 / SS 304
Number One
Make Grundfos/Mahindra/CRI/ KSB/Crompton
Capacity As per plant requirement
Pressure and power As per plant requirement

8 Pressure Vessel Function-to house RO Membranes under pressure

Item RO Module consisting of membrane housing with
RO membrane mounted on SS skid
Diameter As per plant requirement
Length As per plant requirement
Make Codeline/ Phoenix/ Aqueous / Protec / Maxima
/Advance or equivalent

9 Membrane Function-to remove dissolved salt all kind of heavy

metals from water by Reverse Osmosis to produce
permeate water having less dissolved salt/parameters
confirming BIS 10500:2012 and reject water having
highly concentrated salt.

Type TFC, Polyamide

Size As per plant requirement
Average Flux <18 GFD
Make DOW Filmtec-USA, / Hydranautics /
or equivalent
Operating water Ambient Temperature

10 Ultra Violate System + Ozone Function-to disinfect water, will kill bacteria and
disinfection System.
10 Ultra Violate System + Ozone
disinfection System. micro-organisms
Capacity As per plant requirement
Make Alfa/ Phillips/ ACE Hygiene or equivalent

11 Cleaning in Place(CIP) Function- use for chemical cleaning of RO

System Membranes over a period of time
Quantity of tank 1 No.
Capacity of tank As per plant requirement
Make of tank Indian
Micron Cartridge Filter
Flow rate As per plant requirement
MOC FRP/ Engineering Grade Plastic
No. of Cartridge housing As per plant requirement
Micron Rating 5 Micron
Flow velocity 2.5 Mtr /Sec
MOC of cartridge PP

12 Product Water Storage Function–For storage of Product Water from R.O.

Tank Plant
Type/ MOC SS 304 storage tank for 250LPH – 500Ltrs,500LPH –
1000Ltrs,1000LPH – 2000Ltrs.
Control Provision of Low Level and High Level Switch
Capacity storage tank 1000/2000 ltrs –site specific,250 –
Instrumentation &Controls

A Pressure Gauges Function-to measure pressure

Quantity 4 No
Location Pump outlet, Filter outlet, High Pressure pump
Discharge and RO Reject
Range 0-7 Kg/cm2
Location Feed pump outlet /Filter outlet
Quantity 2 No
Location High pressure pump discharge and RO reject
Range 0-20 Kg/ cm2
Make Forbes Marshal/Waree or equivalent
B Flow Indicator Function-to measure flow rate at location
Quantity 3 No.
Location RO Feed, RO Product, Reject
Type Float type, panel mounted
Max, operating 40 degree centigrade
Measuring points RO Feed, RO Product, Reject
Make Flow Max/ Blue &White/ FIP/ Eureka/ GF or
C Instrumentation & Control System
·      High pressure switch and low
·      Back switch
wash system with solenoid valve
·      Electric control panel with “A”
·meter, Voltmeter
      Pressure indicators,
control valve on off switch
·      TDS meter
·      Automation to collect pure drinking
The unit of 20 be
ltr able
by dropping 1 nos
to monitor all of
sensors, Flow sensors & Pump power
consumption(Energy meters) and control
pumps automatically based on sensor &
programmed schedule

1)      The piping and accessories used after high pressure pump i.e from high
pressure pump to product water tank shall be SS/UPVC 316 grade.
2)      All the Equipment/Instruments shall conform to BIS standards.

3)      Indian make membranes duly certified by National agency may be used.

4)      Mounting Skid of RO system to be SS 304 grade,32/40MM.

Particulars Qty Rate Amount
1 Raw Waetr Pump 1 Hp 1 9500.00 9500.00
2 Vessel 2 7500.00 15000.00
3 25Nb Valve 2 3800.00 7600.00
4 Media 100 12.00 1200.00
5 Carbon 600Iv 50 125.00 6250.00
6 20:Jumbo Housing 1 2575.00 2575.00
7 20"Jumbo Spun 1 950.00 950.00
8 80X40 Membrane Ft 1 41880.00 41880.00
9 80X40M Housing 1 16500.00 16500.00
10 Mahendra Pump 2-18 Iii Ph 1 30500.00 30500.00
11 Skid 1 18500.00 18500.00
12 Electrical Control Panel 1 16780.00 16780.00
12.a Card And Coin Machine 1 21350.00 21350.00
12.b Battery And Charger 1 7360.00 7360.00
12.c Data Transmission Kit (Iot) 1 22300.00 22300.00
13 Pressure Guage 2 950.00 1900.00
14 Flow Meter 3/4" 2 2250.00 4500.00
14.a Float Switch 2 960.00 1920.00
14.b Tds Sensor 1 3490.00 3490.00
15 Lps 2 1900.00 3800.00
16 Dosing Pump Kidspae 1 5900.00 5900.00
17 Antiscalent Chemical 5 330.00 1650.00
18 Frp Tank 2000 Ltr 12100.00
19 Upvc Materials 24000.00

Erection Charges 4000.00
Transport Charges 1000.00
over head charges & contractor profits 55495.00
Grand Total 338000.00


1 Raw Water Storage Tank Function– For storage of raw water

Type/ MOC Two/Three Layered PE tanks made from virgin material of Food Grade Quality, suitable for the
purpose of providing / Storage drinking/ portable water OR
If necessary, extra storage facility in the form of 5 KL Sump may be provided where source
fluctuation persists.For1000 LPH FRP -5KL Sump
Control Provision of Low Level and High Level Switch
Capacity 2000 ltrs /3000 ltrs –site specific

Make Sintex /Poly Plast/Frontier/Ganga or Equivalent

2 Inlet Pump Function– to feed water from storage tank to filter

Type Horizontal Centrifugal
Number One
Make Grundfos /CRI/Mahindra /Kirloskar /Crompton greaves/ equivalent
Capacity As per plant requirement
Pressure and power As per plant requirement
3 Multi Grade Sand Filter with Function– to remove pesticide, insecticide and biological impurities from water.
MPV Granular Activated
Carbon Filter with min 900
Iodine Value with MPV

Flow Rate As per plant requirement

MOC FRP/Engineering grade plastic

No. of Cartridge Housing As per plant requirement

Make Parker/Raxor/Gopani/ equivalent

4 Micron Cartridge Filter Function- fine filtration of water for removal of

Suspended solids up to1micronmicronsizetoprevent chocking/ blockageon UF Membrane

Flow rate As per plant requirement

MOC FRP/Engineering grade plastic/ equivalent
NO. of Cartridge housing As per plant requirement
Micron Rating 0.5 Micron
Flow velocity 2.5 Mtr/Sec
MOC of cartridge PP
Make Zephyr/ Ametak-USA /MMP/Parker or equivalent
5 Sand Filter Pressure sand Filter (PSF) to remove any Turbidity in water
Flow Rate As per plant requirement
Material of Housing FRP/Engineering grade plastic
Make Filtrex/Parker/Raxor/ equivalent

6 Anti scalant Dosing Function- to inhibit scaling of hardness salt and

System Silica on RO Membranes
Pump 1 Set
Make ASIALMI/ Sonder/ Prominent/ E-Dose/Injecta/Pentair/ equivalent
Quantity 1 No.
Type Electronic Diaphragm Type
Capacity 0-5LPH
Quantity of tank 1 No.
Capacity of Tank 100 ltr.
Make of Tank Indian

7 High Pressure Pump Function-to develop required pressure for Reverse

Osmosis on RO Membranes
Type Vertical Centrifugal Multistage
MOC SS316 / SS 304
Number One
Make Grundfos/Mahindra/CRI/ KSB/Crompton Greaves/CNP/Kirloskar/Calpida.
Capacity As per plant requirement
Pressure and power As per plant requirement

8 Pressure Vessel Function-to house RO Membranes under pressure

Item RO Module consisting of membrane housing with
RO membrane mounted on SS skid
Diameter As per plant requirement
Length As per plant requirement
Make Codeline/ Phoenix/ Aqueous / Protec / Maxima /Advance or equivalent

9 Membrane Function-to remove dissolved salt all kind of heavy metals from water by Reverse Osmosis to
produce permeate water having less dissolved salt/parameters confirming BIS 10500:2012 and
reject water having highly concentrated salt.
Type TFC, Polyamide
Size As per plant requirement
Average Flux <18 GFD
Make DOW Filmtec-USA, / Hydranautics /
or equivalent
Operating water Ambient Temperature

10 Ultra Violate System + Ozone Function-to disinfect water, will kill bacteria and
disinfection System. micro-organisms
Capacity As per plant requirement
Make Alfa/ Phillips/ ACE Hygiene or equivalent

11 Cleaning in Place(CIP) Function- use for chemical cleaning of RO

System Membranes over a period of time
Quantity of tank 1 No.
Capacity of tank As per plant requirement
Make of tank Indian
Micron Cartridge Filter
Flow rate As per plant requirement
MOC FRP/ Engineering Grade Plastic
No. of Cartridge housing As per plant requirement
Micron Rating 5 Micron
Flow velocity 2.5 Mtr /Sec
MOC of cartridge PP

12 Product Water Storage Function–For storage of Product Water from R.O.

Tank Plant
Type/ MOC SS 304 storage tank for 250LPH – 500Ltrs,500LPH – 1000Ltrs,1000LPH – 2000Ltrs.
Control Provision of Low Level and High Level Switch
Capacity storage tank 1000/2000 ltrs –site specific,250 – 500LPH

Instrumentation &Controls

A Pressure Gauges Function-to measure pressure

Quantity 4 No
Location Pump outlet, Filter outlet, High Pressure pump
Discharge and RO Reject
Range 0-7 Kg/cm2
Location Feed pump outlet /Filter outlet
Quantity 2 No
Location High pressure pump discharge and RO reject
Range 0-20 Kg/ cm2
Make Forbes Marshal/Waree or equivalent
B Flow Indicator Function-to measure flow rate at location
Quantity 3 No.
Location RO Feed, RO Product, Reject
Type Float type, panel mounted
Max, operating 40 degree centigrade
Measuring points RO Feed, RO Product, Reject
Make Flow Max/ Blue &White/ FIP/ Eureka/ GF or equivalent
C Instrumentation & Control
·      High pressure switch
·and lowwash
      Back pressure switch
system with
·solenoid valve
      Electric control panel
·with “A” meter,
      Pressure Voltmeter
control valve
·      TDS meter
·      Automation to collect
The unit drinkingbewater
able toof 20
monitor all the sensors, Flow
sensors & Pump power
consumption(Energy meters)
and control pumps
automatically based on sensor
& programmed schedule


1)      The piping and accessories used after high pressure pump i.e from high pressure pump to product water tank

2)      All the Equipment/Instruments shall conform to BIS standards.

3)      Indian make membranes duly certified by National agency may be used.

4)      Mounting Skid of RO system to be SS 304 grade,32/40MM.

Particulars Qty Rate Amount
1 Raw Waetr Pump 2 Hp 1 13500.00 13500.00
2 Vessel 1665 2 15500.00 31000.00
3 40Nb Tmf Ukl 2 3850.00 7700.00
4 Media 400 12.00 4800.00
5 Carbon 600Iv 175 125.00 21875.00
6 20"Jumbo Housing 2 2575.00 5150.00
7 20"Jumbo Wound 2 950.00 1900.00
8 8" X 40" Membrane Filmtec 2 32370.00 64740.00
9 8" X 40" M Housing 2 16500.00 33000.00
10 Pump 4-19 1 52000.00 52000.00
11 Skid 1 18000.00 18000.00
12 Electrical Control Panel 1 16780.00 16780.00
12.a Card And Coin Machine 1 21350.00 21350.00
12.b Battery And Charger(UPS) 1 7360.00 7360.00
12.c Data Transmission Kit (Iot) 1 19575.00 19575.00
13 Pressure Gauage 2 950.00 1900.00
14 Flow Meter 1' 2 3250.00 6500.00
14.a Float Switch 2 960.00 1920.00
14.b TDS & pH Sensor 1 3490.00 3490.00
15 LPS & HPS 2 1900.00 3800.00
16 Dosing Pump 1 5900.00 5900.00
17 Antiscalent Chemical 5 330.00 1650.00
18 SS Tank 4000 Ltr 65000.00
19 Upvc Material 33200.00
Erection Charges 7500.00
Transport Charges 5000.00
over head charges & contractor profits 88410.00
Grand Total 543000.00
Supply installation commissiong with qulity test report of the whole of drinking water distribution/dispensing
plants/units of capacity 2000 LPH RO plant with product water as per BIS standards on single phase power
supply including Warranty,Operation & maintainance for 60 Months.(As per Technical Specification).

Detail specification of the Product of 2000 LPH (FRP)- RO plant
1 Raw Water Storage Tank with low level and Function–storage of raw water
high level switch.
Type/ MOC Three Layered HDPE tanks made from virgin material of Food
Grade Quality, suitable for the purpose of Storage of drinking /
portable water. (where source
fluctuation persists or space constraint exists underground sump
may be provided) .

Control Provision of Low Level and High Level Switch

Capacity 5000 Ltr tank
Make Sintex /Poly Plast/Frontier/Ganga or Equivalent

2 Inlet Pump Function– to feed water from storage tank to filter

Type Horizontal Centrifugal
Number One
Make Grundfos /Mahendra /Nuton/Kirloskar /Crompton greaves/
equivalent to these make
MOC SS -316/SS-304
Capacity As per plant requirement (2.5m3 per hour) as per new specification
Pressure and power As per plant requirement (3kg / sq cm, 1.50 HP)
3 Granual Activated Carbon Filter with min Function– to remove pesticide, insecticide and biological
900 Iodin value with auto MPV impurities from water.

Flow Rate As per plant requirement

MOC of housing FRP
Size As per plant requirement (13"X54")
Make Gopani/Aventura/Pentair/Hitech/equivalent to these make

4 Micron Cartridge Filter Function- fine filtration of water for removal of Suspended solids
up to 1 micron size to prevent chocking/ blockage of UF
Membrane (if necessary)

Flow rate As per plant requirement 4m3/hrs

MOC of Cartridge housing FRP/Engineering grade plastic/equivalent
NO. of Cartridge housing As per plant requirement 2 Nos
Micron Rating 5 Micron & 1 Micron
Flow valocity 2.5 Mtr/Sec
MOC of cartridge PP
Make Zephyr/ Ametak-USA/MMP/Parker/Aventura/Hitech or

5 Sand filter Pressure sand Filter (PSF) to remove any Turbidity in water

Flow Rate As per plant requirement

Material of Housing FRP/Engineering grade plastic
Size As per plant requirement (13"x54")
Media Pebbels, Gravel, Coarse Sand , Fine Sand & Antracite of
Suitable Quanitity as per plant Requirement
MOCof housing FRP
Make Pentair/Aventura/Hitech/Gopani/Advanced composite or
equivalent to these make
6 Anti scalant Dosing System Function- to inhibit scaling of hardness salt and Silica on RO
Pump 1 Set
Make KIDSPAE/Meltonroy/E-Dose/Injecta/Pentair/ Nuton/GE
Thermax/ equivalent
Quantity 1 No.
Type Electronic/Diaphragm Type
Capacity 0-6LPH
Quantity of tank 1 No.
Capacity of Tank 100 ltr.
Make of Tank Any Standard Indian Make - ISI

7 High Pressure Pump & motor Function-to develop required pressure for Reverse Osmosis on
RO Membranes
Type Vertical Centrifugal Multistage 2.5 m3/hr flow 2-13 to 15 bar
a). Pump External jacket, suction casing,
delivery casing, impeller, lower cover, chorome-nickel steel 1.4301 EN 10088 (ASI 304)
Uppre cover, Spacer sleeve.
pump shaft, plug chorome-nickel steel 1.4301 EN 10088 (ASI 303)
mechanical seal, Ceramic alumina/ carbon/EPDM
SO 3069-KU
Wear ring PTFE
O-ring NBR
MOC of pump casing SS316 / SS 304
b). motor IS 12615:2014, IEC 60034/30, Rating IE3 with IP 65 protection
and class F insultion
Capacity As per plant requirement
Pressure and power As per plant requirement

8 Pressure Vessel Function-to house RO Membranes under pressure

Item RO Module consisting of membrane housing with RO membrane
mounted on SS skid 40mm sq tube. 1.5 tank 304 nicker less then

Diameter As per plant requirement (4")
Length As per plant requirement (40")
Make Codeline/ Phoenix/Aventura/ Aqueous /
protec/pentair/Maxima /Advance or equivalent

9 Membrane Function-to remove dissolved salt, all kind of heavy metals from
water by Reverse Osmosis to produce permeate water having
less dissolved salt/parameters confirming BIS 10500:2012 and
reject water having highly concentrated salt.

Type TFC, Polyamide

Size As per plant requirement
Average Flux <18 GFD
Make DOW Filmtec-USA, / Hydranautics / Burton/ Oltermare toray
GE-Wave cyber
Operating Water Temperature Ambient Temperature

10 Ultra Filteration Function-Blending RO outpit water with UF Permeate water to

adjust PH &TDS of output water.

Type Spirally wound PAN,PS,PES,PVDF

Size as per plant requirement(8 X 40inch) 2 No.s or (4 X 40inch) 8 No.s
Average Flux 25 LMH to 35LMH
Make DOW Filmtec-USA, / Hydranautics / Burton/ Oltermare toray

Operating Water Temperature Ambient Temperature

Membrane Housing Make Advanced composite aventura,Hitech,pentair or equivalent
MOC of housing FRP

11 UltraViolate System/ Ozone disinfection Function-to disinfect water, kill bacteria and micro-organisms

Capacity As per plant requirement

Make Alfa/ Phillips/ ACE Hygiene / Hitech or equivalent/kidspae

12 Cleaning in Place(CIP) System Function- use for chemical cleaning of RO Membranes over a
period of time
Quantity of tank 1 No.
Capacity of tank As per plant requirement
Make of tank Any Stadard Indian Make - ISI Brand
Micron Cartridge Filter 1 No.
Flow rate As per plant requirement
MOC FRP/Engineering grade plastic
No. of Cartridge housing As per plant requirement
Micron Rating 5 Micron
Flow Flow velocity 2.5 Mtr/Sec
MOC of cartridge pp

13 Product Water Storage Tank with support Function–For storage of Product Water from R.O. Plant
stand,drain trey
Type/ MOC SS 304 thickness 0.8mm
Control Provision of Low Level and High Level Switch
Capacity 2000 ltrs – Shell thickness not less than 0.8mm

14 Pressure Pump for Dispencing Function - Create Pressure for Dispencing system
Horizontal - Centrifugal
MOC SS 304
Number 1 No's
Capacity As per plant Requirement
Pressure As per plant Requirement
Make Grundfos /Mahendra /Nuton/Kirloskar /Crompton greaves/

15 SS SKID Function-to mount RO system ,

SIZE as per requirement for 1000 LPH RO
Material SS 304 with standard thickness and quality 40mm 1 and half inches
Instrumentation &Controls

A Pressure Gauges Function-to measure pressure

Quantity 4 No
Location Pump outlet, Filter outlet, High pressure pump discharge and
RO Reject
Range 0-7 Kg/cm2
Location Feed pump outlet/Filter outlet
Quantity 2 No
Location High pressure pump discharge and RO reject
Range 0-20 Kg/ cm2
Make Forbes Marshal/Waree or equivalent
B Flow Indicator Function-to measure flow rate at location
Quantity 3 No.
Location RO Feed, RO Product, Reject
Type Float type, panel mounted
Max operating temperature 40 degree centigrade
Measure points RO Feed, RO Product, Reject
Make Flow Max/ Eureka/ GF or equivalent

C Instrumentation & Control System

• High pressure switch and low pressure
• Back wash system with solenoid valve

• Electric control panel with “A” meter,

Voltmeter indicators,
• Pressure control valves
• TDS & pH sensor
• Combo Dispensing system/(android base
remote operated with facilities of push
button for coin and provision of (ATW)
smart card System,
• push button should be provided to stop
water dispensing any time.
• UPS for water dispensing in absence
of power
• flushing switch with solenoid valves
• Micro base panel
with GSM Facility.
•System Should have compatibility to
remote access, control and monitoring
. The control panel should have facility for
transfer of data using GPRS facility to
remote servers provided by department if
necessary.(The unit should be able to
monitor all the sensors, Flow sensors &
Pump power consumption(Energy meters)
and control pumps automatically based on
sensor & programmed schedule).


1. Anti scalant use Only NSF 60 Approved Chemicals.

2. The piping and accessories used upto RO Membrane shall be CPVC.
3.Piping from Output of Pure Water to Coin Vending Machine and smart card shall be in Stainless Steel SS
4.All required electrical components shall be of relevant BIS code and IS standard.
5.Design of RO system must be done keeping in mind pollution norms of reject management and accordingly
RO recoveries must be optimized
6. All the components and fixtures used should be foodgrade and drinking water compatible.
7. All the components materials of works should conform to IS relevent codes/ drinking water BIS standards.
pressure pump UÀ¼ÀÄ w½¹gÀĪÀ «²µÀ× «ªÀgÀuÉAiÀÄAvÉ (Detailed Specification) EgÀĪÀ §UÉÎ
Particulars Qty Rate Amount
1 R/W Pump 1 16500.00 16500.00
2 Vessel 2472 Top & Bottom 2 18500.00 37000.00
3 55Nb Smf 2 4500.00 9000.00
Distribution Systems 2 2250.00 4500.00
4 Media 600 12.00 7200.00
5 Carbon 900Iv 240 125.00 30000.00
6 20" X 5 Element SS 1 20600.00 20600.00
7 20" Wound 5 600.00 3000.00
8 8" X 40" Membrane 3 32370.00 97110.00
9 8" X 40" M Housing 3 16500.00 49500.00
10 Pump 5-29 3Ph 1 52000.00 52000.00
11 Skid 1 18000.00 18000.00
12 Electrical Control Panel 1 16780.00 16780.00
12.a Card And Coin Machine 1 21350.00 21350.00
12.b Battery And Charger(UPS) 1 7360.00 7360.00
12.c Data Transmission Kit (Iot) 1 19575.00 19575.00
13 Pressure Gauage 2 950.00 1900.00
14 Flow Meter 1'' 2 3250.00 6500.00
14.a Float Switch 2 960.00 1920.00
14.b TDS &pH Sensor 1 3490.00 3490.00
15 LPS & HPS 2 1900.00 3800.00
16 Dosing Pump 1 5900.00 5900.00
17 Antiscalent Chemical 5 330.00 1650.00
18 SS Tank 6000 Ltr 70000.00
19 Upvc Material 36625.00
Erection Charges 7500.00
Transport Charges 5000.00
over head charges & contractor profits 108240.00
Grand Total 662000.00
Supply installation commissiong with qulity test report of the whole of drinking water distribution/dispensing
plants/units of capacity 3000 LPH RO plant with product water as per BIS standards on single phase power
supply including Warranty,Operation & maintainance for 60 Months.(As per Technical Specification).

Detail specification of the Product of 3000 LPH (FRP) - RO plant
1 Raw Water Storage Tank with low level and Function–storage of raw water
high level switch.
Type/ MOC Three Layered HDPE tanks made from virgin material of Food
Grade Quality, suitable for the purpose of Storage of drinking /
portable water. (where source
fluctuation persists or space constraint exists underground sump
may be provided) .

Control Provision of Low Level and High Level Switch

Capacity 5000 Ltr tank
Make Sintex /Poly Plast/Frontier/Ganga or Equivalent

2 Inlet Pump Function– to feed water from storage tank to filter

Type Horizontal Centrifugal
Number One
Make Grundfos /Mahendra /Nuton/Kirloskar /Crompton greaves/
equivalent to these make
MOC SS -316/SS-304
Capacity As per plant requirement (2.5m3 per hour) as per new specification
Pressure and power As per plant requirement (3kg / sq cm, 2.00 HP)
3 Granual Activated Carbon Filter with min Function– to remove pesticide, insecticide and biological
900 Iodin value with auto MPV impurities from water.

Flow Rate As per plant requirement

MOC of housing FRP
Size As per plant requirement (21" X 62")
Make Gopani/Aventura/Pentair/Hitech/equivalent to these make

4 Micron Cartridge Filter Function- fine filtration of water for removal of Suspended solids
up to 1 micron size to prevent chocking/ blockage of UF
Membrane (if necessary)

Flow rate As per plant requirement 4m3/hrs

MOC of Cartridge housing FRP/Engineering grade plastic/equivalent
NO. of Cartridge housing As per plant requirement 2 Nos
Micron Rating 5 Micron & 1 Micron
Flow valocity 2.5 Mtr/Sec
MOC of cartridge PP
Make Zephyr/ Ametak-USA/MMP/Parker/Aventura/Hitech or

5 Sand filter Pressure sand Filter (PSF) to remove any Turbidity in water

Flow Rate As per plant requirement

Material of Housing FRP/Engineering grade plastic
Size As per plant requirement (21" x 62")
Media Pebbels, Gravel, Coarse Sand , Fine Sand & Antracite of
Suitable Quanitity as per plant Requirement
MOCof housing FRP
Make Pentair/Aventura/Hitech/Gopani/Advanced composite or
equivalent to these make
6 Anti scalant Dosing System Function- to inhibit scaling of hardness salt and Silica on RO
Pump 1 Set
Make KIDSPAE/Meltonroy/E-Dose/Injecta/Pentair/ Nuton/GE
Thermax/ equivalent
Quantity 1 No.
Type Electronic/Diaphragm Type
Capacity 0-6LPH
Quantity of tank 1 No.
Capacity of Tank 100 ltr.
Make of Tank Any Standard Indian Make - ISI

7 High Pressure Pump & motor Function-to develop required pressure for Reverse Osmosis on
RO Membranes
Type Vertical Centrifugal Multistage 2.5 m3/hr flow 2-13 to 15 bar
a). Pump External jacket, suction casing,
delivery casing, impeller, lower cover, chorome-nickel steel 1.4301 EN 10088 (ASI 304)
Uppre cover, Spacer sleeve.
pump shaft, plug chorome-nickel steel 1.4301 EN 10088 (ASI 303)
mechanical seal, Ceramic alumina/ carbon/EPDM
SO 3069-KU
Wear ring PTFE
O-ring NBR
MOC of pump casing SS316 / SS 304
b). motor IS 12615:2014, IEC 60034/30, Rating IE3 with IP 65 protection
and class F insultion
Capacity As per plant requirement
Pressure and power As per plant requirement

8 Pressure Vessel Function-to house RO Membranes under pressure

Item RO Module consisting of membrane housing with RO membrane
mounted on SS skid 40mm sq tube. 1.5 tank 304 nicker less then

Diameter As per plant requirement (4")
Length As per plant requirement (40")
Make Codeline/ Phoenix/Aventura/ Aqueous /
protec/pentair/Maxima /Advance or equivalent

9 Membrane Function-to remove dissolved salt, all kind of heavy metals from
water by Reverse Osmosis to produce permeate water having
less dissolved salt/parameters confirming BIS 10500:2012 and
reject water having highly concentrated salt.

Type TFC, Polyamide

Size As per plant requirement
Average Flux <18 GFD
Make DOW Filmtec-USA, / Hydranautics / Burton/ Oltermare toray
GE-Wave cyber
Operating Water Temperature Ambient Temperature

10 Ultra Filteration Function-Blending RO outpit water with UF Permeate water to

adjust PH &TDS of output water.

Type Spirally wound PAN,PS,PES,PVDF

Size as per plant requirement(8 X 40inch) 3 No.s or (4 X 40inch) 12 No.s
Average Flux 25 LMH to 35LMH
Make DOW Filmtec-USA, / Hydranautics / Burton/ Oltermare toray

Operating Water Temperature Ambient Temperature

Membrane Housing Make Advanced composite aventura,Hitech,pentair or equivalent
MOC of housing FRP

11 UltraViolate System/ Ozone disinfection Function-to disinfect water, kill bacteria and micro-organisms

Capacity As per plant requirement

Make Alfa/ Phillips/ ACE Hygiene / Hitech or equivalent/kidspae

12 Cleaning in Place(CIP) System Function- use for chemical cleaning of RO Membranes over a
period of time
Quantity of tank 1 No.
Capacity of tank As per plant requirement
Make of tank Any Stadard Indian Make - ISI Brand
Micron Cartridge Filter 1 No.
Flow rate As per plant requirement
MOC FRP/Engineering grade plastic
No. of Cartridge housing As per plant requirement
Micron Rating 5 Micron
Flow Flow velocity 2.5 Mtr/Sec
MOC of cartridge pp

13 Product Water Storage Tank with support Function–For storage of Product Water from R.O. Plant
stand,drain trey
Type/ MOC SS 304 thickness 0.8mm
Control Provision of Low Level and High Level Switch
Capacity 5000 ltrs – Shell thickness not less than 0.8mm

14 Pressure Pump for Dispencing Function - Create Pressure for Dispencing system
Horizontal - Centrifugal
MOC SS 304
Number 1 No's
Capacity As per plant Requirement
Pressure As per plant Requirement
Make Grundfos /Mahendra /Nuton/Kirloskar /Crompton greaves/

15 SS SKID Function-to mount RO system ,

SIZE as per requirement for 3000 LPH RO
Material SS 304 with standard thickness and quality 40mm 1 and half inches
Instrumentation &Controls
A Pressure Gauges Function-to measure pressure
Quantity 4 No
Location Pump outlet, Filter outlet, High pressure pump discharge and
RO Reject
Range 0-7 Kg/cm2
Location Feed pump outlet/Filter outlet
Quantity 2 No
Location High pressure pump discharge and RO reject
Range 0-20 Kg/ cm2
Make Forbes Marshal/Waree or equivalent

B Flow Indicator Function-to measure flow rate at location

Quantity 3 No.
Location RO Feed, RO Product, Reject
Type Float type, panel mounted
Max operating temperature 40 degree centigrade
Measure points RO Feed, RO Product, Reject
Make Flow Max/ Eureka/ GF or equivalent

C Instrumentation & Control System

• High pressure switch and low pressure
• Back wash system with solenoid valve

• Electric control panel with “A” meter,

Voltmeter indicators,
• Pressure control valves
• TDS & pH sensor
• Combo Dispensing system/(android base
remote operated with facilities of push
button for coin and provision of (ATW)
smart card System,
• push button should be provided to stop
water dispensing any time.
• UPS for water dispensing in absence
of power
• flushing switch with solenoid valves
• Micro base panel
with GSM Facility.
•System Should have compatibility to
remote access, control and monitoring
. The control panel should have facility for
transfer of data using GPRS facility to
remote servers provided by department if
necessary.The unit should be able to monitor
all the sensors, Flow sensors & Pump power
consumption(Energy meters) and control
pumps automatically based on sensor &
programmed schedule


1. Anti scalant use Only NSF 60 Approved Chemicals.

2. The piping and accessories used upto RO Membrane shall be CPVC.
3.Piping from Output of Pure Water to Coin Vending Machine and smart card shall be in Stainless Steel SS
4.All required electrical components shall be of relevant BIS code and IS standard.
5.Design of RO system must be done keeping in mind pollution norms of reject management and accordingly
RO recoveries must be optimized
6. All the components and fixtures used should be foodgrade and drinking water compatible.
7. All the components materials of works should conform to IS relevent codes/ drinking water BIS standards.
pressure pump UÀ¼ÀÄ w½¹gÀĪÀ «²µÀ× «ªÀgÀuÉAiÀÄAvÉ (Detailed Specification) EgÀĪÀ §UÉÎ

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